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Lease Agreement

This Agreement of Lease is executed on the ........... in the year 2005 et!een "rs. #$o Shri R$o hereinafter ca%%ed the &L'SS(R)* !hich expression sha%% mean to inc%ude a%% her heirs* successors* %ega% representati+es* executors* nominees and assignees of the one part , and * a pu %ic %imited company under the -ompanies Act* 1.5/ and ha+ing its registered office at . * hereinafter ca%%ed the &L'SS'') of the other part. #0'R'AS T0' L'SS(R is the o!ner of the 0ouse 1o. and is !i%%ing to gi+e the house on rent to the &L'SS''). 21 #2T1'SS PR'S'1T* the L'SS(R has agreed to %ease out the a o+esaid premises and the L'SS'' has agreed to ta3e the same for the residentia% use of their 'xecuti+e* NOW THIS LEASE AGREEMENT WITNESSTH AS UNDER: 1. 4or the purpose of this Agreement* the term 5ui%ding$0ouse$Premises !here+er it occurs* means the house %eased out comprising 6(ne 5edroom* 7itchen* athroom$toi%et8 t!o 5edrooms* 9ra!ing Room* 7itchen:9ining and t!o toi%ets on the first f%oor a%ong !ith fittings and fixtures. 2. That the Lease sha%% commence from ..$2005 to i.e. for a period of 11 6'%e+en8 months on%y. ;. After expiry of the initia% %ease period* the %ease can e further extended on mutua%%y agreed terms and conditions. <. The house !i%% e on %ease for the residence of "r.* * of the company.


5. That the L'SS'' sha%% not su %et, assign or other!ise part !ith !ho%e or in part the possession of the premises to anyone e%se in any manner !hatsoe+er. The L'SS'' !i%% use the premises pure%y for the residentia% purpose of "r.. and his fami%y. /. That the month%y rent has een fixed as Rs.. 6Rupeeson%y8 per month. The rent sha%% e paid efore =th of e+ery month. =. The L'SS(R has een paid an amount of Rs.. 6Rupeeson%y8 to!ards interest free refunda %e security deposit y the L'SS'' company !hich !i%% e refunded to the L'SS'' y the L'SS(R at the time of +acation of demised premises su >ect to deductions* if any of arrears on !ater* e%ectricity* phone or to!ards repairs for damages to the demised premises or the fittings and fixtures as existing at the time of occupation of the house y the L'SS''. ?. 2n addition the L'SS'' had a%so paid another amount of Rs. 6Rupees.on%y8 as ad+ance rent for the month of . 2005. .. That the L'SS'' sha%% e entit%ed to +acate the premises and hand o+er possession of the demised premises at any time during the %ease period y ser+ing at %east one month notice in !riting to the L'SS(R or y paying one month in %ieu thereof. 10. That if the L'SS(R is desirous of +acating the premises prior to the expiry of the period this %ease* he !i%% gi+e one month notice in ad+ance to the L'SS'' or pay one month rent in %ieu thereof to the L'SS''. 11.That the ground rent and house tax and other "unicipa% taxes !i%% e paid y the L'SS(R. 12. That the L'SS'' at the time of occupation sha%% see that a%% sanitary* e%ectrica% and other fittings and fixtures are in 3. perfect !or3ing order* nothing is ro3en or missing. The

L'SS'' sha%% e responsi %e to restore them in the same condition* natura% !ear and tear and damage y acts of @od expected. 1;.That the L'SS'' sha%% pay 6a fixed charge of Rupees on%y8 for e%ectricity and !ater.8 for the e%ectricity$!ater charges and phone charges as per the rates prescri ed y the concerned authorities to the %oca% authorities. 1<. That the L'SS(R !i%% underta3e a%% ma>or repairs as and !hen necessary at her o!n cost. 5ut the minor repairs +iA. fuses of u% s and tu es* %ea3age in the !ater taps etc sha%% e done y the L'SS'' at its o!n cost. 0o!e+er* the L'SS'' sha%% not ma3e a%terations or additions in the premises or any part thereof !ithout o taining prior consent of the L'SS(R in !riting. 15. That the L'SS(R !i%% pro+ide !hite!ashing* po%ishing* co%our !ash etc. to the aforesaid premises after 11 months. 1/.The L'SS'' sha%% not carry out any structura% additions$a%terations to the house %ayout* fittings or fixtures !ithout the !ritten consent of the L'SS(R. 1=. that the L'SS(R !i%% ha+e a right to enter upon the aforesaid premises for inspection and for repairs etc* !hene+er considered necessary. 1?. That the L'SS'' sha%% not misuse the said premises. The L'SS'' sha%% comp%y !ith a%% the ru%es and regu%ations of the %oca% authorities !hatsoe+er !ith re%ation to the aforesaid premises. 1..The origina% of this agreement !i%% e retained y the L'SS(R and its du%y executed copy !i%% e retained y the L'SS''. 20. That on expiry of the %ease period* the L'SS'' sha%% hand o+er the +acant and peacefu% possession of the premises to the L'SS(R !ith a%% the fittings and fixtures intact and 4.

!or3ing order as per the %ist of such fittings and fixtures !hich ha+e een made and are enc%osed !ith this Agreement. That the L'SS(R !i%% not e responsi %e for any damage caused to the L'SS'' or his e%ongings due to any ca%amity* +iA. f%ood* cyc%one* earthBua3e* fire etc. 21 #2T1'SS #0'R'(4 oth parties ha+e set their respecti+e hands on this 9eed of Agreement on the day* month and year a o+e !ritten in the presence of the fo%%o!ing !itnessesC WITNESSES: 1) LESSOR 2) S2@1'9 A19 9'L2D'R'9 5E T0' L'SS'' #2T021 1A"'9 21 T0' PR'S'1-' (4C WITNESSES: 1) LESSEE 2)

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