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Chapter One: Introduction

1.1 Background Study: This report provides information obtained through analysis, regarding branding of a campus item Jahangirnagar University, we focus on the Department of Marketing, JU. This report will pay particular attention to the overall strategy of branding, and will highlight major strengths and weaknesses while offering some explanation for observed changes. The report will comment on the prospects of the Department of Marketing, JU that it want to create a strong brand image improving current performance through different branding tools. These observations do have limitations which will be noted. This report will explain how an education service organization can do self-branding for the better enhancement of its outcome. Jahangirnagar University has a rich history and humble beginnings, remarkable growth and a history of satisfied students and others. Following are highlights of the many milestones the varsity has achieved during its more than 43 years history. There are many departments and institute under Jahangirnagar University. We are focusing Department of Marketing among them. Its a young department and already has a reputation in the inner side of the varsity. But, we want to highlight it in the outer side of the varsity creating a strong brand image through different brand tools.

1.2 Objectives of the report To create a strong brand image of Department of Marketing, JU. To aware the corporate people about it. To improve the quality and facilities of the Department of Marketing, JU. To recommend some suggestions based on findings to overcome the barriers of branding the department.

1.3 Methodology Methodology is the procedure that is aimed to guide the conducted research work in order to reach its ultimate destination. While conducting the study, most of the information and data are collected from primary sources. In the absence of some information or data dependence in secondary data has been inevitable. However, whenever possible primary data has been used. As we are the student of this department, we have collected data by interviewing the responsible office clerk, other Employees and students.

Chapter Two: Department of Marketing, JU Profile 2.1 Department Profile

Name Established Location Students Batch : Department of Marketing. : November, 2009. : Faculty of Business Studies, Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka. : 200 Approximately : 4 Batches (running)

Office stuffs : 2 Services Facilities : BBA, MBA, EMBA. : Well-structured building, A/C Class rooms, Single chair per person, Well decorated class rooms, Seminar Library, Photocopy & Print facilities, Canteen, Wi-Fi free connection, Students zone (Munni Chattar) Parking slot in front of the dept. building, Faculties : 1. Nigar Sultana, Assistant Professor (Chairperson- Dept. of Marketing, JU) Studied from Dept. of Marketing, Dhaka University. 2. Barota Chakraborty Lecturer, Studied from Dept. of Marketing, Dhaka University. 3. Kashedul Wahab Tuhin Lecturer, Studied from Dept. of Marketing, Dhaka University.

4. Farhana Sehreen, Lecturer, Studied from Dept. of Economics, Jahangirnagar University. Another Lecturer is going to join in the Department.

Related Facilities

: Hall for both male & female students, Transportation, Central Library, Varsity wide Wi-Fi, TSC, Auditorium, Cafeteria, Playground, Gymnasium etc.

BBA Courses

: Introduction to Business, Principles of Marketing, Global Marketing, Accounting Principles, Marketing for Hospitality & Tourism, Financial Accounting, Strategic Brand Management, Marketing Management, Management, Project Management, Marketing Research, Export Import Management, Business Math, Business Law, Business Psychology, Operation Management, Organizational Behavior, Micro Economics, Macro Economics etc.

Chapter three: Branding the Department of Marketing, JU 3.1 Branding overview

Brand is the "name, term, design, symbol, or any other feature that identifies one seller's product distinct from those of other sellers" Initially, Branding was adopted to differentiate one person's cattle from another's by means of a distinctive symbol used in business, marketing and advertising. A brand-an intangible asset-is often the most valuable asset of a corporation. Brand owners manage their brands carefully to create shareholder value, and brand valuation is an important management technique that ascribes a money value to a brand, and allows marketing investment to be managed (e.g.: prioritized across a portfolio of brands) to maximize shareholder value. Although only acquired brands appear on a company's balance sheet, the notion of putting a value on a brand forces marketing leaders to be focused on long term stewardship of the brand and managing for value. The process involved in creating a unique name and image for a product in the consumers' mind, mainly through advertising campaigns with a consistent theme. Branding aims to establish a significant and differentiated presence in the market that attracts and retains loyal customers. Branding depends on customers based brand equity model. Keller's Brand Equity Model is also known as the Customer-Based Brand Equity (CBBE) Model. Kevin Lane Keller, a marketing professor at the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth College. The concept behind the Brand Equity Model is simple: in order to build a strong brand, marketers must shape how customers think and feel about their product. You have to build the right type of experiences around your brand, so that customers have specific, positive thoughts, feelings, beliefs, opinions, and perceptions about it. When we have strong brand equity, your customers will buy more from us, they'll recommend to other people, they're more loyal, and we're less likely to lose them to competitors. In case of branding our department we also do these jobs because Kellers model is a big helping hand to build a concrete brand image.

Figure 1 Keller's Brand Equity Model

The four steps of the pyramid represent four fundamental questions. Those are: 1. Brand Salience......................................................Deep, broad brand awareness 2. Brand Performance &Brand Imagery................................Points of parity and difference 3. Judge & Feelings.....................................................positive, accessible reactions 4. Resonance.....intense, active loyalty Procedure of Branding Marketing Department There are many factors that influence the success of establishing new department. If the product fill a compelling need, if it is unique if it can be designed, formulated, priced, packaged, distributed and promoted effectively, there is a chance to make and formulated it as a successful one. With all of these potential pitfalls, its not surprising that, man departments cannot gain their goal. Because there is one other consideration that is often overlooked: the role of department and targeting their customers. Many experts agree that understanding how consumers view brand can often be the most important factor influencing new department success. It Starts With the Consumer The first step in understanding how marketing department will impact the success is to become familiar with how consumers view the department. Understanding is all about knowing what associations, both positive and negative, consumers link to the department. These associations can include things like quality, value, innovation and reliability. But department can also be very strongly associated with specific features to is target market. 3.2 Target Market First of all our main target market for B.B.A program is students who are very much eager to study B.B.A in any reputed university. Secondly, we have to convince the guardians. Guardians in Dhaka city and others region who are enough worthy to bear the cost of private students do not want to admit their daughters and sons in Jahangirnagar University as it is quite far from Dhaka city. Due to some bad political issue, we have to choose strategic marketing technique to brand our department as one of the leading department in Bangladesh. Thirdly: Next step is to capture students for E.M.B.A program. First priority campus students from others department and next is executives who want to do their M.B.A from renowned public universities. For E.M.B.A program we have to maintain three demographic segmentation. Forth: Corporate personnel or organizations are also our target market. Because, if this dept. build strong brand image, they will hire BBA, MBA and EMBA students from this dept. for internship and job.

A Formula for Success Understanding where the consumer will give chance to the marketing department as a renowned brand is critically important. If we want to establish our department as a successful one at first we focus on our annual result, its extracurricular activities, its others side extra-curricular activities, its students facilities, canteen facility, sports facility, indoor games and outdoor games, debate facility, gallery etc. Those all kinds of facility is present in our department but we have to make aware our target market about these activities but here first and foremost channel is word of mouth and the posturing of any events in the campus. Impact of Awareness Without awareness the people there is no value of creating many aspects, facilities in our department. At first the internal people will know the name and fame of our department. Secondly through the students of our internal students and outside departments student people throughout the Bangladesh will know about our department. Through creating web pages and face book pages many students of outside Bangladesh and far away from Dhaka are able to know about it. Using Research The best way to understand consumers is through consumer research. Our department has conducted on-going consumer tracking and equity studies. Through this research we have known about many views of our students, guardians, some information didnt exist, so we did qualitative research. By talking to our student in focus groups, in-depth interviews and so forth, it is possible to develop a good sense of how consumers view our department. Qualitative research has helped us to develop a very useful sense of our departments image and associations. Qualitative research: Qualitative research can also give us an opportunity to explore consumers reactions to our new departments feature and can help us to optimize our offering. Quantitative research: Quantitative research is our appropriate next step especially if our new features involving involves large amounts of money and risk. Quantitative research will help us to validate findings from qualitative research and attaches specific, projectable numbers to your findings. Regardless of the research approach, it is important to remember that our department should always view from the consumers point of view. With that perspective, your new department is one giant step closer to a successful launch.

3.3 Competitors
1. Main competitors: Marketing Departments as well as other BBA Departments (Finance, Accounting, Management etc.) of Public & Private Universities and IBA in Bangladesh. 2. Secondary competitors: Finance, Accounting, Management etc. Departments ( National University. Now a days, private organizations are very much interested about the private university students and hire them as employee. So shouldnt neglect them.

3.4 Branding the Department with CBBE

The four steps of Brand Equity Model contain six building blocks that must be in place to reach the top of the pyramid, and to develop a successful brand.

Figure.2: Consumer based brand equity model

Applying the Model Step 1: Brand Identity: Salience Salience: Dept. of Marketing is the one of the most enriched departments of Faculty of Business studies, Jahangirnagar University. It provides BBA, MBA, and EMBA. So anybody feel the real marketing here. There were no commerce faculty or commerce related department in Jahangirnagar University accept IBA before 2009. In 2009, our honorable ex. dean and ex. chairman Prof. Abdul Bayes turned the idea into a reality and started Faculty of Business Studies with two departments one of them is Dept. of Marketing and another one is Dept. of Finance. He, as the first person behind this great idea, got to be the first Dean of the faculty and led it. Nigar Sultana and Mansura Akhter are the first two faculty members with whom the department was started. They joined there in 2009 and in the next year that means in 2010 our others two faculty members Barota Chakroborty and Farhana Sehreen were joined .In 20012 we got an experienced teacher Md.Kashadul Wahab Tuhin. Before 2009, there was very little opportunity for the commerce background students to study commerce related subject in Jahangirnagar University. But when the department was launched, there were 25000 students were applied to get admit here and 15000 chose

the Dept. of Marketing as their first subject and 10000 as their second choice. The number of students in the admission test is gradually increasing. So, Dept. of Marketing successfully has achieved the breadth and depth of brand awareness. In 20011 it was first introduced Executive M.B.A program. There are four session those are summer session, autumn session, spring session, and fall session. A huge number of students in each session are applying every year. This E.M.B. program has become very much popular in campus students of others departments. After completing their bachelor degree or masters degree they try to get admit in the E.M.B.A course. . Step 2: Brand Meaning: Performance: Brand Performance: Our brand performance is so high to describe. At first when our dept. was launched there was no classrooms, seminar rooms for us. But in a year after the great struggle of our faculties and students we have now our own building. Air conditioned classrooms two stored building, multimedia projector, executive and extra ordinary chair and table, seminar room etc. Primary Ingredients: Our departments mission and vision is to teach and learn marketing. We have now concerning in B.B.A Course, M.B.A course, E.M.B.A course with high qualified faculties. We have air conditioned class rooms, multimedia projectors. Seminar room with all kinds of books. Here teachers are very much co-operative and very much reliable. They are so enthusiastic and modern styled teacher as well as very much concern about research and developing activities. They take their class on due time. Sometimes in other departments we see that teachers are not willing to take class on due schedule. If they do not want to take class, they even feel to be announced as early as possible. But in department of Marketing teachers are very much conscious about the time of students, they are very much caring, and never do such activities which are students time wasting. In every semester students have to face two or three seminars which are organized through the contribution of our honorable faculty teachers. We, the students also help in organizing any seminars, cultural activities. Supplementary Ingredients: Our department has launched Evening M.B.A. Friday and Saturday are fully packed for executives. The department has taken some supplementary initiatives for them. E.M.B.A program is running under four admission sessions those are summer, autumn, spring, fall. In department of marketing different types of cultural functions are also organized. Such as, freshers orientation program, celebrating Pahela Boishakh, celebrating New Year. Departmental and industrial tour are also held at least once in a year. We have already visited Coxs bazaar, Sylhet, Bandorban. In case of industrial tour, we have visited EAST COAST COMPANY LTD, Bata. Our department has fair reputation in the sports. We have some best players with whom we have

organized Marketing Premier League, Marketing Badminton Week, Marketing football league. Service Effectiveness, Efficiency & Empathy: Our faculty members are very much high qualified. There is also a teacher from economics background. And she is contributing not only in economics related subjects but also in marketing related subjects also. Our chairperson is an unique lady, Md. Kashedul Wahab Tuhin sir is experienced in teaching profession as he was teacher in Comilla university for three years, Barorat Chakroborty was all along first in her educational background. She also motivates us to take part in others extracurricular activities. They are so enthusiastic and modern styled teacher as well as very much concern about research and developing activities. They take their class on due time. Sometimes in other departments we see that teachers are not willing to take class on due schedule. If they do not want to take class, they even feel to be announced as early as possible. But in department of Marketing teachers are very much conscious about the time of students, they are very much caring, and never do such activities which are students time wasting. In every semester students have to face two or three seminars which are organized through the contribution of our honorable faculty teachers. They also help the students to find internship in different organization. As our dept. is comparatively new and there is no student in corporate sector, corporate personnel and our stakeholders are knowing us through them. Style & design: We have nine air condition class rooms. There are multimedia projector in every class room. The class rooms are very colorful, new distempered with large white board. There was a time when we had nothing but in a year we have managed and organized many things thats why we can say that we will do prosper within a very short time. As we have already an image of public university so it will not difficult to gain our expected brand image.

Step 3: Brand Meaning: Imagery: As we are public university so already we have a concrete image in our customer mind. We have well developed web sites, face book fan pages which help us to gain more attention of the customers. We have high qualified faculty members, through admission test we select the meritorious students. User profile: Now we have four batches, four high qualified faculty members, five guest teachers, the description of teachers have already mentioned. Teachers are very much motivated, they encourage the students every time. Students are all-rounder. They do not study only. They also do others extracurricular activities also. There are many students who have come from different regions from Bangladesh. Some have come from Rajshahi, some have come from Sylhet, Bogura, Thakurgaon, Chittagong, Dhaka, Khulna almost all over the country. In case of executive M.B.A, those executives have come here, who are working in reputed organizations.


History and experience: Our department was first introduced in 2009. Prof. Abdul Bayes is our founder chairman. Asst. Professor Nigar Sultana, Mansure Akhter are our first two faculty members. We did not have our own building. Our all academic others activities were took place in social science building. After a great struggle of two years we have got our own building. Our faculties have taken our classes sitting on the floor, we did not have our chair table either but we have recovered and soon we will have those all facilities which we really deserve. Themes and values Points of Parity : I. Education Process: As we are a public university so education systems and procedures are very high and they are going through a systematic way. There is running four years semester system regular B.B.A course, and each semester holds six subject of three credit and one credit on viva voce. Regular M.B.A course and Executive M.B.A course. Admission Process: Every year after publication of the H.S.C result our university take the initiatives to launch the admission procedure. From this year the admission procedure will take place through the Teletalk and internet procedure and our department is also take the admission through the same system as all departments goes through the same system. Excursion: Like other Departments, our dept. also goes for excursion every year. Its very important for mental refreshment the mind for the students as well as the teachers. Student gather knowledge from it. Its a plus point for us that maximum private universities dont go for excursion. We can hire sponsorship for this event. We can mention the name or logo in the t-shirt.





Seminars: Like others private and public university our department also arrange seminars .Each and every year from 1st year to 4th year students get the chance to present in their subject related seminars such as Brand Management, service marketing, human resource management, tourism and hospitality management.

Points of Difference: As Department of Marketing is a public educational institutions, so educational activities are running so smoothly and without any hazards. Seminars, study tours are very much common here but others different factors are: Marketing Club: We have a marketing club through which different types of seminars, cultural function, orientations programs are held. There are five wing in our club those are educational wing, sports wing, event wing, publishing, cultural wing. Marketing Premier League: We have some enthusiastic, motivated players who are playing in different competition in the national side. With these players we have introduced marketing premier league.


Different types of cultural program: Like others department, our department doesnt celebrate the common occasions only. Our department celebrates common programs as well as others programs those are not generally celebrate in others department. Such as Pahela Baishakh, Chaitrosankranti, Pahela Falgun, New year.

Industrial tour: Every year Marketing Department, JU students go for industrial tour. They have already gone to Bata and Radiant Alliance Ltd. These tour are very important for the students because they can gather original knowledge about the inner task of organizations.


Air conditioned class rooms: we have eight air conditioned class rooms. Which is first in the history of Jahangirnagar University. Multimedia projectors: In every classrooms we have multimedia projectors. We also present our presentations through these projectors.

Step 3: Position of Department of Marketing or Brand Response The customers' responses to the brand fall into two categories: "judgments" and "feelings." These are the two building blocks in this step. 1. Judgment: The customers constantly make judgments about the brand and this fall into four key categories:

Quality: Customers judge a product or brand based on its actual and perceived quality. Dept. of Marketing, JU is providing graduation and post-graduation degree. The service quality is up to the mark as it is one of the best universities of Bangladesh. The educational background of all the faculties of the department is impressive. Credibility: Customers judge credibility using three dimensions expertise (which includes innovation), trustworthiness, and likability. All the faculties are expert in their field. Their educational background and experience has created vast credibility amongst the customers. As it is a residential university all the students and their guardians will like the place very much. Consideration: Customers judge how relevant the product or service is to their unique needs. The business world is booming day by day. As completion is increasing in the market the importance of marketing in also increasing day by day. So, the service of this department is clearly able to fulfill the customers unique needs. Superiority: Customers assess how superior the brand is, compared with other competitors' brands. To consider this ground, Jahangirnagar University is one of the best universities in Bangladesh. Moreover, this is the only residential public university in this country. So, as a department of this university Department of Marketing can be considered superior than most other competitors. Moreover, Jahangirnagar University got the most beautiful campus of this country. Besides, education all the students will get the opportunity to learn from the nature here which is not possible in most other universities. 2. Feelings: Customers also respond to the brand according to how it makes them feel. The brand can evoke feelings directly, but they also respond emotionally to how a brand makes them feel about themselves. According to the model, there are six positive brand feelings: warmth, fun, excitement, security, social approval, and self-respect.


Warmth: The relationship between the teachers, students or staffs of this department is very much warmly. The chemistry amongst all makes the place always alive. Fun: The students not only get education from textbook here. They participate in various events and organize various functions for having fun. Excitement: Every year the department arranges various completion like cricket or football tournaments which creates excitement amongst the students. Security: It provides assurance that if the students dont break any rules then they will be a graduate from here. Social approval: As being a department of one of the most renowned university of Bangladesh, the department has got enough social approval. Though products of the department are just in the market but the reputation of the university has created the social approval. Self-respect: It is a department of a public university. So, it has enough selfrespect to itself. It reflects in the attitude of the teachers and students.

First, examine the four categories of judgments listed above. Consider the following questions carefully in relation to these:

What can you do to improve the actual and perceived quality of your product or brand? How can you enhance your brand's credibility? How well does your marketing strategy communicate your brand's relevancy to people's needs? How does your product or brand compare with those of your competitors? Next, think carefully about the six brand feelings listed above. Which, if any, of these feelings does your current marketing strategy focus on? What can you do to enhance these feelings for your customers? Identify actions that you need to take as a result of asking these questions. Step 4: Brand Resonance or Brand Brand "resonance" sits at the top of the brand equity pyramid because it's the most difficult and the most desirable level to reach. You have achieved brand resonance when your customers feel a deep, psychological bond with your brand. It is the level of creating strong relationship with customers and making them loyal to the brand. There are four categories in the step. Now I will describe the brand relationship of department of marketing according to these four categories:

Behavioral loyalty: This includes regular, repeat purchases. According to the department a student or a customer cannot take the service repeatedly. But he or she can spread positive word of mouth. As a matter of fact, each and every customer of the department is loyal. As a student he always spread positive words about the department. It is the best example of behavioral loyalty. Attitudinal attachment: Your customers love your brand or your product, and they see it as a special purchase. Almost every customer means every student


thing that getting admitted here is a special purchase for him. Being business graduate was everyones target. The department has given the opportunity. So, everyone loves the department and think that they belong to the department. Sense of community: Your customers feel a sense of community with people associated with the brand, including other consumers and company representatives. Here, the students, teachers and staffs have built a community. Active engagement: This is the strongest example of brand loyalty. Customers are actively engaged with your brand, even when they are not purchasing it or consuming it. This could include joining a club related to the brand; participating in online chats, marketing rallies, or events; following your brand on social media; or taking part in other, outside activities. Almost all the students are actively engaged with the department. Even after completing the graduation they always try to be connected with the department.

Your goal in the last stage of the pyramid is to strengthen each resonance category. For example, what can you do to encourage behavioral loyalty? Consider gifts with purchase, or customer loyalty programs. Ask yourself what you can do to reward customers who are champions of your brand. What events could you plan and host to increase customer involvement with your brand or product? List the actions that you could take.

Product level:
Like every other products or services Department of Marketing,JU has its own 5 levels of product. Those are:

Figure.3: Product level


Core benefit: Education. Basic product: Some faculties, infrastructure. Expected product: Expert faculties, comfortable rooms, projector, a seminar, a library, a washroom and internet facility. Augmented product: Air Conditioner, High Speed internet, and a rich library. Potential product: A rich computer lab, classroom decorated with high tech equipments, student councilors.

Strategic brand management process:

The process of strategic brand management basically involves 4 steps. Ive shown those steps to establish the brand managemenr process for department of marketing. Identifying and establishing brand positioning: Band Positioning is defined as the act of designing the departments offer and image so that it occupies a distinct and valued place in the target consumer's mind. Points of difference: Convinces consumers about the advantages and differences over the competitors. The advantages Dept. of Marketing provides better than the competitors. Mental Map: Visual depiction of the various associations linked to the brand in the minds of the consumers. Core Brand Associations: Subset of associations i.e. both benefits and attributes which best characterize the brand like the quality of education of Dept. of Marketing. Brand Mantra: That is the brand essence or the core brand promise also known as the Brand DNA. Planning and Implementation of Brand Marketing Programs: There are three important factors related to planning and implementation of brand marketing programs of Dept. of Marketing,JU.

Choosing Brand Elements: Different brand elements here are logos, images, packaging, symbols, slogans, etc. Since different elements have different advantages, marketers prefer to use different subsets and combinations of these elements. Integrating the Brand into Marketing Activities and the Support Marketing Program: Marketing programs and activities make the biggest contributions and can create strong, favorable, and unique brand associations in a variety of ways. Leveraging Secondary Associations: Brands may be linked to certain source factors such as countries, characters, sporting or cultural events,etc. In essence, the marketer is borrowing or leveraging some other associations for the brand to create some associations of the brand's own and them to improve it's brand


equity. Jahangirnagar University is the secondary brand association for Dept. of Marketing. Measuring and Interpreting Brand Performance: The key concepts of measuring and interpreting brand performance is given below:

Brand Audit: Is assessment of the source of equity of the brand and to suggest ways to improve and leverage it. Brand Value chain: Helps to better understand the financial impacts of the brand marketing investments and expenditures. Brand Equity Measurement System: Is a set of tools and procedures using which marketers can take tactical decision in the short and long run.

Growing and Sustaining Brand Equity: The key concepts of growing and sustaining brand equity is described below:

Defining the brand strategy: Captures the branding relationship between the various products /services offered by the firm using the tools of brand-product matrix, brand hierarchy and brand portfolio. Dept. of Marketing,JU provides BBA,MBA and evening MBA as their product. Managing Brand Equity over time: Requires taking a long -term view as well as a short term view of marketing decisions as they will affect the success of future marketing programs. Managing Brand Equity over Geographic boundaries, Market segments and Cultures: Most of the students of the department is from this country and target marget is also this country. So,the chance of crossing geographic boundary is limited and almost everyone is from the same culture.


3.4 Branding the Dept. with IMC

Integrated Marketing Communications is a very important tool for creating brand image for an organization. It also will a great factor for our Marketing Department. Without good internal or external communication the dept. cant attain desired brand image. For this the whole dept. - teachers, students and office stuffs should be more concern about this. The dept. authority as well as we all should take necessary steps to increase the communication as people know about us. We are mentioning some tools which can increase our departments brand image. Those are mention below: Marketing Dept. Logo For creating strong Brand image a brand logo is very important for a product or an organization. We should use a good, meaningful, nice logo which can easily express the department. We use this logo in all the dept. events, programs, and sample gift. Through this people will know us. There is given a sample logo. Marketing carnival We can arrange a big event Marketing Carnival every year. The Carnival will be contained different sub-events like Sports tournament, Debate competition, seminar session, Business competition, Film festival, Campus clean & Tree plantation day etc. The carnival would be open for all dept. of JU or other universities. Film festival Our Dept. can arrange film festival not only for in the Marketing Carnival but also in different two parts of a year. We can do posturing for the festival. It will make the difference from others. Not only that but also it brings money for further financial support for other events. There is given a sample Film Festival poster. Workshop We need to arrange different types of workshop like presentation skill, language skill, debating skill many more for our betterment. If those workshops are open for other dept. of JU we can earn money from the registration fee and sponsors.


Campus clean, tree plantation Dept. of Environmental Sciences and IBA of JU clean the campus every year. This is very important in inner side of the campus. Because everyone appreciates them. We can also do this. Now a days, many tree are cut down for building many new infrastructure in our campus. We can clean the campus and plant tree twice a year in our beautiful campus under Marketing Department Banner. These events will familiarized our dept. more. If print media focus these, it will be more beneficial for us. Business competition As we are business students and studying marketing, attaining & arranging Business competition are very important. NSU has got great popularity and attracted corporate personnel. If we can arrange this event with some renowned universities like DU, JU, RU, CU, JNU, IBA, NSU, EWU, BRAK, AIUB and continue it every year, we can attract different organizations and get sponsorship. There will be created a strong brand image in the country people mind about our dept. Debate competition We can arrange Inter Dept. Debate competition in the JU or Debate competition among the BBA student of different public & private universities. It not only increases our debating skill but also enhance dept. brand image. Sports Events We have already mentioned that our dept. performs in inter dept. sports in JU and arranges inter MKT Inter Batch Cricket Tournament. It we arrange any sports tournament among the BBA student of different public & private universities what Clemon does. We know this event is expensive but if we arrange it, there will be created a great positive word of mouth. We can afford this from team registration fees and sponsorship. Job Fair This is another important tool. If we arrange job fair, different types of national & multinational organizations will attain in the fair. They will hire internees and employees from our department so it will be a great chance for our departments students to find internship and job. Monthly business magazine We can publish DMBM (Dept. of Marketing Business magazine) monthly. It will be contained the whole month activities, achievement of this department. There will be also article, story, poem, funny topics, other writing of teachers and student of this dept. At the starting time, we will distribute limited magazine copy as free. When it will become popular, then we provide it in cheap rate. We can collect the publishing money from the sponsors.


Souvenir We can also publish Souvenir in a year. It will focus the main activities, achievement of this department in that year. Publishing a souvenir will make a great image of us as well as its an expensive task. We can collect the publishing money from the sponsors. Award Ceremony: We can award the honorable intellectuals, freedom fighters, social worker of our country who have great contribution in Bangladesh like Barrister Rafiqul Haque, Ex-judge Habibur Rahman, Dr. Anu Muhammad, Dr. Mohammad Yunus, Akbor ali khan, sultana kamal, Sir D. Fozle Hasan Abed. This type of award ceremony will attract different types of Medias. They will focus our dept. that it is doing a great job. We just need it. Mass people know us through Meadias. It will make strong brand image. Make and Spread Short film or drama Making and spreading out short film or drama on Department of Marketing will be more effective a tool. It will be contained different events, the culture, people, facilities, environment, fun and all positive things related with the dept. Sample gift Sampling is a very important marketing tool. In the initial stage of a product or brand organizations do sampling. We can also give sample gift items which are contained marketing dept. logo like bags, key ring, wrist rubber band, t-shirt, pen etc. to others who visit us in different purpose like cultural & business events, competitions etc. Some prototype gift items of the dept. are given here.


Website Now a days, people are used to search information in the internet. For an organization information, they search information in the website of that organization. Its a lacking for our dept. that it has no website. We should have an informative and different categories based website. So that the interested people can easily find necessary information and communicate with our dept. A prototype structure of a website is given here.

Facebook fan Page We have a Facebook fan page. But the amount of fan is limited. We should increase the activities of this fan page. If it is informative and shows different activities of our dept. it will be more attractive to others. They can easily find and communicate with us through internet.

Social work Its really important to contribute in social work. We can collect use cloths from the university students, local people of saver area and help from different organization to provide those among the poor people in winter season under Marketing Department Banner.


Our university is near industrial area of Saver & Dhamrai. We can plant tree in those area and make awareness among the local people about the pollution. We can also arrange blood donation day. We can also show movie, live cricket or football match, social awareness creating documentary etc. through big screen with projector in different vital spots like JU central field, Mukto Mancha, Shahbag, TSC-Dhaka, Saver, Dhanmondi Lack etc. Sponsorship We are emphasizing in sponsorship. Because we not only need money but also it expresses the brand image of the dept. If the image is good, we will get more sponsor every year and can make good relation with those organizations. We need this type of communication and relation. Media Publishing in print media, broadcast in FM Radio, telecast in electronic media is very important. Through these Medias people can easily know about the dept. It will make positive thinking and help to spread positive word of mouth which will enhance the brand image. In the long run those Medias can contribute as media partner for big events or programs.


SWOT Analysis Strength:

High quality academic programming at the undergraduate and graduate level with the best course materials. The increasing reputation of the department within the university as well as outside world. Student interest in department programs is very strong and growing across all programs. Highly qualified and dedicated teachers involved in supporting students. Great classroom facilities with multimedia, A/C, white board and others. Good supporting stuff. Students are very active in performing their role in different occasion. The department provides well books facilities. The location of the department is really nice. The department belongs to a public university.

Lack of number of teachers. Lack of classroom, seminar room, computer lab. Lack of logistic facilities for outside students. Inadequate levels of personnel, facilities, and funding to meet growing student demand for programs and classes. The department has less technological support for students. Lack of information for new applicants. Lack of financial support for arranging events. Attracting a large number and increasingly diverse target audience is difficult.

The high level of interest in department programs provides an opportunity to translate high student demand into more selective admission. Opportunity to show the potentiality of the students. Opportunity to establish a good carrier by achieving a good degree Opportunity to show ones creativity in different programs of the department. Opportunity to make oneself as a brand for the job market. When the students will do well, the reputation will increase. More students will be willing to take admission in the department. Opportunity to present ourselves by participating in different competition.


The main threat of marketing department is it is in a public university. Political situation can hamper the ongoing program of the students. As a new department it will be very challenging for the students to compete with other universitys students. For the reason of distance and less logistic support most students are less willing to come here. Outside of the department many misconceptions and myths exist related to an understanding of what the department does in terms of its academic activities. External threat, changing priorities and limited funding create internal tension over limited resources.

Our Marketing Department has many positive site and achievement at a short time. As it is a young dept. of only 4 years, it has many shortage or lacking yet. We have already mentioned strength, weakness, opportunity, threat of the dept. and what should we do to establish a strong brand image. In short, we are focusing the steps what should we take for betterment. The number of teachers and amount of classroom should be increased. A rich Computer lab should be established. Seminar room should be extend and amount of books should be increased. Arrange effective events or programs Arrange different competition where different universities will attain Do social work to attract people Communicate with others in smart way- personally or through internet Arrange job fair, Business completion and many more Should take other necessary steps to reduce weakness of the dept. and should take strategies to compete as well as bite competitors.


Perhaps the factor that came through most strongly among the sample as being a prerequisite for a successful brand is the need for a clear vision and a purposeful longer term strategy that supports that vision. The greatest challenge for the future, however, appeared to be the building of true national brands. It is apparent that there are challenges facing our dept. in terms of brand management, but there are a number of positive steps that the authority & the students of the dept. may take towards building successful brands. It seems to be associated with successful university brands clear vision and the support of leadership. Although there is clearly no quick fix for these, an understanding of their importance can inform brand management planning. It was also considered that the dept. can fail to consistently communicate across all audiences, and that strategic priorities (often driven by government agendas) through necessity lead to a shorter-term view of brand communication perhaps a wider audit of stakeholders and a longer term view need to be considered here.


Web link:


A study of factors 2003 Daily Star, Oct 31, 2013 (Page 5 in Shout) A research paper by Independent Colleges and Universities in 2001


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