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he can't get no respect, no respect at all. On the new

second secrson

you've found is gay men. Another is

be gay soldiers? Oh, would it! Believe me, whenever I meet a gay soldier I am so happy.But, y'know, you can't ask.

One good audience soldiers. So

n I T o o


of her reality show, "Kathy Grffin: My Life on the D-List" (Bravo, Tuesdays at
9 p.m.), she goes fo

- would the perfect audience


Louisville, Ky. and Louisville slugs-her.

No respect ot all. She auctions off a weekend with herself for charity the - and winner turns it down. I'm tellin' ya, she gets
no respect.

- Kathleen execution
a success/ul standup

OK, so the idea isn't new it's oll in the

No. Not without getting their --really kicked. It was hostile over there [in IraqJ toward gays. "Don't ask, don't tell" was more like, "Don't ask, or you'll put my

Do they tell?


life in danger." I was ty toward gay men over there. And also
toward women, in large part.

shocked at the hostili-

comic with TV specials, commercials, everything but her own

- D-list any celebrity more thanRodney Dangerfield really got

no respect.


isn't on any


a sctir-

ic hookwithwhich she bcits flollywood's hyperbolic, hyp er sensitive and just plain

You're talking about the lraqis? No, the soldiers! We're supposed to be better than that. I was shocked at the stigma

still against gay guys.

Born in Oak Parlc,' Iii.. oufside Chicago, ond reared both there and in nearby Forest Park, Griffin went to LA. with her retiree Maggie, who appear on her show, She did
parents, lohn and

Your act still seemed to go over well, regardless,

stuff [in it there]. It's not the place to get on my gay soapbox. I
of times about it. I said, "Normally, I might start a show by saying, 'Where are my gays at?'but I know I'm not supposed to do that here!" And I asked 'em, "You guys watch 'Oprah,' right?" And they got all nervous, and I go, "It doesn't make you gay to
teased them a couple

There was no gay

improv with the

Groundlings and teamed with laneane Garofalo on the comedy act "Hot Cup of Tolk," later the title

Grffin had made a splnsh os Brooke Shields' helplessly venomous office anfogonisf on the sitcom "Suddenly

of Grffin's 1998 solo HBO special. By then

watch'Oprah'! Don't worry!" And they


Married in 2001 to IT consultant Matt Moline, and divorced in 2005, but now
reconciled and living together, Grffin has performed for the troops in Iraq and appears in

brushing and hand cream.

Yeah, and, um, Photoshop. So much.Photoshop! In fact, I don't even know that it's Photoshop; it might be something beyond.

that bra-and-panty weighin thing. And that waswith 17

pounds to go [on her diet in

laughed at stuff like that. But I wasn't gonna lecture them about it.

season twol. But anything for


poon" movie, "The Last Guy on Earth." We interviewed her at o midtown Manhattan hotel, so tony and expensive, freelancer Fronk Lovece had to wonder: If she's D-list, whqt list are the rest of us

the upcoming "Nationsl Lsm-

Grffin jump-started. the interyiew by raising fhe issue

of airbrushed photos on her


: ..

ir r r lcflflfforextensions, air-

[pointing at showgirl-like glam shotl who is that? I dunno! I met her one time at a party and took her picture. No, that's me with a

I was gonna say

I have to tell you, you're prettier here in person than I'd expccted. People constantly say that! And that's a compliment how? It's worse when you get, "You look good in person!" That's what I get a lot. Or, "Wow, you're thin in person!" As opposed to what? How fat and ugly I look on television? Or I'll get "You look soooo much better in person."

See? You didn't look "fat" there. Good. "You don't look fat there." How is that a compliment? You don't go to a woman and say, "Hey, you don't look fat tonight!"

you looked OK, c'mon good in the-"Tyra Banks Show" clip on your secondseason premier, and in

go.t' But you didn't say I looked great, either. If you were like, "Oh, you look hot there," that's a compliment. No. "You don't look fat there." Oh,
thank you.

Honest, I was just responding to your "17 pounds to

You've gone through some hard times, what with your dog passing away, the divorce / reconciliation roller-coaster, the Lasik surgery that's led to some truly tragic eye problems and the indignities we see you go through on your show. Even with your professional success, do you ever get angry at it all? Yeah. I am angry all the time. The only thing I can say that makes me different from a lot of other comics is that, like, I'm also pretty happy. A lot of comics sort of manufacture tragedy. I feel really strongly that life throws your way. You enough
don't have to manufacture Y'know?

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Let's talk about your act.

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