Yank Troops Take Terracina: Annies Near Junction As Allied Assault Rips Into Entire Nazi Defense Line

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A R cfiio n al N e w s p a p e r S c r r l n f r V O L . 27. N O . 32 - - N ine I r r iR a te d I d n h o C o a n t i n ----T W I N F A L I ^ , ID A H O . W R D N E S D A Y R V I iN IN G , M A Y 2-1. lO t l

. ...


P R IC E 5 C E N T S


Complete S u rre n d e r of Axis Sole P eace Basis, C h u rc h ill T e lls W orld


o>iT the foil I) rr.-.ulte>1 in I ii.Rij<i.'evcU iin

Iiy j o s t r n w . c i i u : i.O N D O N , Muy 2:\ (U.R) P rim e M iiii.sler C h u r c h ill iv a n u u l tciday tlia l I h e uUii' c c p t o n ly u n c o iu iilio n iil s iirr i'tu ie r fi'o m G e r n ia tiy jin (i J a p a n a n d ralh-.i f o r a ncnv (irK 'aniziilinn w ith U n ite d S tn tM iia r lic ip a tin ti a r m eii w ith " o v cr'v h i'lm iiiK ix jw e r" lo pruvc.'iit f u tu r e C hv irc h ill r o v ifw e d tlie s itu a tio n in a n 85- n n 'jiu ti' ,si-(rli Ix'fort' ;i cr<m in o iis v ir tu a lly on th e e v e o f th e jjren tcH i a ir a n d riwi b o rn e in v a s io n th e w o rld k n o w n , b u t h e a v o id e d nil m e n tio n o f th e com in ff n.ss n u ll. Ho proposed tlint the new world structure follow roughly the orRAnl7jiiion of Die Lcngtii; of NaIIoua but ftvold th a t Iwdj's pltfnil.i b> arm ing w the teeth to enforcc ILi .^ ^pcL tloiu and outlAW war for gen

Allied Assault Rips Into Entire Nazi Defense Line

A L L IE D HI-:ADQUARTI-:RS, N ap les, M ay 24 (U P )A m erican tro o p s of the m ain fifth a rm y f r o n t nc;ir I crracina re p o rte d today they wore c?ose eiiouK'h to see sm oke ris in g fro m th e b attle in th e vicinity o f th e Anzio beachhead.
By NOMND NORGAAHD ..............

Traffic Jam

KIa<itlc ()rKnlialli)ti rtlteh s like lilt lonweiiUl

Ttiff break occurrcd m i state convention ytMcr.liiv pro-noo.scvclt faction, li A, J . W ltlt. lormcr uudiof the interior, boiled incetliiit nml held a mm naming a sepiirate groui: gates to tiie national con Pleditas i>m Tlip split resulted Iroin ti(in of piwlKliiR eti'cl.ii.' 1 till' Di-niocrntic imtln::.'; or I

A L L IE D , H EADQUARTERS, N ap le s, M ay 24 (A P )A m erican tro o p s occupied T e rra c in a to d a y and C anadian arm o r sm ash ed th ro u g h th e H itler lin e in th e Liri valley to th e M elfa riv e r. On th e Anzio b ea ch h ead U . S. troops seized a m ile-lo n g chunk o f th e App ian W a y below C isterna.
T h e C a n a d i a n s n - a f h c d th p M flfa hy s n ia s h in K f i 'o m ile s lh rm ii;h flic h e a v ie s t H itle r lin e f o rtific a tio n s in th e L ir i v a lli'v si'iK iirijr foi-wnici n jiincT .s o l'fi'iis iw u |n )n the* Ix'achlii'iid a n d U onie fn iin t h f c a s t. A iM .'viciin 1 ''^ hniU -nn i ill niili-s t h r o u g h ih e m ciim \iiin a buve T u r r a d i u . f a s h in iiin g a p o te n tia l t r a p t o r thfi C lo rm a n s beiovv th e ln 'ac h h ea if. Allii-d p huH 's to o k a lu-avy to ll o f N azi c onvoys a tte in p tin K to t-'<ca|H e n c irc le m e n t. ----------------------------------------- T h e H ilic r lin e no w h a s htc n .sm nsheii th r o u s i i d e e p s l r i k t 's in ( h e n o r th , c e n te r nd th e so u th . o n tlie bejichhcnd, a U. B. annored >lunin penetrated (he German link (in the Rome ue nurtUeetv sldo of Cl'ternn, Imminently (hreatcnlnc tres.s town. Tlie Applan Way Rome abovc-Stlll was' open, n r cii.ADWi.N iiii.i, hoivever, I.ii.S'D O .N', .Mav 2 i (/Il A iireildniinaii erii-aii fo rc e from SI roslllotin W nne cif iirm uK l Ti.Odd pia n o s Ixinihed ilc-iliii, \ i rid Iu r is to- Oi-riniinj lie wimle Ocnnun position hoiirwill a lln tturrncd. <lay ill w h a t well iiiity lie llii' K rcalcst i, iria l a s s a u l t has divli lie: fiKTtnciilar Canadian thru st o ffic ia l luinrjunct'm eiii.s and in r a d io re- of Pyn ii o fcii adminl . Mrt valley put th e allied epearllt.s lid. heiid 13 mlle.^wcttot Catilno. It. car preparations to mce ried to the lni.t water obstacle be I tn 2 ,0(10 r . s . h o bornlicrs a ii.l fi i I l t s so a ri'ti vlmt t]ie CJemian command apimr tween tlie Ciinaillan-1 and Area and , H ritiiiii f o r iw .rm an ; :k s on H erlin a n d ntly believes is lOi Imminent ut Crpmno. both five miles away and fielrls f riiin in jr I nek hieludrd IJie deslniction of Iwc points guardioe the enAiioltii i KK-al Iinimihi of Mi-illtcr- iliaRCs In lensthcnlnK Uio ninwuy both key to the broad Sacco valley, rniiMu nlr lo n e ic)nil), ii; mid liulit- 'or an airfield on the east coast of trmiec leiKlinK to Rome. tlic Aliu.Ji0m I - Jutland. Blockholm dL-(p.ttchct-Mld. Tlic Melfa a ruiiall stream flow* and baitleU U lio arc;i otV iC nnnr liiR Into tlie JJilU o m the north. Spy PU nr. Active iimniilncturlnn cnt:r of the i^outtica-i Eufopc, H B erlin radio said. - 'rhb.Ocniiuii.\,hi.v ,.enl freqUlTit, ... O ther Carti<l4aT5l7W-e5iJslnfj-in rrconnalssnnce plane* over the Scnt- upoi\ Putitee*ioM !'^^h HllWr lln I bn{btnd Wave upon Wave of U, S. medium tlJh coasts in quest of signs of any .Murinii-n^, shook the threatened allied )>reparatioiut for a thrust anny troops Had plunged 10 miles hTciich lnva.Mun coant wllli bomb across tiie North cen to Denmark, of tliat port and captured a LONDON. May 24 (U .R )Ocnr ioiKl.s Ihiit rnttlod houses In En- which offers one of tlie shorlcst lii- north moutilRliv hctglit. only 19 miles due piaeued by niouiilltiK confuslo liiiKl. ',!U milc.s across the Engll.O) usinn routes lo Berlin. her riillway tictwnrk. wa-i reported Tlie French news service, maln- en-st of a Junction wttli the beach* force.^ lhas threatening to enI B rltb h llcrs snld Uned by the Prenclj natlon.al com- head trnp tlie nazln in the Pontine marsli mltlee. said Uie Oermaiis have taken mTlnl stre area between the .bcoclUiead and Uicir lir.st steps toward un eventual TcrtRcliw.. iid-Uic grcj withdrawal from Franca to the fayiank Allaek Ihrriand, 1 coiiH-cutlve day A group of 180 German women left lb totiil to above Piiris for Germany May 14, the first clati'd Press Corresjjondent Daniel Luce raid American armor and ! period. Mich coniliiKcnt of evacuee.i since Do l> Ulov n:i7j oceupalloii of France In 3010. InSw^lry 6tr\ick Itxlay Into U it G er was not reiiorlcd by any other e four! Ihe agency said, German arm y of m an flank on tlie Rome or northern fi. blow a t th e nibbled C ennan ficers and cfvll eenanU also were side of ci.stema. threatening the n i e purported broadcast followcil Uitl tiil.s m onth m i d ............. . ,'nld to have sent their heavy bag town where Uie bItterb-fighUng recent Inten.Hlficalion of American (CanMnuAI alt ( C<lBna I) n 12 hours a fte r a rain of two- gage back to Germany. at\d BcltLsU a ir attacks on rallwuy blnclibii.slcr.s Jrom British MosllaUand Fearful centers and military trains IhrouiihIo?i. llio sw ift, wooden plj (A London brnndea.'l heard by out Fyancc. Belgium, iind wc-.itirn ) dumi>od ihe ir destructive carCDS .^ald Artliur Seyss Inquart. na r Oermnny In nn attem pt lo cripple s on Dortnnaul nnd lYciich railG erm anys communication.- -.-[Is before dawn. Ilie y suffered nc commi-loner In Ifoiiund. has }ircpsted a nVmiber of mr.ttlal law de vonce of ttn.alllfd Inviwlon loss, . ern Euriipc. On Sunday a Gerinany s tliliily stre k h ed air de- crees to be put Into effect tn tin trains were .-itrafed and si- lied by fcn^es were ^|)llt wide open, but th t event of an allied landing In that allied fighters. nnzls in.^btcd Hint inteii.ie battles eoiiniry. Under them, all persons A G erman declaration ia.st were foUKht over Bi-rlln It-sclf nn who helped the allies or hnpnired ANKARA. May 23 (Delayed! (,VHceniUer s.ald, t i t a t Amcvlcau delenslve slteiiRtli woiitd be Ra^^la ihc Billlc region above, and In ih Gtrman will break off relullons with British airm en held as prL^oni Vienna rcfelon. T lic Paris n d lo said extcutcd, tJie broadcast said.) Bulgaria unle "the Bulgars change w ar In G cnnany would be tried as the south, Routliwe.'it and souUiea.st Tlie Drltlsh air mlnblry. mUielr policy by midnight. May 24." time, di.^iosed that a s|)eclal iierinl iidvlce.i w ar crim inals In reprisal for Rus suburbs of Paris were bombed received by telegraph said sia's trial and execution of three tiint "dnmaKc w uj eonslderuble. striking force was being aaiembled today. 10 blast. Oei-miin U-bo<ii bnse; O crinun w ar prteoncn for atroclilei Tliese reporU said the Bulgars reat Kharkov, So far as was known the French coast when the Invasion ceivcd (he Soviet u l'-'a tiu n In * however, no such German irlalj begins. stern note Monday. were held. Dulgarlo. not formally o t war with Ruisla. has been under heavy twoway pre.viure from G ermany seek BOISE. May 24 <-V,-storflKe not ing to force more military support f next wintcr'.s coal supply la np from the Balkan nation, and from .Wary If southi-m rdaho is to avoii Rus.'ila which Is attem pting lo budge fuel sliortiiKc, C. C. Anderson, dls LONDON. May 24 f/n - The he r from her oxU allgnmctit. l a nlllce ul price admlnWratloi condition of the two youngest of AlUiough there have been signa Irerlor, said todny. (jijaarupleta born to Mrs. Daisy th a t the pro-German govemmenC "Unle.%s tile nin-timum production Moxham was described a t South was shaking, little hope lias been RELATED of the mines Is utiliied Uirough the End hospital today u "not w held tliat the nation could or would PIN E CAMP, N. y May 24-Ul- summer while railroads have thi gooti," cluincC a revolt utiUl German tnlUbtrlco O ulstppe CaTrudo, Itallnn equipment (o carry the coal and thi An apparent Improvement e ar tary resources o ris stm tned even soldier captured In T unkla March motive power available, this mr: lier had given rise to more oi>S, J 0 , now interned here, had i unduuijtedly will experience a fuel tlmtitic reports. "Great and Importiinl events are lot in common lo talk about whei khortage this winter,'" he salQ. Mrs. Moxhani is the wife of fin approaching," the non-commission his uncle, M nrlo Carxndo, Kome, ^ Mo,^t coal cotistiincd In this at RAP flying officer. ed reserve ottlcers ot BulgMla V vlsSttd h im . Mario, an Uallai lines from U tah and Wyoming. today in a special m euage bro ad' soldier In W orld war }, also ha< cast over Uie Sofia radio to members been taken prisoner. of Uie reserve orgonlzaUon and W the Bulgarian people. TREASUnE WUhout- c k rly_lndlc*U ns-V h POUGHKEEPSIE, N. Y., May 24 aiiire of what It termed an Impend Supervisor Bishop plans (o buy ing ''struggle." the message called h present-day w ar slamps with returns on the people .lo e nter the fro n t n from 1 1 flve-dollar stam p and live 4 ln < ^ of Uie sCruggl# nnd declared S' 2S-ccnt stnmgu of lOlB vintage, Uia<rthe Internal, tro n t inuat bo ' B j JOHN IiL mO H TOW ER ward are needed to'preparc Uic way which he found among old papers. solid and t h e nation eonUnually for the planned strike Into the WASHINGTON, May 34 0P> aw are of the great problems of sta te Japan's Pacific defense.^ havj prov Philippines, FARMERETTE . Tliese moves may be accomplish, organiiatlon, EA ST RANEJOIPH. N. Y , May 3* ed so weak under American and a l Farm er Jo lin Martin held h it lied pre.uure th a t m ilitary authori ed witii such .ipeed tliat they will aiiead ot the llmelable of the ;. _ u e . when lfl-yer-oId Gloria ties hcre ore frankb" pu a led about run featon mlstooK itrawberrv blossoms what the enemy c an do next to pro- Burma campaign. Line Runs South Ct himself. )r buttercups. Technically Japan's eastern de A m onth ago. the New York City Some top-fllgbt le ad e n hitimateSlrl never had seen a cow. Now. she ly fanilllitr wttti pacific operaUotia fense line still rvns south from Tok By Vnlied P is relieving th e farm labor sliortago doubt that Uie Japanese now have yo threugh U)c Donln Islands (Sai and Guam) Into Uie Carolines by mlllclng th e "Bossies. NATIONAL LEAGUE any well-developed strategy for pan holding on lo rich, s tn trg lc areas (Truk), then souUiwest lo th e Palau B H RJAIL of their empire, and a re compelled group and down lo Halmahera, in Pittsburgh _ _ MO 009 taO~9. 8 0 me Dutch Indies. Every Important SCHENECTADY. N. Y , May 2 4 - lo Improvise aa new blows tall In un . . _____ .W i flOO.OlO: i. boillon In this Ihie, however, has B<alon .. homing pigeon spent a night in expected Quarters. Sewell and L op; Ttobln . and been attacked by sea and olr forces the county Jail. A trusty used crumbs Mftsl. . Command Isecret ^ without resUtance from the Jspa. tn lure the llred bird, which hod .-jlMEIUCAN'LKAGUB^^ \Vliere Uio next strikes a re coming nfse fleeL ___ ; ________ lighted on a window sill. a aecrct of the high commantL bu t -'A m trlC aiineaders are convinced _en, DouBlaa._MocArtHUrs' planes by recent experience Uiot the Japa Jmve an atlvanced position a t Wokde nese wlU be unable to stop or seri-. a n d Adm. Chester W. NlmlU'a ously delay the conquest of these Jomcff .-H aw Iey. Dolse. candidate forces PO.UCSS Eniwetok as tr- poslUons. How long It wiU taka for - I I ." - .- . for IJemocmUc nomination for U. 8. tegic Jumplng-off place In Uie een- MacArtliur lo subdue Uie Philip* Wftshlngton pines ta anotlier matter but expert* Clevelana: enalor, loured Uie Boise valley yei- Iral Paclilc. bYom Uiis It n]ipciirs tliat only appear rtusonably oplhaistlc tb o u t rday accompanied by C. Den Ross, t^ o n ard u id ru u 5 ,.6 n > tth - id v :$ ' Roear. ho or three more b is moves wcat- Uie prupecu. former Idaho s o r c m o r ...........

purpose htU they lo niRkc Oilier

of thp world orKiinUi ... til fuel wUl iiclp im erJully II nm .'iwxjlhli." hi- said. nighllRlil^ of Churclilll-h

till- dek'Rillcs c,iilil l.r Iji Ihe Male's 48 vi.t.-,-, (or .u r:rKl.% "lioIdlnK vIcak u. T l\e iiro-IU.pvrU u the inrcllni; iind lic lil n i ventlon, uamlni; ii iiiM . liii cale.i Wim .Mrs, Cliin. lirl: |)un Clirlsll. chairman Gov. coke R. Slcvrii-'tn vlt.-d to liciid ttif iiuun rui [iclCRHtli.a lo CliUiiUn an

Air Fleets Blast at FOE BRACES FOR Berlin, Vienna, Paris O EN IRK IH RU SI

3. KlMK Victor E him (Iccldrd t.

- lifi

, iUHU

I* Q erm uiu hiivf bcrn driven tro her soil, the It.illam will choo.'ie w hatever democmUc form of em m cnt they deiro.'' . Britain Ims switched all her support to the p artban fon;es ol Marshal Jculp (Tlto> Droi because Oen. Draja Mllch.illovl-^h of the royal Vugoslnv army U not flalltlng fc.the enemy and some of his subor^ d ln B te s" hnve trofflckcd wltli Ihi Orrmiir.i. y Ocii. Clinrlp.<i DC Oaullfl, prejldeni of the French uatloiml comm lttee, hM acccplnl an Invitation tc come to London to dLiciLvi rela tions between the commltiec nnd the alllrtl Kovernments. U . Tlie breach between naisli the I 9 It might appear c

__ R-;i>crcus.'U)U; of t!i- rupLUT doubttrtly 'illl 1 lt\l tlv tlonal coiiveiitloii when tlip factions pre.-i-nt tlielr c rc d cn tlak lor M-al^ a t the ClUcuw .'Cndium. T que.stlun pl uhlcli iKIrKtalun w in vht t'.slit to Ttxii-V 4B V O ' for the noMilnaiinn of P resident o vicp.prt^ildciil will re.M w i t h t

Enraged Nazis Threaten T rial. For U. S. Fliers

An Amerlrati heavy tan k recovery unit finds illlflrully In nexDtlitlnc ron tlreetn In an Knclhh (oim while moTlnc vp to a concenirailon It for the Invasion of Europe. lAI' wlrepliotol

WASHINOTON. May 24 (/:>New llrci may sta rt rolling Uili fall to A" card nutcmobllc drivers whose hopes and treads have been thin together. n r * t. Charles r . PhllllpB, the 'O P A 's new clilet ol raUonliig, snid p , n an Interview today that "A" ^ d riv e r* can expcet tlielr first tires since the sta rt of tlie w ar when m onthly allocatloiu of synthetics climb lo S,000.000 from the May quoU of 1.400,000. And. from the office of the rubber director, where Uic allocatlon5 a set. It was learned Uiat productli tires probably w . . 0 mark In October, riovember or December. As for gasoline, PhUllps said there ffttfl "nothing to Indicate" th a t the A ration can be Increosed d u r ing the present quarter, ending July }. and th a t any boost In the third quarter will be dependent on nllocatlons from the petroleum adminlstrntlon lor war. Phillips stressed th a t not all "A' card motorista will be able to obtain new Ures this year. Applications will be screened by local rationing boards nnd certificates will go first to those whose driving Is coaildcred most essentJni


Japs Driven Back in Battle for Myitkyina

By UALTKH LOGAN SO U T H IC A S T A S I A H E A D Q U A R T E U S , K a n d y . C e y lo n . iMuy (U.R) C h irifise in f a n t r y m e n h a v e c le a re d th e J a p a n e se fro m th e r a il w a y a n d r o a d ju n c tio n o n (h e w e s te r n Diicc o f M y it k y in a , it c o m m u n iq u e s a id to d a y , a s W oody f iK h lin t' n ifje d t h r o u g h t h e c ity s b a rric u d c il .stre eta f o r th e s ix t h s tr a iK l't (lay . T h e c o m m u n iq u e r e v e a le d t h a t th e c o rn e re d J a p a n e s e w e r e CD unlcr.altjickirK - re p c a te O ly f r o m M y itk y in a s w e.sle rii a n d s o u th e r n o u t s k i r t s in a tie .sp e ra te a tte m p t to b r e a k o u t o f th e t i g h t e n i n g nllicci tr a p . CWnsse Wilti b eat th e enemy steadily buck into tlie city, however, despite torrential rains th a t ham p ered their aerial support and slowed all ground operations. Ko Impoiiant changc-'i were reliorted In tiic opposing poslilon.1 in side the enem>' stronghold, where the Japanese were dug In behind A L L I E D H E A D Q U A nTE R S. log barricades for a battle m i death. Allied lorcc.i last w .......... so u lh w cit PacHlc. M ay ported holding about one third Of American troops have ' rcluforced the city, and pushing the enemy und extended their brldgehcnd Bcro. the Tor river on the D slowly back toward the Irrawaddy New Guinea mainland, after c___ river, which flows along the eastern lt\? Iho river undcv vlBcroa'S edge ol Myllkvlna. ifo're limn 40 nillM to th e west, anese m ortar and machlne-Kun slstance, a spoke.sman for C ChincRe troojM continued th e ir slouRlng advance southward through Uic Douglas MacArthur announced Mogaung valley toward Kamalng, day. vhile Britl.^h Clilndit forces cloaed n from the south. souUiwest or Sarml and about' five Meonwhlie. a Chungltlnfc munique reported tiiat Chinese miles west of Tor. Sarml Li about 20 miles we.st troops In China's n o rth ern Honan province had launched a general the Wakde Islands, where Amerii counter-offea'ilvc tljroughoui the troops took over the airstrip on ... province, scorltw Inltlol aiiccessc* focomar Island, after killing 833 Japanese. a t several key points. , A third oir biue b the Suwnr a ir One Chinese column recaptured four towai on the Pelpins-H ankow field. about three miles wuthwe.it rt(ilway. drlvlnR the Japanese from of A nnir Completlion of the conquc.it of nil a 60-mlle section o f the road be three would provide a ir bo-\es for the tween Sulplns and Hslungslian. while otticr forces drove on the roll drive to recapture the Philippines. M acArthurs announced objective, line from the east. n i c Philippines lie 1.02J air mllea from th e newly-captured Wakde air strip. which was imi Into ojjeratlon Sunday.


LONDON. May 7i (U A )Political ^ J j s e r v t i s said today th a t the arW lr a l In Mmcqw of a mission from th e newly-form ed Polish natloniil council may foreshadow nussla's recognition of Uie council as a pro visional Rovemment ot Poland In ttjo place of the exile regime In London. T he T ccent arrival of thp mis sion waa reported by the presidium ol th e Union o! Polish Piitrtota In Moscow In a statem ent distributed by th e official Soviet new agency TOM. n TJie statem ent said the mission w ent to Moscow from Oerman-occupled Poland to establish contact w lt^ the allied govemmenti and to le am o f .th e .acUvlUoa oj-th e-u n lo n of Polish PatriotJi In nussla and of the first Polish army fighting with RtiMla.'

P ole Mission in M oscow for Talks

WASlimaTON, May 24 < -Vt A ltom ej Gfi\cttil Biddle lol<l eor gre.'.s today Hint II It bclieve.s Pre< ilriit RofMCveit exceeded hl.s ivuthoi Ity In seizing Moiiinomery W ard an comi>any'.< CliicnRo's projierties should clMlty U\e so U\c P rei d e n t .......................... statement rend before i ousc commltiec Inve.-itlgut. Ward ficlrure. D iddle ucknowledstd IhM llicrc Li toos^v tur di^ugreeineiit on tlie legal ospcctsof But he s:ild he s till bcHeves Mr, Itoostvelt had autJiorltj take over the plant, b o th undei s v;w Intwr dlsyivnca a c t a n d btise fiucli nuihorlty exists In wm tim e even In the absence of a spe cific stnlute. Warlliue Conditions T h e atlorocy gtweral Qf-icrted the legal quesllons "caiinot be consid ered In a vscuum" but m ust be con sidered In U' selling of w tir time lab o r conditions, Biddle said he rtjteted th e ee.-itlon Hint ' - constiliiilonal power of c h ief exccuilve must be h e ld In ttbeynnce until the crlatj occurs. Tracing history ot w h a t lis called the company's " re c n le ltrr-' QtUtude" in 20 ca-.es before th e ^ . lab o r board. Biddle wifd Uie WLD t>elieved tiiere was danger of strikes noV only in mhtr plants ol cwnpaiiy, but alfo in other companies. Cies AIlltlavlLt He presented tlie committee with th ree afllriavits from labor lenders w h ich he said iliowcd lhaV th e bUmuon was dnngerouj. Biddle said he Jujtlfied u sin g the a r labor dl5piite.s act for seizing Uie propertle.5 on the ground t h a t oecXlon 3 ol thav aci. amending th e se lective seriice act, rIvcs th e Presitle n t nutliorlty lo take over proper ty equipped for 'maiiufaeture. pro d uction. or mining," He sold M ontBomery Ward clenrly engoged In production" in tlie Uroud sen.'ie covering such econoiijle actlvlUea as gtornge. repair, maintenance, supply n n d distribution.



l if e

Store Coal Now, Anderson Urges Condition of 2 Quads Not Good

Jaj) Pacific Defenses Fail to Hold up Under Allied A ttacfe

Tax Cuts A fter War Considered

S g t. J. B. Heinbh Missing in A ction

D tn iL . May 2t-S(tt, J o h n B. H elnch, Buhl man who e n tered Uie arm e d forces some time ago, liaa been reported missing In a ction May I , In a bowbtt lald twei a c rm iin y , according to word received bj ' ' Wife. U rn, Marie lielnch. a n c stepson^ L iw n ce -K liij. n ifr-a tep * so n la home with his grandmo M re. Minnie Klnj, Buiil, M rs. Ileliicli is now employed In .T w ln .F a lls.....................

WASmNOTON. May 34 (U .R) Sen. Walter f . George, D.. O a , chairman of the senate finance comniittce and ab o of the senate's 'ipeclal postwar platinlng commltti

annual budget would allow 5,500.. 000.000 for carrying chan?es on the uatlonal debt, n m m n v i for cur ren t expenses. *5,000,000,000 for such war-reloted Itenu as veteruns benef lu and <4,200,000,000 for public w o rk s.----------------------------Oeorse said i\e did liot envisage ludtvlduals und corpora* tlons In tlie |>^lwar |>erlo<l. such budget reduetlonfl. .honcver. He estimated th a t a $20,000,000,000 until n y e arafte r the end of Uie war,


W e d n e s d a y E v en in g , M a y 2 4 , 1D44

aOODINO Funprol rvlco.i lo Mrt. Mary LoHke CiookcT. Kiln o Warner Crookcr, will br hnld nt K a.m. Tliuwday, May ;J, n l 61. Ell/a. b flh'f Cnthollc rliiirvli with Falhrj Jamci) Grndy. Slio.ihoiiP. nii crlf' b ra n t Burlnl will bp In Elmwoot rcmetcry. nw nry will w rccllol ni 8 p. m. WcdiirMny nt llic 'nioiiipson chnpcl. noJnry 1-, for tiimlly niid (rlPiuls.

nrds for iiipii nnd rmcrKciicy brd: for Momfii wcrp nvnllnble nl noor \Vc(liic!><liiy at ihr Twin i -nnj county KrnernI lioiplint. ArtmltW Mf. D. JI. i3rown niul . L. nim by, 'IVIn Knlb; Bnrncy Colbcrl, Eiirii; Mrs. Muriiii }lolucn nnd & crett Prciljajco. Bulil; Mrs. Honurd Klslnkopf nnd Mrs. Jim Pcnnlnsion, Jerome: Mrs. Ouy Dllclt. Tliffc CreeK. Dbmlwrd Wcody M u. Bo>5 Atli dauBhlcr, Mr, nu.s.-.cll nobJii.-.on and flBUghtcr, Mr*. Don Porlerfldd uiid dnugliler and Wllliaiii P.vron, Tttln rails: Mrs, E nieit Moithew* nnd daughter. Edcii; Mrs, Oscar Yates, a losnone;. Mrs, Elmer Thomw, Glenns Ferry; Morris Miller. Bulil. Slid Mr?. L, c . l/ce. Jerome.

r rll7 elondy to n lilit nfl Thur(lay: lUtle r h in te In temperature yesterday 61; low yetterda] 31. Low thU monilnK 31. K e e p O ia W h ile F lag o f S a f c i v F ly tn g WOT\tn D { ilie U D ,5 . cliiircll, omen from WajiiinBton court* uid employes niid wives o t employes Jf the Idaho Poer compniJy will altcntl B Jolnl -liealtli for M elon" mtellng Prlday, May 28, a t 8 p. m. a t the Idaho Power company iiidltorluin. Mlw n o n tn ii P h illip will l!* dcmcmttmiion on cannlns otid freeUns frull.^ (tstifcWes. aek In Stairs Tcch. SRt. Ralph n . Clark, has been wliii the army air corps Jn IhB Aleiitl.ms for the past -jcart, has been returned to Unlld States, according to word recelred by Twin PiilU friends. At prrscnl. Serseaul CUulc U A-UWsia h is sljMr, Mrs. George W. Rogers. In Berkeley. Calif., and will then go 10 Phoenix. A rlt, to visit his par ents prior lo reporting to Santa Monica Iw TeawiBiimtnu

N ow e ig h t d a v s w i th o u t a ^ a jr //c d e a th in o u r M a g ic

ranted Leare Kecoiift Ueiit, Gene Hull, fo Mr. and Mrs, A. T. Hull, street..is.achediileU to aKlve her ^ lu rsd ay on leave. Me will fly Jrom VlcloTvHSi!, Cillt,. lo Bn Lake City, and conUnue to TVln by auto mobile, ThK.wlll be Uic first Unie In IS tnnnth.^ the IVin Falls high liool uraduttte of I S ii-h a s t>ci home.

W e d n e a d n y E v e n in g . M ny 2 4 . 1 9 4 4


T r i

Flies Hump


PEARL MARBOB. T- H.. M*y H (-rf-n tn r Adm. J. J. GntUicy. liciul nf {he imvyK nuM siifiiily Ry;,lcni In IJie PaclJlc. dfcliirrd lixlay Umt "UiB liiriiovir mid volimic ul supplies ImiKlIccl lirrn aro fcovni llinej Kreutfr Ihnn In llils urea hiil jeiir"but lic' (till noc KU^.uiiiK nboLii the fu"We h^vc liii it tnatheniadcal lormiilii pretty ncciinilp idn. ol u lia t each new oi>erniion will rcf)iilrr,- lie said In sn liilrrvl<'u.. Troiihir* Inrrca'c.i "ft' th h : UiHiciiliy ot .supply Incrpn^ts v.iUi Dip K]iinr of llic dWtRiice truiii ilir iiuilti supply reser voir 10 Uir U id.lrr ol opcrallmin.'' 'Cr)in[))lralliin tJip siipi>lj |irt)bleni *tlll fiirlhcT," Admiral Oiif/iicy told \\'ar Corri.spoiulciit IIi>wrd M. Norlon of llir Ualtlt: Kure ftiac TOinr wpsiuiirO require SO i>er >'nl niori-aiipplles Lliaii elie pretedlliK <i|>crUoii Ctiilliiry lllu->Lrale<l llir iiulei'inl piolilm ol tlKliVlHR ll)e .litp.inrse p riKlil t LIEUT, FIUNK II. FELOTMAN . . . I-llnU nriii)' tran.p<rt In the ( III iCliltia.Hunii-liidlal

O O O D lN O r 'm y 'S t- T iie Siiiie School for the Deaf and Blind will hold open hou,'c Fririny, Mny 38. nccordltiR to aii B.imouiicciu;\l by Supl. Burlun W. Drlgus, Tlic o|K'nln proKnini ttlll bo a t 8 p, iii. School room llctlvltlr^ of both deparinientJi, vocniluuiil aftlvitles and n varied proKrnin in (he gymnn.slum will be pre.sciite<I. Dfmoii,stratli>n.i of actlvltle.s will : a-i foUow,^: fn th r tirparliiiciit for le (Iraf, a flri.t yeiir cliuss by MLv, Mlldr<r<l SeeKcrs, tcachcr, and n third year ela,ss bv MIm .Mary Klleii l4inp. teacher. In [lie rteparliiient for the blind, primary ktoup with .Mrs. Dena itlll, tcachcr; an adviuice.l group In Mrs. Lucy Thomiwan, \rnriirr, mid a Braille liv.iruellnii by MKs Emma ;iilloiial f Pre.scnlii Hlp.s Inchide the follnwliiK. .hor itl->.>lllns Mill ^nrtille inaXliiK, ISnriAi MrulPiimn, hi,'tnirtor; prlntlnt;, M;-; UiPrnrl Mtxire. m u n u to r: hoiiu eooni'iiiic.s, Mlis Betly Shivtrm t>cnM (V CMSUisr. Mrs. IMrii.-v iirl.s nnrt crult,s, Mlr.s KJlylhi' Purcrll lemlKTiiftfi. Miss Jn-pphlne Ol.-oii


Goes tp.Institute


"Duck In," N name Ausgcjted by a high chool sophomore, Velma RoberI.s. 133 Monroe street, was ClW'ni "i.lmivst lor Uie nler n1 a meetlnu of Jucl^je.s held M iilKht at the home of MKs Bnriru Price, Siiggc.sIlnR Uie winning nam)< will brhiR to .MKs Rol>erl.n an honorary menlber^hlp h. Uie center. She xald '''.e 'u ie ^ k k ls'w ill d'uck"lT ' -n.e le, "Duck In." \vill lie prhiled on nirmberslilp lleket.s. which will K .O on .-ale for 50 cenlv. aaeh on Ule ^Jlenlns i.lghi nf the f the V e .slatert th a t . log r nler would l.e opened vs Mei.iD'Tshlp I.IL.A KL'lnZ . , , Wenclrll h ith schn iiinrr chffsen lo alleiitl > slHToli lntllule at Vnr uiihfrslir. IbtaK rnf>>

...f o r B e tte r V a lu e !
S e e T h e s e V a lu e s B u t...B u y W o r B o n d s F irs t!

m S B !
= -P .S .

Lieut. Keldtman Piloting in India

I.li'i.I l Yaiik H Fr idtiiiivii, ['jills. In no-i s-UtUiuM ii% h\di n Him pilot aiiIi the army tniii:

OflRDEN book C la n ,

(Jlvl Chosen for Institute

lore, ha.i been Inforiinxi riKwi liy the commll>'-p . leiLs of the Natldnal In (iKli School Htudeni.- ,s .I II , . s ,s|iiili,M>ii'it by th r Jayeees Ji.ilKe. hielllileci U W I.s SHewi r. Am. Parry. Barbara l-nce, P llklu, D>.uitla.s Schrctik, Doris V eavi:r, Dorothy Allen, Bill Dv lull G nrdntr. Dick CliMtch. > nne Dengle and Roy King, CO,MI'I.KTE.S IIASIC JUllOME, May 54Now seaman second cIilu, Ml.vi R uth Ellen Smith, diiUKhlcr of Mr, nnd Mr.s. William H, Smith, Jerome, lia.s completed he r basic tralnlnR wltli the WAVES at Hunter eiilleRe. New Vork, and traiLsferreil In .Stillwater. Okl;i, tend >

^Hnnlo Sood. O oto# w

f i r t , sbont th * O.P,A.TtSUontoB B,jultloiii. -W * TliB ll.adqam ert0 vy th a ^ G .rd,,^ * W,r

Ktll p I spur o I tar l(chi,s....................................... To Insure Oie bmuolli flow ot hUi>- tn ift mu-st fly to clear tin: "h u m p "' plK 'S to Uio fle d niicl to l.slnnd biuscs Receinly he met C.ipi. li. L. Stowe, Ttthi Fnll.s nrtny phy.iiclan and .sur inrtlicr west. Admiral Gaffney keeps. k stnff of nearly 7,00fl men busy geon. "konicwhcre in India." Mrs. I'eldtmnn nntl son, Stephen, seven (lays n wtck, liiiiidlliig stocks Including 3S.80O ltcinami "a &lti- will go to Lo.1 AiiBclcs Saturday to Ble Item mlglil amount to n.^ much visit the lieutemmf.^ parcnLi, Mr, and Mrs. G, F. fVldtnmn Tlie of ^ 10.000,000 pounds of beef. he ficer Is 1 1 ncplim ol .Mr. nncl Mr.v C - A n<.l)in,-.ui;, Tuin Knilv

intiili. 11 woiilil ri((iijrr ji t 960 f.hlp eiii'h carr> ini, 10 svipply IC W .T O U I

Hrr^rhel llnrdl City, IUt .

,rnROMH lln.s .summer. M l.'w s K u ru wa-s chu.'cji (ls niip of Mr.v Wlllliiin II. Smith has re 75 studeilt-s out of .seiiral chuu^;llld lum ed friim Utah after vklthiE r'la- nppllcanta In the Unltrcl Staie.s on tlve.s nncl frlmd-i there the piust two the biuLs Of RCholiir.shlp and extracurricular nctlvitle:. wrebi. Mr.', II, C, Duffln. Jerome, hiu? . She won the itate ileclanmtlon returned from Logan. Utah, where contest this .spring In the oration .she hn.s liecn recelvliiR n physli-al and was rtcently inltlatcri Into the society, Ir. and vlsitert hiT Sisier, Mr,s. William Pciuln-'. Momivlier, en nun.- linnir M L '-s I'li.Mhs Ann nu(-Klc,s n,s a
la Cole, < 1 >lrvln Coir, ! nioiniisoii 1 k her (atJier 1 !: ,M Sixlt;ni

f irc fo n l ) c l.n % o C lia n p l

Buil* ef AmericsnMode Rubber


T ir e

y .c .o r y - > o .r o l K B C A 1 'S N . G ; / ^ROM thTsI T ir,

Wood River Crops Aided by Weather

I.HV, Mny JOI dtvrr rnilnlo' li 1 by n m llifr lli:


W,^lIlc.^(llly in ht


39 p '
S a v e T h o i9 T l r t a

Tor lonU mll.f ^ ^ r ir .to n . r.ctcryO on4 trol Mtlicl- Oat 7 N o Rof(on)it0

I Ih-'ii i> |)lrn,s, rniiKi- hii.s ; potirtltlon. Durhm the piu'l HVl\ ol iiiolMiur Im' Itill inr 10 ih r tta-itooUi fmes meilt nt Hailey, i-He Inel

Ir. lUiil Mi. Cei-ll Mrs li K U'.iv: moved t ,si- Val. .'endi'll. llic Mlai l< lo receive niedleal heaU eciidltloii toeii in 1 1 1 lin.Hl. IS mill was recontiv he lirxsplti.! when


Silvery laiigliter and nininilant health Air attend th r rorreet digr.stlon of right child toort. A nd r ic h vll.-vinlnl a i l r n e r i hon.oKOnl/ed milk L s th;>l right child

' C rtin tp to oqul'<l ,

for TO"*-

Y O U N G 'S

da.VB viMi a ith relallvM a t BnL.r. She ofooiiipaiilrd ^lr^, IJorothv Wllirrh, who hii.^ b trn trjirhtiiR Ui f <eptrd R posttton In the Enmv cliooL^ fnr the eomlng ycnr, V. E, Dnnoii. nirmile Irr S outh Dakota to Mixle^o, Ciil lo mnlcp lur'lionir. H 'I'ltliiK nt I. Ci C. Hnrton lionie. itrr hiLsti;n IIK.IND KKCOKIIKI) JEllOMlC. May 31 Eiin MciidlolR, Kta'>erly, 1 \r \c sew iilnl * briinri rertlllcale here wltli office of Mrs. Charltii;" Uobt cleric, nudltor and recorder.

T itf$ to n 0
2 .9 8

A sup,o "*W nrpi o r

B r o k e S hoes
' ' iw ;,2 .6 0 ' t o

c ll-U c d



A BO U r

in s u u t io n


Vuji {or lh


Yotill finfl It lny paj lo e jo iir Ford D ealer (lr>t for eeonomleol (raiuportAtlon41 Ford Deluxe Coupe 41 Ford 6uper Dlx Tudor Sdn 41 Ford Super Dlx Club Coupe 41 Mercury Tudor Sedan 41 Plymouth Dlx Coach 41 Cnevrolel Sport Sednn 41 Olds 8 Fordor Scdiin 41 Pcmiltte Torpedo Sedan 41 Bulck Bpednl Fordor BtdAn 41 Bulck 40 A Fordor 41 Bulck Super Club Cou^m 40 PiTmouth Dlx Fordor Sedan 40 Ford Dl* Fordor scdnn 40 Ford Dlx Tudor Sedan 40 r \jr d Standard Tudor Bcdun 40 PonUno Silver Streolc Coach 40 Bulck Special Fordor SedttQ 40 Mcrcury Tudor Sedan <0 MercucT CotiT. Cl\ib OoMpe 30 NpAh Deluxe Fordor. Sedan 30 F ord Deluxe Pordor Setlnn 3D Pord Deluxe Tttdor Sednn 30 P o rd E landard TutSor Bwlttn 38 Plymouth Dlx Pordor Sedan * Plymouth Dlx Coup* Ford Standard Fordor Sedan .PoTd B u n d n rt Tofior Sedifn I C her. Mnsler Conch J F ord Dlx Fordor sedan Maoy O lhert n-E BUY . SELI, - TRADE

V is o r M ir r o r

a n d You Give Uncle Sain a L ift
Where would we be today if our forefathers had gone their scparato ways at_their own convenience? When this nation was in its infancy, neighbor gave neighbor a helping hand. T hat spirit expanded 13 struggling colonics into a vast, united nation. Today our country is calling upon every one of us to enlist in a great awakening of that early American creed of helping ourselves by help ing our noighboTS. Sliaring our auto mobiles ifl aa easy as it is helpful. Wherever wo go, theres somebody going our way. Wien wo give him a lift, we give Unde Sam a lift on the way to Victory.

B A R F O A M W ..1 .1 .. . M n t . ] ... ' 1 9 r n E - n 'A X c a i-tW
c ie a iv e b

B.. .tra record*

snd a slot for r > drtvefs Ugem.

..... W a x -T re * tc d P O L lS n CLOTB R^tjlarly IS s 1 1 ^ BipseUUy t s u 4 f t *

s p o n g e ........................... . , . . S 3 o

a .K A N E n * P o u s n
C H A M O IS u - . l t - ................ S * n A D I A T O B S B A I a U .r, l > i ^ ..............
b a d ia t o b p l u s h

to, klji seUilv. IS'tW*.


I n addition to upplyijig lh twrocd forcta "wth R)i6tr nnd botnber fuselflBe framM, wing parU , p in tu rret p o rU nd foodstufr*, AnheuMf-Biuch produce* mnlcriali which p> into th e RiAnuractura of: Hubber AluuJoum v - M u nitioai Medlanc* D Complex Viinitiin* . H a a p ita l D ie ts Baby F o o d * ' B rood n n d oilier RaVery p ro d u cti Viiamin-forlified cattle feeds Battcrica P a p e r Soap u d Textile*to nams a few.

B iid w e is e r

/ / b h t b t u m tm n a ^ utlU I t r n t d rtU xalitH th a t < $ h t v t r t g ! / m a d trA tia n prati! d u/tlcamt ..B u itf tm r m t i^ y a tt r m a a J Jar''A ir k t t i i j e id t r r yar m *adJarrtpm t.U be*it^tr^

410 South Main

Phone 7 5
. : R esd U g h ts .

A \i7 o m t A N H

O F F IC IA L INSPECTION" STATION F o r Id ah o O fficial B cq uirem ents. B rake* u d

LbUa ta 1 1 1 * Voln ( rim laM wlCk KIcUrd CraotatBd Ikt rirM lm Iri>pba7 Onkwtm


S E R ^ B U S C H




W e d n e s d a y E v e n in g , M a y 2 4 . 10-14


My, How Tim es H av e Chang:e(l


IJOUBTSRobert E Irft K dtAtreued nnd ' r . D, n.' pcrtronal telecUon for -.nrcscni post, tlic Democratic i lloiml clialnnaH could give no ^iirnnccs Itinl F. D. H. noiild i

Yet objectian to compulsory union NEW YORK. May 3 -If the wor labor situation Is ns grave as Mr. membership for droftcd labor la the Forrestal, secretary of Uie navy, ond most serious obsUclc in the way of Rotwrt Patterson, Ui proposal In Uie popular mind. undersecretary of Nowadays, even dlschwged service war. say It men are beginning W report resentand Mr. Btli.----fully Uiat having served their coun already has used try In a horrible war. they find Uiat t h e word ' their right to work for It-i preiervaarchy" In t tlon Is subject lo a polltlcul tux f o ^ c o n n e c tio n the' campalgi fund of the party hi power ond for private orBanlzatloas having, on Uie whole, a bad record deceived by the ?a.'hlngto liursdny. Mr.

T> ^ l/.TiBd Wonii. In Ih. K . CsmpItU Mrrlc ot u.

strongly before the ei e military affairs ctanmlltea In fi-.. Ui (VI.u bor draft law for war Industries. high. On Uie other hand. 111' Mr. Stlmson favors one, too. and dent. In hl.i lectiu-e to the f Donald Nelson, cholrman of the the Montgomery Ward cn.^f war production board, appearing ago, snid Unit the tot with Forrestol nnd PnllerKW, said ige of slrlkf.s had been there wili now a dr.iperatn shortaRo e. low, which Is a BlaU'i foundries which arc prt>9 a* to be almost withoii ducin e.potis^nlnlji'does nc Ihe percei abnDrmallv high:

TH'; p i : o i u A i m . a n c liy of Ic o rla , 111., ha.s liiu n c t api)c Tfec n n d it )lp nrocl fo r II th e r i r lr .l w ii.li ih( T h e P eor ).v Jub.s wJilci) , //ICI tJ) i-roi-m e r tl c ln Uy. Til dlsnblccl i>er a n d buslii \s.su.s I p la n n e r s a sk ed liu ii lh ( T lic su rv ey s u c h Job o p p o r lu n lll c s . w hole c o m m u n lly p itc h e d In a n d h e lp ed . M edical, rcl)glou.s, 1. g n n lz a tlo n s gave a id a n d a d v ic e In p e rfe c tin g th e p r o g ra m : lo c a l n e w s p a p e r s , r a d io sta tli ' a n d m ovie h o u se s fo c u s e d p u b lic a tte n t io n o n It. A nd P e o r ia c a lle d on d l.s trlc t rep re.sp iitatlvcs o t fe d e ra l nge n cle .s fo r h e lp . T h ey knew t h a t th e ir effort.^ s h o u ld llo In w ith legl.slalio n a n d p la n s f o r v e te r a n s n o w iiiuU^r wuy In W a.shlngton. B u t t h e y a lso k n e w t h a t tlic (In a l Job m u s t be d o n e a t w h a t b u rca tic ra cy calls th e "lo c a l ie v o i. I n th e e a se o f h a n d ic a p p e d m e n . th e V e t e ra n s n d n iln l-stn k tlo n w ill se e to 11 t h a t th e y le a rn ne w sk ills. If nece.s.sary. In p r e p a ra tio n fo r r e a d ju s tm e n t. B u t th e g o v e rn m e n t c a n n o t do a ll. T h e P e o r ln p la n n e r .? decid ed t h a t 'delay Is d a n g e r o u s a n d d e m o ra liz in g ,'' a n d t h a t t h e ir p rim e o b je c tiv e wn.-i to "noii,servp th e g r e a te s t of a ll A m e ric a n a.ssot.s- ti,sefiil a n d s e lf -r e s p e c tin g h u m a n b eln g .s.'' I t be ca m e a c lty - w ld e c o n c e r n t h a t h a n d i c ap p e d v e te r a n s s h o u ld r e s u m e th e ir place.? In c o m m u n ity life riiilckly , n o t a s obJocUs of , p ity o r c h a r ity , but, su; n o r m a l c ltlr e n s c a p a ble o f m a k in g t h e ir o w n w ay In a w o rth w h ile Job. I t will be d if f ic u lt e n o u g h a t b e st fo r w o u n d ed v e te r a n s to r e t u r n h o m e a s d if f e r e n t m e n fro m th o se w h o le f t It. B u t s u re ly su c h a p ro g ra m a s th is w ill g r e a tly le s s e n th e p sy c h ic sh o c k o f d is a b ility o r d l.s f lg u r e m c n t. S u c h a p i a n a s thi.-; Is w o rth th in k i n g a b o u t In o th e r to w n s a n d cltle.s. C o n c c r n fo r th e r e tu r n in g v e te r a n is a s h in i n g n a tio n a l e x c e p tio n to th e d o m e s tic d is a g r e e m e n t In e v ita ble in th is e le c tio n y e a r . P la n .s f o r serv ic( men,- b o th s o u n d a n d h a n d ic a p p e d , a re u n d e i w ay fro m C a p ito l H ill t o th e sn m ile.'it cro.ro a d s to w n . T h e s e p l a n s a r e a d e c e n t ex p ressio n o f g r a ti tu d e a n d o f a d e te r m ln a tlo r t h a t v ic to rio u s s o ld ie r s a n d s a ilo r s .shall not com e b a ck to d is i llu s io n m e n t a n d d e p re ssio n I n c id e n ta lly , th e y a r e a m o n g th e more h o p e fu l a n tid o te s f o r " p e a c e J it te r s ."

id robbed ricluded a li the exception of th r comn of the CIO. The commiin! tor It. H wevpr. the ATL ti non-cnmmunl.'t element.' of

r job t

ivtsnge every emergency In

V. D. R. In th rir opinion, will withdraw before the Inly coavciitlon If mlUturj- niid political coiidltlona iIo lOt look propitious for hla rc-clectlon. Even his fondest ndmlrprs know lilm welt enoush to renllre ;lmt he will not risk defeat by going to the White Uniisp wrll too often. Ki.iiir to bcllrve Ihnt. even IhoiiRli nonitn-

hey nred ninre mdiulrlnl manpower -han they are gettlnp and hold Ihnt .he only safe solution Is a labor Iraft. President Roosevelt also has pro|Hl,^ed a Inhor d raft hut with pro. which were obviously inserted on eye to the pollUcai cam n. ond Mrs. Roosevelt has taken B serious view of the labor

chief *Uled objie IdcalLsUc, roniln from L ^e compul; m constantly, They 8. he lobor t if t would InInvoluntary s< clture, meanIng slaverj'. Their slronRC.it reasor however. Is th a t they fear th a t Ui labor draft would bring a showdowi on the quesUon of compulsory mem bershlp, campaign contribuUon* bi^ lloii.^; unil that, in the RhnandoAi

' t h w un lm cta. t


er men fo dm fted si I uiilons and. In r

abnormally high



w iti.s r r jts Tlie


Admlnl tor H arold U of 35 cetili a barrel, and a been poj>se<l by tlie lioiue. Inilnlstrntlon fouhl U.e ihe extra .protll.^ would fall corponitlons. OPA propo-Kd )f a price boost. Meanwhile,

rd, the ma.w raids of recent wcek.i niotle accuracy bombing over cloutls ixvylblc and the elghUi force pxccutrcl IS mlv^loii.? In February, the worst month of the yenr. But M Germany failed tn crack In tJie Ulmer of IB13-H. alter our pffort-1 superimposed on the long heroic csmp&ign of the roynl a ir force, conwrvatlve m llltn o men brsan lo lay that the n lr enlhu.Mn.st.i had been proved wrong. Tlicy camc lack from Teheran suylng ihat. My point is Uiat I f s loo early to naka such a pronouncementfnr rea-iona oo earl>'. In a following column I vont lo try lo appraiac current air Uie Cntabli trendih In relation to the outcome :ommltment I up the elKhth if the war.

a pile of riilible Unit he

thouRht he fel

luch Rra\y. U U\ey i

D IE S P R O M IS E S E V ID E N C Ii Hep. M a rtin D ie s, r e t i r i n g c h a ir m a n of th ( congre.sslon al c o m m itt e e In v c .stlg a tliig u n A m e ric a n a c tiv itie s , h a s * a ld t h e v e ry th in g th a t w e re c e n tly p o in te d o u t t h e A m e ric an pe o ple m a y so m e d a y re a liz e . " U n f o r tu n a te ly f o r t h e c o u n tr y ," h e e x Ti.-siF. TOR rn -W K n p la in e d . "w e h a v e n e v er, b e e n a b le to c o n v in ce nir n of n ilimtlotu throw 0 th e pe ople ho w d e a d ly t h e c o m m u n is t m e n a c e iiviislon for player lutl worslilp li Is. T h e e le m e n ts In t h e n a t i o n a l a d m ln is tra .ion in loniio witn a proclamation . tlo n w h ic h h a v e h a m p e r e d a n d o p p o se d th e by Oovertior Boll sen calling upon "all Idahoana c o m m itte e h a v e h a d to o S tro n g a c o n tro l o v er to make 'D -day i lay of prayer throughout Idaho. In our homes, ant n onr churches. We know frotn th e c h a n n e ls o f p u b lic I n f o r m a tio n ." tiave Dcen there tlm t the flghlera theniW e a lso p o in te d o u t t h a t It .sh o u ld b e s ig found Infinite comfort anti .-itrcngth n if ic a n t t h a t th e r a d ic a l c le m e n t in th e cr. B:ich of us should atltl our prayers . U n ite d S t a le s Is th e f a c tio n m o s t e la te d o v e r > tiielra. :1 ) afte r hia own or her. own fashion, M r. D ie s' a n n o u n c e m e n t t h a t h e w ill n o t se ek cannot know the day or the hour of the Invasion, wfi can be ready lo n.'ilc Almighty Ood to old our re -e le c tio n . ' In th flr grenlest trial." I n s p it e of t h is e le m e n t's a t t e m p t s to sm e a r lie priij>o. ;al 1 both timely and approprlat a n d d is c r e d it D ie s, th o s e w h o k n o w th e T ex a s lid .seem .sale to ay there hardly la an Amei c o n g re ssm a n p e rs o n a lly h a v e a lo t of r e .s p e c t, rlnR the sound of church belli; or word Ironi newspaper or over the radio, th at the f o r h is a b ility . battle of Kurope hn.-! begun, who wlU not pausi. . . . F o r In sta n c e , o u r o w n C o n g r e s s m a n Dwi a inoinent In w hat ho Is doing to aslc Uie blessing h a k sa ya " th e r e Is n o f in e r a n d m o re lo; of Owl on our arms. A m e ric an In c o n g re s s t h a n M a r t in D ies, a Nor It w nccti-sary lo nwolt the Invasion. T lie Umi for priiycr nko Is now, For those who work In thi h e h a s r e n d e re d a v a lu a b le s e rv ic e to t war plitnt.s, In honie.s. In olflces. In the fields o r Ir. n a tio n w ith h is c o m m lttc c ." th r woods, the motto of the m om ent should be the I n m a k in g a d e f in i te b r e a k w i t h th e Roo: oW Latin phriue, .Labomre t o ra rtT o labor v e lt a d m in is t r a tio n . R e p r e s e n ta t iv e D ies 1 pniy." u t Ihrm ask n hles-Mng on Uie work of their hiindj a.s they forward tliplr s h ir e of tlic tremendou.1 p ro m ise d m o re d is c lo s u re s . " l a m goin g to giv e th e 'p e o p le o f th e U n ite d (ask. And let every AJnerlcan prny tluit our lighting n u n be ndequate, th a t they m ay have the coiimge, S ta te s a c le a r p ic tu r e o f w h a t h a s b e en g o ing strciistli and endurance to persevere'UQto Uie end, o n In W a s h in g to n ,' h e a n n o u n c e d . "W e h a v e th;tt they be equal to the exnaiwilnR demands upon b e en c riticize d a n d r id ic u le d f o r y e a r s o n th e the body and mind. In Uic great encounters. Let them c la im t h a t w e d id n o t h a v e e n o u g h d o c u pray, too, th a t the end of Uils w ar b<^ Indeed th e end. I t h not e.uentlal th a t there be formaUty in *uc m e n ta r y e v id e n c e to p r o v e o u r c h a r g e s ir r e prayers. Sonic of them will be unspoken. -T here oj fu ta b ly . I th in k th is tim e w e w ill h ftv e e n o u g h times," .said Victor Huro, "when tlic soiil Li on II ev id en c e to giv e a c le a r .p i c tu r e . knees whatever may be the u ttitu d e of ih# body."W hen M r. D ie s p r e s e n ts t h a t e vidence, Lcwlston Tribune. a o m e tlm e b e tw e e n J u n e 1 a n d 15, th e A m erVOO MUST KICK OR BE KICKED le a n peo p le w ill h a v e a n o p p o r tu n ity to a p There has been general acceptance of the idea of p ra is e hl& e ff o rts . rationing ond reaonnble prloc control as a war measure. Everyone understands th a t the problems of the OPA arc muUUuc(Uiou*. But the publli; cannot B U T T E R FLY SEA SO N undrrsuvnd why price and rationing control is allowS h yly, p e r h a p s 'a l i t t l e g u iltily , th e A m e ri ed to develop* Into a method of oppression In many c a n c iv ilia n m a le is n o w e m e r g in g fro m h is Take a ruling like the hlgheit price Une lim itation." w in te r co co o n o f b lu e s e r g e a n d g r a y w o rsted . adopted two year* ago. I t has been unworkable on a S u m m e r c lo th e s b r i n g relleX f r o m d r a b c o n basis of fairness and equality. I t Is Uierefore heorK nv e n tio n , th o u g h t h e m a le w ill o n ly .a d m it Ing to read th at a t la st certain adjustraenta wUl be. t h a t a u c h c lo th e s b r i n g l e g i t i m a t e re lie f fro m made. aJthcugh the public now takes such promises th e h e a t. B u t n o te t h e r i c h r e d b ro w n s , th e with a 'spoonful of aaJt." Another practice of the price control program which e lc c trlc b lu e s a n d f la s h y t a n s a n d s h in in g is shaking public confidence, U dental of court appeal p e a rl g ray # o f hJa l i g h t w e ig h t f a b r ic s . on OPA ruUngj. No aftUsfactory .answer ha* y e t been I t w ont la s t, o f c o u rs e , f o r t h e se a s o n a l Blvcn for shutting a m an out of regular courta when cycle la b y n o w a lm o s t a Ja w o f n a t u r e . Com o lie objects to a ruling of the OPA. an d forcing him to gp betore an OPA emergency court" where-a comth e f ir s t f r o s t a n d t h e m a le w ill a g a in b e ^ Interminable delay*. co m e t h e c a te r p i lla r o f c o n v e n tio n . A n d th e Wlillo the war makes some restrictive measures ip lr ita o f g a y -h u e d T u d o r E n g lis h m e n a n d necessary, it still remains highly imporUnt to eek concctlon of ruling* which. If unchallenged, leave the . p lum ed c a v a lie r s w ill a g a i n t u r n f ro m t h e ir ........ ............- .............. ^rcy of poUUcal flto -co lo im i d c s c e n d a n ta I n d e s p a ir .




-ln-exl!e In London concerr IS nillllrv xetup. lerlcan nlflcers back from Dir K U IG ItT -N cutrnl bUJlne.^! a.^srrt tlmt, before the w.ir, Pc lUch with New York firms hiid an arniy of <&a,000 me nnblp U lo soften u p O ermnny for ;w sign of dl.ontegraUon. the number of Its military at CASTLEFOED final blow. Perhaps even to de City dwellers, horror-stricken by stroy the Oermnn will to re.ilstance, Uie bliut, flee to the country t ' ' .os to different countries wn 21. Today lth only a skeinto nlthniigh the words et down on :helr children. But the pensanLn >nll}n Runyon, dntighter of Mi force It has SJ such rcprc.ienlutlvc. pniXT a t Cn.'iiblancR were tempered :liclr doors to the 'ncwcomcr.i. c of I Mrs. Jim Runyon. ha.i hen nc find the ndclre.-. Joung.Mer8 cho-scii from the ol hiK them ' bonib Kum." vnrds arhtocracy. They earn good salurit To H nrrlj.'lo Oeneral H. H. Ar cepted Into the air WAGS and lei Mother'* dny party staged by th places BuUiorlllen ! and enterinln lavlshb'Uiclr ex nold. chief of our own a ir forces, recently for McClelland field, nea to compel rural folk i and th e Orphciim-Idiho, S. peiises are paid. and lo Llcut. Oen. Ira C. Baker, Sacramento, C alif, to begin he houses. People In tl passes w eren't mailed out. Wolt It Is charged by their less favore Ihcn In comtnand ot our a ir In Brl- training. contend Uiey are MIm Jlunyon Is Cofitlefnrd's fourth ing a t tlic Orphciim now (or Mr> communities rountrymen th a t not one of tin lain. It looked like n green light. ready overcrowded nnd that the wm is R. Cox. Duhl. Is n month' rl 10 enter the service nnd the f. IirlvlleKrd class has seen active ,ser Diry saw ahcnd the chance to paM Iflve children in the arinei biinites caniiol earn Uielr keep by lice In Poland. Prancc.-Norway ih Id to be accepted in to the WAC. Ihelr convictions In an all oui force.M nnd for Mrs. E. C. Clarke perform ing rigorous farm d Mr. and Mrs. Max Tennant a NorUi Africa as have most of th According to llie grupcvlm . T'In Fnlls, B two-wcek pn.^s (fou family. Salt Loke C ity. vLM led lor condljlons prevail In French dl.'s-, ^tcriins In Uie current Polish ornij in scrvlce).. :ntly at the E. L. B rncketl home. ... . .. . . . lafggt Mr. and Mr*. D andretta, Los / m tm ents, E aker and VOTES FOR TEXAS JIM : other office had ved In gelea, Calif., are here vhltlng R IC H FIE LD nda and relatives, Dear Pot Shots; 1043 t Engliind In Fcbr loward Darrow. wlio h u bet Here ore two volc.% for Texas Jin reel our bombing unlU there. Tliey GOEUINGAn article publUhc nltted to the B uhl hoipltal , no b eruoa na the beat singer over tin had n difficult pioneering Job to do, IXDcme newspaper tells this tory fwh.it rndlo. No one can aing Uie e-'iiigi In Ooerlng I Mny stjirtiiiR from scrnicli with tlic Brlarrived in a blg'llmouMn wltli th e easy, full, free volci In th e .tlra fe d town of Berlngers 13 a honii it.'ih politely skeptical of the valui (ello. l a i c th a t Jim doc.v He fllb his songi Egt. and Mrs. T. W. Frongos, of daylight bombing. "Within it)*i-nilneii with the emotion.^ they expreu. Hi riorf. Ise, i>enl the week-end here vlfueht will replace oil the dun (orgcts hlni.^clf in Ilia songs snc liig her parents, the Floyd Reyraid.-;," lip priml; Tlie spunt and heroism of thoj( r.hiB-i as birds do becmisc they lovt noULi. ploii c ground ti (icrr n Blaine W om an Asks .Mrs. John Bee ha* been dlsm ksea rupted. "nothing has happen con hardly bf cxnKScrutcd. It from the Hailey hospital. Decree o f O w nership building toward som ething big. you. We have lost everythli " P. r . Dlrfee has gone to HAILEY. May 2tMr. Oertnidi Tliry all felt tlmt. W ords don't help lu a t all. PISCATORIAL NOSTALGIA 'llle. Dtah, to visit relaUves. Then came the no rth African In Majors, Ketchum. h a s filed a peti For once loquacious llennonn w nd Mrs. Ray Sw eat are the vasion. Crack squadrons were pull tion In the probate c o u rt of Blaln* Sum mertime Is on its way inble to reply. parents of a son born May IS a t Uie ed out of England for no rth Africa. county In the m atter of the eitat*. Boon wc'll make n bwcct bouquet The elglitl) air force wa.< pretty low of John Majors, he r liusbsnd. who From th e mounlaln fluwcrs ai: NKRVOUS1116 gc.sUpo has m . Hailey hospital. ^le John Kolman family have gras.^cs died May 30. ig34, acU ng llist the after those dcpredntlons. b llla d the Austrian postal scrvlce to stam p out a new form of chain letter .... ;ed to their fnnn in Rlchflcld W hat Harrli was saying gloomily ourt decree her Uio ow ner ot lot 1. authored from Uic rocky poises. ast summer was th a t while th e de- ilock 24. of Kelchuro, w ith all build E\'en now my fancy dreams In which rtslslance groups send nr>' from Sacramento. CuUf. Hans Sorenson has returned to :blon had been rrachecl to build air ings and Improvements which was Of tlie day along the atreama curatc news accounts of United Napower In Britain to minimum community property ncqulred after Where th e purling ripples fall Uons victories to A ustrian army gar- h b home a t Burmah a fter a recent iperatlon In Boise. He visited n strength for softening Germany, their marriage. Time f o r the hearing W ith echoes ilko a fairy'* call. rl<oiia. the planes simply were n o t forth - sold .petition has been set at lo Tlie police In Hanover are trying daughter In Ontario, Ore., before m,. June 20, before Probate Judge I still know how to go about coming. And tie could see no signs. to stop the circulation of anU-nazl retiu'ning home. ' Cpl. Clifford Conner, prisoner of Copturlng a wily trout. Oeorge A. McLeod. tht they' were about to come. le aflets spreading the word: "Ooebermany since Dec. 15, 1943. Is one And Just a t noon. I hnve a hunch belx announce* th a t the new eastern Mama will produce a liuich, wall against the Russian* I* inMil- of the repatriated prlAoner* allowed You Just know how much I'm wlslih nerable. He said Uifl same thing to return home on Uie Orlpsholm which left Barcelona, Spain May 19. For the day we're goln' flshln. about the Volga, U>e Bug and the Cpl. Conner'* last letter to hU wife. -jJa c k Richey Dniester but they were breoched." AS GLEANED FHOM THE FTtES O M IIE TIMES-NEWS Nazis In occupied coimtrles arc Mr*. Ethel Conner. Richfield, w t wrltUn May 1 ond *tatd he w a .y ON U'INCtlKLL lervou*. ConfldenUal IntU^ctlona to IS YEARS AGO, M A T 24, i i 17 VEAR8 AGO, MAY *4, U l . Dniil*h party member* warn them not wearing any bandage* but ctlU Lee E.,Thargol. 'w ho resldfs or P o t ShoU: Tile'llbrory board of Tw in Pall* AttenUon K TFI: to move their families Into German hod an eye Injury. T he Lincoln met in special sewlon on May IB, for Falls avenue, and w ho While listening to the Waller barracks a t the f ln t sign of Inva county Red Cross cfflclal* a re e n th r p u r ^ e of or^aniutlon w ipi the moved here from D ovls county. following result; Afrs. Burton Morse, Utah, because he believes this to be WIncheil program broadcast over sion. The w ehrmacht wilt protect deavoring lo make arrangemettt* whereby Mrs. Conner will be able pre.iident; Stuart Taylor, vice presi an ideal p l w for breeding high your staUon. 1 got the impression 5U, the d o c ^ e n t pledges. to meet her husband when the dent; Mr*. W. H. Clouchek, secre grade Uvestock. ha* purchased Sul th a t th e transcription record or PUNISilEt>Two c a n sped from Orlpsholm docks In New York. tary; W. E. Nixon, treasurer: book tan. a Percheron c o lt which won something, .was cracked. Now, was Pvt. OarUi Bru*h. Sheppard field. purchasing committee. Hal Q . Blue, prizes at several horse show*, from th is really a fact, or was my personal Vichy to Paris; In tho vanguard, PerecenUy wai awarded sharp chalnnan. Mrs. Clouchek; m agotlna D. O. Ruby and Co,. Caldwell, hore plnlan. of this m an causing my ta ln s ftnanee minister. Uie second Tcxa*, *hooter medal* for m arktm anshlp ImoglniiUon to play me tricks? ir carried Count Pem end de Bri wlUt and periodical committee, U r. Nix Importer!, a carbine rifle a nd forty-five I a m 'J u s t a Uttle worried about an, Mcrctary of state. ' on, ehalrman. Mr. Taylor. M lis Jes automatic rerolTer. A* th e first auto aUrted downhlU sie Fraser, librarian. Is a member Mr*. B, L. Price a n d Mr*. Charles this. M u Ure blew out wlUi a sharp explo of the above com m ltteu, ex-offlcla Casey enurtatsed w ith a beauUfully AT CONVENTION appointed bridge *tipper st th e sion. Tho occupants were not dis FAMOUS LAST U N E tressed a s they knew the secretary OrsAge Iinte m *at Kimberly, Wed JEROME, U ay a M in BuUi Mr. and Mr*. Alvin Casey. M r. and nesday evening. First p rlM vai won Moser. R. N , Jercme county publlo *... Look, pop, my varU m e priefl would stop for Usent. Mr*. Henry P. W atson a nd Mis* t>y Mrs. Herman C. Schurger, teeontl far difglnc flsh m n n s U roln' up They itood in th e road wavlns healUt nurte, 1* In Moscow a tten d Jessie Warrington returned yester by U iu a eon Hunt. a d low fell to the ir arm*. But the second car drove ing a lU te conrantlon of publio 10 per r e n t: . . day from Bobe. Miss norenco W at- Mr*. Robert Helfrecht. Thirty two madly g u t . fldJig a tommy-fun. A < health nurses. Sba -Ul ro ttu n next TICE CENTLE.MAN IN ame with th party. a U . Brtnoa n d le a bis .week. T IIS TUIKD BOW. g v u U wen In aUendaiic*.

off hl.^ lrvl. Got e off hl.i i>oot*-ntid ielt foreign lions I pardon, doubt. Ii ig such Intln soon seek tc ly doing


W ed n e sd ay E v c n i n fr , M a y 2 4 , 1944


Page Fivo'

DUIUXY. Mfty 21Tlie Burley Miramer rccrcallan progrom spoiuor rd by the clly of Hurley nnd Ui9 Imlcpcndcnl sdiool district No. 1, with Hnney J. S led, youth welfivro <tlrcctOf > 1 1 chiirne, will commfnc# Monday. Mny 28, wlUj llie foUowlng proffnun: SoIUjivll ftiid pliiyground iietlvUlea from 10 to noon n l Denman field, irtlh HnWn Sciicinpp In chcvrite. Sodball and iiluyB^ound nclivltlea from 10 U) iiooii t th e Overland ACliool ;ilth Hnoln Drnke nnfl Helen Sldulu in oliiirKe. Sf*li\i; ill lUc lilgH sclioql ewlng room Iron. 2 to 4 p. m. with Ml>el 6IC TI in cMiirm-. Woudwork Wnotlttork and sliop a t the lilgh .'CliOdl uliop from 2 to 4 p. m.. Mrs. ' In.io..r iiotivltics fInpplnR, Iwton. Rj mnasluin ' with Huldn Schempp IIIK I Unoln Drnke as Inslnictor*. ncllvlllts bolim, liiimllcra/t, t-Ic.i a t 0 ,crln(l vliiMil with Alton CimiiliiKliiiiii ni'tl llilcn Sloliilu fc )I OUs William* and Hai Jaylf

They Tails of China

PfC. BftJph A, Winter. Ham 11. Winter, route Falls, U now stationed Ovitota arca.tiUcr serving tor one year In engineer corps In Austra lia. according U word recently reo o J v e d by hW father. Private W inter volunteered f o r s e r v i c e In th< army l n l 02 ajler serving In t h r I d a h o national guard. A gradu ate of Uie Rupc 1938. he ftttendea school a t W eber f Ho has two slsl.

Soldier Shifted Into N ew Guinea

WENDELL, May 2 _ Tlilrty-nlne awardj nnil advnncement rathigs were pre.'.ented to five Scout troojM of the OoodhiR dbtrlet at a eourt o! liiiw litlil TxirHlny rvtnSni? nt Wendell. Partlclpnllni! were Good ing troop.v No. 32 and 33: Wendell, trooim No. 7J and 03, and I-Vlrfltid No. 34. FirM claw merit bailses were prcsent.-il by llolanrt Pond, l-^llrflel[l. lo the follimlllK SJc<iillA ot CJoortliiR Stationed most o tr<xin No. 3a: Edwaril Mlildle^worth, the time a t Oil Flin s and roy. Ciillt, Urlft, Char RHITII His sbler. Pfc. -.n Partner; to Biryl J, Suilth, stationed with Iht -A C S fti Ft. George a . Mcnde, Md, lie Uenfrow nnd home ih b week on furlouRh vlslt their [Wircnts, D oth are graduHoy Scouts ot f.s ol Twill F a lb high sdiool.


Harry Sm ith Now In Italian Region

Pfc. Harry P. Sm ltli. who began hlj mllllflr>- training In March. 1042, s now nrrlved safely somewhere Italy, according to rcceal Infor mation recclvtd by hb parenta. .Mr, and Mrs. H. Smith. T.in Fulls, Private Binllh la with the Intelll! division ot

tWK nnd other rrllcs of Mn. E. U Ikfiibrrry, Dr. u thry renew friend.ihlp>

Promotion and 2 Medals for Flier

aOODlNQ. May ^4 - Itrclj flrkt pilot In the Irmi pi,M FlyUiK Fortres-s groii|> iiu(> wounded early In A|.fil, i.i.n rd Q, Smllti. Bon ot Mr i.i Carl ( nnd t' 3 oak ! Wi-nilell No. OixxHiig WkIi still!. rf?ntphen, (

Eva B ourgeois Is Hailey USO Head

HAU.KY, Muy MLs liourKeob neelvcd her official apjiolntinent n,n USO director for Dlalne eoiinty ihls week nnd has accepted thi' in.siHiin. Ml.u UourKeals, who had intendi'd going to San Frnncbco pn-sltlon. will remain In II fall. n rdent worker li iict'pllon, havln. ,ill nctlvllles am liiKstr.sse.-i, Sh riA director sinc to retiirnlmt l

tinued to operate but im lot offlclpU. de.crlbed the tltuaClon u toucli u id go," both In mUli tnd logging camp*. Mennwhllf offldal* ot ib vest coast lumber.f<immllon..and unlonleodcri studied An aimouncemeot. Iby the nnUosnl labor board tm t PORTLAND. Ore., M(ty-21.on it did not consldtf the-di<piUa.case A llc-up of lojRlng opiimtlona In Uie Portland area loomed today as wnlkout of 15,000 -northwest s.iwSELLS nEGiaXEREO QCU. mlll w orkm spread to boom men a t L. J. Tentklnck. Trta Falls. ha four largo bog booms on Uie Wil old a registered Holstela-Frieslaa lamette river. Chester P, Sorenson. chtlrman of uU to S. 8 . Hall, Troutdale. the Pacific NorUiwcjt LoBgers ossoclnUon, said the lack, ot boom ta- READ TIMES-NEWS WANT A08. cllltles would catLse an almost ImmetUale oliutdown of logging oper ations dependent on tlie booms, Tlic Rnfton boom, Llnnton. Ore.. closed down todny, normally handle* nbout 1,500,000 feet ot logs daUy from 10 or la operators, Sorenson said- OUier booms a t Milwaukee nnd OswcGO, Ore,, were wltliout worker* todny. non-medlral lechnlqaeobtalm In Portland only one cns\H t&vrapid, eonitant and eatstatidmill was la operation and Doyle E Inr resDlts. No Injecllont. tie Pearson, a.wlitant sccretnry of thi medlelne. no fd diets. northwest council of tlie AFL Lum ber and SawmlU Workers u m . ALM A H A R D W said logging cnmp at.J.llneral and cniR ornA C T O B hfonroe In l,cwb county, Washing 130 Main No. Phone IStS ton, have been closed becau.se ol walkouu. Mllb on the lower Columbia con


Sion- I

sinrT Telllnit

A Kltli Mrs PiirM. Adon CimtiliiKlia;. Slor>- irlllnu, iv

Not All Americans in China Mistreated by Jaj) Captors

liollci-, .silIhT.'U p/uMi;il ......inicm anil iniltr.'iicli'.'. <Hirlii(! their holltnry cunflni'iiii'iit.s in thu horror-stroaked days followhiK Uie attack on Pearl. Harbor, O w ot the more lortu n ate was Dr, Harold Miitthews, formerly of Fcncliow. Shatisl, China, who Is spending n fev.' days vl.slllnn Iht Rev, and Mrs, E L, Ikenbcrry. 343 Ttilrd aveixuc tw rth. frtcrvds of liUi family diiruiK their m utual re.M-

Will Iw tieUi Mon. ........ il lYlclay a t 10 k city i\I! cM!-

0 *

....... >r tlio Ovrrlnnt ncliool will be under the dlrccHon o: Mrs. LovclcM <mc! will be held Mondny, Wednesday and Friday Iram < to a p, m. nt the Overlnnd school. Tlie youth employment kci will also function for th e sumi Anyone wnnllnK boys or KlrU to v call 60 froni a n. m, to I p. m. clillilri'ii waiilliiK worlc may roK at llip clly hall across froni the llbriiry. nil' swlmmliii fd '..llh II

.. 34, nTc riM ii , M it d JImin air corps In Dccciiib.i, i(m ,ii 73, L^niy nifhard'ion. he USO has acceptccl a jiosltlon celved h b wings from th.' ilo.swell. Dyce. nnd DoukI.'W '.s McBrldc. -Itli the Sawtooth N ational fo tlonmg by Uic mllllnry pollcc," lie N. M AAP advanced flyhiK school. Jimmy No. 05. Billy Jenkins. Donald Keep nd b stationed a t th e Kctcli er, Hnrvey Clanipltt, IJIII Chaplin. ungcr sta tion;' K wns on April IB tlial the Kenneth Hamilton nml Wnllnce tiiry ])ollec cominnniler callod t Taylor. Advnncemeni form L)r, Mnlthcw,', nnil others that miide by Lawrence T. l.mulln. Twin they would be leavln); n o o i FaUs. council field e Aincrlen, Tlie evenlnc of June Two tenderfoot b;ii m n p wiiH cntertalmHl by the WASHINOTON. ! troop A pi-tltlon for adm lnbtriitlon of lary IK.1 IC I- rommaniliT i.t i> eimte ftnnnce coini n Hoi: niniiiiiniliy property was Illed Jc,sIII a ri,-liiunim mill III.' foil, iniler con.slrti-ralloti terdiiy In probate c ourt by Frank 0 the debt limit I Hejrr. Iliilil. In connrctlon with the to Ihe M-Ulin wlu'ro h- b;ulr e:!,Llti-. Ilf NeljlL-.HuyiJL WtlU-<llH<4Hhr - te, .luly 2, 1041, Prnl.ale Jiid<. Balliy set the hearlnx tor


Slash in Cabaret Tax Rate Studied

Administration Of E state Asked

Buhl Army Nurse Now in England

Kyr 30 (lhy,s lutary coulluenienl iK'cupIrd ml.ulim L.nlles Hou. ;e kll of um-c <lay.s hr pollcc hvailquarle -leep I 'tudy a cuharet Iuk h i nilttoe's study of tln' ii

K i oiiliiuLttc-rs of ihn'e troojv?. Award* W.T1 - made lo A W. Mlllrl r.iK-llUK irimp 3-:: Fri-<l lx>ck, OoiKllnK tri>ii|> 3,1, iiiiil to E. L. Puck


!tllloii dtsclasi-s the os n.sbu of renl cstiile l< i i t l . m . o{ llu- V ,ns tl.250. O ther heirs .

,1 '!.'i cuteuiilw d ni ihi-

Petition Is Filed Man Seized Here To S ettle Estate Indicted by U. S, for Dppolntm Sliosiione Soldier Goes to Georgia Townsend Clubs To Meet June 4
SPOKANF:. Wil-.Ii , .Miiy 24 Indicted d FolKor ii.-s of roiii.uiR I of the (lid mil and Hemmerl '

cv( sood tducslon lot out thlUten lli W cn think .iur.l hlr.litl,hi ,o( young A m *rlc.ni but JiiillJIng ind dminlilerin* t fine ichool iTKcm lucji ai list of nur date i> a sljtnilt tnk. Siiidlr. run from Undergarten ilirough iht threa "n'l", 1 0 advinccd tdenlific and loclologlcsl rtuarch. TliouianJi oi leschen are devoting ihelf llvei lo ihll workand in ihem ssei much oj ihc ctedll for [it m e till. To local and counrr tchool boardto (he iisti o f llc l.l^ o e . d,tlr fait .i.af. of (he er<Jlt. \V( of ilic Overland GrerbounJ Unel take pride In four iiale'i *Jucliona!ichlevtmetin.WtknowihMout orsanlsailon li alJint ihe ichooli wlih is< lupport aci<l iraniporlatlon lefvlee. Good education and good iraov porlailon have d(clilve parti lo plar In ihe preient, at rell SI Ihe future ol the date In tlie poil-war wwfd.

. nni-y,


R. C, Taylor. Touii.vind nat rc|iri-,'ic'ntallvp hi Iduhn, han SIinsilONr, May 24- Pvt, Mji.k In Twin Fnib to inaki- plnni^ lere Sunday, June Townsend club No. 4 n venhiK to dlviisi the I

atrlx to the ehtnte of Ro re. who died Inte.'stme -Ma -as riled yesterday In pro I Ijy the widow, Filnn N n l-iills, Probntc JudRe C set the hearliiK for Jum

niL'jIon work i,> ,ilil ft Mr.', .Mllion nyrr ^

lixU y.

American Ideii:

nlh llnberi--*, rtauRhti s H, Slee, son am , all of T1n Falb. c estate. con.-.btln of real and inal pniixTlj. Is e.Htlniated at $7,500, J . H, Hhertey, Dulil. Ij atlor..... tor Uie |)clllloner.

I. it OLs'ii. Mr. Jiiid Mrs BUI Liir: nudn. Cftllf.. vhlt.d lor n n Ralph M or ird to the S 10 day leave Kpent 1) . lUi ?iu-lllc com bat duties, rr, R. C. Mor.^e, w ent with nr a.^ Ln-i VeHns, where he llh hL^ inollier for n. few ltd ned from SprlnR City, Ofuh. ulKTe Mrs. Jam es hns birn rnllecl for (he funeral of her bmthiT. Mr5. cum rau x h i been called to Mnnterey. Calif,, by thn death of tier mother, Mrs. P. 13. Diivls, who A foniier pioneer ro.^ldent of


l.l" S c c o n d S t. E . P h o n e 2000


Gt-ENNS i-ERRY, Mi.y 2 < - tinol I hlh Tliiirsihiy rvrnlnsThe H.-v. Uiooks Mire, Biirl.-y, B nlil, .......... ......................... Methoillst Mrs, J. H, a ian d e r vl.slted la.U church hi Clitins Fi-rry, ave tiif In Boise. iiddros.s. Ml.u Oene Wllhlle, who Is employ liiM n im b m nre Ruby ed In llie Western Union office nt Pliyllis McMlllHii, RonPoeatelln. Is vlsltinff he r motlliir. riidiiate,? from Ihe rlKhth Mrs, Nell 6hnub. Leliey Allen, K atheilnd Mrs, Edlc Elnckey hns ta k en over innaii liQ'li, Joyce; Dcnihe.mannKoment of the niclmrd.ion's nlnK. Ulck Harder, Jimmy Harder. Dry Cienncrs, formerly opcrnlcd by JIolllnKcr, Clnretice Heath. None of the three knew Hint either Mrs. Rny Clnyton. UwweH, Vauna Pruett, Mr, fliit! Mrs, Ed W rlqht hnve of the other.'* was to be home, James R ou nnd lleiic Gundviilt, returned to their home n e a r Mont-1 Capt, Dean Orchard la nnoUier in o! ihe Orchards, stationed nt nello, Mo flftcr a few dnya haziness RECL.4IMED Alexander, Ln nnd M artin P. trip here, Black. II son-in-law. is a carpenter's Found nmld the rubble of the Mr. ond Mrs, Je. Unldcmun male sccond claw, stationed nt O ak burned tire recapping slioji belontccelled waril from their son, land, Calif. Inf? to Jim Bu-sby. the Idcntlflcotlon Sheldon Ilaldcmnn, th a t lie hnd brncclel lost two weeks aro by vol. rtvetl safely somewhere In EnRlatid flIEKTINC CHANGED untcer fireflKhler Richard Leaser. Mr. nnd ^^rs. Joe Adams hav Tlie meeting of the Hunsen com a.s turned over lo the TImcs-Newe celved word th at their son. Sgl. . . . Adams, has also nrrlved In snfctj munity council, formerly scheduled liesday and held for the owner for Thursday, will be held Instead ho called for It later In the day. joniewherc on the EnglLih coast. Mr. BtKby siotleed ih t trJnlici Mr. Rtl Mr*. WeMey Plerccv nnt a t 2:30 p, m, rvidny at. the home of Arlene, Nywa, O re, ore vUltlng rel' Mrs, A. R- Scott. Meeting tim e has t the exact sjwt where plans for been chsnned becfluse of the death ..le new building called for tlie driv atlvei In Diihl. ing of a stoke. Mis . nur>l HUdreUi and grand or Lois Calico, son, Diiildy Forrest. Cortez. Colo, have returned to Uielr hortiB alter vl,vlUns lier dniighler. M rs. Wiley Forrrst,

m irte of the fotj 1 .I1 .1 of Mr, iiiul Mrs, L. 1 37 fMlrwiij-. Sunday nnd Tin-.s. nnd all three were ns MtrprLsed L're their parent.s. lync O rchard, navnl aviation , who has finished hl^ t; _ it Ottumwii, fa., nml ROr.s to Corpiu C hrbtl. Tox came home Sunday, ficainan Second CIurs IJoizy O r chard. a seabee slnHoni'd n t Camt Parks. Calif,, nrrlved nt 8 a. m Tuesday. At 11 n. m. Tue.idny came Flr.sl Lli'uieliant Meric P. OtxMinrd. sin. 'loned wlUi an nrmy u n it in New-

3 Orchard Son.s Get Home Idea AboutSam eTim e

" of Sliii'himi'


iTSon. recently Rradu.ited led automotive mechanic hi-ailijuartcrs iirmored n ie southcTiiino.it city In the irlil b MaRiilliuu'S, Chile, In the mils of MiiRellan. th e center of n thriving sheep IndiLstry.

b Jii.it what the doctor ordered for the kiddles. TliiU'fl why we


Hammett Pupils Receive Diplomas

t w in
.'Ir. M rs. .Sinnlcv Phillip,-* 2G.1 2n<l Avc. N o..V hiinc :!l

them one. Tlie price !. ! ju 25c Tlie Macailnc; .ifan

J. H r^ i

e h e y h d u w
L r A /e s
Opaialtd kr ilA a ti. UHIQH fACiftC


I w as som e p e st
I bothcsred the life out of auto Bervice men after the curtain w ent down on new cars. I knew I d be in some p ickle if this car wouldnt last, so I kept quizzing the fellows. Every man-jack of them had a good m otor oD or somo other life-saver, if I could judge. By good luck I paid real attention to one chap who had his reasons why to o i l *p l a t e this engine with Conoco oiL He said every ex plosion in your engine maked adds, which corrode bare m etal. Sounds straight, eh? B u t w ith Bomothing synthetic in Conoco oil keeping the m etal o i l - p l a t e d , youd say th e fine finish receives special protection to fight tittB a d d s of. \7 h en y o u . see youre no t needing a trade-in nearly as soon as usual, you can give real credit to oiL-ELATmo. New cars will be going some if t h e / r e h alf as far ahead as you can be l i ^ t now by switching to Conoco o il

iD tnlnilim dlB sllraT JojiDplsM itririitiliolliI liin ln llliiil-lillK iT
w t 6tlhfoodyoMttyoMTBUitdlgSt U proMtlr. nut h it mot peopl. dSn'e

ToastaSlice-Youll See Why-

ftu t to Iscreua this flow quickly for .houttniU-cIua IB i|,u^ ^ u t Whta bUs flu* (Dnwu, y tm oa tb rotd \o fUag better *liityi>u-rBltf.




W c d n e s d n y E v e n in g , M a y 2 4 , 1 8 4 4

Cross Tops Sun Valley Hill

M i

D018E. May 21 l^r-Ep'dem lcs .. tropicni diseases m e unlikely |n (ills country .even though many soldiers return from war r.ones suffering from them, the Idaho Medical soclation was told a t Its annoAl < vention. Capt. Frank Perlmiin of Bnshnell liUApltai iLt llriKliuin. Utah, sold that cold wraitier In this country. es[>eclally In the northern *taiea. likely would kni the lii-w ls which carry the diseases Irom one person U He said, alio. Uiere> need b fear t h a t dcfomiUles a.',soclatcd with trujilcitl dii.case-s would result since they are causcd By repeated inlcclloii.s. Hubstltuirs ItevlcHrd U-^e of suli.stlliites for blood was tevlcwcd by U cut. Col. F. a, Quccu, from Bushiiell ho.siilial, who Kid, : c had t found L-giial to blood ll.self. Blcxxl plic.ina liius bei'n a "life .saver' the UutlleIront.s. he saui, anil rn roiiir Into gplirml iLse umoiig civ U n it. Coindr. J. M. Neely of I Sun Vi.llcy UoMiHal Mi.fl dcscrlb rffd iu u. rt'diice Ihe imiiiber of



..................... . . -M IK .'.-., tlicrt Is lltllc llkcUliooil tliftt the dlsCll^CJ Win Decome nnllve to Uiis countr>. Cnpl, Frank Perlmtin, Buslinen (tennrol liojpllnl. DrlBJinm City, Ulftli, toll! ilie closing scsfilon. Milltflry men retiimlnB from Uie tropics mivy brlnit Uic dlsenst* bnck a ltli fheni. lie sulrl. but thp cold wratlirr In this coimlr}- rsprcliilly in iJie northrni Mnlr*. will probiiljly Wll the In.nocla whlcti carry the dLirn*c from one pcraon to nnother. He cmplimlred tJint pliynlcnl <iefoimlttc.i cnimcd by some troplciil AmoiiR mllllArv men In Uie troplts or Uiclr liomcfront supporter* bf.cjuisn the rierormltlf!. n* obscr\'ed in ntillvfs ol Uie Uoplcnl cmintrlts. result only from repented Inteetloin ovpr n i>filod of maJiy years. I lir lovi of mlllturj- mniiho\irs cmisrd by vlnis pncnmoiilM was outlined by Ueul Comdr. " Neely of Hie Sun Valley imviil pltftl stntf. Tlir vlnis pncuiii are selrtom liilnl. ronnlltm* a ,, problem to mllllar. orRiinlMllnns lifoau.'p of dll' niiiiiliour* tliey wa.sl lie siilri. He cxpliiliird mellUMlK

JORDAN VALI-EY, Ore.. May 2 (/T>-5corc3 of c.utcrn Oregon' dwindling waddles cnnRregiitc-d to It'd luiiillirr eitiiiDtdli mea.iuro-rJiiwhcrs iiic<l gra*s tlie lL^cle^* hnrsw c feed vital beef cattle. l l i e rsnne jxiiilc.v rst niimbpr iip to ;.00. will t old at ntictlon. 'knicn siilrl ihe tn '(line hnr^^ (nu.iKiji, ilicrs v M V h' kiUvsi fur doK loiKl iiml .vmie mlKl hiininn (ckm I .store 'howciuM'-s hliles DL'ti Srrreln

th.' .U liiu'tit'w.,,^ .v id o m 'fatal Oi.it c-oi>.sLltiiic<i a Kriive |)roblcm b(cau^e nf Die icvj. of iiillliary nianhonrs. Officer* Eleeled Dr. \V. O. Clark. U wi.'ftoii, a.s..ujiitti the prt.sldeiicy of Uie its-soclallcin ii/li.r nervliiK a year as prc.slIlnii-eleci. Named nuw pre.MdcnteIi-,1 was Dr. O. F. awhiili'll, Dolsc. Jlie iioroen'j aij.viJJary cliMC Jitr*. Paul Ellis, Wallace. iireMdent-clecl unci named these other oUlcers; Mrs. W. B. Haiidford. Ciildwell. llrst vicepru-sldent; Mrs. Richard P. iloword, Pocatcllg. second , vlcc-prc,sldent; Mrs. Alfred Popma, Dolsc. recording secretary; Mrs, Wallncc T. Bond, Falls, corresponding secretary; BURLKY. Miiy 34When Verda A. A. Boslon, Twin Falls, treasFreer graduated from Burley hlh .--choiil lii.M week .she was the eighth 5 . John Murphy was Installed nwiiil.T r,( ilic fiinilly of Mr. unii

8th Member of

Burley Family Now Graduated

W A flH m otoN . May_3< MV-rThc consuiners commlttco of OPA today recommended that Hie price agency set up specific: standards and dollar-and-cenu price control to relieve serious sliortagcs of low-cost cloth ing and tcxtnes. Declaring that "tlie experience the past year h is dcmonjtriiled th a t there Is no feasible alternative U the use of standards If there Is U be price control." In such goods, thi committee said the proposed pro gram U designed lo stop price Infla tion of clothing, check quality deterJoraUon and make more low-coei Items available, "The quality of many Items Is sc low as to be wasteful of manpower and.m sierliilj." the commlilie aald "and garments available In old me dium price imes have t>een so de based in quality that Inflation ac tually exists today," 2ND LT. RKi:i.AII ARCH ftlc e Administrator C h e s t e r BoWles said tonight that a govern . . . dnpchler nf :Mr. and Sirs. m ent committee "is working day and J, Kaldflci.'ch, Mlrr, a cilrtUInn n lg h f lo relieve Uip crlllcal sht the medical eorp^, whn hmi I( age of low-priced clolhUig and for o ren e ai dut). lirr rm^bnti ierlrd 'much nf this derreiLse Prank Archer, lerhrilrl-nn fmir clothUiK quality cciulil have 1 > p-adp. reerntly rplurnrd Ira avoided if we hi the OPA and ol picht months irrU rr In H-' Alp a g e n d o had bcrii on our tO (^. In a radio addre ovtT 0;e Blue i-iork. Bowles itiid that '-frftnkly. have n uch pronrci IIS we had hoped. I compll.ihed a few th ngs and we hope to accomplish more I not lo pxpcet added. "Even o increase /.upW 5 huge lht HAILEY, May 24 -Hailey Boy :ct it fully." Scouts sent between 16 and IG tons waste paper on thiuc Iivikc trucks HIIOSHONE DOV IN NAVV Oooding Ihik week. This repre BOISE. May 23 (.7') sented paper collfctcd by Uic lys At Kctchum, Bellevue, Carey and }!allcy. T he trucks were sent up from Oooding to collect the load, and on their return It was loaded on a car. [oBPlhpr with paper cnllpcled at


Auditor Candidate CitesJJackground

0 . V. True. Murtaugh DcmoemI, who wos In Twin FiUIs yesterday-lu his campaign f o r nomination as state BudltOT. stresstd the ta c t t t a t he is ft MagIS Valley pioneer with a baekground he termed "well fitted" ta the auditor post. T rue, who first came to Idaho In lOOS, Includes In his Buinmar> of qualifications his experience as head bookkeeping supervisor, sta te office of oivU works administration, Bc3i.sc aasbtont auditor and bookkcepln supervisor, slate office of Idaho

ntUon. emergency relief Boise; chief examltier. V . 8. trew ury accounts office, Boise, for four and oni!-hBlf,years, first aa senior examiner and later as acting chief examiner, having re.slgned In Septcnibor, iDia lo accept Uu poslUon of chlcf accountant and auditor for th e -s ta te boRT^l-oftdueaUon m<i board of recenis of the-imlverslty of Idaho, In which position ha I4 still seta'lng. lYue served as assistant postm ast er In MurlnuKh for seven years and as mnnnRer of the grain elevator. True was in Buhl and Filer Mon day; visited hi Jerome as well as < Twin Falls yesterday and was at Burlry and Rupert todi .

Hailey Scout.s C o lle c t Nem iy 16 Tons of Paper

bemused lo help IlnanPe the groups. Chorles Read, who was in charge ' tho budget drive lor iliis year, reporti that 2I7 J.as rtnnated In GLENNS FF:RRY, May 2A-C- C, Hallcy for the purp-^-'p of hPlpiiig to iidrison comi>any's dry goods store defray cxpcnsej of the orgaiilziiUon. re will be ready tor occupancy on, actordliiR lo V. A. Ahl.schlact. nn> I He alteiided Al- inaiiagrr, who .lald th a t although It dl'play r rt be lmpo.s,slhlr to nix-n tlie cl liy a U.r U. or I , Mo..overhead ItKhiiii. . opening will he pon.'lDle .win alier been inslnilpcl. :oc-k Is arriving daily ,uid helm nei'e.ssjiry lo rrrondltion Ihe stored luitll It can bp nfleipci loi 'Die rpgular entploypp* an marking ll ns rapidly as po.v.1 bip Mr^ nic-k .M,-iiial;:ui. iinlly to grodiiai ~ir, now owner o 1 'Tn.sev <liilry. H hi I92C. slu'din Siale .\crlrnl (1 pniercci Uie

Store Rebuilding Advances at Ferry

Economical Transportation

3 tone De Luxe Coupe Locally Owned


t locally owned

Y ou ICC the golden n unsels of JOT In this nm azing new i ta d y -p rc p itrcd mix. tl ii a dcliclolis new w ay to serve nourishing pi'oU'in.s SOY pi otciiis . . . and your family \'.ill K.vo lliJit iiiil-llkc flavor. No riilioii points . . . and doubi* your montjr back if y o u re not dc^lijjbtod.


Lois Calico Rites Set for Tiiursday

runernl ser'Icea for I.ots Callro. 12. Hwisen (icventh prnde sttideiil, wlxo UcA ti n R l>rtklt\ l\en\orthse a t 9:0J n. m. TuMdny it the Tu. PiilH liofiplliil. will be lield at 3 . m. here Thurxday In tlie Hoynolil* fuiicnil liomp cliupel, wltli Hie nev. atiiiiicy Trelren, piiswr of tJic Kim berly Methodist cluircli, offlclntlng. Lol.H, 1 1 1 for Hie pust three montlis, entered Uie ha^pltnl fo- '.renUnent May 20, She wa.i n piemtwr of the Metliodl.it chiirc-li. Kimberly. She I.-i survued by her father. Cleo Calico, llar.elton: mitlemnl Krnndpnrcnla, Mr, and Mrs. J. OoodwlU. Hnn.sen. with whom she made her liamc since birth, lollnw iHK the fle.Mli of her m other; r >1 .^ ter. nutli Calico. Hmiscn: broUiera, Ve.slus, H ann, Tecliiilclaii PUtli Grade Fninklln A., New Guinea, and Seaman First CIkn.' Mac V.. servtns with the navy Mittiewhere In the southern Pacific, and Mrs. Canie Calico, Hansen, th e paternal RnnulniolltiT. Interment will bn In Twin Fall' cemeleo'. Iliclfir IG iiidliUi.'. /

iin bliij.. Four ons of glu.'s u e. Most of the I fixtures have

6O I B E N
P .\ I N T S T O R K HS 2nd At. E. rii. 1232


lvaKe<l iniduinaKed from the fire, new and behin in.Hiolled lor better ^play of nirrrhandlr-e and Cdiivenlu'e of tuMoincr/., Mot Of the

'makes deliciouV pancaJes,-.wafflVr;,i)5W


Briefs Ordered in Divorce C o n t e s t

Hie o-ilay-<i

Miicgerl ngnhi>l MiiPKerl, Malemaled yrslerd a;, ordered to be heard li brlrlr. by District t Jiiiliic Jar s \V. Porlrr. . . atiuriu-y lor llip plalntlir. mill .lames R. U oihw ll, coun>cl for Uic rtcfciidaiu, n rrc iillowed 15 day* rnch In which tr. prppul-e, .lerve and Ille brlef.i In the case, n i e pliUntltf uius glien 10 days tor 51ml miswri. Tlic suit involves a dl.spiitr over ownership of n 40-acrr Innii which le pliilnlllf coiilciuls th at he coii:jpd to ills wife lo avoid rislrlcons of a bean Kro^Vfr.^ iissoclnllon. Mrs. Miiegerl conlenda tlint her hu.sband deserted her In !042. and GLENNS F E R R Y th at she and her minor children faimrcl the properly since line. Ttiry mnrrli'd at K rarPvt, Waller KKMnger. King Hill, has hart hb ad[lre.>is chanced from ney. Neb.. In ID07. and are the iiar chilciipii. Camp Roberls, CnIIf.. 10 a Sun FrancUco APO. Pfc, Robert Lawrence Li again *l nobinx field. Oa. He hud been senl 10 nu embarkation point with his outfit, but was retUTjied because of dental trouble. His piirents are Mr. Guard duly was explained by CAP ond Mrs, Flny Lawrence. i:t. Robert Vaden uhcn the CAP LewU Spcncer has been given s cadcU met la.M night In tlic Idaho rating of roclor mnOiliilsVs mate, Power auditorium. thlri) ctoNi, and is stationed In South Cadets wrrc urged to gel uniforms America. s tinickly as povllile so th a t CAP Sgt. Lee Oliver nelKnap. Boise, a Idciitlficiitlon ciird.s may be Issued former Glenns Perry resident, now when the refluirrd lo hours of basic stAtloned In Qigland, writes to Mr. training have been comiileted. Ca and Mrs, Q. T. Motgrove th a t he Is det uniforms ore much like regular Kunncr on a bomber. CAP unltonnj, Tlic unllorins them Hoa'ton Hitt, Jr.. M sm an first selves may be ordered ihrounh dr^-class. Is At Oulfport, Miss., where he goods companies and inslgiiin n itut hiu! been sent from training school be ordered from a CAP .supply house. a t Chicago. I t was aiinoiin?e<l tiiai tiie next Air Ciirict Jack Hoke Is now In etlng will bo held al the airport San Antonio, Tex., where he was 3:30 p, m. Sunday, sent from Sheppani field. Tex. In rrcpftrnllon for prc-fllght training -------- allowed to by-pa.'s college irahilng and line duly because of previous flight training. His father la _N. R, Hoke. . Archie McPhnll Is M Comp PUuclw, La. Sgt. E^igeiie Morrow, j and ^tr. Oeo. Morrow, where In India. H was In Africa and went' through iho Mediter' ranean, the fled and the Arabian sra.^. The water where he Is looks "Jlko red dirt, and Uiey pul chloride In It to make it pure." Pvt. William Cain, Kliig Hills. Is iiotv- on duty somewhere In the southweslem Pacific Rfr, W, n . Ogle and M rs. James McHugh were hostesaeJi for the 22 young women who w ent lo Ihe nrmy olrbue a t M ountain Home ccnlly to attend the dance.

c S ^ u' mM E R


Guard Duty Talk Given CAP Cadets

Here's cooIne.M through Oie Bur le r . . , perforated white 1 Ith medium heel.

They're H e re ...
In a very lim ite d supply . . . So better hurry for a choice selection of sizes a n d styles!

C au g h t in a w o n d ro u s web o f y o u r own m a k in g . . . deliberate, d e lig h tfu l choice o f W H IT K FO O TW EA R

Cla.v'y hlgh-heel strap slipper In white , . . also same c u t lr popu lar ankle strap mode!.


fo r Sum m er-long sm aitness. AH cre a te d to b r in g down th e te m p e r a tu r e . . . P u m p s . . . s t r a p s . . . h a lte r backs . . . ankle s tr a p s . . . tie s . . . ail c re a te d to silhouette y o u r fo o t w ith H U D S O N -C IA R K sm artness^---------------

Have Bath Tubs

R a lp s E. T u r n e r s S hoe R e p a ir OEfers You S h o e R e p a irs Y ouU L ik e

ONCE m>en je o bu7 Uiem. AGAINWhen jo u have them Froperly nepalred. IIALF-S01.e s , HEEI, c a p s , s t e e l PLATES ( tir ot Inirlaible lek \h tr tia lt-ie tn )

$ 2 .9 8



r o l l e r d k o m e

A complcle line of
b a t h r o o m f ix t u r e s


Nov Opea S to 10:S0 | j Owned and Operated b j MtC Oco. BerrtoU .B rnlott B ids, . Sad BL &&d tod Ave. West

Cblainablc W ithout Priority Phone 95-W


-I h d im C la rk
" F o o tiv e a r fo r th e Entire F a m ily

W edne sd ay E v e n in g . ^ In y 24. l O i i


Page Seven

Marriage Told

WAC Visits

H ailey Bride

Civic Service Pi'ojects Planned by Jay-C-ettes

^ A p p o in tm e n t o f c o m m itte e s t o CJirry o u t a w id e v n r ic ly com m u n ity R crvice p r o je c ts w n s n f o n tu r c o f th e .special TTiecUns of T w in Jn y -C -e U c s T u e s d a y n i in Jil llie Y .W .C .A . roomti, M r s . C iiiirlcs S ie b c r, })residt;tit, m a d e h e r a p p o in tm e n t a n n o u n c c m c n t.s f o llo w in g a (ietjiilcxi re[)o r( o f th e re c c n t .state J a y - C - e t t e c o n v e n tio n h o ld iti B oise in con'u n c tio n w ith th e a n n u a l Idiiho J n y e e e se.sKioiis. j^iven by Ir . jia r le y B oer, n e w s ta te s e c r c t n r y o f th e o tK u n iz n tio n . M r s . Sieb c r ir nl.so n o w stn tc p re a id c n t. V i f K 'i n i a H a rm o n , M r.t. E la in e H all a n d Mrs. U o ro tliy Haabim w e r e hostcMse.s, nrranifinjT p in o c h le a n d b riiige giim es f o llo w in g th e leti>rthy b u sin e ss sen.sion. Mrj. Vlvlnn CorL-ioii wa,i named c niaklriK ucUvlot aof tlie R j ith Mr.s. Harmon iill siippllca ana m ttip flfty-ccnl

Pythians Arrange Farewell D in n e r For C.A. W ernicks

Honoring Mr. and Mri*. Clarence A, W rrnlck. who are Ipnvlng Twin ri>lls 500n lo make their home In N ya. Ote., a lurcwcU imrty W lu^ arranged Saturday evening a t the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Maher by members ol Twin Falls Knlght-s o{ pyUiVss and Pytfilan 8 iUr>. teinpleMr. Wcrnlck U chancellor conimnndcr of the Knight* of Pythm.s. and Mrs. Wrrnlck, most cxcelleiil chief of the Pythian Sl.ster.n, Dinner was served n l tables cen tered with bouquets of ,'inrhiR flow ers, and KlIM. nccoinpnnird by rarcl.i btaiinn an approprlalr oilKlnul verse, were presented to the honoree from the Kroiip. Pinochle was the dlver.'lon. lollowlnR fllnnrr, with hlKh honors fnr men roIiir to E A. Mliinerly, nml hlRh for the women to Mr D H:,i vcy Co<ili.

GoodinR Bride

.M Im CUIre Hale, r la tr early th ii tprin .Sst. William U Penr ;iniiounrrd by her r n,l .Mr^. WalUee A. I i.-iiaff enrravlnic)

>. E3aln Bailey; I a. Dor o th y Hill. Merlyn ChureWll. Patsy Plnck; tickets, Betty Roblnsan, WU- V He auSnn. Donni. LouSe Craig. Ouardlan council includes Mrs. Audrey Kelly, guardian; Maynixrd H lllr s e late g u ^ l a n ; Mrs.-KatlV.; ~ !r . OOODINO, May 24 - W ith the i-rln* f?tone. M rs' EHAbeth MI1 Ihfuie 'l/ing Ago nnd Par Away" lUdred Mi the anmul fprliig formal dnncc of * the flooding beUicl of Job s Dtvughten was given Friday evenlnK at the Usliin hall. Deepttilni (Uiidvs ol orchid were u.scd for celnjt decorallon and the orcheilra p it was Dorothy Collard was named of blnck. Music wnn provided by the president of Evening Oulld of Melody Malr.s of DiihL Tlia gm ' ew M:c5l05\ Rplscopai church, sucniMch was iffl by M iu Patsy Fli cccdlnR Mrs. John B. Robertson, a t and her escort, J e rr y XlirUtith e croup s recent lost meeting of Cofoniitloii of Itie newly elected llie year at Uie home of Mrs. Dora honoied quern. Mis.-. Mcilyn Chtirch- Hicks. Miss Ruth Moyer tnts hostlU. SM cowlMCW.d bv !,il Palsy Flnck. rellrliij queen. A ^^L 1tlnK were Mjfs Liiclllfl' Wester was named the ollirr high ufflccrs of the boUiel. rlcc-^iresiiient; M n. Robertson. *ecMiss Dorothy Hill, senior prln. rtnry, and Miss Inei Wheeler, treaMlsi Mary Hi Ikurd, Junior p ceu; Miss Ucity Adamson, mar A aoclal. In Uie fonn of a plcnle. ' and M IS.S Dori.s O-sbornt, guide. d In June, Regular business A (lower-covered latllre fence sumed In the fall. ofl ihP wLshlUft w ell from tho ball toom, R iw S.tl coroiwMon. throne e a mlvcd (llii.i WM <lraped ivlth pui pie robes oKset by n can>ct of gras Co^lllllll<'l^^ in clini'ReoI nrruiii;< menu Inchiilrd th e follnwliiK; CaiBill. Mary Alban I O.st, nrlty Aclal '. Ro.'iC

Jobs Daughters At Gooding Hold Ball f o r Queen

* D orothy Collard N ew Guild Head

rly II 1 tliey < thu entire t soUl hy Uic hoiidocHei ' </oii(oii .itrcch Sutiirdiiy before Mullicr's aiiy. Mis. Beer uiid Mrs. Ilu n n o n were cniitains ol tcAins ot u.'ii mutnbera; cucli 10 coinpcle In llie tU th n-ar loan drive. M, Elaine H nll was named chnlnnari of ilie group's commlttce to sccurc volunteer workecs to asity,' \ counvy rnUon. Ins board with lliclr sugar mtloi Ing nctlvltlcs. ^ M m . Dorolli)' {Itilnm, a3.-<l.itcd by Drs. Kririlii WurOerK, t llckel: Front niding chib* hoi Here July . Membenlilp Drive Mrs. Piij-nltr. tiMVMtrt by M i Aurora .SlUIlnim, will Jmvc chiir of a new nicnilnrslilp tirlve. ni Mrs, Marge Diamond will be rt;.si)oii. Mbie I I ........................... ....

Jerome, Womans P eck -L eieh liter Miss Claire Haln Sister Will Wed Ceremony Read Becom es Bi'iileiif Pfc. Beryl Smitli At Brides H om e Lt. C. F. Bergh Sgt. Wm. Iciice H om e From WAC OAKI-KV, .May 24Mr i.ii,! Mi.s riexlay . ?UUa- WjiD/ko a. liiOe. 0 .iklri oclock a P ost in Georgia .Ml.'s delphla, Penn. .Iiine 3, M i Hiir th r marrlnKc of their
KHzer. niivv iiui.'cs' curw. ii sl.slci Of Mrs. n<in;il(l Burk, become the bride of Lieut. Ciuitlc.\ P. BerRh. U. S. N, R., son of Mrt. Charles V. Denih and the liite Mr. Bergl), Phlla*lclphln. rclatlvc.i here Imvo lenmed, MlM Kelier vl.illcd relntlvc.5 In Jerome lost year. She Is the dauKhter of M r lUid Mrs. C, J. Keizer, for mer N?..vi, Ore.', rwlrteiil*. EnslKii Kcl7/T H R (tradiiiUe ot SI. Luke^s licispliiil .diO()l of nur.slnR, BoUe, unci jolnrd ihe niivy niirs.' Jnminn-, lfl. and reoenlly r--. uly In tJ 'nrinr. Cliiire Hale, to Ma,'ter Willi.on L. I'ciice, a t nuptials i>crIonncd enrly tUU aprlng In Sail Uil.c Cltv. Utah. Mrs. Pcnce Is a gnidunle of Oak ley high .-chool and at ttie time of her marriage wrts employed in Salt Lnke City. Sergeant Pcncc, who.'e home l. In North Carolina, 'lias b .,n in .M ew UllCUt' :. Ber>l J. i I. who Li * y corp ... Fi, George Q. Meade. Md....... home UiU week on furlough, vlsltInK her parent*. Mr. nnd .Mfn, H. Smith, and other relatives and friends In 'Twin FalU. Private SmlUi, who entered tlic WACS last August, U now terming '.h the finance depai Aftei la.. n .school II

Diiru. Rlcv, Mi'Ulc Ctomblct, Bnriwni liilrniilMlon. Dorl^ Osl.tii.-. iiiia .Iran Hnilolds. LoLl l V P W E . P I N K H H 'S g M

n in . Armand Cecil i>lmhls<r, who BM SIlM n u th Carman, CJooilInf, prior lo her recent marrtasf at th e howp ol hrr moVhrr, Mr*. Kdna Carm;.n. (Staff enfrn v ln j I

Lelch h ttr on FlrM i.sc-nuc In Hailey, tliel daUKhlor, Mis.'i .Mary Jane Lelchlltcr. beciime the brl<Ie of Tliumns Edwin Peek, son of Mr. and M rs. CccIl Peck. Carey. 'riic i.hiKle rhiK ceremony was read by th a Ucv. A\vguslsv JncWcy in tlic presence of the Immediate family. Atlcndlni; the cnuplc Mrs D.-iv,-y UoUlson, ,

Ruth Carmen and Armand Simhiser Wed at Gooding

imiKl Cccll.HlnihlMr i )f her mother, Mrs. nnii. QoalliiBT h e rtniil)!.- rins <r -nid hy nishoi) R. L t :ouiilr> tiood under an n bln.vionv' anti lllar.*. n i

Anderson Family H as Reunion at D. L. Price Home

Ji-jnOME, Miiv 2'Hirrr nir-mDrrf. of thf P. H. Ancler.m, Innnerly ol Sh'Oliy. r'luriHlh

Wlille here, hrr

s. Gt-miulf Carlrr. il brUlKf, M ^.^. Pay 1 lit jiinochle, iioiioi

C alendar
II (ircM blue.s of lUi

Family Nig'lit Banquet S taged By Filer Church

S e a s o n s Final Session Held by Gooding Sorosis

R ussell L ane G roup H o n o rs Ed.sel H ales

E v e ry tliin g
RUS.SK1.1. 1.ANK, May 24 - Ap proxlmaK'ly 30 frlriid.s a nd schoi. ehlldren HJivi- n .iurprl'.e party fo Kdscl Hal.- an.l family a t th e Ru-i K'll Lmie ic.hool Uo\in;. Mr. UrIb W ii.s pri-'entrd with a lovely I. nrt

n M others Unv; Mis< t , who was celi-iitiitint , nnd Don Anrtrrscin. tir rrHcwed 'h'orelgii Policy." summary of ttie years study Mrs. OHo Jci.slin. oiitfiolni; ;

nt. TuUps and narclft.sns In itrriTiniiRemrin ftri-oratecl Ihr lirnuly NcrtiX boauty parlor hci er tal)lr.s. Ei.ch ruo.k uii^ pren i e brlilcgrooin, who rccciitl d with a I'Or.'nice of cherry Members of Tftlil F iy II.i clinpler. colvrd incdlcfvl dl.chari;p fron blnwomu imri lilars. Ami'rln.ii W,ir Moihers, liiive ' e proBriim was nppw d wUh N. E. sinihl.'=. liivsifd bv th f Rn. Murk C. fall: Mrs. Schmitt, president; Mrs. live hi IV ln Kalbi for the dui na.i M-rvr(l t s In Ihn souLli Wlllliim Caner, vlce-prcslilent; Mrs. rnclflc'^wnr Mrs. E. W. TliompiKiii. Hi had been a W. . I church Sunday. Mny patient nt i James Alnstrn, tecri'tnry and Mrs. . Valley na\al Twin Kallfl, who with her ha'bnnd Methodist worker nt the Hunt Mrs. Sohinllt pre.slded nt Ihe tea FlL E n, Miiv 2 ^ -F ncrrhnpter ) imd returned mltnnary T\-ic brlile.i nltendnni wii-i Mrs, jRpnii. .sioke on -Youthentl>- table. llMle.ss Kroiip for the after 'liicom Asscndriiii and the brldevtih khiH, plaRs noon wa.s Mrs. Roser .McMahan, C A R E OF YOUR po oin waa atu-nded by Janii-s Eng- Artult Reliiilons. " 'and. MUs PhylU. Allls'm plnyrd plnnn were niiicle for ilip annual luncheon Mrs. Blythe CUiiioiu nnd Mrs. M;itk Sliolwell, Ju n e 14 III the liame ot Mrs. Jol\ A wedding luiiclieot\ wus served numbers, "nie l,03t Gtrord" iitu! S. Gourley, A rummage sale will mmedlately following the ccre- Hunnarlnn Conrert Polka.' Mrs. Sydney Owenby save a to.i.st, be held Miiy 2C-:>7. iiony, featurpd by the three-llercd 'or nond.d Urutnrir C By ANOEU? PATnl Mrs. I. A. Anderson priVicntcd a 'hivt Our Children Mean to U.s^' tt'cddliJK cake toii[)cd by a mhuad nutJi lI;irrbon rc.^I>cntlcd with paper on 'T h e Hl.'tary of Medicine." Suiuiy IJ lao jenrj old, very u c lL . ture bride ajid iniirlne brldpsroom. treshnu'ni.s were .sened by the nd hlgWy IntelllBtnt. HLi m other The bride cut th e cake in tradition Wiat Our-Pnrenw Mean to Ds.^ Mrs. H. Lorain was In chargc of Is anxious that he be reared In lh( al manner. HEBUILDINO RENOVATINO Following th e luncheon the coiiplo arrangementj. 6 he was a.vUted by best poulbl: way to develop hli Gem Slale Social club will mee Intelligence, She glvei h erself u left for a three-weeks wedding trip Mrs. Clarence Edwards. Mrs. R. D. EVERTON MATTUESa CO. 10 Knairui where they will visit hlis Abel. Mt. Abei, Mr*. A lbtil Priflay. May 26. l o r 'a 1:30 p. n ht Mrvtce SlMllj-, it\5t parents. They will make thclr home Tlieener. Mr*. Carl McBride and ^ -s.crt luncheon nt tlie homo of Mr; i2t Second Afe. a rhone SI W Breatly. Mrs, Price Holloway. C, Martin, Sunny ROl a lln pan out o f the in Ooodlng. Kitchen. Tlien he found a atlck of kIndUng by the JlrepUc. He a t e d hlnueir t t hli mother! feet and began pounding (he tin w ith the itock. H pounded w hard lil eyes blinked with every thutnn. Bo did BUHL. May a i - M n . IloberUi Ca Biothet'a, nine. yeoman second clasj. stationed She stood It as long u ahc could In San Diego. Calif., has been and then said, gtntly, "Sunnj', leave visiting her husbands p .. plesM Btop. I t hurtj mother * tiead," ents, Mr. and Mrs. J . H. Canine. Sunny suspended lh stick tin In BuIjI. She recently rtetW ed word atant and then beat the-tin h ard e r Ihnt h e r hU-<bahd, Tech.' Sgt. Lewis J j a n ever. "'Sunny, didn't you heai Canine, has a rriv a l safely.at a south W olher? You hurt mothers head .' Pacific bose. At this sunny chucltted and wenl Mr. and Mr*. C, M. Roberson. to 14 as hw d as h wm able. Burley. parenU of Mrs. James CaWanU an Audience nine: Mrs. Roberta Canine end Mr. Mother UId her hand on his airin' and Mrs, Jam es Canine spent Sun ly. and began talking to Sunny ex day In Ooodlng with A ft and Mrs, plaining. reasoning, ealollns h im U IJKVcy Kacdlng, mother of Mrs. find pleasure In hli little wagon, his noberta Canine. She la now visiting toy autoa, his anlmels In the p a s te In Ooodlng w ith her father and board roo. No. Bunny w anted to mother, and win return to i thump his pan. and seemed to en jo y Diego a t the c^mpUtlon of her Ici th e sound ol his mother's voice. He thumped the tin pat) again a n d his mother left the room to h im . H# beat his pan for a time and th e n feeling lonely, took It v l h is stick and went in search of hla m o th e r ao FU iEn, ^fay H Mrs. Dewey a to have an audience. He was atlU enjoying himself, on tho wy he Caughey was h o ste a to the North m et his aunt whom he liked an d Street Dinner club a t a monthly nohprt d in n er meeting. T h e H guests dropped hU noby liutrvments. A few day* aftenrard his m o th e r -,cre seated l it one table covered . left him with hlj gm ndm other .Itli damask an d centered with a while she went out. Sunny looked bouquet of tulips, on either aide of lor a Un pan and a drMrruUcK tintl which were taU wWtfl candlta in began beating a tattoo. Q ran d m o th - crystal holders. Mrs. Chorle* Orm. Mrs. a u o er ald. "Stop that noise, Sunny. If you w ant to beat that pan go o u t Btutonan and Miss Clara Stutzman doors. You cannot mske th a t d in In gve a vocal number and Mrs, Orm p i a y e d harmonic* numbers, a the house." humorou* d e b a t e on 'm odem Grandma Acts Sunny looked at her. gave a loud elothes" was given, followed by r a t- ta -ta t and chuckled. G ra n d - games w ith prUes going to Mrs. laalher put down Jwr Bwlt. gave Flocence Scott ttn d M re .E lsn ttllw d M n. Lyman Caughey. a rcccnt one smikri spat on his seat a n d set him out In the hall. He w u su r. bride, was presented with a glfu prised and a little hurt la his fee l Mrs. Ocwey Oaugliey, who has a Msy birthday, also received a gift. ings. "Vou shouldn't do that to m e Plana were made for a rmmnagc W herCTcr a U . S . b a ttle sh ip m a y b e , th e A m erican w ay o f life g o e a a l o n g ; s i grandma," * "Oh. yc*. I should. When little la gports, h u m o r, c u n o m s a n d ^ r e s h m e n i . S o, na turally, Coca-C ola Is th e re , boy doe.1 not atop making a bud to o , m et w ith Irc q u ep tly . H a v t m "Coke" is a p h rase a s c o m m o o a b o a r d % ncrtst when 1 iisk him, thats w h a t I always da." b attle-w ag o n u i t is a sh o re . I t's a slg a a ! th a t sp e lls o u t ITV p a lt. F ro to on." "Yes," Honoring Mr*. ^ H. Cole, whose A tla n ta to th e S e re o S e a s, C o c a-C o la is sp re a d in g c u stotti o f t&t Could I come back In U I w n h\5 bM j<S la ileutnnt-colonel wlUi good boy, grandma?" the Infnntry in Jtaly. Mrs. O. II. th a t r t/rtib e i,i n s b e co m e a sy m b o l o f h s p p y c o m ra d e s h ip la inatiy U n d s . " ~ I'Of course. Ics naeural for poputarnam n Tnilit. PUer. enterU lned a t a I p; Arguing, reasoning, with T w o m. luncheon Wednesday a t the Pork I to aquli friendly abbtevl* OTIIIO UNBli AUIHOIITT Of tHI COCA'COIA COMrANY I I Years, is aheer waste. IVy to d iv e rt hotel In Twin Palls. R tioni. T hats why you heat (heir attenUon, and U that falls, p u t auesU were seated t t a tingle u 7 CocCoia aH(d V ck eT , them where they belong. ble. decorated w ith U lan and tulips, T W IN PA LLS C O C A -C O L A B O T T L IN G CO M PA N Y pnjmtly, for luncheon. ^tr which they went lo the liomo of Mra. Cole lo play IlEAD TIME^NEWB WANT A D S. bnilge a t three tables.

S H i?

P.E.O. Luncheon Planned June 14



F ur S h o p



WAVE* Yeom an V isito r a t ^ Buhl

Have a Coca-Cola= As you were


100^000 Items
IIouiewlTe*. w ar werken. fanners, otfiea nen. and women > all will find w artim e shopping mueh easier a t SeartI On oea trip jou can se lec t Cwm m ore than IQQJW O Item jt Dny tr o a oar eoonten o r from ear big Spring and lummer catalog anS pedal catalogs n l anr Catalog Sales Department, you get Sean famoos a a v ln n on gnaranleed merchaniUse and hare more money to In v o t Id w ar bonds. Ton save rationed gaa and hard-to-get tire*. Yoa aame lim e and energy. Yes, yea u v e m e r e ira y . than one on ONE-STOP EUOFPING AT . SEMISI S ee find F e e l S w a tc h e s o f C s t n lo g M a te r ia ls ! A ctual samples o t catalog m aterials In handy m t c h books permit you to . feel tJie goods you order.

Dinner Club at F iler H as M eet

. . . a way to relax on a battleship

Retail o r c a u lo c purchase totaling ten dollan or more may be m ads on 0 e a n Easy F a r n e n t Flaa.

Luncheon P arty H onors Mrs. Cole


Twin FaU s

Pho ni 1848; .

Page E ight


W e d n e s d a y E v e n i n s , May 24, 1 9 4 4

SPORT fro :


TucUerTops A. L. Hitters
C H IC A G O , M a y 2 4 < /P )C c n te rf ie ld e r T h u r m iin T u ck e r o f th e In st-p tn c e ChicnRo W h ite S o x p o s te d n .Ji96 to k e e p hiH le ad in th o A m o ricn n lonRuc h a ttin R r n c e th is w eek w ith a H ulw tiint-inl \1p o in t m arB in oVfir h i n e a r e s t r iv a l, N ick NonY o rk Y ankee.s' f i r s t I; Altliniitrh

American aniiLNatioiiaLtoJBauseFor Silent Prayer and Anthem Changes in Basket Rules Meet Magic Valley Coaches Approval
Frisch Sees Bucs Holding Own in Tight N. L. Race
C h a n g e s m ade in th e b a s. k e tb a ll ru les by th e Id a h o S t a t e H is h S c hool A th le tic a .sao c iatio ii m e t w ith g e n e r a l a p p r o v a l by c agc o f fic ia la a n d c o a c h c s in th e M a g ic V alley . M o st o f th e m sa id t h a t th e y w o u ld h a v e little e f f e c t on th e playFloyd D.iw t. s. niii.l hiKh school crcn-^lng ol [wrmllted i. would at/'p 1 N E W . Y O R K , M a y 24 (/P) M a jo r le a g u e a n d P a c ific c o a s t lua^ue b a s e b a ll p a r k s w ill be k e p t open o n D -d a y b u t I n te rn a tio n a l le a g u e p la n ts w ill .sh u t dow n f o r th e d a y a t th e a n n o u n c e m e n t t h a t th e allie s h a v e b e g u n t h e ir in v a sio n o f E u ro p e , th o A s.sociated Pre.ss h a s le a rn e d . while both tho big leagues ' play on D-ilay their games will marked with Mmple. brief ccrvn

Riickei s Miiff With Two out In Ninth Beats Giants, 3-2

B R O O K L Y N , M a y 2-1 (/P> .lo h n n y R u c k e rs m u f f o f L lo y d W n n e r 's f ly b a ll a f t e r c o llid in g w ith Charley M e n d g a v e B ro o k ly n tw o r u n s in th e hust o f th e n in th inning a n d a .1-2 v ic to r y o v e r th e N e w Y o rk G ia n t.s. A crow d o f 22,1.15 tu r n e d o u t f o r th e fir-st n i g h t g a m e in th e m etro p o lita n a r e a sin c e 1941. P i n c li - r u n n e r H a l G re g g and F re n ch y B o r d a g a r a ; ro m p ed , hom o w h en R u ck c. ALDANY............ May 3w a s u n a b le to h o ld th e b a ll Plli.sbiirKh Plralcs 1 rccelvcd Just prior a n d w a s c h a r g e d w ith a tw o- longue l>la.ited awi the nliuh Inning bn.se e r r o r . Rill Volselle held the Do<lBcr* Ir

11 Runs in 9th

I>llt--.burh. Albany Her.elKno

001 DOO M J 3

Id material proiiipux: win will suiy Used I W alt Olds, ih.' longer. liny. Pres veil an. 3ov. '010111118 E. De' .. recently sugHcsted lliat.clllzens go XI llieir hoino.s or churches for pray. >rs when ihu Invasion announce ment is made. To Postpone Proiram New York, Illinois nnd West Vir Rlnln race tracks nirendy laciiuj , II. noimced that ' ' e D -^ y received bi I the c day-.s cxhlblllon bofor e of them huinb in stop-w lth-hls -bnre

ni;e 1^ rr'fiDnilble for (lie riM.tr mark c itrn as II U (Sport note: Thfre has b ftn nr Itrii Canlnr. Jlniry reloy I. Hfrbi-rt I'olUrc!

Ic<l in two-bn.se-hlt.i w ith 11 nnd the Browns' Don Olittprldge h most trlplc-1. live. Doerr nnd Torres had th hIt-1. 38 aplcce; while Ocornc Stlrnwclss. New York, ri'KiilnccI th e bnscslenllns lead with clKht thffU , nob Joh Clpvrlnnilj

lie prlncliiiil and n C .1R C referee iliroughout thu ite, rtcclftted thnt the unlimited ibsiiliitlon r would only can Into regular piny w hat h ad been ih.'nnillc< milled In loumnm ents Inst .se.i.'on. Doth Olds ulid Bowei Id not believe the II' .oiild cause refcrrf.s i

G reasing & W ashing

"We arc . now rc.idy to take etirc of your wash nnd grcie Jobs with the snappiest Jctvlco. B rins your ci\r to the Aslivonli Motor Company for nil your necrtM ser^ler,

Ashworth M o tor Co.

slrikM mr llirir murk m mfet. (Hport eUllnra noli the l:3C Ilsu rf l nb< :iril .Main Avc. E. T w in F a lK Idaho

Trucks Fans 12
GBEAT I.AKKS. III., M;iy 24 liutcd r . In tioncil. Burley but the mile; Diirli'y with S2 tihiL und Tft'ln FiiH-i. second with 30 2 3 In the district, Burley jcorud li every event but the shol; liurley H Ta-ln Pulls, second, o;o-2i-3 L ' clWrli , only I luslal k the onlv i: 1020. Durley ' 1 C IlrM 10 hlltcrs. tlic cILscus; niirley 70j. Tivl Walker Li lied w second. 27. In 1021. Burley to( event but tho low hurdle conch held the men out or I unOoubledly Unvo been ever t ycnr^: B iirlo' 70, Tmu second, >nd. 23.................... ..... c mile every e r icores nnd Twin FiilU still sec ond. In the 1020 meet Durley feori'rt live polnta In tlic relny, nnrt i'lnht each In SO. lOO, 220 nnd 410. hlsh and low hurdler and i>olc vnuU; or, Max Macon Is the sloU-ti b . In eight events, the Bobcnu ninclc cr with six, nit th a t was possible due to llmltnnx L.in1 cr, St. LouLs, tlon of cntrk'.i. T hnt must be rec iped hnvliift hts wli ord, Scoring then waa 5, 3 anil 1 snnpp(<l but he has six : only three plncea.) unlcM the aiL'ipumteil Bn And th a t leads around (o the Philadelphia Is ctimplclfi! other Ihlnr th a t puiiled me. The Card lo's nc'Xt trip nruuiK piece (dllotrliiir this years district meet about Wesley Kells belni on Ills way l4 > all-tim e record, and (omethlnK about nine Individual money n .itartlnif pltchcr will flnh.li championship.*. his gnme In the major IciiKiu-s ihL' I would like to know whnt Is be- j,tn..on v.l\h the Kivtloiinl lodn) Jilnd tlint. In 1020 Wesley Doc won siwrtlng n alight edge on th e Ami T' 50. 100. 220, 440, bronil Jump nnd re Icnn In number of complclc gam?; lay In district for 26U points, nnd hurled. In the gtntc m eet nt Moscow the 50. Of 229 fllnger* to face th e flrltif 100. 220, broad Jump nnd wns on the line In the senior loop. 112, o r Jus' relay team whlch Jlnlshcd second a ihnde under SO per cent,. hav< for 20?; points. the entire nlno InnltiBs. Tin In 1021 district meet, h ................ to.wed Anicricaji nveranc of 110 finishers 50, 100, 220. broad Jump, Javelin nnd In 238 etnrlers Is fotir percentage relny for 2G'i polnU, aflcr dolns points lower, about the same In a dun! meet will Moiind records for the first fifth Rupert. At tlic stnto meet In Mos of the 1044 fnll to rtvi cow, he won the 50, 100. 220, broad any markedcnmpnlgn uiiswlng In sliiilot.... Jump nnd wns on the winning re despite the epidemic of low-hlt lay tenm for 2l',i points. game?. Tlic two leuH'ies to ta l' In 1> 22 dLitrlct, he won 50. 100 whllewiLsh Jobs so f a r ns 230, brond Jump, low hurdles ant 35 for the e n tire senson relay for 2 4 '. nnd a t the south- pared to year. Here ngaln, th e Nntiom . rm Idahn meet nt Caldwell 50, 100, Inst 220. brond Jump.'* low liunllcs nnd liius a wide edge with 23 blankings to In the American, relay for 2CH points, I believe ho 14As the cliilis enier th e ir second did the iv.m t MofiCow, nUlimiiili I run not ccrtnln if he competed In Inlerscctlonnlscrlw tomorrow in th . low hurdles Uiere. Uc dropped com- American league's Western towns and the National's east, th e ncc petition In 440 in IQ30 and Javelin "routers" are Ducky W altera of Cin In 1021 nt state meet. cinnati with .seven complete Ramcs Burley won all Ihrse tneel In seven tries nnd Rip Sewell of ffp t the slate In ISO , whei Pittsburgh with six for six, Johnny Kobeats rinlshed iteeond. i>o< hl{h point m an In all those meets, Corsica, Detroit, f4 for 4). Waller Dubiel of the Yankees (3 for 3) nnd and won every event he starlei* In Uie 50 nt 1022 district, lu - ... Clyde Shoiin. Cincinnati, (2 for 2) his nearest competitor, Turley, had are the other mound.imcn to finish ever}' gnme stnrtrd, adJolnlnR Innr.i on one side nnd Dublel Is the only freshm an with Twin Falls man, Patz, was on U,. lone u the opposite side. Doc got a perfect mark although Chnrley a bad sUirt nnd I gue.'is cvcn'one Schan* of the Phlllle.s hns gone nil tliero except one JudRC was watch the way five limes In six attem pts. ing him and Turley ond4)o one sa Tatz. I t waa announced Doe fin ., Turley second mid then tliey could not teem to get third. After delay the nnnounccmcnt wns nincle th a t one Judge wn* cerioln Pat had won the rnce. At a eonfercnci H was decided to untlsfy all concemrd and cnli it a Uirce-wny Uc. 'H ill make* IS errnU won Ir three dijtrlol meeta, not eoontlnr relayi, for Doe' He set up sta t records la SO , 100 "220, brond Jump, and possibly tho low hurdles. I m ay be wr< . wonder if his fflork o r,3 3 '. . . ___ not BUll hold good In brond Jump? In Uie 1D25 BtAt m eet n t Pocatello, wliich I MW, h is SO and 100 marks were bcatn, t h e first by Jn;f Murphy Dmdy, Pocatello, who four, yean b t r w m a QunrMrbatk at Notre Dome, a n d th s JOO by Judson Timm, Tnin Fulls, la(r halfback at Illinois. Timm tind taken some sec onds or thirds to Doe a t (he 1923 . distrtct tneeu B failed th a t day , .crack tha _ m m ark which b# i _ wantln* espMlhlljr. Ela m a rk H rio o . u B,9. Ooek h a d been 10 flat, bI< . ihouib eotchas. tim ing unofficially, AustrtU* has a bombardier beetle wera repottd to hav caught him in J > h u 0pbuf Terticolls) w h i c h : t j . A t th a t tim e <1922) o n lr lUths emit* a Uttla cloud of n cild v apor to were counted.Ita enemies. year's r

flniw ing I -a rc c r Hy S e r v in g I k l l c r '

. hurled a Iwii2 B0.S U 1 I1 bnt.smnn .OOOOIOOOO I


PA CIFH C G U A N O 1 7 -7 -0

tie line e.xhlbltlon that hnfl been II by nil th e clubj. urliig the off-sen.son the Rcneral linn heard cxprew il wn.i th at 1 (1 .Mnf JO tniiny inp.drawer play-, wniilil greiitly rcdiice the QUiilli hns
ik Iis I,

lUlliei.S. /I ll OUk-l..*!, Utlll lill.S lllHlli a favorable lnipres.>ilon, Nick Slrlnc'vlcti appinrs to have fcniiul him self. X avlcr llMclgno iHH;lll to be nim-h imi)roved nfter a year',s rxIM-rlence. Wc can dcix-nd on sin-h veteraiB as Rip Sewell nnd Mas Butcher. Johnny Gee will help. All the Plrntes rctinlrc L s a battUiK brace. We haven't done much hlUlnn . II far, but Hull's bcraiwc bad w-eallier kept the squad IndcMrs

Boxer Ordered To Cut Beard

NEW YORK, May 24 M'l - Joe niik-sl s beard, which the Kulpmoiii, Penn. heavvwelKht hoped lo wear until D-<iay, ran Into a 'take-ll-off" lellc cumml.'.ilcn. F(ir three wei'ts the ex-mlner and foniur dlme-a-dnnce Imll biaiiicer h:is been cultivating a whisker erop while training for Frltlay nl>:ht's 12-nnmd scrap witli Leu S.ivold in Madison Square garden. " rm Koing to shave If ofl the day SKlvl +-F Jm . B \a l<xli\y, a Kulpinoiit kid nnd Savold. th terson, N. J.. Ad6nls. appeared for physical checkuiB before the boxing bo:ird, Ocn. J, J. Plielan, tlie com mission chairman, opened his rule book ami rend; "ConU'.'tiints nnd I . be cicanly Biiksl appeared for the cxamlnalon wearing blue overalls, a striped ind multi-hued polo sh irt and n .j)orts Jackcl, nlonj wlUi 0-1 work ihocs. Savold was n fn.shlon platcTwo months ago Savold won a :lo.se decision over DaksI In the gar-

WASHINGTON, May 24 (,I>, - Only four members of la.sl year's east, rrn illvLsInn championship tenm are ainoUK 23 pliiyora the Washlnglon Ilcil.skuis Al(| had b tn i sinned to : Nat FoolU;iH leaiiiie . Tlic'y are Uob Seymour, fullback. Ho Inrmcrly played with Oklahoa; Till Ij>pka, end. from St. Amose, nnd g u a rd s'A l Florentlno. islon college, and Dick t armiin, Washington Stale.

Only 4 Redskins Signed for Play

Bacon Produce Co.

P hone OECice 2 3 0 E venings 1848

i has I nni hopeful th a t'th e Plrnle.i will nub-s enniimlercd by be ab lf to hoUl their own In wluit i.lnycd well, rh ib In Ihe league proml.-=es to be one of the llghle.st races In hUlorj'e th a n (he NKXT:

Chicago U. to W ithdraw From All Big 10 Athletic Branches

CH IC A G O ,' M ay 21 T h e U n i v e r s i t y o f ChicuKO, w hich q u it in tc r c o ilc tiia tc f o o tb a ll in 1 9 3 9 , T u e s d a y w ith d r e w fro m all u t l i k t i c c o m p e titio n in t h e W e s te r n c o n fo r c n c c throuK h I9 '15 b e ca u se o f m n n p o w e r H h o rtn fjo . T h e iin n o u n c e . m e iit w as m a d e by A a r o n J . B r u m b a u g h , d e a n o f s tu d e n ts , u'ho f o rw a rd e d th e u n iv e r s ity s d e c is i o n to t h e W e.stc rn c o n feren c e f a c u l t y c o m m itte e w h ic h m c e t.s F r i d a y in C h ic a g o . T h e d e c is io n w a s r e a c h e d a f t e r u n i v e r s i t y a th le t ic o f f ic i a ls d o u b te d t h a t ChicaKO ! w o u ld h a v e s u f f i c ie n t s t u d e n t s e lig ib le f o r c o m p e titio n n e x t y e a r t o o r g a n iz e te a m .i a n d f ig u r e d t h a t i t w o u ld be SAN JOSE. Cnllf.,M ay24i/r>Leo nichettl. 17-yeor-old locol u n f a i r to t h e c o n fe re n c e if prep tcliool boy who pltchcd a th o u n i v e r s i t y in c lu d ed in th e no-hlt, no-run bivsebiill game last s c h e d u le s . Siiturilay. hns become the prop T ills pnrtlculnrly applied to bas erty of the New York Yankcw- ketball for which the 1944-45 sched He was signed to n contract of ule will be draw n by the Dig 10 the Yankees' fftrm club, Newnrk. coacjics Thursday. nnd will report to the In lern aT he Maroons have not won a .... ilonnl league tenm alter his fcrcncc cage game in four seasons ichciot lerni d o se s the middle of and th is spring tlielr bi.'ebnll team June. gain Is in la st place without a vieimervlewcrs were told n ig h cttl tory. received a substantial bonus In PiiclllUes a t th e University tlic deal. He w as ilgaed by Joe Chicago will rem ain open for ..v Devine, w estern scout for the of Dig 10 teams In champlonsiiip Yankees. Mo.st of fUstielti s ex compiUtion. D ean Drumhaugh said. perience has b een at shortstop Decnuse of l u central location in and he wns signed to a contract the conference the Maroons' fieldstipulating th a t position, Ue U a house h a s been used for annual In sHKlcnt a t Detlnmlnc prep here door trac k and field champlonsiiip ond has a n o th er year of h igh meets. fchool to complete. W hile Chl<

NorHit Contest Gets Schoolboy Yank Contract

Pep Kayoes Joey Bagnato

BUFFALO. N. Y,. May 24 (,r, Willle Pep. Hartford, Conn., boy who the New York eiaie nominee for e world featherweight title, knocked out Joey Dagnaio, 132%, Toronto, in one minute, three sec onds of Uie second round of their scheduled lO-round fight before 4JOO fans In memorial auditorium lost nlghL Pep who weighed 128?;, hnd the sltunUon in hand throughout tho brief encounter. In the sccond round he uncorked power In his right hand tlint belled his slender pliystque rrashed a right-hand punch flusli 0 Bagnnto's Jaw, and dropped him or the counL

Coast League

MUNGER INDUCTED ST. LOUIS, May 24 (,tV-Oergo H unger, 2S-year-old St. Louis Car dinal pitch er who has won four games a n d lost one this seosoa has been accepted a t Jefferson Barracks for InducUon into the army.

fo r
Call usWe will also p a ; cash for old. worthless or dead hones, cows, sheep, hogs. CALL COLLECT ' Twin FaUs 214; GwUi t t \ ___________ Kopett M

ibcntnd OmpWlli CuaUoM *'> > < 1S*o FrtMi>i . iW _________SOI IM 11-1 H __ KniKUf - ....._.SOO C M KKt- t rim e r


R!nonJl^ Viiirkier; ?lnur'"i

ID A H O HID E L & T q llo w Co.


W cdnesdny E v e n ln ff , M a y 2 4 , 1 9 44


, . Page Nine -

P O O L lY O P E N _J H

G. 0 . P. Womens Club Guests at Buhl

M '

Y M G E IS 3
21-yrar-olcl lurin boy from Alr*n.Klcr City. Aln lon^ lo nn Imo

M arkets and Finance

I "Sh H

.';sr,,;'"5:S's,=;,.sE ks.-Lv Mnvf InU }.W


Livestock Markets



Mny 2< m -H ca v y

z r z y x . ....
K S '. -

lU ii
i ; i S New Yoik .... .. stocks
I Iflf 'IVIir.

ii I ALWAYS ON TUB JOB I Raisc H alts Utah I i-v j A n n ln (ri 7 c 1

j :!

i i i l l i i l l S i1 M .

r '=

Railroad Walkout

. W 1 :!il i:il i i i i ia a = a s

S iiiiI:!!,. l:Sii

(without priority)


Lavatories Sinks Fixtures^

in c lu d in R fn u c c L s s t r a i n , c r s , trnpH , c lc.


M in e rs a n d M u c k e rs

Installation M aterial



P ag e Ten


W e d n e s d a y E v e n i n g . M ny 2 4 , 1044







' E S f tD ,3 ^ K E .' 1',TDLD /V\W?WA.)1 Wv W, VOl) 8 lG \f ^ r H 0 P n - J OvOKi'S.TeM P E R C e ^T OF ^ ^ C M lS e L G R ./ ---------

ic lenndnllied It slie knew OVUUIEAUD room. S h e asked for XXVII dlllrrent room, becnusc nlic i*1 d r1 CourtriRlil w(n doing n )uf> oi snnred." Link pul. an arm arouiiil Nomia friKhtcnlng Arjiriukl Unit snUsIlci nntl kUi?l lier.. He heli her. Baldwin w m aldliiif Her. iinwli' iind loudinl her h air, tlnsJy. Arariu^kl .ft* nultp icrrlllrrt BllhouffU pretcndliiK olherwt'C. niir ho-.v M u- W M IteinbllnH, hf rtnllzed he would not push her lor more ol how rnlly frlKhleiied ft show of re-MilW. Not loiilKhl. Arotoskl said honrwly, "Ymrr craz>l U nk and Normn 7.111 go buck to prison nnd keep tlirir iiioiithi hut. Tlie}- win never know CoiirtrlRht found out the ninuiluK of tl ( mCAsnse- After IIk- ttnr. llu y 'Ul find the hldhiR lilnce emiily. bill they will not kno>i- who Rot Into It Link nnd Nornm wl In lell I r Jniin InielllRence tin .. - noilihiK I me&'nKe. Tlien we i the loot oiiTselvps. V vUl be sii(. Now wft-1 n BO(xl nm r u CounrlRhl dnlded. She ROt ;nr. "Wr will............- .......... (ir hr iild. 'Clofxl nlKlit, Cainr Good nlRlii. Buldwln. " &hP wiilKrtl iiwiiy. IliidlnK Ihnt : hftd 10 flKlit a weak lerlliiK In I legs. She walked lownrd Ihi- inn fore* nnri detimiinnllnn, hr Ji herpcll ereet. a tail stralRl.l fii.-'

n inihapiiy pos'H private uplnlon. ii Aznraskl swoir eieberJ.'h abotii .lc cellani," hr mid. with tlia il CoiirtrlKlil. and N 'You might." fald Balilwln. "Imv to explain th a t lo your .superior olfleers." Ararnskl grunled dLsnKrneiibly. "Poison, then," lie snld. "They got ome *polled food. Lots of people In Japan arc Retting polsonc<l on the food. The food Is U-rrllile." On Ihnt not-', without exi-iiaiinlnK aoodbys. the two m e n M'|>.irnl''il. Aiariiskl went toward llir Inn iljililwin took nnolher din-ctlon, to a nearby vlllnge. irnvellnR .slowly nnd favoring his Infeeted fool. After Uiry hnd gone. U nk rrawled away Ironi the eiir. Lnik had been sure, nil cvrnlnR, tlmi Connright wivs bi-havliiK ftraiinely. Hihad heard ConrlrlKhl Inwr the Inn. (uid he Hnd folloivi'd hiT. -nu- i.ira.-,.'. la .i very lull nra ' '

Link had a linlr-raWhit Ulig back, hi silence, to h In the darkene<l Inn. 'riu'

he didn't- know whal beclrixmi sht O'lnR about C oiirtrldil to notice whnt bedroom Nornm hiid taken. He thoiight Norma and CoiirtrlRht acre lORetiier. He wn barely Inside lib own room when Normn'A voice whlnpcri-d Ills name. "Link?" slie asked. "It Uint you?" "Holy cnts. bnby, you startled me," Link breathed, Norma whl.'pered. "I've been wnltlnR here n long llnie. I was rcitlng fo worried. Arc yon nil right?" They loenlwi ench olhcr In the darkne.u, and Link look her hands .and kept hold of liicm. She explntned. "I couldn't sleep, anti I thought If you werent naleep. you might talk to me. But you weren't here. "Norma, have you seen Courtrlghl?" he whbpercd. "No. Sho Is oslvc^p, I ImaRlne. I hope she is, Bni'aw?, becnuso she

"Yuu're iiiiiklnK blc doiisli now. Jocko, bin niter Ihc war you'll wish you'd sluek w ith m cl'

. . UMially th a t kid ciin t touch my pitching 1 I




1KWOO] {DV4EW1HAV6 BEEN 'rtJO C A NK AVe A L 4 B ^ Fieora A W O YEF KtAUJH A SMAIL Fr6 UR^Jjj<f DOROTHVUKEtOHyM, ^ 5 '- ^ 2 S / n o u j m r . a p e m s PEPPER A MERE HANOPUL IN P o P E V E 'S EHE, AND'TME MATdH


A (SIFT FROM M E T O J *iD U ,M R . A P E ]

EVC)(V CUKC MILE 0F CONTAIKS APPOOXIAUT?L> '.S'O O .OO O TONS OF . Fall dOTO ond play dead or well never cet rid of hlm l


5tW Tf9 u L'fiHTNiN^ JSCK H M.'MNS DCNVN T O5JZ2 CCS 5<}^*L s o TH AT'S /r/...r>-SM >*Sk* Wi**? T5ST TM5'2 ISOVSPBD CJT C'THA.7 aoCK PILSA. ;CANT 5lT THIS C?lTTL'H' ^ THBaC...

. y 5JT : {AN UBT BASS VSSS3 SO -C .5 th 'M 'T 't i ; i .


By V. T. H A M LIN

W e d n e s d a y E v e n in g , M n y 24, 1911 ,


Page Eleven

C om m encem ent Is P la n n e d a t N o r m a l
ALBION NORMAL, Mny 2 4 -T l slx-dny conimenccnienl program foi graduates uf Albion Slnt^ Nonnnl ;<Jionl, scliedillrd lo clone wiUi gradunlliu excrclsc.i on Wedne.idny, Mny 31. mil 0|M'ii with a senior.fiirullv dliiiier nl 6 p. m. Friday. May -< 5. In Conilsli ftnll dlnlinf room, Prpslilnii iincl Mrs. R- H. Snyder will bo t linmo to senior*, fncv member-, nnd nlunnil from 3 P10 5 p m. Biinday, Mny 28. Uaa p. m. fiuiKlny In Bocock m nnorlal im Mth the Rev. Mnrk C. TKIT, IV ln Fallj. delivering mu, Availability of Ood." .:l,i.s.s-dny cxcrcl^e8 Imv n wliPdiikd lor 10 a. in. Mondny. y 13. \ B^vocV.-aMrtHotUitu wtieix pwinl iiroKnim will bo presented mniibrrs of tlin KrnduatliiK claw. U II . m. Wrclnc^^Iay. Mny 31. ninenrfiiieni nxcrclsc.? will be held

One Rehabilitation Method


W ain
(OlMd t.

r t'A P A N D S K ! ,L

, S E L L
'DciDU N M Thlj pr>r n .n4 M:t _nj TO r-L A C E 'l OUR CLA S.S1K IK I) . . .

th in i is

to e u l" H A i)IO AND M D s IC


'v i lli f a s t a c tio n .

DUUAS-WAlUJEll 1 Thr IT ,(io n fiin iilip s siil)A U T O S I'O K S A I X

ficril)inff d a ily to UiP T iiiif'sK (-w s n a s u r e s H IlS U I .T S ~ c n T ir (J in { X ('T (T K tf M)) n i : y

i o loan

M A Y . G R A I N A N D KKP:i) .ur-c.

TO P CA SH r u ir i.;s PAID FOR LATE MODri, USED CAR AND IKUfKR M A G E L A U T O C( )M IA N Y '' 1'U L I.li.S A >IU T ltA lL liU .S

The hIrTfle ba many u<fnnd one of them Is in tb# eten*lv rrliahllliallnn prngram undertaken by the navy for pntients a l tba naval ronvalp^cent bo^pllal at Sun Valle.T. Here CnpL Hunard If. :MnnUi>mrrj, t'SN (MCI, who recenllT in.ipected the liospltal. and' (.niiir. T. Cnnly. I'SN (M<-|. r t l olili one of the reliablllon |f^flln^ brfnre an hour of bieyrllnr nn Ihe hnpltal coWIMUnd. filial f . S. navy photo-nnff enjfmvln*)

iii-:AUTv siiol,-



. ----- AV IO S K irV ^ C K a n fi P A l'n 'S t'U U N lT U H fc :. A lM M .fA NC tvS

P re s b y te ria n s a t E d en H o ld D i n n e r (


D e a f , B lin d C la s s G r a d u a te s M a y 26
- Grnduntlon , [ School lor nd Bliiii will ly held m. Six stupiit.s will grnriiinte fr lent for the ilcnf nnd four from le department for ttlc blind. Grndualo.? arc Olivo Carol Borden, ;urlcj-;-JoM'ph-Jftcob Dcmlck. Sal..lon. Ronallc Anlla Hay, niRb}'.' Amber Jenmictle lltvcd, Naples; Oreia Pearl Sage. Kclchum And Lola Lovln.i Young, Osbum. nil from the dep.->rtmcnt of Ihe deaf; Nlln Lilian Ilnnsen. Teton, Violet Vlvinn Maki. McCall: IJnnnle Louise Nfibltt', inri Diirrell Lotil.^ Terry, . ill from the department of the blind.

' HKAI, K ST A 'I E W A N T E D _____ l.O S 'J A N D K O lJN I) i.E G A L a d v e u t i s e m p : n t s iioiiey .ncrniliiR (o said fiintls ii .m IliP BOND, INTEREST n; .SINKINO FUND tlir tollowltlB: Wnfcrnorlu npfiindliiB Bonrt.', Berks B"; Prliicli>iil ......................... t 23,000 I Rc/\ii ,lrs. Hoy Gordon; plnno 5 lo, L W. Beebout. . Dixon ronducted bluckboani on clinpterh of Uie Dlbh* and , ijiislncM mcctlnif wn.% conduct ed by Mm, Mnude Mclcall. IniuU nre welromliiR him bni .n< M l rlM-r. Mr. Aiuler wns I. ' (tlvr up I hr drUK iMLslness tenipoirlly due to 1 1 1 heaUh. Ketchum foikA have been glad to welcome bnck Mr. nnd Mrs, C. D. Merrill, who rr^lded there mnny < ngo. Mr. Merrill, who was rlnteiHlent. of Khool", ftl FAltfor .lome yenr.s, and his wife njM>ratlns a pliolo shop, with '.nlr.l Ol, M:un Klr.Tt,

' W A N T E D F E M A I .i:

HOMES o r LOTS We hnve buj-crs for bollj. UMIncs will be npprccUltd.


. Fiilrchllil and

HO M ES F O R SAl.IC illcroon -.lll replace Mr, Stnr M IS C . FO H S A IX X PE R T S K ltV in

Q u a r te r l y M e e t F o r LDS S ta k e
JEROME, May :4-M ore th a n 450 .. D. 8. members from Jerome, Linrln, Gooding. Bblne nnd Cama.4 ountlev nllrnrted Ihe ci\i.irl{'rly conrrence ol Ihe uii.ine Make, held a t .Jerome wnrd ehurrti, Pre.iidrnt W. Lennox Adnnison, arey. and Anionc R. Ivna^, from le xenernl chiu-ch authority. Balt k. Lons bench, nke City, were principal ppeakers. Ilford Kirkland. Curry, . .ccond c s e o{ V President Adanuon, :iable, Kelchui al'.o .'IMke briefly. Ail wards in the Blninc stake were I re|ire<;entrd and iirlnclpal discuiilon on nationwide church wcllaro procrnms. Tlie women of the second w.ird L. . S. church. Jerome, .^encd luncliACCEPTS POSITION Ml.Ef, Islay 24 Adolph A1li.'en hns ncceptfd Ihe IJaMtlon nine examiner for tho AAA for ic, Ciuniu, Lincoln. Jerome. I Falin, Goodbig, Cns.via niid Minidoka counties, Mr. Albrcthjeii bcjran h lj work May i.


oiuH N ,rN ( i; M). (;i!< AN OllDINANCK OK THK C nY ' )!' I'WtN PALI .S. IDAHO. APri(( U'KiA TiN o T H E .s k \ t: h a i . SUM.S o r MONEY DEEMED NECEK.SARV TO DCFHAV ALI. NKCE.SSARY EXPENKES A.SD l-IAD llm E S Oi* THE CITY O f [\VIN EAI.LS, IDAHO DESIC'iN ATI Nfi 1 ninrk haft left for AND SPECIFYINfi THE DIPJ'-EH.SED AM) A rrnO V ED IhlJ ICNT FUNU.S TO WHICH ALL REV ENUE .SHALL ACCRUE A N IJ UAHIlIKI.^n ''Slk-lird'.- bf:r t a . .s w e c t , I'ROM WHICH S l ir n APPROPRIiTION ."iltALI. IIK .MADE. EOK THE FIHCAI, YEAR HEOINNINO ----- rHEEItl.ST DAY O F MAY 1914 iliTj ) ENDiNt; ON TH E Sffni I3AV }J:50.W). i: Mny I, 1044 O P APRII, lfH5, AND KNOWN AS from Cltnrlejtoii, i ....... ANNUAL APPROPRIATION NOTICE TO CREDITORS RKEHt: M. WILLIAMS UIl.l, OF i!lU. THE PROBATE COURT OF ; IT ORDAINED bv tlip Mnvor IN OF TWIN FALLS COUNT\, H EY BURN Couiirll or llio City ol TwJn STATE OF IDAHO "FAltiMS A N D A C K E a TTES" , Cmiiil.v of T xlii ra ils. SUIc IN THE MATTER OF THE ES I^,ni->s- - llh c - l rulur. M fUI.i.1. TATE OP CARL WASHBURN, T h r followinf liiunrd DECEASED i S '" " ' NOTICE l.s liori'by Kl>cn hy (he I PfKT 1 DIKPI uiiderslKiicd llidiiiiv W. Murphy, r Fort Dongla.5 t< T H E T L M E S -K E W S [linllo, : ; Uie admlnlstrnlrlx or ihe e.Mnic of Carl iicted into the nrmy. Washburn dccca.sed, to the crrdltors r t)Biiiiiliii: on 1 1 cnn Bleube nnd Donna Hnrrl.^ W A N T S BOYS of nnd all jirrson.s havhis clnims ..............y IB44 iitid ciiflliiK Momtay for Sail. Lake CUy Bsalnsi Die snifl dcten^etl. Vo exhibit 30lh dny of April 1045. slinl! be pnld, ere they ci>ecl to find employFOR PAPER ROUTES to-w ll: GENERAL FUND; WATER them wltli the neceisary vouchers WORKS FUND; BOND. INTEREST within four months after the llrsi left , ntly for publlcalton of this notice, to th STREET SELLERS AND SINKING FUND; STREET (aid idm lnbtrntrix a t 350 Elm street LIGHTING FUND; BAND FUND; north. City of Twin Fnll5, Cou) ALSO NEEDED ploymenl. LIBRARY FUND: SPRINKLINO, Mr. and Mrs, Clnre Baugh, ORdei FLUSHINO AND OILING FUND. of Twin Falls, 6 lat of Idiiho ,thn recently vWled a t the home of Mj ...... being the pliicc fixed for tl AIRPORT FUND, action of the business of snid c.^tate. and Mrs. Ed Mclntlre. nloti 2. ThP followlnjf Rnlph Ilolme.^. stationed a t Camp Dated May 2, 1944. money, or .-o trnicli lliw o f Adair, Ore.. la vlsltlnj his parent Tlielnia W. Murpliy, be ncce\Miry. rc hereby np| Mr. and Mrs. Dell Holmes. Admlnlslrntdx of Uje E.^tato r d {tran Hic OENERAL FUND for M A LE & FEM A LE 'nit purpose.i for nlilcli Uii Deccatpd. . iiffnilng 10 Mid fund nri (Pub. Mny 3, 10, 17, 24. 31. 1544) Real Estate T ran sfers collected, to-wll: NOTICE TO CIlEDITORK FAICM L^ IP L E M E N T S c m BUILDINC1.S Infonnadon VurnMied liy In the Probate Court of TRln L lsht. hriit. auppllps. re Tnin Falls Tllle and F U K N iS H E D A iT S . Falls County, State of Idaho. pairs mid .'calc.i.......... s 2,500.00 Abjlracl Company In the M atter of the ElMalc POLICE DEPARTMENT Marj- A. Hniiklns. decm eii. Snia Notice Is Hereby Given By the S E i:i)S A N D P L A N T S torn i.nd reji ind undersigned adniial.sirator of the A-SSOIITtl: planu. itr,u, t'ran* o llirr cxi>fii.'c.s ....... estate of Mary A, Ilnnkins, decfas- 2nd. ' F U i t N l S H E l ) RO O M S. l-JRL- DEPART^JENT*d, to th? titriU ors < } S nnd nil ptvWD; W llm ln a StocUinlth lo BnlnrlM, niolorR and n .... hnviiiR claims sKnlnst the salfl L, coiner Jl, S 'jN E '. 15 JO IB, pairs. ,'iip|)ll. and deceased, to exhibit them with the O.TraiwlcrDccrt; U N F I IK N I S H E D H O U S E S C. E. Klelnkopt to otluT expen,'?-' ... neeesiiir>-' vouchetj. w i t h four OK . iAi.K: Clrin 1 d rr<.m l.ouit. A, fiirley N E '. 24 12 18 lo E l, ADMINISTRATION DBmontli!! after the lir-it publication of W, 13 12 19. PARTMENT this notice to the snid adm lnistra' W A N T E D I tE N 'L L E A S E Officers siilarle.i, pub at the office of Royboni & Raylilii.. . Iwrn, attornejK. County of Twin Kiipplirj Aiid other Falls. Slnte of Idaho. thLi being (he DETAIL FOR TO DA Y ...... H^BO.OO place fixed for the traiuiactk M ONEY TO LOAN Shelter H a lf STREET DEPARTOfENT business a t said estate. KIOUV flVilbl .U fl rindm .111 SalarlM, nnd labor, mo Dated May 15. 1044, ~rmi'tloi,, > 0 tors iincl repair*, gas W . C. Robinson AL HONKINS. CATES MAClll.Sr SitlOr niid oil. rgulpiiieiit, Administrator of thi ffrlldtillolironi ^l'EnTNEw"LOAN SERVIC *upplles and malerlnls <5,755.00 FlMnte of Deceai-cd, PARKS DEPARTMENT Pub. May 17. 24. 31. June 7. 14. 1B44 Solnrle.i niid wsff, IniW A N T E D T O BU Y provcmcnU nnd *uppliea, motom. c u and oil, nnd oilier exOA K LEY peiiw.i . ..................... . 48,510.00 m riiitNrruRK INSPECTION DEPART. AUTOaOniLES B U SIN ESS AND P R O F E S S IO N A L Mr. and Mrs. William T . H arper M ENT DAIllV co w a oU mt live rccelvcd word tlia t Uwti son. SiiUirlF and Bnd Inx OTidir Idiho SUK Smtll Lots supplies ...................... 3,720,00 Cflpt, Wilson T . Harper, lias been LleiO^ sllglitly injured In plane accident. i_ , COn. riioii* et WrlUl 1183.500.00 Capt. Harper Is navigation instruc It A rn o ld F . C r o s s , M g r. Section 3. For eprlnkUns, flushing tor In the irm y air corps In Hondo r oiling of llie *treet of Hie City training field a t Hondo, Texas. of Tw in Fslla, to be raised by fpe BICYCLE S A L E S & S E R V IC E M O N E Y TO LO A N r, ,nd Mrs, Fred Crilchlleld sod LOANa R om clBl leo- in on wnoiint of two mills ...- spent liie winter In Cnilfomia, A SHELTER HALF is w lial clvlHana -----------------------Oti tlic dollar, and llie revenue rals< have returned honie for the sum - know as a pup tent. A soldier can IDAHO n N A N C E CO. CLEANERS & D Y E H 3 f d therefrom, tcuether wlUi all de not .hn^e the dubloa'* pleasure ot A LOAN 8I3VICS TOD CVEBVONZ linquent Sprinkling Improvement 6gt. Orla G arrard Is home on a ileeplng In one alone, for h ha* D istrict assfwinenta th a t mny here short furlough tlslllng hU mother. only one-half of II, nnd m ust find P L U U B lN O a n d H B A T tN G a fte r b collected. U especlaUy Bct . . . Zlliabeth Q arrard and other II contrivdc ltii |jie oUier half C O J tM g B C J ^ P R lN T tN O aside and epproprlatcd to and for relatives. 8gt.' G arrard U In the Bleep with llie sky a* a roof. Putting th e purposfj of uprlnkllng, flushing cavalrr In Alewmder. Lu, up a SHELTER HALF is m adden o r oiling of the Btrteui of Uie c ity Boyd McArthur, team an second ingtaking It dOMi rldlculousl}of Tft ln Palls. M l!i! Ki class, vlsltea lils sLiter, Mifj June simple. It's not w bad If lh Mi T Y l^ fW R I T B R S SecUon 4. F o r Uie , purpose of McArthur, and friends In Oakley dler tralloved to pick his own camp* FLOUR S A N U IN O m eeting all oilier IlobUltles of the tills TPetk. Boyd, whose parents. alte, but more (him often a ''lorm al City of T * ln Pnll.' lo r Mio aforew ld Mr. and M rs. Jolm McArthur live bivouac" I* In order and the O. I.s fiscal year. *11 moneys ru ln e to a t Osdea (but formerly n l Oakley) find themselv-ej putting up and tiUc> G L A S S -R A U IA T O R S Uie special funds herein mentioned, U a deep sea diver. lie enlisted In Ing doft'n Tillh aggravating repeti ir fo much Uicreof as m ay be nee- Uie >uvy more lhaii Ihree years ago. tion, until iha straight line dw lred . CHIC H IA T T .ilC T . K Sy SHOP '.r*tiiy a ilh tte b i' approprtalea Iroro AHer ihc expiration ol hJs furlough liie u l d special funds rcspevttvpty in Ogden he will return to his baie & - j t e M l r '. 5 s r for thfl several jmrpos^f for whlcJi. In Gus lYmaclsco.

i lE l .1*

W A N T K I) Si A LI':

, 1. A D V E K 'iT sL -M E N -i'S

Aj'ic J r Edna Firming,

A lb io n C la s s o f 10 I s G r a d u a t e d

DECLO ALBION, Mny 34 Ten sluC were grartiialed here n t comnie inenl exercises held In tile school Mr. nnrt Mrs. C. R, Slmplol ll.TTe auditorium. They nre Mnry Bullock, returned lo their homo in Cnidwell VInlei Brackcnbiir>-, Lela Hn.ikell, lifter vbitlnj! their children a fevDona Bennett. Yvonne Woo<lle Jays. Nichol'on, Lee EnKcikinif, DeVon J. C. Dairlngton returned hom Foivrll. Jack RDRe, Leland Tremnyne, and Dean Ciiatbum. i. Lovell Turner .. n Tox.. il-.tir Mr. m encemmt exercises were; E liarcnts, Mr, nnd Mr,<. A. U .Mahoney, proces'ional; Invocat. nnd famllj-. Dorothy Ty.wr. Lena Hambj- and Nellie Gniwcll relum ed to Mary Ocadley, sliiRlnK "Spring"; her home. U l/js AUBeles. Calif.. Hnrrv Kurtz, n trumpet solo. T he vlsting her dnughter and fnm* Old RelrnIn '; H. O, Hall. Burley, lly, Mrs. Ted Brown nnd attending commencement address; Thelma the Krailuatlon cxercIses of her son, Lou Mnhoney. a solo, "A Perfect Arvll Oruiveli. from the Decio high D a y ; Violet Hngar. presentation of school. cin's; Curtis Mnhone.v, prejentatlon Mtss Ode Dent hs gone to Cald of diplomas; benediction nnd proees- well to visit hei'brother. Tom Dent slonni. Dean .Mnhoney. nnd family, before returning to Iier .Mary Bullock wns sniutatorlan and home hi lovvn. MIh Dent U ughl Violet Brackenbury was valcdlc- In the DecIo high school. torlan. iis much READ TIMF-S-NEWS WANT ADS, i


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Page Twelve


W e d n e s d a y E v en in g :, M a y .24, 1044


Marine Ray Wells Honored

PAIRFIRLD. May 24Harry Durall, superintendent of the hiKh school, plans to visit his brother Iti Breinertoh, Wiishlnsion, ai:d hfler June 1st will be stationed as lire Kuard for the forest service a t tlie Soldier creek ranger station. Arlln Dennis, coach, plans to a t tend summer hchool nl the Plate Unlven.lly In Mo.co for U weck-s nftei" which he plans to return to his home In liascmiim where he will be employed for the rest uf Uie sumtner. Audrla Ruf^ell i>l4 m* lo take courses durlni; Ihc summer ^e&.'llon at the University of California In Berkley. The rest of the time slic plans to work half time a t the Uni versitys Institule of Experimental Bloloay. Mrs. Rulh 8 mul7 . will a ttend the summer se.-Lslon til Die UnlversUy ot Idaho where she will take spi-ciat courses in music. Hec two daughters will accompany her and the older girl will take private miL^lc le.uions. Mrs. Jean Wallace will visit for a while In f'alrlleld and then plans to K O to Alaska where she can be locat ed nearer lirr hiLsband who L s rm l>luyed in Alsska. Mrs. D U. Spnitl, grade principal, will visit fi>r a while %ilth her son in Nampa and then will return to I-'iilrfleld for the remainder ol the

New Times-News Photographer Once Man Without a Country

Richard A. Ramme. who has gone to work fo r Uie Tlmc.i-News as photogrnphcr and feature writer, has d cosmupolllnn background which InIncludes un 11- ^ year period when he wn actually a "man w ithout a country travel ing on n passi>ort iMued by t h e League of NivRamtnc receiv ed a medical dLscharge from the. army -nl Cllanutc field. III., to clliiAMtiB max ft lotiH period In which ftdvcnture was a common place. Bom a t St. Peler>uurg, Ruisla, In IDM. Rnmme tlf pronounced RamMAY) Li th e son ot a former captain lu ttic auR.M;ii\ army lva founht tlie Germana n t the bi-glnnlnK of World w aiv l and later toiiniit wlUi the whlt arm y In Hu.v.la against the revolutionlsls. Faand Ills Kathrr In 1021 nnnim c went l" Gurnmny. where he found his failiej n con struction engineer. Rclucated in Wiesbaden and rTle<icrichlorf schools, he followed hi.' father lo the United Slates in lonc nil atlende<l Uiiltlinore city collene The elder Ramme became a clll7 .'n In 1010. It was during the |>erlod 1^-1 to 1032 th a t the yoniiKer nuiiiine could claim Ihft clllzenslilp of no country, and traveled on the t.<':'Kue 0/ Na tions pa.wport. Ramine took a )ob a-, a .inllor, and after a trip to South America and the West Indle.s he decldinl to write. HLs flrrt nrllcle, a st.iry on ''Din A merican M erchant Marine." waj purchased by the Commentntor m agatlnc. Hearing of opportunities In Alas ka, R atnnic moved to Sitka, where he purchfl-sed nnd for n time operat ed the S itka Alit.sknn, a mimeograph weekly newspaper. In the next few Pleaea call 38 If your TlmesNcwa falls to reaclh your home by 0:30 on week days. Delivery service on all complnJnta'wlthln th e ^lty limlta will be mnlntiilncd until 7:30 p. m. A Sundoy mornhig service Is available until noon. years tie supportcti hlniselt on a rti cles for uiagazlncs and tiewspai>ers. Illustrated by excliLslve cnmerii srVoU. T:i onr year he wrote and had pUblWied 150,000 worcLs, Metllcal lllieharce Ramme served as a member of Co. D. 237th Infantry, A laska natlonnl guard a t Ketchikan from lla organization In November, 1039, to September. 1041, when he wa' given a mi^iical ill.'cliiirKe. He left then for Seattle and niuiic plans for a trip to South America to gather material for feature stories. Although the outbreak of the war did not inter fere with legal arnii:Kement.s for his trip, Rammo OecldiKi to enllM. Turned down by murine nnd navy (loctor.s. Ramme wa-i told by physi cians tJiat ho could make liie army with certain dental work, which a German refuKee dentKt In Seatlle ..Id free of charge and he wa-s acceined by the army on ChrlMnms eve, 1041.


JEROME, May 34-T tie Idaho Al lied Civic rorces, meeting here lost night In the Baptist chureh. fummlatcd plans for the organization of Jfromc.coim^y m a unit in Ui Ida ho leaeue, the main purpo,ie of which U to slop Uie tale of in toxicating llquoni nnd narcotics tt m Inors. Repre.sentallves f r o m npproximately 20 clvio and church orgimln*linns In Jerome county nntl suesta from Twhi Falls were present. The principal speaker. A, Y, &it terfleld. PocHtsUb, shH|>ed plans for the elimination ol liquor and nar cotic sales among minors ot tlie state of Idaho. Leaders of eliurches. Oningei, parent-tencliera axsoclatlons and the WCTTO wfre rnmed to reprr.'ient thi comniltlee. This commite will ti

H istoric Event W it n e s s e d by Idaho Sergeant

QLENNS FE31RY. May 3*W ltne.\slng Uie historic eruption of MU Vesuvius wa* one of Uie experiences th n t s c r EUEcne Cline, now sutloned w ith tha arrny air forcei In I ta b '. reported In a recent letter to his porenta, Mr. nnd Mra. R- tCline, Olenns Ferry, - ff, He told of watching Uie husInvn streams, reported to have been more tlinn 00 feet high and many hundred.^ ot yards wide. He walked through ono village where volcanis ash had settled "like a blonket of coarse grny sand, more tiian three feel Uilck." m il the Jerome or?onliatlon Into a workable unit. T he Rov. B, T- Hutchins, president ot th e Jerome ministerial associa tion, presided nl I n s t night's m rctlng.

Snntor Drltlgw, R .. NJI-, lotluy Hint Ihc Russlnn governmcnl hM violated Ita Bgretmtnta for Intem atlonal coUaboratlon, aim ae- mandctl to know whetlier an Ameri can enilscr had t)cen transferred U the Sovlcl^i -as p n of our work, policy of ai>pca.iln(t Rai.ilii. " R c jw tj have readied mo llmt ona or more unlM of the American navy liavc been tran-tferred to Bla," the New Hmnii^lilre senator told Uie senate, - t Have heard ot one particular cnilii'r anil attrmpM have been made to seek either a r^*'flrmntlon or a denlnl of thla tomintlon which hM been bandied bout among many people tor past few day*-" DrldKM said he was heartily favor of Icnd-lcase opratlun.i wlilch sent tanks, plarr*. Ruiw, amraunsMarine Pvl. lUy I,. Wells. 13. Twin Katls, who recently com tlon. food and other slippUes U pleted reeruU Iralnlne with Ihr U. b. marines at San IHeso, li ihown RtlMla. but added th at the traniifri aeceptlnc the honor badce. of efticlency frnio hLs eommandlnc ofof any part of the navj' "is whnlly firer. Col. Grorce T, llall. after havln* been leleeted the oaUtanddifferent storj-." In* m.m In h li platoon. Private Welb H now servlns a t an InPrcflilenl Hoosevelt am slrurlor at the m arine rifle ratite. Camp Ma(lhp-, San nleco. He M-veral wm-ks no lhal nii.wl la a fraduale of Ttvin Falla hlch achoal. lllx parenU ar* .Mr, and be or-Miintd ships cqtllvalrnl i Mpi. Alnia II. Urlls, G O S llU hland atriiue. lO fdrlal -niarlne corps third of the tv*'"'*"'' vrMol.'1iclu d phmol when the allies look over the navy, Ciiiiitis for "a forthngnt nient," Urlduc* said Mr. Rc as remalahiK silent hlle M Stalin and Prime MhiWcr C ni appeared to Iw recastlnR tli n which the i>o:ice ttlll bo ed. Dlplomn ) clKlllh criul

City Subscribers!



Only 16 Fewer Eifjiitli Grade Graduates in Counly Schools

ihe Soldier ranger

I for 1

West End Music Rccital Is Held

D0HL, May 24Prof. W, J, Rlppllnger presented ft Broup of his mii.ilc ftiidcnts In a recital held re cently In the L, D. S. chapel here. Stmicrits were divided Into two (troiiiB. the Junior and the advanced, and piano, violin nnd vocal studenla all U>ok part. Taklnic part In plann selections durhiR tlie Jimlnr rocllal were Diile Piir>ons, Oiiry Hcyer, Heli'n Jeim nordewlrk, Patty liyrne. Kny Jean Kiielln. Oiir)' Nclr.cr. Jra;itne Qeer, Edna Friinces O err and Usbetli Lu Shleld.1. A Junior vlollnltl was Dale Everton. fn Uie advanced recital 10 people took pari. VoriU rcclUillsls were RoBcr Vincent, ba.wi; Vivian Wall, .topnino: Eleanor Stelinii, soprano; Elden \Voo<l, tenor, and Betty Teeter, mezro-soprano. Vlollnlsls were Donald Martens and Ward Oiihler, and pianists were Harry Wilson, Bobby Bamuel, BeUy Jenson, Detty West. Janice Webber, Ilii Sample, Dettv Jo BurKener. Mar gery Venter. EHlvii CiirUs, Virginia Wall, Karl HiilchUison and Lowene Wood.

.'ChooL^ and all liidei>olicli'nl rtl.ttlcl-s. It Cla^i A. total 100 this yeiir. Darts Stradlcy, country suix.'rIntcndent of public Instruction, an nounced. No nppreclublc drop m ensoUment Wivs inillttvVcd bv elshUi' tirade sradllatlnft lbt.s, shp said. I'or the 30 common school and liidependent, clara B 01,rlcts of tho comity, there ure otily 10 fewer tlKhtli Krndcrs th a n liu'it year. Tlie followlnu arc listed a.s 10 graduatfn:

MKi .Mnlne neyniilds Is plannhig I) trip to Californio but will return In time to atienci the summer aeaslon At the University cf Idaho. Mrs. Jo.iephine.............

Before the war, Bulgarin suppllesl 15 per cent of Ocrinanys chromium Imporu.

az.Ine. along with nuinv laviiul.' of piclure.s which he took'lilniself. He ha.s written articles for other lending ngrlcultuml publications and for the New York Times, Ramme is murik-d and h as a slxmonth-old son, Mrs. Rnmme and their son arc cx|>ecicd to arrive soon from Albion. Mich. READ TIMES-NEWS WAVT f


Sailor Promoted; Now First Class

JKIIOMt:. M.iy 31 Ai\'nnllUK lo wciril iri.ivcil Ill'll' by .Mrj. Verna I'liUK (iintoii. JiKinir, her husband.

. . . . . . . a f e t h e s e o u t s t a n d i n g v a lu e s


tnilnluK elcctriclaii iil 1 ( Mlmie.'Ola. Mlininii red Ihe U. S. navy 1

Ills i(e, the tnrni<T Verna I''ranc ^Knon, ilaUKhler of Mr. atul /. W. Car.'on. Hlt.vs nnd OoodInK rsldent-s, now llvhig In Jerome I iJIr. f>liUlfl Allntnr) \V1. up Ara.rlc* ........... iK - i l!o Jlh-lVnd Mn. Nonlija illnlcn tar Danclns :1S iNlIC tiummirr Its Uw Doj m ' couple a; lor. Cheryl, 10 father h,vs nevi

New, Thirtsy

White, Turkish Extra Thlcft

Last Rites Honor Mrs. Mary Tracey

UKCl.O, May rtin ern l scrvlce.i rlia|H'l lor Mr.s. Mary A. Tnicey. wlti- of Leo TYacev. who p.nssed iiwHy nl her home In Yoat, Utnh. after a heart attack. tlie .'cnices were conducted by UL'Jiop H. n ie ro n Jncob.n. bm lail numbers were furnished by Mr, nnd .Mrs. Garih Brown atid Ju lia nnd I.ucllle DiirrhiRton. T h e Invocation was Klviii by Hyrum S. LewUi. and the benediction bv Roy Banner. .Speakers were U A. a illc lt nnd Dlshop Jacobs. Interment was In the Declo cemeterj' under the direction of the Bur ley funeral home. Bt-'hop Jacob* dMllciited the crave. Pnll bearem were Henry nnd John Dorli. Ace Morris. Eil Dortr. M a n ln Dortz and Oavtd ]!adfleld.

;Ca Mrt!n Atronikjn* t:30 'N roi CofrapondcnU |jo | W-ot^nAitkgllut.

is is S rTmmsnAY Sr

Turkish Towels
Solid color M tripcs w ith w h ito . b o rd e r. Color.-? p in k . K reeii. p c a c h ; a n d b lu e . G u a r n n to e d f a s t c o lo r. M ade b y C a n n o n . E x t r a la r g e siz e ; 23x4f5' ,si7 .c

B ath Towels
K x tra lliii-k. W h ile w ith p in k , Kreoii. blu e a n d go ld b o rd o r.s. L a r g o , i 2 0 x 10". G e n iiin u C annon i !; i

Wash Cloths
' S o lid c olors o f r o s e , y e llo w , g r e e n , : go ld , p e ac h n n d b lu e . L a r g e size . 12x l2 " . N ew ^ d e r. n o v e lty tr im b o r-

t:U is u r 9;W - 9:tt Kirlnzlnr Abni

tow els.

11:00 II. a lli>ikh>cf Il;X'l ilwilc illJS Art llsVrrnfwi


L a d le s

L a d ie s

lAWHfh y.mllr

F o llo w e v c rj- s lc p e v e ry m o v e !

Percale P rints
f lo ra l p a t t e r n s . Y d. ; J u 8t r e c e iv e d . . . S m a ll a n d l a r g e L ig h t and d a rk g ro u n d s . L o ts o f c o lo rs t o c h o o s e r f ro m . T h e s e n r c 3 6 in c h e s w id e . '

Tailored : Slaps
, T ea r o s e c o lo r, in ta ilo r e d n n d Incc tr im s ty l e s . S iz e s 38 lo 44. ^ ,, . S m o o th r a y o n m a te r ia ls . O t h e r s a t 89c

Rayon P a n ties
1 M ade o f g e n u in e D u P o n t ra y o n . . . R u n - r e s ls t f a b r ic . E la s tic b a ck . ; F r e n c h c u ff . D o u b le c r o tc h . Sizes, I m e d iu m , la rg o a n d e x tr a - la r g e .

............ . ..-Jr Wllh KiMncr moo TiMHIUIIoni 11:11 iTliomM IMu> t>nhir II III) iS irlu i for M <IIU iL Jon ll:S xS-twi fcnm Mrw York i:iOO SI(n|nKft llmi snd rrpoiiKllr callinc fur a nllllon dolUr r*>n>rnt In thil dm., h v bf*n >lxnr4 br ti.br(rl Jlwiur, M li.-i rommenutor. It> nrloork mnnuuncra.' U li f(Rllr (nx Ii'.it J>n. I. nd Iild to rrpmcnl a niKinl lorrmc ( tSO.dO ortr hli currti l.i.lAlh loo!il.t (MWTd NRO-. M nil U n. Northi 4:S0. ItMt Ui* lltnil; F:ilillr Canlsr. Mnnon Downr].! 7i>0, U li tplct Aliumrri t. Kir Kritr hour: >:1 Uiidkr In "Ah WHdrntni" . . CIIS-. Alim tltd Dtriwril. rraii. Klnlr; TiJO. Jiick Cron how: . Grr.1 MamcnU In Mu<k: S:99, RfpoTt (o Nilion . . . m o.-S, Conn, II0. . . I 1 .ho -: .J0. .Inmt. Mr Dot UlrU; T. DtiRnlurr'i Lruadcatl: 7ilO. rOdl* Ilowinl Itandi " 7iH. H n i Nllil pnmraiTui H- TJim T a. tp..: f e a tu r e s th e s e d a ily nc\>-Bcasls Monday th rg u |h Satsrdar 13:45pjn.Noon edition 8:00 a jn . Martin of tha new* Aeronsky ;OOpjn.NBO new* 6 :J0 tjn ,B L U E w w i &;1S p.m. News ot tha correspondent*' World 1:15 B jniSrenkfut 5;<5pin.H. V. Kaltennews bom ;15Bjn,Chle Crbt 6:Mp,m.Newi In brtef nd the New* > :lS p n . H arkneu tO :lS jn .L an 7 Smith (rcm Washlnetd n;OORjn,H. R. Bauk hage 10:Mpm.NBO News U ;U pin.N B O He- l l; j n . A r t D4kfr Monday. Wednewlay. Frldaj only R c (;u ln rly S c h e d u led S u n d a y N enttCM lA #:U pjn.T om Reddy News :lSpin. 0M8 Final ,M;00 p n j.Jlm in y _ n d l -. I0:30pja.W alter W lntheU 3-.Mpj5i.NBC Hiw i 10:B8pjn.M60 News


i Excellent to T ear w ith slacks. Fine Tovcn. tvlst<l comb cotton in solid colors of royal ;i blue'. nvy blue, dark b r o w , tom ato red. yellow, and beige tnn. Genuine e lu tlc (op. Sizes 8 to 11.

^ S iz e 12x 2 0 " ................................... W h ite ..... ............................................

lO c


S iz e 1 5 x 3 2 " ^ W h ito .....................................................................................

p m

I f It Isnt Right, Bring It Back

B* SMtadi S. Ilia* Omnltaf pixFinn . .

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