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Alzheimer's Association 10 Warning Signs of Alzheimers Disease

Memory changes often occur with age, but memory loss that disrupts everyday life is not a typical part of aging. It may be a symptom of dementia, a gradual and progressive decline in memory, thinking and reasoning skills. The most common cause of dementia is Alzheimers A!"#$high$merz% disease, a fatal disorder that results in the loss of brain cells and brain function. There is no clear line between typical aged$related changes and signs of Alzheimers. In fact, others may notice changes in the persons memory, behavior or abilities even before they do. At the first sign that something is changing, its important to learn more about dementia and how to get an accurate diagnosis. To help, here is a list of changes that may be signs of Alzheimers disease or a related dementia. 10 Warning Signs of Alzheimers Disease 1. Memory changes that disrupt daily life &orgetting recently learned information is one of the most typical early signs of dementia. 'thers include forgetting how to do basic tasks on the (ob) forgetting names of family members or important dates or events) asking the same *uestion over and over) and relying on memory aides such sticky notes to label common household items. What is typical age-related memory loss? 'ccasionally forgetting names or appointments and remembering them later . Difficulty performing familiar tas!s at home" at #or! or at leisure +eople with dementia often find it hard to plan or complete daily tasks. ,ome of these may be struggling to learn new information on the (ob) cooking a meal) playing a game) pumping gas in the car) driving to a familiar place) doing more than one thing at a time. What is typical age-related memory loss? 'ccasionally forgetting why you came into a room or what you planned to say $. %ro&lems #ith language in spea!ing or #riting Individuals with Alzheimers disease often forget simple words or substitute unusual words, which may make their speech or writing hard to understand. &or e-ample, they may be unable to find their toothbrush and ask for .that thing for my mouth./ 'r, they may stop in the middle of a conversation and not know how to continue.

What is typical age-related memory loss? ,ometimes having trouble finding the right word '. (onfusion #ith time and place +eople with Alzheimers disease can become lost in their own neighborhoods, forget where they are and how they got there, and not know how to get back. They may know they want to go home but cant remember how to get there. What is typical age-related memory loss? ,ometime forgetting the day of the week or where you were going but later remembering ). Difficulty #ith *isual and spatial perceptions &or some people the first signs of dementia are problems with sight, gait and spaces. They may have a hard time seeing motion motion blindness%, depth, color or contrast. Things in motion may appear to be still and three$dimensional ob(ects look flat. Individuals may lose their bearings because shadows on the floor or a dark rug may look like holes. 0alls and floors painted the same color may hard to distinguish. 1lues, blue$greens and blue$violets may all look the same. What is typical? 2hanges in near$sighted or far$sighted vision that can be corrected with glasses or contact lens +. Decreased or poor ,udgment +eople with Alzheimers may have behavior changes, such as using poor (udgment about money by giving away large sums to telemarketers or dressing inappropriately by wearing several layers on a warm day or little clothing on a cold day. Their houses may be kept too cold or hot or there might be signs of poor housekeeping and unusual clutter. What is typical? Making a *uestionable decision from time to time -. %ro&lem #ith a&stract thin!ing or pro&lem sol*ing ,omeone with dementia may have difficulty with numbers) doing calculations to pay bills) a decrease in problem solving skills or an inability to concentrate. What is typical? Miscalculating a checkbook occasionally. .. Misplacing things in unusual places A person with Alzheimers disease may put things in unusual places3 an iron in the freezer or a purse in the shower.

What is typical age-related memory loss? Misplacing keys temporarily /. (hanges in mood" personality or &eha*ior The personalities and moods of people with dementia can change dramatically. They may become e-tremely confused, suspicious, depressed, fearful or aggressive. They may rely on someone else, such as a family member, to make decisions or answer *uestions they previously would have handled themselves. What is typical age-related change? Peoples personalities may change somewhat over time. 10. Withdra#al from social" family and ,o& acti*ities "oss of interest or initiative may cause a person with dementia to withdrawn from hobbies, social activities, work assignments or favorite sports. ,ome may become unusually passive, sleeping more than usual or not wanting to do usual activities What is typical? ,ometimes feeling weary of work, family and social obligations.

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