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III Oleh Maya Syarah, S.Pd.I., M.Pd. BI

DisusunOleh : Kelompok II 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Agung Puja Nugraha Aningsih M. Riky hidayatullah Taufik Rahman Kartika


ASIUS TECHNOLOGIES DEVELOPS EARPIECES TO HELP CRANK UP THE VOLUME WITH SAFETY A. Definition Millions of Americans suffer from hearing loss or difficulty. Development of accessible non-invasive technology solutions has been challenging in this area. Asius Technologies, out of Boulder, Colorado, may have found a solution to help people with certain types of hearing loss. According to Asius, the companys ADEL Technology, which stands

for Ambrose Diaphonic Ear Lens, in combination with sound reproduction transducers, seals in desired sounds and controls the coupling of energy to the cochlea by means of bone conduction. These seals are created at pressures lower than those associated with clearing your ears during an airplane flight, which means they guarantee a certain level of safety. Using this technology, Asius has developed two earpieces to help listen to low sounds. One is designed for the hearing-impaired and expands in the ear to conform to its shape, while the other acts as a second eardrum for anyone listening to music or speech hoping to keep the volume at safe levels. The company is preparing to market these two products. B. History An instrument heard the ear for telephone actually there has been since the 20th century. In 1986, there are sound technology abatement of a nuisance by developing an earphone to protect of hearing pilot from noise at first around-the-world non-stop flight. At that time, also famous for the production of ear canal earphones with active noise control for the first time. After that, the only instrument sensitive earphones only way to hear the audio signals before amplifiers were developed. During the year 1990 and 2000 earphones be the type of the most popular for musical instruments personal. And 1919, sensitive an earphone is used commonly to the radio. The circumstances have not been as good as now. Disorder / noise are still many and the quality of her voice was still rough / raw.

First and when you use radio, earphones must hooked to terminal battery using volt high and terminal of a battery in the ground. The use of electricity connection was uncomfortable for users because shocking. C. Adventages and Disadventages 1. Adventages With the earphones, the more listen to vote freely. Could any level it expands or heard anything anytime, and anywhere. Privacy each individual is awake. The other advantage is soundproofed. The sound from the outside do not get annoying and vice versa. Sound isolating earphones were very instrumental in here other than privacy.

2. Disadventages Overuse or too pushy usage will cause damage to hearing loss or hearing loss or deafness. Let alone is usually used with earphones set blast for% u2018melawan% u2019 noise from outside we normally use in places crowded/noisy. It's very high risk. Deafness can already attacking the increasingly early. First the ear often use earphone does not feel anything but when about to unplug the earphones, ear feels hot and buzzing. It happens due to fatigue of the cochlea (snail House), which played an important role in the process of hearing. Cochlear fatigue happens constantly and is not promptly treated can cause hearing loss settled For people with hearing loss audiogram is normal, between zero and 20 decibels. Above that number an ear condition, meaning that it was not right. Can only be treated with hiperbalik therapy (give specific medicines) to ketuliannya levels are reduced, but not cured. This is because the hair cells are damaged on the inner ear organ that functions capture the stimulation or the frequency of the sound. When this section is already disturbed and damaged, will not be able to return to normal.

According to coverage by the Wall Street Journal: Asius is getting ready to go to market. It has purchased generic ear buds from an overseas manufacturer and embedded its technology in them. The next step is to get its finished products on retail store shelves. Mr. Ambrose counts Apple Inc., Beats Electronics, Skullcandy and other major ear-bud brands as its top competitors. The startup is planning to launch a campaign on the crowdfunding site to raise growth capital. Backers who contribute a tobe-determined sum will get the current versions of Asiuss audio products.

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