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An Alexandrian Reading List


A Voice in the Forest: Spirit Conversations with Alex Sanders by Jimahl di Fiosa Publisher: Harvest Shadows Publications; (April 29, 2004) PB Spirit communications with Alex Sanders. Also includes a missing interview, seen for the first time. LECTURE MATERIAL

The Alex Sanders Lectures Edited by John Baker New York, Magikal Childe Publishing, 1984 PB Compiled by John Baker from the lectures given during the 70s in Alexs basement apartment. Alex Sanders Lectures Edited by John Baker Publisher: Penton Overseas Inc (Different edition, unknown date) PB BIOGRAPHY/ AUTOBIOGRAPHY

King of the Witches: The World Of Alex Sanders By June Johns Publisher: Peter Davies 1969. HB What is in effect an autobiography, as it was literally transcribed, it is a fine portrait of fiction with a few glimpses of the real Alex Sanders. It can however be difficult to sort the wheat from the chafe. King of the Witches: The World Of Alex Sanders By June Johns Publisher: Pan Books (January 8, 1971) PB Ectatic Mother: Portrait Of Maxine Sanders-Witch Queen By Richard Deutch Publisher: Bachman and Turner (1977) PB Reprint 1998? (Can anyone verify this?) A study of Maxine Sanders by a man who literally followed her around for a year. A interesting and compelling portrait of the matriarch of the Alexandrian tradition.

Maxine: The Witch Queen By Maxine Sanders Publisher: Star Books (1976) PB Ghost written by a tabloid writer, it contains some truth, but once again, it requires discretion. Triumph Of The Moon: A History Of Modern Pagan Witchcraft By Ronald Hutton Oxford University Press (1999) PB Finally someone sorts the wheat from the chafe for you. A reputable historian lends his analysis to the information and we start to see something of the true Alex Sanders. One Witches World By Patricia Crowther Hale (1998) PB Patricia Crowthers side of the argument with Sanders which sheds some light on his true initiatory lineage (see also Hutton;1999) PERIODICALS/ NEWSPAPER ARTICLES (Historical Reference)

Maxine Sanders Witchcraft And Wicca Beltaine 2002 Maxine Sanders (p.21, 22) Maxine Sanders Witchcraft And Wicca Samhain 2002 Maxine Sanders (p.22-24) OPERATIVE ALEXANDRIAN WITCHCRAFT

What Witches Do By Stewart Farrar Pheonix Publications (1991) PB A first hand account of Alexandrian Wicca from the standpoint of a journalist turned initiate as he charters the craft as he sees it in his first year, as well as many candid first hand recollections of Alex Sanders. Other books by Stewart An Initiate is Born (publisher and year unknown) A Witches Bible (includes The Witches Way and Eight Sabbats For Witches- also available as separate texts) By Janet and Stewart Farrar Pheonix Publications (1996) PB An excellent stand alone source material for Alexandrian and all other British Traditional Wiccas.

Also by Janet And Stewart- The Witches God (Pheonix); The Witches Goddess (Pheonix) Wicca By Vivianne Crowley Thornsons/ Element (1999) PB Another book by a direct initiate of Alex- very deep and detailed. All other suggestions appreciated ~Brian M. Walsh

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