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Guidelines for Optional Full-Term Internship (Applicable for Spring Term 2013-14) 1. Applicability I. II.

These guidelines shall be applicable for Full-term Internships in Spring Term 2013-14 wherever an optional internship is defined in the details of the programme. The main objective of these guidelines is to facilitate a mechanism for streamlining the process for determination of student eligibility; students learning outcomes, acquired practical skills, and technological exposure. It is to be noted that a rigorous selection procedure of conditionally restrictive nature shall be followed for determining student eligibility to proceed on optional full-term internship. Approvals will be given in selective and very specific cases only. It is mandatory for a student to have prior written approval of his/her application and internship organization before proceeding onto internship.



2. Internship Eligibility and Conduct I. Conditions for proceeding on Internship (till last declared result): a. Eligibility Criteria: CGPA 7.5(absolute) + No Backlogs + Maximum 2 Reappears + Student presentation to School Internship Approval Committee (SIAC) b. Paid internships i.e. where a student needs to pay for getting trained are not allowed, except where special approvals are taken from the Hon Chancellor. c. Recommendation and approval channels for: Composition of SIAC: HOF DAA Pro Chancellor Student Eligibility: SIAC DAA Pro Chancellor Organizations Name & Eligibility: SIAC DAA Hon Chancellor A School Internship Approval Committee (SIAC) shall be constituted at School level comprising of HOF, HOS/COS-(School), HOD/COD-(School), HOD-(DCS) and HOD-DAA for scrutiny of applications for internship. The SIAC shall make recommendations based on the student and organization eligibility conditions as specified by the University. No member of SIAC should be below the rank of a HOD/COD. The composition of SIAC shall be formally put forward (as per Annexure-III) for approval from the Office of Pro-Chancellor through DAA. Upon approval, SIAC shall forward its recommendations of eligible internship organizations (refer pt.3- Internship Organization Selection Criteria) in Annexure-IV (in softcopy), and eligible students applications (Annexure-II in hardcopy) for the approval from the Office of the Honorable Chancellor and Office of Pro Chancellor respectively through DAA (refer pt.5 Internship Timelines). Continuous Assessment (CA) and End term Practical (ETP) assessment shall be applicable with 50-50% weightage. Detailed evaluation parameters for CA and ETP with relevant student performance requirements during internship shall be communicated soon. School shall appoint an internal supervisor to students undergoing internship for the purpose of Continuous Assessment (CA) during the internship period.






Upon completion of internship, student must submit a synopsis, an internship project report, and training certificate from the internship organization signed by internship supervisor allocated by the organization.

3. Internship Organization Selection Criteria I. Scrutiny and shortlisting of proposed organizations for internship shall be done with due diligence based on parameters given below::
i. Overall reputation, recognition, and national rankings ii. Type of establishment (Fortune-500, Govt., NGO, Public, or Private Sector) iii. Organizations vision, scope, and long-term goals (Heritage, Benefits for student, institution, community, region, country) iv. Skill Development Potential (offering development of career-related skills & employability, Hands-on, rewarding work experience) v. Relevance to students program and skill-set expected to be acquired in future vi. Size of organization - estimated number of employees, Market capitalization and annual turnover vii. Mode of selection of Interns by organization and stipend to interns (online tests, interviews. Internship project, allowed participation in actual business processes) viii. LPU Student Placement Record and Rating of A+ by DCS ix. Miscellaneous recommendations (School or industry experts recommendation and alumni feedbacks)


Highly reputed national and international organizations should be preferred, i.e. Microsoft, Google, Infosys, TATA, DRDO, HAL, ISRO, Honda, Toyota etc. Organizations having LPU rating of A+ (by DCS) which provides our student good hands-on Internship Projects, learning opportunities and competitive stipend during training are to be allowed after approval from all concerned authorities.

4. Overall process for the conduct of internship: I. Schools shall issue the training letter(s) to eligible students as per eligibility criteria in the prescribed format (Annexure-I) on LPU letterhead. After receiving the training letter(s), a student may start applying for acceptance letters from internship organizations. Eligible students shall fill the prescribed format (Annexure-II) and submit it along-with a Statement of Purpose (SOP), abstract of proposed work, and an acceptance letter to SIAC as per prescribed timelines given in pt.5-Internship Timelines of this document. Statement of Purpose (SOP) by the student should provide information about the organization, proposed work during internship, expected outcomes, and understanding about the internship opportunity to be availed by the student. Based on the student presentation and SOP, the SIAC shall recommend the final list of internship organizations considered eligible for internship for the approval of the Honorable Chancellor through DAA based on the criteria approved by the University. SIAC shall also formally forward the shortlisted student applications to DAA for approval from the Office of Pro Chancellor through DAA. School Heads shall compile and maintain complete record of approved or disapproved cases and submit the final data to DAA as per timelines prior to allocation of internal supervisors.



IV. V.

5. Internship Timelines: Deadline Process/Task to be completed Responsibility Eligibility determination to finalize the eligible student list as School Heads per prescribed eligibility criteria (DAA in coordination with (in Examination shall provide list of eligible students) coordination School Heads shall verify the list of eligible students and shall with DAA and take option from students to choose either full term internship Examination or coursework. Division) Training Issuing training letters (Annexure-I) to eligible students opting Coordinators for full term internship. HOFs

16th November, 2013 (up to)

Constitution of SIAC (as per Annexure-III) for requisite approvals through proper channels. Applying for Internships by students and receiving acceptance 30th letter. November, 30th Nov, 2013 is students deadline for submission of SOP, 2013 abstract of proposed work, acceptance letter and Internship (up to) Organization Approval Performa (Annexure-II) to SIAC. Student presentations and SOPs before SIAC SIAC shall perform the requisite scrutiny and shortlisting of 16th received student applications and shall seek requisite approvals December, from defined higher offices through proper channel. 2013 Training Coordinators (in coordination with School Heads) to (up to) maintain student application record of all approved or disapproved cases. Final compiled data to be submitted to DAA. 20th December, Allocation of internal supervisors to students undergoing 2013 internship by the School, and communication regarding the same to DAA.


Training Coordinators and SIAC members

School Heads

Annexure-I Training Letter Format (Fill & print on LPU letterhead) Ref No: LPU/________________ Dated:

To, ---------------------------------- (CEO/GM/HR Manager), ---------------------------------- (Company Name), --------------- (State) Subject: Training for B.Tech ____________________________________ (school name).

Dear Sir/Madam, Lovely Professional University has a mammoth ultra-modern campus sprawling over more than 600 acres of land on the National Highway No.1 at the entry of Jalandhar City. It is the largest single campus university in India, with more than 25000 students, 3500 faculty and staff, offering more than 200 programmes. The School of __________________________________ under Lovely Professional University trains the students to become technically sound by giving them orientation on ______________________________________. In order to apply the conceptual and practical knowledge gained during studies, the students of B.Tech program are required to undergo an internship of __ (duration) months. The internship must end before 15/05/2014. We understand that this practical training is of vital importance to enhance the professional skills of the budding engineers. In this context we shall be highly obliged if you kindly provide an opportunity of industrial exposure in your esteemed organization to (Student Name) Mr._______________ Registration Number:______________ who is a student of B.Tech ____ program Batch:_______ in our University. We look forward to have a long term relationship between LPU and your esteemed organization.

Best Regards

____________________(Name) Training Coordinator School of _______________________________________ Lovely Professional University, Punjab

Contact Info: ____________________ (Mobile)


School: _____________________________________ INTERNS HIP ORGANIZATION APPROVAL PERFORMA Name of the student: .. Batch: .. Session : . Registration No:. Roll No. .. Current Section:..

PROPOSED ORGANIZATION ---------------------------------------------------------------- For Office Use Only ------------------------------------------------------APPLICATION NUMBER(by Training Coordinator): ________ Date(mandatory):__/___/_____ SIAC Members : Name: ___________________ UID: ___________ Name: ___________________ UID: ___________ Name: ___________________ UID: ___________ Name: ___________________ UID: ___________ Name: ___________________ UID: ___________ Name: ________________ ___ UID: ___________ SIAC RECOMMENDEDATION (Tick) Recommended Not Recommended [ [ [ [ [ ] ] ] ] ] [ [ [ [ [ ] ] ] ] ]

Organization Selection Parameters (as per policy) Overall reputation, recognition and national rankings Type of Establishment Organizations Vision, Scope, and Long-term Goals Skill Development Potential Business Relevancy Market capitalization and annual turnover in respective markets Size of organization and estimated number of employees Mode of selection of Interns by organization and company offerings to interns

[ ] [ ] [ ]

[ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

LPU Student Placement Record and Rating of A+ by DCS [ ] Overall Recommendation Remarks by SIAC

*Original copy of this page after approval shall be retained by the student and must be attached in the final report. One extra copy is to be kept in record by respective Training Coordinator and School Head . SIAC CHAIRPERSON (Signatures) Date: __ /__ /_____ continued

----------------------------------- POST RECOMMENDATION FORWARDING FROM SIAC----------------------------------REMARKS OF HOD/HD-DAA Date (mandatory): _________________

Name: _______________________ UID:___________ Signatures: _____________________


Date: _________________

[ ] Approved

[ ] Approved as a special case

[ ] Disapproved

-----------------------------POS T APPROVAL/DISAPPROVAL FORWARDING INSTRUCTIONS ------------------------Signature (DAA) Date (dd/mm/ yyyy) Informed by Training Coordinator-(School) to
S tudent

Case Decision
[ ] Approved [ ] Disapproved

Forward by

Forward to

Forwarded by DAA to
S chool Head (for necessary action and communication to Training Coordinators )

Signature Date (dd/mm/ yyyy)

Office of ProChancellor


----------------------------------------- TO BE FILLED BY Training Coordinator-(School)---------------------------------------Dear Student, Your application number: ______ for __________________ (name of the Organization) has been ( ) Approved* or ( ) Disapproved

* Keep this copy with yourself during the whole duration of the internship. Signatures (School Head):__________________ Date: __/ __/_____

--------------------------------------------- (Students copy after approval) --------------------------------------------------

Annexure-III SIAC Composition Format Date: __ / __ /_____

SIAC Composition for School of __________________________

Name UID Designation Role in SIAC (Chairman or Member)

HOF Remarks:

____________________ Signature (HOF)

Date: __ / __ /_____

DAA Remarks:

____________________ Signature (HOD/HD-DAA)

Date: __ / __ /_____

Higher Authorities Remarks (if applicable):

____________________ Signature (Office of Pro-Chancellor)

Date: __ / __ /_____


LIST OF RECOMMENDED ORGANIZATIONS BY SIAC (for approval) School of ________________________________________ Sr No. Application Number Name of the Student Registration Number DATE: __ / __ /_____ Name of the Recommended Organization by SIAC

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