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Conference organised by University of the West of England (UWE)

Philosophy and Film / Film and Philosophy: a multidisciplinary conference

UWE in association with the Arnolfini Arts Centre, Bristol 4-6 July 2008, the Arnolfini, 4 to 6 J ly !""# ristol

!"#$%& A'#%& &(!"&&() is an inde$endent researcher% &e holds a 'h( in A diovis al Co)) nication fro) the University of the Bas* e Co ntry in +$ain awarded in !"",% &e grad ated in Jo rnalis) in -.#/ and Advertising in -.##, both degrees fro) the sa)e instit tion% + bse* ently, he gained a 0aster1s (egree in Arts (Cine)a) at the University of +ao 'a lo in Bra2il% &e has $ blished e3tensively on fil) and a diovis al iss es for different $ blications in +$ain, United +tates, 4rance, Bra2il and Argentina% &e is also a reg lar contrib tor to a n )ber of +$anish )aga2ines and a )e)ber of vario s acade)ic associations in +$ain% &e has recently co)$leted a $ostdoctoral research based at the University of the West England in Bristol entitled Battle of the Images. Auteur Cinema Made on Digital Video.

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A *inema +ei,hed -o.n /y 0istory in #odard1s Eloge de l'amour and Notre Music

8he ai) of this $a$er is to analyse the last two feat res fil)s shot in (igital 9ideo by Jean 5 c :odard; Eloge de l'Amour (!""-) and Notre Music (!""4)% After the t rning $oint that Histoire s! du Cinema re$resents in :odard<s career, he contin es his )elancholic e3$loration of the $heavals of the twentieth cent ry% Both fil)s inscribe the $rocesses of 0e)ory into its narrative str ct re% Eloge de l'Amour deals with the role of historical )e)ory within love relationshi$s% Notre Music ses (ante<s sche)e in "he Di#ine Comed$ (&ell, ' rgatory and &eaven) to interrogate as ) ch as the act al state of the conte)$orary world thro gh a tri$ to +ara=evo as * estions of re$resentation in fil)% A)ong the iss es raised by both fil)s this $a$er will disc ss the following; the i)$act of the new syste) of visibility afforded by digital technology (8echnology vers s Aesthetics)> the diffic lties to create new i)ages> the an3ieties abo t fil))a7ing> the crises of the ga2e as it foc ses on act al events (Cine)a vers s &istory)> digital re)ediation and the hybrid nat re involved in the vario s ty$es of i)ages ($hotogra$hy, video, fil) e3tracts, $aintings,

doc )entary footage, intertitles, etc), an intellect al cine)a overloaded with cites, a$horis)s, $hiloso$hical tho ghts> the non?synchronic and disr $ting so ndtrac7 in relation to the i)age% 8his $a$er will e3$lore the ideas of +i)one Weil, Bataille, Blanchot, +artre, Ano ilh, Cioran and others directly * oted by :odard in the two fil)s% @n addition to this, the $a$er will also disc ss so)e $hiloso$hical ideas and conce$tions of Adorno, Ben=a)in, (ele 2e and Ja)eson relating the) to both fil)s%

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