New Age Books Abroad Fall-Winter '03-'04

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New Age (and Other) Books Abroad

Volume 3, Number 2, Fall-Winter 2003

A listing of New Age books recently published in the U.S. and abroad, with contact information. Foreign rights are available for all these books; for further information, please contact the publisher directly. From NEW PARADIGM BOOKS, 22491 Vistawood Way, Boca Raton, FL 33428, Tel.: (561) 482-5971, Toll-Free: (800) 808-5179, FAX: (561) 852-8322, E-mail: <>, Web: <>. No charge for individual copies/subscriptions. Available in hardcopy. If you'd like a reading copy of a particular book, contact the particular publisher directly. We also feature books from other than "New Age" publishers; see especially, in this issue, our True Crime section. We will list books from all countries & in all languages. We are not an agent or a broker or a consultant, and charge only for the inclusion of books in New Age Books Abroad . Contact us for rates.

Animal Rights/Holocaust Eternal Treblinka: Our Treatment of Animals and the Holocaust By Charles Patterson 3 Atlantis Discovery of Atlantis: The Startling Case for the Island of Cyprus By Robert Sarmast 4 Bible Code Future Prospects of the World According to the Bible Code By Joseph Noah 4 ETs/Ufology The Challenge of Contact: A Mainstream Journalists Report on Interplanetary Diplomacy By Phillip H. Krapf 5 Health & Diet As For Tomorrow, I Cannot Say: 33 Years with Multiple Sclerosis By Diana Neutze 5 The Wine Lovers Diet By Joseph Harrington, with a foreword by Richard Kunin, M.D. 6 Past Lives Harem Sister By Michele Fountaine 6 Spirituality: Channeling Conversations with Eternity: The Forgotten Masterpiece of Victor Hugo Translated with a commentary by John Chambers with an introduction by Martin Ebon 7 Reflections on My Eternal Light: Spiritual Messages from the Masters Channeled by Jan Manzi 7 The Song That Never Ended: A Jazz Musicians Journey to a Love Beyond Life By John Novello 8 The Sirian Revelations trilogy: (I)The Cosmos of Soul: A WakeUp Call for Humanity; (II) Atlantis Rising: The Struggle of Darkness and Light; (III) No More Secrets, No More Lies: A Handbook to Starseed Awakening By Patricia Cori 1 Spirituality & Mental Health: Therapies and Practices Be Peace Now: A Course for Peaceweavers: The Course and Journal By Laurella Shanti Gaia 8 The Book on Karuna Reiki: Advanced Healing Energy for Our Evolving World By Laurella Shanti Gaia 9 Effective Self Hypnosis: Pathways to the Unconscious By C. Alexander Simpkins Ph.D and Annellen M. Simpkins Ph.D 9 Spiritual Enlightenment: The Damnedest Thing By Jed McKenna 10 Timeless Teachings from the Therapy Masters By C. Alexander Simpkins Ph.D and Annellen M. Simpkins Ph.D 10 True Crime Death of an Angel: The Inside Story of How Justice Prevailed in the San Francisco Dog-Mauling Case By Joseph Harrington 11 Justice Denied: The Ng Case: The Most Infamous and Expensive Murder Case in History By Joseph Harrington and Robert Burger 12 Profiles in Murder: An FBI Legend Dissects Killers and Their Crimes By Russell Vorpagel and Joseph Harrington with a foreword by Ann Rule 12

The Sirian Revelations (I)

The Cosmos of Soul: A WakeUp Call for Humanity By Patricia Cori

ISBN 0717130568. Paper. 190 pp. Gateway Books, imprint of Gill and Macmillan (Ireland). March 2001. $13.95. The Cosmos of Soul is a collection of channeled teachings received from extraplanetary beings who identify themselves as The Speakers, Sirians of the High Council messengers of Universal Truth and the Ancient Wisdom. It is the first volume of a trilogy, The Sirian Revelations, which seeks to provide the reader with keys to unlocking the secrets of our acceleration out of limitation and into the Light. The doomsday consciousness of today has begun to seep into every layer of human thought and behavior a disempowering, alienating belief system. Therefore, we must now, more than ever before, learn to believe in our capacity to change that paradigm and affect the destiny of the human race and of Planet Earth herself. Only then, the book says, can we find resolution of the problems dominating our personal and global realities. Perhaps what is most significant in the illuminations of the Speakers is their detailed explanation of what we can really expect after 2012 (the closing of the Mayan Calendar), when galactic events are predicted to forever change life on our planet and how we can turn our growing fear and irrational behavior into positive action both as individuals and as members of the greater family of beings. RIGHTS SOLD: Bulgarian, Swedish. ALL OTHER RIGHTS AVAILABLE

The Sirian Revelations (II)

Atlantis Rising: The Struggle of Darkness and Light By Patricia Cori

This, the third book of The Sirian Revelations trilogy, is dedicated to revealing the misinformation that has been utilized to disempower the human race while illuminating the fundamentals that are necessary tools for those who intend to ascend with Planet Earth. Its purpose is to reveal the most pressing concerns surrounding the great conspiracy that, for millennia, has deterred humankind from achieving absolute liberation and its birthright as the super race of our realm. It is intended as a guide to our liberation from the designs of the dark warriors, and designed to serve as a manual for clearing our minds, once and for all, of the debris that has settled as conviction in our personal and collective belief systems. For this endeavor, the culmination of the trilogy, the Sirian High Council is aided and joined by light beings from the eighth dimension: the Overlighted Ones. Their contribution raises the vibrational essence of the material to an even higher frequency; for many, it is a vehicle of attunement and a way out of the maze of fear and powerlessness that has held them from fulfilling their mission. RIGHTS SOLD: Swedish. ALL OTHER RIGHTS AVAILABLE

ISBN 0595202039. Paper. 190 pp. Author s Choice Press ( October 2001. $16.95. At a time when the lost continent is rising to the foreground in our consciousness, the Sirian teachings help us to integrate the knowledge of Atlantis and the fear of the Late Days fear, they tell us, that we have held in our collective memory until now. Its message educates us to the energies at work in the final hours of the Atlantean civilization. Its intention is to explore the ongoing struggle which plagues humankind and our planet, while empowering us with the truth and free will choices that are ours to claim as 21st century residents of a cosmic being about to ascend into the fourth dimension. We are asked to utilize the information to balance the scales of darkness and light at this pivotal moment a time that parallels the Last Generation of Atlantis for all humanity, our Earth and the Cosmos. The premise of these teachings is that those who are drawn to this information were most likely there, struggling in the polar conflict of energies which eventually brought Atlantis to its doom, and that we have come back now to help prevent it from happening all over again. It is a startling, gripping book, determined to blow the tops off our cages, as it opens us even more to the knowledge of how we have been manipulated as a race from the days of Atlantis, and how we can break free of the chains that have been placed upon us. It calls for all of humankind to rise against the Power those who secretly rule over our world and to reclaim our freedom as guardians of Planet Earth and sovereign beings of the greater galactic family. A truly empowering read. RIGHTS SOLD: Swedish. ALL OTHER RIGHTS AVAILABLE

Patricia Coris new book, The Sirian Seal, is due out in early 2004. The booklet, a treatise on psychic protection, comes with a copper medallion to be utilized for aura enhancement, attunement and protection.
PATRICIA CORI was born in the San Francisco Bay Area and immigrated to Rome, Italy, in 1983. In 1995 she founded the LightWorks Association (a non-profit organization), one of the first Spirit centers to appear in Rome, whose studios served as a healing center, a school and the citys only New Age Library. She is a prominent figure in the New Age movement, well-known on the international lecture circuit and offering courses, seminars and workshops in the U.S. and abroad on a vast range of topics. She is committed to visiting all of the sacred sites of the planet and has journeyed repeatedly to Egypt, the Crop Circles in England, Tibet, Nepal, Burma, Thailand, Angkor Wat, Crete, the main island of Hawaii, and many others. In 1996, she established the LightWorks travel club, Mystical Journeys, and later that year led a group of travelers to Nepal and Tibet. Patricia Cori has been actively channeling the Speakers of the Sirian High Council (Light Beings from the sixth dimension) since her first visit to the crop circles of England in 1996, and she continues to lecture on and publish their messages. The Cosmos of Soul is truly a wake-up call for humanity. I am recommending it to all my fans and friends. Miss Cori is right: Humanity is due for an evolutionary leap. - Ruth Montgomery, author, Strangers Among Us A MUST READ! This past year, Ive read some important books from the Bible and Plato up to the latest by the Dalai Lama. However, this is one that stood out as touching on some of the most urgent events happening now and seemingly likely to occur in the near future....There are now and have always been such channelings. This one (The Cosmos of Soul) rings so true that one feels impelled to share its message with others. - Lola Stone, co-author, Celestial 911 Makes great reading! - Richard Hoagland, author, Monuments of Mars Most enjoyable... - Jim Marrs, author, Rule by Secrecy The second volume of The Sirian Revelations , a three-volume series transmitted to author Patricia Cori by the Sirian High Council, Atlantis Rising is a compelling read....If you enjoyed Barbara Marciniaks The Bringers of the Dawn, this book is definitely for you! - Vision Magazine, April 2002 I have been in the book business for over 25 years and have not seen a demand for a book like this (Atlantis Rising) since we sold nearly 500 copies of Jose Arguelless book The Mayan Factor the three months prior to Harmonic Convergence in August 1987. - Doug Kimball, Owner, Controversial Bookstore, San Diego, CA The Cosmos of Soul is indeed the most brilliant book I have read in years, and certainly one of the most important. The Genesis analysis should be required reading for everyone. It is fantastic, and it makes such sense....I am thrilled with your ability to connect so powerfully, and I eagerly await further revelations. - Turtle Rattle Woman, Native American shaman of the Tsulagi tribe

The Sirian Revelations (III)

No More Secrets, No More Lies: A Handbook to Starseed Awakening By Patricia Cori

ISBN 8890104007. Paper. 230 pp. Lightworks Press. March 2003. $17.95.

I love these books! Great work! A job well done! - Dr. Joshua Stone, The Melchizedek Light Academy ...A life-changing experience which has created an expansion of spirits to levels only remembered... A million thanks to Patricia. - Isis Livingstone, Shambhala Health and Healing Retreat, Glastonbury, England [Atlantis Rising]...fills in the timeline of the passing of the Nebiru that people like Zacharia Sitchin have eluded to, but have never revealed. It answers the true meaning of the HAARP program up in Alaska and the chemtails in our skies. And the answer is beyond what you could ever dream of. - Chad Steingraber, Reviewer, AMAZON.COM Contact: Patricia Cori Via San Cesareo 3 Colle di Fuori Rome 00040 Italy Tel: (39) 06 946-00003, Fax: (39) 06 946-00107 E-mail: <> Website: <>

Charles Pattersons book will go a long way towards righting the terrible wrongs that human beings throughout history have perpetrated on nonhuman animals. I urge you to read Eternal Treblinka and think deeply about its important message. - Dr. Jane Goodall Eternal Treblinka should be on every list of essential reading for an informed citizenry...for the compelling comprehensiveness of the life-anddeath story it tells. - National Jewish Post & Opinion There are good books...entertaining, useful, informative; great books...whose message reveals a fundamental truth previously unknown or overlooked; and important books...that can save lives and ameliorate suffering: Eternal Treblinka is all three. - Satya Magazine, New York City The moral challenge posed by Eternal Treblinka turns it into a must for anyone who seeks to delve into the universal lesson of the Holocaust. Maariv (Israeli newspaper) Important and timely...written with great sensitivity and compassion. I hope that Eternal Treblinka will be widely read. - Martyrdom and Resistance (Holocaust publication) It is seldom that such a comprehensive work of scholarship springs from a heart of compassion in the service of a noble and necessary idea. All the ingredients of your thesisthat the oppression of animals serves as the model for all other forms of oppressionhave been available to thinking people for generations, but it remained for you to pull them together. Helen Weaver, author of The Daisy Sutra Powerful, moving, gut-wrenching, brilliantdestined to be a classic. Aviva Cantor, journalist and author It grips like a thriller. - The Freethinker (UK) ...promises to be one of the most influential books of the 21st century. -Dr. Karen Davis, United Poultry Concerns RIGHTS SOLD: Czech, German, Italian, Polish. ALL OTHER RIGHTS AVAILABLE Contact: Dr. Charles Patterson 545 West End Avenue - 12d New York, New York 10024 Tel/Fax: (212) 874-5664 E-mail: <> Website: <>

Our Treatment of Animals and the Holocaust By Charles Patterson

ISBN 1930051999. Paper. 312 pp. March 2002. Lantern Books. $20.00. The title of the book is from a short story by the Yiddish writer and Nobel Laureate Isaac Bashevis Singer (1904-91), to whom the book is dedicated: In relation to them, all people are Nazis; for the animals it is an eternal Treblinka. The book examines the origins of human supremacy, describes the emergence of industrialized slaughter of both animals and people in modern times, and concludes with profiles of Jewish and German animal advocates on both sides of the Holocaust, including Isaac Bashevis Singer himself. About the Author: Charles Patterson, Ph.D., is the author of The Oxford 50th Anniversary Book of the United Nations, Anti-Semitism: The Road to the Holocaust and Beyond , The Civil Rights Movement , and From Buchenwald to Carnegie Hall (co-author). He lives in New York City. In Eternal Treblinka we are presented for the first time with extensive evidence of the profoundly troubling connections between animal exploitation in the United States and Hitlers Final Solution. - from the Foreword by Lucy Rosen Kaplan, Esq. Compelling, controversial, iconoclastic...strongly recommended...a unique contribution. - Midwest Book Review

Interested in buying rights to any of the books advertised in NEW AGE BOOKS ABROAD? Please contact the specific publisher directly for complimentary reading copies. We only advertise; you and the publisher do the rest. NEW AGE BOOKS ABROAD, Volume 3, Number 2, is Copyright 2003 by New Paradigm Books, 22491 Vistawood Way, Boca Raton, FL 33428, U.S.A., Tel.: (561) 482-5971, Toll-Free: (800) 808-5179, Fax: (561) 852-8322, E-mail: <>, Website: <>. Please contact us for advertising rates. Those wishing to advertise in Volume 3, Number 3, should contact us by no later than March 25, 2004.

Discovery of Atlantis
The Startling Case for the Island of Cyprus
By Robert Sarmast

Future Prospects of the World According to the Bible Code

By Joseph Noah

ISBN 1892138077. Paper. Illustrated with 61 Matrix Slides. 208 pp. February 2002. New Paradigm. $16.95. From The Foreword: On the morning of the 11th of September, 2001, the world changed with the destruction of the World Trade Center in New York. President Bush described it as the beginning of a long struggle between good and evil. He was right. According to the Bible Code, it was the start of a ten-and-a-half-year countdown, the time and half time as prophesied in Daniel 12 of the Old Testament and also described in the last book of the New Testament, The Revelation to John. Using the Bible Code, Joseph Noah searched Daniel and Revelation and uncovered grim prospects for our future: H-bomb wars between East and West, asteroid strikes, plagues, a 20-degree pole shift, a generation of stillborn babies, and much more. He places these prophecies, which he calls only prospects, in the context of previously unknown Bible Code predictions that have come true. The author leads us through a sweeping historical analysis that includes both the known and unknown history of mankind (among the latter: the story of the ever-reincarnating angelic forces that guide our destinies). Noah insists that through acts of goodness we can change our future, and reveals the glowing vistas of peace and prosperity that await mankindif we can only grow up. "A lot of significant new details have been discovered in this book, particularly for the period 2010-2012." - EXODUS 2006 Web Site <http://>. An absolute must-read! - Sean David Morton, Delphi Associates Newsletter, April 2003. "Its depth and focus are intense and eye opening...For those of you that are into religious theology, this is a must read, and would make a wonderful addition to your spiritual library." - Ann Findley, PAATHways Magazine, May-June 2003. This is a scary book in many ways, for it sets out to establish further findings in the Bible Code index. It is also a guide to survival, and for the readers of paranormal writings it will prove interesting reading. - Lee Prosser, Ghostvillage, Sept. 4, 2003. Joseph Noah was interviewed by actress/author Shirley MacLaine, on May 19 & June 2, 2002, on her Independent Expression Radio Program at <>, and by George Noory, on Nov. 10, 2003, on the COAST TO COAST AM Radio Show (formerly The Art Bell Show) <>. Both interviews may be accessed from the archives of these websites. RIGHTS SOLD: Indonesian and Turkish. ALL OTHER RIGHTS AVAILABLE Contact: New Paradigm Books 22491 Vistawood Way Boca Raton, FL 33428 Tel.: (561) 482-5971 Toll-Free: (800) 808-5179 FAX: (561) 852-8322 E-mail: <> Website: <>

ISBN 1579830129. Quality trade paperback. 220 pp. 67 illustrations. Origin Press. October 1, 2003. $22.00. Is Atlantis off the south coast of Cyprus? Find out in this revolutionary interpretation of Platos celebrated story: Plato provided nearly 50 physical clues in his famous dialogue Critiasthe original account of the story of Atlantis. In this book, author Robert Sarmast cracks the Atlantis mystery wide open by demonstrating how simple facts about the eastern Mediterranean region and the island of Cyprus provide a near-perfect match with Platos detailed narrative. View the First Scientific Maps that Reveal the Underwater Location: Exclusive 3-D bathymetric maps based on new scientific data, presented here for the first time in a series of 67 illustrations, show a stretch of sunken land off of Cyprus. The general layout of the landscape of Atlantis as described by Plato is easily discernible in this underwater landmass, as well as the apparent location of its capitalAtlantis City! Discover for Yourself: The Startling Case for the Island of Cyprus: This robust empirical data is joined with other original findings in ancient history, mythology, and natural history, making the case for Cyprus increasingly obvious. With this thoroughly original and plausible theory, author Robert Sarmast brings the legendary island of Atlantis alive in a way that will fascinate and thrill Atlantology fansor anyone who has ever wondered about one of the greatest mysteries of all time. The Expedition: Watch Atlantis Come Alive: With the location so clearly mapped in this book, the next step in this exciting research is an expedition to the region. Humankind may soon witness the filming of the colossal ruins of this once-mighty empire and proceed to resurrect Atlantis from its watery tomb! About the Author: This is the first in a series of books on Atlantis by Robert Sarmast, an independent writer and mythologist who is based in Los Angeles. Sarmast has spent over a decade researching Atlantology and related mysteries of the ancient world. In recent years, a more literal reading of Plato led him to undertake a detailed search for clues in the eastern Mediterranean. His work now includes geophysical data and sophisticated computer modeling of the region. Sarmasts research has culminated with his conclusion that Platos Atlantis is located in the proximity of the island of Cyprus. For further information, go to the authors website at <>. ALL RIGHTS AVAILABLE Contact: Origin Press PO Box 151117 San Rafael, CA 94915 Tel.: (415) 453-4023 Fax: (415) 453-47233 E-mail: <> Website: <>

The Challenge of Contact

A Mainstream Journalists Report on Interplanetary Diplomacy
By Phillip H. Krapf

twenty-first century humanity....I commend Phils courage in speaking out. - Retired Command Sgt. Major Robert O. Dean Intelligent, courageous and coherent...Phillip Krapf serves not only as a reporter for his own extraterrestrial contacts, but also as a spokesperson for the tasks to be completed by humanity. - R. Leo Sprinkle, Ph.D., President of the Board, Academy of Clinical Close Encounter Therapists, and Author of Soul Samples ALL RIGHTS AVAILABLE Contact: Origin Press PO Box 151117 San Rafael, CA 94915 Tel.: (415) 453-4023 Fax: (415) 453-47233 E-mail: <> Website: <>

As For Tomorrow, I Cannot Say

New paperback edition revised and updated since 9/11!
ISBN 1579830099. Paper. 240 pp. Origin Press. Oct. 2002. $12.95. In this historic book, a retired L.A. Times editor who has shared a Pulitzer Prize reports on a coalition of humans and aliens now engaged in extensive interplanetary diplomacywith a goal of open contact. Mr. Krapf, the designated writer and herald for this epic project, shares the daunting challenges this role has forced upon him, in this sequel to his controversial 1998 book, The Contact Has Begun. The Challenge of Contact is Krapfs continuing story of the secret deliberations between a race of alien observers called the Verdants, and some 850 world leaders known as ambassadorsan interplanetary liaison that will soon lead to a formal and public announcement of contact. This book chronicles the dramatic events of Krapfs second period of sojourn on the Verdant craft, which occurred in 1999. It also reports key events of ground contact with a Verdant representative, with two unnamed Ambassadorsincluding a former editorial executive at the L.A. Times and with his own guardian angel. Upon his initial abduction onto the Verdant craft in 1997, Krapf discovered that he was hand-picked by this advanced alien race to be their designated star reporter for the contact project. This eagerly-awaited second book explains the predicament faced by the human/Verdant team that is planning imminent contact, picking up the thread of what may be the most important story Mr. Krapf, or any other journalist, has ever reported. About the Author: Phillip H. Krapf worked for 25 years as an editor on the Metro copy desk at the Los Angeles Times. During that time, he shared in a Pulitzer Prize as a member of the Metro staff that covered the L.A. riots of 1992. Before his retirement a few years later, Krapf had spent a total of 30 years in the newspaper business, starting out as a cub reporter and eventually becoming the managing editor of a suburban newspaper in the San Fernando Valley, before moving on to the L.A. Times. Krapfs first ET contact experience was chronicled in The Contact Has Begun (Hay House, 1998), selling 20,000 copies. His second book, The Challenge of Contact (Origin Press, 2001), relates his subsequent contact experience. His third contact with the alien race known as the Verdants occurred on the evening of September 11, 2001. This is chronicled in the updated paperback edition of The Challenge of Contact just published by Origin Press. There is an overriding logic to the scenario Krapf depicts. Could peaceful contact really be managed any other way? - UFO Magazine I ask that people regard the revelations in Phillip Krapfs book with the same attention they directed to the Pentagon Papers in 1971. - Daniel Sheehan, Chief Counsel for civil litigation in the Iran-Contra affair and Chief Counsel, Karen Silkwood case There was just something about Phillip Krapf that rang true, I guess thats all I can say. Over several hours the story held uphe held up. - Art Bell, Coast to Coast Radio Phil Krapfs The Challenge of Contact is in my opinion an honest, bona fide and courageous report of a real and explosive new reality for modern

33 Years with Multiple Sclerosis

By Diana Neutze

A joint publication of New Paradigm Books and Hazard Press, New Zealand <>. ISBN 1877270172 (N.Z.). ISBN 1892138069 (U.S.). Paper. 104 pp. Feb. 2002 (U.S.). $13.95. New Zealand poet Diana Neutze was in her late 20s, living in London with her husband and young son, when she discovered that she had multiple sclerosis. More than three decades later, wheelchair-bound and largely confined to her Christchurch home, she has told her remarkable story. Fiercely independent and passionately determined, she has fought the illness with every psychological and physical weapon in her armory. As For Tomorrow, I Cannot Say is a tribute to the power of the human spirit. "I am recommending it to young doctors because it contains insights into managing multiple sclerosis that they will not find in their textbooks." - Jon Simcock, M.D., Neurological Foundation of New Zealand, Auckland A manifesto of spunk...the best thing about this little book is that 'victim' isnt part of Neutzes vocabulary." - J. Godfrey, Wanganui newspapers "This book is a revelation and an inspiration....[It] deserves to remain in print forever, as a classic resource." - Rachel McAlpine, Quality Web Content "A story of courage, determination and extraordinary creativity." - Helen J. ONeill, TAKAHE Literary Magazine "Reading this book was a little like being carried along by some unknown force...raises many of the issues with which people who have a chronic illness must wrestle....all clearly articulated." - Angela Allen, EREMOS ALL RIGHTS AVAILABLE Contact: New Paradigm Books 22491 Vistawood Way Boca Raton, FL 33428 Tel.: (561) 482-5971/Toll-Free: (800) 808-5179 FAX: (561) 852-8322 E-mail: <> Website: <>

The Wine Lovers Diet

By Joseph Harrington, with a foreword by Richard Kunin, M.D.

I learned more from this simple diet, in one day, than from all the fad diet books Ive ever seen. I havent gained a pound in the ten years since I became aware of it. - Paul Reyff, real estate developer, retired U.S. Admiral, Napa, CA ALL RIGHTS AVAILABLE Contact: Quantum Entertainment 228 Commercial Street Nevada City, CA 95959 Tel.: (530) 265-5684 Fax: (530) 265-6966 E-mail: <QEAngel@Netshel.Net>

Harem Sister By Michele Fountaine

Widely distributed in winery gift shops around the U. S. Largesized paperback. Illustrated with 24 original black and white drawings. 188 pp. 1995. Quantum Entertainment. $9.95. The Wine Lovers Diet shows you how you can drink your daily quotient of wine, eat all the sauces and steaks and cheese you want, and still lose weight. The secret is to cut out excessive carbohydrates. As the author puts it, The Wine Lovers Diet is great because you dont have to create daily menu plans. All you have to do is stay away from the major offenders: bread, potatoes, pastriesanything with sugar and starch. These foods convert to fat in the body, whereas fat in the diet is generally burned off in energy. Wine contains zero carbohydrates. The Wine Lovers Diet was conceived in the wine capital of America the Napa Valley as a way of showing wine lovers how they can enjoy all the known benefits of wine (now recognized by the Surgeon General) and at the same time maintain or even lose weight. As the book demonstrates, its a matter of choosing the foods that go best with wineand, fortunately, these happen to be the ones that go best with a low-carb diet. Cheese? No carbsgreat! Steaks, chops, seafood? No carbsgreat! Green, leafy vegetables? A moderate amount of carbs with superior nutritionexcellent! In France, this same approach swept the country in the form of Montignacs book The Glorious Swindle. Dr. Atkins of the Atkins Diet admired the Wine Lovers Diet and endorsed in general its approach (note, though, that the Wine Lovers Diet avoids the measuring and counting of the Atkins Diet). From the Foreword by Dr. Richard Kunin, co-founder with Dr. Linus Pauling of orthomolecular science: As a psychiatrist and a nutritionally-oriented physician, I take great pleasure in endorsing the basic ideas of this joyous book. Food is more than fuel, and the table is more than a chemistry experiment. The uses of wine are many, some of them medical, but surely its greatest endorsement is that wine delights us. In the current fad of denying ourselves the pleasures of eating, out of fear of fat, many of us have become afraid of our basic instincts and even our own bodies. Food should be satisfying, fulfilling not just filling. All good dietary advice is a matter of distinctions, not of scams. Dont listen to any advice that is based on eating only fruit in the morning or eating more and losing weight. I endorse the three basic rules of The Wine Lovers Diet because they take the message of the French Paradox and imbue it with the power of American medical science. Not the least of this power is getting feedback from your dietary habits. Feedback is nothing more or less than listening. Its not hard to listen to your body once you realize that there are real messages there. Your body speaks in subtle terms, and you must take the first step in cutting out the phony messages. But your sense of well-being, of mental acuity, and of zest for life, are messages that I think youll receive with this diet. Take it to heart! I avoid sugar in wine, why not sugar in food? The Wine Lovers Diet was made for me. - Marlene Allen, engineer

ISBN 0615121462. Paper. 192 pp. Wilson & Associates. October 1, 2003. $17.95. Weaving its way through the Persian Empire of 500 BC, Harem Sister takes you from the incense-strung bazaars in Shiraz to the coriander-steeped kitchens of Basra. Past-life memoir, historical novel, feminist study, mystical journey, Harem Sister is many things to many people. There is a fascination with shamanism and the ancient Goddess culture these days. Harem Sister contains both. Additionally, current interest in the combination of quantum physics and spirituality places past-life regression and the lessons it can teach us squarely among the curriculum of the human potential movement. Discover its gift for you. Set in the Persian Empire of 500 B.C., Harem Sister is the story of Amat, a woman beset by challenges. When Amats family is killed and she is drawn into the deceptive pleasures of harem life, she must heed warnings and wisdom to find the self-determination and wherewithal to live her own life. A strong and sensual tale of will and resolve, Harem Sister is an original novel which is based in part upon a past-life experience of the author and so will be of especial interest for students of past-life regression and metaphysical studies. - Midwest Book Review A flame of poetry!-Cerridwen Fallingstar, author of The Heart of the Fire You have a strong and powerful spirit! May the rising spirit in you heal many broken spirits. - Sobonfu Some, author of The Spirit of Intimacy Lovely and evocative descriptions of the dancing and of harem life! Michelle Richmond, author of The Girl in the Fall Away Dress ALL RIGHTS AVAILABLE Contact: Wilson & Associates P.O. Box 2569 Alvin, TX 77511 Tel.: 281-388-0196 Fax: 413-683-8503 E-mail: <> Website: <>

Conversations with Eternity

The Forgotten Masterpiece of Victor Hugo
Translated with a commentary by John Chambers, with an introduction by Martin Ebon

Reflections on My Eternal Light

Spiritual Messages from the Masters
Channeled by Jan Manzi

ISBN 0967872138. Paper. 184 pp. Sept. 2002. Infinite Light. $17.99. ISBN 1892138018. Paper. Ill. 262 pp. New Paradigm. 1998. $13.95. "Compared to the soul-destroying banality of most sance texts, the Marine Terrace corpus is a literary masterpiece, the unconscious product of a naturally dramatic mind" (Graham Robb, Victor Hugo: A Biography, 1997). From August 1853 to December 1855, while in political exile at Marine Terrace, his home on the Channel island of Jersey, the famed author of Les Misrables participated in numerous "table-tapping" sances. At least 115 "spirits" communicated with him, his family and fellow political exiles. The group of alleged discarnate entities included the illustrious dead such as Shakespeare, Plato and Galileo; legendary animals like Balaams Ass and the Lion of Androcles; entities who claimed to have never been alive, like the Shadow of the Sepulcher and Death; a series of abstract concepts with names like India, Metempsychosis, and Ocean; and aliens from the planets Mercury and Jupiter. The first translation into English ever of the most important of the transcripts of these sances, with an introduction by Martin Ebon setting Hugo's channeling experience in its historical context. Were the sance texts really only "the unconscious product of a naturally dramatic mind?" The answer is not simple; in attempting to discover it, Conversations with Eternity takes the reader into the heart of one of the greatest--and least-known--mysteries of all time. "Quite a surprise, quite a delight." - The Anomalist (Best Books of 1998) "This is a total adventure, and I would have given my eye-teeth to be there." - NAPRA Review "Strangely alive, pregnant with a timely spiritual urgency." - Fate "Does fascinate and challenge the reader." - Journal of Religion and Psychical Research "Challenging, memorable, poetic utterances abound." - Foreword "The best book on channeling in years." - Fortean Times I cannot recomend this book highly enough. It will remain with you for thought & contemplation long after youve finished the final page. - Reader, AMAZON.COM RIGHTS SOLD: Greek, Italian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Portuguese, Spanish. ALL OTHER RIGHTS AVAILABLE Contact: New Paradigm Books 22491 Vistawood Way Boca Raton, FL 33428 Tel.: (561) 482-5971 (800) 808-5179 FAX: (561) 852-8322 E-mail: <> Website: <> Reflections on My Eternal Light comprises 165 inspirational messages and blessings from the Ascended Masters. It contains a wealth of compassion, comfort and inspiration for all who welcome Divine Love to guide them through life. The essential message of Reflections on My Eternal Light, channeled from Mary, the Mother of Jesus, is, Beloved Beings of Light, Know that the Father, Universal Mind, forever watches over you, and that the Angelic Beings of Light wish to tell you that you are greatly loved. The Divine Oneness of the Father is Universal. It is One Mind, and One Heart. It is a great and profound Unity and Universal Knowledge that is available to all. Learning the art of listening is allowing your thoughts (ego thoughts) to be set aside. Open your eyes for the inner vision, and open your ears for inner hearing, which comes from the Heart of God. Listen and you will hear us (Mary). Included among the messagers are: Mary, the Mother of Jesus; Saint Germain; LMorya; Quan Yin, Mother of Compassion and Mercy; Sananda, Master Teacher of the World; and I AM that IAM. About the Author: Jan Manzi was born in Island Falls, Maine; a small town in Aroostook County, near the northeastern border of Canada, in a family of three sisters. Through her lifes journey she has been guided to and has developed an ancient Egyptian form of healing. Egyptian Healing is an ancient method of working with the electromagnetic energies of the body, aligning and balancing the mental, emotional, spiritual and physical bodies of the client. Pharaoh Djoser was a healer in the Third Dynasty and oversees all of Jans healing sessions. This healing work consists of implementing her tonal soul name, Ilaniuani, music, color, toning and channeling as guided. Jan became a channel one day when she was sent to a stream in Arizona by El Morya and he instructed her to bring a tape recorder, pad and pencil. There she received her first channeling by Mary. Then, after prayers and meditation at home, she would hear, Get your pen, dear One. Thus Reflections on My Eternal Light was born.. ALL RIGHTS AVAILABLE Contact: Infinite Light P.O. Box 20129 Sedona, AZ 86341 Tel: (928) 204-1216 or (800) 359-3424 E-mail: <info@infinite> Website: <>

Interested in buying rights to any of the books advertised in NEW AGE BOOKS ABROAD? Please contact the specific publisher directly for complimentary reading copies.

The Song That Never Ended

A Jazz Musician's Journey to a Love Beyond Life By John Novello

Be Peace Now
A Course for Peaceweavers: The Course and Journal By Laurella Shanti Gaia

ISBN 096787212X. Paper. 144 pp. September 2003. Infinite Light. Contents: 60 pages of instruction and an 11-week journal. $22. ISBN 1892138093. Paper. Ill. 260 pp. New Paradigm. June 2003. $16.95. Jazz musician John Novello tells the story of how he lost his jazz singer wife to cancer, celebrated her life at a music-filled public life tribute, and found that she had never left him. His story unfolds against the glittering backdrop of the Los Angeles jazz scene of the 1980s-1990s. Through its pages stream a dazzling group of rock stars including Stevie Wonder, Billy Sheehan, Donna Summer, Chick Corea, Ritchie Cole, Manhattan Transfer, A Taste of Honey, and many more. Hammond B3 organist/composer John Novello (also the author of The Contemporary Keyboardist) and virtuoso vocalist Gloria Rusch form a part of this multi-textured tapestry. But place and time take a back seat to the post-life interdimensional communications between John and his deceased wife Gloria; these form the glowing center of this wonderfully moving book. The Song That Never Ended will give heart to all those who have not ceased to mourn a loved one. This is not only a truly fascinating and well-written book, but a valuable contribution to the evidential literature about the Afterlife. - Prof. Dr. Hans Holzer, parapsychologist and author of 126 books including Ghosts and Life Beyond Life. Of the afterlife contacts with his wife, Gloria, the evidence presented supports Johns conclusion that she is still by his side. I recommend this book to all who have lost a loved one. - Donald R. Morse, D.D.S., Ph.D., The Journal of Religion and Psychical Research, Vol. 26, No. 4, October 2003. A profoundly spiritual accounting....a highly recommended addition to New Age spirituality and metaphysical studies reading lists, as well as of immense interest to John Novello fans. - Midwest Review, July 2003. My courses on life after death generally produce positive effects. Mr. Novellos book likewise provides similar support for its readers, although on experiential not empirical grounds, and for that reason is valuable. Arthur Berger, International Institute for the Study of Death, Aventura, FL. What makes this book work so well is its blunt honesty and approach to dying, and how it was for Gloria fighting breast cancer and her husband John trying to discover an alternative cure to save her life. There is much sadness and much joy in this book. - Lee Prosser,, July 21, 2003. Surprisingly bold and refreshing....The book is very well written, easy to cruise through without distraction. I loved reading it. - Craig01, Los Angeles, CA, Reviewer, AMAZON.COM, June 10, 2003. ALL RIGHTS AVAILABLE Contact: New Paradigm Books 22491 Vistawood Way Boca Raton, FL 33428 Tel.: (561) 482-5971 Toll-Free: (800) 808-5179 FAX: (561) 852-8322 E-mail: <> Website: <> Peace is not something we need to search for, it is not even something we need to create. It IS something that we all ARE inside. Being peaceful is a choice that anyone can make. Awaken to the peace that you ARE. We are what we think with our minds and what we know in our hearts. We are the sum of all of our attitudes and our experiences. There is tremendous creative power in every one of our thoughts, words and actions. Thought, prayer, visualization and sound can be blended together into a peaceful heart, or to help manifest our goals. In this course, Laurelle Shanti Gaia explains eight concepts of peaceweaving and manifesting. In the new course book and journal, Laurelle writes, One summer, while on vacation with my family, I was playing in the Atlantic Ocean in Florida. I was pushed under the water by a wave, and was held under for what seemed to be eternity. Just as I began to panic, I was inspired to breathe very gently and not draw the water into my lungs, but to simply ask the oxygen in the water to help me breathe. I did exactly that, and immediately became calm and peaceful hands of light. I then saw a light growing gradually brighter and from this light a form came forth. I recognized this form to be Jesus, and he was surrounded by many spiritual beings, that I now recognize to be Buddha, Mother Mary and Kwan Yin. As this form appeared clearer to me, from his heart area a bubble of light appeared. It was beautiful, shimmering and irridescent. The bubble dissolved, slowly and gently and from it emerged a beautiful energetic representation of the Christed Consciousness, the essence of enlighenment, Utumei; and I heard . . . Laurelle, remember, remember, remember. With this together we shall create peace. In that moment I found myself standing up, unharmed and very happy to be alive. I didnt think much of this experience for many years. However, powerful events in my life unfolded to teach me of energy, and the fact that we are all spiritual beings capable of radiating the full power of Divine healing love, and that we are truly limitless. In 1994, Utumei returned and I began to receive light and energetic messages containing certain vibrations and information. One of the messages said that these were transmissions of Infinite Light. I timidly began to share this information, as I was guided, with people who I knew to be experienced with healing energies, prayer and the power of positive thought. To my humble and utter amazement, every person who allowed the essence of the transmissions into their personal lives, or their healing work, reported beautiful experiences of healing, spiritual growth and empowerment. Many have found that, after exposure and integration of these energies, they became keenly aware of their personal calling in life. They awakened to their latent abilities as artists, musicians, composers, healers, effective parents, inspirational speakers, etc. Simply by allowing their own Infinite Light, people are remembering who they are.... ALL RIGHTS AVAILABLE Contact: Infinite Light P.O. Box 20129 Sedona, AZ 86341 Tel: (928) 204-1216 or (800) 359-3424 E-mail: <info@infinite> Website: <>

The Book on Karuna Reiki Advanced Healing Energy for

Our Evolving World
By Laurella Shanti Gaia

Effective Self Hypnosis

Pathways to the Unconscious
By C. Alexander Simpkins Ph.D and Annellen M. Simpkins Ph.D

ISBN 096787212X. Paper. 160 pp. June 2001. Infinite Light. $22.95. Karuna Reiki is a healing energy that assists us in awakening to Universal compassion and the wisdom of our soul. Compassion is a state of consciousness, which when combined with energy, has great transformational power. In The Book on Karuna Reiki, you will learn about: The historical and spiritual origins of Karuna Reiki; Uses for the Karuna symbols; Discerning spiritual guidance; Using Karuna energy with crystals and gemstones; Working with Archangel realms, spiritual masters, and Divine temples; Visualization and prayer in healing; including sample prayers; The evolving human subtle energy system; Cellular and soul level healing; Karuna techniques assist in healing or facilitating: Addictive Behavior, Allergies, Anxiety, Bleeding, Cellular Memory Release, Chakra Balancing, Chemotherapy, Delusion and Denial, Developing Healthy Habits, Ancestors, Future, Karmic Issues, Mental Focus and Grounding, Physical Injuries-Emergencies, Resistance to Healing, and Spiritual Growth; How to give a Karuna session including, preparing sacred space, the healing altar, preparing the client; Personal, physical preparations for spiritual work. This book is written for anyone interested in Reiki. It is also a great supplemental training manual for Karuna Reiki Master Teachers to use in their classes. The evolution of Karuna Reiki has been a joy to behold and this book is a gift to the Reiki community....The realization that we are all one and the need for compassion in everyday living is more relevant than ever. Karuna Reiki classes are the beginning or introduction to this compassionate healing energy. The Book on Karuna Reiki reinforces, further explains, and builds on what it taught in class. There is additional information as well as suggestions as to how to incorporate Karuna energies into our lives as well as our healing practice. The Karuna Reiki techniques provide guidance on how to work with clients that suffer from allergies, addictive behaviors, anxiety, and cellular memory release to name but a few. Laurelles prayers and invocations are inspirational. I especially enjoyed the information on spiritual guidance. Laurelle describes the various Archangels, their divine purpose, as well as colors, chakras and crystals associated with those angels.... - Kathi Lipinski, RN, Licensed Karuna Reiki Master RIGHTS SOLD: French, Spanish, Swedish. ALL OTHER RIGHTS AVAILABLE Contact: Infinite Light P.O. Box 20129 Sedona, AZ 86341 Tel: (928) 204-1216 or (800) 359-3424 E-mail: <info@infinite> Website: <>

ISBN 0967911303: Hardcover. 256 pp. Radiant Dolphin Press. April 2000. $29.95. ISBN 0967911311: Hardcover plus 55-minute cassette tape. 256 pp. Radiant Dolphin Press. April 2000. $44.95 (book and audiocassette). (Tape is available separately as Steps to Self Hypnosis, ISBN 0967911338, $14.95) * * * * Provides fascinating background to the phenomenon of hypnosis Develops mental tools to facilitate the process Offers step-by-step instructions for inducing self hypnosis Presents clear applications to improve living

Authors C. Alexander Simpkins Ph.D and Annellen M. Simpkins Ph.D have created a comprehensive guide to the theory and practice of self hypnosis. Beginning with a history of the phenomenon, they provide a firm foundation to an understanding of the process. The key concepts of hypnosisthe unconscious, mind/body, suggestionare used as building blocks in the development of an understanding of the practice of hypnosis. Exercises make these concepts readily accessible to the practitioner. The step-by-step instructions allow the student to gradually acquire the skills needed to induce self-suggestion and trance phenomena. The final section of the book shows how these skills may be profitably used in a number of areas: to enhance learning, skill in sports, and self control; to overcome pain and fear; to break bad habits; and to lessen stress. The authors encourage the creative individualizing of the method. The companion tape, Steps to Self Hypnosis, supplements the book. On Side One, the authors answer frequently asked questions and give exercises to learn about suggestion and trance. On Side Two, they guide the listener through the induction of self hypnosis and its use for relaxation and stress reduction. About the Authors: C. Alexander Simpkins Ph.D and Annellen M. Simpkins Ph.D are psychologists who specialize in understanding the mind. They have taught hypnosis to people of all ages and have written numerous books, including Principles of Meditation, Living Meditation, Zen Around the World, and the renowned Simple series: Simple Zen, Simple Taoism, Simple Confucianism , Simple Buddhism and Simple Tibetan Buddhism. They are the authors of a Easy Lessons for Spiritual Growth ; Zen in Ten: Easy Lessons for Spiritual Growth ; and the forthcoming Buddhism in Ten: Easy Lessons for Spiritual Growth. The authors other works include Chung Do Kwan: The Power of Tae Kwon Do, a book on the martial arts; A Perfect World, a novel with a spiritual message and a martial arts hero; and Timeless Teachings from the Therapy Masters, a book about humanistic approaches to psychotherapy. Upcoming books are Yoga Basics and Modern Self-Hypnosis. Many of the authors books have been translated into foreign languages, including French, Spanish, Dutch, Swedish, Russian, Bulgarian and Italian.

An unusually lucid presentation and integration....This book gains an extra dimension of reality through the use of exercises throughout the text. For every bit of theory introduced, there is an exercise to illustrate it. - Ernest L. Rossi, Ph.D. I have read this book and was very favorably impressed with it. The detailed historic overview of hypnosis well presents the progression of understandings and the differences of emphasis in that field....I believe my late husband, Milton H. Erickson, would have been pleased with this book. - Elizabeth M. Erickson Effective Self written for professionals who are interested in helping themselves or their clients, using some hypnosis facilitation, and for the person who is interested in developing skills in self-hypnosis to bring about changes. It is unusual that any book can meaningfully appeal to such a broad audience, but the Simpkins have accomplished this. - Milton H. Erickson Foundation Newsletter RIGHTS SOLD (through Tuttle softcover edition): Italian, Russian, Spanish. ALL OTHER RIGHTS AVAILABLE Contact: Radiant Dolphin Press San Diego, California Tel.: (858) 488-0907 E-mail: <>/ <> Website: <>

Jed McKennas description of life after enlightenment is so good that 99.9% of his readers might not understand how truly profound it really is....This is the least mystical book about enlightenment imaginable and that is its greatest feat. Satyam Nadeen, author, From Onions to Pearls, From Seekers to Finders I loved Jeds book. I stayed up past midnight reading it. I recommend it because it goes to the root. It demands everything, it relentlessly urges you further, and best of all, if you fall into distracting yourself by trying to make something out of Jed, theres truly nobody there! You are left with the simple question: what is true? For those who are ready to give up everything and find nothing, this unique and unconventional book is a multi-layered journey behind the veils, pointing you straight into the void. - Joan Tollifson, author, Bare-Bones Meditation: Waking Up from the Story of My Life RIGHTS SOLD: German. ALL OTHER RIGHTS AVAILABLE Contact: Wisefool Press 308 E. Burlington, #294 Iowa City, IA 52240 E-mail: <> Website: <>

Timeless Teachings from the Therapy Spiritual Enlightenment: Masters By C. Alexander Simpkins Ph.D and Annellen M. Simpkins Ph.D The Damnedest Thing
By Jed McKenna

ISBN 0967911346. Paper. 166 pp. Radiant Dolphin Press. September 2001. $18.95. Timeless Teachings from the Therapy Masters gives a personal perspective from early founders and proponents of humanistic methods. For each of these founding fathers, the book includes a personal interview, a theory section, and an extensive set of exercises to help readers integrate the teachings into their own practice. These innovative teachers come from different backgrounds (medical doctors, psychologists, counselors, and hypnotists) and yet they walked on common ground in their belief that therapy is most effective when therapists treat their patients and clients as persons first. Timeless Teachings won first place for New Age Books in the San Diego Book Awards for books published in 2001. Jerome D. Frank, M.D., Ph.D, former head of the Phipps Clinic Research Team at Johns Hopkins Medical School, was one of the first researchers to discover the non-specific factors common to all therapies. His extensive research project, carried out over 25 years, revealed the humanistic grounding for effective therapy in such factors as faith and hope, a strong therapeutic relationship, and many others. John C. Whitehorn, M.D., former Director of Phipps Clinic at Johns Hopkins University Hospital, had a common-sense approach to therapy that let the inner meaning of the patient be his guide. He taught how to perform an interview that not only gathers information but also opens the patient to the process.

ISBN 0971435235. Paper. 296 pp. Wisefool Press. Dec. 2002. $21.95. Author, teacher and spiritual master Jed McKenna tells it like its never been told before. A true American original, Jed succeeds where countless others have failed by reducing this highest of attainmentsspiritual enlightenmentto the simplest of terms. Effectively demystifying the mystical, Jed astonishes the reader not by adding to the worlds collected spiritual wisdom, but by taking the spirituality out of spiritual enlightenment. Never before has this elusive topic been treated in so engaging and accessible a manner. A masterpiece of illuminative writing, Spiritual Enlightenment is mandatory reading for anyone following a spiritual path. Part expos and part how-to manual, this is the first book to explain why failure seems to be the rule in the search for enlightenmentand how the rule can be broken. (Mr. McKennas second book, Spiritually Incorrect Enlightenment, will be available January 2004.) Absolutely marvelous, splendid, perfect book! - Acharyaji Anatole, Abhidhyan Yoga Institute McKenna is an American original, and his delightful Spiritual Enlightenment is just whats needed to wake us up from slumber. - Lama Surya Das, author, Awakening the Buddha Within


Both Carl Rogers, Ph.D, renowned creator of client-centered therapy, and Arthur Combs, Ph.D., a founding father of humanistic psychology, showed how to reach deeply into the personal meaning of the client and empathize accurately for best results. The famous hypnotherapist Milton H. Erickson, M.D., presented innovative and creative ways to work with the unconscious mind, often bypassing conscious limits that hold people back. Psychologist G. Wilson Shaffer, Director of the Johns Hopkins University Counseling Center and Dean of Johns Hopkins, helped shape the way that psychotherapy is done today. He taught how to integrate methods together while working sensitively with personality to enlist the clients resources. Timeless Teachings from the Therapy Masters is the kind of book that would be a great help to someone considering going into the profession of psychotherapy. Even those already in the field could use this as a guide as to how to become a master therapist. - Milton H. Erickson Foundation Newsletter The Simpkins work integrates and transcends psychotherapy theory, practice and culture. It should be mandatory reading for all who practice or study psychotherapy. - Lawrence Ryan, Vice President and Academic Dean, St. Johns Seminary College In their latest offering, Timeless Teachings from the Therapy Masters, the Simpkins have done a superb job in highlighting factors that are germane to the process of psychotherapy. Their examination of six hallmark figures in psychotherapy theory, research and practice must be described as intimate, insightful and enlightening. - Anglo-American Book Club ALL RIGHTS AVAILABLE Contact: Radiant Dolphin Press San Diego, California Tel.: (858) 488-0907 E-mail:<>/ <> Website: <>

owners, rather than displaying remorse or sympathy, were arrogant, confrontational, and even blamed the victim. The case quickly brought other civil rights issues onto its agenda. Primary among them was the basic principle of recompense to the life-partner of the victim; this right was all but denied before the monolithic silence of a civil law system that ignored same-sex relationships. The case sparked discussion on numerous talk shows of issues like public safety and the responsibilities of animal lovers. All around the world, the media used the murder of Diane Whipple to subject to harsh scrutiny the rights of same-sex partners. Exploring the personalities and motivations of the participants in this drama, Joseph Harrington highlights many of the other issues that the Diane Whipple case impacted, including those of animal rights, the responsibilities of humans toward pets, the diverse motivations behind adoption, and the rights of samesex partners. As a result of the Whipple case, California law has changed in myriad ways. Death of an Angel is in part a tribute to Senior Police Officer Lieutenant Henry Hunter, who led the investigation of this horrific case from hell, and to the District Attorneys Office, which carefully carried out its prosecution. Both together secured an unprecendented jury conviction of second-degree murder for one of the dogs two owners. Death of an Angel is the story of the men and women of the law and order profession who sought to ensure that justice would ultimately prevail in the prosecution of the monstrous and preventable death of a wonderful, irreplacable, human being. Death of an Angel and author Joseph Harrington were featured on a segment of A & E Televisions American Justice in Aug. 2003. Commenting on the case on her January 18, 2002 television show, Oprah Winfrey described it as a gruesome story that shocked us all, the grisly dog-mauling death of a San Francisco woman. Amazingly compelling, written with respect. - P.J. Corkery, San Francisco Examiner, June 15, 2002 Harrington has a hit. A fascinating inside look. Uncommon backstage access to police and prosecutors. - Nels Johnson, Marin Independent Journal, July 21, 2002 Death of an Angel is an extraordinary rip-roaring yarn that gives us an unprecedented view into the minds of pathological liars. - Russell Vorpagel, Former Agent, FBI, Co-founder, Behavioral Science Unit (Profiling) One underlying theme of this fine book is the excellence of police work in helping prosecutors achieve justice in the courts. - Frank M. Jordan, Former Mayor and Chief of Police, City and County of San Francisco Death of an Angel takes the reader on a palpably vivid dimensional journey of discovery of the light and dark sides of the human existence. - Iline Kroll Kittredje, Ph.D, counselling psychologist Death of an Angel has more twists and turns than a Hitchcock thriller. - Marty Nolan, The Boston Globe ALL RIGHTS AVAILABLE Contact: Quantum Entertainment 228 Commercial Street Nevada City CA 95959 Tel.: (530) 265-5684 Fax: (530) 265-6966 E-mail: <QEAngel@Netshel.Net>

Death of an Angel
The Inside Story of How Justice Prevailed in the San Francisco Dog-Mauling Case By Joseph Harrington

ISBN 0971889902. Hardcover. 525 pp. Quantum Entertainment. June 2002. $24.95 Ann Lettus, president of the New York American Kennel Club, said, Death of an Angel is a book every dog owner must read. On January 26, 2001, 33-year-old Diane Whipple was mauled to death by a guard dog in the Pacific Heights suburb of San Francisco. The dog

Interested in buying rights to any of the books advertised in NEW AGE BOOKS ABROAD? Please contact the specific publisher directly for complimentary reading copies. For information about advertising, contact New Paradigm Books, 22491 Vistawood Way, Boca Raton, FL 33428, U.S.A., Tel.: (561) 482-5971, Toll-Free: (800) 808-5179, Fax: (561) 852-8322, E-mail: <>, Website: <>


The Ng Case: The Most infamous and Expensive Murder Case in History
By Joseph Harrington and Robert Burger

An FBI Legend Dissects Killers and Their Crimes By Russell Vorpagel and Joseph Harrington, with
a foreword by Ann Rule

ISBN 0306460130. Paper. 250 pp. May 1999. Quantum Entertainment. $24.95. Justice Denied was originally published as a softcover by St. Martins Press under the title Eye of Evil. Serial killers Charlie Chitat Ng and Leonard Lake committed some of the grisliest crimes in the annals of criminal history. They kidnapped their victims, tortured them physically and mentally, and wiped out entire families including babies. Merciless to their victims, seizing young mothers and turning them into sex slaves before murdering them, the unlikely pair of Ng and Lake teamed up to commit vicious crimes against fathers, mothers and children. Standing in sharp contrast to these sociopathic killers are the real heroes of this true story: the persevering missing-persons detective and her partner whose unrelenting and skillful police work broke the case wide open. What these investigators and other dedicated law enforcement officers found while digging up the grounds of the compound surrounding Lakes home horrified and sickened even the most hard-core members of the force. Not only does Justice Denied unstintingly reveal the shocking, ruthless acts of these killers and the manner in which they were caught, but it grapples with the larger question of how it is that vicious murderers can manipulate the justice system. Bringing Charlie Ng to trial for these horrifying crimes took over 13 years and 16 million dollarsmore money than for any other case in history. This book asks the question: Should serial killers have the right to have their trials postponed indefinitely in hopes that the death penalty will be overturned? This groundbreaking page-turner will forever shake you belief in the inevitable triumph of justice. This is the scariest book Ive ever read. - Curt Gentry, author of Helter Skelter, bestselling story of the Manson family Outrageous delays in cases like this are the result of human error, not failure in the lawand this one goes right to the top: the Attorney Generals office. - Terence Hallinan, District Attorney, San Francisco When will we, as a society, try to understand the roots of violence in the brain? This thoughtful book takes a solid first step. - Richard Bergland, distinguished New York brain surgeon The authors interviewed scores of law officers, prosecutors, district attorneys, attorneys general and judges to probe the underlying facts in the case of Charlie Chitat Ng, whose horrifying torture crimes case has taken over 13 years and $16 million to prosecute to datewith no justice in sight. - Ingram Book Services ALL RIGHTS AVAILABLE Contract: Quantum Entertainment 228 Commercial Street Nevada City CA 95959 Tel.: (530) 265-5684 Fax: (530) 265-6966 E-mail: <QEAngel@Netshel.Net>

ISBN 0440235529. Mass Market Paperback. 336 pp. Jan. 2001. Dell. $6.99. At FBI headquarters during the 1970s, Russell Vorpagel, Robert Ressler and other members of the Behavioral Science Unit formalized their techniques of profiling serial killers, an approach to criminology brought to public attention through Thomas Harriss 1988 bestseller, The Silence of the Lambs, and Jonathan Demmes 1991 Oscar-winning film adaptation. Using the analysis of a crime scene, a profiler tries to predict a murderers mind-set, habits, background and appearance. When the Behavioral Science Unit was created, the FBI set out to establish patterns by studying as many mass murderers, bombers, rapists and serial killers as possible; hundreds of case histories were established through careful interviews. In Profiles in Murder, profiler Russell Vorpagel looks back at a career that encompasses some of the most horrific crimes in the FBIs files. The gruesome accounts throughout this bookfrom the former mental patient who eviscerated his victims and drank their blood because he believed that his own blood was turning to powder, to the middle-aged woman found half-naked amid strewn sex toys in a burning houseare held together by the framework of a class taught by Vorpagel to students (including police officers, FBI agents, and attorneys) trying to learn more about how he and other FBI profilers analyze a crime scene and determine, with sometimes frightening accuracy, what sort of person did it. The techniques used by Vorpagel and his associates allow them to determine the age, sex, race, physical appearance and habits of some of the most deranged killers so accurately that several suspects have been identified based almost exclusively on their profiles. Profiles in Murder is a fascinating and often disturbing glimpse into the minds of people who kill for reasons most of us cant even fathom. - from AMAZON.COM (Lisa Higgins) & Publisherss Weekly Readers who like true-crime books written in the clipped, manly-to-a-fault style will enjoy Vorpagel and Harringtons rousing account of the formers career as FBI criminal profiler par excellence....This is rip-roaring biography that reads like fiction, in which even the profiling content is well-developed and enhances the murky, XFiles-ish aura of big-time psychological sleuthing. - Mike Tribby, Booklist I am seldom shocked. I was shocked by Russ Vorpagels seminar....This book will show you...[the]...real cases that will shock you with their depravity, their cruelty, so be prepared. You will learn more about the actual art of profiling than you hoped for. Vorpagels instructive techniques are mesmerizing. This is not a television or movie detective who is teaching you; he is the real thing. - Ann Rule, author, The Stranger Beside Me and Bitter Harvest A frank, no-holds-barred chronicle of violence and death in all its brutally shocking, graphic details. Russell Vorpagel delivers his message with astonishing candor....He gives a clear, penetrating glimpse into the minds of sick, depraved, deranged killers involved in serial murders, sexual crimes, and celebrity violence. - Frank M. Jordan, Former Mayor and Chief of Police, City and County of San Francisco RIGHTS SOLD: Japanese. ALL OTHER RIGHTS AVAILABLE Contact: Quantum Entertainment 228 Commercial Street Nevada City CA 95959 Tel.: (530) 265-5684 Fax: (530) 265-6966 E-mail: <QEAngel@Netshel.Net>


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