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Penis Enlargement Pill Ingredients Different penis enlargement pills contain different ingredients.

All reliable penis enlargement websites should have a list of the ingredients in their pills. However, actual blending and quality of the ingredients are also factors that determine the effectiveness of a penis enlargement pill. To be effective, a penis pill should contain the following ingredients. Medicinal Actions Tribulus Terrestris Reported to be the "secret weapon" employed by ulgarian strength athletes, Tribulus terrestris increases muscle growth, improve libido and "lift" male performance in the bedroom. The herb is very popular in the weight lifting community to enhance muscle mass by increasing levels of testosterone.

Epimedium Sagittatum !nown also as "pimedium or #in #ang Huo, "pimedium $agittatum is a time%tested medicine that improves erectile function in men. "pimedium $agittatum was first described in ancient classical &hinese medicinal te'ts. "pimedium is now widely used to stimulate the supra renal glands, and triggers the increased hormonal secretions. The herb is also used to increase male sperm count and semen density substantially, e'pands the circulatory system(s blood vessels, while allowing hormone%enriched blood to penetrate sensitive tissues. Ginseng The word ginseng means "man root," and the plant)s reputation probably arises from its mar*ed similarity to the human body. +t was valued as gold by the ancients. ,sed to combat non medically caused impotence, and premature e-aculation, .inseng helps normali/e blood pressure while re-uvenating and revitali/ing the body. .inseng has been loo*ed on as an invigorating and re-uvenating agent for

centuries in &hina, Tibet, !orea, +ndochina, and +ndia.

Saw Palmetto $aw 0almetto is a small, palm%li*e plant native to 1orth America. 1ative Americans and early American settlers used the berries to treat problems associated with the genitals, urinary tract and reproductive system. The active constituents are volatile oil, steroidal saponin, tannins, and polysaccharides. The herb is called the "plant catheter" due to its therapeutic effect on the nec* of the bladder and the prostate in men. $aw 0almetto is widely used for nutritionally benefiting the prostate and urinary tract. +t is a tonic, and is one of the few herbal remedies that are considered to be anabolic % an active ingredient that strengthens and builds body tissues. Hawthorn Berry !nown as one of the best tonics for the heart and circulatory system, Hawthorn also has restorative and stimulating properties. The bioflavonoid substances in Hawthorn give strength to the walls of blood vessels and improve blood flow to other areas of the body. Hawthorn dilates coronary vessels helping to increase circulation by transporting nutrients and o'ygen. +n addition, Hawthorn possesses antio'idant properties that neutrali/es free radicals in the system. Ginkgo Biloba .in*go iloba is the oldest species of tree. +t is estimated to have lived some 233 million years ago. y increasing blood flow and circulation, .in*go iloba wor*s in a way similar to 4iagra. +t improves the arterial inflow to erectile tissues through arteries and veins without any change to systemic blood pressure. +t is, therefore, considered to be most beneficial in the treatment of male impotence due to lac* of blood flow. Maca oot

The $outh American country of 0eru is home to numerous beneficial plants, including 5aca, a legendary se'%enhancing root passed down from the +nca. During the height of the +ncan empire, legend has it that +ncan warriors would consume 5aca before entering into battle. This would ma*e them fiercely strong. ut after conquering a city the +ncan soldiers were prohibited from using 5aca, to protect the conquered women from their powerful se'ual impulses. Thus as far bac* as 633 years ago, 5aca)s reputation for enhancing strength, libido and fertility was already well established in 0eru. !atuaba &atuaba has a long history in herbal medicine as an se'% enhancing medicine. The Tupi +ndians in ra/il first discovered the qualities of the plant and over the last centuries, have composed many songs praising it)s wonders. +n the state of 5inas there is a saying which goes, ",ntil a father reaches 73, the son is his, after that the son is &atuaba)s." The most remar*able quality of &atuaba is in the area of treating functional impotence of the male genital organs. Muira Puama The 5uira 0uama tree 80tychotepalum 9ladoides: grows in the ra/ilian rainforest. The part of the tree that is used is the bar* of the root. The actual meaning of 5uira 0uama is )potency wood). $ome rasilian men rub it on their genitals to enhance an erection. 5uria 0uama helps with lac* of se'ual desire and the difficulty to maintain erection. The herb is used to restore se'ual virility and to treat genital wea*ness. "ohimbe #ohimbe is a tree that grows throughout the African nations of &ameroon, .abon and ;aire. 8A similar plant in $outh America is called <uebracho:. =or centuries, natives from these areas have ingested both the crude bar* and purified compound as a tonic to enhance se'ual prowess. #ohimbe)s energi/ing effects stem from it)s ability to

increase blood flow to the genitals, both male and female. +t stimulates the pelvic nerve ganglia and thus is helpful for men with erection problems. +n fact a prescription drug, yohimbine hydrochloride, is the only =DA approved drug for impotence. "ffects include increased libido, sensation and stamina. !ayenne &ayenne 8&apsicum Annuum: has been used for centuries to enhance blood circulation. &ayenne instantly stimulates blood flow. +t dilates arterial walls and cuts through mucus in the veins, thus increasing circulation to the e'tremities and helping to lower the overall blood pressure. &ayenne also contains capsaicin, a chemical that stimulates various neurotransmitters. !uscutae Seed #Tu Si $i % 0rimary function of the &uscutae seed is to benefit and tune up the *idney, liver, reproductive, urinary and cardiovascular systems. However, it is most commonly used to strengthen the uro%genital functions. &uscutae seed is used to treat impotence, premature e-aculation, frequent urination and se'ual disinterest in males. +t is also used to build sperm, increase fertility in both men and women. &at Straw 9at $traw is a restorative herb assisting in renewing and strengthening the vitality of the nervous system as well as restoring elasticity to veins and improving circulatory functions. Avena sativa, an e'tract from wild oats straw, has been shown to free up bound testosterone in both men an women.

Mucuna Pruriens

9ne of the popular medicinal plants of +ndia. +t helps increase testosterone levels, leading to deposition of protein in the muscles and increased muscle mass and strength. 5ucuna has been used to increase libido in both men and women, and helps in erectile dysfunction. +t also helps in impotency.

'(Arginine #Amino Acid% >%Arginine is a nonessential amino acid 8the body can produce it on its own: and it is necessary for normal functioning of the pituitary gland. >%Arginine assists with ma'imum se'ual performance by increasing the supply of nitric o'ide in the body, resulting in strong erections and increased se'ual functions. >%Arginine has other health% related benefits related to regulating the blood pressure including improving blood flow, reducing plaque build%up, and lowering cholesterol. $inc ;inc is the essential component of more than ?33 en/ymes needed to maintain fertility and normal testosterone levels in adult men. +t also is *nown to have beneficial effects on cardiac blood vessel reactivity. ;inc 9'ide is an essential trace mineral and is thought to be involved in more body functions than any other mineral. +t is important for growth and development, as well as the maintenance of tissues and se'ual function. ;inc is also a helpful remedy for many male prostate problems and is essential for the production of healthy sperm % low levels of /inc can lead to a low sperm count and infertility. $ufficient inta*e of /inc is also needed for proper concentration of 4itamin " How )o Penis Pills *ork+

Increased Blood ,low to the Penis - Body Tissues )e.eloped / Increased Penis Si0e

As we mentioned earlier, &orpora &avernosa, the erectile tissue chambers, play an important role in penis enlargement. The si/e of a penis depends on how much blood body pumps into these erectile tissue chambers. +f the penis can hold more blood or e'pand due to e'ercising or stretching, over time it will become larger and thic*er. All the penis enlargement e'ercises are designed to brea* down the cell walls of the &orpora &avernosa by forcing blood into them. 0enis enlargement pills wor* in the same way. They are blood flow stimulators that push blood into the erectile chambers of penis to increase penis si/e. A high quality penis pill also contains ingredients that strengthens and builds body tissues. 9ver time, body tissues developed by regular use of penis pills, coupled with the combined effects of increased blood flow to the penis, help enlarge the penis.

How Penis Enlargement Pills Increase Blood ,low to the Penis+

To understand how penis pills increase blood flow to the penis, we first must understand what happens when we get an erection. During arousal, se'ual stimulation initiates the release of 1itric 9'ide from nerve endings and cells inside the penis. 1itric o'ide then activates specific en/ymes which result in increased levels of cyclic guanosine monophospate 8c.50:. c.50 causes the tissue around the penile arteries to rela' allowing the underlying arteries to dilate, thereby increasing blood flow and producing an erection.

0hosphodiesterase%4 80D"%6: is an en/yme that binds to and digests c.50. +f c.50 is digested too quic*ly, its rela'ing effect may occur too soon to achieve a full erection. This may result in a semi%flaccid erection or no erection at all. This is where penis enlargement pills play an important role in ma'imi/ing the blood flow to the penis. $ome of the *ey ingredients in penis enlargement pills provide 0D"%6 inhibition. This allows us to have soother rela'ation in our &orpora &avernosa, thereby increasing blood flow to the penis and penis si/e.

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