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2307 Lebanon Road

Nashville, TN 37214
Non-Profit Org
US Postal Paid
Lebanon Road
Nashville, TN
Permit 2464
Church of Christ
2307 Lebanon Road; Nashville, TN, 37214 * (615) 883-6918

Current Resident or Volume 57, No.33 August 16, 2009

Thank You, Chris Adam Faughn

Joe Adams
Each summer, our elders hope he will stay in ing often for our Bible 773-2331
choose one young man to contact with us and school program.
intern alongside our youth keep us up-to-date with Johny Baker
One thing that is needed 758-7654
minister and “learn on the his future plans.
is more teachers! Several
job.” Chris LaFever has Ralph Brewer
Make sure you say a are working hard to re-
worked with our young 871-4849
warm “thank cruit some who would be
people this
you” to Chris willing to teach (or who
Worship With Us summer in Wayne Davidson
for his work just would like to know
Sunday: Worship 9 AM & 6 PM * Bible Classes 10:20 AM a fine way. 758-2705
Wednesday: Bible Classes 7 PM this summer. more about the pro-
He has
He will be gram). If you love young Earl Flynn
been in the
speaking to- people and even think 889-1659
night, so you you might have an inter-
Materialism Brett Petrillo learning
will want to est in teaching, please see Ted Fox
It is not surprising that many celebri- Hilton is a very materialistic person. not want us to get caught up in physi- t h e 754-7607
come hear and encour- Jean Williams, Sue Ross,
ties are rich. It is also not much of a Now, while we probably will not be cal possessions and money, but to “behind the scenes” steps
age this fine Christian Jennifer Clay or Saman- Steve Ledbetter
secret that they tend to be very materi- tempted to spend $350,000 on a dog- trust in him for the items we need it takes to have a good
alistic. They always want the best of house, there are many aspects of this (Matthew 6:25-34 explains this very
young man. tha Denny. They can 889-8614
program, and he has also
the best, the newest and shiniest, even world that we must be careful about. well). We are to be good stewards of help you see that you can
if an average one would be just as TV broadcasting has become incredi- the money God has blessed each one
been “out front” teaching ∞ teach! Charles Myers
good. Even though this is a known bly skilled at making new cars, TV's, of us with. We are to use it wisely, not and encouraging through 883-6837
Our Bible school pro- We have a wonderful
fact, there are not many stories I have games, houses, and just about any compulsively. our various activities.
motion day is fast ap- Bible school program, Jim Schroeder
heard of that tops this one. As I was other item that looks appealing. It is God truly blesses each and every one
Today marks Chris’s last proaching. Sunday,
listening to a sports talk show on 104.3 no wonder that materialism is such of us. In fact, He has given us some- and we want as many to 754-8990
The Fan, the guy began talking about an issue with today's culture. It is not thing much more valuable than any- day with us. We are sad September 6 will be be involved as possible.
the outlandish story of Paris Hilton hard to find ourselves desiring the thing we could ever obtain here on to see him go, but we have the day that our young Cliff Wilson
Your attendance in your
and her new doghouse. Now, this newest phone, the fastest car, the earth, our soul. However, we must be been encouraged by his people “move up” in 889-6477
wasn't just any doghouse, this was a most popular games, the biggest careful with materialism in our own
class is important and
attitude and work. Our their classroom setting.
dog mansion. This new dog mansion house, etc. lives, especially with all of the pressure encouraging. Make Pulpit Minister
young people are better
cost her $350,000. It is equipped with As Christians, we have been called to from our culture to "keep up with the A lot of work is going every effort to be there. Adam Faughn
all of the upgrades you would find in a a high standard of living. No I am Joneses." Let us never forget this
for having gotten to know
into this “move,” and 973-4483
normal house, such as a chandelier, not talking about a high standard of passage, "For what will it profit a man Chris this summer. We
we hope you are pray-
posh dog beds, a balcony, wardrobes, physical living, but spiritual living. if he gains the whole world and forfeits Outreach Minister
couches, a fancy staircase, heating, and Matthew 6:24 states, "...You cannot his soul? Or what will a man give in Harry Middleton
even air conditioning (although I don't serve God and wealth." Let's also not exchange for his soul?" (Matthew
think I could ever see any dog forget what was said in 1 Timothy 16:26). As we go throughout this life, Sunday Sermon Preview 292-3164
"enjoying" a chandelier, a wardrobe, or 6:10, "For the love of money is a root let's focus on the aspects that are truly
AM: Beatitudes of Revelation #2: “Blessed Are The Dead Who Die in the Lord” Adam Faughn Youth Minister
many of these other features). After of all sorts of evil, and some by long- important, and do our best to stray
hearing this story, there is little doubt, ing for it have wandered away from away from the love of money and ma- PM: Lessons Learned at Lebanon Road—Chris LaFever JD Buckner
if there ever was any before, that Paris the faith and pierced themselves with terialism (731) 336-4768
much grief." It is clear that God does —-Daily Bread
The Sick Worship Leaders by Harry Middleton Chris’ Summer Column
David Adams, husband of Emily Adams, is at Sky- Sunday Morning (Contact: Ralph 871-4849) WHO IS HURT? The summer has come to a close, at least for the students.
line Rehab, room 325. Opening Prayer: Keith LeSuer
James Adcox is at Summit in room 503. Closing Prayer: Tracy Fitzgerald In the Gospel Advocate, February 16, 1956 issue, I want to encourage everyone to consider giving to the
Sarah Adcox is at Trevecca Health & Rehab, room Brother D. Ellis Walker had the following article: BLOOD DRIVE. Whether we recognize it or not, I’m
Read Scripture: Bill Myers sure that we all know at least one person who has had to
307A. Sermon: Adam Faughn
“Who is hurt when I am unfaithful, careless and receive blood transfusions to be kept alive. Blood is a
Juanita Bradley is at McKendree room 287N. Song Leader: Richard Roberson indifferent to the work of the Lord? The church is unique way to give, since it is something vital for so
Josh Oslovsky is recovering at home following a bik-
Serving Lord’s Supper: (Contact: David 754-7085) hurt. People judge the church by the life and conduct of many when medical needs arise, but at the same time for
ing accident. most people the only cost is taking the time to give. I
Mary Catherine Thompson is recovering from knee Marion Schow 1 the members. They should judge the true church by the
perfect pattern in the word of God, but they do not, they hope that many of you will have time to come out Satur-
Mike Windsor 2 day.
surgery. judge the church by you and me.
Mike Williams 3
‘The brother who is young in the faith, and is of
Joe Adams 4 To me this is a very sad day. Tomorrow I’ll leave to go
Thank You Johny Baker 5
course weak, is hurt when I am unfaithful and care-
less. He follows my example. He becomes like me. He home briefly before heading back to Freed. In the last
Dear Family at Lebanon Road, Carlos Denny 6 may even die in his unfaithfulness and be forever lost. several weeks I have grown so close to the church at
‘When I am unfaithful my loved ones are Lebanon Road that leaving is going to be very difficult. I
Thank you so much for the outpouring of love to Philip Autry 7
hurt. Anxiously they watch and pray lest I die in my hope that I will be able to visit on some occasions, and
Robin with all the birthday cards. She received Blake Biggs 8
backslidden state. In the terrible stress of their souls continue to stay in touch with my brothers and sisters in
over 100 cards and she read each one! What a Sunday Evening (Contact: Cary 883-5909) Christ here. I thank each of you for your warm welcome,
wonderful thing to do for her. I have great memo- they beg and plead with me for they do not want the
Opening Prayer: Michael Rader slender thread of life to be snapped when I am not pre- for the care and patience you’ve shown me, and allowing
ries of growing up at Lebanon Road surrounded by me to be part of your wonderful family here. I hold on to
Closing Prayer: Steve Ledbetter pared to die.
all who loved our Lord. I’m glad to see nothing has ‘All of my friends and loved ones are hurt if I die the knowledge that if I don’t see you again on this earth I
changed! Thanks again, In Christ, Steve & Joanne Read Scripture: Wayne Davidson
in my unfaithful state. It matters not how many words look forward joyfully to seeing each of you in heaven
Williams & Robin Yablonski Sermon: Chris LaFever with the entire family of God.
of comfort the preacher may say, there is still that awful
Song Leader: Richard Roberson grief in their hearts caused by my dying in disobedience
Blood Drive Serving Lord’s Supper (Room) to the word of the Lord. I pray that each of you holds fast to your faith in Christ
David Cook 1 ‘I am hurt when I live in unfaithfulness. I cannot Jesus. Satan in this world tries to fill our minds with
Saturday, August 22nd Ted Fox 2 be nearly so happy in an unfaithful state as I can as a
faithful consecrated Christian. I am hurt because I know
truths that he twists to be lies (John 8:44). He tells us that
we don’t deserve God’s grace so we shouldn’t do any-
9:00A.M.-1:00A.M. Wednesday, August 19th (Contact: Billy 642-6817)
in my more sober moods that I am contributing to the thing; just wallow in your sin. The truth is, we don’t de-
serve it, but that’s why Christ died (Romans 5:6-10). We
delinquency of others. I am the one who is really hurt if
Fellowship Hall Read Scripture: Austin Nichols I die in unfaithfulness for it is my soul which is forever need to not waste our time worrying how bad we’ve
To donate Opening Prayer: Billy Hutchens lost.
‘Good people, those who have been baptized and
been, but use that time to bring glory to God. Satan tries
to tell us that our sin is too bad, and God won’t forgive
Speaker: Adam Faughn
Sign up in the foyer or Song Leader: Scotty Studer those who have not, think long and hard about the above such a terrible sinner. The truth is, where sin abounds,
grace abounds more (Romans 5:20, 21). David was an
words and make application as it applies. If there is
call the office. Announcements: something you must do to be reconciled to God, then for adulterer, a murder, and still a man after God’s own
heart. Satan tells us you still want to sin, so you’re hope-
Invite your friends . Harry Middleton - Johny Baker
your sake and others, please, take the appropriate
steps. If I may be of assistance, by all means contact me less. But the truth is God still forgives you. When we
without delay!!!! “ were baptized we didn’t have our memories washed, we
New Members Nursery Attendants can still remember some of the immediate feelings that
Allison Studer & Stephanie Hargrove sin causes. Just as an alcoholic or a drug addict, we spent
Lebanon Road has blessed with new WORSHIP SUNDAY EVENING!!!
a life addicted to sin. To think that we’ll never have the
members recently. The Record thought cross our mind is to lie to ourselves. Hold fast to
Please welcome Mark Your Calendar... the truth; don’t listen to the devil’s lies.
Sunday Morning Worship: 323
Joel & Carol Green  Today: Heartland services at 4:00 led by the May the Lord God bless each of you as abundantly as He
Sunday Evening Worship: 237 youth group, Philip Autry, Tom Brown & Jack
and has blessed me by allowing me to be here with you this
Joe and Sam Steelman Sunday Bible Study: 249 Steele summer.
Chris LaFever
and their daughter Jade. Wednesday Night: 254  August 22: Blood Drive in fellow-
ship hall. Sign up to donate!
Contribution: $11,927.00

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