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ENERGY IN A COUPLED CIRCUIT The total energy w stored in a mutually coupled inductor is

1 2 1 w = L1i1 + L2i2 2 Mi1i2 2 2

Positive sign is selected if both currents ENTER or LEAVE the dotted terminals. Otherwise we use Negative sign. The energy stored in the circuit cannot be negative because the citcuit is passive.

A measure of the magnetic coupling between two coils. It establishes the relationship between mutual inductance and the self-inductances of the two coil: M k= or M = k L1L2 L1L2 Since M L1L2 due to the energy consideration, 0 k 1.
k = 1 Perfect Coupling k < 0.5 Loosly Coupling k > 0.5 Tightly Coupling

Coupling efficiency depends on the closeness of the two coils, their orientation, and their windings.

(a) Loosely coupled coil

b) Tightly coupled coil

Air-core coils are loosely coupled. Iron-core are tightly coupled.

Ex. Practice Problem 13.3 For the circuit shown, determine the coupling coefficient and the energy stored in the coupled inductors at t = 1.5 s.

TRANSFORMERS A transformer is generally a four-terminal device comprising two or more magnetically coupled coils placed so that the charging flux developed by one will link the others. The coil to which the source is applied is called the primary coil. The coil to which the load is applied is called the secondary coil. Three basic operations of a transformer are: Step up/down Impedance matching Isolation

LINEAR TRANSFORMERS The transformer is called LINEAR if the coils are wound on magnetically linear material (air, plastic, Bakelite, wood, etc.) Flux is proportional to current in the windings. Resistances R1 and R2 account for losses in the coils. Mostly used in radio and TV sets.

IDEAL TRANSFORMERS An ideal Transformer is a unity-coupled, lossless transformer in which the primary and secondary coils have infinite self inductances. A Transformer is ideal if 1. Large reactance coils; 2. Unity Coupling k=1. 3. Coils are lossless (R1=R2=0)

The input and output voltages and currents of an ideal transformer are related only by the turns ratio.

V2 N 2 = = n = Turns Ratio V1 N1

Power conservation energy supplied to the primary equals energy absorbed by the secondary.
V1I1 = V2I2

I1 V2 = =n I2 V1

1. Step-up transformer if n > 1. 2. Step-down transformer if n < 1. 3. Isolation transformer if n=1.

V2 I1 N2 = = = n V1 I 2 N1

IDEAL TRANSFORMER DOT CONVENTION Transformer dot convention is needed to assign the polarity of the output variables. 1) If V1 and V2 are both positive or both negative at the dotted terminals, use +n, otherwise n. 2) If I1 and I2 both enter or both leave the dotted terminals, use n, otherwise +n.

Ex. Practice Problem 13.7 The primary current of an ideal transformer rated at 3300/110 V is 5 A. Calculate: (a) the turns ratio, (b) the kVA rating, and (c) the secondary current.

Ex. Practice Problem 13.8 In the ideal transformer circuit shown, find V0 and the complex power supplied by the source.

Ex. Practice Problem 13.9 Find V0 in the circuit below.

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