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Walter de la Mares Silver: Simplicity of Dictions, Rhythmic Sounds, Painting of the Nocturnal Setting and Fairy tale li!

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Walter de la Mares Silver is simply beautiful for its simplicity of diction, rhythmic sounds, painting of the nocturnal setting and fairy tale like ambiance. Rhyming in couplets the entire poem is a flow of onomatopoeic sounds; but the sounds itself transmutes the colours. In pictorial details the poet first describes how the moon slowly and silently glides through the silver sphere. he moon beams assert a magical spell over the natural ob!ects. he fruit trees down the earth are carrying silvery fruits glisten with the soft glossy light of the moon. he casement, the thatched roof sheltering the dog" everything is silvery. #oves are too resting here in silvery lights. he harvest mouse running to and fro is coloured silver with claws and eyes. $ven the fish in the water is silver. he stream is also coloured by shining silver. %y the eerie atmosphere of nature the poet presents a silvery beauty where there is no human activities" but the world of animal activities of dog, bird, fish etc. most interestingly the stillness, calm and &uietude of the nocturnal setting arrests our mind. 'gain Silver is replete with beautiful imageries. (irst of all moon has been personified as an elf walking on the territory wearing silver shoon. 'nd her magic spell is turning everything into silver and silence. he sleeping dog in the kennel with its silver paws is lying like a piece of log. he feathers of roasting doves are turning silvery. ' harvest mouse goes scampering by with silver claws, and silver eye. he moveless fish in the water gleam by the moonlight. he river side reeds are tossing on the bank of )ilver River. his sensual" visual imagery are furnished in the &uoted few lines* +the moon Walks the night in her silver shoon;, +)ilver fruit upon silver trees;, , -ouched in his kennel, like a log, With paws of silver sleeps the dog;,

, the white breasts peep .f doves in silver feathered, +moveless fish in the water gleam, %y silver reeds in a silver stream., )ilver is a fine nocturnal poem. he subtle way in which the poet builds the world of the moonlit night is really worthy of praise. he poem is superb not only from the standpoint of artistic beauty, but also from the presentation of details and arrangement of the perfect snap shot of a silvery night. he collages of rustic setting with huts, meadows, reed strew river remain ever alive in our heart appealing to mystery and awe of nature.

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