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Schedule 1 Agreement No. xxxxxx BETWEEN: (1) CONSULTANT : Kue-S-Ser !

!ce" #t$ Ltd% 1& 'eorge Street% (ount )ru!tt% N.S.W. *&&+ ABN No:- 1& 1*, -&- .+xxxxxxxxxxx

(2) CL/ENT )E0/N/T/ONS: Con"ult1nt 1t out"et 23Con"ult1nt45 Loc1t!on2"5 #1$ment" #1$ment 0re6uenc$ Ser !ce" Term

: : : : : :

Kue-S-Ser !ce" #t$ Ltd 3The Con"ult1nt"4 1" nece""1r$ to c1rr$ out the Ser !ce" xxxx Daily Rate /Fee: Monthly #rogr1mme (1n1gement Explain what this servi e is in !etail "o##en e#ent Date: $$/1%/2%12 Expiry Date: $$/%&/2%12 $XXX.XX

A77o!ntment: 'he "lient en(a(es the "ons)ltant to provi!e the *ervi es #entione! in * he!)le 1 +or the 'er# o+ this a(ree#ent in ret)rn +or ,ay#ents. 'his -(ree#ent is s)./e t to the 'er#s an! "on!itions overlea+. ,lease rea! these are+)lly .e+ore si(nin(.

For an! on .ehal+ o+ 8xxx 9999999999999999999 2S!gn1ture5 0a#e: Desi(nation: Date: 99999999999.. 99999999999.. 99999999999..

- epte! +or an! on .ehal+ o+ Kue-S-Ser !ce" #t$ Ltd 9999999999999999999 2S!gn1ture5 0a#e: 1enneth 2hyte

Desi(nation: )!rector Date: 99999999999999


1.1 a. .. . !. e. +. (. h. i. )ur!ng the Term the Con"ult1nt "h1ll en"ure th1t l: -t all ti#es !evote s) h ti#e3 attention an! a.ilities to the "lient4s .)siness as #ay .e ne essary +or the proper provision o+ the *ervi es5 Faith+)lly an! !ili(ently arry o)t all a(ree! *ervi es +or the "lient5 ,rovi!e the *ervi es an! ta6e all reasona.le steps to o#ply with any ti#eta.le or other tar(ets +or pro(ress or !elivery or o#pletion o+ the *ervi es a(ree! in writin( .etween the parties5 7##e!iately on o##en in( wor6 at the spe i+ie! lo ation !etaile! in s he!)le 13 or an alternatively a(ree! lo ation3 .e o#e a 8)ainte! with the spe i+i r)les (overnin( the a tivities an! on!) t o+ people a)thorise! to enter s) h pre#ises3 espe ially with re+eren e to se )rity3 sa+ety an! +ire pre a)tions. 'he "ons)ltant will on "lient re8)est s)pply all ne essary e8)ip#ent ne essary to allow its "ons)ltant to per+or# the servi e !es ri.e! in * he!)le 1 an! warrants that it is te hni ally apa.le o+ +)l+illin( its +)n tion.. 'he *ervi es an .e per+or#e! at an alternative lo ation where the "ons)ltant an! the "lient a(ree that this is appropriate. 9e responsi.le +or ens)rin( that any "ons)ltants provi!e! are an! re#ain a!e8)ately 8)ali+ie! to per+or# the *ervi es3 an! +or all ne essary osts o+ trainin( :.serve the ;aws in whi h the "ons)ltant is .ase! an!/or is wor6in( an! re+rain +ro# a)sin( o++en e to any ivil or reli(io)s instit)tions or pra ti es or its inha.itants5 'he "ons)ltant will #aintain at its own ost appropriate in!epen!ent o++i e a o##o!ation3 telephone syste#3 #o.ile telephone3 +ax +a ility an! e#ails +a ilities.

'he "ons)ltant is +ree to enter into other ontra ts with other thir! parties at any ti#e .e+ore3 a+ter or on )rrently with the ontra t +or servi es.

1.* /ndemn!t$ < /n"ur1nce (a) 'he "ons)ltant shall in!e#ni+y the "lient in a or!an e with the li#its !etaile! in la)ses 1.2 (.) < ( ) +or any losses res)ltin( +ro# any le(ally vali! lai# relate! an! on+ine! to the torts o+ ,ro+essional 0e(li(en e3 ,).li < E#ployers lia.ility. (.) ( ) (!) (() (h) 7t is warrante! .y the "ons)ltant that ,ro+essional 7n!e#nity 7ns)ran e with a li#it o+ in!e#nity o+ $=3%%%3%%% in the a((re(ate will .e hel! +or the !)ration o+ this a(ree#ent an! the +ollowin( 12 #onths. 7t is warrante! that the "ons)ltant will hol! +or the !)ration o+ this a(ree#ent ,).li ;ia.ility 7ns)ran e with a ;i#it o+ 7n!e#nity o+ $=3%%%3%%%. 'he "ons)ltant a epts it has le(al ris6 in respe t o+ the torts o+ p).li lia.ility an! pro+essional ne(li(en e an! there+ore pays the osts o+ any pre#i)#s ne essary +or the provision o+ the ins)ran es !etaile! in 1.2 (.) < ( ). 'he "ons)ltant will a(ree to pro!) e proo+ o+ s) h ins)ran es )pon !e#an!. 'he "ons)ltant will re ti+y any in orre t or )nsatis+a tory wor6 whi h an .e attri.)te! to an error or an o#ission o+ the part o+ the "ons)ltant at the reasona.le re8)est o+ the lient an! as s) h #)st .e per+or#e! in the "ons)ltant4s own ti#e an! witho)t extra har(e.

1.= (a)

:ol!d1$" < A>"ence o? Con"ult1nt@" 'he "ons)ltant is an 7n!epen!ent o#pany an! as s) h has no ri(hts to holi!ay or si 6ness o#pensation +ro# the lient. >owever3 in the event that the "ons)ltant wishes to ta6e any holi!ay entitle#ent (to whi h entails te#porary a.sen e o+ the "ons)ltant)5 it will .e a(ree! .etween the "ons)ltant an! the "lient) +o)r wee6s in a!van e. 'he "ons)ltant shall noti+y the lient o+ any a.sen e !)e to a i!ents3 si 6ness an! )n+oreseea.le ir )#stan es as soon as pra ti a.le. 'he "ons)ltant shall )se its reasona.le en!eavo)rs to +in! a repla e#ent +or the ons)ltant !)rin( s) h a perio! o+ si 6ness or a.sen e. 0o +ees (as !etaile! in s he!)le 1) will .e paya.le in respe t o+ any perio! !)rin( whi h a ons)ltant is a.sent an! no alternative has .een +o)n!.


1.A (a)

Su>"t!tut!on 'he "ons)ltant #ay s).stit)te the servi es o+ the "ons)ltant to +)l+il this ontra t !)rin( its ter# provi!e! that: (i) (ii) (iii) 'he "lient is satis+ie! that the propose! s).stit)te possesses the ne essary s6ills3 expertise3 personnel an! reso)r es to +)l+il the *ervi es5 'he "lient is satis+ie! that the propose! s).stit)te will o#ply with its r)les on health3 sa+ety3 se )rity an! on+i!entiality5 'he "ons)ltant warrants that any in+or#ation s)pplie! .y the "ons)ltant is a )rate an! that any in+or#ation s)pplie! .y the "ons)ltant in respe t o+ any "ons)ltant is honest an! a )rate.



'he "ons)ltant an! its "ons)ltants shall not at any ti#e !)rin( or a+ter the 'er#: (a) (.) ( ) Div)l(e or allow to .e !iv)l(e! to any party any on+i!ential in+or#ation relatin( to the .)siness or a++airs o+ the "lient5 this o+ on+i!entiality will re#ain in +or e .eyon! the essation or other ter#ination o+ this -(ree#ent5 Do any !eli.erate a t or on!) t a)sin( or al )late! to a)se !a#a(e to the rep)tation o+ the "lient or en!an(er the o##er ial se )rity o+ the "lient5 Div)l(e or allow to .e !iv)l(e! to any person the ter#s an! on!itions o+ this -(ree#ent3 with the ex eption o+ any ne essary pro+essional a!visor.


(utu1l!t$ o? o>l!g1t!on 'he "lient is not! to o++er on(oin( wor6 or on(oin( ontra ts to the ":0*?;'-0' nor is the ":0*?;'-0'! to a ept s) h ontra ts i+ o++ere!. 'he ":0*?;'-0' is not! to #a6e its servi es availa.le. *pe i+i ally .oth parties !e lare that they !o not wish to reate or i#ply any #)t)ality o+ whatsoever either !)rin( the o)rse o+ this ontra t +or servi es or !)rin( any perio! when ontra t wor6s are not availa.le


Control 'he " lient shall not ontrol3 or have any ri(ht o+ ontrol as to how the "ons)ltant is to per+or# the ontra t servi es !etaile! in s he!)le 1. 'he "lient re o(nises that the ons)ltant o++ers spe ialist servi es at a hi(h level o+ expertise an! as s) h the "ons)ltant annot .e tol! how to per+or# the ontra t wor6s

*.1 (a) (.) Term" o? #1$ment 1nd Ex7en"e" Every @ !ays +ro# the o##en e#ent !ate !etaile! in * he!)le 1 the "ons)ltant will sen! all o#plete! wor6 sheets that have .een he 6e! to the "lient3 to(ether with the "ons)ltant4s invoi e5 'he "lient is! to #a6e the ,ay#ents pro#ptly +or the wor6 .y the "ons)ltant an! approve! .y the "lient on wee6ly 2or6 *heets re+erre! to a.ove an! invoi e! every @ !ays .y the "ons)ltant. 'he lient will not .e lia.le to pay +or wor6 not .een approve! .y the "lient5

( ) 7+ an invoi e is re eive!3 pay#ent will then .e #a!e within @ !ays +ro# !ate o+ invoi e. (!) 'he "lient will ta6e +)ll responsi.ility +or #eetin( the ost o+ any travel an! a o##o!ation expenses in )rre! as a res)lt o+ any ons)ltant3 at the re8)est o+ the lient3 per+or#in( his or her !)ties away +ro# the spe i+ie! lo ation !etaile! in s he!)le 1. 'he "ons)ltant shall a(ree the a#o)nt o+ s) h expenses with the lient who shall +)lly rei#.)rse the "ons)ltant !ire tly all reasona.le expenses as appropriate. The Cl!ent C!ll re6ue"t th1t: 'he "lient shall3 at its own expense3 provi!e the "ons)ltant with all !o )#ents or other #aterials an! !ata or other in+or#ation ne essary +or the o#pletion o+ the *ervi e3 in s)++i ient ti#e to ena.le the "ons)ltant to provi!e the *ervi e in a or!an e with any ti#eta.le or other tar(et +or pro(ress or o#pletion a(ree! in writin( .etween the parties5 'he "lient shall ens)re that the "ons)ltant is a or!e! s)++i ient a ess to any o+ the "lient4s pre#ises3 in+or#ation3 !ata or personnel an! )se o+ any e8)ip#ent whi h is ne essary +or the o#pletion o+ the *ervi es. 2here the "ons)ltant re8)ires a ess to any thir! party pre#ises3 in+or#ation3 !ata or personnel the "lient will #a6e all reasona.le e++orts to arran(e this +or the "ons)ltant.

*.* (a) (.)

=.1 (a) (.) Th!" 1greement "h1ll term!n1te: :n the Expiry Date or o#pletion o+ the *ervi es3 i+ sooner5 or :n the "lient (ivin( the "ons)ltant not less than &% !ays4 prior noti e. (i) 7+ noti e o+ ter#ination is (iven .y the "ons)ltant the "ons)ltant an hoose one o+ the +ollowin( options A ,ay the lient $nil in l)!in( B*' an! .e i##e!iately release! +ro# the o+ this a(ree#ent (ii) 7+ noti e o+ ter#ination is (iven .y the "lient then the "lient an hoose one o+ the +ollowin( options A ,ay the "ons)ltant !etaile! in * he!)le 1 $nil in l)!in( B*' an! .e i##e!iately release! +ro# the o+ this a(ree#ent ( ) (!) (e) (+) (() 7n the event that the ter#ination is a)se! .y the "ons)ltant4s +ail)re to exer ise all reasona.le are an! s6ill in relation to its appoint#ent then s) h ter#ination will .e witho)t noti e with all +ees earne! )p to an! in l)!in( the !ate o+ ter#ination to .e pai! in a or!an e with la)se 2.1 (a) 'he "lient or the "ons)ltant have the ri(ht at any ti#e to ter#inate this a(ree#ent .y noti e in writin( an! in a or!an e with &.1 (.) to the other party in the event o+ a serio)s .rea h o+ the ter#s o+ this a(ree#ent whi h otherwise annot .e resolve! .y any reasona.le #eans availa.le .y the other party5 or -t any ti#e .y "lient i+ the "ons)ltant +ails to )n!erta6e the servi es to the "lient with the !e(ree o+ te hni al 6nowle!(e an! te hni al s6ill reasona.le expe te! o+ a "ons)ltant re8)ire! to per+or# the servi es !etaile! in s he!)le 1. -ll earne! +ee )p to an! in l)!in( the !ate o+ ter#ination will .e pai! in a or!an e with la)ses 2.15 or -t any ti#e in the event o+ the "lient .e o#in( .an6r)pt or .ein( #a!e the s)./e t o+ a win!in( )p :r!er or )pon the appoint#ent o+ a Re eiver or Mana(er or the "lient enterin( into an arran(e#ent with its re!itors. 'he en(a(e#ent shall !eter#ine +orthwith witho)t any o#pensation or ri(ht to !a#a(es or +)rther pay#ent5 or -t any ti#e3 i+3 +or whatever reason3 the "lient ter#inates this ontra t the "lient will pay noti e in a or!an e with ter#s &.1 (.) an! all o)tstan!in( an! earne! +ees )p to an! in l)!in( the !ate o+ ter#ination an! in a or!an e with la)ses 2.1 .

C.1 (a) (.) C.2 :n expiry or other ter#ination o+ this -(ree#ent the "ons)ltant )n!erta6es: 'o !eliver )p to the "lient all orrespon!en e3 !o )#ents an! property .elon(in( to the "lient whi h #ay .e in the "ons)ltant4s possession or )n!er its ontrol5 'o i##e!iately ease wor6in( at the a(ree! lo ation(s). :n expiry or other ter#ination o+ this -(ree#ent other than as !es ri.e! in la)se &.1(+) the "lient )n!erta6es to pay to the "ons)ltant all arrears o+ ,ay#ents an! earne! (a)thorise! wor6 only) .)t not yet pai! +ees )p to an! in l)!in( the Expiry Date or !ate o+ ter#ination i+ prior to the Expiry Date.

=.1 =.2 =.& 'he "ons)ltant is +ree to enter into other ontra ts +or servi es +or other parties at any ti#e either .e+ore3 a+ter or on )rrently with this ontra t +or servi es 'he "lient a 6nowle!(es an! a(rees that it !oes not have +irst all on the servi es o+ the "ons)ltant an! annot re8)ire the "ons)ltant to (ive the lient any priority over another lient. 'he "ons)ltant shall ass)#e responsi.ility +or the pay#ent o+ re#)neration3 !e!) tion an! pay#ent o+ all tax lia.ilities an! national ins)ran e ontri.)tions an! all other levies in respe t o+ any +ees or har(es paya.le to the "ons)ltant. 'he "ons)ltant shall in!e#ni+y the "lient in the event o+ the "lient .e o#in( lia.le +or any o+ the +ore(oin( pay#ents. 'he "ons)ltant shall in!e#ni+y the "lient a(ainst any e#ploy#ent relate! lai#s #a!e .y the "ons)ltant a(ainst the "lient in l)!in( .)t not li#ite! to )n+air !is#issal an! re!)n!an y. 'he ownership o+ an! sole ri(ht to all inventions3 !esi(ns3 patents3 opyri(hts3 syste#s an! in+or#ation an! ri(hts asso iate! therein prepare! .y the "ons)ltant +or the "lient )n!er this -(ree#ent shall .e veste! in either "lient or the "lient +ro# the o)tset. D)rin( the 'er# the "ons)ltant shall .e an in!epen!ent o#pany an! neither the "ons)ltant nor its personnel will .e the servant o+ the "lient.

=.C =.=

=.D =.@ =.E =.F

'he "ons)ltant shall .e ex l)sively responsi.le +or #a6in( the appropriate pay#ent o+ any B*' arisin( o)t o+ re#)neration +or the "ons)ltant4s *ervi es provi!e! )n!er this -(ree#ent. 7n s) h a sit)ation3 the "ons)ltant shall still .e an in!epen!ent o#pany an! not the servant o+ the "lient. 'he "lient shall .e )n!er no lia.ility whatever in respe t o+ loss !a#a(e or in/)ry or any onse8)ential or in!ire t loss s)staine! .y the "ons)ltant or its servants or thir! parties .y reason o+ any a t or ne(le t o+ the "lient3 the "ons)ltant or the "ons)ltant. 'hese ter#s an! on!itions will apply to an! (overn the en(a(e#ent. 0o variation o+ these ter#s an! on!itions will .e e++e tive )nless #)t)ally a(ree! in writin( an! si(ne! .y an a)thorise! si(natory.

'his -(ree#ent s)perse!es any prior a(ree#ent .etween the parties whether written or oral an! any s) h prior a(ree#ents are an elle! as at the "o##en e#ent Date .)t witho)t pre/)!i e to any ri(hts3 whi h have alrea!y a r)e! to either o+ the parties. =.1% >ea!in(s ontaine! in this -(ree#ent are +or re+eren e p)rposes only an! sho)l! not .e in orporate! into this -(ree#ent an! shall not .e !ee#e! to .e any in!i ation o+ the #eanin( o+ the la)ses to whi h they relate. =.11 'he +ail)re o+ either party to en+or e at any ti#e or +or any perio! any one or #ore o+ the ter#s or on!itions o+ this -(ree#ent shall not .e a waiver o+ the# or o+ the ri(ht at any ti#e s).se8)ently to en+or e all ter#s an! on!itions o+ this -(ree#ent. =.12 'he "lient or the "ons)ltant #ay assi(n the .ene+it o+ this -(ree#ent either in whole or in part to any thir! party provi!e! that "lient an! the ori(inal "ons)ltant shall re#ain lia.le to per+or# its here)n!er. =.1& 0either party will .e lia.le +or +ail)re to per+or# its here)n!er i+ the +ail)re res)lts +ro# +or e #a/e)re3 - t o+ Bo!3 re+)sal o+ any li en e or onsent or any other a t o+ any national3 +e!eral3 state or lo al (overn#ent a)thority or any !epart#ent3 a(en y or representative thereo+3 +ire3 explosion3 a i!ent3 in!)strial !isp)te or anythin( .eyon! s) h party4s reasona.le ontrol. 7+ the assi(n#ent is s)spen!e!3 "lient 7+ this a(ree#ent is +r)strate! .y +or e #a/e)re or anythin( .eyon! either parties4 reasona.le ontrol neither "lient nor the "ons)ltant will have any lia.ility to #a6e any pay#ent to the provi!er ex ept to the extent o+ wor6 a t)ally arrie! o)t. =.1C -ny ter#s or on!itions ontaine! in s he!)le 1 whi h on+li ts with this a(ree#ent a)to#ati ally overri!es this a(ree#ent. =.1= 'his a(ree#ent shall .e (overne! .y -)stralian law in every parti )lar in l)!in( +or#ation an! interpretation an! shall .e !ee#e! to have .een #a!e in -)stralia.

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