Workshop 13 July Draft Programme

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Practices of Production and Consumption Popular Culture and World Politics Workshop Department of Politics, University of Bristol Monday

1 !uly "##$

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'e(istration ) 'efreshments *+, Panel 1% Consumers as Producers *,"-

Repositioning the Remix Generation: Consumer-creators in/for the Creative Economy Danie !shton "#ath $pa %niversity& 'hat (a)es an !nti-*ar +i m, !u-ience Research *ith the %$ (i itary Christina Ro* ey "%niversity of #risto & 11%## & 11% # 11% # & 1%## Break ) 'efreshments *+, Panel "% ,enderin( Productive Practices *,"-

.he Gir Chi - of .o-ay is the 'oman of .omorro* / +antasising the !-o escent Gir as the +uture 0ope in 1ost-.sunami Reconstruction Efforts in !ceh (ar2aana 3auho a "%niversity of !4eryst*yth5 %6& .he Death of +eminism "0o* 'estern 1opu ar Cu ture is 6i ing +eminism& 1enny Griffin "%niversity of 7e* $outh 'a es5 !ustra ia& 1%## & 1%./ +unch 0 Poster 1ession *+, -

Poster: Dresse- for the 8ccasion: 1ost-*ar #ritish Dip omacy an- the Dresses of E i9a4eth :: Dan Con*ay ";ough4orough %niversity& < 3utta 'e -es "%niversity of #risto & 1%./ & %1/ Panel % Producin( Meanin( in Cultural 2e3ts *,"-

! Cinema 'eighe- Do*n 4y 0istory in Go-ar-s Eloge de lamour an- Notre Music (igue !nge ;omi os ":n-epen-ent researcher& 1opu ar Cu ture an- 'or - 1o itics: $tructuring a .ext 3utta 'e -es %1/ & % # Break ) 'efreshments *+, -

.his *or)shop is generous y supporte- 4y the 1opu ar Cu ture an- 'or - 1o itics Research 7et*or) an- 4y the :nstitute for !-vance- $tu-ies5 %niversity of #risto =

% # & /%##

Panel .% 2he Production of Politics in)throu(h Popular Culture *,"-

Ballad & Blues: +o ) (usic an- 1o itics in (i--Century #ritain Ruth !-ams "6ings Co ege5 ;on-on& .he 1o itics of $anctity: 1opu ar Cu ture an- the Catho ic Church 8 iver #ennett "%niversity of 'ar*ic)& .he $eamstresss Daughter: (argaret .hatcher an- the 1o itics of +ashion Dan Con*ay ";ough4orough %niversity& /%## & /%1/ /%1/ & 4%## Break Wine 'eception 0 Plenary Discussion

To be explored: the commona ities an- points of -eparture in ho* popu ar cu ture is researche-5 taught an- un-erstoo- *ithin higher e-ucation an- ho* it is un-erstoo- anpositione- in creative an- cu tura in-ustries -iscourses= 4%## & 5%## Wine 'eception

.his *or)shop is generous y supporte- 4y the 1opu ar Cu ture an- 'or - 1o itics Research 7et*or) an- 4y the :nstitute for !-vance- $tu-ies5 %niversity of #risto =

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