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Win the World

Proclaim Jesus Intentionally to Others
Part 2
The goal of the
church is to fulfill
the Great
The key to growth
is reproducing
We are called to
make disciples
who will make
disciples also.
Timothy’s Timothy’s Timothy’s
disciples disciples disciples

Timothy’s Timothy’s Timothy’s Timothy’s Timothy’s

disciples’ disciples’ disciples’ disciples’ disciples’
disciples disciples disciples disciples disciples
And the things you have heard
me say in the presence of
many witnesses entrust to
reliable men who will also be
qualified to teach others.
2 Timothy 2:2 in
your memory in 2
And the things you have heard
me say in the presence of
many witnesses entrust to
reliable men who will also be
qualified to teach others.
And the _____ you have _____
me say in the presence of
many witnesses _______ to
reliable men who will also be
qualified to _____ ______.
And the _____ you have _____
me say in the presence of
many witnesses _______ to
reliable men who will also be
qualified to _____ ______.
And the _____ you have _____
me ___ in the presence of
many witnesses _______ to
________ ___ who will also be
_________ to _____ ______.
And the _____ you have _____
me ___ in the presence of
many witnesses _______ to
________ ___ who will also be
_________ to _____ ______.
And the _____ you have _____
me ___ in the ________ of
many _________ _______ to
________ ___ who will ____ __
_________ to _____ ______.
And the _____ you have _____
me ___ in the ________ of
many _________ _______ to
________ ___ who will ____ __
_________ to _____ ______.
___ ___ _____ ___ ____ _____
__ ___ __ ___ ________ __
____ _________ _______ __
________ ___ ___ ____ ____
__ _________ __ _____
And the things you have heard
me say in the presence of
many witnesses entrust to
reliable men who will also be
qualified to teach others.
___ ___ _____ ___ ____ _____
__ ___ __ ___ ________ __
____ _________ _______ __
________ ___ ___ ____ ____
__ _________ __ _____
Part 2
The goal of the
church is to build
What is a
EDSA People Power
Labor movement
Consumer rights
The goal of the
church is to build
What is the “common
goal” in the spiritual
movement we want to
The fulfillment of the
Great Commission
We are a church that produces
Passionate Disciples of Christ
that together fulfills Christ's
Great Commandment and
Great Commission.
What "series of actions
and events" should
"take place" in
building spiritual
And the things you have heard
me say in the presence of
many witnesses entrust to
reliable men who will also be
qualified to teach others.
And the things you have heard
me say in the presence of
many witnesses entrust to
reliable men who will also be
qualified to teach others.
Heard Entrust

Then Jesus came to them and said, "All
authority in heaven and on earth has
been given to me. Therefore go and
make disciples of all nations, baptizing
them in the name of the Father and of
the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and
teaching them to obey everything I have
commanded you. And surely I am with
you always, to the very end of the age."
Go Baptize

Jesus called His Jesus spent much of
disciples to His time teaching His
follow Him disciples

Jesus sent His Jesus let His disciples

disciples out for accompany Him in
ministry ministry
Calling the Twelve to him, he sent them out two
by two and gave them authority over evil spirits.
These were his instructions: "Take nothing for
the journey except a staff--no bread, no bag, no
money in your belts. Wear sandals but not an
extra tunic. Whenever you enter a house, stay
there until you leave that town. And if any place
will not welcome you or listen to you, shake the
dust off your feet when you leave, as a
testimony against them." They went out and
preached that people should repent.
Win Build

Send Train
(Campus, Earth Care Groups
Shakers, Personal (Sunday Worship,
Evangelism) Special Events)

Send ALI
(Walk Thru the
Bible, Building
What “stage” are you
in now?
Win – I
Build – IIII
Train – II
Send – IIIII-I
The goal of the
church is to build
A sense of excitement that
comes from being part of
something great, having a
vision for the future, and a
willingness to sacrifice for
the cause.
(“God of this city” video)
 Jesus regularly ministered in large groups
(Sermon on the Mount, Feeding of the 5000,
His miraculous healing ministry)
 Crowds followed Him everywhere

 When He entered a village, everyone was

talking about Jesus.
 There was a sense of excitement wherever He
Building of leadership
through intense
relationships, training
and involvement in the
goals of the movement.
 Though people followed Him because of the
excitement, Jesus’ primary job was training the
twelve and also the seventy, for the time He
would not be around.
 At one point the masses all left Him.

 His disciples were the only ones who remained.

 It is through intensive discipleship that

leadership is built.
1. He taught them.
2. He demonstrated to them the principles He
had taught.
3. He sent the disciples out to do it themselves.
4. He brought them together again for
5. He sent them to do the same with others.
The coordination of resources
to make the maximum impact
through the movement;
planning and executing a
strategy to accomplish the
movement’s objectives.
 Jesus clearly knew where He was headed – to
 He spent a great deal of time in prayer to be
certain He knew what the plan involved.
 He knew the schedule.
 He delegated responsibilities to free Him for the
critical work.
 He also used a clear training program to develop
the disciples as leaders and to prepare them to
disciple others as well.

Multiplication Management
 Celebration and worship
 Special events – cantatas, Christmas
programs, etc.
 Evangelistic outreaches mobilizing the whole
church (e.g., Earth Shakes Outreach)
 Cooperative outreach with other churches –
rallies, marches, leadership and training
 Emphasis on cell groups (i.e., care groups)
 Home Bible studies

 Core groups within interest groupings (e.g.,

young people, elders, etc.)
 Accountability groups

 Pastoral staff

 Special leadership training aimed at helping

the small groups develop further
 Administrating and budgeting
 Pastoral staff meetings
 Elder and deacon meetings
 Committees, departments
 Surveys of congregation to know how the church
members feel
 Research on interests and needs of the
community to see how the church can help
 Managing the programs of the church so they fit in
with the vision

Multiplication Management
The goal of the
church is to build
Win the World

Proclaim Jesus Intentionally to Others

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