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Section A Word Level Choose the best word to fill in the blanks. 1. Frogs and turtles can live on land and in water. The are !!!!!!!!!!. A. #. %. '. re"tiles $a$$als a$"hi&ians

M &rother is $a(ing a !!!!!!!!!! )or $ "et ra&&its. A. #. %. D. coo" hutch (ennel &urrow


The !!!!!!!!!! o) a tree holds the tree to the ground. A. #. %. D. root &ar( trun( thorn


M grand"arents have two children. The are $ )ather and !!!!!!!!!!. A. #. %. D. aunt $other &rother grand)ather


Aero"lanes are (e"t in a large &uilding called !!!!!!!!!!. A. #. %. D. hangar ter$inal lighthouse garage



!!!!!!!!!! is the currenc used & the "eo"le o) Indonesia. A. #. %. D. .u"ee .u"iah #aht /eso


There are !!!!!!!!!! $onths in a ear. A. #. %. D. seven twelve thirt )our


The &o wi"es his )ace with a !!!!!!!!!!. A. #. %. D. towel a"ron singlet &i&


The su""lier stored all the goods in the !!!!!!!!!!. A. hangar #. garage %. warehouse D. lighthouse


Aishah wears a &eauti)ul scar) around her !!!!!!!!!!. A. #. %. D. el&ow thigh nec( (nee


Mon(e s swing )ro$ tree to tree &ut horses !!!!!!!!!!. A. #. %. D. waddle gallo" crawl swi$


1'. A. #. %. D. 1*.

A)ter swee"ing4 $other cleaned the )loor with a !!!!!!!!!!. watering can &roo$ soa" $o"

The tour guide too( us to watch the &ees in the !!!!!!!!!!. A. #. %. D. nest aviar a"iar a5uariu$


Ais a was cold so she wore a !!!!!!!!!! to (ee" hersel) war$. A. towel #. tur&an %. &lan(et D. cardigan


A6$an cannot see well. He has to see an !!!!!!!!!!. A. o"tician #. engineer %. accountant


A)eeda uses a !!!!!!!!!! to gather the dried leaves. A. ra(e #. s"ade %. sic(le


7oshua8s $other uses a !!!!!!!!!! to se"arate the tea leaves. A. #. %. D. s"atula strainer )ish slice can o"ener



9usie has to call a !!!!!!!!!!!!! to unloc( her &edroo$ door. A. #. %. D. :eweller la&ourer loc(s$ith &lac(s$ith


9he can even see an old !!!!!!!!! where the )ar$er used to grind grains into )lour. A. #. %. D. $ine $int $ill $inaret


9iti Ha:ar &ought a "ot o) !!!!!!!!!! )or her $other on Mother;s da . A. #. %. D. &ougainvillea orchids cannas roses


The !!!!!!!!!! )or $ co$"uter is not wor(ing well. It needs to &e re"laced. A. #. %. D. rat cat $ouse s"ider


Mrs. Li$ &ought a )ish )ro$ the !!!!!!!!!! in the $ar(et. A. #. %. D. )ar$er &utcher )isher$an )ish$onger


There wasn;t an !!!!!!!!!! le)t in the tu&e. A. #. %. D. soa" "owder tooth"aste tooth&rush



The o"ening cere$on o) the 9EA <a$es was held at the #u(it 7alil !!!!!!!!!!. A. #. %. D. Arena 9tadiu$ %o$"le= Auditoriu$


A gardener uses a !!!!!!!!!! to dig a hole in the garden. A. #. %. D. hoe ra(e &roo$ house "i"e


7a$ilah is sewing the torn s(irt. 9he will need a needle4 thread and a !!!!!!!!! to sew it. A. saw #. (ni)e %. sic(le D. "air o) scissors


The )rog !!!!!!!!!! to the "ond. A. wal(s #. runs %. s(i"s D. ho"s


The dog !!!!!!!!!! loudl when it sees a stranger. A. neighs #. croa(s %. roars D. &ar(s


/a"er is to "encil as !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! is to saucer. A. glass #. &owl %. "late D. cu"



The head$aster will &u a new set o) &ow and arrows )or the !!!!!!!!!! co$"etition. A. to">s"inning #. &owling %. (ite )l ing D. archer


?aidi and ?airi are !!!!!!!!!!. The loo( identical. A. twins #. cousins %. &rothers D. )riends


Leela uses !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! &ecause she cannot see ver clearl . A. $icrosco"e #. telesco"e %. s"ectacles D. &inoculars


Ali is cho""ing so$e !!!!!!!!!! at the &ac( o) his house. A. vegeta&les #. trees %. "lants D. )irewood


The "olice$an warned the $otorc clist )or not wearing a !!!!!!!!!!. A. $as( #. hel$et %. raincoat D. hat


The roo$ is too dar(. 9witch on the !!!!!!!!!!. A. )an #. light %. radio D. $achine



A !!!!!!!!!! is a land trans"ort. A. #. %. D. car hovercra)t aero"lane acht


An !!!!!!!!!! designs and draws &uildings. A. #. %. D. architect engineer electrician law er


The !!!!!!!!!! were nervous when the danced on the stage. A. #. %. custo$ers $e$&ers contestants


9he ordered a ring and a chain )ro$ the !!!!!!!!!!. A. #. %. &lac(s$ith golds$ith &ar&er


The !!!!!!!!!! gave awa the "ri6es to the e=cellent students. A. #. %. &utcher head$aster co&&ler


Ali;s car &ro(e down. He needs to ta(e it to the !!!!!!!!!!. A. #. %. D. &ar&er $echanic technician electrician



The !!!!!!!!!! carried all the guests; &ags to the hotel roo$. A. $aid #. waitress %. "orter


The !!!!!!!!!! in the singing contest was a )ive> ear>old girl. A. #. %. winner "artici"ant candidate


The !!!!!!!!!!sells )ish4 cra&s and "rawns at the $ar(et. A. green grocer #. )isher$an %. )ish$onger


Maria$ is &u ing so$e $eat )ro$ the !!!!!!!!!!. A. )ar$er #. )isher$an %. &utcher


M neigh&our4 Kas$ah4 who is $arried to $ !!!!!!!!!! &eca$e an engineer last $onth. A. #. %. D. &rother )ather uncle ne"hew


The astronauts traveled to the $oon & a !!!!!!!!!!. A. su&$arine #. &us %. s"ace shi" D. helico"ter :et



M uncle;s daughter is $ !!!!!!!!!!. A. $other #. sister %. niece D. cousin


9heila;s $other is $ aunt. 9o4 I a$ 9heila;s !!!!!!!!!!. A. ne"hew #. cousin %. son>in>law


The @re&ana; is a traditional !!!!!!!!!! $usical instru$ent. A. Indian #. Kada6an %. Mala


Let;s "la &ad$inton. Do ou have a rac5uet and a !!!!!!!!!!A A. shuttlecoc( #. &all shuttlecoc( %. hat


A snail $oves !!!!!!!!!!. A. slowl #. 5uietl %. noisil D. "atientl


M &rother sli""ed the ring onto $ !!!!!!!!!! )inger and s$iled. A. #. %. $other;s sister in law;s aunt;s


Bou need the correct !!!!!!!!!! to "la an s"orts. A. e5ui"$ents #. tools %. stationeries




?ain will &e sitting )or his U/9. in this co$ing 9e"te$&er. He is !!!!!!!! ears old. A. twelve #. twent %. eleven D. )ourteen


A &ird !!!!!!!!!!. A. ho"s #. runs %. )lies


A !!!!!!!!!! is a $a$$al that lives in the water. A. dol"hin #. shar( %. &ird D. wor$


A oung o) a duc( is called !!!!!!!!!!. A. (itten #. toad %. duc(ling


The !!!!!!!!!!! $anaged to steal valua&les )ro$ that rich $an;s house. A. "olice #. thie) %. "irate D. guard


A dog lives in a !!!!!!!!!!. A. sta&le #. (ennel %. &arn




The two !!!!!!!!!! swa$ &ehind the $other duc(. A. duc(lings #. c gnets %. chic(s


The ho$e o) &ees is called a !!!!!!!!!!. A. nest #. &eehive %. shell


A co&ra is a $e$&er o) the !!!!!!!!! )a$il . A. lion #. crocodile %. sna(e D. &ird


A sna(e hisses &ut a &ird !!!!!!!!!!. A. growls #. neighs %. chir"s D. &ar(s


A !!!!!!!!!! carries its oung in its "ouch. A. $on(e #. (angaroo %. $ouse D. deer


A !!!!!!!!!! has &eauti)ul "atterns on its )eathers. A. #. %. eagle swan "eacoc(




The !!!!!!!!!! is the largest &ird that cannot )l . A. ostrich #. tur(e %. goose


The !!!!!!!!!! will change into a &utter)l . A. $aggot #. cater"illar %. gru& D. tad"ole


Insects li(e house)lies and !!!!!!!!!! can cause har$)ul diseases. A. &utter)lies #. $os5uitoes %. dragon)lies


An ele"hant has two &ig ears and a long !!!!!!!!!!. A. s(in #. tus( %. trun( D. tail


A !!!!!!!!!! is a re"tile that can change according to the surrounding. A. #. %. snail ant cha$eleon


The !!!!!!!!!! are hunted & illegal hunters )or their tus(s. A. &u))aloes #. rats %. ele"hants D. cows




The car"enter uses a !!!!!!!!!! to cut the "lan(. A. #. %. D. saw sic(le scissors (ni)e


/a( 9a$ad4 the )ar$er4 uses a !!!!!!!!!! to dig a hole in the ground. A. a=e #. hoe %. saw


.ah$ah needs a !!!!!!!!!! to calculate the )igures i$$ediatel . A. $ug #. calculator %. ca$era D. ra(e


M $other uses a !!!!!!!!!! to t "e her letters. A. co$"uter #. (e &oard %. calculator


Bou cannot see well i) ou do not wear our !!!!!!!!!!. A. stethosco"e #. $icrosco"e %. $icro"hone D. s"ectacles


.oller s(ating is a dangerous s"ort. Bou need to wear a !!!!!!!!!! to "rotect head. A. ca" #. hel$et %. hat





The "olice on dut will alwa s carr a "istol and a "air o) !!!!!!!!!! with hi$. A. #. %. D. (ni)e handcu))s a=e cho""er


.a$u ran round the !!!!!!!!!! during the +33 $etres race. A. stadiu$ #. trac( %. )ield


M $other wants to )r so$e chic(en. 9he "ours so$e !!!!!!!!!! into the )r ing "an. A. #. %. D. water $il( oil sauce


/n. Ka$ala "uts the )lowers in a !!!!!!!!!!. A. &owl #. glass %. vase


M $aid (e"t the vegeta&les in the !!!!!!!!!!. A. "ressure coo(er #. incinerator %. re)rigerator


I wear a "air o) !!!!!!!!!! when I go :ogging. A. #. %. D. snea(ers &oots sli""ers sandals




Mr. Lee used a !!!!!!!!!! to "aint the wall. A. &roo$ #. &rush %. cloth D. "ad


Tec( %hun wore her traditional costu$e4 a !!!!!!!!!!4 )or %hinese Cew Bear. A. #. %. D. cheongsa$ saree &a:u (urung salwa (a$ee6


A)ter !!!!!!!!!! )or a $onth4 Musli$s cele&rate Hari .a a Aidil)itri. A. eating #. )asting %. wor(ing D. cele&rating


Hashi$ is wearing a !!!!!!!!!! $ade o) leather. A. &elt #. soc(s %. tie D. scar)


The &eauti)ul lad wears a !!!!!!!!!! on her head. A. hel$et #. gloves %. hat


The haw(er sells )ood at the !!!!!!!!!! A. #. %. D. $ar(et grocer sho" stall




Tina was sent to the !!!!!!!!!! a)ter her "arents died. A. store #. hangar %. or"hanage D. "rison


/eo"le &u sta$"s )ro$ the !!!!!!!!!!. A. "ost o))ice #. %. hos"ital hut


/hilli";s uncle is a $on(. He lives in a !!!!!!!!!!. A. #. %. $os5ue te$"le church


%hristians "ra in the !!!!!!!!!!. A. #. %. D. $os5ue te$"le church "agoda


De usuall "ut the re)rigerator and the oven in the !!!!!!!!!!. A. #. %. D. dining roo$ (itchen &athroo$ "orch


The "u"ils &u )ood )ro$ the !!!!!!!!!!. A. #. %. D. canteen )ield li&rar classroo$




M )ather (ee"s his car in the !!!!!!!!!!. A. #. %. D. &arn ter$inal lighthouse garage


The )oot&all ga$e was held at the nearest !!!!!!!!!!. A. stadiu$ #. cine$a %. studio


The o"ening cere$on o) the %o$$onwealth <a$es was held at the #usan !!!!!!!!!!! A. #. %. D. Arena %o$"le= 9tadiu$ Auditoriu$


7ohn was late and he $issed the !!!!!!!!!! so he has to c cle to school. A. #. %. D. aero"lane &us train shi"


A:i& went to his son;s house in /utra:a a & !!!!!!!!!!. A. shi" #. ta=i %. &oat D. sa$"an


!!!!!!!!!!! $oves underwater. A. shi" #. su&$arine %. &oat


Section A $hrase Level Choose the best %hrases to co&%lete the %ara'ra%h

7a$al;s ho&& is rearing )ish. He (ee"s his )ish in !!!!!!!!!!E1F.

He !!!!!!!!!!!E'F

with his )ood. 7a$al decorates his

a5uariu$ with !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!E*F


A. #. %. D.

a "lastic &owl a round cage a wooden hutch a glass a5uariu$


A. #. %. D.

)eeds the )ish eats the )ish catches the )ish cleans the )ish


A. #. %. D.

seaweed and roc(s grass and weeds stones and weeds seaweed and "e&&les



It is 9aturda $orning. #adrul and his )a$il are having &rea()ast

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!E+F. There is a !!!!!!!!!!!!!E,F


so$e ca(es on the ta&le. In the $iddle o) the ta&le is a !!!!!!!!!E-F


A. #. %. D.

in the (itchen at the "ar( in the &edroo$ at the garden


A. #. %. D.

&owl o) sou" loa) o) &read &o= o) cereals "late o) sandwiches


A. #. %. D.

vase o) )lowers stal( o) )lower "ac(et o) )lower a &ou5uet o) )lowers



Mr. Tong is a rich $an. He owns !!!!!!!!!!!!E0F

in town.

Man "eo"le &u things at his sho"s. Besterda 4

.a:u &ought !!!!!!!!!!!!!E1F

and !!!!!!!!!!! E2F

at his sho". Mr. Tong also

sells clothes and stationer .


A. #. %.

a row o) sho"houses a line o) sho"houses a row o) sho"s and houses


A. #. %.

a &o= o) rice a sac( o) rice a "ac(et o) rice


A. #. %. D.

a tin o) oil a &o= o) oil a &ottle o) oil a "ac(et o) oil



A s$all co$"uter that can &e carried around is called !!!!!!!!!!!!E13F.

It is co$$onl used nowada s &ecause it is !!!!!!!!E11F.

However4 this s$all co$"uter is e="ensive. That is wh not $an "eo"le can



A. #. %.

an e="ensive la"to" a "ersonal la"to" a co$"uter la"to"


A. #. %. D.

s$all &ut heav chea" and a))orda&le availa&le in co$"uter sho"s convenient to carr around


A. #. %.

a))ord to &u it sell their co$"uter wor( with a co$"uter.



Mr Lee is a law er. He is !!!!!!!!!!!!!! E1*F.

He carries

along with hi$ !!!!!!!!!!!!!E1+F

when he goes to

wor(. He is a ver diligent law er and is !!!!!!!!!!!!! E1,F


A. #. %. D.

as &us as a &ee as )ast as a deer as &rave as a lion as silent as a $ouse a (it o) tools a "ile o) )iles a li&rar o) &oo(s an al&u$ o) "hotogra"hs as sill as a goat as )ierce as a tiger as stu&&orn as a $ule as hardwor(ing as an ant


A. #. %. D.


A. #. %. D.



Last wee(4 Enci( Ali drove to #atu /ahat.

On the wa he saw

!!!!!!!! E1-F .

He sto""ed to !!!!!!!!!!!!!E10F.

He &ought !!!!!!!!!!!!!!E11F

)ro$ a sho".


A. #. %. D.

lines o) sho"s rows o) sho"s stac(s o) sho"s )loors o) sho"s


A. #. %. D.

eat in restaurant wal( in "ar( run in a )ield read in the car two cu"s o) drin(s two &ags o) )ood two &ottles o) water two &o=es o) )ood


A. #. %. D.



Enci( 9ai)ul wants to "lant to$atoes in his garden. First4 he uses a hoe or s"ade to


Ce=t4 he clears awa !!!!!!!!!!E'3F.

Then he uses along stic( to $a(e holes in the soil. He ensure the holes are


Lastl he "uts a )ew seeds into each

hole and covers the$ with so$e soil


A. #. %.

$i= the sand add )ertili6er loosen the soil


A. #. %. D.

e=tra water $udd earth weeds and stones roots and leaves


A. #. %.

neat rows neat &ush round "atch



9arina is $a(ing an egg sandwich. First4 she !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!E''F.

Ce=t4 she !!!!!!!!!!!!E'*F

into thin slices. Then4 she


on two slices o) &read. Finall 4 she "uts the

egg on the &read.


A. #. %.

)ries an egg &oils an egg scra$&les an egg


A. #. %.

cuts the egg cho"s the egg $ashes the egg


A. #. %.

ta(es &utter "ours &utter s"reads &utter



/uan Lela wants to $a(e a cu" o) tea. First4 she !!!!!!!!!!!E',F

and "uts a tea &ag into a cu". A)ter "ouring the hot water into the cu"4 she then


and !!!!!!!!!!!! E'0F

to taste.


A. #. %.

&oils so$e tea &oils the (ettle &oils so$e water


A. #. %.

&rews the tea drin(s the tea washes the tea


A. #. %.

adds so$e $il( adds so$e sugar drin(s so$e tea



There is !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!E'1F

in the :ungle. The are

carr ing !!!!!!!!!!!E'2F

each. The are going to



A. #. %.

a tea$ o) scouts a troo" o) scouts an ar$ o) scouts


A. #. %.

a stac( o) "lan(s a &undle o) stic(s a &unch o) &ranches


A. #. %.

&uild a )ire "la with )ire coo( so$e )ood


Ma( Li$ah is ver angr . Her son !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! E*1F

on her new !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! &ought her

E*'F . 9o Tina4 her daughter4



to cal$ her down.


A. s"illed orange :uice #. "oured orange :uice %. s"lashed orange :uice


A. set o) chairs #. set o) so)a %. chest o) drawers


A. "late o) chocolates #. &owl o) chocolates %. "ac( o) chocolates D. &o= o) chocolates



Enci( Mania$ went to a grocer sho" last night. His wi)e as(ed hi$ to &u !!!!!!!!!! E*+F . On his wa &ac(4 he &ought !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! E*-F at the )ruit stall. *+. A. a &unch o) &read #. a slice o) &read %. a loa) o) &read *,. A. a tin o) sardines #. a &ottle o) sardines %. a "ac(et o) sardines *-. A. a crate o) &ananas #. a co$& o) &ananas %. a &unch o) &ananas and a !!!!!!!!!!!!!!E*,F



%hong Dei is a good &o . Ever da

he!!!!!!!!!! E*0F

to school. The &ic cle was given to hi$ on his 13th &irthda .

Ever wee(ends he !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! E*1F

. so that it will &e

alwa s clean and shinning. He so$eti$es c cles to the stall and li&rar near his house. He loves

!!!!!!!!!! E*2F

&oo(s )ro$ the li&rar .


A. drives his &ic cle #. carries his &ic cle %. rides his &ic cle


A. will &athe his &ic cle #. will wash his &ic cle %. will wal( his &ic cle


A. to read and &orrow #. to ta(e "ictures )ro$ %. to &u



The school concert was wonder)ul. First4 a !!!!!!!!!E+3F

)ro$ the Music %lu& "la ed "o"ular Mala sian )ol(s songs and we all sang along.

Then4 a !!!!!!!!!!!!E+1F

)ro$ the English 9ociet sang a )ew songs

)or us. The concert was attended & a large !!!!!!!!!!!!E+'F .


A. sta)) o) $usicians #. collection o) $usicians %. &and o) $usicians D. string o) $usicians


A. choir o) singers #. class o) singers %. cluster o) singers D. "art o) singers


A. crowd o) "eo"le trou"e o) "eo"le #. sta)) o) "eo"le %. trou"e o) "eo"le D. "ac( o) "eo"le



Marina wants to ta(e "art in her school annual concert. 9he reads a notice !!!!!!!!!! E+*F

. It invites "u"ils to audition )or the concert.

Marina !!!!!!!! E++F. and

9he sings in )ront o) the teachers

her )riends. A)ter the audition4 one teacher !!!!!!!!! E+,F

who have &een selected. Marina;s na$e is called out. 9he has &een chosen to :oin the concert. +*. A. #. %. D. ++. A. #. %. +,. A. #. %. on the school notice&oard in the concert lea)let on the school notice&oard on the school wall "ractises )or the concert goes )or the audition "artici"ates in the concert scolds the "u"ils in the hall announces the na$es o) the "u"ils tal(s to the teachers at the concert



%arol was "la ing hide and see( with her )riends. 9he hid &ehind a

!!!!!!!!!!!E+-F. As she was hiding4 she saw a !!!!!!!! E+0F

9oon4 a !!!!!!!!!!!!E+1F her )riends. +-. A. #. %. +0. A. #. %. +1. A. #. %. clu$" o) trees &o= o) trees &unch o) trees "ride o) geese gaggle o) geese giggle o) geese )loc( o) &irds shoal o) &u))aloes herd o) &u))aloes

also "assed & 4 &ut there was no sign o)



Toda is 9aturda . M aunt is clearing her !!!!!!!!!!! E+2F

In the &otto$ drawer4 she )inds her $issing !!!!!!!!!! E,3FF

and a

!!!!!!!!!!! E,1F


A. #. %.

"ac( o) drawers &undle o) drawers set o) drawers &unch o) "earls "ac( o) "earls string o) "earls line o) "earls


A. #. %. D.


A. #. %.

drawer o) letters tie o) letters &undle o) letters



It is 9aturda $orning. 9hahid and his )a$il are having &rea()ast

!!!!!!!!!!E,'F. At the centre o) the ta&le4 there is a!!!!!!!!!!!E,*F

There are also a !!!!!!!!!E,+F and &o= o) chocolate cereals.


A. #. %. D.

in the (itchen at the "ar( in the &edroo$ at the garden


A. #. %. D.

vase o) )lowers stal( o) )lower "ac(et o) )lower a &ou5uet o) )lowers


A. #. %.

&owl o) sou" loa) o) &read "late o) sandwiches



9alina is going to wor(. 9he !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! E,,F

ever da . 9he sto"s her car when the !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! E,-F

A)ter the tra))ic lights4 she !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! E,0F

. 9alina

is a care)ul driver. ,,. A. #. %. ,-. A. #. %. ,0. A. #. %. c cles to wor( rides to wor( drives to wor( tra))ic light is red tra))ic light turns not wor(ing tra))ic light is &lue turns le)t turns around goes straight



Ka$al !!!!!!!!!!!!! E,1F

at ,.*3 a.$.

ever $orning. He !!!!!!!!!!!!! E,2F

and &rushes his teeth. Then4 he !!!!!!!!!!!! E-3F


A. wa(es u" #. goes to &ed %. $a(es the &ed


A. ta(es a &ath #. gives a &ath %. $a(es a &ath


A. )olds his school uni)or$ #. irons his school uni)or$ %. hangs his school uni)or$ D. "uts on his school uni)or$


M class is having a Ggotong ro ongH. 9ara has to !!!!!!!!!!!!!E-1F

and !!!!!!!!!!!!! E-'F.

Her )riend4 9wee Ling4

has to !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! E-*F

and rearrange

the ta&les and chairs. -1. A. #. swee" the )loor vacuu$ the )loor

%. $o" vacuu$ the )loor -'. A. wi"e the windows #. $o" the windows %. wash the windows -*. A. tid the cu"&oard #. e$"t the waste&as(et %. u" date the notice &oard D. clean the &lac(&oard u"



This is /a( Kari$;s !!!!!!!!!!!!! E-+F.


live in a garden where /a( Kari$ "lants !!!!!!!!!!E-,F

/a( Kari$ alwa s (ee"s the garden tid and !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ever $onth. E--F.


A. "u"ils and )ans #. sister and )riends %. )riends and )a$il D. wi)e and children


A. rows o) )lowers #. lanes o) )lowers %. rails o) )lowers


A. cuts the hedges #. tri$s the hedges %. &rea(s the hedges



/a( Mat is in his garden. He is "lanting a !!!!!!!!!! E-0F .

He !!!!!!!!!!!! E -1 F

to dig a hole.

A !!!!!!!! E -2F -0. A. &anana "lant #. &anana seeds %. &unch o) &ananas -1. A. uses a hoe #. uses a ra(e %. uses a s"ade -2. A. herd o) chic(s #. &rood o) chic(s %. grou" o) chic(s .

is around hi$ eating so$e wor$s.



A&u and .a$u are good )riends. The went to the town to &u a !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! E03F and used it as a &ait.

The wanted to !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! E01F.

The also

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! E0'F


A. &uc(et o) wor$s #. "ac(et o) wor$s %. "ail o) wor$s D. &as(et o) wor$s


A. going )ishing #. goed )ishing %. go )ishing D. went )ishing


A. "ac( their )ishing nets #. &u their )ishing &oots %. &ring their )ishing rods



It was a hot and sunn da . Ah$ad was !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! E0*F

. 9uddenl 4 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! E0+F

attac(ed hi$. Ah$ad 5uic(l ran and !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! E0,F


A. "ic(ing so$e guavas #. "ic(ing so$e durians %. "ic(ing so$e ra$&utans D. "ic(ing so$e $angosteens


A. a swar$ o) &ees #. a swar$ o) $os5uitoes %. a swar$ o) grassho""ers


A. )ell into the river #. :u$"ed into the river %. swa$ across the river



One da 4 there was a hungr lion searching )or )ood. It !!!!!!!!!E0-F

with one o) its huge "aws. It wanted to eat the $ouse. The $ouse &egged not to &e eaten.

The lion agreed and decided to !!!!!!!!! E00F.

The )rightened $ouse !!!!!!!!!!!E01F da . 0-. A. ate a $ouse #. saw a $ouse %. caught a $ouse 00. A. set it )ree #. eat it alive %. $a(e it scared 78. A. quickly ran back B. angrily went back C. slowly walked back

to its hole. It was reall its luc(



Toda is U$i6a.s &irthda . 9he has invited her )riends to her &irthda "art .


4 Aunt Li6a4 &a(ed her a &ig chocolate ca(e.

There are !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!E13F

on it . Ever one

!!!!!!!!!!!!E11F the ca(e with a (ni)e.

when Lina &lows out all the candles. Then4 Lina cuts


A. Her &rother.s wi)e #. Her $other.s sister %. Her )ather.s $other


A. ten candies #. twelve stic(s %. twelve candles


A. sha(es hands #. sta$"s their )eet %. cla"s their hands D. sna"s their )ingers



Besterda 4 $ $other and I went to the <rand 9u"er$ar(et. I &ought


M $other &ought!!!!!!!!!!!!!E1*F

o) gra"es. 9he also &ought!!!!!!!!!!!!!E1+F &ecause she wanted to &a(e a ca(e. 1'. A. a "air o) "ants #. a "air o) shorts %. a "air o) snea(ers 1*. A. a co$& #. a &unch %. a &ou5uet 1+. A. a sla& o) &utter #. a "ac(et o) )lour %. a "ac(et o) sugar



Milah wants to $a(e scra$&led egg )or &rea()ast. First4 she &rea(s an egg


Then she adds salt and


with a )or(.

A)ter that4 she heats the oil and "ours the &eaten egg. Dhen the egg is coo(ed4 she


the stove.


A. into a &owl #. into a "late %. into a saucer


A. &oils the egg #. &lends the egg %. &eats the egg


A. ta(es o)) #. switches o)) %. shows o))



The road along %a"ital 9treet is ver &us . There are !!!!!!!!!!!!!! E11F on &oth sides o) this long stretch o) road. On wee(ends4

!!!!!!!!!!!!! E12F

co$e and visit the sho"s. The haggle with

the sho" owners and &u $an things at a chea" "rice. A)ter their sho""ing4 the carr !!!!!!! E23F to ta(e ho$e )or their )a$il and )riends.


A. #. %.

rows o) a"art$ents rows o) sho"s &o=es o) )ood grou"s o) tourists crowd o) s"ectators grou"s o) "u"ils &o=es o) gi)ts &ags o) souvenirs &as(ets o) "resents


A. #. %.


A. #. %.


Section A Sentence Level St(d) the %ict(res caref(ll). *hen choose the best answer.

1. A. 7ane is holding the organ. #. 7ane is "la ing the "iano. %. 7ane is singing on the stage D. 7ane is reading the $usic note

'. A. #. %. D. Meng is cutting the weeds with the wheel&arrow Meng is $owing the lawn with the $ower. Meng is "ushing the $achine over the )ence. Meng is cutting the grass with a sic(le.


A. #. %. D.

The gardener is cleaning his hoe. A&dullah is "olishing the sic(le. Muthu is washing the "en(ni)e. The &utcher is shar"ening his cho""er.



9tud the "ictures care)ull . Then choose the &est answer.

+. A. #. %. Ja$arul is &u ing a )ish tan( Ja$arul is catching so$e )ish in the tan( Ja$arul is )eeding the )ish in the a5uariu$

,. A. Adila and her )riends are &u ing so$e )lower #. Adila and her )riends are learning to the )lower. %. Adila and her )riends give their teacher a &ou5uet o) )lowers.


A. The gardener is tri$$ing the hedges #. The gardener is "lanting a )ew trees %. The gardener is watering the "lants

0. A. #. %. De $ust not tal( loudl in the li&rar . De $ust tal( loudl in the li&rar . De $ust not wal( loudl in the li&rar



9tud the "ictures care)ull . Then choose the &est answer. 1. A. <erald;s hands are "ain)ul. #. <erald;s hands are dirt . %. <erald;s hands are so)t. D. <erald;s legs are dirt


A. Bu Foo( is slee"ing in his &edroo$. #. Bu Foo( is not )eeling in the well. %. Bu Foo( is not )eeling well.

13. A. There was a )lood in Ka$"ung Ata" #. A landslide ha""ened in Ka$"ung Ata" %. A )ire destro ed $an ho$es in Ka$"ung Ata"

11. A. The )ire$an is "utting a cat on the tree #. The )ire$an is leaving a cat on tree %. The )ire$an is rescuing a cat )ro$ a tree



9tud the "ictures care)ull . Then choose the &est answer.

1'. *. A. The girls are scri&&ling on the "a"er. #. The girls are drawing "ictures o) "lants %. The girls are counting the nu$&er o) the "lants

1*. A. It is raining and Ali is waiting at the &us station. #. A &o is holding a wal(ing stic( at the &us sto" %. Ka$al is holding an u$&rella at the &us sto". D. It is raining and A&u is waiting )or the &us

1+. A. 9wee Lin and Aini are "la ing &ad$inton #. The girl is hitting the &all through the net %. 9all is "la ing tennis with 9al$ah. D. The girls are "la ing ta&le tennis.



9tud the "ictures care)ull . Then choose the &est answer.


A. Mr. Lee is having &rea()ast at -.33 a.$ #. M uncle is having his su""er. %. Ah 9eng is having his lunch at 1.*3 "$. D. The &o is eating )ish )or dinner.

1-. A. Ali is )ishing at a "ond. #. Ali is )ishing at the &each. %. Ali has caught a )ish D. Ali has netted a )ish

10. A. There is a "encil on the ta&le. #. The "encil is under the ta&le. %. There is "encil near the )loor. D. The "encil is on the )loor



9tud the "ictures care)ull . Then choose the &est answer.


A. The old $an is crossing the &us road alone. #. The &o and an old $an are wal(ing along the road. %. The old $an and the &o are standing & the road. D. The &o is hel"ing an old $an to cross the road.

12. A. He is waiting )or the &us #. Ha$id has $issed the &us. %. Lati) is waving to his )riends D. The &o is waiting )or his )riends

'3. A. Enci( 9alleh is writing a letter #. A&u is carr ing the &oo(s on the shel). %. The $an is reading a &oo( in his roo$


A. .a:u has a &as(et o) )ruits on his &ic cle. #. The $on(e is "luc(ing the coconut. %. The )isher$an has a &as(et)ul o) )ish D. M )ather is c cling to the o))ice



9tud the "ictures care)ull . Then choose the &est answer.

''. A. Anita is loo(ing at the &oo(s on the ta&le. #. The $aid is cleaning the (itchen. %. Anita is reading a &oo( in the li&rar . D. Anita is dusting the ta&le in her &edroo$.

'*. A. Bou are loo(ing at the "icture o) $ school. #. This "ainting $ust &e e="ensive. %. Dhat an ugl "ictureI


A. Mr. Li$ is eating a ca(e. #. Mr. Li$ is selling ca(es and &read. %. Mr. Li$ is "utting a ca(e into the Oven.



9tud the "ictures care)ull . Then choose the &est answer.

',. A. 9u:en is writing a letter. #. Ku$ari is s(etching a "ortrait. %. #asri is &us "ainting in his art class D. Han #ee /ing is ad$iring his )riend;s drawing.

'-. A. Mrs. 9iva is serving )ood )or her )a$il . #. .a:en;s )a$il is having a)ternoon tea at ho$e. %. The )a$il is en:o ing the da in the living roo$ D. The are having their dinner in a a living roo$


A. M )ather is &u ing so$e "ills )ro$ the road "har$ac #. Mali( and Cita are waiting in the hos"ital. %. Dr. #ong is e=a$ining an old lad . D. The nurse is chec(ing the $an;s "ulse.



9tud the "ictures care)ull . Then choose the &est sentence. '1. A. #. %. D. Ki:a a is )eeding the cat. Ki:a a is cleaning her cat. Ki:a a is "la ing with her cat. Ki:a a is &rushing the cat;s )ur.


A. #. %. D.

The children are learning how to ride their $otorc cle. The children are cleaning their &ic cle. The children are c cling outside their house. The children are riding &eside the houses.


A. #. %. D.

Tina is wearing a hat. Tina is "utting on her &oots. Tina is hanging u" her coat. Tina is "utting on her shoes.


A. #. %. D.

There are $an "eo"le at the carnival. There are $an "eo"le at the &each. There are $an "eo"le at the road. There are $an "eo"le at the )un)air.



9tud the "ictures care)ull . Then choose the &est sentence.


A. #. %. D.

The "hotogra"her uses a ca$era in his wor(. The re"orter uses a ca$era in his wor(. The &a(er uses a ca$era in his wor(. The teacher uses a ca$era in his wor(. Anuar is ta(ing a letter )ro$ Lina. Lina is stud ing with her &rother. Anuar is drawing a "icture. Anuar is reading a &oo(.


A. #. %. D.

A. *+. #. %. D.

The "atient is sitting on the &ed. The doctor is tal(ing to the nurse. There are $an "atients in the ward. The nurse is ta(ing Hani;s te$"erature.


A. #. %. D.

The girl is holding a doll. There is a doll on the )loor. The cat is slee"ing on the so)a. The girl is "la ing with her cat. M uncle is t "ing a letter with his t "ewriter. The old $an is writing a letter. The old $an is sitting on the so)a. He is using a co$"uter to t "e the letter.


A. #. %. D.


9tud the "ictures care)ull . Then choose the &est sentence.

*0. A. The $an is s(i""ing. #. A wo$an is swi$$ing. %. There is no&od at the &each. D. There is a girl eating an ice crea$.

*1. A. The duc(s are slee"ing. #. The goats are eating grass. %. The chic(s are loo(ing )or )ood. D. There are three cows on the )ar$.

*2. A. A car has hit a $otorc cle. #. The driver o) the car is driving. %. A wo$an is co$ing out o) the car. D. The $otorc clist is tal(ing on his "hone.

+3. A. Father is cutting the grass. #. The &o is "lanting a seed. %. Mother is s$elling a rose. D. The girl is "ulling out the )lowers.



9tud the "ictures care)ull . Then choose the &est sentence.

+1. A. A $an is co$&ing his hair. #. A oung &o is getting a haircut. %. The &o ;s $other is tal(ing to the &ar&er. D. The old &ar&er is reading the news"a"er.

+'. A. The (ittens are slee"ing. #. The &o is carr ing a (itten. %. The girl is "la ing with the (ittens. D. The cat is watching over her (ittens.


A. M )ather &ought so$e ra$&utans at the su"er$ar(et. #. 7ustin and his "arents are eating ra$&utans. %. The &o s are "ic(ing so$e ra$&utans )ro$ the tree. D. The $an is selling ra$&utans.

++. A. The li&rarian is arranging the &oo(s on the shel). #. The &o is as(ing the li&rarian to hel" hi$. %. Hadi is ta(ing a &oo( )ro$ the to" shel) D. The &o is reading a &oo( at the ta&le.



9tud the "ictures care)ull . Then choose the &est sentence. +,. A. #. %. D. 9iti is not )eeling well toda . M sister wa(es u" earl ever da . 9alina sa s good night to her $other. Mother switches o)) the light )or $ sister.


A. #. %. D.

Ca:i& is coo(ing a )ish. Ca:i& is cutting a )ish. Ca:i& is catching a )ish Ca:i& is )r ing a )ish.


A. #. %. D.

9al$ah is )r ing a )ish. Anand is &u ing "rawns. 7alil is "ac(ing so$e cra&s. Fa6il is )eeding his )ish.


A. #. %. D.

The :ar is )illed with rice. The :ar is )illed with water. The &asin is )illed with soa". The &owl is )illed with water.


A. #. %. D.

Fuad rides the &ic cle with his )riend. Ka$al rides his &ic cle to school. Hanna rides her &ic cle to the "ar(. Lo($an "ushes his &ic cle to the $ar(et.



9tud the "ictures care)ull . Then choose the &est sentence.


A. #. %. D.

Ha6li sat under a tree. Maria$ read a &oo( under a tree. /uan .ose wrote a letter under a tree. Ha6li )ell aslee" under a tree.


A. #. %. D.

M )ather and I went to a :u$&le sale. M $other and I went to the $ar(et. M uncle and I went to a )un )air. M &rother and I went to the su"er$ar(et.


A. #. %. D.

The girls are "ainting so$e "ictures. The &o is teaching his &rother and sister. The &o s are reading stor &oo(s. The are watching a cartoon.


A. #. %. D.

Lan and his sister are cleaning the van. Lan and his )riend are "olishing the car. Lan and his sister are scru&&ing the van. Lan and his &rother are washing the car.


A. #. %. D.

?a6a and her )ather are :ogging in the "la ground. Kuhan and his grand"arents go a wal( in the "ar(. Kuhan ta(es his grand"arents )or a ride in the "ar(. 7ohn hel"s his elderl neigh&ours to cross the road.



9tud the "ictures care)ull . Then choose the &est sentence. ,,. A. #. %. D. #adrul washes his hair ever da . #adrul rinses his $outh ever da . #adrul scru&s his hands ever da . #adrul &rushes his teeth ever da .


A. #. %. D.

He c cles ever $orning. He swi$s in the sea ever da . He "la s hoc(e on the wee(end. He rides his &ic cle ever evening.


A. #. %. D.

M sister is resting in &ed. M sister is in the hos"ital. M sister is visiting $ aunt. M sister is ta(ing her $edicine.

,1. A. #. %. D. Alina is cleaning her roo$. Alina;s roo$ is ver $ess . Alina li(es to (ee" her roo$ tid . Alina has :ust )inished cleaning her roo$.



9tud the "ictures care)ull . Then choose the &est sentence.

,2. A. #. %. D. M )ather owns a &ic cle. M )ather is "ushing his &ic cle. M uncle is sitting on his $otorc cle. M uncle is washing his $otorc cle.

-3. A. #. %. D. The (ing is eating )ood. The (ing is sitting on the throne. The 5ueen is sitting ne=t to the (ing. The "eo"le are &owing to the new (ing.

-1. A. #. %. D. The &o s are wal(ing. The girls are listening to the radio. The girls are &u ing $ovie tic(ets. The girls are watching a $ovie.

-'. A. #. %. D. 9he is "la ing with her dog. 9he is &athing her dog. 9he is )eeding her dog. 9he is "etting her dog.



9tud the "ictures care)ull . Then choose the &est sentence. -*. A. #. %. D. De saw our )riends at the 6oo esterda . De "la ed at the 6oo in the evening. De went to the $ar(et esterda . De were at the 6oo esterda .


A. #. %. D.

M uncle li(es to coo( in the garden. M )ather li(es to wor( in the garden. M &rother li(es to slee" in the garden. M sister li(es to slee" in the garden.


A. #. %. D.

The Head$aster is giving a s"eech. The Head$aster is "er)or$ing a "la . The Head$aster is dancing and singing. The Head$aster is cleaning the windows.


A. #. %. D.

The nurse loo(s at the &o ;s teeth. The nurse chec(s the &o ;s $outh. The nurse chec(s the &o ;s te$"erature. The nurse chec(s the &o ;s hands.



9tud the "ictures care)ull . Then choose the &est sentence.


A. #. %. D.

Ale= is $a(ing a "hoto )ra$e. The girls are hel"ing their &rother. Ba6id4 Mai6a and Mas are cleaning the house. The girl is holding a &ig "ail.


A. #. %. D.

The &o s are clearing the ta&le. The girls are wi"ing the ta&le. The &o s are )i=ing the ta&le. The &o s are cleaning the ta&le.


A. #. %. D.

The "u"ils are reading in the li&rar . The "u"ils are doing their ho$ewor(. The "u"ils are drawing so$e "ictures. The "u"ils are collecting sta$"s.


A. #. %. D.

Ha6lan "la s tennis in the )ield. Ha6lan "la s )oot&all in the )ield. Ha6lan "la s &as(et&all in the )ield. Ha6lan "la s hoc(e in the )ield.



9tud the "ictures care)ull . Then choose the &est sentence.


A. #. %. D.

Kari$ is sewing a shirt. /uan Aida is cutting a "iece o) cloth. Enci( Ali is ta(ing so$e $easure$ents. 7alal is "la ing with a ro"e.


A. #. %. D.

Miss Lil is teaching in the li&rar . Miss Lil is teaching in the canteen. Miss Lil is teaching in a classroo$. Miss Lil is scolding the "u"ils.


A. #. %. D.

.oslan is reading a &oo( Arul is "la ing his guitar. Arul is "olishing his )lute. Arul is "la ing his dru$s.


A. #. %. D.

The &o "la s with his (ittens and ra&&its. The cats &ite the &o . 7oe gives so$e carrots to his ra&&its. M )riend )eeds his "ets ever da .



9tud the "ictures care)ull . Then choose the &est sentence. 0,. A. #. %. D. Ca&il is hel"ing his )ather in the (itchen. Ca&il is "eeling "otatoes )or his $other. Ca&il is stirring the curr in the "ot. Ca&il is cutting $eat in the (itchen.

0-. A. #. %. D. ?ahid wears &a:u (e&a a. ?ahid sews clothes ?ahid designs clothes. ?ahid does &ati( "ainting.

00. A. #. %. D. The &o s "la ed hoc(e in the )ield. The &o s "la ed )oot&all at the "ar(. The &o s "la ed net&all near the river. The &o s "la ed &as(et&all in the court.


A. #. %. D.

7a$es cele&rates his &irthda toda . Mah$ud has :ust returned )ro$ the o))ice. The children receive gi)ts on %hrist$as Da . The children &ought their $other a "resent.


9tud the "ictures care)ull . Then choose the &est sentence.


A # % D

7ohan does his ho$ewor( in the a)ternoon. M &rother;s ho&& is collecting sta$"s. 7ohan is stud ing )or his $id> ear e=a$ination. 7ohan is reading a $aga6ine.



9E%TIOC # Juestion 11 L 1, Choose the &est sentence to fit the sit(ation in the %ict(res. 1.








A. Co4 the aren;t #. Bou can have one %. Dh don;t ou &u itA D. Bes. Dould ou li(e to &u oneA


A. I alwa s tal( a lot ever da . #. Do ou need $ore in)or$ationA %. Bou can call $e whenever ou want. D. I ho"e the "u"ils will &ene)it )ro$ it. A. Dhat is thisA


#. Don;t touch it. %. It is a $aga6ine. D. Bes4 I $ust have dro""ed it.

A. Bou are so la6 . 2. #. It is not our &rother;s )ault. %. I won;t as ou have tried our &est D. I don;t (now whether ou deserve this "resent


A. Dho told ou a&out itA #. <reatI That;s a good idea. %. Are ou one o) the singersA D. Are ou sure a&out going to #u(it 7alilA



A. I a$ going ho$e now. #. %an I go ho$e nowA %. Dhere are we goingA D. That;s a good idea.


A. Don;t cr . I;ll hel" ou to loo( )or her. #. I can;t hel" ou. %. It;s alright. 9he;s lost too. D. Bou $ust cr loudl .

A. %an I have so$eA 1*. #. Let;s go ho$e and eat. %. Bes4 it;s al$ost coo(ed. D. Dhere did ou learn to coo(A


A. I a$ sorr . #. Let;s )orget a&out it. %. I thought it was green. D. I didn;t see the light.


A. I don;t need it. #. Than( ou. %. %an I hel" ouA D. Let;s give it awa .



A. The show has :ust started. #. De;ll &e here until 11.33 "$. %. Do ou (now what ti$e is it nowA D. Have ou &ought the tic(et )or the showA

A. He will &e here soon. 10. #. He sta s with his "arents. %. He has short and curl hair. D. He wants to &e an engineer.

A. I catch a lot o) )ish. #. It has "assed $ &edti$e. 11. %. I li(e to eat )ried rice. D. I en:o )ishing.

A. 9he is a doctor. #. Are ou the doctorA 12. %. Dhere is the doctorA D. Dhat;s the $atter with ouA

A. I have alread eaten. #. Than( ou ver $uch. '3. %. I can &u the$ $ sel). D. I don;t li(e to eat &iscuits.



A. All right4 sir. I;ll do it this evening. #. I;$ 5uite &us right now. %. %an ou do it )or $e4 sirA D. Bou $ust cut the grass ever three wee(s.


A. Bou are sure the cat didn;t eat itI #. Don;t worr . I;ll eat it. %. I gave it to our dog. D. I le)t it under the ta&le.

A. DowI The ca(e loo(s delicious. '*. #. Are ou going to &a(e another ca(e4 $u$A %. Mother4 Al a wants a slice o) it. D. A$ I going to eat the ca(e this eveningA


A. OhI Dhat a sur"rise to $eet ou here. #. I don;t (now. Do it oursel). %. .ead the instructions )ro$ the &oo(let. D. As( our &a& &rother to )i= it )or ou.


A. Bes4 let $e have the (e . #. The weight is 13 gra$s. %. Dhen are ou going to "ost itA D. Dait4 let $e weight it )irst.


'-. A. DowI It is ver heav . #. Co4 the water$elon is the heaviest. %. Bes4 the water$elon is :ust as heav . D. Dhich heav )ruit are ou loo(ing )orA '0. A. Hello4 is this ''**++A #. Is this the 9i&u &ranch o) Lion AssuranceA %. %ould ou "lease give $e the nu$&er o) our 9i&u o))iceA

'1. A. E=cuse $e4 can I hel" ouA #. Bou shouldn;t &e out here on our own. %. <rand)atherI I haven;t seen ou )or a long ti$e.


A. I don;t li(e "i66as. #. I "re)er sandwiches. %. I eat "i66as ever wee(end.


A. Let;s have lunch #. Is our grand)ather ver oldA %. Dhen did our grand)ather "ass awa A D. I;$ sorr to hear o) our grand)ather;s death.



A. De should sto" "racticing now. #. I;$ glad the $atch is cancelled. %. <ood4 we have $ore ti$e to "ractice. D. Dho told ou that the $atch is "ost"onedA


A. Delco$e to %a$eron Highlands. #. Bes4 the "lants here are &eauti)ul. %. En:o ourselves4 (ids. D. That;s wonder)ul4 (idsI


A. M "et cat gave &irth to two cute little (ittens #. Dould ou li(e to have one )or a "etA %. Bes4 these are $ "et (ittens. D. Do ou have a "etA


A. Hello4 can I s"ea( to the doctorA #. Hello4 Is that Mutiara %linicA %. Hello4 "leased to $eet ou. D. Hello4 Doctor A$ir4 "lease.


A. Do ou need $ hel" with the "ro:ectA #. Let;s do our 9cience "ro:ect together. %. 9hall we do a scra" &oo( on insectsA D. Don;t worr . I will hel" ou



A. Let;s go )ishing. #. Let;s go swi$$ing. %. De should go swi$$ing. D. De shouldn;t go )ishing now.


A. Hello4 how are ouA #. It;s nice to see ou. %. Is he driving care)ull A D. <ood& e and drive care)ull .


A. I;$ sorr 4 sir. #. I li(e to &e late. %. Dh are ou lateA D. Dh are ou sorr A


A. Use our own "encil. #. 9ure. It;s on $ des(. %. I a$ not "a ing )or it. D. I don;t want to &u an "encil.


A. I don;t li(e to eat &read. #. Do ou li(e to eat &readA %. I want two loaves o) &read. D. %an ou sell $e so$e &readA



A. The alar$ cloc( did not ring. #. The &us arrived earl . %. I did not have ti$e.


A. Do our &est. #. Bou $ust tr to wor(. %. %ongratulations4 (ee" it u"I D. Bou $ust "ut in $ore e))ort.


A. Oh4 noI Cot againI #. E=cuse $e again. %. Have ou search )or the$A


A. It is $ine. #. I;$ sorr . %. Than( ou. D. Cever $ind.


A. Bou;re welco$e. It;s $ dut to do so. #. Bou have to "a $e )or $ ti$e. %. Bou will get &etter. D. Cever $ind.



A. I a$ watching a sad $ovie. #. I a$ watching a new $ovie. %. I a$ watching a )unn $ovie. D. I a$ watching a thriller $ovie.


A. I studied so$eti$es. #. I (now $ English is good. %. Than(4 I read $an English &oo(s nowada s.


A. Don;t as( $e. #. I $ust as( so$eone. %. It is a&out one and a hal) hours.

A. I can;t &elieve it. +2. #. That is good4 Tina. %. 9how $e the "roo). D. I $ust see our reading record.

A. This is the &oo(. ,3. #. Dhere is our &oo(A %. Bou &oo( is overdue. D. Bou have ta(en a &oo(.



How often do you go jogging ?

A. 7ogging is a good wa to e=ercise. #. I :og three ti$es a wee(. %. This is a good "lace to :og.


Excuse me, which bus goes to Taman Damai ?

A. #. D.

Those &uses go to I"oh. 9ure4 ou can :oin $e. I;$ sorr 4 I cannot hel" ou.

%. That one. #us nu$&er '1.


The fish smells delicious.

A. Bes4 it does. It $a(es $e )eel hungr . #. %. Dould ou li(e so$ething to eatA I thin( it is the s$ell o) the le$on grass.


I was knocked down by a car while I was crossing the road.

A. I;$ sorr to hear that. #e care)ul ne=t ti$e. #. I was ver ill esterda . %. I tri""ed while I was wal(ing.

,,. A. Are these catsA #. Dhat are theseA %. Dhat do the li(e to eatA
Those are rabbits.




Hello, may I s eak to !alina, lease?

A. #. %.

This is 9alina s"ea(ing. Bes4 this is 9alina;s $other. I;$ sorr . Aina isn;t at ho$e. 9orr 4she didn;t leave an $essage.



"""""""" "

A. #. %.

Bes4 ou &orrowed it )ro$ $e. Bou;re welco$e. I en:o ed reading it4 too. Bou;re welco$e. I ho"e ou en:o ed reading it.

Thank you for lending me this book.


""""""" "

A. #. %. D.

I;$ loo(ing )or so$e s"orts shoes. I;d li(e to see the $enu4 "lease. Dhat do ou needA I;$ )ine4 than( ou.

#an I hel you?



A. #. %.

Hello4 Lara. A$ I lateA Ha"" &irthda 4 Lara. Oh4 a$ I invitedA

Thank you. $lease come in.


I%m roud of you, &'am.

A. #. %.

Bou;re ha"" . Than( ou4 Uncle. I;$ "roud o) ou4 Uncle. I;$ ha"" )or ou4 Uncle.





Section C +ra&&atical ,te&s Choose the best answer to co&%lete the sentences 1 A$in o&tained the MMMMMMMM $ar(s in his 9cience test. A. #. %. '. $ore $ost so$e

9he sat MMMMMM. the clinic and waited )or the doctor. A. #. %. D. in to on across


Farahana had &oo(ed her )light tic(et earlier &ecause MMM.. was chea". A. #. %. D. the she we it


File= dressed u" MMMMMMMMM to go )or an interview. A. #. %. D. ha""il s$artl sweetl &ravel


The &uilding was da$aged recentl MMMMMM heav stor$s. A. &ecause #. although %. & D. so

The shi" sails MMMMMMMM. the ocean. A. along #. across %. through




De cele&rate La&our Da MMMMMMM. 1st o) Ma . A. #. %. on in at

The scouts MMMMMM.. in the :ungle last wee(. A. #. %. ca$" ca$"s ca$"ed


That is the wo$an MMMMMMM.. hus&and is a "ilot. A. #. %. D. wh what who$ whose


Bou $ust drive MMMMMMM. to avoid accident. A. #. %. care)ull rec(lessl carelessl


The thie) MMMMM.. to esca"e & the &ac( door &ecause it was loc(ed. A. #. %. D. a&le was a&le was una&le could a&le


The two "olice$en wal(ed on MMMMMMM side o) the ro&&er. A. #. %. D. neither inside either &etween




Unless he hurries4 he MMMMMM the train. A. #. %. D. $iss $isses $issed will $iss


This wor( is ver eas . MMMMMM.. can do it. A. #. %. D. Everthing An &od Co&od 9o$e&od


The soldier )ought MMMMMMM and was given a $edal & the (ing. A. #. %. D. wea(l &adl &ravel ha""il


.ah$an was e=cited &ecause he )lew in an aero"lane MMMM.. the )irst ti$e. A. #. %. over )or on


M )riend MMMMMM not do the su$ &ecause it was ver di))icult. A. #. %. D. will $ust could would


A MMMMMMM.. o) &ees was )l ing towards the &eehive on a tree. A. #. %. D. )loc( herd grou" swar$




MMMMMMMMMMM is our national )lowerA A. #. %. D. Dhose Dh Dhat How


Mr. %han4 the $echanic 4 MMMMMMMM. the green car to$orrow. A. will re"air #. will &e re"aired %. re"aired D. is re"airing


M elder sister MMMMMM going to the cine$a. 9he usuall MMMM there with her )riends A. #. %. D. li(es4 goes li(ed4 goes li(e4 going will &e4 going


.osli and his &rother MMMMM the show twice last wee(end. A. #. %. D. watch watches watched watching


Ha6i$ah sta ed at ho$e & MMMMM while MMMMMM "arents were awa . A. #. %. D. $ sel)4 $ hersel)4 her hi$sel)4 hi$ oursel)4 our


Bou $ust MMMMM. )inish the $il( MMMMM "ut it into the re)rigerator. A. #. %. D. so4 i) so4 and either4 or neither4 nor




The thie) ran MMMMMMM the road and hid MMMM.. so$e &ushes. A. towards4 a&ove #. across4 &ehind %. at4 under D. awa 4 to


Ever one MMMMM ha"" when the received a "resent. A. #. %. D. are is was were


There isn;t MMMMMM. rice le)t in the "ot. A. #. %. D. $an little a lot o) an


A da &e)ore Teachers; Da 4 the "u"ils carried MMMM chairs to the school hall. A. #. %. D. our their our his


Hashi$ is the MMMMMMM. &o in his class A. #. %. D. tall taller tallest $ost tall




The Bear - "u"ils have to "re"are MMMMMM. well &e)ore U/9.. A. ourselves #. the$selves %. hi$sel) D. oursel)


Ka$"ung .hu is al$ost!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hour;s drive )ro$ Kuantan town. A. #. %. D. is an the )ar The angr girl !!!!!!!!!!!! the &oo( and threw it into the dust&in. A. #. %. D. torn tore tear tearing



?ali is )l ing !!!!!!!!!!! (ite in the )ield. A. her #. hi$ %. his D. hers


/uan Aneesa waits )or the &us!!!!!!the &us sto" ever $orning. A. at #. in %. on D. to


Mu:ahid :u$"ed !!!!!!!! the &ench and )ell into the drain. A. into #. on %. )ro$ over




!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 9u6ana and ?aharah are school "re)ects. A. #. %. D. All #oth Either Ceither


Did Ca6rin !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! English well at the se$inar last nightA A. #. %. D. s"ea( s"o(e s"ea(s s"o(en


That was !!!!!!!!!!!!! $ost challenging tas( and we onl have !!!!!!!!!!! hour to )inish it. A. #. %. D. a 4 an a 4 the the 4 a the 4 an


The weather is so hot that there is onl !!!!!!!!!!!!! water in the well. A. #. %. D. $uch a little an a )ew !!!!!!!!!!!! the$.


Her children are ver "olite and ever &od A. love #. loves %. loved D. loving


%a$"ing !!!!!!!!!!!!!! an e=citing activit . A. were #. is %. was D. are



Asiah is ver !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! . Ever one li(es her ver $uch. A. i$"olite #. )riendl %. rude D. sting


O) the three &o s 4 .oslan is the !!!!!!!!!!! in the class. A. clever #. cleverest %. cleverer


Dhen I saw Linda4 she !!!!!!!!!!!!!! her $one . A. counts #. is counting %. was counting D. were counting


Mr Li$;s dog !!!!!!!!!!!!!! his neigh&our;s son last wee(. A. &ites #. &ite %. &it D. &itten


9ari)uddin;s )ingernails !!!!!!!!!!!!!! short and clean. A. #. %. D. a$ is are was


Bou went to the li&rar 4 !!!!!!!!!!!!!! A A. isn;t it #. don;t ou %. didn;t ou D. wasn;t ou




The wor(ers wal(ed !!!!!!!!!!! into the )actor &ecause the were late )or wor(. A. #. %. D. "olitel s$artl hurriedl slowl


The $an "laced the ladder !!!!!!!!!!!! the wall. A. #. %. D. under down &elow against


There are $an sho"houses !!!!!!!!!!!!!! 7alan #endahara. A. #. %. D. through &etween along &eside


9 ah$i !!!!!!!!!!! to school ever da . A. #. %. D. wal( wal(s wal(ed wal(ing

,' .

A$eera !!!!!!!!!!! the li&rar &oo(s :ust now. A. #. %. D. return returns returned returning


Have !!!!!! )inished our ho$ewor(A A. #. %. D. I he she ou




!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "ainting4 A6uani also (nows how to "la the "iano. A. #. %. D. #esides Although There)ore Further$ore


I &rought !!!!!!! orange )or lunch. A. #. %. a an the


Turn down the volu$e. It is too !!!!! . A. #. %. D. &ig loud &right strong


GDo not !!!!! the trees in the "ar(4H sa s the ranger. A. #. %. D. cli$& cli$&ed cli$&s cli$&ing


To$;s dog4 /luto was &ar(ing !!!!!!!!!!! at the stranger. A. #. %. D. )iercel greedil "olitel sh l


Mardiana got the !!!!!!!!!!!!! $ar(s )or English. A. #. %. high higher highest




Hana wo(e u" ver late4 !!!!!!!!! she had to rush )or wor(. A. #. %. D. or &ut there)ore and


!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have the ca(e or the ice>crea$ )or $ dessert A A. #. %. D. Might 9hould Dould Ought


!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!is the &iggest $a$$al on land4 the &u))alo or ele"hantA A. #. %. D. Dhere Dhich Dh Dho


!!!!!!!! $ust listen care)ull when in class. A. #. %. D. It M Bou Theirs


Da$ia sang !!!!!! during the "art . A. #. %. D. silentl sweetl soundl grace)ull


The eagle caught the chic( !!!!!!!!!!!! its claws. A. #. %. D. to on with )ro$




9 a)ee5 is a clever &o . He !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! $a(es $ista(e. A. #. %. D. alwa s seldo$ sadl now won the dance co$"etition.


Ceither Fara !!!!!!!!! %ath A. #. %. D. or nor and while


M )ather lives !!!!!!!!!!!! Kelantan. A. #. %. D. at in )ro$ to


9 ahira is the !!!!!!!!!! in her )a$il . A. #. %. D. oung ounger oungest $ore oung


Lunch co$es !!!!!!!!! &rea()ast. A. #. %. D. a)ter &e)ore on &


9hina lived here !!!!!!!!!!! 1222. A. #. %. D. )or &ecause since although




The train went !!!!!!!!! the tunnel. A. #. %. D. along over & through


There !!!!!!!!!! so$e (ittens in this &o= a )ew $inutes ago. A. #. %. D. is are was were


He tried to o"en the door !!!!!!!!!! it was loc(ed. A. #. %. D. or so &ut and


!!!!!!!!! I &orrow our "encil4 "lease A A. #. %. D. %an Might Ma 9hould


Ari) and I went to the 6oo. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! went there & &us. A. #. %. D. De I 9he The


Bou are getting too )at. Bou !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! e=ercise $ore. A. #. %. D. ought would should $ight




!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! did the "la ers )eel a)ter winning the ga$e A A. #. %. D. Dh How Dhen Dhere


The !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ho$e when the accident ha""ened. A. #. %. D. is wal(ing was wal(ing are wal(ing were wal(ing


He is the !!!!!!!!!!!! $an I have ever $et. A. #. %. (inder (indest (ind


He has &een !!!!!!!!! in 7a(arta )or ten ears. A. #. %. D. live lives lived living


I !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! $ auntie now. A. #. %. D. is hel"ing a$ hel"ing are hel"ing were hel"ing


Ka$il !!!!!!!!!!! to school ever da . A. #. %. D. c cle c cles c cled c cling




M $other li(es to !!!!!!!!!! curr "u)). A. #. %. D. coo(s coo( coo(ed coo(ing


%hong Meng wants to &e an artist &ecause he loves to !!!!!!!!!!! . A. #. %. D. draws drew draw drawing


Each o) the students !!!!!!!!!!!! given a "ac( o) &iscuit. A. #. %. D. is to are o)


The wind &lows !!!!!! & the seaside. A. #. %. D. &ravel strongl carelessl i$$ediatel


M )ather;s sister !!!!!! $ aunt. A. #. %. D. is a$ was were


There is !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! $angosteen tree in Cadia;s garden. Cadia li(es to sit and read under !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! tree. A. #. %. D. a4 an a4 the an4 the the4 the




The $angoes in that &as(et !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sweet. A. #. %. is are Das


I $ade the des( !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A. #. %. D. $ sel) hi$sel) hersel) the$selves


The ga$es .an:it en:o s are )oot&all4 hoc(e !!!!!!!!! &ad$inton. A. #. %. D. as &ut since and


Mala sia is )a$ous !!!!!!!!!!!! its &eauti)ul &eaches. A. #. %. D. at in )or to esterda .


De !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the )ood hungril A. #. %. D. eat eats ate eating


Muthu gave 9arah !!!!! sil( &louse )or her &irthda . A. #. %. a an the




Ah$ad ran !!!!!!!!!! to catch the &us. A. #. %. D. neatl loudl silentl 5uic(l


9he hurt !!!!!!!!!!! while cutting the vegeta&les esterda . A. #. %. D. itsel) hersel) hi$sel) the$selves


The li(e to swi$ !!!!!!!!!!! "la hoc(e during the wee(ends. A. #. %. D. so &ut and &ecause


M )ather wants to !!!!!!! a "a"a a tree there. A. #. %. D. "lant "lants "lanted "lanting


The tigress lic(ed !!!!! "aws a)ter eating a heart $eal. A. #. %. D. its his our their



S-C*,./ C +ive the o""osite &eanin' of the (nderlined words. 1. The old wo$an wal(ed with a croo(ed stic(. A. #. %. D. straight long short curve


His &rother is strong &ut his sister is !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A. #. %. D. ti$id &rave wea( &ald


Enci( Fad6il 4 who is a wealth $an4 is ver generous. A. #. %. )a$ous "oor rich


It is sa)e to swi$ in the swi$$ing "ool. A. #. %. D. "rotect dangerous care)ul wealth


The (ni)e is ver shar". A. #. %. D. heav light &lunt shinn




The could not eat the &iscuit &ecause it was too hard. A. #. %. D. &ig so)t tin huge


Man wo$en li(e to sho" at .oslan;s stall as his vegeta&le are )resh. A. #. %. stale new tast


I can answer all the 5uestions &ecause the are eas . A. #. %. D. i$"ressive interesting di))icult "o"ular

2. Fati$ah acce"t her )riends invitation to the "art . A. #. %. res"onds re:ects answers

13. He so$eti$es s"ea(s rudel to his "arents. A. #. %. "olitel "roudl wisel

11. The old $an wal(ed with a croo(ed stic(. A. #. %. D. straight long short curve



1'. His &rother4 Ah$ad is strong &ut his sister4 Alina is !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A. #. %. D. 1*. &ald &rave wea( ti$id

Mr. 9oon Tec( 4 who is a wealth $an4 is ver generous. A. #. %. D. "oor )a$ous rich (ind


It is sa)e to swi$ in the swi$$ing "ool. A. #. %. D. wealth dangerous care)ul "rotect


The sword is ver shar". A. #. %. D. heav &lunt light shinn


I could not eat the &iscuit &ecause it was too hard. A. #. %. D. &ig so)t s$all tin


Man "eo"le li(e to sho" at /a( A&u;s stall as his vegeta&les are )resh. A. #. %. D. new stale tast raw




I can answer all the su$s &ecause the are eas . A. #. %. D. i$"ressive "o"ular di))icult interesting


9he acce"ts her )riend;s invitation to the &irthda "art . A. #. %. D. re:ects res"onds answers resists


He alwa s s"ea(s rudel to his "arents. A. #. %. D. "olitel "roudl wisel honestl


Farina lost her earrings &ut !!!!!!!!!!!!!! a )ew da s later. A. #. %. D. saw )ound uncover loo(ed


To$"o(4 the /ersian cat4 slee"s under the ta&le while Harr 4 the ha$ster4 "la s !!!!! it. A. #. %. D. on u" into over


Ah Meng throws the &all and his dog !!!!!!!!it. A. #. %. D. "uts (ee"s catches holds




De will go &ac( now &ut we will !!!!!! again to$orrow. A. #. %. D. run co$e esca"e arrive


He 5uietl reads his &oo( while his sister is chatting !!!!!!! on the tele"hone. A. #. %. D. accidentall care)ull cautiousl noisil


I have short hair &ut $ sister has !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hair. A. #. %. D. tall long high large


M "encil is shar" &ut Hisa$i;s "encil is !!!!!!!!!!!!. A. #. %. D. tin short &lunt s$all ear he gives donations to $an charities.


Dato; Buso) is a generous $an. Ever A. #. %. D. rich (ind sting careless


De en:o ed watching the $ovie. It was ver e=citing. A. #. %. D. sad slow &oring )ascinating




The aero"lane )lies a&ove the s( . A. #. %. D. on &elow in o""osite

Section C Si&ilar 0eanin' Choose the word that has the sa$e $eaning as the word (nderlined. 1. The ga$e started at +.*3 ".$. A. #. %. &egan ended sto""ed


.eading is .an:it;s )avourite ho&& . A. #. %. activit "asti$e adventure


The soldiers )ought &ravel in the war. A. #. %. "rison court &attle


A)ter recess there will &e an asse$&l in the school hall. A. #. %. class interval rela=ation




9ir 4 I;$ sorr to interru"t ou. A. #. %. distur& see greet


Aliah is going to ta(e "art in the co$"etition. A. #. %. :oin "er)or$ "artici"ate


Hasnah could not co$"lete her wor( on ti$e. A. #. %. sto" )inish return


Dho is sta ing in that vacant roo$A A. #. %. s"acious e$"t crowded


Dh did ou shout at hi$A A. #. %. scold guard ell


I suggest ou read the stor &oo( &ecause it is ver e=citing. A. #. %. a$using interesting &oring


The )oot&all $atch started at 1.*3 ".$. A. #. %. D. &egan ended sto""ed o"ened




%ollecting coins is Hani;s )avourite ho&& . A. #. %. D. activit "asti$e adventure :o&


The soldiers )ought &ravel in the war. A. #. %. D. stage court &attle "rison


A)ter recess there will &e an asse$&l in the school hall. A. #. %. D. interval class rela=ation resting ti$e


Mada$4 I;$ sorr to interru"t ou. A. #. %. D. distur& anno see greet


Daniel is going to ta(e "art in the singing co$"etition. A. #. %. D. :oin "er)or$ enter "artici"ate




#a(ri could not co$"lete his wor( on ti$e. A. #. %. D. su&$it sto" ) inish return


Dho is sta ing in that vacant roo$A A. #. %. D. s"acious e$"t &ig crowded


Dh did ou shout at $eA A. #. %. D. scold guard ell $ad


I suggest ou read the stor &oo( &ecause it is ver e=citing. A. #. %. D. a$using )ascinating interesting &oring


M &rother;s shirts and T>shirts are ver loose. A. #. %. D. e="ensive short s$all #agg


Catas a is a well>(nown actress in Mala sia. 9he has acted in $an $ovies. A. #. %. D. e=cellent talented wealth )a$ous




Alvin is in hos"ital. He is ver sad. A. #. %. D. unha"" sic( tired health


Faridah li(es hot drin(s ver $uch. A. #. %. D. disli(es hates "re)ers wants


The tourists visited &ig cities such as London and /aris while touring Euro"e. A. #. %. D. tin 5uiet &us large


It was a tough )ight &etween the two tennis "la ers. A. #. %. D. hard solid strong "ower)ul


9ali$a slee"s with her $other &ecause she is a)raid o) the dar(. A. #. %. D. nervous tensed &ored scared


GThat &ou5uet o) "in( roses is lovel 4H sa s Lillian. A. #. %. D. &right colour)ul )resh &eauti)ul




The "u"ils visited an old )ort last ear. A. #. %. D. large ancient worn new


The scouts reached the )oot o) <unung A a$ esterda . A. #. %. D. to" "ea( &ase &otto$



S-C*,./ C 1 $(nct(ation 0ark Choose the sentences with the correct %(nct(ation. 1. A. Teaches da is cele&rated on Ma the si=teenth. #. Teacher;s Da is cele&rated on Ma the si=teenth. %. Teachers; Da is cele&rated on Ma the si=teenth. '. A. #. %. D. *. A. #. %. D. +. A. #. %. D. ,. A. #. %. D. -. A. #. %. D. 0. A. #. %. G Dhat are thoseAH as(ed Ca6ri;s sister. G Dhat are thoseAH as(ed Ca6ris sister. G Dhat are those4 G as(ed Ca6ri;s sister. G Dhat are thoseAH as(ed na6ri;s sister. G .unI .un save our li)eIH shouted A6lan. G .unI .un save our li)eAH shouted A6lan. G .unI .un save our li)eIH shouted a6lan. G .un4 run save our li)eIH shouted A6lan. G/lease hel" $e4 Cora6$an4H said Har$a. G"lease hel" $e4 Cora6$an4 H said Har$a. G/lease hel" $e4 Cora6$an4 G 9aid Har$a. G/lease hel" $e4 nora6$an4H said Har$a. The %IM# #an( is ten store s high. The %IM# &an( is ten store s high. The %i$& #an( is ten store s high. The %i$& &an( is ten store s high. The are going to sere$&an ne=t )rida . The are going to 9ere$&an ne=t )rida The are going to sere$&an ne=t Frida The are going to 9ere$&an ne=t Frida . a6i$i4 Anita and Buso) will &e going on a ca$"ing tri". A6i$i4 Anita and uso) will &e going on a ca$"ing tri". A6i$i4 Anita and Buso) will &e going on a ca$"ing tri".




A. #. %. D.

Datch out4 there is a &ulldog &ehind ou. Datch outI there is a &ulldog &ehind ou. Datch outI There is a &ulldog &ehind ou. Datch out4 There is a &ulldog &ehind ou. Are ou going to town 4 toda Morissa. Are ou going to town toda 4 MorissaA Are Bou going to Town toda MorissaA M uncle too( $e to "ulau "isang )or )ishing. M uncle too( $e to "ulau /isang )or )ishing. M uncle too( $e to /ulau /isang )or )ishing. M Uncle too( $e to /ulau /isang )or )ishing.


A. #. %.


A. #. %. D.


A. De visited a er (eroh during the dee"avali holida s. #. De visited A er Keroh during the Dee"avali holida s. %. De visited A er Keroh during the dee"avali holida s. D. De visited A er (eroh during the Dee"avali Holida s.


A. GDo ou (now 9u:a(;s addressIH as(ed &uang (ardi. #. GDo ou (now 9u:a(;s address.H As(ed #uang (ardi. %. GDo ou (now 9u:a(;s addressAH as(ed #uang Kardi. D. GDo ou (now4 9u:a(;s addressA; As(ed #uang Kardi.


A. Loo( so$eone is tr ing to &rea( into our neigh&our;s house. #. Loo(I so$eone is tr ing to &rea( into our neigh&ours house. %. Loo(4 so$eone is tr ing to &rea( into our neigh&our;s house. D. Loo(I 9o$eone is tr ing to &rea( into our neigh&our;s house.


A. %.

es Hassan and I re"aired the car ourselves. es4 Hassan and I re"aired the car ourselves.

#. Bes Hassan and I 4 re"aired the car ourselves. D. Bes4 Hassan and I re"aired the car ourselves.




A. GHow old are ou now sha)ieeAH As(ed 7alal. #. GHow old are ou now4 9ha)ieeAH as(ed 7alal. %. GHow old are ou now4 9ha)ieeAH As(ed :alal.


A. GMa I &orrow our eraser "leaseAH as(ed Farid. #. G Ma I &orrow our eraser4 "leaseAH as(ed Farid. %. GMa 4 I &orrow our eraser4 "leaseAH as(ed Farid.


A. .a$li and Ci6a$ li(e to "la hoc(e 4 volle &all and gol). #. .a$li and Ci6a$ li(e to "la hoc(e 4 Kolle &all4 and gol). %. .a$li and Ci6a$ li(e to "la Hoc(e 4 Kolle &all and <ol). D. .a$li and ni6a$ li(e to "la hoc(e 4 volle &all and gol).


A. The ca"ital o) terengganu is Kuala terengganu. #. The ca"ital o) Terengganu is (uala Terengganu. %. The %a"ital o) Terengganu is Kuala Terengganu. D. The ca"ital o) Terengganu is Kuala Terengganu.


A. Daha& visited the crocodile )ar$ and Mela(a 6oo last sunda . #. Daha& visited the crocodile Far$ and Mela(a ?oo last 9unda . %. Daha& visited the %rocodile Far$ and Mela(a ?oo last 9unda .


A. Have ou read the "risoner o) 6endaA #. Have ou read The "risoner o) ?endaA %. Have ou read @The /risoner o) ?enda;A D. have ou read @the "risoner o) 6enda;A


A. GA cat is sitting near the )ence4H said #i&i. #. GA cat is sitting near the )ence4H said #i&iI %. GA cat is sitting near the )ence4H said &i&i. D. GA cat is sitting near the )enceH said #i&i.




A. The $ountain cli$&ers have reached the "ea( o) Mount Kina&alu. #. The Mountain %li$&ers have reached the "ea( o) $ount (ina&alu. %. The $ountain cli$&ers have reached the "ea( o) $ount (ina&aluI D. The $ountain cli$&ers have reached the /ea( o) Mount Kina&alu.


A. #. %. D.

David Mar and Dann &ought so$e "ies. David Mar and Dann &ought so$e "iesI David4 $ar and dann &ought so$e "ies. David4 Mar and Dann &ought so$e "ies.


A. Ca:i& goes to the island in his &oatA #. Ca:i& goes to the Island in his &oat. %. Ca:i& goes to the island in his #oat. D. Ca:i& goes to the island in his &oat.


A. Es(i$os use ice to $a(e Igloos. #. Es(i$os use Ice to $a(e Igloos. %. Es(i$os use ice to $a(e igloosA D. Es(i$os use ice to $a(e igloos.


A. ra$li will $eet Mr. hong at the Air"ort. #. .a$li will $eet Mr. Hong at the air"ortA %. .a$li will $eet Mr. Hong at the air"ort. D. .a$li will $eet M.. Hong at the air"ort.


A. #. %. D.

Dhere are $ $ar(ersI Dhere are $ $ar(ersA Dhere are $ $ar(ers. Dhere4 are $ $ar(ersA These are the &o s co$ics. These are the &o ;s co$ics. These are the &o ;s co$ic;s. These are the #o s; %o$ics. GHel"I Hel"I M house is on )ireIH shouted Anuar. GHel"4 Hel"4 M house is on )ireIH 9houted Anuar. GHel"4 hel"4 $ house is on )ireAH shouted Anuar. GHel". Hel". M house is on )ire.H shouted Anuar.


A. #. %. D.


A. #. %. D.




A. #. %. D.

Helena is going to genting highlands this thursda . Helena is going to <enting Highlands This Thursda . Helena is going to <enting highlands this Thursda . helena is going to genting Highlands this thursda . Ma I go to the toilet4 "leaseA Ma I go to the toilet4 "lease. Ma I go to the toilet "leaseA Ma I go to the toilet4 "leaseI GDo ou li(e to :og in the "ar(H as(s Leha. GDo ou li(e to :og in the "ar(4H as(s LehaA GDo ou li(e to :og in the "ar(AH as(s Leha. GDo ou li(e to :og in the "ar(4H as(s Leha. GDon;t lie to $e4 9a6ali4H sa s )ather. GDon;t lie to $e 9a6ali.H sa s )ather. GDon;t lie to $eI 9a6ali.H sa s )ather. GDon;t lie to $e 9a6aliH sa s )ather. /ulau 9i&u is a )a$ous Holida .esort. /ulau si&u is a )a$ous Holida .esort. /ulau 9i&u is a )a$ous holida resort. /ulau si&u is a )a$ous holida resort.


A. #. %. D.


A. #. %. D.


A. #. %. D.


A. #. %. D.


A. #. %. D.

The $echanic uses a s"anner4 to loosen the nuts. The $echanic uses a s"anner to loosen the nuts. The $echanic uses a s"anner to loosen the nutsA The Mechanic uses a 9"anner to loosen the Cuts. GHello4 I$ran. Dhat are our "lans )or the school holida sAH as(s ?ainah. GHelloI I$ran. Dhat are our "lans )or the school holida sAH as(s ?ainah. GHelloI I$ran. Dhat are our "lans )or the school holida sH as(s ?ainah. GHelloI i$ran. Dhat are our "lans )or the school holida sH as(s ?ainah.


A. #. %. D.




A. #. %. D.

The "u"ils are singing $ala 4 chinese and ta$il songs in the co$"etition. The "u"ils are singing Mala 4 %hinese and Ta$il songs in the co$"etition. The /u"ils are singing Mala %hinese and Ta$il songs in the co$"etition. The "u"ils are singing Mala 4 %hinese and Ta$il songs co$"etitionI DowI ou are so luc( I ou have visited so $an countries. DowI Bou are so luc( Bou have visited so $an countries. DowI Bou are so luc( I Bou have visited so $an countries. DowI Bou are so luc( I Bou have visited so $an countries


A # % D


A # % D

Fai6al will &e going to England to stud soon. Fai6al will &e going to england to stud soon. Fai6al4 will &e going to England to stud soonI )ai6al will &e going to england to stud soon


A # % D

the had an en:o a&le da at the ta$an ri$&a recreational "ar( The had an en:o a&le da at the Ta$an .i$&a .ecreational /ar(. The had an en:o a&le da at the Ta$an .i$&a recreational "ar(. The had an en:o a&le da at the ta$an ri$&a recreational "ar(.



Section C S%ellin' 2ased on the %ict(res3 choose the answer with the correct s%ellin'.


Ali$an saw an !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! in the river &ehind his house. A. #. %. D. alligator alliggator aligattor aligator


#ee Lian saw a !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sitting on a !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A. #. %. D. &atter)l 4 )lower &utter)l 4 )lower &utter)l 4 )louwer &atter)l 4 )louwer




M )ather gives $ A. #. %. D. tr c lcle traic cle tric cle tr c cle

oungest &rother a !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! on his &irthda .


Ka$al grand$other;s &u s a !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! at the $ar(et A. #. %. D. "u$"(een "a$"(in "u$"(en "u$"(in


The !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! cla""ed and cheered as the dancers were "er)o$ing on stage. A. #. %. D. audience audiense aodience aodiense




Mr. Ka$aru6a$an would li(e to "ost"one his !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! with his doctor to 9aturda . A. #. %. D. a""oin$ent a"oint$en a""oint$ent a"oint$en


Ceither the radio nor the !!!!!!!!!!!!! is needed )or the ca$"ing tri". A. #. %. D. calculator calculater (alculator cal(ulater




His &rother gave hi$ a ca$era )or his &irthda &ecause his ho&& is !!!!!!!!!!!!! A. #. %. D. )otogra"h "hotogra" "hotogra"h )otogra"


Ku$aran &rought along a !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! when he went to the ca$". A. #. %. D. touchlite torchlight touchlight torchlite




En. 9ha$sul is loo(ing at !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! to hel" hi$ choose a "lace to go to )or his holida . A. #. %. D. &roshur &ruchure &rusher &rochure


A )isher$an catches )ish & !!!!!!!!. A. #. %. D. &oot &aot &oat &oute


The )ire)ighters are "utting out the )ire in the !!!!!!!!!!. A. #. %. D. &uliding &illding &iulding &uilding


Kanessa went to see the !!!!!!!! &ecause she had a toothache. A. #. %. D. dentest dintist dentist dantest




7a$al does not have a !!!!!!!!4 so he as(ed Fendi )or the ti$e. A. #. %. D. watch watches whatch wacht The clar( used a !!!!!!!!!to "rint out the letter. A. #. %. D. "rinteer "rinter "rinterr "rinta



The "rett !!!!!!!!!!is wearing a baju kebaya. A. #. %. D. wa$an wo$on wo$aan wo$an


Anita is sending her 9cience teacher the )inished !!!!!!!!. A. #. %. D. hoe$wor( ho$ewor( ho$ewro( hoo$wor(


Ba6id eats nasi lemak )or !!!!!!!!!!. A. #. %. D. lunch luunch lanch luanch




A wild orchid is a t "e o) !!!!!!!!. A. #. %. D. )lowre )lawer )louwer )lower


Kareena and her )a$il are watching the $ovie @9"ider$an *; at the !!!!!!!!!. A. #. %. D. ceini$a cine$a cine$i cei$na



S-C*,./ 4
Activit) 1 #ased on the "icture4 choose the &est answer to )ill in the &lan(s in the "assage that )ollows.

Last 9unda 4 155555555555555555











&irthda this ear. 9he 255555555555555 her )riends and relatives to the "art . Her $other "re"ared a lot o) )ood 355555555555555555 the occasion. Maria loo(ed "rett 4555555555555555555 her "in( dress. Her )riends gave her 555555555555555555 "resents.

1. A. twelve '. A. invite *. A. in +. A. on ,. A. $uch

#. twel)th #. invited #. on #. at #. $an

%. twent %. inviting %. )or %. with %. )ew D. invites D. with D. in



Activit) 2 #ased on the "icture4 choose the &est answer to )ill in the &lan(s in the "assage that )ollows.

The $other &ird is )eeding its 1 5555555555555555555 The little &irds are loo(ing u" to 25555555555555555555 the wor$ )ro$ their $other;s $outh. The $other &ird 35555555555555555555 its nestlings in the nest while it goes out to )ind )ood. Dhen the nestlings 45555555555555555555 &ig enough to )l 4 the will )ind their own )ood. The will not de"end 555555555555555555555 their $other )or )ood an $ore.

1. A. duc(lings '. A. ate *. A. le)t +. A. was ,. A. to

#. chic(s #. eat #. leave #. were #. o)

%. nestlings %. eats %. leaves %. is %. at

D. goslings D. eating

D. are D. on



Activit) 3 #ased on the "icture4 choose the &est answer to )ill in the &lan(s in the "assage that )ollows.

#anana4 "a"a as4 durians and water$elons are local )ruits. 66666718 are grown in our countr . Local )ruits are not delicious 66666728 also chea". The 6666.738 not ta(e a long ti$e to &e trans"orted 6666.748 one "lace to another. A"art )ro$ that4 66666. 758 local )ruits can $a(e our &od health as the contain a lot o) vita$ins

1. '. *. +. ,.

A. It A. and A. do A. at A. eat

#. De #. &ut #. did # to #. eats

%. The$ %. with %. does % )or %. eating

D. The D. although

D. )ro$



Activit) 4 #ased on the "icture4 choose the &est answer to )ill in the &lan(s in the "assage that )ollows.

There is one $ar(et 6666.718 $ "lace which o"erates ever 9unda $orning. There are $an stalls 66666.728 all (inds o) goods li(e groceries4 vegeta&les4 )ruits 6666.738 )ish. <oods sold here 6666.748 $ostl )resh and the "rice is reasona&le too. M )a$il usuall 66666..758 there to &u )ruits and vegeta&les.

1. '. *. +. ,.

A. in A. sell A. &ut A. is A. goes

#. near #. sells #. with # are #. went

%. on %. sold %. and %. was %. gone

D. a$ong D. selling

D. were



Activit) 5 #ased on the "icture4 choose the &est answer to )ill in the &lan(s in the "assage that )ollows.

Atan and Ali li(e )ishing. The usuall 666666718 )ishing at the river. The river is not dee" 66666..728 there are a lot o) )ish in it. The &ring their )ishing rods and so$e wor$s 66666.738 &ait. Fishing 6666..748 the$ to &e $ore "atient. The can also learn $ore 66666.758 )ish.

1. '. *. +. ,.

A. go A. or A. as A. teach A. i)

#. goes #. with #. )or # teaches #. went

%. went %. and %. with %. teaching %. &etween

D. going

D. and D. taught D. a&out



Activit) 6 #ased on the "icture4 choose the &est answer to )ill in the &lan(s in the "assage that )ollows.

Most children li(e to "la 66666718 the "ar(. Al$ost ever housing estate has 6666728 "ar(. M )riends and I 666666738 "la ing &ad$inton there. 9o$eti$es4 we 666.748 hide and see( at the "ar(. The "ar( is usuall crowded 666666.758 wee(end.

1. '. *. +. ,.

A. at A. a A. en:o A. "la A. in

#. on #. an #. en:o s # "la s #. during

%. a&ove %. the %. en:o ed %. "la ed %. at D. en:o ing D. "la ing



Activit) #ased on the "icture4 choose the &est answer to )ill in the &lan(s in the "assage that )ollows.

The children are in the swi$$ing "ool. The are 666666.718 a lot o) )un. 9o$e o) the$ are swi$$ing 6666.728 the others are "la ing with a &all. A little &o is using a li)e &uo 6666..738. His $other is teaching 66666.748 how to )loat in the water. He 6666666.758 learn ver )ast.

1. '. *. +. ,.

A. has A. where A. swi$ A. he A. can

#. had #. while #. swa$ # his #. should

%. have %. which %. swi$s %. hi$ %. $ust

D. having

D. swi$$ing



Activit) ! #ased on the "icture4 choose the &est answer to )ill in the &lan(s in the "assage that )ollows.



Activit) " #ased on the "icture4 choose the &est answer to )ill in the &lan(s in the "assage that )ollows.

It was "ast $idnight and Kevin still could not slee". He loo(ed out o) his window and 66666..718 thic(4 &lac( s$o(e co$ing )ro$ a "al$ oil )actor near& . I$$ediatel he tele"honed the 6666.728 . Dithin $inutes4 two )ire engines arrived 66666738 the scene o) the )ire. The )ire$en 5uic(l set u" 66666..748 e5ui"$ent and soon several :ets o) water 6666.758 directed at the )ire. A)ter a&out twent $inutes4 the )ire$en $anaged to &ring the )ire under control.

1. '. *. +. ,.

A. notice A. hos"ital A. at A. his A. is

#. notices #. courthouse #. in # its #. are

%. noticed %. )ire &rigade %. on %. the$ %. was

D. noticing D. warehouse D. &eside D. their D. were



Activit) 1# #ased on the "icture4 choose the &est answer to )ill in the &lan(s in the "assage that )ollows.

It was the last wee( o) the school ter$. The 6666.718 o) Bear - #udi$an decided to "aint a $ural 6666728 the canteen wall. The as(ed 6666.738 class teacher to &u the$ so$e "aint and &rushes. The canteen loo(ed ver &eauti)ul 66666748 the had )inished their "ainting wor(. The head$aster 6666..758 ver "leased. He treated the$ to so$e snac(s and drin(s.

1. '. *. +. ,.

A. "u"ils A. on A. our A. later A. is

#. &o s #. at #. the$ # a)ter #. are

%. girls %. a&ove %. we %. &e)ore %. was

D. teacher D. under D. their D. &etween D. were



AC*,9,*: 11 Loo( at the "icture and read the "assage care)ull . #ased on the "icture and the "assage4 choose the &est answer to )ill in the &lan(s.

This is Enci( Lo($an;s )a$il . The !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! E1F alwa s ha"" . The s"end $ost o) !!!!!!!!!!!!!! E'F ti$e together inside or outside ho$e. Enci( Lo($an;s )ather li(es to "la a !!!!!!!!!!!!!! E*F He is sitting !!!!!!!!!!!!!! E+F his granddaughter4 Aina on a &ench. The ha"" )a$il will sing their!!!!!!!!!!!!!! E,F songs. 1. '. *. +. ,. A. is A. their A. "iano A. against A. &ad #. are #. the$ #. dru$ #. a&ove #. )a$ous %. was %. the %. (e &oard %. a$ong %. &oring D. were D. theirs D. guitar D. with D. )avourite



AC*,9,*: 12 Loo( at the "icture and read the "assage care)ull . #ased on the "icture and the "assage4 choose the &est answer to )ill in the &lan(s.

It is a sunn

da . Mr Li$ is having !!!!!!!!!!!! E1F "icnic with his )a$il . The


!!!!!!!!!! E'F the &each. His children and his wi)e !!!!!!!!!! E*F having their lunch. The have sandwiches4 )ruits and drin(s. At the sa$e ti$e Mr Li$ is !!!!!!!!!! E+F a news"a"er. The are en:o ing!!!!!!!!!!E,F .

1 ' * + ,

A. a A. o) A. is A. watching A. $ sel)

#. an #. in #. are #. reading #. hersel)

%. the %. on %. were %. chatting %. the$selves D. at D. was D. teaching D. ourselves



AC*,9,*: 13 Loo( at the "icture and read the "assage care)ull . #ased on the "icture and the "assage4 choose the &est answer to )ill in the &lan(s.

Last wee(4 $ )a$il and I went to the 6oo. De !!!!!!!!!!E1F there & car. At the 6oo4 we saw !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!E'F ani$als. De also saw the "la )ul $on(e s that li(ed to !!!!!!!!!E*F the visitors. There was !!!!!!!!!! E+F ele"hant "luc(ing so$e leaves )ro$ the near& tree. M little &rother was a)raid when a lion suddenl roared loudl !!!!!!!!!! E,F we wal(ed & . 1 ' * + , A. go A. a lot A. tease A. the A. to #. goes #. $uch #. :u$" #. a #. at %. went %. "lent %. loo( %. an %. as D. along D. going D. $an D. "la



AC*,9,*: 14 Loo( at the "icture and read the "assage care)ull . #ased on the "icture and the "assage4 choose the &est answer to )ill in the &lan(s.


9unda 4











E1F!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! &irthda this ear. 9he E'F !!!!!!!!!!!!!! her )riends and relatives to the "art . Her $other "re"ared a lot o) )ood E*F !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the occasion. 9aleha loo(ed ver "rett E+F!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! her "in( dress. Her )riends gave her E,F !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "resents. 1. '. *. +. ,. A. twelve A. invite A. in A. on A. $uch #. twel)th #. invited #. on #. at #. $an %. twent %. inviting %. )or %. with %. )ew D. invites D. with D. in



AC*,9,*: 15 Loo( at the "icture and read the "assage care)ull . #ased on the "icture and the "assage4 choose the &est answer to )ill in the &lan(s.

Toda is 9inging %ontest at 9K %aha a Ala$. A oung girl is singing !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! E1F stage. Two &o s are !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! E'F their guitars. Another girl is "la ing !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! E*F (e &oard. A &o !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! E+F "la ing the dru$s. The audiences are cla""ing !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! E,F hands. The are en:o ing the contest.

1. '. *. +. ,.

A. on A. "la A. a A. is A. his

#. at #. "la s #. an #. are #. her

%. & %. "la ed %. the %. was %. our

D. )or D. "la ing D. so$e D. were D. their



AC*,9,*: 16 Loo( at the "icture and read the "assage care)ull . #ased on the "icture and the "assage4 choose the &est answer to )ill in the &lan(s.

Dann and his )a$il are in the living roo$. His )ather4 Mr. Ken is !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! E1F television. His $other4 Luc !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! E'F reading the news"a"er. Dann !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! E*F his sister are "la ing chess. Dann ;s grand$other is (nitting !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! E+F sweater. His grand)ather is slee"ing in !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! E,F roc(ing chair. He li(es slee"ing there. '-. '0. '1. '2. *3. A. watch A. is A. or A. a A. his #. watches #. #. #. #. are so an hers %. watched %. was %. &ut %. the %. $ine D. watching D. were D. and D. so$e D. theirs



AC*,9,*: 1 Loo( at the "icture and read the "assage care)ull . #ased on the "icture and the "assage4 choose the &est answer to )ill in the &lan(s.

9"iders are not insects. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! E1F are arachnids. All s"iders !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! E'F eight legs. 9"iders !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! E*F we&s. The we& is used to !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! E+F s$all insects. 9o$e "eo"le are scared !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! E,F s"iders. 1. A. It #. De %. The '. A. has #. had %. have D. having *. A. $a(e #. $a(es %. $ade D. $a(ing ,. A. in #. on %. o) D. )ro$ +. A. catch #. catches %. caught D. catching



S-C*,./ Activit) 1 St(d) the %ie chart below caref(ll) and answer the ;(estions that follow.

)ried *ice +asi ,emak +oodles

Fried rice


Coodles /i66a #urgers and Fried %hic(en %hic(en .ice Casi Le$a(

#hicken *ice

(urgers and )ried #hicken

*he %ie chart shows the vario(s food %referred b) 1## %(%ils in Sekolah <eban'saan +e&ilan' d(rin' l(nch ti&e. *he $a:orit of the %(%ils interviewed liked chicken rice. Abo(t 3#= of the %(%ils %referred fast food s(ch as b(r'ers and fried chicken while 15= of the& wo(ld have %i>>as for their l(nch. Another 1#= of the %(%ils (s(all) take nasi lemak. ?owever3 onl) = of the %(%ils en@o) noodles and 3 = take fried rice.


Dhich is the $ost "o"ular )ood a$ong the "u"ilsA A. #. %. D. /i66a #urgers %hic(en rice Fried chic(en


Dhich are the two least "o"ular )ood )or lunchA A. #. %. D. /i66a and noodles Coodles and )ried rice Nasi Lemak and &urgers Fried rice and nasi lemak




Fro$ the "ie chart4 we (now that A. #. %. D. $ost o) the "u"ils li(e to eat "i66a all the a&ove )ood is availa&le in the school canteen nasi lemak is a )avourite )ood )or lunch *, "u"ils "re)er chic(en rice to other )ood


Dhich o) the )ollowing state$ents is not trueA A. #. %. D. Man "u"ils li(e chic(en *3N o) the$ en:o )ast )ood *N o) the "u"ils li(e )ried rice The least "o"ular )ood is noodles


The word $a:orit $eans A. #. %. D. all o) the "u"ils a )ew o) the "u"ils $an o) the "u"ils a s$all nu$&er o) the "u"ils

Aead the news%a%er re%ort below caref(ll) and answer the ;(estions that follow. #ATU /AHAT4 9un.> A cou"le and their ten ears old son were (illed on the s"ot while their

nine ears old daughter sustained $inor in:uries when their car collided with a &us at the '+ ($ Tong(ang /ecah L 9ega$at road last night. The deceased were identi)ied as Ma:id &in Husin 4 +* 4 his wi)e4 9ela$ah &inti Ma$at4 *1. and their son4 Hana)i. The )a$il was )ro$ 9ega$at Their unidenti)ied daughter esca"ed with slight in:uries and had had to undergo a $inor o"eration to re$ove &ro(en "ieces o) glass )ro$ her head. Fire$en s"ent a&out an hour to e=tricate the &odies )ro$ the wrec(. The &odies were sent to the #atu /ahat district hos"ital $ortuar )or a "ost $orte$. However4 none o) the &us "assengers were in:ured. The )a$il was travelling in their car to 9ega$at a&out 1.*3 ".$. a)ter visiting relatives here when the accident occurred near #u(it #era"it.




Dho died in the accidentA A. #. %. D. A cou"le A nine L ear old &o A cou"le and their ten ears old son A cou"le and their nine ears old daughter.


The accident ha""ened on A. #. %. 9aturda a)ternoon 9aturda night 9unda night


All the )ollowing words descri&e the accident e=ce"t A. #. %. D. $ortuar deceased in:uries wrec(


The word e=tricate $eans A. #. %. D. o"erate re$ove cover out


The )a$il was travelling ho$e A. #. %. D. a)ter the &us accident a)ter a $inor o"eration a)ter visiting their relatives a)ter going to the $ortuar .



Activit) 2 .ead the notice &elow care)ull and answer the 5uestions that )ollow.
Munira Hotel - en To The $ublic

?olida) *i%s for *ravellers 4th A('(st 2## 7Sat(rda)83 1.3#%.&. 3.3# %.&. Conference Aoo&s 1 B 23 Level 33 0(nira ?os%ital Ae'istration feeC A05 %er %erson /rogra$$eC 1.3# %.&. Ae'istration 2.## %.&. ?olida) ti%s for travellers 1 before )o( leave for )o(r holida) 1 vaccination 1 &alaria and other infectio(s diseases 1 traveller with s%ecial needs 1 health and safet) 1 when )o( 'et ho&e 3.## %.&. D(estion and answer 3.15 %.&. Aefresh&ents 3.3# %.&. -nd $re1re'istration is re;(ired. *o re'ister3 %lease call #312!26"15 d(rin' office ho(rs. S%onsored b)C / /(trition Centre


Dho should attend this tal(A A. #. %. D. 9a$ad4 who su))ering )ro$ $alaria /uan .ashidah4 who has a new&orn &a& Kian /eng4 who wants to wor( in Munira Hos"ital Enci( 7ohari4 who is going to Indonesia )or a vacation


The tal( actuall &egins at A. #. %. D. two o;cloc( three o;cloc( hal) "ast one hal) "ast three




During the tal(4 "artici"ants will learn A. #. %. D. how to give the$selves in:ections $ore a&out the new drugs availa&le a&out the attractions in each countr how to (ee" the$selves health &e)ore4 during and a)ter their holida s.


Dhat is served a)ter the tal(A A. #. %. D. Ti"s 7o(es Kaccination Food and drin(s


#e)ore Mrs %hia goes )or the tal(4 she $ust A. #. %. D. go )or a $edical chec(>u" call to register )or a "lace see a doctor at Munira Hos"ital &u a "roduct )ro$ Cutrition %entre



.ead the diar &elow care)ull . Then answer the 5uestions that )ollow. This is a "age )ro$ Danial;s diar . F.IDAB 1- DE%EM#E. 1.33 2.33 Fourth da at ca$". %rawled out o) tent and $ade $ wa to the water)all to wash L the water was ver cold and re)reshing. .eturned to ca$" )or &rea()ast L had a slice o) &read with :a$4 so$e ca(es. Two hard L &oiled eggs a cu" o) Milo. Ha(i$i and I caught a )ew &utter)lies. 9aw a rare one L ran a)ter it eagerl .

13.33 Tri""ed over a stone and )ell into a "uddle o) water. <ra6ed $ (nees a &it. #utter)l esca"ed. 11.33 Dent &irdwatching with a )ew other &o s. Cearl got lost &ut $anaged to )ind the trail &ac( to ca$". 1'.33 Lunchti$e. O"ened lots o) canned )ood to coo( > &a(ed &eans4 chic(en curr 4 sardines4 etc. 9o farnished that we )inished ever thing4 even the &adl coo(ed rice. 9"end the ne=t hal) L hour or so cleaning and washing u". %ollected $ore twigs and )irewood )or ca$")ire later at night. /la ed so$e ga$es and &athed in the water)all.



The &o s ca$"ed A. #. %. D. in a )ield &eside a la(e &eside a river near a water)all.


Danial s"ent so$e ti$e in the $orning A. #. %. D. "la ing ga$es cleaning and washing u" collecting twigs and )irewood catching &utter)lies and &irdwatching.




The word farnished tells us that the &o s were A. #. %. D. ver tired ver ha"" ver hungr ver thirst


Danial has &een on the ca$"ing tri" )or A. #. %. D. one wee( )our da s )ive da s )our wee(s


Fro$ the diar 4 we (now that A. #. %. D. the rice was &urnt Danial sle"t in the o"en air the &o s had eggs )or lunch Danial did not catch the rare &utter)l

Activit) 3 .ead the "assage &elow and answer the 5uestions that )ollow. Do ou (now how li&raries &eginA The )irst li&raries e=isted a&out 1 333 ears ago. The Meso"ota$ians were "eo"le who wrote on wet cla ta&lets with a wedge>sha"e stic( called a cuneus. Hence their writing is (nown as cunei)or$. The ta&lets were &a(ed and the rarest o) the$ are "laced in cla envelo"es4 stored in "alaces and te$"les and arranged in su&:ects. 9uch "alace collections were the )irst real li&raries. The li&raries in earl Eg "t were in the te$"les and were under the care o) "riests. The $ost )a$ous li&rar o) ancient ti$es was the li&rar in Ale=andria4 esta&lished a&out *33 #%. It had as $an as 03 333 "a" rus rolls which were co$"letel catalogued and classi)ied under 1'3 classes. It was the .o$ans who )irst had the idea o) esta&lishing "u&lic li&raries. 7ulius %aesar "lanned a s ste$ )or "u&lic li&raries and a)ter hi$O the "u&lic li&rar was a .o$an institution. Dhen the %hristian era &egan4 li&raries &eca$e "art o) churches and $onasteries. The $on(s read and co"ied &oo(s4 and $ost o) the li&raries that e=isted were due to their e))orts. # 1+334 the Universit o) O=)ord &egan to organi6e its li&rar 4 which is called the #odleian4 is toda the &iggest universit li&rar in the world. Adapted from Tell Me Why By Arkady Leokum




The cla ta&lets in Meso"ota$ia were arranged according to !!!!!!!!!!!! A. #. %. D. classes su&:ects al"ha&et languages


The collections o) wor( o) ancient ti$es were (e"t in the )ollowing "laces e=ce"t A. #. %. D. te$"les "alaces churches universities


The "eo"le who )irst set u" "u&lic li&raries were the!!!!!!!!!!!!!. A. #. %. D. .o$ans Eg "tions %hristian $on(s Meso"ota$ians


Dhen was the &iggest universit li&rar in the world &uiltA A. #. %. In *33 #% 1+33 ears ago In the 1,th centur


Dhat is the &est title )or this "assageA A. #. %. .o$ans How Did Li&raries #eginA The First Li&rar in the Dorld



.ead the te=t &elow care)ull and answer the 5uestions that )ollow.

?-AL*?: *,$S1SE$-A FAE,*S

KiwiP Tin &ut $ight This is a good source o) "otassiu$4 $agnesiu$4 vita$in E and )i&re. Its vita$in % content is twice that o) an orange. A""leP An a""le a da (ee"s the doctor awa I Although an a""le has low vita$in % content4 it has antio=idants which hel" to lower the ris(s o) colon cancer4 heart attac( and stro(e. OrangeP 9weetest $edicine Ta(ing two to )our oranges a da $a hel" (ee" colds awa 4 lower cholesterol and dissolve (idne stones. Dater$elonP %oolest thirst 5uencher The water$elon consists o) 2'N water and is "ac(ed with nutrients which hel" to &oost our i$$une s ste$. <uava and "a"a aP To" awards )or vita$in %I The are the clear winners )or their high vita$in % content. <uava is also rich in )i&re which hel"s "revents consti"ation. /a"a a is rich in carotene4 that is good )or the e es.




An a""le a da (ee"s the doctor awa $eans A. it is the sweetest $edicine #. the a""le is delicious and :uic to eat. %. it lowers the ris(s o) heart attac( and stro(e. D. the doctor does not li(e a""les and will (ee" awa )ro$ ou.


Dhich )ruit has twice the a$ount o) vita$in % o) an orangeA A. (iwi # . a""le %. <uava D. Dater$elon


Dhich )ruit is good )or our e es. A. Kiwi #. A""le %. <uava D. /a"a a


De eat water$elons on hot da s &ecause A. it 5uenches our thirst #. it is &ig4 round and delicious %. it is rich in )i&re and "revents consti"ation. D. it has lots o) vita$in % and hel"s us (ee"s colds awa .

13. Dhich o) the )ollowing is trueA A. The orange is tin &ut $ight . #. %arotene hel"s to "revent consti"ation. %. Fruits "ac(ed with nutrients hel" to &oost our i$$une s ste$. D. The a""le is a good source o) "otassiu$ and $agnesiu$.



Activit) 4 .ead the "assage &elow care)ull and answer the 5uestions that )ollow. The ta"ir is a relative o) horses and rhinoceros in so$e wa s &ut it is 5uite di))erent )ro$ the horses. The ta"ir is the sa$e as horse in the sense that &oth have odd hoo)ed legs. A ta"ir is usuall heav and clu$s . It is s$aller than a rhinoceros and has no horns. Its head loo(s li(e a "ig;s head. Li(e the rhinoceros4 it has s$all e es and short ears. The ta"ir;s tail is short4 too. Ta"irs live in swa$"s and strea$s. Bou can usuall )ind the$ in :ungles and )orests o) Mala sia4 Thailand4 9u$atera and other tro"ical countries. The li(e to hide the$selves a$ong the leaves and tall grasses. The slee" during the da and search )or )ood onl at night. Ta"irs are her&ivores. The eat leaves4 )ruits and other vegetation. Their senses o) hearing and s$elling are ver good. The are also good swi$$ers and o)ten )ind "rotection in the water.


How is a ta"ir related to the horseA A. It loo(s li(e a horse. #. It has odd hoo)ed legs. %. It loo(s li(e a rhinoceros. D. Its head loo(s li(e a "ig;s head

+. Dhere does the ta"ir go )or "rotectionA A. sand #. water %. soil D. air


The ani$als &elow do not have the sa$e slee"ing ha&its as the ta"ir e=ce"t A. ele"hants #. rhinoceros %. horses D. &ats

,. Dhich is the $ost suita&le title )or the a&ove "assageA A. .hinoceros #. Ta"irs %. Horses D. Tro"ical countries


Her&ivores eat A. &irds #. )ish %. "lants D. chic(en

.ead the "assage &elow and answer the 5uestions that )ollow.



A tamu is an o"en>air $ar(et. It ta(es "lace once a wee( in $an towns in 9a&ah. The tamu draws crowds o) "eo"le with its carnival>li(e at$os"here and value &u s. The &iggest and $ost colour)ul tamu is )ound in Kota #elud in the north o) Kota Kina&alu. Most o) the traders co$e )ro$ the near& villages. *he) arrive at dawn to arrange their wares. Al$ost an thing can &e )ound at a tamu. There are )resh vegeta&les4 $ountain rice4 salted )ish4 various t "es o) river )ish and "rawns so )resh that the are still :u$"ing. The tamu is also a "lace to get colour)ul &o=es4 &as(ets and rattan $ats. Hand$ade traditional $usical instru$ents can &e )ound here too. Finall the tamu is also the "lace to taste $an t "es o) ho$e>coo(ed dishes and colour)ul ca(es that are not )ound in the cit .


A ta$u ta(es "lace A. #. %. D. in a village in the o"en once a $onth onl in Kota #elud


The ta$u &egins A. #. %. D. earl in the $orning in the a)ternoon in the evening at night


The ta$u draws "eo"le &ecause o) its A. #. %. D. si6e and the things colour and value &u s carnival>li(e at$os"here "lace and the "rices

13. Dh do the traders arrive earl A. #. to arrange their goods to get colour)ul rattan $ats

%. to $a(e sure the )ish are )resh D. to &u the di))erent t "es o) )ood


The word The re)ers to A. the traders #. the villages %. the custo$ers ta$u D. visitors to the

Activit) 5



.ead the te=t &elow care)ull . Then answer the 5uestions that )ollow.

One da 4 Ai6at went to his rich uncle and told hi$4 GI heard that ou (now the secret o) $a(ing gold. /lease tell $e. I a$ ver "oor. M wi)e is sic( and $ children are starving.H Cow4 ever &od (new how la6 Ai6at was. He never "lanted an "add his land. Instead4 his )ields were )ull o) weeds. Ai6at;s uncle re"lied4 G I need one $ore ite$ &e)ore I can $a(e the gold. Dill ou hel" $e to get itA Ai6at agreed 4 o) course. His uncle handed hi$ a large "ot and said4 @Bou $ust "lant our )ields with "add . Dhen the "add is )ull ri"e4 "ut one grain )ro$ each stal( into this "ot. #ring $e the "ot when it is )ull.H Ai6at did as he was told. He s"ent all his ti$e loo(ing a)ter his "add "lants and collecting one grain )ro$ each stal(. In the $eanti$e4 his wi)e and children 5uietl harvested the rest o) the "add and sold it. It too( )ive ears )or the "ot to &e )illed u". Dhen Ai6at too( the "ot to his uncle4 the old $an unloc(ed a large iron chest. It was )ull o) gold coins. GThese gold coins &elong to our )a$il . Bour wi)e and children sold the "add that ou "lanted in our )ields and saved the $one the received.H Ai6at;s uncle loo(ed at hi$. GDo ou (now the secrets o) $a(ing goldAH on




Dh did Ai6at want to (now the secret o) $a(ing goldA A. #. %. He wanted to &u land He needed $one &adl He wanted to $a(e his uncle rich


How did Ai6at;s wi)e get the goldA A. #. %. D. 9he sold the "add )ields 9he too( it )ro$ Ai6at;s "ot 9he wor(ed )or Ai6at;s uncle 9he sold the "add )ro$ Ai6at;s )ields


Dhat did the uncle (now a&out Ai6atA A. #. %. D. He was a good $an He was a la6 $an He was a "atient $an He was a hard>wor(ing $an ,. Dhat is the secret o) $a(ing goldA A. #. %. Hard wor( Doing $agic /lanting "add


A "erson who is starving has no!!!!! . A. #. %. )ood to eat clothes to wear $one to s"end

9tud the "oster &elow and answer the 5uestions.

BUKIT TINGGI GOLF AND COUNTRY RESORT D-+&TE .-/* (,--D .ou #an Hel !a0e & ,ife1
Da P 9unda Date P *3 March4 '33Ti$e P 1.33 a.$. to +.*3 ".$. Kenue P #u(it Tinggi <ol) %lu& Co-organized b): Kuala Lu$"ur Universit Hos"ital #lood #an(




The &lood donation drive is organi6ed & the A. #. %. Kuala Lu$"ur &lood &an( #u(it Tinggi <ol) and %ountr .esort Kuala Lu$"ur Universit Hos"ital #lood #an(


The event will ta(e a&out A. #. %. D. si= hours eight hours )our and a hal) hours eight and a hal) hours


Dhere will the &lood donation drive &e heldA A. #. %. Universit Hos"ital &lood #an( #u(it Tinggi %ountr .esort #u(it Tinggi <ol) %lu&


%o>organi6ed in the "oster $eans A. #. %. not organi6ed. )ull organi6ed. :ointl organi6ed.


Dh is the &lood>donation ca$"aign held on a 9unda A A. #. %. The donors are )ree on 9unda s. The <ol) %lu& is o"en onl on 9unda s. The donors want to donate &lood on 9unda s.



Activit) 6 .ead the letter care)ull . Then answer the )ollowing 5uestion

10,D4 7alan Desa4 *-333 Kluang4 7ohor Darul Ta(6i$ - COKEM#E. '330 Dear Maria4 How are ouA Are ou &us "re"aring )or our $onthl testsA I (now ou do not li(e tests4 &ut the hel" ou to &e $ore "re"ared )or our U/9.. I (now ou alwa s score good $ar(s. Ce=t wee(4 $ uncle and aunt are co$ing to visit us. The will (ee" $e &us . M aunt en:o s coo(ing4 &ut she alwa s as(s $e to hel" her in the (itchen. I do not li(e washing the dishes &ecause I o)ten &rea( the$. I will have no chance to watch $ )avourite "rogra$$es on television4 too. M uncle li(es to watch s"orts "rogra$$es4 &ut I "re)er cartoons. To (ee" $e awa )ro$ the television4 he &u s $e $aga6ines. Most o) the$ are a&out education. I "re)er $aga6ines a&out )a$ous "eo"le. I would li(e to write to ?urina and .an:ini. %an ou get the addresses )or $e4 "leaseA I have written to Mei Ling4 Tina and 9arah too4 &ut the have not send $e even a "ostcard since I $oved to $ new school. That;s all )or now. Ho"e to hear )ro$ ou soon.

Bour )riend4 Linda




Dhich "hrase in the )irst "aragra"h tells us that Maria is good in her schoolwor(AH A. #. %. D. Gdo not li(e testsH Gscore high $ar(sH G &us "re"aringH G"re"ared )or our U/9.H


Linda will &e &us &ecause A. #. %. D. she has to write $an letters her aunt as(s her to wash "lates her uncle and aunt are visiting her she $ust "re"are )or the co$ing tests


Linda needs a )ew )riends; addresses &ecause she A. #. %. D. wants to write to the$ has not receive an news is $oving to a new school wants to send the "ostcards


The word them; in the third "aragra"h re)ers to A. #. %. D. television "rogra$$es Linda;s )avourite $aga6ines $aga6ines on )a$ous "eo"le $aga6ines &ought & Linda;s uncle


Mei Ling4 Tina and 9arah are "ro&a&l Maria;s A. #. %. D. cousins class$ates &est )riends new "en "als



.ead the "oe$ care)ull . Answer the )ollowing 5uestions.

Mother;s love is li(e a "illow4 so)t and light4 It;ll war$ ou on the coldest night4 Dhen ou )all sic( or )eel the slightest "ain4 9he;ll sta close & ou till ou;re well again4

Bou will &e )ed li(e little &irds in a nest. Father;s love is a strong &ric( wall4 Lean on it and ou;ll never )all4 He $a &e tired )ro$ wor(ing all da 4 #ut he &u s lots o) )ood when he gets his "a 4 Father;s word is alwa s true4 Bou can &e sure he will do the &est )or ou. #rother;s love is a $ango tree4 <iving ou shade and )ruits )or )ree4 He will share in all our )un or sorrow4 Angr toda 4 &ut he;ll &e )ine to$orrow4 He $a &e 5uite s$art or tric( 4 #ut when he;s around4 ou need )ear no &ull . 9ister;s love is a loud (ettle4 Full o) noises4 shrie(s and &u&&les4 Dhen she;s not &us with all her &oo(s4 9he;ll &e )uss a&out our clothes4 shoes and loo(4 9ister;s heart is caring and )air4 9hould ou ever drop a tear4 she will &e there. 7$ractical -n'lish :ear 58




Dho will loo( a)ter ou when ou are not )eeling wellA A. #. %. D. #rother Mother Father 9ister


Dhich o) the )ollowing "hrases 2-S* descri&es )atherA A. #. %. D. .ich and loving .ich and strong Loving and tiring Loving and caring


The word drop in the last line o) the "oe$ can &e re"laced & A. #. %. D. )all dri" shed ric(le


Dho can "rotect the writer )ro$ &ulliesA A. #. %. D. Her sister Her )ather Her $other Her &rother


Fro$ the "oe$4 we (now that A. #. %. D. the writer loves her $other $ost. the writer;s &rother o)ten gets angr . the writer;s sister is )uss a&out )ood. the writer;s )ather li(es to &u clothes.



Activit) .ead the letter and then answer the 5uestions.

Cur Cadhirah Ha(i$i &t 9uhai$i4 K9 0 7alan #endahara4 #andar 9e&erang /era(4 *-133 Kg <a:ah4 /era(.

The /ersonnel O))icer4 Kictor #an(4 7alan Te$enggung4 *1-,3 I"oh4 /era( . , MAB '331

A%%lication for the %ost of G(nior Acco(ntant Dith re)erence to the advertise$ent in the Cew 9traits Ti$es toda 4 I would li(e to a""l )or the a&ove post in our &an(. '. #elow are $ "ersonal "articulars and 5uali)icationsP Ca$e I.%. Cu$&er 9e= Acade$ic Juali)ication /ro)essional Juali)ication %o>curricular Activities and /osts Held in 9chool P Cur Cadhirah Ha(i$i &t 9uhai$i P 1'3,11 L 31 L ,122 P Fe$ale P 9/M <rade 1 with credits in #ahasa Mela u4 P Di"lo$a in Accounting EO=)ord #usiness 9choolF P Treasurer o) the Mathe$atics and 9cience English4 Mathe$atics and 9cience 9ociet 4 9ecretar o) the %o$"uter %lu& and $e$&er o) English 9ociet . 15!


Knowledge o) %o$"uter 9o)tware Dor(ing e="erience

P Lotus 1'*4 M9 E=cel and M9 Dord P 7unior Account %ler( in Fresh Dater %o$"an since '33*


Having wor(ed as a 7unior Account %ler( at Fresh Dater %o$"an 4 I can $anage the

co$"an accounts without an di))icult . I a$ con)ident that4 with $ accounting 5uali)ication4 co$"uter (nowledge and e="erience in a si$ilar :o&4 I will &e a&le to serve our co$"an e))ectivel as a 7unior Account.


As re5uested4 I enclosed a co" o) $ "ass"ort>si6ed "hotogra"h. I would &e ha"" to ti$e convenient to ou. , ho%e that )o( will consider &)

attend an interview at an

a%%lication. I loo( )orward to hearing )ro$ ou soon. Than( ou.

Bour sincerel 4

Nur Nadhirah




Dhen did the advertise$ent a""ear in the news"a"erA A. #. %. D. ' Ma '331 * Ma '331 + Ma '331 , Ma '331


How did Cadhirah (now that the &an( needs a 7unior AccountA A. #. %. D. Fro$ the &an( itsel). The &an( wrote to her. The /ersonnel $anager "honed her. Through the advertise$ent in the news"a"er.


Cadhirah has &een wor(ing at the Fresh Dater %o$"an )or A. #. %. D. ' ears. + ears. , ears. 1 ears.


The word post in the letter $eans A. #. %. D. :o& $ail deliver "osition


Dhen Cadhirah wrote4 G I ho"e that ou will consider $ a""lication;H4 she ho"es that the $anager will A. #. %. D. co$e and see her. call her )or an interview. give her the :o& i$$ediatel . as( her )or )urther in)or$ation.



.ead the notice care)ull . Answer the )ollowing 5uestions.

/u"ils in ears , and - can :oin one o) these three new co>curricular clu&s this ear. The )irst $eeting )or the clu&s will &e held at 1.*3 a$ on 9aturda * 7anuar '331. SAF-*: F,AS* CLE2 This clu& is $eant )or "u"ils who want to learn a&out )irst aid. Fire$en4 "olice$en and nurses will teach ou what to do in e$ergencies. Bou will learn how to avoid accidents when ou wor( or "la . There will also &e s"ecial classes )or swi$$ers who want to learn li)e>saving s(ills. 2,+ 2AA,/ CLE2 The &ig &rain clu& will organi6e various activities to activate our &rainI I) ou li(e Mathe$atics4 crossword "u66les4 riddles and $e$or ga$es4 this clu& is $eant )or ouI Bou can also ta(e "art in our $onthl contests )or inventions and )ast $ental calculations. The winners will get a "ri6e and a title G<enius o) the MonthH. /A*EA- CLE2 Are ou a nature loverA Do ou li(e watching &irds and ani$alsA Are ou interested in learning the na$es o) insects and )lowersA Dhat a&out our ho&&iesA This clu&s will organi6e wal(s in the countr side ever wee(end. There will &e ca$"ing tri" and :ungle tre((ing during the holida s tooI -. Dhich state$ent a&out the three clu&s is untrueA A. #. %. D. Each "u"il can :oin one clu& Onl Bear - "u"ils can &e $e$&ers The clu&s do not have $e$&ers et The clu&s are $eant )or co>curricular activities




The Cature %lu& is $ainl )or "u"ils who A. #. %. D. li(e Mathe$atics want to live in the :ungle are interested in ga$es en:o outdoor activities


The 9a)et %lu& will teach "u"ils to A. #. %. D. &e nurses start e$ergencies avoid accidents &e s"ecial swi$$ers


During the contest )or GinventionsH4 "u"ils will $ost "ro&a&l have to A. #. %. D. do a lot o) di))icult su$s $a(e or &uild so$ething new )ind words )or crossword "u66les show that the have good $e$or


Dho will teach the "u"ils what to do in e$ergenciesA A. #. %. D. Curses onl Fire$en onl /olice$en onl Curses4 )ire$en and "olice$en



Activit) !

.ead the stor and then answer the 5uestions. A oung &o enters the news"a"er o))ice. He wal(ed straight to the editor and said4 G I read in our news"a"er a&out the &a& &o with a hole in his heart. He needs .M',4333 )or an o"eration. I a$ donating all $ savings.H Then the oung &o too( out an old coin &o= and "oured all the coins on the ta&le. GThat;s a lot o) $one )or a oung &o to donate. Dhat;s our na$e and how old are ouA Dhat;s the na$e o) our schoolAH as(ed the editor. GM na$e is Anuar &in A))endi and I a$ eleven ears old. I stud at 9K Te$enggong I&rahi$.H GDo our "arents (now a&out thisA Dhere do ou liveAH as(ed the editor. GM "arents have gone out o) town )or a )ew da s. Don;t worr a&out the$. The alwa s donate $one to "oor "eo"le too. I live at *2 7alan 9e$er&a(4 #andar #aru Uda.H Four $onths later Anuar receive a letter. It said4 GThan( ou ver $uch )or donation. The o"eration was success)ul. Our &a& is health now.H Anuar read the note $an ti$es. He said to his "arents4 G This is a letter o) great :o .H He sli""ed the letter into his coin &o=. GCow $a coin &o= is no longer e$"t . It is )ull again. It is )illed with great :o 4H said Anuar. our


Anuar went to the news"a"er o))ice to A. #. %. D. tal( to the editor o"en his coin &o= see the &a& &o donate his savings




How $uch $one is needed )or the o"erationA A. #. %. D. Twent >)ive ringgit Two hundred and )i)t ringgit Two thousand and )ive hundred ringgit Twent >)ive thousand ringgit


The word GthisH in the 5uestion GDo our "arents (now a&out thisAH re)ers to A. #. %. D. the coin &o= the &a& &o Anuar;s action the editor;s 5uestion


Fro$ the stor 4 we can sa that Anuar;s "arents are A. #. %. D. alwa s not at ho$e (ind to "oor "eo"le &us all the ti$e not worr a&out Anuar


Anuar read the letter $an ti$e $ost "ro&a&l &ecause A. #. %. D. the letter $ade hi$ ha"" the o"eration was success)ul he did not &elieve what he read he wanted to (ee" it in his coin &o=



.ead the advertise$ent &elow and answer the 5uestions that )ollow.

:.E AA- WA/*-4

A well (nown )ir$ in 7ohor #ahru o))ers citi>ens o) Mala sia a great o""ortunit to )ill the )ollowing vacancies. Aece%tionist Juali)ications A&le to s"ea( English and #ahasa Mela u 9/M with good results and languages Must &e cheer)ul and res"ect)ul all ti$es Duties Secretar) Juali)ications A di"lo$a in secretarial courses is $ust E))icient and willing to travel Must &e a&le to write re"orts and s"ea( in English and #ahasa Mela u A&le to s"ea( a third language Dilling to wor( long hours Duties To hel" the <eneral Manager in re"ort>writing4 "lanning )or wor( schedule and arranging a""oint$ents +..4 SALAA,-S A/4 2./ES-SH I) ou are interested4 "lease contact Ms Diana at 30> *1-'103 #e)ore A"ril 1, '331 To hel" custo$ers with en5uiries and services




Dh $ust a rece"tionist &e cheer)ul at all ti$esA A. #. %. D. HeQ9he will &e $eeting "eo"le HeQ 9he will &e $eeting custo$ers HeQ9he $ust entertain the $anagers HeQ9he will &e loo(ed at & the custo$ers


#oth "osition re5uire the a""licant to &e A. #. %. D. "leasant and cheer)ul e))icient and willing to travel have good grades in 9/M and di"lo$a a&le to s"ea( in #ahasa Mela u


Dhen is the last da to call Ms DianaA A. #. %. Middle o) A"ril First wee( o) A"ril Last wee( o) A"ril


The advertise$ent does not tell us A. #. %. D. the salaries )or the :o&s that there are onl two :o&s vacancies the duties o) a secretar the tele"hone nu$&er to contact


Another word )or citi>ens is A. #. %. D. wor(ers "eo"le i$$igrants school leavers 166


Activit) " .ead the news re"ort and answer the 5uestions.

#andar /enawar4 Monda L Four $en4 ar$ed with a &utchers (ni)e4 &ro(e into a house in #andar /enawar last night and ro&&ed a )a$il $ore than .M1,4333 in :eweller and cash. Enci( 9aid4 +'4 said that he and his )a$il were aslee" in their &edroo$s when )our $en suddenl dashed into his $aster &edroo$. All )our $en wore s(i $as(. One o) "ointed a &utchers (ni)e at his wi)e and ordered his )a$il to (ee" 5uite. One o) the ro&&ers4 then told Enci( 9aid to "lace all the :eweller and cash into a &ig &ag. #e)ore leaving through the &ac( door4 the ro&&ers warned Enci( 9aid not to contact the "olice. An one with in)or$ation regarding the ro&&er $a contact Ins"ector 9aha& at the #atu /ahat /olice 9tation.


Dhen did the ro&&er ta(e "laceA A. #. %. D. 9unda night Monda night 9unda $orning Monda $orning


The ro&&ers were ar$ed with a A. #. %. D. gun "istol short gun &utcher;s (ni)e




Dh did the ro&&ers wear s(i $as(A A. #. %. D. The were sh The were s(iing It was a cold da The wanted to hide their )aces


Dhat were the victi$s o) the ro&&er doing when the ro&&ers &ro(e into the houseA A. #. %. D. Datching television Aslee" in their roo$s Having their dinner Having a )a$il $eeting


A &utcher;s (ni)e is use to cut A. #. %. D. $eat wood )ruits vegeta&les



.ead the diar &elow. Answer the )ollowing 5uestions.


Sat(rda) 24 0a) 2##! 0.33 a$ 0.+, a$ 1.*3 a$ > Do(e u" to the sounds o) &irds chir"ing > Had &rea()ast4 en:o ed the )ood. > %leaned the area and went )or a swi$ near the water)all.

13.*3 a$ > %ollected )ire wood and en:o ed coo(ing lunch over an o"en )ire. 1'.*3 "$ > Had lunch4 @s"ecial instant "orridge; '.33 "$ +.33 "$ -.33 "$ 1.33 "$ > Hi(ed u" the hill4 tiring. Had to sto" a )ew ti$es. > .eached the to" o) the hill. Too tired4 rest )or a while. > Friends angr . Too( too long to co$e down. > Had dinner4 sle"t earl . Others were having )un4 singing song.

S(nda) 25 0a) 2##! 1.33 a$ > Do(e u" earl 4 couldn;t wait to go ho$e. 13.33 a$ > /ac(ed u" and cleaned the area. Ho$e sweet ho$eI


Dhat did 9u6annah hear when she wo(e u"A A. #. %. D. A song The sound o) the water)all #rea()ast coo(ing %hir"ing o) the &irds




Dhat did 9u6annah en:o $ost a&out the lunchA A. #. %. D. Eating it #urning it %oo(ing it /re"aring it


Fro$ the diar entr 4 9u6annah was "ro&a&l A. #. %. D. ca$"ing in the :ungle tre((ing in the )orest hi(ing u" a $ountain holida ing at a resort


Dhich state$ents is true a&out 9u6annahA A. #. %. 9he is an ani$al lover 9he alwa s goes ca$"ing 9he is not "h sicall )it


9u6annah sle"t earl &ecause she was A. #. %. D. tired scared e=cited unha""

1 #


Activit) 1# .ead the "assage and then answer the 5uestions

The "eo"le o) Kelantan are ver hardwor(ing. Man o) the$ are )ar$ers. 7une is a ha"" $onth )or the$ &ecause the harvesting season is over. It is ti$e to cele&rate. The Kelantanese have $an activities )or their cele&rations. A$ong these are wayan kulit show4 dikir barat4 to">s"inning contest and (ite>)l ing co$"etition.

The $ost e=citing event is the (ite>)l ing co$"etition. It is usuall held on the &each or in a &ig )ield. /eo"le co$e )ro$ $an villages to watch the event. 9o$e o) the (ites are $ore than three $etres across. Dhen the wind is ver strong4 it ta(es $ore than one $an to control a (ite. The (ites loo( &eauti)ul and colour)ul against the clear &lue s( . Most have the sha"e o) a &ird or a hal)>$oon. 9o$e o) the (ites are )itted with s$all whistles which $a(e di))erent sounds.

@Kite>)ighting; is also an i$"ortant "art o) the s"ort. The (ite>)liers turn their (ites here and there. The tr to cut the strings o) each other;s (ites. There is also a lot o) cheering and shouting a$ong the s%ectators.


The "eo"le o) Kelantan li(e to cele&rate !!!!!!!!!!!! the harvesting season. A. #. %. D. a)ter &e)ore during throughout

1 1



The word these in the last sentence o) the )irst "aragra"h re)ers to A. #. %. D. the "eo"le o) Kelantan. the wayan kulit show. the di))erent t "es o) (ites. the activities )or their cele&rations.


More than one $an is needed to control the (ite when !!!!!!!!!!!!!!. A. #. %. D. the wind is &lowing strongl the (ite is sha"ed li(e a &ird the co$"etition is held on the &each the (ite is over three $etres across


Dh do the (ite>)liers turn their (ites here and thereA A. #. %. D. The )ind it ver hard to control the (ites. The want to cut the strings o) the other (ites. The li(e to hear "eo"le cheering and shouting. The want the whistles to $a(e di))erent sounds.


The word s"ectators in the last "aragra"h $eans !!!!!!!!!!!!!!. A. #. %. D. the "eo"le who ta(e "art in @(ite>)ighting; the (ite>)liers who win in the co$"etition the )ar$ers who co$e )ro$ other villages the "eo"le who are watching the co$"etition

1 2


.ead the "oster &elow and answer the 5uestions.


The co$"etition $a &e "artici"ated & A. #. %. D. Bear 1 "u"ils. Bear ' "u"ils. Bear * "u"ils. Bear + "u"ils.


The length o) the re"ort $ust &e at least A. #. %. D. 133 words. 1,3 words. 133 L 1,3 words. $ore than 1,3 words.

1 3



This activit is carried out & the societ !!!!!!. A. #. %. D. earl wee(l $onthl )ortnightl


Dhich o) the )ollowing needs to &e included in the re"ortA A. #. %. D. The writer;s na$e The "ri6es to &e won The title o) the co$"etition The na$e o) the organi6ing societ


Dh do ou thin( the co$"etition is &eing heldA A. #. %. D. To give awa "ri6es To have an annual activit To encourage "u"ils to read &oo(s To "ro$ote the &oo(s )ro$ the li&rar

1 4


Activit) 11 .ead the "assage &elow and answer the 5uestions.

The "olice received a tele"hone call sa ing that )ive $en had sto""ed a van which was carr ing $one . The had attac(ed the driver and stole the van. The "olice searched )or a )ew hours4 then the )ound the van near an oil "al$ estate. The driver was l ing with his hands and legs tied. The thieves had tied a hand(erchie) around his $outh so that he could not shout. The "olice )reed hi$ and as(ed what had ha""ened. GFive $en sto""ed $e soon a)ter I le)t the &an(4H said the driver. The hit $e on the head with a gun4 tied $e u" and threw $e to the &ac( o) the van. Then the drove $ van and reached this oil "al$ estate. One o) the$ cli$&ed into the van4 (ic(ed $e and too( the &ags. Then the le)t.H How $an &ags were stolenA as(ed the "olice ins"ector. GFive4 each contains .M'3 333.H


Dho sto""ed the vanA A. #. %. D. Five $en The "olice$an 9o$e )actor wor(ers 9o$e oil "al$ wor(ers


Dhat was the van carr ingA A. #. %. D. Men <oods Mone #iscuits

1 5



The van had le)t a !!!!!!!!!! when the $en sto""ed it. A. #. %. D. &an( "olice station &iscuit )actor oil "al$ estate


The driver could not shout )or hel" &ecause A. #. %. D. a hand(erchie) was tied around his $outh. the thieves told hi$ not to shout. he was a)raid. he was hurt.


How $uch $one was stolenA A. #. %. D. .M 13 333 .M '3 333 .M 133 333 .M '33 333

1 6


.ead the &oo( review and answer the 5uestions that )ollow. Cotes Title P Through the Fire Author P Hester #urton Main characters P .achel Jua(ers and Dill Jua(ers 9u$$ar P adventure L con)lict L solve "ro&le$s Li(e and disli(e a&out the stor P Ker interesting stor . .achel4 a tough girl4 survived )or hersel) and her &rother4 Dill. The stor is )ull o) tragedies and events. *he 2ook Aeview Hester #urton wrote this &oo( in 12-2. The two $ain characters were .achel and Dill Jua(ers. The stor ha""ened on the ear o) 12-- in London. Their )ather had &een :ailed in the #ridewell 7ail &ecause he ca$e )ro$ a )a$il o) Jua(ers. .achel has to wor( ver hard in order to get shelter and )ood )or her and her &rother4 Dill. However the $anaged to live ha""il together at last. It is an interesting stor to read. Most o) the stor line showed the $aturit o) the writer.


Dhat is the title o) the stor A A. #. %. Through the <lasses Through the Fire Through the E es


Dho is the author o) this &oo(A A. #. %. .achel Jua(ers Hester Jua(ers Hester #urton



How $an $ain characters in this stor A A. #. %. Four Three Two


Dhat is the stor a&outA A. #. %. A girl and a &o who li(ed acting. A rich girl who &eca$e an or"han. A girl who survived a hard li)e with her &rother.


Dhat do ou thin( ha""ened to .achel and her &rother in the endA A. #. %. The lived ha""il . The &eca$e $illionaires. The were i$"risoned li(e their )ather.

1 !


Activit) 12 .ead the stor . Then answer the 5uestions that )ollow.

An old $an wal(ed "ast Ah$adi;s house ever $orning on his wa to sell @ petai; in the $ar(et. Ah$adi alwa s wished hi$ G<ood $orning4 "a(ci(.H 9o$eti$es the old $an gave Ah$adi a )ew stri"s o) petai. One $orning4 Ah$adi &eca$e worried when he did not see the old $an )or )ive da s. G9o$ething $ight have ha""ened to hi$ as he lives alone near Ka$"ung /etani4H Ah$adi told his )riend4 Tei( 9oon. The ne=t da 4 the two &o s went to Ka$"ung /etani a)ter school. The "eo"le there gave the$ di))erent directions &ecause the were not sure. One o) the$ said4 G<o along this road and turn le)t at the second :unction.H Another "erson said4 GTa(e this "ath and turn right when ou reach a &ridge.H 9o$eone else said4 GA)ter crossing the &ridge4 turn le)t.H Ah$adi and Tei( 9oon wrote down the directions. The co$"ared all the directions given & the di))erent "eo"le. The drew a $a" and $ar(ed all the "laces the should search. GIt;s not eas . #ut we $ust not give u". The old $an $a need hel"4H Tei( 9oon said. The went around searching )or the old $an;s house. At last4 the reached a wooden house & the water)all. The )ound the old $an inside. G/a(ci(MMIH


Ah$adi &eca$e worried &ecause A. #. %. D. so$ething had ha""ened to the old $an. he did not (now where the old $an lived. the old $an lived alone in Ka$"ung /etani. he had not seen the old $an )or )ive da s.

1 "



The directions given & the "eo"le in Ka$"ung /etani were !!!!!!!! . A. #. %. D. tric( correct di))icult di))erent


The two &o s did not give u" &ecause A. #. %. D. the old $an $ight need hel". the had $ar(ed the "laces on a $a". "eo"le told the$ the di))erent directions. the had reached a wooden house near a water)all.


Fro$ the stor 4 the two &o s could A. #. %. D. draw $a"s ver well. thin( and "lan care)ull . write down directions 5uic(l &elieve ever thing the heard.


Dhen the old $an was )ound & the &o s4 he was "ro&a&l A. #. %. D. waiting to get well. ha"" to see the$. angr with the &o s. ver wea( and hungr .



.ead the &oo( review &elow and answer the 5uestions that )ollow.

Title P The Kindness Author P 9ri Lang(asu(a %haracters P Tuan Busu) 4 9al&iah

*he book review An interesting stor to read. The stor tells us a&out one o) the &est wa s to test the hu$&leness and "oliteness o) a "erson. The stor is a&out Tuan Busu)4 a rich )ar$er who invited the "oor children to his house ever da to collect so$e &uns )or the$selves and their )a$il . This is &ecause )or a long ti$e the village had dried u" and there is no $ore "adi to eat. One da 4 9al&iah4 one o) the "oor children who is an honest girl willing to return the $one that she had )ound in the &un to Tuan Busu). In return4 Tuan Busu) gave her so$e $one and she lived ha""il with her )a$il .


Dho is the author o) this &oo(A A. #. %. D. 9ri Lanang 9ri Ledang 9ri Lang&uana 9ri Lang(asu(a


How $an $ain characters are there in this stor A A. #. %. D. Five Four Three Two




There was no )ood in the village &ecause A. #. %. D. the sun was too hot. all the "adi had died. the "eo"le were ver "oor. Tuan Busu) &ought all the )ood.


The word collect in the stor can &est &e re"laced with A. #. %. D. eat gra& give ta(e


Dhat is the $ain idea o) the stor A A. #. %. D. Hungr "eo"le )ight )or )ood The rich should hel" the "oor De $ust )ight to get &etter things The hu$&le and "olite "erson will &e rewarded



S-C*,./ A 1 W.A4 L-9-L 1 2 3 4 5 6 ! " 1# 11 12 13 14 15 16 1 1! 1" 2# C 2 C A A 2 2 A C C 2 4 C 4 A A 2 C C 4 21 22 23 24 25 26 2 2! 2" 3# 31 32 33 34 35 36 3 3! 3" 4# C 4 C 2 A 4 2 4 C 4 A C 4 2 2 A A 2 2 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 4 4! 4" 5# 51 52 53 54 55 56 5 5! 5" 6# C A C C 4 C 2 C A A 2 A A C A C 2 2 A 2 61 62 63 64 65 66 6 6! 6" # 1 2 3 4 5 6 ! " !# C C 2 C A 2 2 C C C A 2 2 A 4 2 2 2 C C !1 !2 !3 !4 !5 !6 ! !! !" "# "1 "2 "3 "4 "5 "6 " "! "" 1## C A 2 A 2 A C 4 C A 2 C 2 A 4 A C 2 2 2



S-C*,./ A 1 S-/*-/C- L-9-L 1 2 3 4 5 6 ! " 1# 11 12 13 14 15 16 1 1! 1" 2# A A 4 C C A A 2 C A C 2 C A C C 4 4 2 C 21 22 23 24 25 26 2 2! 2" 3# 31 32 33 34 35 36 3 3! 3" 4# A 4 2 C C 2 A A C 2 A A A A 2 A 4 C A C 41 42 43 44 45 46 4 4! 4" 5# 51 52 53 54 55 56 5 5! 5" 6# 2 4 4 2 A C 4 2 2 4 2 2 4 2 4 2 A 2 C 2 61 62 63 64 65 66 6 6! 6" # 1 2 3 4 5 6 ! " !# 4 A 4 C A C A 2 2 2 C C 2 4 2 4 A C C !1 !2 !3



S-C*,./ A 1 $?AAS- L-9-L 1 2 3 4 5 6 ! " 1# 11 12 13 14 15 16 1 1! 1" 2# 4 A C A 4 A A 2 C 2 4 A A 2 4 2 A C C C 21 22 23 24 25 26 2 2! 2" 3# 31 32 33 34 35 36 3 3! 3" 4# 4 A A 2 4 2 A C C C A 2 4 C A 2 C 2 A C 41 42 43 44 45 46 4 4! 4" 5# 51 52 53 54 55 56 5 5! 5" 6# A A A 2 2 C 2 C C C C A A C A A A A A 4 61 62 63 64 65 66 6 6! 6" # 1 2 3 4 5 6 ! " !# A A 4 4 A 2 A A 2 2 C C C A A C A A C C !1 !2 !3 !4 !5 !6 ! !! !" "# C C 2 2 A C 2 2 C 2



S-C*,./ 2 S.C,AL -K$A-SS,./ 1 2 3 4 5 6 ! " 1# 11 12 13 14 15 16 1 1! 1" 2# A 2 A C 4 4 4 4 C A 4 A C A 2 2 C 4 4 2 21 22 23 24 25 26 2 2! 2" 3# 31 32 33 34 35 36 3 3! 3" 4# A C A C 4 2 C 2 2 4 C C A 2 C 4 4 A 2 C 41 42 43 44 45 46 4 4! 4" 5# 51 52 53 54 55 56 5 5! 5" 6# A 4 C 2 A C C C 2 C 2 C A A 2 A C A 2 2

S-C*,./ C .$$.S,*- 0-A/,/+ 1 2 3 4 5 6 ! " 1# A C 2 2 C 2 A C 2 A 11 12 13 14 15 16 1 1! 1" 2# A C A 2 2 2 2 C A A 21 22 23 24 25 26 2 2! 2" 3# 2 A C 2 4 2 C C C 2

S-C*,./ C S,0,LAA 0-A/,/+ 1 2 3 4 5 6 ! " 1# A A C C A C 2 2 C 2 11 12 13 14 15 16 1 1! 1" 2# A A C A A 4 C 2 C C 21 22 23 24 25 26 2 2! 2" 3# 4 4 A C 4 C 4 4 2 4



S-C*,./ C S$-LL,/+ 1 2 3 4 5 6 ! " 1# A 2 C 4 A C A C 2 4 11 12 13 14 15 16 1 1! 1" 2# C 4 C A 2 4 2 A 4 2

S-C*,./ C +AA00AA 1 2 3 4 5 6 ! " 1# 11 12 13 14 15 16 1 1! 1" 2# 2 A 4 2 C 2 A C C A C C 2 2 C 2 C 4 C A 21 22 23 24 25 26 2 2! 2" 3# 31 32 33 34 35 36 3 3! 3" 4# A C 2 C 2 C 4 2 C 2 2 A C A 2 2 2 4 2 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 4 4! 4" 5# 51 52 53 54 55 56 5 5! 5" 6# 2 2 2 2 C C 2 C 4 C 2 C 4 A 2 2 A A C C 61 62 63 64 65 66 6 6! 6" # 1 2 3 4 5 6 ! " !# 2 2 C 2 C 2 2 2 C A C 4 2 C C A C 2 4 2 !1 !2 !3 !4 !5 !6 ! !! !" "# "1 "2 "3 "4 "5 "6 " "! "" 1## 4 2 2 2 C A 2 A 2 2 A 4 C C A 4 2 C A A

S-C*,./ C $E/C*EA*,./



1 2 3 4 5 6 ! " 1#

2 A A A A 4 C C 2 C

11 12 13 14 15 16 1 1! 1" 2#

2 C 4 4 2 A A 4 C C

21 22 23 24 25 26 2 2! 2" 3#

A A 4 4 4 C 2 2 A 2

31 32 33 34 35 36 3 3! 3" 4#

A C A C 2 A 2 C A 2

S-C*,./ 4 *-K* C.0$L-*,./ AC*,9,*: 1 1 2 3 4 5 2 4 C C 2 AC*,9,*: 2 1 2 3 4 5 C 2 C 4 A AC*,9,*: 3 1 2 3 4 5 4 A A 2 C AC*,9*: 4 1 2 3 4 5 A A C 2 A

AC*,9,*: 5 1 2 3 4 5 A C 4 A 4

AC*,9,*: 6 1 2 3 4 5 A A A A 2

AC*,9,*: 1 2 3 4 5 4 2 A C 4

AC*,9*: ! 1 2 3 4 5 C C A 4 C

AC*,9,*: " 1 2 3 4 5 C C A 4 C

AC*,9,*: 1# 1 2 3 4 5 A A 4 2 C

AC*,9,*: 11 1 2 3 4 5 2 A A 4 4

AC*,9*: 12 1 2 3 4 5 A 4 2 2 C

AC*,9,*: 13 1 C

AC*,9,*: 14 1 2

AC*,9,*: 15 1 A

AC*,9*: 16 1 4



2 3 4 5

4 A C C

2 3 4 5

2 C C 2

2 3 4 5

4 C A 4

2 3 4 5

A 4 A A

AC*,9,*: 1 1 2 3 4 5 C C A A C

S-C*,./ - C.0$A-?-/S,./ AC*,9,*: 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 C 2 4 4 C C 2 ! " 1# 2 2 C ! " 1# AC*,9,*: 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 4 A 2 4 2 4 4 C 2 A ! " 1# AC*,9,*: 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 2 4 A 2 2 C A A 4 C ! " 1# AC*,9,*: 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 2 4 C 2 2 4 2 A A A

AC*,9,*: 5 1 2

AC*,9,*: 6 1 2

AC*,9,*: 1 4

AC*,9,*: ! 1 4



2 3 4 5 6

2 A 4 A C 4

2 3 4 5 6

C A 4 C 2 4

2 3 4 5 6

4 C 4 2 2 4

2 3 4 5 6

4 C 2 A A 4

! " 1#


! " 1#

C 4 2

! " 1#

C 2 4

! " 1#

A A 2

AC*,9,*: " 1 2 3 4 5 6 A 4 4 2 A 4 C ! " 1# A C A

AC*,9,*: 1# 1 2 3 4 5 6 A 4 A 2 4 4 A ! " 1# A A C

AC*,9,*: 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 A C A A 4 2 2 ! " 1# C C A

AC*,9,*: 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 4 4 A 2 4 4 4 ! " 1# A 4 2


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