DTR 650 User Manual

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1. Introduction 3
2. Program Function Keys
2-1 Function Keys 5
2-2 Auxiliary Keys 6
2-3 Numeric Membrane Keys 6
2-4 Operation key and the Indicator 7
2-5 Selecting the operating functions 8
3. Run
3-1 Running the current dye program 9
3-2 Jumping steps 10
3-3 Checking the Temperature Curve and alarm 11
3-4 Schematic Diagram Mode Display 12
3-5 Icon Mode Display 13
3-6 Running state of dyeing machine 13
3-7 Keep continuing to run from the break point 14
3-8 Editing dye step temporary 15
3-9 Creating an addition dye step during dye program running 16
4. Password
4-1 Entering the password 18
4-2 Locking the data 19
4-3 Setting and changing the Users password 19
5. Editing Dye Programs
5-1 Choosing a dye program 21
5-2 Creating a new dye program 22
5-3 Setting the file name(for dye programs) 24
5-4 Inserting a program step 25
5-5 Deleting a program step 26
5-6 Modifying a program step 27
5-7 Copying a dye program 28
5-8 Deleting a dye program 29
6. Setting
6-1 Enable to use the program steps Setting 30
6-2 Allow to modify dye program temporary during operating Setting 31
6-3 Allow to insert an addition dye steps Setting 35
6-4 Setting the display mode 36
6-5 Adapt the digital input to another functions 37
6-6 Adapt the digital output to another functions 38

7. Editing the Factors
7-1 Modifying users factors 39
7-2 Loading the standard factors 40
7-3 Copying the factors 41
7-4 Loading the backup factors 41
8. Output Testing
8-1 Testing the Digital output 42
8-2 Testing the Analog output 43
9. Calibration
9-1 Calibration of Low Volume Tank 44
9-2 Calibration of High Volume Tank 45
9-3 Temperature Calibration 46
10. Records of Dye Programs 47
11. Usage of Memory Card
11-1 Downloading data 49
11-2 Storing and transferring data 50
12. State and Information
12-1 Input/ Output state 51
12-2 Checking the system information 51
12-3 Checking the operating alarm record 52
13. Adjusting the Contrast 53
14. Stop running the PLC Program 54
15. Setting the time 55
16. Supplementary Table
Table 1 Dye Instruction 56
Table 2 Alarm 57
Table 3 System factor 58
Table 4 Temperature Control Factor 60
Table 5 Speed Factors 61
Table 6 Dosing Factors 62
Table 7 Pressure Deviation Factor 63
Table 8 Definition of Analog Input 64
Table 9 Definition of Analog Output 65
Table 10 Value Table 0 & 1 65
Table 11 State List 66
Table 12 Usage of password 68
Table 13 Technical Data 69
DTR 650 Input/ Output Porting 70


1. Introduction

DTR 650 Dyeing Machine Controller is a device that suitable for any kinds of high
or low temperatures dyeing machines.

5.7 inches TFT 256K Color Display with Chinese, English and more language.
8 individual PID control loops: 3 loops for temperature control, 2 loops for dosing,
2 loops for pressure control and 1 loop speed control can operate indenpently at
the same time.
Expandable In/Outputs up to 96 digital outputs, and 72 digital inputs, 6 sets
PT100 temperature sensors, 12 analog inputs and 12 analog outputs.
Dye program and dye step can be edit before running, an additional dye program
and step can also run during dye program in operating or in a stop state.
Each of the digital input and output channel can be adapted to another functions
directly from controllers.
Each main function can be operating with 4 parallel functions at the same time.
Three types of display mode during operating: Schematic Diagram mode for
monitoring the whole dyeing process, water level and the valve state. Icon mode
for viewing the main and parallel functions at the same time, Program List mode
for viewing the main function and all parallel functions at the same time. User can
change the mode at anytime.
Memorize for the past 15 days of running programs and temperature curves for
checking if necessary.
Provide memory storage function for storing dye programs and operation data,
downloading and swapping PLC programs, dye programs, factors, library files and
configuration files through an compact flash memory card (optional).
Built-in testing, self-checking, temperauture and calibration for quick and easy
Provide a dosing and temperature control functions by manual operating.
Built-in PLC, no need to connect an external PLC device.
Connecting to external DTRPLC device for In/ Output remote control.
Multi rank passwords for security purpose.
Connect to the DTR Central Control and Management System for controlling the
dyeing machines at the Control Room directly


2. Program Function Keys

The DTR-650 standard logo appears when the controller is power on. It enters to the
window of Runin few seconds. Ready to start running and operating immediately or
press keyF1Exitto go to the Main Menu. Press+qto choose the operating

State of dye
Temperature of
the major
sensor Program Step
Function row
Scroll bar
Main Menu
State Bar


2-1 Function Keys

There are five function keysF1~F5corresponding to 5 function items of the
main window, press the function key corresponding to the item will get access to its
operation. For example of the running page:

q q q q q

F1 F2 F3 F4 F5

2-2 Auxiliary Keys

Auxiliary Keys 3456have handy function for moving different directions
or pages.
KeyOKto confirm before make changes.
KeyEscquit or return the previous changes.

5 55 5
3 33 3

4 44 4

6 66 6



2-3 Numeric Membrane Keys











a. Setting factors
b. Password input
c. Program selecting
d. Program name

Schematic Disgram mode
Enter the program step
window to edit dye program
before program runs.

Icon mode Displays
Program List mode Displays
Assist to check the alarm info.
Enter the window of addition program steps when
the program is running.

Assist to check
the alarm info.

2-4 Operation key and the Indicator

Operation key Start (Green button) to run and Stop ( Red button ) to stop
dye programs.

Indicator Run : It turns On when the dye program running, turns off when program
Indicator Alarm: It turns on when alarm is occurred.
Indicator Operator: It turns on when requesting an operator during program running.

Run Alarm Operator

2-5 Selecting the operating functions

When the power on,Runwindow appears, can start running directly!
To choose other function items, press F1(Exit) to get access to the Main Meun. Cursor
stays at the main function field now. Choose operating function to move the cursor

(a) PressF2+F3q to move the cursor to the selected functions. Press
(b) Now the cursor is at the sub-function field. PressF2+F3qto choose
the functions. PressF5okto enter the relating window.
(c) PressF1Exitto exit.

a) a) a) a)



3. Run

3-1 Running the current dye program

To enter to the Run window directly when the power on, or pressF1
Run to enter the Run window at main menu. The status bar shows
the current dye programs number and steps number.
Check the dye program number and step on the Program Status List
Press+qor65to move the cursor to select the program step
to start with. When select a step, pressstart to start running
program. Now the indicator lightRunturns on.

One main function can be operating with 1 to 4 parallel functions at the same time.
The five function keys on function row corresponding to its operating items of
that window, press that relating keyF1~F5will get access to its operation.
Transform the display mode, press key F4or press numeric key 3to the Schematic
Diagram mode; Press6to view the Icon mode. Press9to Program List Mode.
When the dye program stops, it returns to a Program List Mode.

Parallel functions
Main function in ruuning

3-2 Jumping steps
During the program operating, pressF2Jumpto jump to another steps to keep on
running. Window appears:

Jump Prev.return to the step in front of the current step.
Jump Nextgo to the next step from the current step.
Press+qto move cursor, then pressF5OKto start running the target
dye step.
Can use the numeric keysJump to XXXto input the target dye steps directly.
PressF1Exitto quit. Keep operating the current program steps.

3-3 Checking the Temperature Curve and alarm
PressF3Curveto check the curve chart during the program is running.
Window appears:

Move the white line in the Curve Box, Press+to move the lines, 30
minutes by pressing once.
Check the operation time period, Press34to move the line, 2 hours by
pressing once. At the top side of the window, All operating status of that dates
yellow selecting line, move it, there is a curve information in the curve box.
Right side of the window appears the relating running info.
Check the average temperature of the dyeing period, press membrance keyto
choose the bright red line in the box. This line is the starting point in that period.
Then pressto move the white line to the end point of that time period. The
temperature information between that two lines are show on the right hand size
of the window. Return to the curve page, press.
Press7or9to check the alarm info., the recorded alarm info. will show by
Return to the previous window to pressF1Exit.

The lines show the
value of time and the
Running Info.
Temperature axis.
All operating
status of that date
Curve Box

3-4 Schematic Diagram Mode Display
Schematic diagram mode displays the dye program operating, the water level and
valve status and etc.

During the dye program operating, press membrance keyF4to change the
display mode.
When program stops, it displays to Program list mode automatically from
Schematic diagram display mode. Press membrance key3to view the
Schematic diagram mode again. But, if there is an alram occurred, it stays at the
Program List mode. Please release the alarm first.
Press numeric key9Exitto return to the Program list mode.
By setting factor can view the Schematic diagram mode displays directly during
operating (refer to the6-4Display mode settingfor details).

3-5 Icon Mode Display
During the dye program operating, press membrance keyF4to change to the
display mode.
When program stops, it displays to Program list mode automatically from Icon
Mode Display. Press numeric key6to view the Icon mode again. But, if there is
an alram occurred, it stays at the Program list mode. Please release the alarm first.
Press numeric key9Exitto return to the Program list display.
By setting factor can view the Icon mode displays directly during operating (refer
to the6-4Display mode setting for details)

3-6 Running state of dyeing machine

There is totally 2 pages of the Running status information.
To check the running status when the program is in operating, pressF5State,
Input/output Stateappears, pess keyF5, Running Informationappears.



3-7 Keep continuing to run from the break point
Due to power sudden off or stop running the dye program, it can keep continuing to
run from the break point when the power is retore. Users can set the Control factor
which dye instruction allows (or prohitbit) to keep continuing to run from the break
point. (refer to the charpter 6 for {Setting})

When the power is restore, the cursor stays at the step which stops suddenly
before, starting from the break point to press Run. Window appears.
PressF4Yesto keep going run from the break point.
PressF2Noto re-start that dye instruction.
PressF1(Exit) to return.
If power sudden off during the dye program is running, it can start again from
the break point when power supply again. The cursor will stay at that dye
instrucntion before power off.
Or press key Stop (red button) to stop running first, then pressF2+F3
qto move cursor to choose another dye instruction to run.
To choose another dye program, pressF5(Prog) in the window ofRun dye

3-8 Editing dye step temporary
Before dye program operating, the ready-to-run dye step could be edit. That edit will
not saved to the file and will not disappear by causing a sudden power inruption or
stop operating, until a new dye program is selecting.

A. Set the system factor as22first, to allow editing the dye programs temporary.
B. Set the system factor as23, to allow the existing program can temporay
editing its range of step.
C. Item19of the system factor, set the dye steps which allows or prohibits to edit
temporary. (Refer to the Charpter 6 for details ofSettingthe A-C )
D. PressF2+F3qor56at the Run window. To move cursor
to the dye step intend to edit. Press membrance key2Edit instrunction
E. PressF5Edit, then press+qor 56Programs names is listing
at the cursor, or key in a value by the numeric keys. Select and pressF5(ok) to
F. PressF4Saveto confirm and go back to the Run window.
G. Before pressingF4SavePressF1Exitto quit.
H. Refer to the Charpter 5 Editing dye progromsfor the method of editing dye steps.

3-9 Creating an additon dye step during dye program running
Before and during the dye program running, the users can creat an addition dye step in
the existing dye programs.
3-9-1 Creating an addition dye step
To creat one addition dye step before running or during running, step as follows:

A. Set the System Factor as34to allow to creat an addition step. (Refer to the
Chartper 6 for details)
B. In windowRun dye program, press numeric key8to enter window of Edit
addition instruction, to edit the single dye step first.

C. Press+q5
6to choose dye
steps, pressF5OK
D. PressF5to edit the
content of dye step.

E. After complete editing the single dye
step, PressF4(Run) to start running the
addition step.
F. Finish to run the addition step, return to
the main dye program.
Addition step is running

3-9-2 Creating an addition treatment to a saved dye program

During and before the dye program running, can creat an addition treatment to a
saved dye program, or a dye step in a saved dye program.

(1) Set the System factor as34to allow creating an addition step. (Refer to the
Chartper 6 for details)
(2) In windowRun dye program, press numeric key8to enter window of Edit
single step
(3) Press+qto chooseSub. Prog, press4to move cursor and set its
dye program number and the step number by numeric keys. Or stay at the
Progand pressF3(File), window appears:

(4) Press+qto choose an addition dye program, then pressF5(OK).
(5) PressF4Runto run the addition dye program(sub-dye program)
(6) Finish to run the sub-dye program and return to the main dye program.

4. Passsword

DTR-650 provides four ranks of password for sercurity protection.
(Refer to the <Table 10> Supplementary Table of the Password Usage for details)

First rank (User1 password): Edit/ delete dye programs, control factors, in/ output
testing etcall operating fuctions.
Second rank (User2 password): Edit in/ output connecting table, operating factors.
Third rank (User3 password): Edit, copy, delete dye programs, factors, PLC run/ stop
Fourth rank (User4 password): Edit and modify dye programs.

4-1 Entering the password

When the window ofpasswordappears, enter 6-digits number password by using
the numeric membrane keys, then pressF5OK. If key-in an incorrect password,
pressF3Deland enter again.
If the password is correct, appears, it allows to enter the relating operation.

4-2 Locking the data
After editing the programs and factors, ensure to disable the password to protect all
programs and data of DTR-650. The way and step as follows:

(1) Choose8.Othersat the main meun.
(2) Choose02.Data Lockingat the sub-function field
(3) PressF5OK.to confirm.
(4) Return to the main menu, disppears on the status bar, that means the data
has been locking already.

4-3 Setting and changing the Users password
There are four users password for setting and edit by the users themselves.

User1 password: Access to all operation setting.
User2 password: For edit in/ output connection table, operating factors.
User3 password: Only for copy and delete dye programs, factors, PLC run/ stop
User4 password: Only for edit and modify dye programs.
Method of setting /edit:
(1) Choose8.Othersat main menu, pressF5OK
(2) Choose7. Set Password 2at the sub-function field, pressF5OK
(3) The cursor shows the default password now, pressF3Clrto delete. Key in
a new password with 6-digit.
(4) Press F5OKto complete the setting of User2 password. Go back to the main


The four users password has to made from different group numbers. Using
same password will affect the operating. Please pay attention when update the

5. 5. 5. 5. Editing Dye Programs

5-1 Choosing a dye program
Press function keyF4Editor choose1.Dye Programat the main menu, press
Choose1.Edit Dye prog.at the sub-function field., pressF5OKto enter to the
windowSel dye program.During the dye program running, it is allowed to edit a
saved program, or a new dye program or the current dye program in running.

Method Press+qand5634to move cursor to choose
a dye program number. PressF5OKto enter that dye program. Press
F1Exitto quit and return.

Directly key in the number, selection box
appears at the right corner of the window.
Select a program number and pressF5
OKto confirm.
The cursor moves to that program number.
PressF5OKto enter that program.


5-2 Creating a new dye program
A. Choose1.Dye ProgramPressF5OK
B. Choose1.Edit Dye prog.at the sub-function menu, pressF5OKto enter
to windowSel dye program
C. At the windowSel dye program, choose an empty dye number (eg.002),
pressF5OK,windowFig. 5-2-1appears.

Fig. 5-2-1

D. PressF2Add, table ofEdit dye instructionFig. 5-2-2appears.
E. PressF5(Edit), the dye instruction appears at the cursor locates. press+q
and5634to move cursor to edit the instruction and its
F. All inserted new dye instructions would be listed in front of Program End

<Fig. 5-2-2>


A. Edit the main function step first. PressF2
+F3qto move the cursor. The dye
step is listing by orders. ChooseCycRinse
and press , there is a cursor at its value.
B. Move cursor to setting valueColdand
chooseMixby pressing+q. Then
press to move cursor toTimeand enter
its setting value as2.PressF5(OK) to
complete the main function setting.
C. To move cursor to the parallel function
setting field. Press+qto choose the
dye step. Pressto confirm and move
cursor to choose its setting facor.
D. PressF5OKto move cursor to the next
parallel function.
E. Repeat above steps C-D until all parallel
functions setting are completed. Each main
function can be operating with the
maximum 4 parallel functions.
F. PressF4Saveto confirm and return to
theEdit dye programwindow.
G. Repeat the above step A-E to keep on
editing another dye steps until all editing is

5-3 Setting the file name (for dye programs)
When a dye program is setting up, it is saved by numbers automatically. Optionally, users
can save it by another names.

(1) Create a new dye program first (the Name is not available for empty dye
(2) At the windowSel dye program, press F4File. WindowFig.5-3appears:


(3) Use numeric 0~9_blank, alphabet A~Z and symbols [ ] etc to
create a file name. Each file name can type-in the max. 8 unit. Press 34
56to move the cursor to choose the unit It also can use the membrane
numbric key to type in. The selected unit is showed in front of the cursor at the
File.PressOKto confirm
(4) Quit to input to pressF3Clr
(5) After complete the set up, press F5OKto confirm and go back to the window
Sel dye program. Now the name behind the dye program number is created.

5-4 Inserting a program step

Insert the program step means to insert a step in the existing program step where you
want to insert a step. All following steps are moved one step ahead. The total number of
steps will be increased by itself. Able to insert more than one step continusely at the
same time.

ExampleFig.5-4 To insert a stepcallbefore002 Rinse

Fig. 5-4
A. Enter to the dye program002at the window ofSel dye program
B. Press6to move cursor to002 Rinse, then pressF2add
C. PressF5Edit, then press+qor56to choose program
step to modify. Choosecalland pressto move cursor to modify its


D. Press+q, value of callis listing at the table. ChoosepH Check.Press
E. Press F4Saveand press F1Undoto return to previous window. Complete
to insert the02 Call.The previous02 Rinseupdate to03. All following
steps are moved one step ahead. Total number of steps will be increased 1 by

Repeat the steps B-E can non-stop to insert more than one step.
Quit the insert and modify ( before pressingF4), pressF1(Undo) to exit.
The original dye steps will be unchanged.
To delete an inserted dye steps, press keyF3(Del). The step deletes

5-5 Deleting a program step

Delete the program step means to delete step which the cursor locates. When that step is
deleted, the step number will be updated automatically. All following steps are moved up
one step. It is allowed to delete more than one steps continuously at the same time.

A. Enter to the Edit dye programFig.5-5at the windowSelect dye program:
B. Press65move cursor to the want to delete
C. Confirm and pressF3Del. WindowConfirm delete?appears. Press


D. That step is deleted immediately and all following steps move up one step.

Repeat the steps above can non-stop to delete more than one step.
PressF2Noto cancel the deletion.
PressF1Exitto end.

5-6 Modifying a program step

To modify the saved name and the setting value of the dyeing steps.

1. Choose a dye program which need to modify at theSel dye program, pressF5
2. Press65to move cursor to a step which need to modify. Select and press
F5Edit. Window ofEdit dye instructionappears.
3. PressF2+F3qto choose the step list, select it and pressto move
the cursor to its value setting.
4. Press numeric key to input the value, or press65to choose the item. Press
F5OKwhen complete. Cursor move to the next value (if need to set more
than one item)
5. PressF4Savewhen all setting is complete. Return toEdit dye program

Method of parallel functions modification is same as above.
Before pressing the key Save , pressF1Undoto quit all modify. Return
to the window of Edit dye program.

All edit and modify functions mentioned of this charper are only available
for the dyeing files which already saved in the file and not being running! It
cannot edit/ modify the dyeing files which is in running! If need to update the
program in running, must be select it from the file to modify.

5-7 Copying a dye program

Copying a dye programs mean to make a copy of an dye programs to a blank dye
program. This function is for creating new dye program rapidly.

Choose1.Dye Programat the main menu. PressF5OK,then pressF2+
to choose2.Copy dye prog.. PressF5OK, Fig.5-7-1appears:

Fig. 5-7-1

Fig. 5-7-2

Fig. 5-7-3

Copy program 003 to program 012
Press+qto move cursor to the
program003, pressF4Copy

Program003shows at the top right side of
the bar.

Press+qto move cursor to program
012. Then pressF5Paste.@
appears behind the012.That means it is
successfully copying the program.

If the target program is occupied,
confirmation windowOverwrite?.
When choose an program or a target
program, can select them by using the
numeric keys.

Exit to pressF1Exitto return the
main menu.

Dye program number

5-8 Deleting a dye program

Choose1.Dye programat the main menu. PressF5OK,then pressF2+
to choose3.Delete dye prog.. PressF5OK, Fig.5-8-1appears:


Press+qto move cursor to
choose program need to delete. E.g.
delete program012, pressF5
Del. Confirmation window
Confirm delete?appears.

PressF4(Yes) to confirm delete.
Repeat the above step can delete more
than one program at the same time.

PressF2(No) to return to window
Fig.5-8-1and not delete that program.

Exit to pressF1Exitand return to the
main menu.

6. Setting
DTR-650 has a built-in standard factor that can fulfill all different types of dyeing
machiness basic demand. Users can also modify the factors base on their request, to
fulfill their special control demand. Before modify, please refer to the table of each
range of Setting Factors (see the Supplementary Table).

6-1 Enable to use the program steps setting
There are totally 64 program steps. Parts of them are usually applying to the programs.
In order to make more efficiently of editing programs, it canDisablethe other part
of program steps which are not usually applying or not applicable to the programs.

For example, dye machine with one tank, it is only using step Tank B. In this case, it
can firstlyDisablethe program steps of Tank C. When edit the program, the
Disables steps will not appear at the cursor for choosing. But this will not effect
and change the saved files. The saved files can be kept as before.

(1) Choose2. Factorsat the main menu. PressF5OK.
(2) Choose 18. Dye Instructionat the sub-function menu. Then presss F5OK.
WindowEdit dye insappears.

Enableinstruction can available to
use. Disableinstruction is temporary
stop to use.

PressF2+F3qto move
cursor to select the instruction.


6-2 Allow to modify dye program temporary during operating Setting

During dye program running, it can modify dye program temporary. These
modification will not disappear by causing a sudden power interruption or power off,
until select another new dye program to run.

Please note that it is only for modifying the dye program temporary! That program
file would not saved due to the modification. If need to modify the program file and
save, choose the function of Edit Dye Program to edit (Refer to the Charper 5 for the
Edit Dye Prograrm)

6-2-1 Allow to modify all dye programs Setting
(1) Choose2. Factorsat the main menu. PressF5OK.
(2) Choose 02. System Factorat the sub-function menu. Then presss F5OK.
WindowEdit System Factorappears.

(3) PressF2+F3q
to move cursor to choose
22. Run edit control
Set to stop using temporary the07
Rinse,pressF4Selto set it as Disable.

Repeat above steps to complete all setting.
Press F1Exitto return to main menu.


6-2-2 Allow to modify part of dye programs Setting
E.g.:Set the number 08 or above (including number 08) is allowing to modify dye
programs during operating.

A. Refer to6-2-1setting the factor as22to allow editing dye program
temporary during operating.

B. PressF2+F3qto move cursor to choose23. Edit ins. Range.
Input08and pressF5OK
C. PressF1Exitand return to the main menu.

(4) Press 34to edit the setting
asEnableand pressF5OK.

Restore the standard factor by

(5) Exit to pressF1Exitand
return to window ofMain Menu


6-2-3 Allow to modify dye steps temporary Setting
After setting the dye programs are allowed to edit, it also can set which dye steps are
allowed to edit temporary during operating.

(1) Choose2. Factorsat the main menu. PressF5OK.
(2) Choose19. Dye Ins. controlat the sub-function menu. Then presssF5
OK. WindowEdit ins modeappears.

(5) Repeat above method until complete all setting, pressF1Exitand return
to the main menu.
Enable: Allow to edit that dye step before
Disable: Not allow to edit dye step before

(3) Press +qto move cursor
to choose dye step. PressF4
Sel. Cursor locates appearring

(4) PressF5OKand cursor
move to the next dye step.

To enter to theEdit dye programfrom the
function menu, there is a in front of the
file name0-7, means that program is not
allowing to edit during operating.

6-2-4 Set the dye step to keep running from the interrupt point setting
When the dye program is operating, it will disappear by causing power
interruption or sudden power off! When start running again, part of dye steps can
run again from the interrupt point, part of them cannot.

How to set:
(1) Choose2.Factorsin the main menu and pressF5OK.
(2) Choose20.Continue modein the sub-function menu. PressF5(OK) to
enter window ofContinue Setting
(3) Press+qto move cursor to choose dye steps. PressF4Sel,it
shows Disableor Enablefor choosing. Press F5OKto move cursor
to the next setting.
(4) Repeat above method until all setting is complete, pressF1Exitand
return to the main menu.

6-3 Allow to insert an addition dye steps setting
During the program is running, can temporary insert an addition dye step or a dye
program according to the operating actual situation. Through this setting, can set which
dye steps can apply or not to the program in operating.

During to insert an addition step, if sudden interruption or power off occurred, it returns
to the main dye program automatically! Before starting again, should decide seriously
and set it again by actual needed.

(1) Choose2.Factorsat the main menu and pressF5OK.
(2) Choose02.System factorand pressF5OK
(3) Press+qto move cursor to the factor34and press34to set
it asEnable. PressF5OK
(4) PressF1Exitto return to main menu. Choose21.Addition Ins.at the
sub-function menu. PressF5OKto enter the windowAddition Instruction
(5) Press +qto move cursor to choose dye steps and press F4Sel. Cursors
locates showsEableorDisable. PressF5OKto move cursor to the
next dye step.
(6) Repeat above method until to complete all setting, pressF1Exitand return
to the main menu.

6-4 Setting the display mode
DTR650 has three types of display mode during operating: Program List mode,
Schematic Diagram mode and Icon mode. Users can set the display mode during
operating by factor setting.
It goes back to a Program List mode when dye program ended.

(1) Choose2.Factorsat the main menu and pressF5OK.
(2) Choose02.System factorand pressF5OK
(3) PressF2+F3qto move cursor to choose32.Display mode.Press
34, it showsOnline pictureInstructionBig Icon, choose
Online picture(e.g.) and pressF5to confirm.

(4) PressF1Exitto return to the main menu.
(5) The Schematic Diagram displays when the program is running (it stays at the
Program List mode when there is an alarm occurred)

PressF4to transfer to another display mode.
It goes back to a Program List mode from Schematic Diagram Mode when dye
program ended. Press numeric key3to view Schematic Diagram Mode again.
Quit to pressF5Exit

6-5 Adapt the digital input to another functions
DTR-650 has 320~31input terminal, it owns an standard setting when the
controller is initial. According to the users demand, they can change the DTR-650s
anther functions of Input Terminal and PLC Input channel.

The PLC Intputs name can also define by the users (use IBM computer to edit and

How to set:
(1) Choose2. Factorat the main menu. PressF5OK
(2) Choose22. Input tableat the sub-function menu and pressF5OKto enter
Edit input table

(3) PressF2+F3qto move cursor to choose the input terminal at the left
side of the window. PressF5Add, the PLCs input channels name is listing
at the right side of the window.
(4) PressF2+F3qto move cursor to choose the PLC inputs channel.
If cursor moves to the PLC input channel which already linking, Addis not for
choosing, that means that input channel is already occupied.
(5) Confirm the connection to pressF5Add; Quit to pressF4Del. Press
F1Exitwhen complete all setting and return to main menu.
The actual input
terminal of the
IBM computer
PLCs input channel

6-6 Adapt the digital output to another functions
DTR-650 has 320~31output terminals, it owns an standard setting when the
controller is initial. According to the users demand, they can adapte the digital output
and the PLC outputs channel to another functions. The PLC Output channels name
can also define by users (use IBM computer to edit and download).

(1) Choose2. Factorat the main menu. PressF5OK
(2) Choose23. Output tableat the main menu and pressF5OK

(3) PressF2+F3qto move cursor to choose the output terminal at
the left side of the window. PressF5Add, the PLCs output channels
name is listing at the right side of the window.
(4) Press F2+F3qto move cursor to choose the PLC outputs channel.
If cursor moves to the PLC output channel which already linking,Addis
not for choosing, that means that output channel is already occupied
(5) Confirm the connection to pressF5Add; Quit to pressF4Del.
PressF1Exitwhen complete all setting and return to main menu.
The actual output
terminal of the
IBM computer
PLCs output channel

7. Editing the Factors
DTR-650 has several kinds of control factors:
Users factors, System factors, Temperature Control factors, Speed factors, Dosing
factors, PID factors, Analog Input/ Output factors, standard factors etcPlease refer
to the supplementary table for the setting range and standard of the factors.
DTR-650 has a built-in standard factor. Users can edit by themselves if necessary.

7-1 Modifying users factors
Users factors is setting with the Dyeing machiness PLC Programs factor, it is define by
the PLC Programmer.

Step to edit
(1) Choose2.Factorsat main menu. PressF5OK.
(2) Choose01.User FactorPressF5OK.
(3) PressF2F365to move cursor up, down and by page.
Choose a factor need to edit, then press34to set its value, PressF5
(OK). Cursor moves to the next factor.
(4) Some of factors can input numbers by the numeric membrance keys to edit. If
the input is incorrect, it turns to red and means the edit is not available.
(5) PressF3Clrto keep the default standard factor.
(6) PressF1Exitto quit the edit and the existing value is unchanged.
(7) PressF1Exitwhen complete all edit and return to main menu.
(8) Disable the password and secure the data. (Refer to4-2 Secure the datafor
method and details)


4 Modifys method of the system factors, temperature factors, speed factors, dosing
factors, PID factors, analog Input/ output factors, standard factors etcare same as
4 If apply the library of DTR500 and DTR600 into the DTR650, the key34
may not valid to use. Please use the numeric keys instead of it to key in factors, it
may not effect the normal operation.

Please pay a serious attention and read carefully at the factors table before
modify the factors! An incorrect value may effect the DTR-650 Dyeing
Machine Controllers operating! After modifying factors, must cancel the
password and secure data!

7-2 Loading the standard factors

After modifying factors, if need to restore a manufacturers standard factors of
DTR-650. The method as follows:

1. Choose2.Factorsat main menu. PressF5OK.
2. Choose12.Load standardPressF5OKto enter windowFactor will
be overwrite!
3. PressF4Yesto load a standard factor, the factor will be overwrite! And it
will return to a main menu.
4. PressF2Noto quit loading the standard factor. The existing factor will not
change and return to the main menu.

7-3 Copying the factor
Users can build up a set of factor by themselves and make a copy and save
1. Choose2.Factorsat main menu. PressF5OK.
2. Choose13.Restore Factor, pressF5OK, windowfactor will be
3. PressF4Yes,copy finished and saved. Return to the main menu.
4. Press F2Noto not copy the factor and the existing factor is not change. Return
to the main menu.

7-4 Loading the backup factors
Users can build up a set of factor and backup files to load to DTR-650.
1. Choose14.Backup factorat the sub-function menu. PressF5OKand
windowFactror will be overwrite!appears.
2. PressF3OKto load the the backup factor, them return to main menu.
PressF2Noto not copy the factor and the existing factor is not change.
Return to the main menu.

8. Output Testing

Before the output testing, must be complete the steps as follows:
A. Cut off all connecting line of output terminal of DTR-650
B. Stop running the PLC
C. Check up the connections of all output channels to avoid damages from
incorrect connections.
D. Check up state of dyeing machines, include the temperature, pressure, valves
on/off and pumps.etc., ensure the safety for priority.

8-1 Testing the Digital output

1. Choose3.Output Testingat the main menu. PressF5OK
2. Choose1.Digitalat the sub function menu. PressF5OK, windowDigital
output testingappears.
3. Press++to move cursor to each output channels. PressF5(OK).
There is an output when the output channel with red light. No output without light
4. When the cursor loactes at different output channel, the barOutput Nameshows
that output name and number.
5. When complete the testing, pressF1OKto return to the main menu.

Output Name

8-2 Testing the Analog output

(1) Choose3.Output Testingat the main menu. PressF5OK
(2) Choose2.Analogat the sub function menu. PressF5OK, window
Analog output testingappears.
(3) Press++to move cursor to each channels. Then key in number by
the numeric membrance keys (range0~200= 0~20mA). PressF5OK, there
is a output current relating to the output channel.
(4) PressF5(OK). There is an output when the output channel with red light. No
output without light onl.
(5) When complete the testing, pressF1OKto return to the main menu.

9. Calibration

DTR-650 has Dosing and Temperature calibration.

When enter to Dosing calibration, must be set the Low Volume calibration first, and
then High Volume calibration; When enter to Temperature calibration, must be set the
Low Temperature calibration first, and then High Temperature calibration. Must be
hightly follow this orders seriously.

9-1 Calibration of Low Volume Tank
A. Choose4.Calibrationat the main menu. PressF5OK
B. ChooseDosing 0 low volat the sub function menu. PressF5OK, window

C. Fill the Dosing Tank to a half level, input value shows how much the water level.
If it stays 0, check the connection and the factor setting is correct or not!
And connect the pressure sensors output channel to the Current Meter, to ensure
that sensor works or not.

D. Fill the Dosing Tank to 50ml (Calcalate from the bottom side of the pressure
sensor steel tube), input value should show 4~6% (input value must between
0~10%). Then enter the water volume. The setting volume is relating the water
levels water value (litre as unit), input range 0~80. Set as 0000 0000 0000 0000 is strongly is strongly is strongly is strongly
receommend receommend receommend receommend. PressF5OKto complete. [Calibration of Low Volume Tank 1
is same as above method]

9-2 Calibration of High Volume Tank

A. Choose4.Calibrationat the main menu. PressF5OK
B. ChooseDos. 0 high volat the sub function menu. PressF5OK, window of
Calibrate high appears:
C. Fill the Dosing Tank to a full level, input value should be larger than 30%, enter
the current water level which relates to the water volume. Enter the range within
100~2500. Then pressF5(OK) to complete the calibrate the high volume tank.

9-3 Temperature Calibration

A. This function is for adjusting the DTR650s accuracy of Temperature Control. It
must be using with the special terminal which is only for DTR650.
B. Choose4.Calibrationat the main function menu and pressF5OK
C. Choose3.Low Temp.at the sub-function menu. PressF5OKandFig.9-3
appears, insert the DTR650s low temperature calibration terminal to the temperature
input terminal, wait for the jumping value to stable down then pressF5OK, then
to adjust the high temperature calibration.
D. Adjusting the High Temperature Calibrations method is same as above. But users users users users
must be using the High Temperature Terminal must be using the High Temperature Terminal must be using the High Temperature Terminal must be using the High Temperature Terminal which which which which is specially for DTR650 only. is specially for DTR650 only. is specially for DTR650 only. is specially for DTR650 only.

Fig. 9-3

10. Records of Dye Programs

It contains the past 15 days of temperature curves of running history.

Checking method:
(1) Choose5.Dye Recordat main menu, pressF5OK.
(2) Sub-function menu shows the set up date of the past 15 days dye programs.
Listing by the lastest set up date.
(3) Choose a program date and pressF5OK, it appears windowTemp.
(4) Press+to move the white line in the box, one minute by moving once.
(5) Press34to move the line to check the time period, 2 hours by moving once.
The yellow selecting line of the24 hours operating stateis repectively moving.
The curve info. is show in the curve box. Left side of the widnow appears the
relating running info. the time is the time value of the line locates at.
(6) Check more details of the temperature info to press numeric key, a bright red line
appears in the selecting box, this line is to check the starting point of the
temperature info.s time period. Then pressto move the white line to the end
point of the time period. The temperature info. between the starting point and end
point are appears at the right side of the window. Pressto return to the preious
curve page.
(7) Check more details of the alarm infor. To perss numeric key79, the alarms
details is listing by orders.
(8) PressF1(exit) to return.

24 hours operating state

Time value

11. Usage of Memory Card

DTR-650 supports 32MB or above Compact Flash Card, which can transfer and save all
information for 4 sets of DTR-650. Including library files, schematic diagram, icon
image, PLC program, dye program, factor, and confiruration files etc Use the CF Card
to up/ download and swap the information of DTR-650, promptly install the relating
device and program updates.

DTR-650 CF Card with bank 1 to bank 4, can save 4 sets information of Dyeing
Machines. When download or save files, should choose the BANK first.


11-1 Downloading data
1. Firmly insert the CF card into the DTR-650s PCMCIA connector. Ensure it is
wholely and firmly inserted, if the card is not totally inserted or the card do not
touch in all to the connector, there will be an error occurred and cannot
up/download, or interrupted during operation.
2. Choose6.Memory Cardat the main menu and pressF5OK, Fig.11-1
appears, Information of Bank1shows at the left hand side of the window, press
number 1-4 by using numeric keys to choose the BANK. Check the
information in the Bank seriously which is exactly need to download to the
3. Press+q65to move cursor to the sub-function menu to choose
the downloading items. Press F5(OK), window appears Stop PLC run before
access memory card. Stop the PLC run?. PressF5(YES) to stop PLC
4. PressF5OK, window appears. Confirm to update or not the DTR-650s
information. As that downloading will be replace the DTR-650s information.
(that means the existing information of the DTR-650 will be removed and
5. PressF4YESto download the information from the DTR-650 to the CF
Card. Return to the main menu when finish.

Ensure inserting firmly the CF card into the DTR-650, unless it will cause
error or cannot Up/download data.
Never remove CF card during transferring or up/downloading data. Until it
is all completed.
DTR-650s dyeing program is not compatible with DTR-500 and
DTR-600. Never use CF card to transfer data among them.

11-2 Storing and transfering data
1. Insert the CF Card to the DTR-650.
2. Choose6.Memory Cardat the main menu and pressF5OK, Fig.11-1
appears. Left hand side of the window shows the data of BANK 1. press numeric
keys 1-4 to select the BANK. To confirm the put the data in the DTR-650 to the CF
Card. The existing data of that bank will be replaced and covered by the new data (if
that bank is already occuplied)
3. Choose23.Save Dye prog.Exampleat the sub-funciton menu, pressF5
OKto confirm. WindowUpdate memory card dataappears.
4. PressF5OKto transfer the data to the CF card. Return to the main menu.
5. Put the CF card into another DTR-650 and follow the operating method of11-1
Downloading data can transfer and swap data with more than one set of

12. State and Information

The state and information is including the Dyeing Machines state of Digit Input/ output,
Analog Input/ output, Temperature control PID, Dosing PID, Pressure different PID,
software system information and alarm record. This information is for checking at any

12-1 Input/ Output state
1. Choose7.Info. and stateat main menu and pressF5OK
2. Choose01.Digital I/O putat the sub-function menu, then pressF5OK
Digital In/ Out State.0=None ; 1=Input
3. PressF1Exitto return to main menu.

Same method for checking the temperature control, analog, dosing, pressure
different etc

12-2 Checking the system information
1. Choose7.Info. and stateat main menu and pressF5OK
2. Choose11. System info.at sub-function field, pressF5OK.Window
System Informationappear.
System information is including: System info.(software version), Library doc.,
Icon files, Schematic file, Definition file, hardare state, Config. File, Command,
instruction icon, PLC file etc.

12-3 Checking the operating alarm record

Operating record shows the latest 40 operating items and alarm records, including
the time and content of the alarm.

A) Choose7. Info. and state
and pressF5OK.
B) Choose12.Alarm logsat
the sub-funciton menu, then

13. Adjusting the Contrast

The displayss brightness can be adjusted if necessary.

1. Choose8.Othersat main menu, pressF5OK.
2. Choose01.Contrastat sub-function menu, pressF5OK, windowSet
3. Press+to move the bar to set the brightness, then pressF5OK.
Window appearsPlease reboot the system
4. PressF5OKto return to main menu and re-boot the DTR-650 to complete
adjusting the brightness.

14. Stop running the PLC Program

Before testing the Input/ output testing, transfer of the PLC program, must stop the PLC

1. Choose8.Othersat the main menu. PressF5OK.
2. Choose04. PLC Stopat sub-function menu. PressF5OK, window
3. Enter password and pressF5OK. WindowStop the PLC run?appears.
4. PressF4Yesand windowPLC Stopappear. PressF5OK. Now
the PLC is stop running and return to the main menu.

O All testing cannot operate when the PLC is running!
O Editing dye program and the relating operation can
perform with the PLC running together.

15. Setting the time

1. Press8.Othersat the main menu. PressF5OK
2. Choose10.Set date timeat the sub-function menu. Press F5OK, window
Set date timeappears.
3. PressF5Edit, to move cursor by 34, enter the time value at the
cursor locates.
4. PressF5OKto complete the modify. PressF1Exitto return to main
5. PressF1Exitif not modify and return to main menu.

1 16 6. . S Su up pp pl le em me en nt ta ar ry y T Ta ab bl le e
.T TT T T TT Ta aa a a aa ab bb b b bb bl ll l l ll le ee e e ee e 1 11 1 1 11 1 Dye Instruction
Code Icon Instruction Code Icon Instruction
000 g End 016 g Inject C
001 _ Start 017 _ Dosing BV
002 _ Heat 018 _ PH
003 _ Cool 019 g Addsalt B
004 _ Flow Fill 020 g Addsalt C
005 _ Level Fill 021 _ Ana. Fill
006 _ Drian 022 _ Lock Fill
007 _ Rinse 023 @ Lock Level
008 _ Run 024 _ Low Rinse
009 _ Call 025 _ Cyc. Rinse
010 g Prep. B 026 _ Rinse B
011 _ Addsalt B 027 _ Rinse C
012 @ Dosing B 028 _ Temp
013 g Inject B 029 _ Nozzle Pressure
014 g Prep. C 030 _ Main Pump
015 @ Dosing C 031 _ Pump Speed

. .. .Table 2 Alarm
System Alarm: Must stop operating and check up to solve problems before restarting
the machine.
Running Alarm: It is a reminder. Not effect the operating of DTR-650.
Users Alarm: Total of 32. Users can define themselves and use it when edit the PLC
Program. (do not listing below)

No. System Alarm No Running Alarm
1 PLC program not running 16 Temp. ctrl. 0 Grad. too slow
2 Main temp. sensor error 17 Temp. ctrl. 0 Grad. too fast
3 Not at Run window 18 Temp. ctrl. 0 Hold temp too low
4 Exceeding max. temp. 19 Temp. ctrl. 0 Hold temp too high
5 - 20 Temp. ctrl. 1 Grad. too slow
6 - 21 Temp. ctrl. 1 Grad. too fast
7 - 22 Temp. ctrl. 1 Hold temp. too low
8 Communication error 23 Temp. ctrl. 1 Hold temp. too high
9 Slave not answer 24 Temp. ctrl. 2 Grad. too slow
10 PLC 0 not answer 25 Temp. ctrl. 2 Grad too fast
11 PLC 1 not answer 26 Temp. 2 Hold temp. too low
12 Display not answer 27 Temp. 2 Hold temp too high
13 Lower power voltage 28 Temp. ctrl. 3 Grad. too slow
14 - 29 Temp. ctrl. 3 Grad too fast
15 - 30 Temp.3 Hold temp too low
31 Temp.3 Hold temp too high
32 Dosing 0 injection too slow
33 Dosing 0 injection too fast
34 Dosing 1. injection too slow
35 Dosing 1. injection too fast
36 Pressure 0 too low
37 Pressure 0 too high
38 Pressure 1 too low
39 Pressure 1 too high

. .. . T TT T T TT Ta aa a a aa ab bb b b bb bl ll l l ll le ee e e ee e 3 33 3 3 33 3 System factor

No. Description Std. Range & Definition
1 I.D. No. 000 000- 100 Controller no.
2 Communication Rate 4800Bps 2400; 4800; 9600; 19200; 38400
3 Display language Chinese English, Chinese
4 Temp display mode and
5 Maxmium temperature 145 025 ~ 145
6 Type of external PLC Default PLC32D;PLC32;PLC16;Default
7 Number of external PLC NA
NA: 1 unit connect;
2 unit connect
Communication Rate of
9600Bps 2400; 4800; 9600; 19200
9 Set point 1 085 000 ~ 145
If signal source is temperature,
the setting value is the
temperature value; If the signal
source is Analog Input 6~17, then
setting value for Analog input is 0
100 and relates Analog
10 Source 1 Sensor0
Sensor 0 ~5
Analog input 0 ~11
11 Set point 2 092
Same as 09
12 Source 2 PT100 1
Same as 10
13 Set point 3 085
Same as 09
14 Source 3 PT100 2
Same as 10
15 Set point 4 092
Same as 09
16 Source 4 PT100 3
Same as 10
17 Set point 5 085
Same as 09
18 Source 5 PT100 4 Same as 10
19 Set point 6 092 Same as 09
20 Source 6 PT100 5 Same as 10
21 Fill volume define 000 000 ~ 100
22 Edit temporary Disable Enable ; Disable
23 Run edit range 001 001 ~ 200
24 Loading value Ratio 001 001 ~ 100
25 Jump control setting Enable Enable ; Disable
26 PLC reset mode Power on Power on ; Before running
27 Max. users factors 59 0 ~ 59
28 Main temp. PT No. 0 PT 0-5

29 Min. cyclic time of cloth 100sec. 0 ~ 255 sec.
30 Max cyclic time of cloth 240sec. 0 ~255 sec.
Standard cyclic time of
180 000 ~ 255 sec.
32 Display Mode
Program list ; Schematic Diagram;
Icon mode
33 CF card format Standard of
Standard of DTR CF Card; V2.0
Standard CF Card
34 Addition step Disable Disable; Enable
35 Mode Com 3
Esure Com 3 is the communication
port of the Central or Coupling
Com 3 Communication
9600 Central communication speed

. .. . T TT T T TT Ta aa a a aa ab bb b b bb bl ll l l ll le ee e e ee e 4 44 4 4 44 4 Temperature Cotnrol Factor

No. Factor Definition Standard Range and Definition
01 PT No. PT-0 PT 0~5 , PT-100 Input number
02 Max. working temp. 140 000~140
03 Output mode 0 0~2
04 Alarm time of gardient 240sec. 000~255 sec.
05 Alarm mode of gradient Always AlwaysOnceNone
06 Control mode of gradient Heating or
Heating and Cooling interlocked
No limitation
07 Alarm range of HoldTemp. 03 01~20
08 Alarm time for HoldTemp. 240sec. 000~255sec.
09 Alarm mode of HoldTemp. Always AlwaysOnceNone
10 Control mode of
Heating only
Only heating and cooling; Cooling when
alarm occurred; Only heating and
cooling; No limitation when alarm;
Heating only.
11 Porportional Band 10.0 00.0~25.0
12 Integral band 128 sec. 000~255 sec.
13 Differential time 04 sec. 00~20 sec.
14 Min. transit gradient 02 00~50
15 Transit rate 2.0 times 0.0~5.0 times (020= 2 times)
16 PID initial output value 010% 000~100%
17 ON/OFF cycle time 10 sec. 05~25 sec.
On/off valve set as 010 sec.;
Proportional valve set as 020 sec.;
18 Time down count mode Mode 0 0~1
0 = The time down count range from
Factor 20 + target temptoTarget
temp Factor 21.
1 = For time down count range of heating
is same as setting 0, The down count
range of cooling fromFactor 21 +
target temp to target factor 20.
19 Transit band 03 00~50
20 Down count range + 03 00~80
21 Down count range - 03 00~80

. .. . T TT T T TT Ta aa a a aa ab bb b b bb bl ll l l ll le ee e e ee e 5 55 5 5 55 5 Speed Factor
No. Factor Definition Standard Range & Definition
01 Input Number Speed input 0 Speed input 0~11
02 Average times 05 times 01~10
03 Sensor Number 008pcs 001~255
04 Roller Dimension 250mm 050~500
05 Max. cloth speed 200m/min 001~255
06 Min. cloth speed 020m/min 001~255
07 Alarm delay time 240sec. 001~255
08 Alarm mode Every oncenoneevery
09 Alarm range (%) 020 001~255
10 Proportional band 100 001~255
11 Integer band 128 001~255
12 Differential time 000 001~200
13 Initial speed (%) 020 001~255
14 Control cycle ti 0.1sec. 05 01~30
15 First cycle time0.1sec. 10 01~30
16 Speed increase limit (%) 010 001~100
17 Speed decrease limit (%) 010 001~100
18 Min speed% 005 001~100
19 Manual speed adjust (%) 005 001~100
20 Manual initial speed% 020 001~100
21 Stopping speed% 010 001~100
22 Switch speed% 020 001~100
23 Not used
24 Speed decrease turns 03turns 01~50

. .. . Table 6 Dosing Factors
No Description Range Range and Explanation
1 Analog input no. Analog input 0 Analog input no. 0 ~11
Alarm delay time for
240 sec. 000 ~255 sec.
3 Alarm time for dosing Every Every; Once; None
4 Proportional band 100 000 ~255 sec. Factor P
5 Integer band 128 000 ~255 sec. Factor I
6 Differential time 04 00 ~20 Factor D
7 Max adjust rate 150% 50%~ 255%
8 Initial factor for dosing 10% 000% ~100%
9 User curve section 0
Gradient of sect.1 for dosing curve9
10 User curve section 1 10% Gradient of sect.2 for dosing curve9
11 User curve section 2 10% Gradient of sect.3 for dosing curve9
12 User curve section 3 10% Gradient of sect.4 for dosing curve9
13 User curve section 4 10% Gradient of sect.5 for dosing curve9
14 User curve section 5 10% Gradient of sect.6 for dosing curve9
15 User curve section 6 10% Gradient of sect.7 for dosing curve9
16 User curve section 7 10% Gradient of sect.8 for dosing curve9
17 User curve section 8 10% Gradient of sect.9 for dosing curve9
18 User curve section 9 10% Gradient of sect.10 for dosing curve9
19 Min. water level 05% 00%~ 10%, 0/4~20mA percentage
change to the users factor setting
20 Output value for Tank
100% 000%~ 100%
Injected percentage of dosing valve
in dosing End period.
This factor will be invalided if using
ON/OFF dosing valve.
21 Full range 100
001~255 Self-adjustment, cannot
22 Range ratio 001
001~255 Self-adjustment, cannot

. .. .
T Ta ab bl le e 7 7
Pressure Deviation Factors

No Description Std. Range & Definition
1 Analog input number + Analog in 0 Analog in 0~11
2 Analog input number - Analog in 1 Analog in 0~11
3 Input mode Pressure Pressure/ Pressure deviation
4 Full range
5 Range ratio 001 001~255
6 Alarm delay time 100sec. 001~255
7 Alarm mode Every oncenone
8 Alarm range 010 001~255
9 Proportional band 100 001~255
10 Integer band 128 001~255
11 Differential time 00 00~20
12 PID. Init output value 010 001~255
13 Cycle time 10 03~30
14 First cycle time 030 003~100
15 Max adjust rate 010% 001~100%


. .. . T Ta ab bl le e 8 8 Definition of Analog Input
No Description Standard Range and Explanation
01 PT 0 correction standard DIN std. DIN std. ; JIS std.
02 PT 0 correction +0 +- 9
03 PT 1 correction standard DIN std. DIN std. ; JIS std.
04 PT 1 correction +0 +- 9
05 PT 2 correction standard DIN std. DIN std. ; JIS std.
06 PT 2 correction +0 +- 9
07 PT 3 correction standard DIN std. DIN std. ; JIS std.
08 PT 3 correction +0 +- 9
09 PT 4 correction standard DIN std. DIN std. ; JIS std.
10 PT 4 correction +0 +- 9
11 PT 5 correction standard DIN std. DIN std. ; JIS std.
12 PT 5 correction +0 +- 9
13 Analog input 0 define 4 ~ 20mA 0 20mA; 4 20mA
14 Analog input 0 average times 10 times 01- 20 times
15 Analog input 0 min. value 0000 0000 - 1000
16 Analog input 0 max. value 100 0001 - 9999
17-60 Analog input 1~11 Same as Analog input 0

. .. . T Ta ab bl le e 9 9 Definition of Analog Output
No. Description Standard Range and explanation
61 Analog output 0 define Control by
Control by PLC;
Temperature control PID0 output;
Temperature control PID1 output.
Temperature control PID2 output;
Speed PID3 output.
Dosing PID0 output; Dosing PID1
Pressure different PID0 output;
Pressure different PID1 output.
Main temperature output.
62 Mode of Analog ouptput0 4 ~20mA 0 20mA ; 4 20mA
63-84 Analog output 1~11 Same as Analog output 0

. .. . T Ta ab bl le e 1 10 0 Value Table 0 & 1
No Description Range Std. Range and explanation
1 Analog input no. 000~011 000 Analog input no.
2 Data ratio 001~255 100 Multiple by factors
3~53 0%~98% 000~255 000-100 Analog input 0%~98% data

. .. . T Ta ab bl le e 1 11 1 State List
No Description Range Standard Range and explanation
1 Display setting 1 0~255 205 See remarks at next page
Display setting 2 0~255
Display setting 3 0~255
Display setting 4 0~255
Display setting 5 0~255
Display setting 6 0~255
Display setting 7 0~255
Display setting 8 0~255
Display setting 9 0~255
10 Display setting 1 0~255 000
Display setting 2 0~255
Display setting 3 0~255
Display setting 4 0~255
Display setting 5 0~255
Display setting 6 0~255
Display setting 7 0~255

0 = No display 1~255 = Display type of number
1~16 Content of PLC VB0~15
No. 1 corresponding to VB0
No. 16 corresponding to VB15
17~32 Content of PLC DB0~15
No. 17 corresponding to DB0
No. 32 corresponding to DB15
33~46 Content of PLC CNT0~29
No. 33 corresponding to CNT0
No. 46 corresponding to CNT29
47~78 Content of dyeing instruction 0~31 CNT0
No. 47 corresponding to system instruction to No. 0 of CNT0
No. 78 corresponding to system instruction to No. 31 of CNT0s content
79~110 Dyeing instruction 0~31 of CNT0s setting
111~142 Content of Dyeing instruction 0~31 CNT1
No. 111 corresponding to dyeing instruction No. 0 of CNT1
No. 142 corresponding to dyeing instruction No. 31 of CNT1s content
143~174 Dyeing instruction 0~31 of CNT1s setting
175~204 Content of PLC HTIM0~29
No. 175 corresponding to HTIM0
No. 204 corresponding to HTIM29
205 Loading
206 Ratio 1
207 Ratio 2
208 Ratio 1 x Loading
209 Ratio 2 x Loading
210 Fix value
211 Value Table 1 matching result
212 Value Table 2 matching result
213 Value Table 1 setting
214 Value Table 2 setting
215 Pressure control PID0 different pressure value
216 Pressure control PID1 different pressure value

. T TT T T TT Ta aa a a aa ab bb b b bb bl ll l l ll le ee e e ee e 1 12 2 Usage of password
Main Function
Sub Function Factor Password Rank
1 Run None
2 Dye program User3 or above
3 Control factor
- User factor User 1
- System factor User 1
- Temp. PID 0
- Temp. PID 1 User 1
- Speed PID 0 User 1
- Dosing PID 0 User 1
- Dosing PID 1 User 1
- Pressure PID 0 User 1
- Pressure PID 1 User 1
- Analog I/O User 1
- Load standard factor
User 2 or above
- Load a copied factor User 2 or above
- Copy factor
User 2 or above
- Value table 0 User 1
- Value table 1 User 1
- Information and state User 1
- Dye instruction User 1

- Edit dye instruction setting User 1
4 Output testing User 2 or above
5 Calibration User 2 or above
6 Dye record None
7 CF card User 1
8 Info. and state None
9 Others
- Contrast User3 or above
- Data Locking None
- PLC Run User 1
- PLC Stop User 1
- Password setting User 1
- Password 1 setting User 1
- Password 2 setting User 2 or above
- Password 2 setting User 2 or above

- System date and time setting User 2 or above

. .. .T TT T T TT Ta aa a a aa ab bb b b bb bl ll l l ll le ee e e ee e 1 13 3 Technical Data
1 Temperature Control
- Range 101451
- Mode Proportional or PWM
- Sensor PT100 (JIS or DIN standard)
2 Input and output channel
- Digital Input 32 DC24V PNP
- Digital Output 32 DC24V 0.54A Relay connect point
- Analog Input 4 0/420 mA
- Analog Output 4 020mA 420 mA
3 Communication port 3 RS-232 & 020 mAx1; RS485x 2
4 Dye program
- Number 15000 Steps
- Standard step 61
Heating, Cooling, Fill, Drain, Rinse,
LCD module and Display
320 x 240 TFT color display with
more language
6 CF card connector 1 PCMCIA standard
7 Membrane Keyboard
- Number Key 10 [0][9] Input factors
- Function Key 5 [F1][F5] function selecting
- Operation Key 2 [Start] [Stop]
- Auxiliary Key 7 [][][][][Esc] [][OK] []
8 Operating Condition
- Temperature 545
- Humidity 85% (25)
9 Power supply
- Voltage DC 24V
- Consumption 12 VA
10 Dimension 302W x 175H x 90D (mm)
11 Cut out dimension 282W x 159D (mm)

DTR-650 Input / Output Porting (backside view)

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