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The Strategy Factor in Successful Language Learning by Carol Griffiths

Adem Soru, Turkey Adem Soru (previewer) is currently teaching at Fatih University in Istanbul, Tur ey! "e is carrying out research #or a $h% on the role o# input and output in language development! "e has published a number o# articles and presented at con#erences in Tur ey and abroad! &'mail( adem)soruc*hotmail!com +arol ,ri##iths (author) has been a teacher, manager and teacher trainer o# &-T #or many years! She completed a $h% on the sub.ect o# learning strategies at the University o# Auc land! She has taught in /ew 0ealand, Indonesia, 1apan, +hina, /orth 2orea, U2, and is currently wor ing at Faith University in Istanbul, Tur ey! She has published widely, including her boo 3-essons #rom ,ood -anguage -earners4, and presented at many con#erences around the world! &'mail( carolgri##iths5*gmail!com

6hen 1oan 7ubin published her seminal article 86hat the 3,ood -anguage -earner4 can teach us9 (:;<5), probably #ew e=pected that it would sow the seeds o# controversies which would still be unresolved several decades later! The Strategy Factor in Successful Language Learning endeavours to help resolve some o# the controversies by clari#ying basic concepts, especially o# terminology, de#inition, e##ectiveness, theoretical underpinnings and classi#ication> by addressing #undamental ?uestions regarding the relationships among success#ul language learning and strategy #re?uency, ?uantity, type and use according to learner, situational or target variables> by considering strategy e##ectiveness #rom an individual point o# view, particularly in relation to a range o# learner variables> by discussing pedagogical issues, especially relating to teacher perceptions and training, classroom and learner #actors, methodology and content, as well

as considering situational and target variables> and by identi#ying areas still re?uiring research clari#ication The boo aims to achieve these ob.ectives by means o# an e=tensive review, analysis and re'interpretation o# the e=isting literature! It also provides ?uantitative research evidence #or the #undamental ?uestions noted above by means o# empirical studies, as well as ?ualitative research evidence regarding individual strategy use by means o# interviews! In addition, pedagogical research is provided and implications are drawn #or classroom practice and teacher education! Furthermore, #or those who are interested in research many recommendations are made #or areas still re?uiring #urther research! The strategy concept is o# interest to a potentially wide range o# readers, but this boo is especially intended #or students who are wor ing on a variety o# diploma or degree programmes in the language learning area #or whom the discussion and re#erences would be e=tremely use#ul when completing assignments or theses> #or teacher educators, practising teachers or teacher trainees #or whom the pedagogical implications o# the numerous #indings described in the boo are especially relevant> and #or researchers, #or whom the numerous under'researched areas pointed out may help to indicate directions #or #uture use#ul studies! The boo is organised into #our main chapters! +hapter one deals with the essential concepts o# terminology, e##ectiveness, underlying theory and classi#ication, and attempts a de#initive de#inition based on essential elements e=tracted #rom the literature! +hapter two loo s at the answers to some basic ?uestions regarding strategy use and the relationship to other variables and to success#ul learning outcomes! It reports a number o# studies which address some o# the ve=ed issues involved! +hapter three approaches the strategy issue #rom the individual student4s point o# view! Although ?uantitative #indings such as those presented in +hapter two are valuable, and may well be used to in#orm teaching practice, individuals never ?uite con#orm to statistical e=pectations, and it is essential to allow #or individual variation when considering e##ective language learning and strategy use! And +hapter #our loo s at the pedagogical research! Studies o# teacher

perceptions and o# strategy based instruction are reviewed, along with #indings regarding methodology and content! -earner, situational and target variables are considered as well as issues #or teacher training! The Strategy Factor in Successful Language Learning is di##erent #rom previous boo s in a number o# ways! The learning strategy #ield has at times been critici@ed #or being a theoretical! This boo addresses underlying theoretical issues in the #irst chapter by loo ing at terminology, de#inition, theoretical underpinnings and classi#ication systems! 7ather than merely discuss the concepts, this boo presents evidence #rom empirical studies #or each o# the #undamental ?uestions posed in +hapter two! In addition to the ?uantitative view ta en in +hapter two, the boo ta es a ?ualitative loo at strategy use by individuals in +hapter A and considers the implications o# the interview data! Finally in +hapter #our, rather than loo ing at strategies divorced #rom the 8real world9 o# the classroom, this boo loo s at the issues #rom the teachingBlearning point o# view! In addition, the boo contains multiple suggestions #or #urther research, a glossary which e=plains essential terms, an e=tensive bibliography, appendices containing the instruments used in the studies which might be use#ul #or replication studies, and an inde= #or ease o# re#erence! According to the author, strategies are an essential tool #or learners who want to succeed at learning language! Cy providing practical in#ormation based on research evidence, The Strategy Factor in Successful Language Learning ma es a use#ul contribution to our nowledge o# this controversial area! Please check the How the oti!ate your Students course at Pilgrims website"

Please check the How to be a Teacher Trainer course at Pilgrims website"

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