A 10 Job Evaluation

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Con$e%t& O"'e$ti(es& Pro$e ure& A (antages& Dra)"a$*s& Metho s& Prin$i%les& +age an #alar, #ur(e,s

Human resource is vital in any organization. They are the important assets. Organizations cannot be run without them. They are the vital parts of organizational machinery. Each organization, small or big absorbs these assets by providing employment as per its requirement. The requirement of human resources is determined by the systematic method known as ob analysis. !ob analysis is matching the duties of ob with the required skill, knowledge, competence, talent, potential, education, work environment, responsibilities etc. These obs need to be evaluated comparatively to determine their relative worth so as to fi" wages and salaries and benefits for each ob. #n ob evaluation the information provided by the ob analysts is utilized to evaluate each ob. $nder ob evaluation the relative worth of different obs is studied and compared. #n other words ob evaluation is determining the comparative worth of various obs. %fter determining the relative worth of obs, they are priced i.e. wages and salaries are fi"ed. This enables to minimise inequalities. !ob evaluation plays a prime role in establishing the pay structure. #t rates the ob alone. The purpose of ob evaluation is to determine the relative worth of obs in the organization. #t establishes internal equality. !ob evaluation refers to comparing different obs across work related factors such as skill, competence, knowledge, responsibility, working environment etc. to determine the relative worth of each ob and its placement in a hierarchy of organization. !ob evaluation helps in ranking of all obs within the organisation. !ob evaluation considers normal lob performance by an employee and ignores personal abilities and performance of the ob holder. !ob evaluation is the means is the means of ranking all the obs in an organization and should be used fairly for fi"ing salary structure. &ut truly speaking salary structures are not based only on ob evaluation alone. The other factors are also considered while fi"ing salary structure such as pressure from employee unions, market forces in employment, high official's bias attitude etc. (!ob evaluation is the process of analysis and assessment of obs to ascertain reliably their relative worth, using the assessment as the basis for a balanced wage structure.) *British Management Institute (!ob evaluation may be defined simply as an attempt to determine and compare demands which the normal performance of particular obs makes a normal worker without taking into account of the individual abilities or performance of the workers concerned.) *I.L.O. (!ob evaluation is a practice which seeks to provide a degree of ob ectivity in measuring the comparative value of obs within an organization and among similar organizations. #t is essentially a ob rating process, not unlike the rating of employees.) *Dale Yo er (!ob evaluation may be defined as an effort to determine the relative value of every ob in a plant and to determine what the fair basic wage for such a ob should be.)*!im"al and !im"al (!ob evaluation is a systematic procedure for measuring the relative value and importance of occupation on the basis of their common factors +skill, training, effort, for the purpose of determining wage and salary differentials.) *A.#hu"in

(!ob evaluation may be defined as a process of analysing and describing positions, grouping them and determining their relative value by comparing the duties of different positions in terms of their different positions in terms of their different responsibilities and requirements.) *The In ustrial Times& Bom"a,& -/01 The focus of ob evaluation is on the criteria used to fi" ob ranking. &ut in practice these criteria are broken into several specific terms for instance in the words of -avid ..&elcher, (skill, for e"ample, is often measured by education and e"perience/ mental effort is often differentiated from physical effort/ responsibility of various kinds is delineated.) #t takes demands of the ob into account such as skill, competence and abilities. O"'e$ti(e o2 Jo" E(aluation 0. #t is a method of eliminating inequalities. 1. #t provides a sound base for wage differentials for different obs. 2. #t eliminates personal grudges in fi"ing of wage rates. $nder ob evaluation ob is rated and not the merit of the worker, hence personal pre udices take back seat. 3. !ob evaluation provides appropriate salary structure. 4. #t facilitates wage survey and comparison of different wage structures. #t also helps the management to usher sound salary administration by evaluating the employee in terms of ob and to prepare the guidelines for promotion. #t provides ob ectivity in salary administration. 5. #t forms a basis for fi"ing incentives and different bonus plans. 6. !ob evaluation assists in specifying functions, authority and responsibility. 7. !ob evaluation serves as a useful reference for setting individual grievances regarding wage rates. 8. !ob evaluation helps in eliminating the drawbacks from the salary and wage administration for instance the persons holing high position and drawing high salaries where equivalent skill is not required or giving increased salary to unworthy employees or wage differentials in closely related obs etc. 09. #t provides a benchmark for comparing ob structures and facilitates career planning. Pro$e ure o2 Jo" E(aluation The procedure of ob evaluation involves the comparison of ob factors and their relative effectiveness. !ob factors are of premier importance that are taken into consideration as to what degree of them is present in each ob to make comparison meaningful. :kill, efforts, responsibility and working conditions are the factors that are considered for determining the relative worth of ob. These factors decide the compensation to be paid for each ob. ;or evaluation of ob, #ndian #nstitute of <ersonal =anagement, >alcutta suggested following five steeps. 0. %nalyze and prepare ob description, 1. :elect and prepare a ob evaluation plan, 2. >lassify obs, 3. #nstall the programme, 4. =aintain the programme. The procedure followed for ob evaluation varies from organization to organization. There is no single procedure adopted in each organization. There is however a close relationship between ob analysis which is a systematic enquiry of obs and identification of their features, ob description which is written account of basic task to be performed each ob and ob evaluation which is a procedure that determines the relative worth of obs within the

organization. The main ob ect of ob evaluation is to meet the needs of the organization. ?ooking at these facts a brief outline of the procedure of ob evaluation is as below. -. Jo" anal,sis an 'o" es$ri%tion @ !ob evaluation cannot be done without the necessary information in respect of ob. This information can be had through ob analysis. !ob analysis provides the information such as ob requirements i.e. machines tools and materials to be used and time for its performance and the activities involved, time for its completion, skill required for its performance etc. !ob description is a by*product of ob analysis. The information collected through ob analysis is presented in a statement as how it is to be done, what ob holder has to do, why it is to be done. This information in the statement form is ob description. This is the vital information required for initiation of ob evaluation. 3. Jo" $lassi2i$ation@ !ob classification or gradation of obs is determining the relative levels of different obs in the organization. !obs can be classified into various grades or classes. Technical, non technical, clerical, accounting, supervisory etc. or class #, class ##, class ###, class #A etc. according to responsibilities and abilities for performance. 4. Jo" %ri$ing@ <ricing the ob is the very purpose of ob evaluation. The different compensable factors are taken into consideration, factors divided into degrees and money values are assigned. There are five methods of ob evaluation. %ny method that suits to the need of the organization can be adopted. % care is taken to remove inconsistencies from the wage and salary structure. There are two types of inconsistencies, internal and e"ternal. #nternal inconsistency e"ists in the wage structure of the organization, e.g. a supervisor getting the salary less than his subordinate speaks for internal inconsistency. E"ternal inconsistency refers to the wage differentials between two organizations of the same cadre or between two industries or between two stats or regions. %s far as possible these inconsistencies should be removed. A (antages o2 Jo" E(aluation -. !ob evaluation is logical process and valuable technique available to the management that help in preparing a consistent wage and salary structure. This salary structures of various organizations can be compared to know the relative consistency. This comparison leads to equality in wage structure. 3. !ob evaluation leads to eliminating wage differentials within the industry. This makes employees' union happy and promote healthy and harmonious labour relations. #t minimizes conflict between labour and management. 4. #n the modern times of mechanisation, ob evaluation provides the realistic base for determination of wages. 5. !ob evaluation is a standard process of knowing relative worth of each ob. #f process is uniformly applied to evaluate each ob, then it will make determination of wage differentials for various obs quite easy. #t makes wage rates uniform and helps making wage administration simple. 1. !ob evaluation takes into accounts the factors like risk, working conditions along with skill, competence, knowledge etc. to determine relative worth of the obs. The obs cannot be therefore differentiated on the basis of skills alone. Hence determine wages based on rational factors. 0. !ob evaluation rates the ob not the man. There e"ist a number of obs as a result of division of labour or specialization. ?arge organizations have thousands of obs needing the same number of persons for their performance. !ob evaluation helps in rating all these obs and fi"ing the wages and removing ambiguity.

6. !ob evaluation is a systematic activity undertaken after making ob analysis and ob description. The information is utilized for evaluating obs. Only those obs are evaluated which are prescribed by ob analysis. This makes acquisition of required number of human resources only and not in e"cess. This reduces the cost to be incurred on acquisitions in absence of ob evaluation. Dra)"a$*s o2 Jo" E(aluation #nspite of many advantages the ob evaluation suffers form certain drawbacks. 0. The factors which are considered while making ob evaluation cannot be measured perfectly hence lack of accuracy. 1. The wages determined through market forces of demand for and supply of human resources tend to be higher than those fi"ed through ob evaluation. 2. =ore talented and competent employee resent the wages fi"ed through ob evaluation. They favour that their talent must get e"tra reward. The companies pay high salaries to the e"perienced and talented employees. 3. The fast changing technology and advanced sophistication leads to change in the ob factors also. The e"perts having the knowledge of modern technology want higher start. This renders ob evaluation as impractical. 4. On occasions it happens that the obs in higher level of hierarchy are rated low and those at lower level are rated high. This creates dissatisfaction and leads to human relations problem in the organization. 5. Employees are quite suspicious about the efficacy of ob evaluation because the methods are not sufficiently scientific and lack precision. 6. !ob evaluation is time consuming. #t requires an e"pertise which may cost heavily to the organisation. 7. !ob evaluation leads to substantial changes in wage and salary structure. This increases the financial burden of organization. 8. !ob evaluation needs to be undertaken periodically in view of the changing technology that leads to restructuring of obs. JOB EVALUATION MET7OD# There are several obs in the organization which are to be filled up for their performance but before that they are to be evaluated and salary and wages are to be fi"ed for them. :ome obs are quite difficult to perform and some are quite easy to perform. -ifficult obs have more worth. The skill, competence and knowledge required for performance of certain obs is not available easily because of scarcity. :uch obs also have more worth. !obs having more worth carry higher salary. .hatever the nature of obs, they are to be evaluated. There are five basic methods of ob evaluation. They are@ 0. Banking method. 1. Crading method. 2. <oint method, 3. ;actor comparison method and 4. >omputerized method Out of these five methods, the first two i.e. ranking and grading methods are non quantitative methods and the other two methods i.e. point and factor comparison methods are quantitative or analytical methods. Don quantitative methods do not use detailed classified data of ob factors. They are quite simple in evaluating. These methods utilized ob specification for rating of obs. <oint method and factor comparison method used more detailed information as a

basic tool and not only ob description. $nder these methods ob factors are chosen and measured. -. 8an*ing Metho #t is a simple method of ob evaluation. $nder ranking method a committee is constituted. The committee composed of e"ecutives and representatives of employees. The committee evaluates the ob and ranks them according to their relative importance. %ttempts are not made to break the obs by specific criteria. !obs are rated as a whole. !obs are compared as difficult and simple and then they are ranked and arranged in the ascending order of sequence. Banking of the obs takes place in the way given below. Each rater is given the ob description for each ob separately. Bater studies the ob description and makes analysis and then he notes down the point of differences between each ob compare them and rank them in ascending order to their importance. The committee of raters sits together and discusses the ranking of obs. -ifferences are resolved and final ranking of obs is prepared. #t may be decided by ma ority votes or taking averages of rankings. ;or comparing obs rater take into consideration some of the factors as supervision of subordinates, cooperation with the staff of other departments, minimum educational qualifications, e"perience and training and likelihood of errors while doing ob. The simplest ob evaluation method ranks each ob relative to all other obs, usually based on some overall factor like ( ob difficulty). There are several steps in the ob ranking method. -. Obtain ob information. !ob analysis is the first step@ !ob descriptions for each ob are prepared, and the information they contain about the ob's duties is usually the basis for ranking obs. :ometimes ob specifications are also prepared. However, the ranking method usually ranks obs according to the whole ob, rather than a number of compensable factors. Therefore, ob specifications*which list the ob's demands in terms of problem solving, decision making, and skill, for instance*are not as necessary with this method as they are for other ob evaluation methods. 3. :elect and group obs@ #t is often not practical to make a single ranking for all obs in an organization. The usual procedure is to rank obs by department or in clusters +such as factory workers or clerical workers,. This eliminates the need for direct comparison of, say, factory obs and clerical obs. 4. :elect compensable factors@ #n the ranking method, it is common to use ust one factor +such as ob difficulty, and to rank obs based on the whole ob. Begardless of the number of factors you choose, it is advisable to e"plain the definition of the factor+s, to the evaluators carefully so that they evaluate the obs consistently. 5. Bank obs@ ;or e"ample, give each rater a set of inde" cards, each of which contains a brief description of a ob. Then they rank these cards from lowest to highest. :ome manages use an (alternation ranking method) for making the procedure more accurate. Here you take the cards, first choosing the highest and the lowest, then the ne"t highest and lowest, and so forth until you have ranked all the cards. 1. >ombine ratings@ $sually, several raters rank the obs independently. Then the rating committee +or the employer, can simply average the rankings. Merits o2 8an*ing Metho -. The method is quite simple and easy to understand. Employees can understand it easily. 3. #t is the most suitable method for small size organizations. 4. #t does not require much cost. Hence less e"pensive.

#t is less time consuming. ;ew forms are to be filled up by the rater. :o less work involved. Demerits 0. Banking is done on sub ective udgement. 1. There is every likelihood of bias udgement in ranking of obs. 2. #t is silent on how the one ob is different from another. 3. #t only gives rank but does not specify the degree of importance. 3. 9ra ing Metho Crading method is also a non*quantitative method. #t is also known as ob classification. This method is improvement over ranking method. $nder this method predetermined scale or grade is provided. These grades or classification determined in advance by an authorized body or a committee appointed for the purpose. Crades or scale are determined on the basis of information supplied by ob analysis. The committee after studying the ob description carefully compares each ob and weigh in the light of skill, competence, knowledge, and e"perience required. The committee then assigns class or grade to each ob. The classification is used as a standard for fi"ing pay scales. !obs can be classified into several grades or classes such as skilled, unskilled, general clerk, accounts clerk, clerk cum typist, steno typist, office superintendent, laboratory assistant, foreman, workshop superintendent etc. or class #, ##, ###, #A etc. This system of ob evaluation is quite simple. Merits o2 9ra ing Metho -. This method is quite simple and can be easily understood by the employees. 3. #t is fle"ible method. 4. #t can be applied to large number a variety of obs. 5. #t is used in grading of government services. The government obs are divided into different classes as class #, class ##, class ### and class #A. 1. The various obs are grouped into classes or grades. This simplifies salary administration. 0. #f there is a growth in number if obs, they can be easily fit in the grades that already e"ist. Demerits@ The method has several demerits. -. The method is not free from personal bias. <ersonal bias of the committee members plays a ma or role in matching grade with ob. 3. #t is less fle"ible hence not suited for large organizations having multiplicity of obs. 4. .ith the increase in obs, their grading becomes difficult. 5. The method relies heavily on ob title instead of detailed verification of ob contents. 4. Point Metho This is widely used method of ob evaluation. $nder this system a manual is prepared highlighting the various factors such as education, skill, competence, knowledge, training responsibility, ob conditions, comple"ity, hazards, coordination, physical and mental efforts, mechanical ability etc. The obs are rated on he basis of these factors which work as yardstick for evaluation. #n all the obs some of these factors are inherent. The comparative weighing of these factors against each other determines the degree of their importance. The suitable point value is then assigned to each factor. The ob is then evaluated on the basis of sum total of


these points contained in it. The point value is assigned to each degree. The mechanism of the system works in the following manner. -. Determination o2 'o"s to "e e(aluate @ The first step in the process is that all the obs right from top e"ecutives to the peons in the organization that are to be evaluated should be determined. Each ob requires some skill, technical, managerial, conceptual, physical etc. %ll these obs are grouped or clustered according to functions, characteristics or the same kind of work. There can be separate evaluation for e"ecutive obs, professional, technical and non technical. 3. Num"er o2 2a$tors@ The number of factors used to evaluate ob is a difficult e"ercise as they vary according to the ob, rater and organization. The factors are many to perform a ob. They include skill, competence, education, physical ability, mental ability, responsibility, ob condition, hazards, mechanical ability, comple"ity of e"perience, training etc. ;or evaluating ob some of the factors are taken into account that are sufficient for better udgement. $sing too many factors become burdensome, using too less factors will be unfair. The rater must take into account a sufficient number of factors that are essential to make fair ob evaluation which will fulfill the needs of the organization. 4. Di(ision o2 2a$tors into egrees@ The factors are broken down into degrees and point value is assigned to each degree. &efore breaking them into degree. 5. Assigning %oint (alues egree: %ssigning point values to degree is the ob to be carried out by a committee appointed for the purpose. #t weighs the factors in terms of percentage. The percentage of the factor becomes the points to be distributed among the degrees of the factor according to their relative importance. The scale is now prepared and obs can be evaluated. 1. Jo" e(aluation@ !obs can now be evaluated after going through ob analysis thoroughly and assigning the points and taking the sum total of them. This gives us relative worth of obs. %fter ob is evaluated wage structure is fi"ed. Merits o2 Point Metho @ The method has the following merits. 0. #t provides numerical base for determining wage differentials. %nalysis of ob factors make it possible have a measure of value of ob. 1. #t is a systematic method of ob evaluation. .orkers of the organization favour the system. 2. #t is less manipulative and free from human bias. 3. #t makes possible to place obs in different categories. 4. The scales developed in the process can be used for long time. 5. %ssigning points to the factors make it possible to assign money value to the points. 6. #t is more suitable method where large number of obs e"ists i.e. in large organizations. Demerits 0. #t is very e"pensive method and hence it is not suitable for small organizations. 1. #t is time consuming. To determine ob factors and their comparative advantage consume lot of time. 2. %ssigning point value to the factors is also difficult. 3. #t is not simple to understand. 4. % lot of clerical work is involved in recording rating scales. #nspite of its demerits the point methods is widely used by the organizations because of its precision.

5. ;a$tor Com%arison Metho This method is mostly used in evaluating professional and managerial practices. #t is a combination of ranking and point methods. #t rates the obs by comparing them like that in ranking method and it makes analysis by subdividing obs into compensable factors like than in point method. The relative rank of the obs evaluated assigning money value. $nder this method each ob is ranked for each compensable factor separately. Each ob factor is broadly defined. The most common factor used in ob evaluation includes skills, physical and mental requirements, working conditions and responsibilities. The mechanism for evaluating obs under this system involves following steps@ 0. The ob factors are selected and defined precisely. 1. Eey obs are selected. Eey obs include those which belong to the range of obs under consideration. These obs are the standard obs against which all obs are evaluated. The selection of key obs is made to cover the entire range including low and high level and paid obs. The care is also taken that range does not include disputed obs or those obs over which there is disagreement between employees and management. 2. =embers of the committee rank the obs on each factor. ;actors are five, viz, skill, physical requirement, mental requirement, work conditions and responsibility. 3. .ages are fi"ed for various compensable factors of each key ob. 4. %ll the obs are compared with key obs and evaluated factor by factor. 5. % wage structure is prepared, designed and implemented. Merits o2 Metho : This system has following merits@ 0. #t is systematic method of evaluating manual, clerical and supervisory positions. 1. #t is more ob ective method of ob evaluation because arbitrary weightage is not given 2. #t is a comparative process of rating the obs against numerical benchmark. 3. #t is easy to understand. 4. #t facilitates determining the relative worth of different obs. 5. This method facilitates association of new obs introduce in the organization with the grade or class. 6. The validity of this system is greater than any other system. Demerits 0. #t is highly e"pensive system of ob evaluation since e"perts are to be employed. 1. The employees find it difficult to understand. 2. The obs are evaluated on the basis of comparative analysis of five factors only which are inappropriate. 3. $nder this method the ob evaluation is done by e"pert. The top management has to rely on them. 4. #t is quite difficult to assign weightage to each factor. 1. Com%uteri<e Metho $sing quantitative ob evaluation methods such as the point or factor comparison plans can be time consuming. %ccumulating the information about (how much) of each compensable factor the ob contains traditionally involves a tedious process in which evaluation committees debate the level of each compensable factor in a ob. They then write down their consensus udgments and manually compute each ob's point values. CAJE=computer*aided ob evaluation*can streamline this process. >omputer aided ob evaluation, says one e"pert, can simplify ob analysis, help keep ob descriptions up to date, increase evaluation ob ectivity, reduce the time spent in committee meetings, and ease the

burden of system maintenance. >%!E includes electronic data entry, computerized checking of compensable factor questionnaire responses, and automated output of ob evaluations and of a variety of compensation reports. P8INCIPLE# O; #UCCE##;UL JOB EVALUATION P8O98AMME .e have seen various methods of ob evaluation. Each method has some merits and limitations. Do method is completely full of proof. Each method suffers from several demerits. Even though point method is widely used it also has certain weaknesses. Do method is suitable for all types and kinds of organization. The organsation should adopt a mi"ture of all the methods. Those who are common with ob evaluation programme should thoroughly know each and every detail about all the methods. They should be well conversant with the techniques of ob evaluation. They should also know the defects in the system. However the following principles can be followed for successful ob evaluation programme. 0. !ob evaluation should rate the ob and not the ob holder. 1. %ccurate and unambiguous ob analysis, ob description and ob specification should be done. 2. !ob factors under evaluation should be clearly defined and group under proper heads. 3. <ay scales should not be too many in an organization. This can be avoided through proper grading of obs. 4. ;irst line supervisor should be included in the committee of ob evaluation because he is the person who is well conversant with ob conditions, skill required and other ob factors and also the weightage to be given to each ob factor. 5. :upervisors should have the complete knowledge of the evaluation system. They should be able to e"plain and convince the employees about the ob evaluation system. They should be able to e"plain and convince the employees about the ob evaluation plan. :upervisors should be trained accordingly. 6. !ob evaluation programme should be given greater publicity using all possible channels of communication available in the organization. 7. Each group, class and cadre should have separate salary structure. 8. =a"imum transparency in preparation and implementation of ob evaluation programme should be maintained. This can be easily done if participation from all is encouraged and practically effected. 09. The intentions of the management in relating with the programme should be made clear. There should not be any hidden agenda. 00. %ll the relevant internal and e"ternal factors should be taken into account before arriving at a final programme. 01. !ob evaluation programme should have green signal from the management of the organization and support from the employees unions. 02. !ob evaluation is the technique of rating the ob but it helps in determining the wages to be paid to the ob holder who is a valuable human resource of the organization. %n utmost care should be taken that in ustice is not done by way of wrong and inconsistent fi"ation of salary. 03. #t should be decided at the first instance whether the ob evaluation programme is undertaken with the help of specialists from withing the organization or the services of e"perts from outside are to be hired. +ages an #alar, #ur(e,s

!ob evaluation determines the relative worth of ob. This leads to the fi"ation of wages and salaries. .ages and salaries are fi"ed after making salary surveys in the region or in country and of various organizations. These surveys enable the organization to know the salary structure of various oranisations and the benefits they are paying to their employees of various grades. These surveys help organizations to fi" the wages and salaries of their employees on par with the others and reduce the gap between wages. :ome organizations pay high wages and less benefit to their employees while some other large organizations pay low wages and appreciably more benefits to their employees. :urvey may be conducted by visiting the organizations or by mailed questionnaire, telephone or personal interviews or by banking over the ob to an agency. $nder survey only the crucial obs should be covered because it is difficult, time consuming and costly affair to cover all the obs. % requisite care should be taken in respect of organizations to be surveyed. The organization so selected should be from the same industry and from the same region. .age surveys provide vital information about wage differences in various organizations in various occupations. This helps in devising a uniform wage policy. #t also helps the organization whether it can pay equal wages or more or less than the normal wage structure followed in the industry by other organizations or firms. #t helps in keeping the width in the wages of different grades. .age curve@ The wage curve represents the relationship between the value of the ob and the average wage rates of these obs. .age ratesH .age grades G EJ -J ;J >J &J %J ;;; Jo" e(aluation %oints ;ig.09.0 :alary or wages are paid along wage line is depicted in the above diagram. The wide deviation from the normal salary is shown by the points %, &, >, -, E and ;. The points %, & and > lie below the wage line are an indication of under payment of wages and the points -, E and ; shows the over*payment of wages in the organization. They need to the corrected. The wages of underpaid grade need immediate revision. :uch wage curves can be dawn for all grades of employees in every organization or industry so that valid comparison of wages can be done and suitable wage policy be adopted which is essential for organizational effectiveness and smooth working. 8EVIE+ >UE#TION# 0. .hat is ob evaluationF .hat are the ob ectives of ob evaluationF 1. -efine ob evaluation. E"plain the procedure of ob evaluation.

2. .hat are the methods of ob evaluationF -iscuss any one method suitable in the present scenario. 3. -iscuss grading method of ob evaluation. .hat are its merits and demeritsF 4. .rite notes@ +a, <rinciples of successful ob evaluation programme +b, .age and salary survey +c, -rawbacks of ob evaluation +d, ;actor comparison method OBJECTIVE >UE#TION# 0. The method for providing systematic salary structure is@ +a, !ob analysis +b, =erit rating +b, !ob evaluation +d, <erformance appraisal 1. How many steps are involved in ob evaluationF +a, 2 +b, 5 +c, 3 +d, 4 2. .hich method is known as ob classificationF +a, Banking method +b, Crading method +c, <oint comparison method +d, ;actor comparison method 3. .hich is a quantitative methodF +a, ;actor comparison method +b, Banking method +c, Crading method +d, >lass method Ans)er: 0.+c, 1.+d, 2.+b, 3.+d,

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