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764-1.Mul;lammad ibn Yal;lya (-) Mul;lammad ibn aI-l;Iusayn
(-) Mul;lammad ibn Ismii'il (-) ibn Yunus that Zayd ibn
aI-Jahm aI- Hilali said:
"I heard Abu 'Abdilliih (p.h.u.h.) say: 'When the Mastership
(wiliiyah) of 'Ali ibn Abi Tiilib (p.b.u.h.) had been sent down, the
Messenger of Alliih (p.b.u.h.a.h.p.) said: "Greet 'Ali with title of
Amir aI-mu'minin (Commander of the Faithful)." 0 Zayd, among
the things which Alliih confirmed forthosetwo(AbuBakrand 'Umar)
on thatday was what the Messenger ofAllah (p.b.u.h.a.h.p.) said to
them: "Stand up and greet him as Amir aI-mu'minin." They said:
"Is it from Alliih or from His Messenger, 0 Messenger of Alliih?"
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The Messenger of Allah (p.b.u.h.a.h.p.) said to them: "(Itis) from
Allllh and His Messenger." Then Allah, to Whom belong Might and
Majesty, sent down: (Fulfil Allah's covenant, when you make cov-
enant) and break not the oaths after they have been confirmed, and
you have 'made Alliih your surety; surely Allah knows the things you
do - ThisreferstothewordsoftheMessengerofAllah(p.b.u.h.a.h.p.)
to the two of them, and their saying: "Is it from Allah orfrom His
Messenger?" - And be not as a woman who breaks her thread, after
it is firmly spun, into fibres, by taking your oaths as mere
deceits, Imams are purer than your imams (see commentary at the
end ofthis fJ,adith) .'..He said: "Isaid: 'May I be madeyourransom,.
(did you say) "imams"?'(TheQur'anic text has "ummah" [nation],
while the Imam [p.b.u.h.] said "a'immah" [imams] ). He said: 'By
Allah, "imams"!'I said: 'We recite "arba".' (The Qur'aructext has:
one nation [ummah] being more numerous [arM] than another nation
[ummah], while theImam [p.b.u.h.] said "ozka" [purer] in place of
"arbii") He said: 'What is arbd"?' - he indicated with his hand as
if to throwitaway - only tries you thereby, bywhichmeansit
'All (p.b.u.h.), and certainly he will make clear to you upon the
Day of Resurrection that whereon you were at variance. If Alltih had
willed, He would have made you one nation; but H. lead. aatray whom
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* * * * * * *
He will, and guides whom He will; and you will surely be questioned
_ on the Day ofResurrection - about the things you wrought. Talce
not your oaths as mere mutual deceit, lest any foot should .lip after
it has stood firm, - itmeans after what the Messenger ofAlilih (p.b.
u.h.) said concerning 'Ali - and you should taste evil for that you
barred from the way of Allah - by this it means 'Ali - and led there
should await you a mighty chastis;ment (an- Nal}l, 16:91- 94).',,1
1. According to al-'Allimah al-Majlisi in Mu'atu 'l.'uqul (vol.3,p.269) thia
has in its chain oftransmission anarrator who is unknown, because
all the chains of transmission ofthis end up with Zayd ibn aIJahm
al-HilaJi alKlifi, and this person is unknown and unverified (a,Tiiai, IJI'.
RijaJ., pp.195,196; Majrna'u 'r-rijil, vol. 3, p.77; lami'u'r-ruwt, vol.1,
p.341;Mu'jam rijili vol.7, p.338).al-'Ayyashi has also narrated
this but with a difference in the text, from thesamenmatori'Ali
ibn Ibrahim,too,narrated itwith an altered text,butwithoutthecomplete
chain oftransmission, and itwould appearthatitis thesamechainoftran.
mission as in al-Kafi and al'Ayyashi which he omitted, because the partof
the chain which he did mention agrees with the chain given by these two
authors (al-'Ayyasbi, at-Tafsir, vol. 2, p.268; 'Ali ibn Ihrahim, at.Ta!dr,
vol.1, pp.389-390; al-Burhan, vol.2, p.383.; Nuru th-thaqalayn, vol.S,
pp.80-81; vol.36, pp.l48 149). This reading of this vene
of the Qur'in appears nowhere else except in this so no Imimite
commentator has even mentioned this reading in their commentarie. (lee
a\-Tiisi, at-Tibyan, vol.6, p.421; a,-Tahrisi, Majma'u'l-bayan, vol.6,
pp.382-383, and lawami'u 'l-jami', vol. 2, p.305; al-FaYQ, Gf$Qli, vol.
1, pp.937 - 938, although the last two authors have mentioned the
connection between this verse and the Imamate of'Ali ibn Abi Tilib[p.b.
u.h.]; Abu'I-Fut1i\t ar-Rizi, at.Tal,ir, vol.7, pp.138-139; aIKiehinl,
Manhaju ',.,tidiqin, vol.5, p.222; at Tabia,t abi'i, olM&an, vo1.l2, pp.

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