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Introduction S/W Engineering Paradigm Verification Validation Life Cycle Models
System Engineering Computer Based System Business Process Engineering
Oerie! Product Engineering Oerie!"
#unctional and $on%#unctional Soft!are &ocument 'e(uirement Engineering
Process #easi)ility Studies Soft!are Prototyping Prototyping in t*e Soft!are
Process &ata #unctional and Be*aioral Models Structured +nalysis and &ata
Systems Engineering % +nalysis Concepts % &esign Process +nd Concepts Modular
&esign &esign ,euristic +rc*itectural &esign &ata &esign -ser Interface
&esign 'eal .ime Soft!are &esign System &esign 'eal .ime E/ecuties &ata
+c(uisition System Monitoring +nd Control System"
.a/onomy Of Soft!are .esting .ypes Of S/W .est Blac0 Bo/ .esting .esting
Boundary Conditions Structural .esting .est Coerage Criteria Based On &ata #lo!
Mec*anisms 'egression .esting -nit .esting Integration .esting Validation
.esting System .esting +nd &e)ugging Soft!are Implementation .ec*ni(ues
Measures +nd Measurements 1IP#2s La! Soft!are Cost Estimation #unction
Point Models COCOMO Model &elp*i Met*od Sc*eduling Earned Value
+nalysis Error .rac0ing Soft!are Configuration Management Program Eolution
&ynamics Soft!are Maintenance Pro3ect Planning Pro3ect Sc*eduling 'is0
Management C+SE .ools
4" Ian Sommerille5 6Soft!are engineering75 Seent* Edition5 Pearson Education +sia5
8" 'oger S" Pressman5 6Soft!are Engineering + practitioner2s +pproac*75 Si/t*
Edition5 Mc;ra!%,ill International Edition5 899<"
4" Watts S",ump*rey57+ &iscipline for Soft!are Engineering75 Pearson Education5
8" =ames #"Peters and Witold Pedryc>57Soft!are Engineering5 +n Engineering
+pproac*75 Wiley%India5 899:"
?" Step*en '"Sc*ac*5 6 Soft!are Engineering75 .ata Mc;ra!%,ill Pu)lis*ing Company
Limited5 899:"
@" S"+"Ael0ar57Soft!are Engineering75 Prentice ,all of India Pt5 899:"
1.What is meant by Software Engineering?
.*e application of a systematic5 disciplined5 (uantifia)le approac* to t*e
deelopment5 operation B maintenance of soft!are "CieD.*e application of Engineering
2.What are the characteristics of Software?
Soft!are is engineered or deeloped5 it is not manufactured in t*e classical sense"
Soft!are doesn2t !ear out"
+lt*oug* t*e industry is moing to!ard component )ased assem)ly5 most
soft!are continues to )e custom )uilt"
3.What are the phases of Problem solving Loop?
Pro)lem definition identifies t*e pro)lem to )e soled"
.ec*nical deelopment Sole t*e Pro)lem t*roug* some .ec*nology"
Solution Integration &eliers t*e result
Status Euo 'epresents t*e Current status affairs"
4.List out the activities of Linear Sequential Model.
Soft!are re(uirement analysis -nderstand t*e nature of t*e pro)lem5
information domain5 function etc"
&esign .ranslates t*e re(uirement in to Soft!are representation"
Code generation .ranslates design in to Mac*ine%reada)le form"
.esting .est t*e Logical internals functional e/ternals of t*e System"
5.Mention some of the drawbacks of RAD model.
$ot suita)le for large%scale pro3ects"
Commitment of deelopers B customers are needed"
$ot appropriate !*en tec*nical ris0s are *ig*"
6.What are the types of changes encountered during the Support phase>
Correction .o uncoer defects in t*e Soft!are
+daptation .o accommodate c*anges to its enironment
En*ancement .o proide additional functionalities"
Preention F .o sere t*e needs of its end users"
7.Define Business process engineering.
W*en t*e conte/t of t*e engineering !or0 focuses on a )usiness enterprise"
8.What are the elements of Computer based Systems?
Soft!areG Computer programs5 data structures5 B related document
,ard!areG Electronic deices5 inter connectiity deices5 Electro mec*anical
PeopleG -sers B Operators
&ata)ase Gorgani>ed collection of information"
&ocumentationG &escriptie information
ProceduresG Steps t*at define t*e specific use of eac* system element"
9.Define Software Lifecycle.
Soft!are Lifecycle is t*e period of time )eginning !it* t*e concept for a
Soft!are product ending !*eneer t*e Soft!are is no longer aaila)le for use"
SLC H SLCM I +ctiities"
10.What are the functions of data architecture?
It proides t*e information needed for a )usiness function"
Identify t*e data o)3ects and t*eir relations*ip"
EgG Customer +ttri)utesG Company name
Contact information
Product information
Past purc*ase
11.Define System Modeling?
&efine t*e processes t*at sere t*e needs of t*e ie! under consideration"
'epresent t*e )e*aior of t*e processes and t*e assumptions on !*ic* t*e
)e*aior is )ased"
E/plicitly define )ot*
e/ogenous B endogenous input to t*e model"
'epresent all lin0ages t*at !ill ena)le t*e engineer to )etter understand t*e ie!"
12.State the System Engineering Hierarchy?
.*e !orld ie! is composed of a set of domains C&iD5!*ic* can eac* )e a system5
or system of systems"
WV H J&45&85&?5KKK""5&nL
Eac* domain is composed of specific elements CE3D"
&i H JE45 E85 E?5KK""EmL
Eac* element is implemented )y specifying t*e tec*nical components CC0Dt*at
ac*iee t*e necessary function for an element"
E3 H JC45C85C?KKK""C@L"
13.Mention some of the factors to be considered during System Modeling.
14.What are the different architectures developed during BPE?
&ata arc*itecture frame!or0 for t*e information needs of a )usiness"
+pplication arc*itecture incorporates t*e role of people B )usiness procedures"
.ec*nology infrastructure foundation for t*e data B application arc*itecture"
15.Define Verification &Validation.
VerificationG .*e set of actiities t*at ensure t*at soft!are correctly implements a
specific function"
ValidationG .*e set of actiities t*at ensure t*at t*e soft!are *as )een )uilt is
tracea)le to customer re(uirements"
1.What is meant by System Requirements?
Set out t*e system serices and constraints in detail"
Seres as a contract )et!een t*e system )uyer B t*e system deeloper"
1.What are the types of Software system requirements?
Functional requirementsG Serices t*e system s*ould proide"
Non-functional requirementsG Constraints on t*e serices"
Domain requirementsG reflect c*aracteristics of t*e domain"
2.Write down the functional requirement for an Library management system.
.*e user s*ould a)le to searc* eit*er all of t*e initial set of data)ases or select a
su)set of data)ases or select su)set from it"
.*e system s*all proide appropriate ie!ers for t*e user to read documents in
t*e document store"
Eery order s*all )e allocated a uni(ue identifier"
3.Mention some of the Notations for requirements specification.
Structured natural languageG -se standard form or .emplates"
&esign description languageG Programming language is used"
;rap*ical notationG .e/t annotations is used"
Mat*ematical SpecificationsG Based on finite state mac*ines or sets"
4.Write down the SRC for Add a node
Function +dd node
Description +dds a node to an e/isting design"
Inputs $ode type5 $ode position5 &esign Identifier
Source $ode type5 $ode position user
&esign identifier data)ase
Output &esign identifier
Precondition .*e design is open B displayed on t*e user2s screen
Side effects $one
5.Define Requirement Engineering.
'e(uirement Engineering is a process t*at inoles all of t*e actiities re(uired to
create and maintain a system re(uirements document"
.*e four generic 'e(uirement Engineering actiities areG
#easi)ility study5 'e(uirement Elicitation B +nalysis5 'e(uirement
Specification5 Validation"
6.Mention some of the process activities of Requirement Elicitation & analysis.
&omain -nderstanding
'e(uirement Collection
Conflict resolution
'e(uirement C*ec0ing
7.What are the principle stages of VORD method?
Viewpoint identificationG Identify t*e serices proided to eac* ie!point"
Viewpoint structuringG ;rouping related ie!points in to *ierarc*y"
Viewpoint documentationG 'efining t*e description
Viewpoint system mappingG Identify o)3ects in OO&
8.What are the different types of checks carried out during Requirement
Validity c*ec0s
Consistency c*ec0s
Completeness c*ec0s
'ealism c*ec0s
9.Define Traceability
.racea)ility is t*e oerall property of re(uirements specification !*ic*
reflects t*e ease of finding related re(uirements"
.*ree types of tracea)ility information to )e maintained areG
Source tracea)ility information
'e(uirement tracea)ility information
&esign tracea)ility information
10.Draw the principle stages of Change management process.
Identify pro)lem
11.State the primary objectives of analysis Model.
.o descri)e !*at t*e customer re(uires
.o esta)lis* a )asis for t*e creation of a soft!are design
.o define a set of re(uirements t*at can )e alidated once t*e soft!are is )uilt"
Pro)lem analysis B
C*ange specification
C*ange analysis B
12.Define Data objects, attributes & relationship.
Data objectG 'epresentation of any composite information t*at must )e
understood )y a soft!are" It can )e any e/ternal entity"
AttributesG &efine t*e properties of t*e &ata o)3ect
RelationshipG Connecting t!o different data o)3ect"
EgG Object Attributes Relationship
Person $ame
Car Ma0e
Body type
13.Define Cardinality & Modality.
CardinalityG Specification of t*e num)er of occurrences of one t*at can )e
related to num)er of occurrences of anot*er"
ModalityG .*e Modality of a relations*ip is 9 if t*ere is no e/plicit need for t*e
relations*ip to occur or t*e relations*ip is optional" .*e modality is 4 if an occurrence of
t*e relations*ip is mandatory"
14. Define the Cardinal & Modality values for the data objects ~manufacturer
.*e relations*ip is 6)uilds7
15.State Entity /Relationship diagram.
E'& depicts relations*ips )et!een data o)3ects"
.*e E'& is t*e notation t*at is used to conduct t*e data modeling actiity"
.*e primary components inoled in t*e E'& areG
&ata o)3ects5 attri)utes relations*ips and arious types of indicators"
16.Define Data Flow Diagram.
+ &ata flo! diagram is a grap*ical representation t*at depicts information flo! B
t*e transforms t*at are applied as data moe from input to output"
.*e )asic form of a data flo! diagram 5also 0no!n as a data flo! grap* or a
)u))le c*art"
17.What is meant by Information flow Continuity?
W*en !e refine a fundamental model for a system5 t*e information flo!
continuity must )e maintained "ie5 input B output to eac* refinement must remains t*e
Manufacturer )uild Car
18.Draw a DFD & CFD of a test monitoring system for Gas Turbine engine.
+)solute tan0 pressure Conerted
Ma/ pressure
19.Define Behavioral Modeling.
.*e state transition diagram represents t*e )e*aior of a system )y depicting its
states and t*e eents t*at cause t*e system to c*ange state"
20.Draw the Context level DFD for the Safe home Software.
user commands +larm type
$um)er tone
Sensor status &isplay
21.What is meant by Data dictionary?
.*e &ata dictionary is an organi>ed listing of all data elements t*at are pertinent
to t*e system5 !it* precise5 rigorous definitions so t*at )ot* user B system analyst !ill
*ae a common understanding of inputs5 outputs5 components of store B intermediate
22.Define Process Specification.
Process Specification is used to descri)e all flo! model processes t*at appear at
t*e final leel of refinement"
C*ec0 B
C*ec0 B
.*e content of t*e Process Specification include narratie te/t5 a program design
language5 mat*ematical e(uations5 ta)les5 diagrams or c*arts"
23.What does data dictionary contains?
$ameG .*e primary name of t*e data"
+liasG ot*er names used
W*ere%used/,o!%usedG + listing of processes t*at use t*e data or control item"
Content descriptionG + notation for representing t*e content
Supplementary informationG Ot*er information li0e restrictions5 limitations etc"
24.Write down the Data dictionary for the data item ~Telephone Number.
$amesG .elep*one num)er
+liasesG none
W*ere used/,o! usedG assess against set%up
.elep*one num)er H Mlocal num)erN long distance num)erO
Local num)er H prefi/ I access num)er
Long distance num)er H 4 I area code I local num)er
+rea code H MP99 N PPP N <Q4O
Prefi/ H R a t*ree digit num)er t*at neer starts !it* 9 or 4R
25.What is meant by Throw away Prototyping?
;iing t*e user a system !*ic* is incomplete and t*en modifying and augmenting
it as t*e user re(uirements )ecome clear"
.*e o)3ectie is to alidate or derie t*e system re(uirements"
Start !it* t*ose re(uirements t*at are not !ell understood since you need to find
more a)out t*em"
1.What is the use of Architectural design?
.*e +rc*itectural design defines t*e relations*ip )et!een ma3or structural
elements of t*e soft!are5 t*e 6design patterns7 t*at can )e used 5and t*e constraints t*at
affect t*e !ay in !*ic* arc*itectural design patterns can )e applied"
2.Define Software design.
Soft!are design is an iteratie process t*roug* re(uirements are translated into a
6)lue print7 for constructing t*e soft!are"
.*e )lue print depicts a *olistic ie! of soft!are"
3.Mention some of the Design principles.
.*e design process s*ould not suffer from tunnel ision"
.*e design s*ould not reinent t*e !*eel"
.*e &esign s*ould e/*i)it uniformity B integration"
&esign is not coding 5coding is not design"
.*e design s*ould )e tracea)le to t*e analysis model"
4.State Procedural abstraction.
+ Procedural a)straction is a named se(uence of instructions t*at *as a specific
and limited function"
EgG Open Wal0 to t*e door5 reac* out B grasp t*e 0no)5 turn 0no) B pull door
Step a!ay from moing door"
5.What does Data abstraction contains?
+ &ata a)straction is a named collection of data t*at descri)es a data o)3ect
EgG door +ttri)utesG door type5 S!ing direction5 Opening mec*anism5 !eig*t"
6.What does Modularity concept mean?
Soft!are arc*itecture em)odies modularity Sie5 Soft!are is named in to
addressa)le components called modules5 t*at are integrated finally"
.*e perceied comple/ity of a pro)lem t*at com)ines p4 :p8 is greater t*an
perceied comple/ity !*en eac* pro)lem is considered separately"
7.Mention some of the criteria`s used to define effective modular design .
Modular decomposa)ility
Modular Composa)ility
Modular -nderstanda)ility
Modular Continuity"
Modular protection
8.Define Fan-in & Fan-out.
Fan-out + measure of t*e num)er of modules t*at are directly controlled )y
anot*er module"
Fan-in Indicates *o! many modules directly control a gien module"
9.Differentiate horizontal partitioning & Vertical partitioning.
Horizontal partitioning Vertical partitioning
1"&efines separate )ranc*es of t*e 1..*e Control B !or0 s*ould )e
Modular ,ierarc*y for eac* eac* distri)uted top%do!n in t*e program
ma3or program function structure"
2"Propagaton of fe!er side%effects 2",ig*er pro)a)ility of side effects"
3"Soft!are is easier to maintain 3"suscepti)le to side effects !*en
C*anges are made"
10. Write down the concept of Functional independence.
#unctional independence is ac*ieed )y deeloping modules !it* 6single
minded7 function and an 6aersion7 to e/cessie interaction !it* ot*er modules"
Independent modules 5is easier to deelop )ecause function may )e
compartmentali>ed5B interfaces are simplified"
Independent modules are easier to maintain"
11.Distinguish between expected requirements and exciting requirements.
E/pected re(uirements E/citing re(uirements
'e(uirements are implicit to product
Customer does not state t*em e/plicitly
'e(uirements reflect features t*at go
)eyond t*e customer2s e/pectations and
proe t*em to )e ery satisfying !*en
12.What is meant by software prototyping?
Soft!are prototyping is a met*od of creating a model for t*e soft!are product"
.*is is deeloped )ased on t*e currently 0no!n re(uirements" Soft!are prototyping
in t*e )etter understanding of t*e re(uired system" It is applied for complicated and large
systems" In soft!are prototyping5 t*e customer defines a set of general o)3ecties for t*e
soft!are5 )ut does not identify t*e real input5 processing and output re(uirements"
13.What is the work product of software design process and who does this?
+ design model t*at encompasses arc*itectural5 interface5 component leel and
t*eir representations is t*e primary !or0 product t*at is produced during soft!are
Soft!are engineers conduct eac* of t*e design tas0s"
14.Define the term ~software architecture.
.*e soft!are arc*itecture of a program or a computing system is t*e structure of
t*e system5 !*ic* comprises soft!are components5 e/ternally isi)le properties of t*ose
components and relations*ip among t*em" .*e arc*itecture is t*e manner in !*ic* t*e
arious components of t*e )uilding are integrated to form a co*esie !*ole"
1.Define black box testing strategy.
Blac0 )o/ testing focuses on t*e functional re(uirements of t*e soft!are" .est
cases are decided on t*e )asis of t*e re(uirements or specifications of t*e program and
internals of program are not considered" .est cases are generated )ased on program
2.What is meant by software change?
Soft!are c*ange is defined as t*e c*ange in nature of soft!are as t*e re(uirements
of soft!are c*anges"
3.Why testing is important with respect to software?
+ testing process focuses on logical internals of soft!are ensuring t*at all
statements *ae )een tested and all are functional e/ternals" W*ile testing5 !e e/ecute
entire program )efore it gets to t*e customer !it* specific indent of finding and
all errors" In order to find t*e *ig*est num)er of errors5 test must )e conducted
systematically and test cases must )e designed using disciplined tec*ni(ues"
4.Write short notes on empirical estimation models.
Estimation model for computer soft!are uses empirically deried formulas to
predict effort as a function of line of codes CLOCD and function points C#PD" .*e alues
LOC and #P estimated are plugged into estimation model" .*e empirical data t*at
support most estimation models are deried from a limited sample of pro3ects" So5
o)tained from models s*ould )e used 3udiciously" .*e model must )e tested and
compared !it* actual and predicted data
5.1ustify the term ~Software is engineered
Soft!are is engineered not manufactured" +lt*oug* some similarities e/it
)et!een soft!are deelopment and *ard!are manufacture5 t*e t!o actiities a r e
fundamentally different" Bot* actiities are dependent on people5 )ut t*e relations*ip
)et!een people applied and !or0 accomplis*ed is entirely different" Bot* actiities
re(uire t*e construction of a 6Product7 )ut t*e approac*es are different2"
6. State Lehman`s Fifth law.
Oer t*e lifetime of a system5 t*e incremental c*ange in eac* release is
appro/imately constant"
7.Define software scope.
.*e first soft!are pro3ect management actiity is t*e determination of soft!are
scope" Scope is defined ans!ering t*e follo!ing (uestions"
Conte/tG W*at constraints are imposed as a result of t*e conte/t"
Information o)3ectiesG W*at data o)3ects are re(uired for inputU
#unction and performanceG +re any special performance c*aracteristics to )e addressedU
8.Define process maturity.
In recent years t*ere *as )een a significant emp*asis on process maturity" .*e
Soft!are Engineering Institute" CSEID *as deeloped a compre*ensie model predicated
on a set of soft!are engineering capa)ilities t*at s*ould )e present as organi>ations
different leels of process maturity ".*e grading sc*ema determines compliance !it* a
capa)ility maturity model CCMMD t*at defines 0ey actiities re(uired at different leels
of process maturity"
9.Distinguish between alpha testing and beta testing.
+lp*a test Beta test
.*e alp*a test is conducted at t*e deeloper
site" .*e soft!are is used in a natural
setting !it* t*e deeloper 6loo0ing oer
t*e s*oulder7 of t*e user and recording
.*e )eta test is conducted at one or more
customer sites )y t*e end user of t*e
soft!are" .*e )eta test is a Lie application
of t*e soft!are in an enironment t*at
pro)lems" cannot )e controlled )y t*e deeloper"
10.What is software architecture"
.*e soft!are arc*itecture of a program or computing system is t*e structure or
structures of t*e system5 !*ic* comprises soft!are components5 t*e e/ternally isi)le
properties of t*ose components and t*e relations*ips among t*em"
11.What is meant by software change?
Once soft!are is put into use5 ne! re(uirement emerge and e/isting re(uirements
c*ange as t*e )usiness running t*at soft!are c*anges parts of t*e soft!are may *ae to
)e modified to correct errors t*at are found in operation5 improe its performance or
ot*er non functional c*aracteristics" .*is entire means t*at 5after deliery 5soft!are
system al!ays eole in response to demands for c*anges"
1. Write short notes on estimation models.
Empirical estimation models can )e used to complement decomposition
tec*ni(ues and offer a potentially alua)le approac* in t*eir o!n rig*t" + model is )ased
on e/perience and ta0es t*e form
W*ere d num)er of estimated alues
i selected independent parameters
2.what is software measure?
+ soft!are measure is a mapping from a set of o)3ects in t*e soft!are
engineering !orld information a set of mat*ematical construct suc* as num)ers or
ectors of num)ers"
3.What is software metric?
+ soft!are metric is a simple (uantitatie measure deria)le from any attri)ute
of t*e soft!are life cycle
CE"g"D LOC CLine Of CodeD
#unction point"
4.Define software measurement.
+ soft!are measurement is a tec*ni(ue or met*od t*at applies soft!are
measures to a class of soft!are engineering o)3ects to ac*iee a predefined goal"
5.What are the characteristics of software measurement?
O)3ect of measurement
Purpose measurement
Source of measure
Measured property
Conte/t of measurement"
6.What is regression testing?
'egression testing is t*e re%e/ecution of some su)3ect te/ts t*at *ae already
)een conducted to ensure t*at c*anges *ae not propagated unintended side effects"
7.What is smoke testing?
Smo0e testing is an integration approac* t*at is commonly used !*en 6s*rin0!rapped7
soft!are products are )eing deeloped"
8.What is recovery testing?
'ecoery testing is a system test t*at forces t*e soft!are to fail in a ariety of
!ays and erifies t*at recoery is properly performed"
9.What is security testing?
Security testing attempts to erify t*at protection mec*anism )uilt into a system
!ill protect it from improper penetration"
10.What is stress testing?
+ stress testing e/ecutes a system in a manner t*at demands resources in
a)normal (uantity5 fre(uency5 or olume"
11.What is performance testing?
Performance testing is designed to test t*e run%time performance of soft!are
!it*in t*e conte/t of an integrated system"
12.What is cyclomatic complexity?
Cyclomatic comple/ity is gien )y McCa)e" .*e general formula to compute
cyclomatic comple/ity is
E%$um)er of edges
$%$um)er of nodes
P%$um)er of unconnected pat*s of t*e grap*"
13.What is CASE?
C+SE tool stands for Computer +ided Soft!are Engineering" Computer +ided
Soft!are Engineering tools assists soft!are engineering manages and practitioners in
eery actiity associated !it* t*e soft!are process"
14.What is software testing?
.*e testing process focuses on t*e logical internals of t*e soft!are5 ensuring t*at
all statements *ae )een tested5 and on t*e functional e/ternals5 t*at is5 defined input
produce actual results t*at agree !it* re(uired results"
15.What is structural testing?
Structural testing is testing t*e internal logic of a code"
16.What is statement coverage?
Statement coerage is t*e testing to test eery statement in t*e code *as )een
e/ecuted at least once"
17.What is branch coverage?
In )ranc* coerage testing eac* )ranc* in t*e code is e/ecuted at least once"
18.What is path testing?
In pat* testing all possi)le logical pat*s in a program are tested"
19.What is COCOMO model?
COCOMO stands for COnstructie COst MOdel" It is used for cost
EffortHa R A&LOC)
W*ere a and ) are t!o parameters of t*e model !*ose specific alues are selected upon
t*e class of t*e soft!are system"
20.What is function point?
#unction point is t*e si>e of measure it is also used to estimate t*e soft!are cost"
#unction point C#PDH#unction Count C#CD R Value ad3ustment factor CV+#D"
#unction Count C#CDH /i3 !i3
W*ere / % $um)er of elements
! % Weig*t
Value ad3ustment factor CV+#DH9"Q< I 9"94 fi
21.What are business process engineering tools?
By modeling t*e strategic information re(uirements of an organi>ation5 )usiness
process engineering tools proide a 6meta%model7 from !*ic* specific information
systems are deried"
22.What is a process modeling and management tool?
Process modeling and management tools are used to represent t*e 0ey elements
of a process so it can )e )etter understood" Suc* tools can proide lin0s to process
descriptions t*at *elp t*ose inoled in t*e process to understand t*e !or0 tas0s t*at are
re(uired to perform it"
23.What is bottom-up approach?
System deeloped starting from detailed modules" .esting starts from t*e
detailed modules and proceeds up to t*e *ig*er leels of *ierarc*y"
24.Define top-down testing.
System deeloped starting from most general modules" .esting starts from t*e
most general module"
25.Define big bang testing.
+ll modules integrated in a single step and tested as an entire system
26. Define sandwich testing"
.esting com)ines t*e ideas of )ottom%up and top%do!n testing )y defining a
certain target layer in t*e *ierarc*y of t*e module" .*e modules )elo! t*is layer is
follo!ing )ottom%up approac*5 !*ereas t*ose a)oe t*e target layer are su)3ected to
27.What is Parkinson`s Law?
Par0inson2s La! states t*at !or0 e/pands to fill t*e time aaila)le" .*e cost is
determined )y aaila)le resources rat*er t*an )y o)3ectie assessment"
28.What is software maintenance?
C*anges to t*e soft!are are made in response to c*anged re(uirements )ut t*e
fundamental structure of t*e soft!are remains sta)le"
29.What is architectural transformation?
.*is is a more radical approac* to soft!are c*ange t*en maintenance as it
inoles ma0ing significant c*anges to t*e arc*itecture of t*e soft!are system"
30.What is software re-engineering?
$o functionality is added to t*e system" 'at*er5 t*e system is modified to ma0e
it easier to understand and c*ange" System re%engineering may inole some structural
modifications )ut does not usually inole ma3or c*ange"
31.Define Brooks law.
Soft!are !as deliered late5 !as unrelia)le5 cost seeral times t*e original
estimates and often e/*i)ited poor performance c*aracteristics"
32.What is Delphi model?
In &elp*i met*od5 a num)er of parameters to )e determined )ased on as e/perts
.*e group estimate is ta0en as an aerage of t*e !eig*ted indiidual estimtes5
computed as
EstimateHClo!er )ound of estimateI@Rmost li0ely estimate Iupper )ound of estimateD/Q
VarianceHCupper )ound of estimate%lo!er )ound of estimateD/Q
33.State Lehman`s First law"
+ program t*at is used in real !orld enironment necessarily must c*ange or
)ecome progressiely less useful in t*at enironment"
4"&efine Soft!are process modelU E/plain any one of it !it* a neat diagram
.*e strategy t*at encompasses process5 met*ods5 and tools"
E/planation of any of t*e eig*t process model"
8"E/palin t*e *ierarc*y of Business process Engineering "
Business area +nalysis
Business System &esign
Construction B Engineering
?"E/plain Soft!are Life cycle process
&efinition of SLC5SLCM
Predeelopment process
&eelopment process"
@"E/plain Eolutionary process model
Incremental model
WI$%WI$ spiral model
Spiral model
Concurrent deelopment model
<"E/plain t*e different layers of Soft!are EngineeringU
+ (uality focus
Q"Bulid t*e follo!ing systemG
6+ $et!or0 )ased course registration system for your -niersity7
&eelop an E'& B a conte/t leel model for t*e a)oe"
Create an E'&
Create a leel 9 &#&"
:"E/plain .ransform Mapping !it* Safe*ome Soft!are
&efinition of .ransform Mapping
E/plain Safe*ome applications
Implement .ransform mapping
P"E/plain )riefly #unctional Modeling
&efinition of #unctional Modeling
&ata #lo! &iagrams
E/tensions for real time systems
V"E/plain t*e arious &esign concepts in detail"
Control ,ierarc*y
Structural Partitioning
&ata structure
Information *iding
49"&iscuss t*e arious p*ases of +nalysis Modeling"
&ata Modeling
#unctional Modeling B Information flo!
Be*aioral Modeling
.*e &ata dictionary
44"&iscuss )riefly Effectie Modular &esign"
#unctional Independence"
48"E/palin -ser Interface &esign actiities
Interface design models
Interface design process
&efining Interface o)3ects B actions
&esign Issues"
4?"&iscuss in detail Soft!are configuration ManagementU
.*e SCM process
Version Control
C*ange control
SCM standards
4@"E/plain 'eal .ime Systems"
'eal .ime Soft!are design2
System &esign
'eal time e/ecuties
4<"W*at is Soft!are +rc*itectureU E/plain it"
4Q"E/plain in detail Blac0 )o/ testing in detail
Synta/ drien testing
&ecision ta)le )ased testing
Cause effects grap* in #unctional testing
4:",o! Boundary test conditions are ac*ieedU
4P"E/plain in detail Structural testingU
Statement coerage
Branc* coerage
Pat* coerage
4V"E/plain in detail Soft!are .esting Strategies"
-nit testing
Integration testing
Validation testing
System testing
89"E/plain t*e test coerage criteria )ased on &ata flo! mec*anisms"
Basic )loc0
1. What is softa!" "#$i#""!i#$%
Software engineering is a discipline in which theories, methods and
are applied to develop professional software.
2& What is Softa!" %
Software is nothing but a collection of computer programs that are
documents that are indented to provide desired
features,functionalities and better
3& What a!" th" 'ha!a't"!isti's of th" softa!"%
Software is engineered,not manufactured.
Software does not wear out.
Most software is custom built rather than being assembled from
4. What a!" th" (a!io)s 'at"$o!i"s of softa!"%
System software
Application software
Engineering/Scientific software
Embedded software
eb Applications
Artificial !ntelligence software
". What a!" th" 'ha**"#$"s i# softa!"%
#opying with legacy systems.
$eterogeneity challenge
%elivery times challenge
&. +"fi#" softa!" ,!o'"ss.
Software process is defined as the structured set of activities that are
re'uired to develop the software system.
-& What a!" th" f)#.a/"#ta* a'ti(iti"s of a softa!" ,!o'"ss%
%esign and implementation
0& What a!" th" )/1!"**a a'ti(iti"s of a softa!" ,!o'"ss%
Software pro)ect trac*ing and control.
+is* management.
Software ,uality Assurance.
-ormal .echnical +eviews.
Software #onfiguration Management.
or* product preparation and production.
+eusability management.
2& What a!" th" /"!its of i#'!"/"#ta* /o."*%
i. .he incremental model can be adopted when tere are less number
people involved in the pro)ect.
ii. .echnical ris*s can be managed with each increment.
iii. -or a very small time span,at least core product can be delivered to
10& List th" tas3 !"$io#s i# th" S,i!a* /o."*&
C)sto/"! 'o//)#i'atio# 4 !n this region it is suggested to
establish customer communication.
5*a##i#$ 4 All planning activities are carried out in order to
define resources timeline and other pro)ect related activities.
Ris3 a#a*6sis 4 .he tas*s re'uired to calculate technical and
management ris*s.
E#$i#""!i#$ 4 !n this the tas* region,tas*s re'uired to build one
or more representations of applications are carried out
Co#st!)'t a#. !"*"as" 4 All the necessary tas*s re'uired to
construct,test,install the applications are conducted.
C)sto/"! "(a*)atio# 4 #ustomer/s feedbac* is obtained and
based on the customer evaluation re'uired tas*s are performed and
implemented at installation stage.
11& What a!" th" .!a1a'3s of s,i!a* /o."*%
i. !t is based on customer communication.!f the communication is not
proper then the software product that gets developed will not be the
to the mar*.
ii. !t demands considerable ris* assessment.!f the ris* assessment is
properly then only the successful product can be obtained.
12& What is S6st"/ E#$i#""!i#$%
System Engineering means designing,implementing,deploying and
operating systems which include hardware,software and people.
10& List th" ,!o'"ss /at)!it6 *"("*s i# SEIs CMM&
L"("* 17I#itia* 4 -ew processes are defined and individual efforts are
L"("* 27R","ata1*" 4 .o trac* cost schedule and functionality basic
pro)ect management processes are established.
L"("* 37+"fi#". 4 .he process is standardi1ed, documented and
L"("* 87Ma#a$". 4 2oth the software process and product are
'uantitatively understood and controlled using detailed measures.
L"("* 97O,ti/i:i#$ 4 Establish mechanisms to plan and implement
14. What is a# "ff"'to! ,!o'"ss%
.he effector process is a process that verifies itself..he effector
e3ists in certain criteria.
19& +"fi#" th" 'o/,)t"! 1as". s6st"/&
.he computer based system can be defined as 4a set or an
arrangement of
elements that are organi1ed to accomplish some predefined goal by
1;& What .o"s <"!ifi'atio# !",!"s"#t%
(erification represents the set of activities that are carried out to
that the software correctly implements the specific functionality.
1-& What .o"s <a*i.atio# !",!"s"#t%
(alidation represents the set of activities that ensure that the
software that
has been built is satisfying the customer re'uirements.
10& What a!" th" st",s fo**o". i# t"sti#$%
i. U#it t"sti#$ 4 .he individual components are tested in this type of
ii& Mo.)*" t"sti#$ 4 +elated collection of independent components
iii& S)1-s6st"/ t"sti#$ 4 .his is a *ind of integration testing.(arious
modules are integrated into a subsystem and the whole subsystem is
i(& S6st"/ t"sti#$ 4 .he whole system is tested in this system.
v. A''",ta#'" t"sti#$ 4 .his type of testing involves testing of the
with customer data.!f the system behaves as per customer need then
it is
12& What is th" )s" of CMM%
#apability Maturity Model is used in assessing how well an
processes allow to complete and manage new software pro)ects.
20& Na/" th" E(o*)tio#a!6 ,!o'"ss Mo."*s&
i. !ncremental model
ii. Spiral model
iii. !67!6 spiral model
iv. #oncurrent %evelopment
21& What is !"=)i!"/"#t "#$i#""!i#$%
+e'uirement engineering is the process of establishing the services
the customer re'uires from the system and the constraints under
which it operates and is
22& What a!" th" (a!io)s t6,"s of t!a'"a1i*it6 i# softa!"
i& So)!'" t!a'"a1i*it6 4 .hese are basically the lin*s from
re'uirement to
sta*eholders who propose these re'uirements.
ii& R"=)i!"/"#ts t!a'"a1i*it6 4 .hese are lin*s between dependant
iii. +"si$# t!a'"a1i*it6 4 .hese are lin*s from re'uirements to
23& +"fi#" softa!" ,!otot6,i#$&
Software prototyping is defined as a rapid software development for
validating the re'uirements.
28& What a!" th" 1"#"fits of ,!otot6,i#$%
i. 8rototype serves as a basis for deriving system specification.
ii. %esign 'uality can be improved.
iii. System can be maintained easily.
iv. %evelopment efforts may get reduced.
v. System usability can be improved.
29& What a!" th" ,!otot6,i#$ a,,!oa'h"s i# softa!" ,!o'"ss%
i& E(o*)tio#a!6 ,!otot6,i#$ 4 !n this approach of system
the initial prototype is prepared and it is then refined through number
stages to final stage.
ii. Th!o-aa6 ,!otot6,i#$ 4 9sing this approach a rough practical
implementation of the system is produced. .he re'uirement problems
be identified from this implementation. !t is then discarded. System is
then developed using some different engineering paradigm.
2;& What a!" th" a.(a#ta$"s of "(o*)tio#a!6 ,!otot6,i#$%
i. -ast delivery of the wor*ing system.
ii. 9ser is involved while developing the system.
iii. More useful system can be delivered.
iv. Specification,design and implementation wor* in co7ordinated
2-& What a!" th" (a!io)s Ra,i. ,!otot6,i#$ t"'h#i=)"s%
i. %ynamic high level language development.
ii. %atabase programming.
iii. #omponent and application assembly.
20& What is th" )s" of Us"! I#t"!fa'" ,!otot6,i#$%
.his prototyping is used to pre7specify the loo* and feel of user
in an effective way.
22& What a!" th" 'ha!a't"!isti's of SRS%
i& Co!!"'t 4 .he S+S should be made up to date when appropriate
re'uirements are identified.
ii& U#a/1i$)o)s 4 hen the re'uirements are correctly understood
only it is possible to write an unambiguous software.
iii& Co/,*"t" 4 .o ma*e S+S complete,it shold be specified what a
designer wants to create software.
i(& Co#sist"#t 4 !t should be consistent with reference to the
(& S,"'ifi' 4 .he re'uirements should be mentioned specifically.
vi. T!a'"a1*" 4 hat is the need for mentioned re'uirement:.his
should be
correctly identified.
30& What a!" th" o1>"'ti("s of A#a*6sis /o."*i#$%
i. .o describe what the customer re'uires.
ii. .o establish a basis for the creation of software design.
iii. .o devise a set of valid re'uirements after which the software can
31& What is .ata /o."*i#$%
%ata modeling is the basic step in the analysis modeling. !n data
the data ob)ects are e3amined independently of processing. .he data
represents how data are related with one another.
32& What is a .ata o1>"'t%
%ata ob)ect is a collection of attributes that act as an aspect,
'uality, or descriptor of the ob)ect.
33& What a!" att!i1)t"s%
Attributes are the one, which defines the properties of data ob)ect.
38& What is 'a!.i#a*it6 i# .ata /o."*i#$%
#ardinality in data modeling, cardinality specifies how the number of
occurrences of one ob)ect is related to the number of occurrences of
39& What .o"s /o.a*it6 i# .ata /o."*i#$ i#.i'at"s%
Modality indicates whether or not a particular data ob)ect must
in the relationship.
3;& What is ER+%
Entity +elationship %iagram is the graphical representation of the
relationship pair.!t is mainly used in database applications.
3-& What is +F+%
%ata -low %iagram depicts the information flow and the transforms
are applied on the data as it moves from input to output.
30& What .o"s L"("*0 +F+ !",!"s"#t%
;evel< %-% is called as =fundamental system model/ or =conte3t
model/.!n the conte3t model the entire software system is represented
by a single
bubble with input and output indicated by incoming and outgoing
32& What is a stat" t!a#sitio# .ia$!a/%
State transition diagram is basically a collection of states and
events cause the system to change its state.!t also represents what
actions are to
be ta*en on the occurrence of particular event.
4<. +"fi#" +ata +i'tio#a!6.
.he data dictionary can be defined as an organi1ed collection of all
data elements of the system with precise and rigorous definitions so
that user and
system analyst will have a common understanding of
of stores and intermediate calculations.
81& What a!" th" "*"/"#ts of A#a*6sis /o."*%
i. %ata %ictionary
ii. Entity +elationship %iagram
iii. %ata -low %iagram
iv. State .ransition %iagram
v. #ontrol Specification
vi. 8rocess specification
82& What a!" th" "*"/"#ts of ."si$# /o."*%
i. %ata design
ii. Architectural design
iii. !nterface design
iv. #omponent7level design
83& +"fi#" ."si$# ,!o'"ss&
%esign process is a se'uence of steps carried through which the
re'uirements are translated into a system or software model.
88& List th" ,!i#'i,*"s of a softa!" ."si$#&
i. .he design process should not suffer from 4tunnel vision5.
ii. .he design should be traceable to the analysis model.
iii. .he design should e3hibit uniformity and integration.
iv. %esign is not coding.
v. .he design should not reinvent the wheel.
89& What is th" 1"#"fit of /o.)*a! ."si$#%
#hanges made during testing and maintenance becomes manageable
they do not affect other modules.
8;& What is a 'oh"si(" /o.)*"%
A cohesive module performs only 4one tas*5 in software procedure
little interaction with other modules. !n other words cohesive module
only one thing.
8-& What a!" th" .iff"!"#t t6,"s of Coh"sio#%
i& Coi#'i."#ta**6 'oh"si(" 4.he modules in which the set !?of tas*s
related with each other loosely then such modules are called
coincidentally cohesive.
ii& Lo$i'a**6 'oh"si(" 4 A module that performs the tas*s that are
related with each other is called logically cohesive.
iii& T"/,o!a* 'oh"sio# 4 .he module in which the tas*s need to be
e3ecuted in some specific time span is called temporal cohesive.
i(& 5!o'".)!a* 'oh"sio# 4 hen processing elements of a module
related with one another and must be e3ecuted in some specific order
then such module is called procedural cohesive.
v. Co//)#i'atio#a* 'oh"sio# 4 hen the processing elements of a
module share the data then such module is called communicational
80& What is Co),*i#$%
#oupling is the measure of interconnection among modules in a
structure. !t depends on the interface comple3ity between modules.
82& What a!" th" (a!io)s t6,"s of 'o),*i#$%
i& +ata 'o),*i#$ 4 .he data coupling is possible by parameter
passing or
data interaction.
ii& Co#t!o* 'o),*i#$ 4 .he modules share related control data in
iii& Co//o# 'o),*i#$ 4 .he common data or a global data is shared
iv. Co#t"#t 'o),*i#$ @ #ontent coupling occurs when one module
use of data or control information maintained in another module.
90& What a!" th" 'o//o# a'ti(iti"s i# ."si$# ,!o'"ss%
i. S6st"/ st!)'t)!i#$ @ .he system is subdivided into principle
subsystems components and communications between these
are identified.
ii. Co#t!o* /o."*i#$ 4 A model of control relationships between
parts of the system is established.
iii& Mo.)*a! ."'o/,ositio# 4 .he identified subsystems are
into modules.
91& What a!" th" 1"#"fits of ho!i:o#ta* ,a!titio#i#$%
i. Software that is easy to test.
ii. Software that is easier to maintain.
iii. 8ropagation of fewer sideeffects.
iv. Software that is easier to e3tend.
92& What is ("!ti'a* ,a!titio#i#$%
(ertical partitioning often called factoring suggests that the control
wor* should be distributed top7down in program structure.
93& What a!" th" a.(a#ta$"s of ("!ti'a* ,a!titio#i#$%
i. .hese are easy to maintain changes.
ii. .hey reduce the change impact and error propagation.
98& What a!" th" (a!io)s "*"/"#ts of .ata ."si$#%
i& +ata o1>"'t 4 .he data ob)ects are identified and relationship
various data ob)ects can be represented using E+% or data
ii. +ata1as"s 4 9sing software design model, the data models are
into data structures and data bases at the application level.
iii. +ata a!"ho)s"s 4 At the business level useful information is
from various databases and the data warehouses are created.
99& List th" $)i."*i#"s fo! .ata ."si$#&
i. Apply systematic analysis on data.
ii. !dentify data structures and related operations.
iii. Establish data dictionary.
iv. 9se information hiding in the design of data structure.
v. Apply a library of useful data structures and operations.
9;& Na/" th" 'o//o#*6 )s". a!'hit"'t)!a* st6*"s&
i. %ata centered architecture.
ii. %ata flow architecture.
iii. #all and return architecture.
iv. Bb)ect7oriented architecture.
v. ;ayered architecture.
9-& What is T!a#sfo!/ /a,,i#$%
.he transform mapping is a set of design steps applied on the %-% in
order to map the transformed flow characteristics into specific
architectural style.
90& What is a R"a* ti/" s6st"/%
+eal time system is a software system in which the correct
of the system are dependent upon results produced by the system
and the time at
which these results are produced.
92& What is SCM%
Software #onfiguration Management is a set of activities carried out
identifying, organi1ing and controlling changes throughout the
lifecycle of
computer software.
;0& What is SCI%
Software #onfiguration !tem is information that is carried as part of
software engineering process.
;1& +"fi#" softa!" t"sti#$%
Software testing is a critical element of software 'uality assurance
represents the ultimate review of specification, design, and coding.
;2& What a!" th" o1>"'ti("s of t"sti#$%
i. .esting is a process of e3ecuting a program with the intend of
finding an
ii. A good test case is one that has high probability of finding an
undiscovered error.
iii. A successful test is one that uncovers as an7yet undiscovered error.
&0. What a!" th" t"sti#$ ,!i#'i,*"s th" softa!" "#$i#""! /)st
a,,*6 hi*"
,"!fo!/i#$ th" softa!" t"sti#$%
i. All tests should be traceable to customer re'uirements.
ii. .ests should be planned long before testing begins.
iii. .he pareto principle can be applied to software testing7A<D of all
errors uncovered during testing will li*ely be traceable to E<D of
all program modules.
iv. .esting should begin 4in the small5 and progress toward testing 4in
the large5.
v. E3haustive testing is not possible.
vi. .o be most effective, an independent third party should conduct
;3& What a!" th" to *"("*s of t"sti#$%
i& Co/,o#"#t t"sti#$
!ndividual components are tested. .ests are derived from
developer/ s e3perience.
ii& S6st"/ T"sti#$
.he group of components are integrated to create a system
or sub7system is done..hese tests are based on the system
;8& What a!" th" (a!io)s t"sti#$ a'ti(iti"s%
i. .est planning
ii. .est case design
iii. .est e3ecution
iv. %ata collection
v. Effective evaluation
;9& W!it" sho!t #ot" o# 1*a'3 1o? t"sti#$&
.he blac* bo3 testing is also called as behavioral testing. .his method
fully focus on the functional re'uirements of the software. .ests are
derived that
fully e3ercise all functional re'uirements.
;;& What is "=)i(a*"#'" ,a!titio#i#$%
E'uivalence partitioning is a blac* bo3 techni'ue that divides the
domain into classes of data. -rom this data test cases can be derived.
class represents a set of valid or invalid states for input conditions.
;-& What is a 1o)#.a!6 (a*)" a#a*6sis%
A boundary value analysis is a testing techni'ue in which the
elements at
the edge of the domain are selected and tested. !t is a test case
design techni'ue
that complements e'uivalence partitioning techni'ue. $ere instead of
focusing on
input conditions only, the test cases are derived from the output
;0& What a!" th" !"aso#s 1"hi#. to ,"!fo!/ hit" 1o?
.here are three main reasons behind performing the white bo3
1. 8rogrammers may have some incorrect assumptions while
designing or implementing some functions.%ue to this there are
chances of having logical errors in the program..o detect and
correct such logical errors procedural details need to be e3amined.
E. #ertain assumptions on flow of control and data may lead
programmer to ma*e design errors..o uncover the errors on logical
path,white bo3 testing is must.
0. .here may be certain typographical errors that remain undetected
even after synta3 and type chec*ing mechanisms.Such errors can be
uncovered during white bo3 testing.
;2& What is '6'*o/ati' 'o/,*"?it6%
#yclomatic comple3ity is a software metric that gives the 'uantitative
measure of logical comple3ity of the program.
.he #yclomatic comple3ity defines the number of independent paths
the basis set of the program that provides the upper bound for the
number of tests
that must be conducted to ensure that all the statements have been
e3ecuted at
least once.
-0& @o to 'o/,)t" th" '6'*o/ati' 'o/,*"?it6%
.he cyclomatic comple3ity can be computed by any one of the
1. .he numbers of regions of the flow graph correspond to
the cyclomatic comple3ity.
E. #yclomatic comple3ity,(FGH,for the flow graph,G,is
defined asI
E 77 number of flow graph edges,
6 77 number of flow graph nodes
0. (FGHJ8K1
here 8 is the number of predicate nodes contained in the
flow graph.
-1& +isti#$)ish 1"t""# ("!ifi'atio# a#. (a*i.atio#&
(erification refers to the set of activities that ensure that software
correctly implements a specific function. (alidation refers to a
different set of activities that ensure that the software that has been
built is traceable to the customer re'uirements.
According to 2oehm, (erificationI5 Are we building the product right:5
(alidationI5 Are we building the right product:5
-2& What a!" th" (a!io)s t"sti#$ st!at"$i"s fo! 'o#("#tio#a*
i. 9nit testing
ii. !ntegration testing.
iii. (alidation testing.
iv. System testing.
-3& W!it" a1o)t .!i("!s a#. st)1s&
%rivers and stub software need to be developed to test incompatible
.he 4 .!i("!5 is a program that accepts the test data and prints the
relevant results. .he 4 st)15 is a subprogram that uses the module
interfaces and
performs the minimal data manipulation if re'uired.
-8& What a!" th" a,,!oa'h"s of i#t"$!atio# t"sti#$%
.he integration testing can be carried out using two approaches.
1. .he non7incremental testing.
E. !ncremental testing.
-9& What a!" th" a.(a#ta$"s a#. .isa.(a#ta$"s of 1i$-1a#$%
A.(a#ta$"s7 .his approach is simple.
+isa.(a#ta$"s7 !t is hard to debug.!t is not easy to isolate errors
while testing. !n this approach it is not easy to validate test results.
After performing testing, it is impossible to form an integrated system.
-;& What a!" th" 1"#"fits of s/o3" t"sti#$%
!ntegration ris* is minimi1ed. .he 'uality of the end7product is
improved. Error diagnosis and correction are simplified. Assessment of
program is easy.
--& What a!" th" 'o#.itio#s "?ists aft"! ,"!fo!/i#$ (a*i.atio#
After performing the validation testing there e3ists two conditions.
.he function or performance characteristics are according to the
specifications and are accepted. .he re'uirement specifications are
derived and the deficiency list is created. .he deficiencies then can be
resolved by establishing the proper communication with the customer.
>A. +isti#$)ish 1"t""# a*,ha a#. 1"ta t"sti#$.
Alpha and beta testing are the types of acceptance testing. A*,ha
t"stI .he alpha testing is attesting in which the version of complete
software is tested by the customer under the supervision of
developer. .his testing is performed at developer/ s site. A"ta t"stI
.he beta testing is a testing in which the version of the
software is tested by the customer without the developer being
present. .his testing is performed at customer/ s site.
-2& What a!" th" (a!io)s t6,"s of s6st"/ t"sti#$%
1. R"'o("!6 t"sti#$ @ is intended to chec* the system/ s ability to
from failures.
E. S"')!it6 t"sti#$ 4 verifies that system protection mechanism
improper penetration or data alteration.
0. St!"ss t"sti#$ 4 %etermines brea*point of a system to establish
ma3imum service level.
4& 5"!fo!/a#'" t"sti#$ 4 evaluates the run time performance of the
software, especially real7time software.
00& +"fi#" ."1)$$i#$&
%ebugging is defined as the process of removal of defect. !t occurs as
conse'uence of successful testing.
01& What a!" th" 'o//o# a,,!oa'h"s i# ."1)$$i#$%
A!)t" fo!'" /"tho.7 .he memory dumps and run7time trac*s
are e3amined and program with write statements is loaded to
obtain clues to error causes. Aa'3 t!a'3i#$ /"tho.7 .he source
code is e3amined by
loo*ing bac*wards from symptom to potential causes of errors.Ca)s"
"*i/i#atio# /"tho.7 .his method uses binarypartitioning to reduce
the number of locations where errors can e3ists.
02& W!it" a1o)t th" t6,"s of ,!o>"'t ,*a#&
B)a*it6 ,*a# 4 .his plan describes the 'uality procedures and
standards that will be used in a pro)ect. <a*i.atio# ,*a# 4 .his plan
describes the approach, resources and
schedule re'uired for system validation. Co#fi$)!atio#
/a#a$"/"#t ,*a# 4 .his plan focuses on the configuration
management procedures and structures to be used. Mai#t"#a#'"
,*a# 4 .he purpose of maintenance plan is to predict
the maintenance re'uirements of the system, maintenance cost and
efforts re'uired. Staff ."("*o,/"#t ,*a# 4 .his plan describes how
to develop the
s*ills and e3perience of the pro)ect team members.
03& +"fi#" /"as)!"&
Measure is defined as a 'uantitative indication of the e3tent, amount,
dimension, or si1e of some attribute of a product or process.
08& +"fi#" /"t!i's&
Metrics is defined as the degree to which a system component,or
possesses a given attribute.
09& What a!" th" t6,"s of /"t!i's%
+i!"'t /"t!i's 4 !t refers to immediately measurable attributes.
E3ample @ ;ines of code, e3ecution speed. I#.i!"'t /"t!i's 4 !t
refers to the aspects that are not immediately
'uantifiable or measurable. E3ample @ functionality of a program.
0;& What a!" th" a.(a#ta$"s a#. .isa.(a#ta$"s of si:"
A.(a#ta$"s7 Artifact of software development which is easily
counted. Many e3isting methods use ;B# as a *ey input. A large body
of literature and data based on ;B# already e3ists.
+isa.(a#ta$"s7 L.his method is dependent upon the programming
language. .his method is well designed but shorter program may get
suffered. !t does not accommodate non procedural languages. !n early
stage of development it is difficult to estimate ;B#.
0-& W!it" sho!t #ot" o# th" (a!io)s "sti/atio# t"'h#i=)"s&
A*$o!ith/i' 'ost /o."*i#$ 4 the cost estimation is based on the
si1e of the software. E?,"!t >).$"/"#t 4 .he e3perts from software
development andthe application domain use their e3oerience to
predict softwarecosts.
Esti/atio# 16 a#a*o$6 4 .he cost of a pro)ect is computed by
comparing the pro)ect to a similar pro)ect in the same application
domain and then cost can be computed. 5a!3i#so#Cs *a 4 .he cost
is determined by available resources
rather than by ob)ective assessment. 5!i'i#$ to i# 4 .he pro)ect
costs whatever the customer ready to spend it.
00& What is COCOMO /o."*%
#Bnstructive #Bst MBdel is a cost model, which gives the estimate of
number of man7months it will ta*e to develop the software product.
02& Gi(" th" ,!o'".)!" of th" +"*,hi /"tho.&
1. .he co7ordinator presents a specification and estimation form to
each e3pert.
E. #o7ordinator calls a group meeting in which the e3perts discuss
estimation issues with the coordinator and each other.
0. E3perts fill out forms anonymously.
4. #o7ordinator prepares and distributes a summary of the estimates.
". .he #o7ordinator then calls a group meeting.!n this meeting the
e3perts mainly discuss the points where their estimates vary
&. .he e3perts again fill out forms anonymously.
>. Again co7ordinator edits and summari1es the forms,repeating steps
" and & until the co7ordinator is satisfied with the overallprediction
synthesi1ed from e3perts.
20& What is th" ,)!,os" of ti/"*i#" 'ha!t%
.he purpose of the timeline chart is to emphasi1e the scope of the
individual tas*. $ence set of tas*s are given as input to the timeline
21& What is E<A%
Earned (alue Analysis is a techni'ue of performing 'uantitative
of the software pro)ect.!t provides a common value scale for every
tas* of
software pro)ect.!t acts as a measure for software pro)ect progress.
22& What a!" th" /"t!i's 'o/,)t". .)!i#$ "!!o! t!a'3i#$
a'ti(it6% LErrors per re'uirement specification page. Errors per
component7design level Errors per component7code level %+E7
re'uirement analysis %+E7architectural analysis %+E7component level
design %+E7coding.
23& Wh6 softa!" 'ha#$" o'')!s%
Software change occurs because of the following reasons. 6ew
re'uirements emerge when the software is used. L.he business
environment changes. Errors need to be repaired. 6ew e'uipment
must be accommodated. .he performance or reliability may have to
be improved.
28& W!it" a1o)t softa!" 'ha#$" st!at"$i"s&
.he software change strategies that could be applied separately or
areI Softa!" /ai#t"#a#'" 4 .he changes are made in the software
due to re'uirements. A!'hit"'t)!a* t!a#sfo!/atio# 4 !t is the
process of changing one
architecture into another form. Softa!" !"-"#$i#""!i#$ 4 6ew
features can be added to e3isting
system and then the system is reconstructed for better use of it in
29& What is softa!" /ai#t"#a#'"%
Software maintenance is an activity in which program is modified after
has been put into use.
2;& +"fi#" /ai#t"#a#'"&
Maintenance is defined as the process in which changes are
by either modifying the e3isting system/ s architecture or by adding
components to the system.
2-& What a!" th" t6,"s of softa!" /ai#t"#a#'"%
Co!!"'ti(" /ai#t"#a#'" 4 Means the maintenance for correcting
the software faults. A.a,ti(" /ai#t"#a#'" 4 Means maintenance
for adapting the
change in environment. 5"!f"'ti(" /ai#t"#a#'" 4 Means modifying
or enhancing the
system to meet the new re'uirements. 5!"("#ti(" /ai#t"#a#'" 4
Means changes made to improve future maintainability.
20& What is a!'hit"'t)!a* "(o*)tio#%
Architectural evolution is the process of changing a system from a
centrali1ed architecture to a distributed architecture li*e client server.
22& @o th" CASE too*s a!" '*assifi".%
#ASE tools can be classified by
a. 2y function or use
b. 2y user typeFe.g. manager,testerH,or
c. 2y stage in software engineering process'uirements,testH.
100& What a!" th" t6,"s of stati' t"sti#$ too*s%
.here are three types of static testing tools.
Co." 1as". t"sti#$ too*s 4 .hese tools ta*e source code as input
and generate test cases.
S,"'ia*i:". t"sti#$ too*s 4 9sing this language the detailed test
specification can be written for each test case.
R"=)i!"/"#t-1as". t"sti#$ too*s 4 .hese tools help in designing
the test cases as per user re'uirements.
84"E/plain t*e arious measures of Soft!are"
Program lengt*
Program olume measureO
Potential olume measure
Program leel
Effort B .ime measure
88"&efine Soft!are Cyclomatic Comple/ityU ,o! it can )e calculatedU
#igure B E/planation
8?"E/plain *o! Soft!are cost estimation can )e ac*ieed using #unction point modelU
#igure B E/planation
8@"E/plain t*e COCOMO model in detail"
.*e )asic form of t*e COCOMO model"
8<"E/plain &elp*i met*od of cost estimation
E/planation !it* e/ample
8Q"&ra! t*e Sc*ematic representation of +nalysis actiity !it* t*e Concurrent
deelopment Model"
4"&efine Soft!are process modelU E/plain any one of it !it* a neat diagram
.*e strategy t*at encompasses process5 met*ods5 and tools"
E/planation of any of t*e eig*t process model"
8"E/palin t*e *ierarc*y of Business process Engineering "
Business area +nalysis
Business System &esign
Construction B Engineering
?"E/plain Soft!are Life cycle process
&efinition of SLC5SLCM
Predeelopment process
&eelopment process"
@"E/plain Eolutionary process model
Incremental model
WI$%WI$ spiral model
Spiral model
Concurrent deelopment model
<"E/plain t*e different layers of Soft!are EngineeringU
+ (uality focus
Q"Bulid t*e follo!ing systemG
6+ $et!or0 )ased course registration system for your -niersity7
&eelop an E'& B a conte/t leel model for t*e a)oe"
Create an E'&
Create a leel 9 &#&"
:"E/plain .ransform Mapping !it* Safe*ome Soft!are
&efinition of .ransform Mapping
E/plain Safe*ome applications
Implement .ransform mapping
P"E/plain )riefly #unctional Modeling
&efinition of #unctional Modeling
&ata #lo! &iagrams
E/tensions for real time systems
V"E/plain t*e arious &esign concepts in detail"
Control ,ierarc*y
Structural Partitioning
&ata structure
Information *iding
49"&iscuss t*e arious p*ases of +nalysis Modeling"
&ata Modeling
#unctional Modeling B Information flo!
Be*aioral Modeling
.*e &ata dictionary
44"&iscuss )riefly Effectie Modular &esign"
#unctional Independence"
48"E/palin -ser Interface &esign actiities
Interface design models
Interface design process
&efining Interface o)3ects B actions
&esign Issues"
4?"&iscuss in detail Soft!are configuration ManagementU
.*e SCM process
Version Control
C*ange control
SCM standards
4@"E/plain 'eal .ime Systems"
'eal .ime Soft!are design2
System &esign
'eal time e/ecuties
4<"W*at is Soft!are +rc*itectureU E/plain it"
4Q"E/plain in detail Blac0 )o/ testing in detail
Synta/ drien testing
&ecision ta)le )ased testing
Cause effects grap* in #unctional testing
4:",o! Boundary test conditions are ac*ieedU
4P"E/plain in detail Structural testingU
Statement coerage
Branc* coerage
Pat* coerage
4V"E/plain in detail Soft!are .esting Strategies"
-nit testing
Integration testing
Validation testing
System testing
89"E/plain t*e test coerage criteria )ased on &ata flo! mec*anisms"
Basic )loc0
1. E?,*ai# it"!ati(" at"!fa** a#. s,i!a* /o."* fo! softa!" *if"
'6'*" a#.
(a!io)s a'ti(iti"s i# "a'h ,has"&
A#s"!7 It"!ati(" at"!fa** /o."*
.he iterative waterfall model is as shown in the following figure.
+e'uirement gathering phase in which all re'uirements are
.he deign phase is responsible for creating architectural view of the
.he implementation phase in which the software design is
into coding.
.esting is a *ind of phase in which the developed software
component is
fully tested.
Maintenance is an activity by which the software product can be
.he spiral model is divided into number of frame wor*s. .hese
framewor*s are
denoted by tas* regions.
9sually there are si3 tas* regions. !n spiral model pro)ect entry point
a3is is
.he tas* regions areI
#ustomer communication
+is* analysis.
#onstruct and release.
#ustomer evaluation.
!t is based on customer communication.
!t demands considerable ris* assessment&
2& E?,*ai# a1o)t th" i#'!"/"#ta* /o."*&
$ave same phases as the waterfall model.
8hases are
!ncremental model delivers series of releases to customers called as
.he first increment is called as core product. $ere only the document
processing facilities are available.
Second increment, more sophisticated document producing and
facilities are available.
6e3t increment spelling and grammar chec*ing facilities are given.
.his model can be adopted when there is less number of people
involved in the pro)ect.
.echnical ris*s can be managed with each increment.
-or a very small time span, at least core product can be delivered
to the customer.
RA+ Mo."*
+apid Application %evelopment Model is the type of incremental
Achieves the high speed development using component based
2usiness modeling
%ata modeling
8rocess modeling
Application generation.
.esting and turnover&
3& E?,*ai# i# ."tai* a1o)t th" softa!" ,!o'"ss&
!t is defined as the structured set of activities that are re'uired to
the software system.
F)#.a/"#ta* a'ti(iti"s
%esign and implementation
Co//o# 5!o'"ss F!a/"o!3
5!o'"ss f!a/"o!3 a'ti(iti"s
Tas3 S"ts
%efines the actual wor* to achieve the software ob)ective.
U/1!"**a a'ti(iti"s
Software pro)ect trac*ing and control
+is* management
Software 'uality assurance
-ormal technical reviews
Software configuration management
or* product preparation and production
+eusability management.
Ca,a1i*it6 Mat)!it6 Mo."*(CMM)
L"("* 17I#itia* 4 -ew processes are defined and individual efforts are
L"("* 27R","ata1*" 4 .o trac* cost schedule and functionality basic
pro)ect management processes are established.
L"("* 37+"fi#". 4 .he process is standardi1ed, documented and
L"("* 87Ma#a$". 4 2oth the software process and product are
'uantitatively understood and controlled using detailed measures.
L"("* 97O,ti/i:i#$ 4 Establish mechanisms to plan and implement
8& E?,*ai# i# ."tai* a1o)t th" *if" '6'*" ,!o'"ss&
-igI System engineering process
System engineering process follows a waterfall model for the
parallel development of different parts of the system.
S6st"/ !"=)i!"/"#ts ."fi#itio#
.hree types of re'uirements
Abstract functional re'uirements.
System properties.
9ndesirable #haracteristics.
System ob)ectives
System re'uirement problem.
Th" s6st"/ ."si$# ,!o'"ss
5!o'"ss st",s
8artition re'uirements
!dentify sub7systems.
Assign re'uirements to sub7systems.
Specify sub7system functionality.
%efine sub7system interfaces.
S)1-S6st"/ ."("*o,/"#t ,!o'"ss
After system design it starts.
!nvolve use of #B.S F#ommercial7Bff7.he7ShelfH.
S6st"/ I#t"$!atio#
!t is the process of putting hardware, software and people together
to ma*e a
S6st"/ I#sta**atio#
Iss)"s a!"
Environmental assumptions may be incorrect.
.here may be human resistance to the introduction of anew system.
System may have to coe3ist with alternative systems for some
.here may arise some physical installation problems Fe.g. cabling
Bperator training has to be identified.
S6st"/ "(o*)tio#
.he lifetime of large systems is too long. .hey must evolve to meet
.he evolution may be costly.
E3isting systems that must be maintained are sometimes called as
legacy systems.
S6st"/ +"'o//issio#i#$
.a*ing the system out of service after its useful lifetime is called as
9& E?,*ai# th" ,!otot6,i#$ a,,!oa'h"s i# softa!" ,!o'"ss&
To a,,!oa'h"s
i& E(o*)tio#a!6 ,!otot6,i#$ 4 !n this approach of system
the initial prototype is prepared and it is then refined through number
stages to final stage.
ii. Th!o-aa6 ,!otot6,i#$ 4 9sing this approach a rough practical
implementation of the system is produced. .he re'uirement problems
be identified from this implementation. !t is then discarded. System is
then developed using some different engineering paradigm.
E(o*)tio#a!6 ,!otot6,i#$
.he principal ob)ective of this model is to deliver the wor*ing system
to the
E3ample7A! systems.
-ast delivery of the wor*ing system.
9ser is involved while developing the system.
More useful system can be delivered.
Specification, design and implementation wor* is co7ordinated
Management problems
Maintenance problem
I#'!"/"#ta* +"("*o,/"#t
After designing the overall architecture the system is developed and
delivered in series of increments.
Th!o-aa6 ,!otot6,i#$
.he principal ob)ective of this model is to validate or to derive the
!t is developed to reduce re'uirement ris*s.
+e'uirement ris*s are very less.
!t can be undocumented.
#hanges made during the software development proceed may
the system structure.
Sometimes organi1ational 'uality standard may not be strictly
;. E?,*ai# a1o)t !a,i. ,!otot6,i#$ t"'h#i=)"s&
E?"')ta1*" s,"'ifi'atio# *a#$)a$"s&
9sed to animate the system specification.
!t is e3pressed in a formal, mathematical language to provide a
<"!6 hi$h *"("* *a#$)a$"s.
.hese are programming languages which include powerful data
management facilities.
.hey simplify program development.
A,,*i'atio# $"#"!ato!s a#. fo)!th-$"#"!atio# *a#$)a$"s.
.hese are successful languages because there is a great deal of
communality across data processing applications.
-& E?,*ai# i# ."tai* a1o)t .ata /o."*i#$&
%ata modeling ma*es use of the E+%.
#onsists of 0 interrelated information.
.he data ob)ect.
Ca!.i#a*it6 a#. Mo.a*it6
#ardinality is the specification of the number of occurrences of one
that can be related to the number of occurrences of another ob)ect.
Bne7to7one cardinality.
Bne7to7many cardinality.
Many7to7Many cardinality.
Modality of a relation is < if there is no e3plicit relationship or
relation is
Modality is 1 if an occurrence of relationship is mandatory.
E#tit6ER"*atio#shi, +ia$!a/s
#omponents are
%ata Bb)ects.
(arious type indicators.
0& E?,*ai# i# ."tai* a1o)t F)#'tio#a* Mo."*i#$&
.his model describes the computations that ta*e place within a
.his model is useful when the transformation from the inputs to
outputs is
.he functional model of a system can be represented by a data -low
+ata F*o +ia$!a/sE+ata F*o G!a,hEA)11*" 'ha!t
A %-% is a graphical representation that depicts the information flow
the transforms that are applied as the data move from input to output.
;evel < %-% also called as fundamental system model or conte3t
represents the entire software as a single bubble with input and
output data
indicated by incoming and outgoing arrows.
;evel 1 %-% contains " or & bubbles. Each bubbles can be refined at
;ayers to depict more details.
E?t"#sio#s to R"a* Ti/" S6st"/s
ard and Meller e3tensions
$atley and 8irbhai e3tension.
2& E?,*ai# i# ."tai* a1o)t St!)'t)!a* Mo."*i#$&
Structural model includes a detail refinement of E+%,data flow model
control flow model.
#reating an E+%.
E3ampleI Safe $ome Security System.
%eveloping relationships and cardinality/Modality.
#reating a data flow model using the guidelines.
#reating a control flow model which describes the structural
connection of
#ontrol flows
#ontrol stores.
State automation
8rocess activation table.
10& E?,*ai# i# ."tai* th" ."si$# 'o#'",ts&
-unctional abstraction
%ata abstraction
#ontrol abstraction
I#fo!/atio# hi.i#$
Each module in the system hides the internal details of its
processing activities and modules communicate only through over
defined interfaces.
!t permits the decomposition of a large system into smaller, more
manageable units with well defined relationships to the other units
in a system.
6etwor* is the most general form of structure.
@i"!a!'hi'a* St!)'t)!"sESt!)'t)!" Cha!ts
!t depicts the structure of subroutines in a system, the data passed
between routines, can be indicated on the arcs connecting routines.
Modular system consists of well7defined, manageable units with
well defined interfaces among units.
!ndependent processes that can be activated simultaneously if
multiple processors are available.
Co),*i#$ a#. Coh"sio#
+ata 'o),*i#$ 4 .he data coupling is possible by parameter
passing or data interaction.
Co#t!o* 'o),*i#$ 4 .he modules share related control data in
control coupling.
Co//o# 'o),*i#$ 4 .he common data or a global data is shared
among modules.
Co#t"#t 'o),*i#$ @ #ontent coupling occurs when one module
ma*es use of data or control information maintained in another
11& E?,*ai# th" ."si$# ,!i#'i,*"s&
.he design process should not suffer from tunnel vision.
.he design should be traceable to the analysis model.
%esign should not reinvent the wheel.
.he design should minimi1e the intellectual distance between the
and problem as it e3ists in the real world.
.he design should be structured to degrade gently, even when
data, events or operating conditions are encountered.
%esign is not coding, coding is not design.
.he design should be assessed for 'uality as it is being created, not
the fact.
.he design should be reviewed to minimi1e conceptual FsemanticH
12& E?,*ai# th" ."si$# st",s of th" t!a#sfo!/ /a,,i#$&
+eview the fundamental model.
+eview and refine the %-% for the software.
%etermine whether the %-% has the transform or transaction
!solate the transform center by specifying incoming and outgoing
8erform first7level factoring.
8erform second7level factoring.
+efine the first iteration architecture using design heuristics for
software 'uality.
13& E?,*ai# th" ."si$# st",s i# t!a#sa'tio# /a,,i#$&
+eview the fundamental model.
+eview and refine the %-% for the software.
%etermine whether the %-% has the transform or transaction
!dentify transaction center and the flow characteristics along each of
action paths.
-actor and refine the transaction structure and the structure of each
+efine the first iteration architecture using design heuristics for
software 'uality.
18& E?,*ai# i# ."tai* a1o)t th" !"a* ti/" s6st"/s&
$ard and soft real time systems.
+eal time and high performance.
+eal7.ime control.
+eal time software design
8eriodic Stimuli @ Bccur at predictable time intervals.
Aperiodic Stimuli @ Bccur regularly
19& E?,*ai# th" t6,"s of softa!" t"sti#$&
9nit testing
System testing
!ntegration testing
9ser7acceptance testing
End7to7End testing
+egression testing
E3ception testing
%estructive testing
1;& E?,*ai# i# ."tai* a1o)t A*a'3 1o? t"sti#$&
2lac* bo3 or behavioral testing focuses on the functional
of the software.
!t is applied during the last stage of testing.
Synta3 driven testing is suitable for the specification which are
described by a certain grammar.
%ecision table based testing is implemented when the original
re'uirement have been formulated in the format of 4 if7then5
;i'uid level control is the study of a simple control problem which is
designed to chec* the li'uid level. !t has E sensors.
#ause effect graphs in functional testing.
1-& E?,*ai# a1o)t th" softa!" t"sti#$ st!at"$i"s&
A strategic approach to software testing.
(erification and (alidation.
(erification refers to the set of activities that ensure that software
correctly implements a specific function.
(alidation refers to a different set of activities that ensure that the
software that has been built is traceable to the customer
According to 2oehm,
(erificationI5 Are we building the product right:5
L(alidationI5 Are we building the right product:5
Brgani1ation for software testing
A software testing strategy.
#riteria for completion of testing.
10& E?,*ai# i# ."tai* a1o)t I#t"$!atio# t"sti#$&
!t is a systematic techni'ue for constructing the program structure.
I#'!"/"#ta* i#t"$!atio# 4 .he program is constructed and tested
small increments.
To,-.o# i#t"$!atio#
!t is an incremental approach.
Modules are integrated by moving downward through the control
hierarchy beginning with the main control moduleFmain programH.
Subordinate modules are incorporated by depth7first or breadth7first
Aotto/-), i#t"$!atio#
.his testing begins construction and testing with the components at
lowest levels in the program structure.
R"$!"ssio# t"sti#$
!t is the re7e3ecution of some subset of tests that have already been
conducted to ensure the changes that have not been propagated
unintended side effects.
S/o3" t"sti#$
!t minimi1es the integration ris*.
Error diagnosis and correction are simplified.
12& E?,*ai# i# ."tai* a1o)t s6st"/ t"sti#$&
System testing
Stress testing
Security testing.
8erformance testing
20& E?,*ai# i# ."tai* a1o)t SCM&
Software #onfiguration Management is an umbrella activity that is
applied throughout the software process.
SCM A'ti(iti"s
!dentify change.
#ontrol change.
Ensure the change is properly implemented.
+eport change to others.
N"". fo! SCM
hen you build computer software change happens, you need to
control it effectively.
SCI Software #onfiguration !tem is information that is carried as part
of the
software engineering process.
21& E?,*ai# a1o)t softa!" 'ost "sti/atio#&
Ma)or factors areI
8rogramme ability.
8roduct #omple3ity.
8roduct si1e.
Available time.
+e'uired reliability.
22& E?,*ai# i# ."tai* a1o)t COCOMO /o."*&
#onstructive #ost Model.
Software cost estimation gives the estimation of how much months a
man ta*e to develop a software product.
Application #omposition Model.
Early design stage model
8ost7architecture stage model.
#B#BMB !! application composition uses ob)ect points.
6B8JFob)ect pointHMN1<<7DreuseH/1<<O
6B876ew Bb)ect 8oint.
8roductivity +ate, 8+B%J6B8/person7Month.
23& E?,*ai# i# ."tai* a1o)t +"*,hi M"tho.&
.he co7ordinator presents a specification and estimation form to
#o7ordinator calls a group meeting in which the e3perts discuss
estimation issues with the coordinator and each other.
E3perts fill out forms anonymously.
#o7ordinator prepares and distributes a summary of the estimates.
.he #o7ordinator then calls a group meeting.!n this meeting the
e3perts mainly discuss the points where their estimates vary widely.
.he e3perts again fill out forms anonymously.
Again co7ordinator edits and summari1es the forms,repeating steps "
and & until the co7ordinator is satisfied with the overall prediction
synthesi1ed from e3perts.
28& E?,*ai# i# ."tai* a1o)t softa!" Mai#t"#a#'"&
Software maintenance is an activity in which program is modified
after it has been put into use.
Maintenance is defined as the process in which changes are
implemented by either modifying the e3isting system/ s
architecture or by adding new components to the system.
+iff"!"#t as,"'ts of /ai#t"#a#'"
.he bug7fi3ing view
.he need7to7adapt view
.he user7support view
N"". fo! softa!" /ai#t"#a#'"
.o provide continuity of service
.o support mandatory upgrades.
.o support user re'uests for improvements.
.o facilitate future maintenance wor*.
29& E?,*ai# a1o)t CASE too*s&
#omputer Aided Software Engineering.
2usiness 8rocess Engineering .ools.
8rocess Modeling and Management .ools.
8ro)ect 8lanning .ools.
+is* analysis tools.
8ro)ect management tools.
+e'uirement tracing tools.
Metrics and management tools.
%ocumentation tools.
System Software tools.
,uality Assurance tools.
%atabase management tools.
S#M tools.
Analysis and design tools.
8.B/S!M tools.
!nterface design and development tools.
8rototyping tools.
8rogramming tools.
eb development tools.
!ntegration and testing tools.
Static analysis tools.
%ynamic analysis tools.
.est management tools.
#lient/server tools.
+e7engineering tools.

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