Power of Autorney-1

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To all to whom these presents shall come, I, Name of the Person giving power , Indian inhabitant, residing at address of the person giving power, son of /wife of / daughter of Father Name_______________ state as follows: WHEREA ! I am desirous of appointing, Name of the person receiving power, son of name of the father, residing at address of the person receiving power , aged about __ "ears, to be m" true and lawful attorne", #ointl" and se$erall", to act in m" name, and on m" behalf to do all or an" of the following acts, deeds, things as I could ha$e done personall"% &' To bu" land, house, ma(e contracts of e$er" (ind relati$e to that, an" interest therein or the possession thereof, and to ta(e possession and e)ercise control o$er the use thereof* +' To e)ecute, ac(nowledge, and deli$er contracts of sale, escrow instructions, deeds, and assignments of leases, co$enants, agreements and assignments of agreements, con$e"ances in trust, to secure indebtedness or other obligations, and assign the beneficial interest there under, subordinations of liens or encumbrances, bills of lading, receipts, e$idences of debt, releases, bonds, notes, bills, re,uests to recon$e" deeds of trust, partial or full #udgments, and other debts, and other written instruments of whate$er (ind and nature, all upon such terms and conditions as said attorne" shall appro$e% -' .a' To bu" and ac,uire, ta(e on lease or otherwise ac,uire and hold in an" name an" land, house or houses, building or buildings or an" other propert" or properties, mo$able and immo$able, of whatsoe$er nature b" pri$ate agreement or at public auction for an" price or other% .b' To hire out, gi$e on lease and license basis or an" other basis of immo$able properties for such rent, compensation, hire or other consideration and for such period and on such terms and conditions as m" attorne"s shall deem fit and to terminate such agreements or arrangements% .c' Also to sign, seal and e)ecute and deli$er all contracts, leases, con$e"ances, releases, surrenders and other documents or instruments as ma" be re,uired for and/or on m" behalf% /' To appl" for certified copies, inspection of and to inspect the #udicial records% 0' To claim, demand, sue for, enforcement of pa"ment of and recei$e and gi$e effectual receipts and discharges of all mone"s, securities for mone", debts and legacies which I now possess or to which I am or is entitled or to which I ma" become entitled or which are or ma" become due owing or pa"able or transferable to me from an" person or persons% 1' To e)ecute and sign an" deeds and generall" to do an" acts which I could lawfull" ha$e e)ecuted signed and done in an" such capacit"% To e)ecute and sign and get registered the transfer deeds, present for registration and to admit e)ecution and to ta(e deli$er" of an" document e)ecuted b" me or b" m" Attorne"s before an" Registrar or ub!Registrar%

2' To file suits for reco$er" of arrears of rent or reco$er" of loans ad$anced or deposits made, defend suits filed against me pertaining to m" properties and other assets and to compromise such suits% 3' To appear and act in all 4ourts, 4i$il, Re$enue or 4riminal whether on the original or appellate side or in the registration offices and to represent m" interest before an" #udge, 5agistrate, 5unicipal 4orporation, 6olice, Re$enue, Ta)ation, 6ort Trust or 4ustoms authorities or an" other ,uasi 7o$ernment or 6ublic bodies or authorities and to appear before Income!ta), Wealth!ta), 7ift!ta) or other officer/s, in connection with m" affairs on m" behalf% 8' To e)ecute from time to time Re!con$e"ance, Reassignment, or urrenders of properties that ma" ha$e been or charged to me either alone or #ointl" with another or others%

&9' :or all or an" of the purposes aforesaid to e)ecute all such guarantees, indemnities, co$enants and obligations on m" behalf as the Attorne"s ma" thin( necessar" and proper% And generall" to do, e)ecute and perform an" other act or acts, deed or deeds, matter or thing whatsoe$er which in the opinion of m" said Attorne" ought to be done, e)ecuted and performed in relation to m" propert" of m" concern, engagements and business, or affairs ancillar" or incidental thereto as full" and effectuall" as I m"self could do the same if I were personall" present% This 6ower of Attorne" shall become effecti$e immediatel" and shall not be affected b" m" disabilit" or lac( of mental competence, e)cept as ma" be pro$ided otherwise b" an applicable state statute% This is a ;urable 6ower of Attorne"% This 6ower of Attorne" shall continue effecti$e until m" death% This 6ower of Attorne" ma" be re$o(ed b" me at an" time b" pro$iding written notice to m" Attorne"% ;ate: :eb )), +99) 6lace: 4it", tate, < A I7=AT<RE: __________________________________ 6RI=TE; :<>> >E7A> =A5E: ?=ame of the person gi$ing power@

WitnessA ignature, =ame, Address:

Notary Ac now!e"gement# E)ecution admitted before me TATE B: Te)as 4B<=TC B: DDDDDD Bn $ATE before me, Name of the person giving power personall" appeared, personall" (nown to me .or pro$ed to me on the basis of satisfactor" e$idence' to be the person.s' whose name.s' is/are subscribed to the within instrument and ac(nowledged to me that he/she/the" e)ecuted the same in his/her/their authoriEed capacit".ies', and that b" his/her/their signature.s' on the instrument the person.s', or the entit" upon behalf of which the person.s' acted, e)ecuted the instrument% WIT=E m" hand and official seal%

ignature: ____________________________ I; 6roduced ____________________ . eal'

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