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Current Corel DRAW! Tutorials -- Drop Shadows Favorites

Here's of list of Creating Drop Shadows with Corel DRAW! our most popular graphics tutorials:

Adobe Photoshop Tutorials Quick Mask Have you ever wanted to do a little cutting and pasting and make it look as if your head was on someone else's body? Read more Corel (JASC Paint Shop Pro Tutorials

!his tutorial will show you how to create drop shadows in "orel #R$%& ' used "orel #R$%& ( ) for %indows *ome things may be done differently with other !ransparent versions 7'1s !his techni,ue #rop shadows are not something you'd e+pect to be able to do in a vector based demonstrates drawing program $lthough the shadows created with this techni,ue differ from how to they create those done with a paint program such as -hotoshop are. nevertheless. a pretty transparent cool effect 7'1s in -aint *hop -ro Read /pen a new graphic "hoose the te+t tool and enter your te+t "hoose the pick more tool to select the te+t 0se !e+t. 1ormat !e+t to bring up the 1ormat !e+t dialog bo+ "hoose a si2e and font for your te+t ' used 3) ) points and the #auphin font 4see !ara !tre"e figure 5 56 Pro Tutorials

'llustrating a 7uitar 8 -art 5 't may seem to be ,uite an undertaking to create a realistic illustration of something like figure 5 5 an electric guitar. but ' wanted to challenge the ease8of8use of this software Read more

Corel DRAW! Tutorials

"reating "omple+ *hapes #rawing circles. s,uares. triangles . etc

is easy with a vector program How do you combine these shapes to create something more comple+. though? 1ollow this tutorial and you'll see how easy it can be to create 9ust about any shape you need Read more

So#tware Deals
Download and tr$ out the #ree de"os and then save %&'( )&' and "ore when $ou de*ide to bu$! +ra#!-Design,*o" has partnered with some of the best graphics software companies in the %orld to offer you terrific savings on your favorite programs

-hotoshop -lugins

%e've been using $lien*kin's -hotoshop -lug8ins for over a decade and they are still our favorites

-hotoshop -lugins

"hoose :dit. "opy then :dit. -aste Move the top copy aside and use :dit. -aste to create a third copy Move this one aside. as well 4see figure 5 ;6

!ara .D
"reate ama2ing. high8,uality .D graphi*s easily& Read our review of =ara <# > or click the graphic below to download a #ree trial version

figure 5 ; %ith this last copy still selected choose a light gray color !his will change the last copy to light gray Move one of the other copies over the light gray one so that it's a little above and to the left of the light gray copy 'f you have to. use $rrange. /rder. 1orward one so that the black copy is above the light gray one 4see figure 5 <6

figure 5 <

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