Dakshinamurthy Sloka Meaning in English

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Summary of Dakshinamurti stotram

This is a stotram consisiting of 10 verses written by Shankarcaryji and can be seen as a Vedanta prakakrana grantha as well Verse 1 presents tripartite oneness identity of Isvara, guru and atma. Technically speaking, oneness of jiva and Isvara is indicated, but predominantly tvampadartha is presented. Same parmatma as ignorant jiva sees the world outside due to maya, but recognizes himself to be non-dual on awakening. Verse 2 tatpadArtha pradhAnam. Parmatma is presented as Isvara ,abhinna-nimitta-upadana karaNa, creating this world repeatedly like a Mayavi and Mahayogi by mayashakti indicating that the world created is unreal. Verse 3 aikyanirupana pradhAna shloka. Conciousness which is the nature of existence alone appears thro different unreal objects and this parmatma which is the truth behind the world is your real nature. This truth is revealed by the teacher and its knowledge makes the person free from the ocean of samsara. Verse 4 Elaboration of the teaching is given. How sphuranam ie, conciousness alone is shining thro the sense perception is explained. The self is self-evident. Everything shines after the self. Thus paraphrasing the idea given in the mantra - tamevabhAntam anubhAti sarvam. Verse 5 Different mistaken views like the self is body, etc. are given and the teacher is presented as the destroyer of delusion created by maya. Verse 6 Going by prathamamallanyaya, the contention of sunyavadi based on sleep experience that the self is zero is dismissed by establishing the presence of self even in sushupti based on pratyabhijna-recollection I slept well. Verse 7 The self is persistently present and shining as I am in all states of experience and stages of life . That self alone is present as guru who reveals to his devoted disciples the true nature of oneself by chinmudra. Verse 8 Though everything is Brahman alone, but due to maya , jiva sees it as manifold world such as cause-effect, father-son, etc. and so transaction involving duality is possible. Dakshinamurti alone is there as jiva perceiving dualistic world. Verse 9 - For manda adhikAri, upAsana of Dakshinamurti is prescribed where the entire world is seen as Dakshinamurti having eight aspects 5 elements, the sun, the moon and jiva. Nothing is separate from Dakshinamurti. This can be the matter of upasana or nididhyasanam depending on adhikari. Verse 10 The result of listening, reflection and meditation on the content of Dakshinamurti stotram and also of chanting and sharing its teaching is given in the form of sarvatmabhava appreciation of the self being all i.e, oneness with all-pervasive Lord and incidentally one also gains the eight siddhis like anima, garima, prakamya, etc.

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