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Monday, November 18, 2013 7:00 p.m.

Regular Meeting Lake View Municipal Building

The Lake View City Council met in regular session on Monday, November 4, 2013at the Lake View Municipal Building. The meeting was called to order by Mayor John Westergaard at 7:00 p.m. Roll call was taken: Present: Councilors Lynn Gus Cleveland , Jerry Huss, Ben Schroeder, and Ken Steinkamp. Absent: Councilor Tim Laney. Also present: Council-elect Terry Reis, Council-elect Dave Woltman, Denise Woltman. Lon Buse, Ted Helmich, Curtis Bloes, and Marcia Haakenson. Consent Agenda Motion by Schroeder, second by Steinkamp, to approve the consent agenda. Roll call vote: Ayes: Cleveland, Huss, Schroeder, Steinkamp. Absent: Laney. Motion carried. a. Approve the tentative agenda. b. Approve minutes from November 4th. c. Approve financial report for October. d. Approve bills and authorize payment. END OF CONSENT AGENDA Park Board Motion by Steinkamp, second by Schroeder, to appoint Brent Muggenberg to the Park Board for a term expiring December 31, 2019. Roll call vote: Ayes: Cleveland, Huss, Schroeder, Steinkamp. Absent: Laney. Motion carried. Wall Lake Police Contract Lake Views contract to provide police service to Wall Lake expires on June 30, 2014. Both parties desire to enter negotiations to extend the contract. Chief Helmich suggested no changes to the contract other than extending the term and annual increases in cost. The Council will propose to Wall Lake a five year contract extension with 6% annual cost increases. Annual Financial Report Motion by Huss, second by Cleveland, to approve the Annual Financial Report for FY 2012-13. Roll call vote: Ayes: Cleveland, Huss, Schroeder, Steinkamp. Absent: Laney. Motion carried. Safety-toed Footwear Policy The Citys Workers Comp carrier mandates that the City require employees in the Public Works and Electric Departments to wear safety-toed footwear. Motion by Steinkamp, second by Schroeder, that the following policy shall be effective January 1, 2014: Permanent, full-time employees in the Electric and Public Works Department shall wear safety-toed footwear at all times while on the job. The City shall pay $150.00 toward the cost of the safety-toed footwear as needed for each employee, but not more often than once per twelve month period. Roll call vote: Ayes: Cleveland, Huss, Schroeder, Steinkamp. Absent: Laney. Motion carried.

Discuss Utility Rates The Council discussed rates for water, sewer, electric, and garbage. The City Clerk/Administrator will prepare some financial scenarios about needed capital improvements to the sewer plant and their impact on sewer rates. No action was taken. Public Works Director Report Lon Buse, Public Works Director, explained to the Council that samples drawn by the newly purchase composite sampler at the sewer plant have failed tests. Lon is exploring options to assure that the samples are accurate and pass the tests. While working through the problems with the sampler, Public Works staff will take grab samples in addition to the composite samples. City Clerk/Administrator Report. WAPA: The City Clerk/Administrator reported that WAPA intends to enter the South-West regional transmission organization. Easement: The City is still working with Dennis Werkmeister to obtain an easement to provide utility to John Drillings building north of North State Road. The City Clerk/Administrator updated the Council on a proposed easement route. The Council will meet in a joint session with the Park Board on Monday, November 25th at 6:00 p.m. to review an inventory of public trees in Lake View and discuss a management plan with Iowas Urban Forester. Motion by Schroeder, second by Cleveland, to adjourn. On vote: all ayes. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.

____________________________________ John Westergaard, Mayor

_________________________________ Scott Peterson, City Clerk/Administrator

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