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Chemistry Project Report on

Food Adulteration


I, ____________ student of ___________________ is doing project report entitled Food Adulteration eing su mitted to ___________________is an original piece of !or" done y me#


F''D AD()*+RA*I', - I,*R'D(C*I',

Food Adulteration - In our daily life there are so many unhygienic and contaminated things for our health# .ost of our things our contaminated# +/en the food, !hich !e eat, is adulterated# ,o! a 0uestion arises that !hat is adulteration1 *he ans!er is that the deli erate contamination of food material !ith lo! 0uality, cheap and non2edi le or to3ic su stances is called food adulteration# *he su stance, !hich lo!ers or degrades the 0uality of food material, is called an adulterant# Adulteration rings a lot of easy money for the traders, ut it may spoil many li/es# Food adulteration can lead to slo! poisoning and /arious "inds of diseases, !hich can e/en result in death# Adulteration ma"es the food items used in our daily life unsafe and unhygienic for use# An easy e3ample of food adulteration is /anaspati ghee in desi ghee# *he traders use it for their economic enefit !ithout thin"ing a out its effect on the common population of our country, !hich consumes it# For pre/enting it our go/ernment has made some certain commissions and la!s# %till it pre/ails in our country on large scale# Adulteration should e chec"ed properly in common food items so as to sa/e people from its ad

effects# Adulteration is the go/ernment and !e for the common people therefore something should do a type of curse against it#

*ypes of Food Adulteration

In India, the most common type of food adulterations is of follo!ing types-

4# .il" -2 It is adulterated y the addition of !ater, starch, s"im mil" po!der and remo/al of cream#

5# 6hee -2 It is adulterated !ith /anaspati and animal fats such as pig7s fat# In order to impro/e the fla/or of adulterated ghee tri utyrin is added#

8# Cereals -2 Rice and !heat are mi3ed !ith stones sand grit and mud to increase the ul"#

9# Flour -2 :heat flour is mi3ed !ith soapstone and ;engal gram flour is adulterated !ith <esari dal or lathyrus flour#

=# Pulses -2 *hey are adulterated !ith <esari Dal stones are added to pulses such as mott urad, and masoor# *o3ic chemical such as metanil yello! are added to old stoc"s of pulses to impro/e their colour appearance#

># +di le 'il -2 *hey are mi3ed !ith cheaper oil, to3ic oil $e#g# argemone oil& and mineral oil#

?# @oney -2 It is adulterated !ith sugar and jaggery#

.aterial re0uired

4# 6lass :ares -

A *est *u e, ;ea"er, %lides

5# Food %amples#

A 6hee, .il", 'il, Pulses samples#

8# Chemical Re0uired

A Conc# @Cl#, Conc# ,itric Acid#

9# *est *u e stand#

Procedure for detection the Adulteration in the food Items

Adulteration in the food material can e detected in the follo!ing !ays#

4# Banaspti in 6hee -2 *oo" one tea spoon full of li0uid ghee# Added e0ual 0uantity of conc# @Cl shoo" this mi3ture in a test tu e# ,o! added a pinch of common sugar# %hoo" it !ell for a out one minute and then allo!ed it to stand for = minute and o ser/ed the result#

5# :ater in mil" sample-2 Put a drop of sample mil" on a plain slide# *ittled the slide and o ser/ed the result#

8# Agremone oil in edi le oil -2 *oo" some amount of edi le oil in a test tu e# Poured 829 drops of conc nitric acid# %hoo" it !ell and o ser/ed the result#

9# .etanil yello! in Dal -2 *oo" = gms of sample# Add =ml of !ater and a fe! drops of dil# @Cl and o ser/ed the result#

' ser/ation

*a le2A-2 Detection of /anaspati in ghee




' ser/ation


6hee A



@Cl C %ugar

Crimson colour in

lo!er layer of the



6hee ;




6hee C


*a le2;-2 Detection of !ater in .il"




' ser/ation


.il" A

%ample on a

plain slide

titled the slide


.il" ;




.il" C



*a le2C-2 Detection of metanil yello! in dal




' ser/ation


Pulse A

=gm of sample


=ml of !ater C

Pin" colour

Conc# @Cl



Pulse ;



Pulse C


*a le2D-2 detection of Argemone oil in edi le oil




' ser/ation


+di le 'il A

= ml %ample


8 drops of

Reddish ;ro!n

conc# @,'8



+di le 'il ;




+di le 'il C



In *a le A DDetection of Banaspati in 6heeE

6hee A - It gi/es most positi/e test, hence is most adulterated#

6hee ; - It gi/es more positi/e test, hence is more adulterated#

6hee C - It gi/es negati/e test, hence is not adulterated#

In *a le ; DDetection of :ater in .il"E

.il" A - It gi/es positi/e test to small e3tant hence is least adulterated#

.il" ; - It gi/es more positi/e test, hence is more adulterated#

.il" C - It gi/es most positi/e test, hence is most adulterated#

In *a le C DDetection of .etanil Fello! in DalE

Pulse A - It gi/es positi/e test, hence is adulterated#

Pulse ; - It gi/es most negati/e test, hence is not adulterated#

Pulse C - It gi/es more negati/e test, hence is not adulterated#

In *a le D DDetection of Argemone 'il in +di le 'ilE

+di le 'il A - It gi/es most positi/e test, hence is most adulterated#

+di le 'il ; - It gi/es more positi/e test, hence is more adulterated#

+di le 'il C - It gi/es positi/e test to small e3tent, hence is least adulterated#

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