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stretching and

strength training
the cheerleading guide to stretching & strength training
2012 All rights reserved.
table of contents
fitness plan


core training

leg training

arm training

This guide should serve as an introduction to basic stretching and strength training techniques and should be used as a
reference only. This guide should never be used to replace the instruction and

supervision of a trained professional.
Whether you are trying to get in shape for
cheerleading tryouts or working on stepping up
your ftness routine for your upcoming season,
this complete guide includes everything you
need to achieve your goals!
the cheerleading guide to stretching & strength training
2012 All rights reserved.
The frst step in developing a ftness plan is to
actually make a plan! Your plan should be beyond
what you already do, or will do, for cheerleading
youll want to make your own ftness goals and stick
to them. This will help keep you on track during
summer breaks and holidays.

Decide whether you want to develop an exercise
plan to improve cardiovascular health (focus on
weight loss), for strength training (focus on building
muscle) or even your own combination of the two!

Once you have an idea of the type of program you
want to use, establish some goals that will help keep
you motivated. Your goals should be tangible and
realistic dont set yourself up for disappointment or
failure with goals that are unrealistic, such as losing
25 pounds in one month.

Create a ftness calendar that commits you to
exercising a certain amount of days per month and
hours per day. By putting it down on paper, you
have a much greater likelihood of actually doing
the task youve assigned yourself.

Once you have developed your schedule, stick to
it! You should start noticing changes in your body
within 30-days! Although it may be diffcult to
motivate yourself at the beginning of your program,
it will become part of your routine over time.

If you need extra motivation, try creating a personal
contract with rewards and penalties for meeting/
failing to meet your goals! Dont be afraid to modify
your schedule as needed to make sure youre
meeting your goals (this will also keep you from
getting bored!).
nail it
choose a consistent time that
you can commit to every day
morning exercises need a
longer warm up since body
temperatures are lower
body temperature and strength
have shown to be highest around
mid-day and late afternoon
the best time to exercise will vary
by person and goals - experiment
to fnd what makes you feel best
make a
the cheerleading guide to stretching & strength training
2012 All rights reserved.
Develop 30-minute routines that include:
Warming-up and stretching for at least 5 minutes
Exercising at a moderate pace for at least 20 minutes
Cooling down for 5 minutes
In your plan, identify a specifc exercise for each day of
the week. Activities like running on a treadmill, climbing a
Stairmaster, biking, swimming and playing basketball are all
activities that promote cardiovascular health.
After the initial 30 days, increase the amount of time for each
activity to make sure youre receiving adequate benefts from
your cardiovascular program.
Allocate 30- minute to 60- minute lifting sessions, allowing
yourself 60 second rest periods between each set.
At the beginning of your program, choose lifts oriented towards
improving overall physical ftness, instead of individual muscle
groups. Its important to focus on all muscle groups to ensure
balanced development.
Once you have some experience lifting, split your workouts so
you can apply focus to developing individual muscle groups.
A popular method for creating split workout plans is to group
chest and triceps, back and biceps, and shoulders and legs.
Rest muscle groups between sessions. Generally, muscle groups
should be given at least one day of rest between sessions.
Muscles are unable to grow without ample time for healing
and recovery.
protects against disease
boosts energy levels
balances sleep patterns
reduces stress and anxiety
enhances brain power
improves balance and coordination
increases stamina and endurance
a program
the cheerleading guide to stretching & strength training
2012 All rights reserved.
PAIR UP. Committing to a routine with someone else will hold
you accountable for your actions, and keep you from turning
your alarm off and staying in bed!

PORTION CONTROL. Dont completely deny yourself of your
favorite foods and desserts. Its all about portions allow yourself
to indulge a little bit and youll be less likely to splurge or fall off
track completely.

ADAPT TO THE SEASON. Use the warm months to get outdoors
and go for a hike or a run on the beach or a swim in the
ocean! When it gets cold, dont let the winter blues turn you
into a hibernating bear! Take advantage of what the colder
weather has to offer, like sledding, ice skating and skiing all
of which count as exercise! Or, mix up your exercise routine
by incorporating your chores. Raking leaves and shoveling
snow will give your arms an intense workout!

GET CREATIVE. If you dont have access to a gym, come up with
a routine that can be done at your house. Make space for a
cardio workout, create your own track through your house and
walk it for 20 minutes. Get your family or roommates involved to
make it more exciting!

POP IN A CHEERLEADING VIDEO. Use one of your old videos,
or fnd cheerleading routines on YouTube to watch. There is
nothing like seeing yourself or other people doing what you
love to motivate you to stay committed to your ftness goals.

HYDRATE WITH WATER. Use water as a means to hydrate, burn fat
and, as an added bonus, curb your appetite. Drink a large glass
of water about a half hour before dinner. Being dehydrated can
make you think you are hungry, which could lead to overeating.

SLOW DOWN. Eating slowly will also help you avoid overeating.
When you slow down, you give your brain a chance to
communicate that it is full. Counting how many times you
chew each bite takes all the fun out of eating, so skip that but
do try to chew slowly and fnish eat bite completely before
taking another bite.
songs with 120-140 BPM (beats
per minute) will increase your
workout success by 10%
count the BPM yourself or
download software for your
computer that will help
add slower songs to the end of
your playlist for your cool down
playlist tips
the cheerleading guide to stretching & strength training
2012 All rights reserved.
fit tip:
splurge on some cute
ftness outfts to help
get you motivated.
Stretching is an absolute in cheerleading. Without it,
cheerleaders could not hit stunts like the scorpion, the
bow and arrow or the heel stretch. Without the fexibility
that stretching brings, a cheerleaders tumbling would be
very limited, and the risk for serious, season-ending injuries
would be increased!
Remember that while stretching, you should never
bounce and you should avoid pushing your muscles
too hard. Do a light jog or other cardio activity as a
warm up before you start any stretching regiment to
prevent injury.
the cheerleading guide to stretching & strength training
2012 All rights reserved.
helps sharpen balance
improves fexibility
boosts athletic performance
decreases risk of injury
increases blood fow to muscles
Lie on your back on the foor. Keep your right leg straight and
bend your left leg with your arms stretched into a T position.
Pull your left knee in and hold it near your chest for a couple
of seconds before crossing it over your right leg. You can use
your right hand to help gently pull your left knee closer to the
ground (be sure that you dont raise your body or your
shoulders). Repeat the stretch with your right leg.
back stretch
cat stretch
Lay down on your back with your palms on the foor, above
your shoulders and your knees bent. Straighten your arms and
legs by pushing your hips and abs towards the ceiling while
keeping your hands and feet in the same position. Once
you are in the bridge position, straighten your knees and
move your feet so you can comfortably have your toes and
heels fat on the foor. Hold this stretch for a few moments and
then return to the foor. Bring your knees up to your chest and
place your hands on your shins. Gently roll up onto your butt
and then back onto your back and shoulders. Repeat this a
couple of times to release and relax your back muscles.
Start by standing straight and facing forward. Then lean
forward and reach your hands toward your feet, letting your
neck loosen so that your head comes down by your knees.
Slightly bend your knees and bring your hands up to rest on
your knees, palms down and thumbs clostest to your body.
Slightly straighten your arms while rounding your back into an
arch. Hold that position until you feel a gentle stretch in your
back, then release be bending your arms and fattening your
back. Repeat several times.
the cheerleading guide to stretching & strength training
2012 All rights reserved.
hip fexor
Sit on the foor with your legs straight out in front of you.
Make sure your knees and ankles are together and your toes
are pointed. Keeping your back as straight as possible, slowly
stretch forward and reach towards your feet. If you cant
touch your toes yet, dont worry about it! Just reach in the
direction of your toes and youll get there as you perform
the stretch every day. Hold the stretch for a couple of
seconds and then continue to reach toward your toes as
your muscles release.
front stretch
Stand in an upright position with feet hip distance apart with
your toes, knees and hips in a straight line. Take a big step
forward with your right leg and bend it at the knee, so your
thigh is parallel to the ground. Your left leg should be slightly
bent and with your knee almost touching the ground. Lean
forward so your elbows are touching the ground. If this is too
hard, you can use your hands for stability as well. Your pelvis
should be tilted back while pushing your hipbones forward
until you feel a gentle stretch in that area. Hold as your
muscles slowly release and then switch legs.
split lean
Performing splits will stretch the hamstring of your front leg.
Go into a split with your right leg forward and slowly lean
forward towards that leg. Remember to keep your back as
straight as possible. Repeat with your left leg forward. When
youre fnished, go into a center split and slowly stretch
forward like you did previously, keeping your back straight.
If you cant perform a split safely and comfortably, you can
perform a half split by bending your back leg at the knee
into a right angle. Your legs should look like your performing
a herkie, but theyll be fat on the foor.
the cheerleading guide to stretching & strength training
2012 All rights reserved.
ft tip:
wear shoes with the right
support to help prevent injury.
the cheerleading guide to stretching & strength training
2012 All rights reserved.
elevated split
This is a more diffcult stretch and advised for only when
youve mastered the splits. Sit in a side split, put your arms
up over your head and lean back. For more of a challenge,
slightly elevate your back leg with rolled towel, blanket, or a
pillow and repeat the process as your muscles release. This
stretch is great for the scorpion or the arabesque. If you are
stretching for a bow-and-arrow or heel stretch, you can do
this stretch with the front leg elevated. Instead of leaning
back, you would lean towards the elevated leg.
For this stretch you will need a towel or a resistance band.
Lie down on your back on the foor with your knees bent.
Keeping your left knee bent and left foot fat on the foor,
take your right leg and put it in the air. Then take your
resistant band or towel and place it on the arch of your right
foot and straighten your leg. Slowly pull your right leg towards
you as the muscles release. If you need more of a challenge,
lay your left leg straight, on the ground. Repeat on left leg.
Sit on the foor with your knees bent and the bottoms of your
feet touching each other. While keeping the bottom of your
feet together, pull your heels towards you and push your
knees down, towards the foor, until your muscles release.
You can also bend forward and try to reach your nose to the
ground in front of your feet.
the cheerleading guide to stretching & strength training
2012 All rights reserved.
Hold your right arm straight out in front of you, with your palm
facing outward and your fngers pointed at the ceiling. With
your left hand, slowly and gently pull your fngers in towards
you. Switch hands to stretch out your left wrist after your
muscles release in your right wrist.
Sit on the foor with your legs in a V position. Slowly
stretch forward without bending your knees. Once your
muscles release, you can then stretch towards the left
side by reaching both hands toward the left foot. Repeat
on your right side as well. Keep your legs straight and your
toes pointed.
While standing, place your arms at your sides. Keeping your
arms low, reach both hands behind your back and then
begin to lift your hands up, keeping your arms extended behind
you. This can either be done open handed or with your fngers
interlocked (so that your palms are facing your back). Return to
the starting position, and then repeat the stretch a few times.
Make sure that you maintain your posture during this stretch,
and dont bounce your arms. Just pull them up behind you as
far as you can.
the cheerleading guide to stretching & strength training
2012 All rights reserved.
tricep pull
Extend one arm and keep your elbow straight. Reach for the
opposite shoulder by pulling the arm slightly in front of you
and crossing it over your chest. Bring your other arm up
beneath your extended arm, lining up the elbows. Fold the
bottom arm up so that your forearm is straight up and down.
Use the leverage that your bottom arm creates to pull your
extended arm in toward your chin and chest, and be sure to
keep your head and body facing forward. You can modify
this stretch by bending the elbow of your extended hand
once it is pulled in, so that your hand reaches behind your
shoulder. Dont forget to switch arms!
Stand up straight and extend both arms into the T position.
Pull your arms in front of you and cross them at the elbows,
then bend the elbows and reach each hand toward its
opposite shoulder. Release your shoulders and swing your
arms back in front of you, uncrossing them and continuing
to pull them back slightly further than the starting position.
Repeat the move for several rotations; each time alternating
which arm rests on top when you cross them. This stretch
should be done using quick motions.
Raise both arms above your head, extended straight up.
Bend one arm so that your forearm is parallel behind your
head, then continue to drop your forearm so that it hangs
behind your back. Bend your other forearm and grasp the
elbow of the bottom arm with the hand of the top arm.
Use that hand to pull the bottom arm in further toward
the opposite shoulder. Keep your head and body straight
during this stretch, and be sure to pull your arm in, not out.
Switch arms, and repeat a few times.
the cheerleading guide to stretching & strength training
2012 All rights reserved.
ft tip:
pull your hair back and remove
bulky or hanging jewelry.
Getting a six pack isnt just about looking great in
a cheerleading uniform. Having a rock solid core
helps with lifting and throwing, and prevents back
injuries that could get you benched during the
season or haunt you later in life.
the cheerleading guide to stretching & strength training
2012 All rights reserved.
improves posture
increases movement control
stabilizes center of gravity
protects and braces back
trains body muscles to work together
Start by lying down on your back with your knees bent
and your feet fat on the foor. Place your palms behind
your head, elbows parallel with the ground and face
towards the ceiling. Tighten your ab muscles and raise
your upper body through your shoulders towards your
knees. Hold the position for a second and then get into
the starting position once again. Repeat in 3-5 sets of 20
or more.
Start by lying down on your back with your knees bent and
your toes touching the foor. Place your palms behind your
head, elbows parallel with the ground and face towards the
ceiling. Keep your right knee bent but straighten out your left
leg and keep it slightly raised off the ground. Pull your right
knee in toward your chest while bringing your left elbow up
and reaching it toward your knee. Alternate, bringing your
right elbow up to touch your left knee while simultaneously
straightening your right leg (keeping it elevated off the ground).

side crunch
Start by lying down on your back with your knees bent and
your feet fat on the foor. Place your palms behind your head,
elbows parallel with the ground and face towards the ceiling.
Drop your knees to one side on the foor but keep them bent.
Place your palms behind your head and inhale before you
perform the side crunch. Your side will bend as your shoulder
lifts into the crunch. As you are coming up, slowly exhale.
Be sure that your head remains in line with your neck the
whole time you are performing the crunch to prevent neck
strain. Hold the position for a second and slowly lower your
upper body back to the foor. Repeat on that one side and
then switch sides.
the cheerleading guide to stretching & strength training
2012 All rights reserved.
leg lifts
Lie on your back with your arms extended alongside your
body with your palms down. Keep your shoulders, head and
lower back fat. Lift your legs up until theyre at a right angle
to your hips. Lower your legs slowly and stop within a few
inches above the foor. Hold your legs there for a couple of
seconds. Slowly raise your legs back to the starting position
and hold for a couple of seconds again. Perform in
repetitions and increase the repetitions gradually.
super man
Start by lying down on your back with your legs straight and
toes fexed to the ceiling. Place your palms behind your
head, elbows parallel with the ground and face towards the
ceiling. Lift your shoulders off the ground but do not use your
arms to help you lift. Instead, contract your ab muscles.
While lifting your shoulders, press your heels toward the ceiling.
Lower your shoulders back down to the mat and then repeat.
Lie facedown with your legs together and straight and extend
your arms above your head. Keep your head and neck in a
neutral position. Keeping your limbs straight (but not locked)
and your torso stationary, lift your arms and legs off of the
ground to form a gentle curve with your body. Hold for 30
counts. Dont hold your breath work on breathing slowly!
the cheerleading guide to stretching & strength training
2012 All rights reserved.
side reach
Get into a push up position, but instead of resting your weight
on your hands, rest your weight on your elbows with your
hands in front of you. This is called the plank position. Slowly lift
one leg, keeping your knee straight. Keep your shoulders and
hips lined up with each other and your abdominals engaged
while holding your balance. Keep your back as straight as
possible. Hold this position for about thirty seconds and then
slowly return to the starting plank position. Continue to
alternate your legs.
Lay on your back with your legs fully extended and your
arms at your side. Lift your head and shoulders off the ground,
keeping your chin up. Use your abs to reach toward your right
toes with your right fngers, then reach for your left toes with
your left fngers. Continue to alternate which side you reach
on for 12 reps to 15 reps per set. To raise the diffculty of this
move, try pulling your head and shoulders even higher off
the ground.
Lay on your back with your legs extended and arms by your
sides. Tuck your hands under your buttocks to provide more
support, then lift your legs about 6 inches off the ground. Use
your abs to pull your right leg up, while holding your left leg
in its original position. Then, simultaneously lower your right
leg while lifting your left leg. Continue to alternate your legs
like this for a full set of 12 reps to 15 reps per set. If you have
trouble with this move, try starting with your legs pulled up
higher. As you build your core, youll be able to do this move
with your legs closer to the ground.
the cheerleading guide to stretching & strength training
2012 All rights reserved.
ft tip:
use a stop watch instead
of counting so that you
can stay focused.
Cheerleaders need to target their legs during conditioning
so they are strong enough for intense stunting. Building up
the strength in your legs and hips will become one of your
main lifelines for basing and fying, and will help give you
maximum control.
As you progress with your training, choose two dumbbells at
a challenging weight and hold them at your side during the
entire execution of your exercise reps. Remember that you
will be holding these weights during the entire exercise, so
make sure you will be within comfortable limits for your body.
This resistance will provide great results and revamp the work out.
the cheerleading guide to stretching & strength training
2012 All rights reserved.
solid legs form a strong foundation
for a stunting team
strong legs minimize weight and
pressure on the back
builds muscle and stamina to help
get through routines with lifts
conditioned legs will be able to
use proper techniques and handle
physical strains
allows for control during stunting
Stand in an upright position with feet hip distance apart
with your toes, knees and hips in a straight line. Pull your belly
button towards your spine and contract your abdominal
muscles. Place your right leg a step ahead and bend your
right knee. Remember to keep your back straight while you
lower your body until your left knee touches the ground.
Finally bring your legs together and repeat the exercise
by alternating legs.
Stand up straight with your shoulders back and your feet
together. Pull your belly button towards your spine and
contract your abdominal muscles. You have the option
of keeping your arms fat at your side or holding your hips.
Take a step forward with your right foot and bend both
knees. Your front knee needs to be aligned over your ankle
and the back knee should come close to the foor with back
heel lifted off the foor. Before your back left knee touches
the foor, push up with your left leg. Force your body weight
through your right heel while bringing your left foot together
with your right foot. Alternate legs without stopping by lung-
ing forward with your left foot.

side lunge
Start with your legs just further than shoulder width apart with
your feet facing forward and your hands on your hips. Bend
one leg at the knee, while at the same time turning that foot
out and away from your body. You can angle the straight
foot slightly away from your body on your other side to help
keep your balance. Your body will respond to its position by
dipping down slightly. Return to the starting position, and
repeat the move on the opposite leg. You can add ankle
weights or a weight ball to increase the intensity of this move.
the cheerleading guide to stretching & strength training
2012 All rights reserved.
calf raises
Stand in an upright position and keeping your body straight,
rise up on your toes. Then lower yourself back down until your
feet are fat. The key to success in this exercise is to execute
it slowly.
A great way to warm up, combine cardio, endurance
and solid muscle strength for your legs is the exercise bike.
Increase the resistance depending on your skill level, and be
sure to push yourself. Its tempting to just take it easy pedal
slowly, but youre trying to build muscle so peddle as fast as
you can!
Stand in an upright position with feet hip distance apart with
your toes, knees and hips in a straight line. Pull your belly button
towards your spine and contract your abdominal muscles.
Slowly lower your body until your butt is in line with your knees
(knees at 90 degree angles). If you cant go down that low, go
as low as you can. You might also fnd it helpful to extend your
arms straight out in front of your for balance. As you are lowing,
make sure your knees are behind your toes. Keep your weight
on your heels and slowly push your body back to starting
position. Make sure that you dont lock your knees when you
return to the starting position.
the cheerleading guide to stretching & strength training
2012 All rights reserved.
leg extension
lying leg curl
leg presses
Yet another machine exercise to do at the gym, this is a
great exercise to target the quads. Choose a comfortable
weight with which you can do multiple repetitions. Sit on
the bench and place the pads on the lower, front part of
your shin just above the ankles. Slowly extend your legs
straight forward, with your knees straight. Once they are fully
extended, squeeze your quad muscles and then lower your
legs back down slowly. Perform in repetitions and increase
the repetitions gradually as your body adapts to the exercise.
DO NOT use momentum to help you lift the weights. If you
feel that you are doing this because the exercise is too hard,
simply lower the weight.
Leg presses are good if you have access to a gym. Choose a
comfortable weight for multiple repetitions and remember to
engage your abdominals to get a full body work out and
decrease risk of injury. As you push the platform, slowly
extend your legs until they are almost straight. Then reverse
the motion and bring the platform back to the starting
position slowly.
Leg curls can be done at the gym. Lie face down on the leg
curl machine, place the pads behind your ankles and slowly
raise the pads until they touch the back of your thighs.
Then slowly return the pads back to the starting position.
the cheerleading guide to stretching & strength training
2012 All rights reserved.
ft tip:
instead of a towel, wear wrist
sweatbands for a no-hassle
way to wipe off sweat.
Arm strength is crucial to all positions on a cheerleading
squad! Tossing, lifting, twisting and catching other girls in
the air is not for the faint or weak, not to mention that the
foundation of cheerleading is arm motions! From the triceps
to the wrists, cheerleaders should incorporate a strengthening
routine for their arms that will make them a lean, mean, lifting
machine. Use these anywhere arm exercises to help you
strength train and condition. Dont forget to do some basic
training with machines at the gym too!
the cheerleading guide to stretching & strength training
2012 All rights reserved.
helps achieve advanced skills
improves tumbling moves
builds stamina
develops control over motions
and movements
hand squeeze
Grab a tennis ball or a stress ball and slowly squeeze and
release in each hand. Do two sets of twenty fve in each
hand and slowly add more repetitions as your wrists, hands
and forearms become stronger.
push ups
Lie down on your stomach with your toes to the mat and your
legs straight, together and parallel to each other. Your hands
should be positioned at shoulder level, but slightly further out
than shoulder width, palms fat and fngers spread apart to
help with balance. Look straight ahead to help keep your
entire body in a straight line. Slowly straighten your arms and
push your body off of the foor. Bend your elbows and slowly
lower your body down until your chest is touching the foor. If
you want more of a challenge, place your hands together in a
diamond shape using your thumbs and index fngers.
chair dip
Get into a sitting position, with back straight and feet fat on
the foor, in front of a chair. Youll grasp the side edges of the
chair and dip your body down by bending your elbows and
keeping your back straight. Dip until your elbows are at a 90
degree angle and then straighten your elbows to return to the
starting position.
the cheerleading guide to stretching & strength training
2012 All rights reserved.
Get into position by doing a handstand against the wall
(youll be using the wall to help you keep your balance).
To make sure you are not too far away from the wall, place
your fnger tips as close to it as possible. Keep your body
straight against the wall and lower yourself by bending
your elbows. Then, straighten your elbows to push back up.

upside down
push up
twisted fly
Start by lying on your back on a fat surface, with your knees
bent. Take a dumbbell in each hand (start with a low weight
and increase as you get stronger) and extend your arms
up above your chest, so that your knuckles are facing your
head and your fngers are facing your feet. Pull your arms
down so they extend out into a T position, while turning your
wrists so that your fngers face up toward the ceiling. Hold
that position for a second or two, and then raise your arms
back to the starting position. Dont forget to twist your wrists
so that your fngers face your toes when your arms are raised.
wrist lifts
Start with a light weight, like a can of soup. Hold the can in your
hand and face your palm upward. Slowly lift the can up and
down with your wrist. Its very important that you do this motion
slowly to target your muscles in your wrist. Start with two sets of
twenty-fve for each hand and slowly add more repetitions as
your wrists become stronger.
the cheerleading guide to stretching & strength training
2012 All rights reserved.
ft tip:
eat foods high in protein with
simple carbs 1-2 hours before
a work out.
about us
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Omni Cheer

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is a leader and innovator in the world of
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apparel to cheerleaders of all ages. Cheerleading
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Glitterbug Cosmetics

Get the look of performance! Glitterbug

is a
cosmetics company specializing in glitter products
for face and body. We also offer pre-glittered stars
and adhesive jewel stones allowing cheerleaders and
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The official cheerleading blog
sponsored by industry leaders
Omni Cheer

, Campus Teamwear


, Fund2Raise

, and
Glitterbug Cosmetics

. The University
launched in 2012 and provides tips
and answers for everything cheer
including tryouts, uniform ordering,
fundraising, living a cheer lifestyle
and more!

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