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Biology Test Chapter 1,2,3

1. The infected plants produce an antibiotic which inhabits the growth of microorganisms, called (a) hytoalanins (b) hytoau!ins (c) hytoale!ins (d) hytoethylene 2. " fully contracted sarcomere of s#eletal muscle can be shorten of $$$$$ its total length (a) 2%& (b) 1%%& (c) 3'& (d) (% & 3. The halophyte store or e!crete out e!cess salt from$$$$$$$$$$ on lea)es (a) *esoglands (b) +alogands (c) ,eroglands (d) -alt gland (. .e)er is also called (a) yre!ia (b) yro!in (c) yroglate (d) yrostate '. /ue lactic acid muscles become (a) .atigue (b) 0ea# (c) -trong (d) -hort 1. 2ach myosin filament surrounded by (a) ( actin filaments (b) 1 actin filaments (c) 3 actin filaments (d) 12 actin filaments 4. *yelin sheath is formed by (a) 5euron (b) 6eceptor (c) 5euroglia (d) T7cell 3. The cuticle pre)ents the process of (a) Transpiration (b) 8uttation (c) 6espiration (d) hotosynthesis 9. "lpha cells of islets of langerhans in pancrease secrete $$$$$$$$$$ harmone (a) :nsulin (b) 8lucagon (c) Calcitonin (d) Corticotropin 1%. 8ibberella fu;i#uroi fungus causes foolish seedling disease in rice called (a) Ba#anae (b) Ba#ori (c) Bi#arina (d) <orina 11. .e)er ta#es place due to production of a chemical substance called (a) yri!ia (b) yrogen (c) yrosteride (d) ero!ide 12. The bones of s#ull e!cept brain bo! are called (a) "!ial bones (b) .acial bones (c) "ppendicular bones (d) .rontal bones 13. 5ociceptors are the receptors which detect (a) Touch (b) Temperature (c) ain (d) ressure 1(. <nee ;er# is an e!ample of (a) Ta!es (b) 6efle!es (c) =earning (d) :nsight learning 1'. :n =ithotripsy $$$$$$$$$$$ wa)es are used (a) >ltrasonic wa)es or shoc# wa)es (b) >ltraiolet (c) 6adio (d) :nfrared 11. The concentration of sodium ions is controlled by$$$$$$$$$$$$ harmone (a) "ldosterone (b) aratharmone (c) ?asopressin (d) "/+

14. The ;oints of ribs are $$$$$$$$ mo)eable (a) artially (b) Completely (c) :mmo)eable (d) 5one of them 13. ?itamin $$$$$$$$$$ is necessary for the absorption of calcium (a) " (b) < (c) / (d) B7comple! 19. :n plants heat shoc# proteins are produced abo)e the temperature (a) (% . (b) (% < (c) (% C (d) 5.@.T 2%. The attachment of muscles to the stationary part of bone is called (a) @rigin (b) :nsertion (c) :n)ersion (d) 5.@.T 21. .rom the glomerulus blood is carried by (a) 2fferent arteriole (b) "fferent arteriole (c) ro!imal arteriole (d) eritoneal arteriole 22. Cranium is considered as (a) -pinal bo! (b) Chest bo! (c) 6ib cage (d) 5.@.T 23. The bones of bac# bone ()ertebral column) after fusion are $$$$$$$$$$ in number (a) 2% (b) 33 (c) 3( (d) 21 2(. :n the centre of dar# band a clear line is present called $$$$$$$ (a) "7=ine (b) B7=ine (c) +7line (d) A7line 2'. The e!cretory organs of planaria are (a) .lame cells (b) *etanephredia (c) "nus (d) <idney 21. The internal fluid filled ca)ities of brain are called (a) /i)ision (b) ?entricles (c) "rtia (d) *eninges 24. -ome mammals li#e $$$$$$$$$ ma#e use of water produced during the brea# down of body fats (a) /og and +orse (b) Cow and 8oat (c) <angroo and Camel (d) Buffalo and -heep 23. "/+ and @!ytocin are produced by (a) "nterior pituitary (b) osterior pituitary (c) ineal gland (d) +ypothalamus 29. Bones of the an#le are called (a) Tarsals (b) *etatarsals (c) *etacarpals (d) Carpals 3%. The most abundant component of urine is (a) >rea (b) 0ater (c) >ric acid (d) "mmonia

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