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Topic 2 Equilibria Revision Notes 1)

Equilibrium quantities
The moles present at equilibrium can be worked out using simple algebra

Example 1
2 moles of nitrogen and 3 moles of hydrogen were reacted in a sealed vessel of volume 2 dm3 at a temperature of 700K. t equilibrium !." moles of nitrogen remained. #alculate the moles of hydrogen and ammonia present in the equilibrium mi$ture. %nitial moles &qm moles N2 + 2 !." 3H2 2NH3 3 0 ' '

The equation says that for every 2 moles of ()3 formed* ! mole of (2 and 3 moles of )2 are used up. +e can write e$pressions for the equilibrium moles in terms of $ that will allow us to calculate the missing numbers of moles. ,or (2* start with 2 moles* $ moles used up -one lot of (2 in equation. ,or )2* start with 3 moles* 3$ moles used up -three lots of )2 in equation. ,or ()3* start with 0 moles* 2$ moles formed -2 lots of ()3 in equation. %nitial moles &qm moles &qm moles N2 + 2 !." 2/$ 3H2 3 ' 3/3$ 2NH3 0 ' 2$

+e know that !." 0 2/$* so $00.1 2oles of )2 at equilibrium is* therefore* !.3 and moles of ()3 at equilibrium is 0.3 %nitial moles &qm moles &qm moles N2 + 2 !." 2/$ 3H2 3 !.3 3/3$ 2NH3 0 0.3 2$


The equilibrium constant,

n equilibrium constant can be defined in terms of concentrations for the following reaction4 a! + b" c# + $% where a 0 moles of etc %t can be shown that4


'#(c'%($ '!(a'"(

where 5 6 0 concentration of

in mol dm/3 etc

7nce equilibrium moles are known they need to be converted into concentrations before being put into the Kc e$pression. #oncentration 0 moles8volume -in dm3. %f the volume is not known* use 9 to represent it and the 9:s will almost certainly cancel The units for the Kc can be determined by substituting and cancelling #ontinuing with example 1 %nitial moles &qm moles &qm moles #onc -mol dm/3. Kc N2 + 2 !." 2/$ !."82 0 0.3 3H2 3 !.3 3/3$ !.382 00.; 2NH3 0 0.3 2$ 0.382 00.1

0 5()36285(265)263 0 0.128-0.3 $ 0.;3. 0 0.271 0 -mol dm/3.28mol dm/3 $ -mol dm/3.3 0 !8-mol dm/3.2 0 mol/2 dm"


o o o o o

)ther points
#hanges in concentration have no effect on the numerical value of Kc ,or an e$othermic reaction* increasing the temperature decreases the magnitude of Kc. The equilibrium shifts in the endothermic or backward direction to remove the added heat ,or endothermic reactions* increasing the temperature increases the value of Kc. The equilibrium shifts in the endothermic or forward direction to remove the added heat =educing the volume of the reaction vessel increases the pressure and may affect the position of equilibrium %ncreasing the volume of the reaction vessel decreases the pressure and may affect the position of equilibrium

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