Kindergarten Schedule - Enki/CM

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Finn Age 4.5-6 Age 5-6.75 Age 6.75-7.75 Age 7-8 Age 7.75-8.


1 2 3 General

2013 6 7 Enki K-1

9 10 11 12

2014 6 7

9 10 11

Enki K-1 CMH K


Enki K-2 CMH 1.5/K



2015 6 7

9 10 11 12

2016 6 7

9 10 11 12

CMH 1.5/K Enki 1

CMH 1.5/K Enki 1 CMH Y1 Enki 2 CMH Y2

General Enki K

Skills/Subject Chart Enki+CMH+AO

Subject Enki - Story Enki - Circle/Movement

Enki - Art/Craft Bible

Habit Training

Enki K-1 and K-2 CMH K/AO 1.5 Year 1 Folk Tales/Fairy Tales (12/week) Blood and Breath, Midline, Pro/Base Sense Seasonal crafts, finger knitting Tell Bible Story about -Read various Bible key people story books -ABC Bible Memory Cards (found here) - Write chores on a chart and illustrate them for your child - Display 4 family rules and review them with your child while pointing to the words. (Always be kind, Obey immediately, Be happy, Never lie) Song verses for numbers -Personal calendar and Sing the Days of the Week song '-Hands On Activitiescount to 30, make patterns, play store using pennies or higher, do mental math naturally, basic addition/ subtraction with counters, teach colors naturally

Year 2



Song verses for letters

Place the entire alphabet with pictures at eye level so child will see them daily, Review one letter and introduce its sounds weekly. Vowels say their own name and also have a short sound. - One letter of the alphabet on unlined paper per week. Draw in the air with large strokes together, then on paper. - Make homemade books together by copying simple books read and just changing them a little. - Family Mail BoxWrite single sentence letters to your child. She responds with invented spellings. - Labeling- Child labels objects in school room or bedroom and tapes it to them (table, globe, bookshelf...) - Personal Journal-Child dictates to mom important events, places visited, etc... in her life on Fridays. Mom writes it down on a dry erase board first, - Focus on holidays, traditions, various countries and cultures using variety of picture books


Narrations American History World History



Wet on Wet Watercolor

Various craft books, Simple drawing lessons, Teach the proper use of crayons and markers, Draw-Write-Now 1-4 (starting at age 5 or so)

Picture Study Poetry Natural History/Science

Season poems (1/week) Nature walks 1-2/week with focus on observation

Book resources 1/week (use book resources) Book resources, Much of the time is spent outside playing and exploring.

Read Alouds Foreign Language

Chapter books read aloud 1 language song/6 weeks + 1-2 spanish stories + TPR

Teach Me Spanish I&II

Recitation Music (Recorder) Composer Study Singing


Outdoor time

Play classical music during naptime Transition songs and community singing 1/week Homecrafts - garden, woodwork, sewing, cooking, etc. 4-6 hours outside/day

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Storytime Movement/Circle Time Projects Environment as Teacher Invitations (art activities) Chores/Habits Outside Time/Nature Study Poetry Foreign Language Crafts Nature Stories/Science Devotions Art Appreciation Language Arts History/Geography Math Folksongs and Hyms

General Preschool X X X X X X X

Components Enki K X X X X X X X X X X


Frequency Daily Daily 2-3 per week

2-3 per week Daily Daily/2 excursions per w 1-2/week Daily 1 per 2 weeks 1 per 2 weeks Daily 1/week 2-3/week 2/week 2/week 1/week

Storytime Movement/Circle Time Projects Environment as Teacher Invitations (art activities) Chores/Habits Outside Time/Nature Study Poetry Foreign Language Crafts Nature Stories/Science Devotions Art Appreciation Language Arts History/Geography Math Folksongs and Hyms

Actions: 1. List of books and weeks. 2. Implement regular storytime. 3. Pre-read Enki K stories 1. Decide on music/verses. 2. Learn music and verses. 3. Select and learn Spanish songs. 1. List of activities. 2. Set weekly goals. 1. Focus on playroom update and arts/crafts area. 2. Move to outdoors. 1. List of activities. 2. Assemble materials 1. List of specific chores/habits. 2. Create progress chart. 1. Review CM tools. 2. List of activities (garden project, etc.). 3. Start HONS study review. 1. List of poetry and selections. 1. Come up with vocabulary lists and verb lists. 2. Lists of available books from library. 3. Trac 1. Review Enki craft activities. 2. Select appropriate ones and assemble materials. 3. Make sc 1. Review stories. 2. Select appropriate ones and schedule.

Notes 1) Check out library books from pre-approved list 2) Start regular storytime in addition to naptime and bedtime reading. 3) P 1) Daily AM walks. 2) Song/Verse selections for circletime/movement (blood and breath, midlines, spin and fold, base) 3) Pre 1) Daily project: art, baking/homecraft, nature, art/craft, nature 1) Update playroom with beauty elements. 2) Create independent "play stations." 3) Organize arts/crafts section 1) Create invitations specifically for art and art/craft days. 2) Focus initially on independent exploration and process and move 1) Identify new chore/habit every 6 weeks to focus on. 2) Create progress chart. 1) Outside time for 2-3 hrs each day (minimum, but aim for 4-6). 2) Track time outdoors and progress. 3) Initiate CM techniqu 1) Select 1-2 poems per week for reading. 2) Read poetry selections during afternoon snack times at least twice a week. 3) Co 1) Create list of vocabulary (2-4 new words each day in regular usage). 2) Incorporate Spanish songs into circle time. 3) Initiat 1) Prior to May, review craft activities and select 1-2 per month to attempt (corresponding with nature/story work and seaso 1) Prior to May review nature stories. Select 1-2 per month for reading. 1) Read Bible Story. 2) Practice memory verses. 3) Read habit story. 4) Prayer 1) Art prints 1) Introduction to basic letters. 2) Homemade books. 3) Letter copywork. 4) Family mailbox. 5) Child's journal. 1) Use CMH book selection for regular reading. 2) Books may include holidays, traditions, various countries and cultures. 1) Create a calendar for daily useage. 2) Simple counting and pattern games. 3) Aim to learn numbers to 30 by end of year. 1) Sing folk songs/hyms alternating Timing Immediate (with story review completed in April) Immediate Immediate Immediate Immediate Immediate Immediate Immediate Before May Before May Before May Start Assembling Materials/Review in August Start Assembling Materials/Review in August Start Assembling Materials/Review in August Start Assembling Materials/Review in August Start Assembling Materials/Review in August Start Assembling Materials/Review in August

ad Enki K stories earn Spanish songs.

HONS study review.

ooks from library. 3. Track progress. ble materials. 3. Make schedule for activities.

aptime and bedtime reading. 3) Pre-read early stories for Enki K dlines, spin and fold, base) 3) Prepare Spanish songs

ze arts/crafts section exploration and process and move on to more structured activities

d progress. 3) Initiate CM techniques for observation and nature appreciation. 4) Begin nature study. times at least twice a week. 3) Consider an activity around a poem once per month. sh songs into circle time. 3) Initiate TPR with daily commands and actions around house/outside. 4) Select quality literature in Spanish for with nature/story work and seasons). 2) Assemble supplies.

. 5) Child's journal. arious countries and cultures. numbers to 30 by end of year.

ct quality literature in Spanish for reading (both by me and audio). 5) Create living pictures.

Week 2 Storytime (1) Storytime (2) Movement/Circle Time Blood and Breath Midlines Spin and Fold Base Projects Art Homecraft/Music Nature Art/Craft Nature Environment as Teacher Invitations (activities) Chores/Habits Outside Time/Nature Study Poetry

January Grandma Week 3

Week 4

Week 1

February Valentine's Day Week 2

Mark making Baking/Music Music Heard Heard Pinecone bird feeders

Easel painting Baking/Music Heard Heart gardens

Dip and dye papers Cleaning/Music Heard Snow Scene

Heart L'art (168) and cards Cleaning/Music Heard Make Valentine Dog Treats (Kofi)

Sewing Sewing Woodworking Make bed/Obedience Make bed/Obedience Make bed/Obedience Make bed/Obedience 2-3 hrs 2-3 hrs 2-3 hrs 2-3 hrs See Jan Poems file See Jan Poems file See Jan Poems file See Feb Poems file

Woodworking Make bed/Obedience 2-3 hrs See Feb Poems file

Notes: Art Homecraft/Music Nature Art/Craft Nature

**Tuesdays may also include early naptime wake up for special project (i.e. gar

February Week 3 Storytime (1) Storytime (2) Movement/Circle Time Blood and Breath Midlines Spin and Fold Base Projects Art Homecraft/Music Nature Art/Craft Nature Environment as Teacher Invitations (activities) Chores/Habits Outside Time/Nature Study Poetry Week 4 Week 1 Week 2

March Week 3 Easter Week 4 Week 1 Week 2


paint dough Cleaning/Music Heard peanut butter dough

ironed wax paper Cleaning/Music Heard collection collage

paint doughfinger painting sandpaper print rolled (180) egg marking pen sprinkle paint (195) paint (162) Gardening Gardening Gardening Gardening Heard Heard Heard Heard Heard Heard Pinwheels Easter baskets Dish Gardens cut and paste Butterflies craft clay

Woodworking Woodworking Clean off table/Attention to Clean Details off table/Attention Clean to Details off table/Attention Clean off table/Attention Clean to Details off table/Attention Clean to Details off table/Attention to Details to Details 2-3 hrs 2-3 hrs 4-6 hrs 4-6 hrs 4-6 hrs 4-6 hrs 4-6 hrs 4-6 hrs See Feb Poems file See Feb Poems file See Mar Poems See Mar file Poems See Mar file Poems See Mar file Poems See Apr file Poems See file Apr Poems file


Art uesdays may also includeHomecraft/Music early naptime wake up for special project (i.e. garage wood working, etc.) Nature Art/Craft Nature

April Week 3 Week 4

Storytime (1) Storytime (2) Movement/Circle Time Blood and Breath Midlines Spin and Fold Base Projects Art foil paintingBaked stubs Homecraft/Music Nature Heard Heard Art/Craft string collage salt ceramic Nature Environment as Teacher Invitations (activities) Clean Chores/Habits off table/Attention to Details Outside Time/Nature Study 4-6 hrs 4-6 hrs Poetry See Apr Poems See file Apr Poems file

Notes: Art Homecraft/Music Nature Art/Craft Nature

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