Dynamics of Bases and Foundations - D.D.barkAN

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DYNAMICS OF BASES AND FOUNDATIONS MeGRAW-HILL SERIES IN SOILS D. >. BARKAN ENGINEERING AND FOUNDATIONS: pocton oF iHeneAL SCIENCES estas by L. Drasnnvsics Peansuarnn rox 7H R “eftaneuarion correo by G. P MeGRAW-HILL BOOK COMPANY, INC DYNAMICS OF BASES AND FOUNDATIONS | Be 666 ; i EDITOR'S FOREWORD TO THE | ENGLISH TRANSLATION DYNAMICS OF BASES AND FOUNDATIONS Since the Forth Intertlonal Confernce on fll Mechanics end conn oe eer suman Foundation Engiering inland (857), De DD ask he en eres! ‘al urow inthe Went rhe wor of vcr yer on fhe leeapment = Xe dhatry deviog eqipmet for psy, abst pk, and ylnsocal van aay 9 Eo igs casa" Hower, the rtarkale work om acho fundes rv or Eg rans the ahr 10 ae 0, "Yh devctopaot of rata ad exe aprons ths pe hasta gry perl tonghot the wend ark in the soveral dixplors involved the views expres othe mate in the price ‘usan tt by the late Professor N, M. Carats, wha ba ‘he erention of she laboratory. "Therefor Tam try haps rviloge of presenting tothe seteaton of Bogisk-peaking cag tranaaton of Dr, Bets took “Dane of Haat nd Fondation." Temany spect this bck su The relevant lepers of sl susan, the theory of elastic oi the dynamics of vibeatry motion ace preented in a andthe relies Slings ste canmined inthe ight Iienalevienen; the ug of complex mathomatieal exprsons iss al by the provion of avslinry charts aod tables relevant sefiiets from theoretical analsses nd frm laboratory tl eked aguas and crmete hy the rer of ——_ ee i flat intr utltions desig recommendations ne made} {he light of prota considerations fehl and mechaaie! engineer earl empl teae the pts mai, This tk saci thecioes be of meni se to pretcng engines oth i nd mechani have to dea with machine fence ua sh ibations which machines cause; shoud alae stimulate fre ‘rative thought sed researc inthe ‘ter formal ageecment onthe miter bcteen the Soviet pain agency Neadanaradnaya Knign(ateratioal Boo) and the MeGres Hit Book Company, Tne, Dr Dominik D. Barks in 1989 and 180 reviewed and rough up tm date the text of his origin! 1948 Bok, "ogish rnslation waa wad fom this revised Tuaan ter Arkowledgments are do to my’ wif, Merence lll Tachebotariog wha ped me edit the Knglsh tration, and to several. Pinte callegur who helped ave in the selection of proper mechanical terms ‘cperaly to Dr. EW. Suppiger, Prfomer of Mechaviol Engines tebe vel the maui ‘ith ‘dynamic tnd, puree, ad re segory B- Tacheotariet “Tyg ‘vook was eompiled mainly EDITORS’ FOREWORD [O THE ORIGINAL RUSSIAN ‘This book in devoted to the clastic nd vibe rete the in et ane ody ‘questions of wave propagation eles of the ess of Sass 8 Prefer of Cit Brgincering yor grid on ty te aor and works oft Prveton Unive is bak fate ‘oe 8 ae ana ed fom experi See ey ot ent nig te V5 is ended for vivil engineers and stientifie workers TEXT tory proprio of i atone unr machines om inst fon eieetre Thom rea ineegutins which ahora headed by tora of sek 6.1, Benders boat Tart PREFACE TO THE ORIGINAL RUSSIAN TEXT “The practie of modern industrial constrcsloneeques hestuton of ‘many. problems concerning the performance of foudatins eabjvted re cade, the propagation of waves Jp eo, and he effects of these waves om stuck, Shae yars ago, om the initiative of he userid pec Intent of dyamien ef soll ats nnd foundations was organived for TRUE of een peoblere ‘he laboratory was head Dy Pefesne DD. Barkan. ‘the laberiary work concentrated ebiaty on the investigation of cout properties of sand ehange in ther phsicomeshanial rs ‘ite ie pat, itera! Sten, cbeson, and vi eati) ave Wointune? ar wteations on te ain of Whrations of ase To satetD othe su of exiting Ln eats by erie aries ‘eedutSon much nf te lamer work was devote so ty of the repo fans lste wan fee stil ene, the sere BoP theee waver by vtiourmasire, and the investigation f the “ence of several tee fata on wave propagation Trenscnhie attention was pall By the laboratory 10 the study of foundation vibrations ad the stion op seuctres of waves cman, "fo oudations "Ph etemive research work cree out by the Iaboratory i te ft “t Renoes of wl Bees and Sodan made it prsible fr he Fe “net compte tanvasd aperfeations ee the computation, design, 8d ‘adn of fudetions dor machiery with dynes Toul Fae at thas ataed peeationy inthe psa! eign of sheet projets ova. very efstive, de Doth the engipesing srl mom aepets of entation ‘The honk, oon hie money kale ‘ie otginaity of he material and the aubjesta covered make th Sol engeec torniternena et wh ae dees Ua cut nd egoaing worker te a sig book teeing it ly 8 {yminey of machines detract, Profesor NM. Geranos Conrerponting Mower fhe Aeadesiy of Seances of ha USS Ie Dynumies of Bas nd Foundations” by Dovtor mal ny fo a sus conducted by bis laboratory. ‘This is tho fir | PREFACE TO THE ENGLISH TRANSLATION -Tecbicl ana instil progres x acompanied Hy an inereoe in the ee ean no andthe ruth ofthe power, wel aa eon of basing operations int conszueion prctire nd #Be penn ape intensity, and tonnage of various ods of txuapert acts ato an ieree inthe inflocace Qf shocks sl ybra- aeeeteSy of which e he abject of mew Hach of mactanle EE aMea seas sebologs- One ofthe moa portant cvione at aay Bethe dynamo of bees and foundations, hich Sant etlemeuf shocks a, and itsios of fomndations der dae ey rela, ev wel athe law governing the proporsion of ‘Sve fomt thes foundations throu = “Ppt ees by ty ofthe mic of en nd fnmatione reel gre importance inengoeeing pratt, Sanne af arin founattons ae hart ¢othsuperation ofthe bina themadtven "The flowing cas may be ote a o exami sae neatinnctory design, the foundations af serra piston gat sae einatatod nthe same Duiing adprwsnt cosirable eae Yor compresnrs, ing, Heid ccnneved to the found ateme adervont vibrations of Tar amplitude whieh wre 888s, eee ie he pips Tending toma them Vibrating (reqsenty eased aan ued oven pre af hese pipe ene a ating composer she anopage of enposve ea into the Fampresor Howe 2 snl the house blew up, i “saremeat of mbrations of foundations and abil unter opersing ew tht me 10 per ert ofthe warp the doping parte {eSptar in exiting vibeation of the feundaton an aos Rrednas inded by « wbeting foundation glen caso poor pet~ eT pacing beans, which say be heated wp or may wear ‘Sepmumetrially. tn aden, foundation vibrate see highspeed machines cane premature ftigie of machine pars See ae shock slay have «rafal effect on the foundations eT Mion very fow casera been cerned in whieh voy adatons have been desroyed by thir viratens, some aan ee non bere vibrations or woos fe os. rep ebangement dasa eh wee ny eauned ay oter factors auch a0 trees apa iy diferent elements of the foundation, This fd tothe Asien of te foundesions ‘Vives of and shorks to foundations under machinery tea to conideatte oniform stdlenants which necesita periodic ast ents ae pang of machines. eatin nebjoctd ta vibrations becomes a source of waves Prop ‘ated through the asl which have s harmful eet on structures 400 wage withinthom, These waves azo hinder normal operation of plats ST euamples are presenta in Chap. TX showing how weaver propogted from fountstions under hammer cated damage to sr Tres fuily destroyed them ae ian bummer foundation (ely Grequenty cause diferent etlegents of eatmne or walla of forge shops Shocks on, homer Teagiiows ead sls to sheng of losomotive crave tracks, ditortons creo sas, dagape of sme connections of sutra ements oe Frey ening foundations alec not only stctores, but ac ana lng procera the peraton of pesianm machine ver ican Casceate kno fw dtl practice which machine: wean aton shocks hinder the eperation of various devices ad xsd ceantlnce inthe amount of reiete mn mcding and machine saps ret elect arctan epeials om ecbeogcal proces itn n seactures, my be prcduced yy waves propagated irom carctke aden tow-trequeney tachincs wth aatle regis of artim nese compress des, and a foes Those mackins | coer ae eonsaraively fw speed ofthe same ode of magne 8 Troe lel ufuonsburacteiang the natural ofrations of east Fema the Tequeney of waves groporated frm the foundation | saree feaquney machine cmetimes cine wth ho rensenes | arian ibeations ef the seuetre. Considerable vieations the Teor See vperreacture ofthe bulding sublected 0 resonance.) Freese iog aadergee vibrations of considerable aopitude, many | sethbteea roca within this bilding become diielt or even seep afbatinns have an eopecialyhacrfel fort on me area are located ina ibeving bulding, Interviews ith ret Oi ved insu vating bling sows thot pense b> RUDY Uy ond eg tothe action of vibrations often sufered from each, anna, crvonmees ete. A hunoush ody fe dn Base ad foundation i sede to sazeesily overcome the hem Utgcte ach vieatory pret, ehlemr of che dams of hws wo foundations tempore anvccosomie sadpoint aw wll. Deas the baring capacity of ik “iho murine fouatons ws way een ns 30 1000p eto th ‘elu srresponding to the eso of ate lnds only, in any ease the TREE Soe enforced by ples ‘hie raid consierably the pie ofthe [antoton "The elaifcation fn recat yeace of sme qurstinns at {Cini toe dynaen of ase oer strctes me posible tn heresy Jeg vale of the tearing capacity of ws wader matinery ludations up to 80 to OD per rest af to sata wales, ‘Thus the TEmalltiom of le bnoe coul be avoided in many cases Tho cont of BERS dor powerfl indus tency mie rer bunds of ‘Husa if oot lions, of rubles for aig yer. intl svenly ia beloved by designer tba te hag ie mas of | snscine foundation he aller the amplite of ie vibrations, ‘Thee Tore foundations wndse mgcbines vere designd as. munive blocks IMtsning sometimes a weight of sever thonsind tons and placed at eg up #10 19 12m ERS bean ofmich foundations tava the eypondibre a conser tie an aterns and time, The sty of gestions of the ational ‘tga foundations led tothe conetosine tat, from the standpoint of Tein matty, He often expedient to mae the foudatis Hg ponte Sie to this fat, the cost inkl procs has bo erably relpnedin many tues Let ws eto, for example, tht ovtdasione CHET powrfal Kovizntal espns eee formes bull with weghix “T}90D cs 200 tons at present they ar designe for nels ded Shebell the above figure, Ae rest of the dvelogneat of methods of ‘Saami computations of foundations, tbe cost of foundation ender or perfil osientl eames is now 120,00 bn 200,000 rues e+ ‘ha was previ, ‘nly a few yeoe ago, Ube weight of founaton ue «agin was sorte to be sppeosinately 100 40 120 tines the weight of droprng rot ia tin, tae held porary to ines theme of ee natin not hy alain ts age in pn, bt i nreasing i ep ‘e'm eeu fousationa ander hammers ore Yo we oy, massive iioeks nineties laced st dope upto 10m. The steady ofthe bebavior ‘i foatone onder fhe stion a pues fl othe comin hat 136 roi thot icreasing the permis amp of irstione, {ese foundations wih eights excesling Hy tt more than 10 Unc the weights of the dropping pris, ‘Thus the constzustion of one

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