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Kungfu Panda

-Narrator: Legend tells of a legendary warrior... legend: legendary: warrior: whose kung fu skills were the stuff of legend. He traveled the land in search of worthy foes. in search of: foe: -Demon: I see you like to chew. chew: Maybe you should chew on my fist -Narrator: !he warrior said nothing for his mouth was full. !hen he swallowed. "nd then he s#oke. talk. Let%s fight &hashabooey $nough &hashabooey ' -Narrator: He was so deadly in fact that his enemies would go blind from over e(#osure to #ure awesomeness. exposure: pure: awesomeness: !"#$% -Demon: My eyes &'() -Rabbit1: He%s too awesome awesome: * +,) -Rabbit2: "nd attractive +!-.,) -Rabbit1: How )an *e re#ay you+ &/012

-Warrior: !here is no charge for awesomeness. awesomeness: 31 ,r attractiveness. attractiveness: 45678 Kablooey Kablooey -Narrator: It mattered not how many foes he faced. 96: !hey were no match for his body 6;<= -ever before had a #anda been so feared >?! @ABCD "nd so loved. EFG $ven the most heroic heroes in )hina. HIJKL3MNOPQRR the /urious /ive. furious: RSTU bowed in res#ect to this great master. -Monkey: *e should hang out. hang out: VWXXY2 -Warrior: "greed. -Narrator: 0ut hanging out would have to wait. 0ecause when you%re facing the 12 222 demons of shemon Mountain demon: there%s only one thing that matters and that%s... Z ![\J -Monkey: Po 3et u# Po]^_) 4ou%ll be later for work -Po: *hat+ `a2 5&cene: the dream is over. and Po gets u# to work.6

-Dad: Po 3et u#
Po]^_) Po. *hat are you doing u# there Pobcde+ -Po: -othing. ?G Monkey Mantis )rane 7i#er !igress mantis: crane: viper: Monkey Mantis )rane 7i#er !igress -Dad: Po Let%s go 4ou%re late for work. Po)]fg,hi,G -Po: )oming &orry. dad. ^jk -Dad: &orry doesn%t make the noodles. ^lVmnoG *hat were you doing u# there+ bpq`ars2 "ll that noise. -Po: -othing. I 8ust had a cra9y dream. ?`a\JtuvwxyG -Dad: "bout what+ `ay2 *hat were you dreaming about+ yz`a,2 -Po: *hat was I...+ yz,&y, I was dreaming about... &y, ...noodles. -Dad: -oodles+ 4ou were really dreaming about noodles+ b{ymn,2 -Po: 4eah. *hat else would I be dreaming about+ ?G|By2 )areful !hat sou# is shar#. :!; -Dad: ,h. ha##y day }+~,) My son finally having the noodle dream &%yzmn,)

4ou don%t know how long I%ve been waiting for this moment. }b&g,) !his is a sign. Po. sign: JtPo -Po: " sign of what+ `a2 4ou are almost ready to be entrusted with the secret ingredient of my &ecret Ingredient &ou#. entrust: ingredient: &l0&b,G !hen you will fulfill your destiny and take over the restaurant destiny: take over: b\BI,G "s I took it over from my father who took it over from his father... \& ...who won it from a friend in mah8ong. mah8ong: lJo>oG -Po: <ad. <ad. <ad. it was 8ust a dream. jkjkJyG -Dad: -o. it was the dream. JyG *e are noodle folk. folk: &Jmn 0roth runs through our veins. broth: vein: mnG -Po: 0ut. <ad. didn%t you ever want to do something else+ lJjkb!?!f2 &omething besides noodles+ ,mnN2 -Dad: "ctually. when I was young and cra9y. & I thought about running away and learning how to make tofu. -VG -Po: *hy didn%t you+ b2 -Dad: 0ecause it was a stu#id dream.

Jty )an you imagine me making tofu+ bB&2 !ofu. -o *e all have our #lace in this world. ,)&!G Mine is here. &\Jmn and yours is... -Po: I know. is here. &,JmnG -Dad: -oit%s at tables =. >. ? and 1=. = > ? ! 1= &ervice with a smile. ,G 5&cene: in the @ade Palace. Master and his students are #laying kungfu. and the bad news comes. 6

-Master: *ell done. students...

%) if you were trying to disa##oint me. !`a&M\J !igress. you need more ferocity ferocity: !igress.5) Monkey. greater s#eed. Monkey5]G )rane. height. )rane5~G 7i#er. subtlety. Mantis... subtlety: 7i#er5GMantis -Zeng: Master &hifu. 3G -Master: *hat+ `a2) -Zeng: It%s Master ,ogway. ,ogway He wants to see you. G -Master: Master ,ogway. you summoned me+ summon:

,ogway 3&G Is something wrong+ JV`aZ,2 - Oogway: *hy must something be wrong for me to want to see my old friend+ /VZB<je2 -Master: &o nothing%s wrong+ a?VZ2 -Oogway: *ell. I didn%t say that. &?a -Po: 4ou were saying+ J -Oogway: I have had a vision. vision: &, !ai Lung will return. !ai Lung -Master: !hat is im#ossible He is in #rison. lB)peG -Oogway: -othing is im#ossible. !lBG,2 -Master: Aeng Aeng /ly to ,horh-3om #rison and tell them. OzW to double the guards. double their wea#ons. double everything `ag !ai Lung does not leave that #rison !ai Lung -Zeng: 4es Master &hifu )3 -Oogway: ,ne often meets his destiny on the road he takes to avoid it. avoid: !NNG -Master: *e must do something &B6) *e can%t let him march on the valley. march on: ... valley: &Bo take his revenge take revenge: He%ll...

-Oogway: 4our mind is like this water my friend.

bjG *hen it is agitated it becomes difficult to see. agitated: uG 0ut if you allow it to settle... ...the answer becomes clear. 'G !he <ragon &croll. dragon: scroll: It is time. -Master: 0ut who+ l+ *ho is worthy to be trusted with the secret to limitless #ower+ B!B.6.2 !o become the <ragon *arrior+ warrior: 2 -Oogway: I don%t know. &G 5&cene: Master ,ogway is going to choose the B<ragon *arrior'. and Po goes to see the selection. and the une(#ected thing ha##ens.6

-Po: $(cuse me. Pardon me. &orry.

-Customer: *atch it f) -Po: &orry. ^ -Customer: &uck it u# suck up: t) -Po: &orry. " thousand #ardons. ^tG *hat+ `a2 Master ,ogway%s choosing the <ragon *arrior !oday

,ogway 32)) $veryone 3et to the @ade Palace jade: 3]W) ,ne of the /ive is gonna get the <ragon &croll *e%ve waited 1222 years for this 1) !ake the bowl \]W) !his is the greatest day in kung fu history @ust go J OP 3 ,]W) -Dad: Po *here are you going+ Po)bW%2 -Po: !o the @ade Palace. WG -Dad: 4ou%re forgetting your noodle cart. cart: lb,bmn, !he whole valley will be there and you%ll sell noodles to all of them. tgWb\l03,G -Po: &elling noodles+ mn+ 0ut. <ad. I was thinking. maybe I... lJjk&p&ll0 -Dad: 4eah+ `a2 -Po: I was thinking Maybe I... &p&ll0 could also sell the bean buns. bean: bun: ll0f !hey%re about to go bad. ],G !hat%s my boy {Jt) I told you that dream was a sign. &tyJtG -Po: 4eah. 3lad I had it. J{~&,tyG -Rabbit1: I%m a kung fu warrior &J ) -Rabbit2: Me too

-Rabbit1: !here%s s#ots at the to#.

!Mfpe) -Rabbit2: Let%s go. &G -Po: )ome on. )ome on "") "lmost there. *hat+ `a2 -o ,h. no ) -Rabbit: &orry. Po. i#,Po *e%ll bring you back a souvenir. souvenir: &b$%G -Po: -o. I%ll bring me back a souvenir. &&'$%(oG -Master: It is an historic day. J) Isn%t it. Master ,ogway+ J2,ogway 32 -Oogway: 4es. and one I feared I would not live to see. ?&*&B+zG "re your students ready+ b,,2 -Master: 4es. Master ,ogway. ,ogway -Oogway: Know this. old friend. jb- *homever I choose will not only bring #eace to the valley... .&,Jo/0 but also to you. Jbo/G -Master: Let the tournament begin tournament: !3p12) 5&cene: the tournament begins. and Po finally gets to the @ade Palace. but unfortunately. he is shut out of the door. and he manages to get in.6

-Peop e: 4eah.

-Po: -o. no. wait

)) I%m coming *ait. wait &o,)) 4es Hey ,#en the door %11) Let me in &W) -Master: )iti9ens of the 7alley of Peace. 34 it is my great honor to #resent to you... !igress &5678b9!igress 7i#er )rane Monkey Mantis 7i#er)raneMonkeyMantis !he /urious /ive RSTU) -Peop e: 4eah. the /urious /ive :RSTU) -Master: *arriors. #re#are ) -Po: *ait. -o. ,h. #eeky-hole. peeky: l0>;G -Master: Ceady for battle -Peop e: 4eah. -Master: !he !housand !ongues of /ire. :<#G -Peop e: Look at that. =t) -Po: Hey3et out of the way )&) -Master: "nd finally Master !igress P>VJ !igress "nd believe me. citi9ens you have not seen anything yet. ?&b31'@G -Po: I know &))?z

-Master: Master !igress /ace Iron ,D and his

0lades of <eath. blade: !igress OABCD-EG -Oogway: I sense the <ragon *arrior is among us. &6z\p& -Master: )iti9ens of the 7alley of Peace 34 Master ,ogway will now choose the <ragon *arrior ,ogway 3pF,) -Po: ,h. no -o. no wait `a2) 4eah. Po Po -Dad: *hat are you doing+ bp`a2 -Po: *hat does it look like I%m doing+ b&p`a2 &to# o) I%m going to see the <ragon *arrior -Dad: 0ut I don%t understand. 4ou finally had the noodle dream l&byz,mn) -Po: I lied. I don%t dream about noodles. <ad. &bjkG&?ymnG I love kung fu &GG -Dad: )ome on. son. H,%G Let%s get back to work. J1WhiG -Po: ,K. -Dad: )ome back 5&cene: Po gets in the Palace by using a fire-rocket. and then he is selected as the <ragon *arrior.6

-Po: *hat%s going on+

Ya1Z2 *here...+ &p2 *hat are you #ointing...+ bpI`a2 ,K. &orry. }^G I 8ust wanted to see who the <ragon *arrior was. & JJG -Oogway: How interesting. {!i#G -!igress: Master. are you #ointing at me+ 3JI&2 -Oogway: Him. -Po: *ho+ -Oogway: you. -Po: me+ &2 -Oogway: !he universe has brought us the <ragon *arrior universe: OJK&) -Po: *hat+ `a2 -Master: *hat+ `a2) -!"e #i$e: *hat+ `a2) -Dad: *hat+ `a2) -Master: &to#. wait *ho told you to...+ L())MbW) Master ,ogway . wait. ,ogway 3 !hat flabby #anda can%t #ossibly be the answer to our #roblem. flabby: N3O@AlBJPQ 4ou were about to #oint at !igress bI !igress and that thing fell in front of her R@A>SJ)

!hat was 8ust an accident Jti) -Oogway: !here are no accidents. O?!TUG -!igress: /orgive us. Master. VG *e have failed you. &WX,G -Master: -o. If the #anda has not Euit by morning J@A?YZs[ then I will have failed you. J&bWX,G 5&cene: Aeng flies to the 8ail. and sees !ailung.6

-Zeng: *ait*ait. wait. wait

I bring a message from Master &hifu. &J\3o]?G -%uardian: *hat+ `a2) <ouble the guard+ 2) $(tra #recautions+ ^_2) 4our #rison may not be adeEuate+ b`2) 4ou doubt my #rison security+ ba&/b2) -Zeng: "bsolutely not. &hifu does. I%m 8ust the messenger. a&\JtG -%uardian: I%ll give you a message for your Master &hifu. abc&t $sca#e from ,horh-3om #rison is im#ossible >lB) Im#ressive. isn%t it+ 2 -Zeng: It%s very im#ressive. JJG It%s very im#ressive. dG -%uardian: ,ne way in. one way out.

Ve !nG ,ne thousand guards and one #risoner. r fG -Zeng: 4es. e(ce#t that #risoner... ? JtfJ is !ai Lung. !ai Lung -%uardian: !ake us down. ]&(WG -Zeng: *hat are you doing+ b`a2 ,h. my. oh. my: &) -%uardian: 0ehold is !ai Lung. behold: !ai Lung -Zeng: I%m 8ust gonna wait right here. &&Jgp%G It%s nothing to worry about. It%s #erfectly safe. ?`ahi6WG -%uardian: )rossbows "t the ready crossbow: jk) )rossbows+ jk2 Hey . tough guy. did you hear+ lmbn,2 ,ogway%s giving someone the <ragon &croll and it%s not gonna be you. ,ogway o , , -Zeng: <on%t get him mad. p,G -%uardian: *hat%s he gonna do about it+ I%ve got him com#letely immobili9ed. immobilized: &q,G <id I ste# on the little kitty%s tail+ &JJzrAst,2 -Zeng: I%m good. I%ve seen enough. &,&,G I%ll tell &hifu he has nothing to worry about. &u?lhG

-%uardian: -o. he doesn%t.

d|vhG -Zeng: I%ll tell him that. )an we #lease go now+ B,2 5&cene: in the @ade Palace. Master &hifu is teaching a lesson to Po.6

-Peop e: <ragon *arrior <ragon *arrior

<ragon *arrior <ragon *arrior -Po: *ait a second I think there%s been a slight mistake. &JtrG $veryone seems to think that I%m... 3g0&J !he &acred Hall of *arriors Jwx) -o way Look at this #lace. M% Master /lying Chino%s armor with authentic battle damage rhino: authentic: yz{3|}!{~ !he &word of Heroes QN) &aid to be so shar# you can cut yourself 8ust by looking. g !he Invisible !rident of <estiny invisible: trident: destiny: N) I%ve only seen #aintings of that #ainting. & %G -o !he legendary Frn of *his#ering *arriors. urn: whisper: NG

&aid to contain the souls of the entire !enshu "rmy. soul: m!tG Hello. bG -Master: Have you finished sight-seeing+ sight-seeing: b,2 -Po: &orry. I should have come to you first. ^&obG -Master: My #atience is wearing thin. wearing thin: &! -Po: *ell. I mean. it%s not like you were going anywhere. ^ob?W%G -Master: would you !urn around+ bBo2 -Po: &ure. d|l0G How%s it going+ Ya2 How do you get > 222... Master &hifu bJYaT 3) &omeone... broke that. !tY,G 0ut I%ll fi( it. &G <o you have some... ...glue+ 2 " s#linter. splinter: !G -Master: &o you%re the legendary <ragon *arrior+ b\Jt2 -Po: I guess so. &JG -Master: *rong 4ou are not the <ragon *arrior. 4ou will never be the <ragon *arrior until... bJlBJ you have learned the secret of the <ragon &croll.

b,G -Po: &o how does this work+ &YaOWe2 <o you have a ladder or a tram#oline or...+ trampo ine: & b!`_` -Master: 4ou think it%s that easy+ b+, !hat I%ll 8ust hand you the secret &6. to limitless #ower+ \ab2 -Po: -o I... -Master: ,ne must first master the highest level of kung fu. tzP~@ "nd that is im#ossible if that one is someone like you. SbJlB,G -Po: &omeone like me+ &2 -Master: 4es. look at you !his fat butt /labby arms butt: flabby: ( ) ?bbNN !hose are sensitive in the flabby #arts. lge) "nd this ridiculous belly. ridiculous: belly: !(N33G "nd utter disregard for #ersonal hygiene. disregard: hygiene: !f%thG -Po: -ow. wait a minute. !hat%s uncalled for. uncalled for: f Gal!fnG -Master: <on%t stand that close. I can smell your breath. a gVo,G -Po: Listen. ,ogway said I was... .,ogway 3&J !he *u(i /inger Hold. -ot the *u(i /inger Hold IvI) -Master: ,h. you know this hold+

}btI2 -Po: <evelo#ed by Master *uDi in the !hird <ynasty. 3G !hen you know what ha##ens when I fle( my #inky. flex: pinky: b(rIh`a,G -Po: -o. no -Master: 4ou know the hardest #art of this+ bPJ`a2 !he hardest #art is cleaning u# afterwards. \J-bG -Po: ,K. ,K. take it easy. G -Master: -ow listen closely. #anda. n@AG ,ogway may have #icked you but when I%m through with you ,ogway ,bld&Ob I #romise you. you%re going to wish he hadn%t &bbXJb) "re we clear+ ,2 -Po: 4eah. we%re clear. *e%re so clear. ,,+,G -Master: 3ood. G I can%t wait to get started. &g\12,G Let%s begin. &12 5&cene: Master wants Po to make some moves. and Po falls into great mess.6

-Po: *ait. wait. wait.

. *hat+ + -ow+ p2

-Master: yes. now.

Fnless the great ,ogway was wrong

b,^ ,ogway and you are not the <ragon *arrior. SbJG -Po: ,h. ,K. wellGG I don%t know if I can do all of those moves. &&BBg!VoG -Master: *ell. if we don%t try we%ll never know. will we+ EYaBe2 -Po: 4eah. it%s 8ust . maybe we can find something more suited to my level. BB>5U&t12 -Master: *hat level is that+ bEJ`ae+ -Po: *ell. I%m not a master. but... b&J3 let%s 8ust start at 9ero. Level 9ero. >12G -Master: -o. !here is no such thing as level 9ero. >o?!G -Po: Maybe I )an start with that. &l0>12G -Master: that+ t2 *e use that for training children &v and #ro##ing the door o#en when it%s hot. prop: voG 0ut if you insist... lJb -Po: !he /urious /ive J RSTU ) 4ou%re bigger than your action figures. figure: bl!3,G $(ce#t you. Mantis. 4ou%re the same. MantisbJa3G -Master: 3o ahead. #anda. &how us what you can do. 12@AG&bBG -Po: "re they gonna watch+

b\p&Y2 or should I wait till they get back to work+ J&bg1W122 -Master: Hit it. VG -Po: ,K . yeah. I mean. I 8ust ate. & &o I%m still digesting. 70pG &o my kung fu might not be as good as... later on. 70&lBaG -Master: @ust hit it. ]V) "ll right. *hat you got+ bHj2 4ou got nothing %cause I got it right here. bHt!&p%) 4ou #icking on my friends+ 3et ready to feel thunder. pick on: thunder: b&2G I%m coming at you with cra9y feet. &6b?,2 )ome on. I%m a blur. 4ou%ve never seen bear style. blur: &bG 4ou%ve only seen #raying mantis. pray: b\ ,r monkey style. ,r I could come at you snickety-snake. bG -Master: *ould you hit it bBV2) -Po: "ll right. "ll right. G -Master: *hy don%t you try again+ " little harder. ofYG -Po: How%s that+ !hat hurts. &,)

!his will be easier than I thought. !&l,G I%m feeling a little nauseous nauseous: &6z!fG !hose are hard +,G My tenders. tender: &rG How did I do+ &A/2 -Master: !here is now a level 9ero. b(,tG -Mantis: !here%s no words. 6l,G -'iper: -o denying that. &ibG -Mantis: *hat was Master ,ogway thinking+ &- ,ogway 3p`a2 !he #oor guy%s gonna get himself killed. lf&]G -Monkey: He is so mighty mighty: +6,) !he <ragon *arrior fell out of the sky on a ball of fire >SJp<O *hen he walks. the very ground shakes M) -!igress: ,ne would think Master ,ogway would choose someone who knew kung fu. 0 ,ogway 3t -Monkey: 4eah. or could at least touch his toes. ?^JtBzG ,r even see his toes. Bz&'G -Po: ,K. 3reat. G Hi. 4ou%re u#. b?G -Crane: I am now. p,G

-Po: I was 8ust...

J -Crane: &ome day. huh+ 2 !hat kung fu stuff is hard work. right+ l2 "re your bice#s sore+ bicep: sore: b2 I%ve had a long and rather disa##ointing day. so. qJEEWX,70 4eah. I should #robably get to slee# now. &,G -Po: 4eah. 4eah. 4eah. of course. ,K. !hanks. JJd|GG It%s 8ust. Man. I%m such a big fan J&lJbG 4ou guys were ama9ing at the 0attle of *ee#ing Civer. 3bA+,G ,utnumbered a thousand to one but you didn%t sto#. bb6Zi 4ou 8ust...outnumber outnumber: b J:O &orry about that. }i#} -Crane: Look. you don%t belong here. nb%G -Po: I know. I know. 4ou%re right. &b?G I don%t have... I 8ust... &?!& J My whole life I dreamed of... &hgy -Crane: -o. I meant you don%t belong here. &Ib% I mean. in this room. !his is my room. &ItJ&G Pro#erty of )rane. property: )rane 7!G -Po: ,K. Cight. right. }GG &o. you want to get to slee#+ &

ab,2 -Crane: 4eah. -Po: I%m kee#ing you u#. &b,G -Crane: *e got big things tomorrow. !ZeG -Po: "ll right. 4ou%re awesome. b) Last thing I%m gonna say. 0ye-bye. &\aG -Crane: *hat was that+ b`a2 -Po: I didn%t say anything. &`ag?G -Crane: ,K. "ll right. 3ood night. /G -Po: &lee# well. !hat seemed a little awkward. awkward: !fG Master !igress !igeress I didn%t mean to wake you. ?b -!igress: 4ou don%t belong here. b) -Po: 4eah. of course. !his is your room. JbG -!igress: I mean. you don%t belong in the @ade Palace. &i#JbgpG 4ou%re a disgrace to kung fu and if you have disgrace: b any res#ect for who we are and what we do b&!&Z!7G you will be gone by morning. b\G -Po: 0ig fan

5&cene: Po is eating under the Peach !ree. and he meets Master ,ogway. also wins encouragement from him.6

-Oogway: I see you have found the &acred Peach

!ree of Heavenly *isdom. heavenly: wisdom: obz,KsG -Po: Is that what this is+ \J2 &orry. I thought it was 8ust a regular #each tree. regular: &0\JG -Oogway: I understand. 4ou eat when you are u#set. &B-b1\G -Po: F#set+ I%m not u#set. 12&?1G *hat makes you think I%m u#set. `ab&1,2 -Oogway: &o why are you so u#set+ b`a1e2 -Po: I #robably sucked more today than anyone in the history of kung fu. sucked: &lBJOP In the history of )hina. In the history of sucking OPOJP) -Oogway: Probably. -Po: "nd the /ive RSTU) Man. you should%ve seen them b !hey totally hate me. &ND) -Oogway: !otally. fG -Po: How is &hifu ever going to turn me into the <ragon *arrior+ 3YalB&2 I mean. I%m not like the /ive. &fTUG I%ve got no claws. no wings. no venom. claw: venom:

&???G $ven Mantis has those... things. \ Mantis! Maybe I should 8ust Euit and go back to making noodles. &\,N1mG -Oogway: Huit. don%t Euit. 2) -oodles. don%t noodles. mn2mn) 4ou are too concerned with what was and what will be. concern with: b+piWJYoYG !here%s a saying: ! 4esterday is history. qJ tomorrow is a mystery. J but today is a gift. JJtG !hat is why it is called the #resent. \J`aM#resent:; 5&cene: !ailung breaks the #rison. and sends Aeng back to warn Master &hifu.6

-%uardian: ,h. no*hat%s ha##ening+

2h`a,2 !o your battle stations Wb) 3o 3o 3o ])])]) /ire crossbows k1<) /ire 1<) /ire 1<) -Zeng: !ai Lung is free !ailung I must warn &hifu. &W^) -%uardian: -ot going anywhere

b%gW) -either is he -Zeng: Let go of me -%uardian: 0ring it u# ^o) *ait0ring it back (1W) -Zeng: He%s coming this way -%uardian: He won%t get far. "rchers archer: ojk) -Zeng: *e%re dead. &o very . very dead. &,,) -%uardian: -ot yet. we%re not. ?e&?) -ow -Zeng: )an we run now+ pB,a2 -%uardian: 4es. -!ai ung: I%m glad &hifu sent you. &~boG I was beginning to think I%d been forgotten. &0g&,eG /ly back there and tell them... 1Wu the real <ragon *arrior is coming home. {1,G 5&cene: Po chooses to stay in the Palace. and &hifu still wants to get rid of him.6 -!he /ive: 3ood morning. Master O3) -Master: Panda Panda *ake u# -Master: He%s Euit.

ZV,G -'iper: *hat do we do now. with the #anda gone+ &pYa2@A, *ho will be the <ragon *arrior+ e2 -Master: "ll we can do is resume our training and trust that in time resume: &B\J0 the true <ragon *arrior will be revealed. reveal: {SVG *hat are you doing here+ bp2 -Po: Hi3ood morning. Master O3) I thought I%d warm u# a little. &G -Master: 4ou%re stuck. bJ ,G -Po: &tuck+ -ah. *hat+ &tuck+ ,2`a!2 -ah. !his is one of my... 4eah. I%m stuck. J& ?&J ,G -Master: hel# Him. W!G -Crane: ,h. dear. &" Maybe on three. ,ne two... &:z) ...three. -Po: !hank you. -Crane: <on%t mention it. -Po: -o. really. I a##reciate... appreciate: &{6 -Crane: $ver. #) -Master: 4ou actually thought you could learn to do a full s#lit in one night+ split: b{0bB$%&+

It takes years to develo# one%s fle(ibility flexibility: lJ:'())G "nd years longer to a##ly it in combat combat: 0:BvN0G Put that down !he only souvenirs we collect here are bloody knuckles and broken bones. knuckle: & *+$%JIu, -Po: 4eah$(cellent. )-.,) -Master: Let%s get started. &12G "re you ready+ b,2 -Po: I was born re... &h\) -'iper: I%m sorry. brother. {i#G I thought you said you were ready. &0b,b,eG -Po: !hat was awesome awesome: +,) Let%s go again &o) -Master: I%ve been taking it easy on you #anda. &/g!0b@AG 0ut no more. lp,G 4our ne(t o##onent will be me. (t\J&,G -Po: "ll right4eah . let%s go &te# forth. O1G !he true #ath to victory is to find your o##onent%s weakness 2t\Jz3 and make him suffer for it. suffer: 4N5G

-Po: ,h. yeah

-'iper: Maybe you should look at this again.

btG -Mantis: ,h. ,K. G -Po: &to# it. &to# ) I know Master &hifu is trying to ins#ire me and all... &JpB& but if I didn%t know better I%d say he was trying to get rid of me. get rid of: J&,&0J& I know he can seem kind of heartless &OW!f6C -'iper: but he wasn%t always like that. lJ "ccording to legend. there was once a time when Master &hifu actually used to smile. - D1G -Po: -o -Crane: 4es. -'iper: 0ut that was before. JpN -Po: 0efore what+ p`aN2 -!igress: 0efore !ai Lung. !ailung NG -Crane: *e%re not really su##osed to talk about him. &^G -!igress: *ell. if he%s going to stay here he should know. JYHE(G 5&cene: !igeress begins to tell Po the story of !ailung and &hifu. 6

-Master: !o take his strength and use it against him... Vi6) until he finally falls... /z(7 or Euits. -Po: " real warrior never Euits. {7 <on%t worry. Master. I will never Euit h3G&#7) -Monkey: If he%s smart he won%t come back u# those ste#s. 8Oo,G -Crane: 0ut he will. -'iper: He%s not going to Euit. is he+ 7J2 -Mantis: He%s not going to Euit bouncing I%ll tell you that. bounce: &l0b79G -Po: I thought you said acu#uncture would make me feel better. acu#uncture: &b:&G -Mantis: !rust me. it will. It%s 8ust not easy finding the right nerve #oints under all this... J;<b=gJ -Po: /at+ >?2 -Mantis: /ur. I was going to say /ur. @&J@G -Po: &ure you were. bJi#G -Mantis: *ho am I to 8udge a warrior based on his si9e+ &YavAo~t2 Look at me. I%m over here.

-Po: 3uys. guys. I know about !ai Lung.

3& !ailung He was a student.

-JtG !he first ever to master the thousand scrolls of kung fu. J!0ot,F, "nd then he turned bad and now he%s in 8ail. jail: |>,|>\G3,G -!igress: He wasn%t 8ust a student. Jt,G &hifu found him as a cub... cub: H ppIJ\,G and he raised him as his son. K3'V "nd when the boy showed talent in kung fu. drh\JL &hifu trained him. 7BMNG He believed in him. ?OG He told him he was destined for greatness. be destined for: u3G It was never enough for !ai Lung. !ailung # He wanted the <ragon &croll. zNoG 0ut ,ogway saw darkness in his heart and refused. ,ogway ;PzQRSNG ,utraged .!ai Lung laid waste to the valley. outraged: lay waste: !ailung TG He tried to take the scroll by force. yU "nd &hifu had to destroy what he had created. l&'VK,G 0ut how could he+ YaWe2 &hifu loved !ai Lung like he had never loved anyone before. N>? !ailung ,r since. "nd now he has a chance to make things right. Sp!XYo

!o train the true <ragon *arrior. "nd he%s stuck with you. " big fat #anda who treats it like a 8oke. N3OXZ@AG !hat is it ,)z) -Mantis: *aitMy fault J&) I accidentally tweaked his facial nerve. nerve: tweak: &r[z,m\KG "nd may have also sto##ed his heart. ]L,G 5&cene: Master &hifu learns the bad news. and he turns to ,ogway for hel#. but ,ogway #asses away. and tells him to believe in Po.6

-Master: Inner #eace.

inner: ^&^G Inner #eace. ^&^G Inner... Inner #eace. ^&^G *ould whoever is making that fla##ing sound Euiet down+ flap: pm2&/^f) Inner... ^... ,h. Aeng. Aeng $(cellent. I could use some good news right now. &pl0nz_,G -Master: Master Master I have... It%s... It%s very bad news. 3`,)

-Oogway: &hifu. !here is 8ust news.

G_\J_G !here is no good or bad. ?!NaG -Master: Master. your vision. 4our vision was right. vision: 3bb,) !ai Lung has broken out of #rison. He%s on his way. !ailung ,bo) -Oogway: !hat is bad news. {J_G if you do not believe that the <ragon *arrior can sto# him. b?l0cG -Master: !he #anda+ @A2 Master. that #anda is not the <ragon *arrior. 3@AlJ`aG He wasn%t meant to be here It was an accident. dp%JtTUG -Oogway: !here are no accidents. ?!TUG -Master: 4es. I know. 4ou%ve said that already. J&Gbq,G !wice. G -Oogway: *ell. !hat was -o accident. either. e|G -Master: !hrice. f -Oogway: My old friend. &j the #anda will never fulfill his destiny nor you yours fulfill: Po ?IbBG until you let go of the illusion of control. illusion: b1'4G -Master: Illusion+ 42 -Oogway: 4es. Look at this tree. &hifu. ?G I cannot make it blossom when it suits me blossom:

&6g1hij& nor make it bear fruit before its time. fruit: Xkz&BG -Master: 0ut there are things we can control. J!ZC&l0lmG I can control when the fruit will fall. &l0no/pM "nd I can control where to #lant the seed. &l0noq/MG !hat is no illusion. Master. lJ3G -Oogway: 4es. H 0ut no matter what you do J6b`a that seed will grow to be a #each tree. q 4ou may wish for an a##le or an orange bBz JSq but you will get a #each. br`Js -Master: 0ut a #each cannot defeat !ai Lung JBY !ailung -Oogway: Maybe it can. l0e2 If you are willing to guide it. btiN !o nurture it. nurture: MVKG !o believe in it. ?$G -Master: 0ut how+ How+ JYae2Yae2 I need your hel#. Master. &8b!3G -Oogway: -o. you 8ust need to believe. 8b 8?G Promise me. &hifu. &G Promise me you will believe. &b?G -Master: I will try. &G

-Oogway: 3ood.
G My time has come. &u:qG 4ou must continue your 8ourney without me. bOe,G -Master: *hat are you...+ *ait ``b`a2) Master -Oogway: 4ou can%t leave me (&t) 4ou must believe. b?) -Master: Master -Po: I%m like I/ine. you may be a wolf. +&d\HbJvw you may be the scariest bandit in Hai8in Province... province: bandit: bJxyzG but you%re a lousy ti##er.I lousy: tipper: J{f%... -Monkey: Ceally+ &o how did you get out of there alive+ {2bJYa+1o2 -Po: I mean. I didn%t actually say that &&?!{V but I thought it in my mind. & JaG If he could read my mind he%d be like I*hat+I J b | {32 ,rder u#Ho#e you like it. O}~XbG -'iper: !his is really good .,) -Po: -o. come on. !ry my dad%s &ecret Ingredient &ou#. b&jk He actually knows the secret ingredient. !G -'iper: *hat do you mean+ !his is ama9ing

bp`a2+,) 4ou%re a really good cook. bl{G I wish my mouth was bigger. `a&t3feG !igress. you%ve got to try this. !igeress]G -!igress: It is said that the <ragon *arrior can survive for months on nothing but the dew of ginkgo leaf and the energy of the universe. ginkgo: dew: 4\l+tG -Po: I guess my body doesn%t know it%s the <ragon *arrior yet. &&A?iz,eG I%m gonna need a lot more than dew and universe 8uice. gonna: !(" going to) 4l?+G *hat+ -othing... Master &hifu. 2?ZG -ever be the <ragon *arrior b#g unless you lose >22 #ounds and brush your teeth b >22 G *hat is that noise you%re making+ Laughter+ I never heard of it `a2)2&ng?n) *ork hard. #anda. and maybe someday. .@A! you will have ears like mine. bl0!&O -Monkey: !hat%s good. $ars. It%s not working for you+ JO2 I thought they were #retty good. &G -Mantis: It%s &hifu J) -Po: ,f course it%s &hifu. d|JG *hat do you think I%m doing+

|b0&p2 Master &hifu 3) -Master: 4ou think this is funny+ b2 !ai Lung has esca#ed and you%re acting like children !ailung ,but@G -( : *hat+ `a2 -Master: He is coming for the <ragon &croll JNooG and you are the only one who can sto# him. SbJl0c -Po: "nd I was saying you got no sense of humor. &?b{G I%m gonna... sto# !ai Lung. &c !ailung *hat+ 4ou%re serious+ "nd I have to...+ 2)bd{2& Master ,ogway will sto# him like he did before. ,ogway 3cOG ,ogway cannot ,ogway -Master: -ot anymore. B,) ,ur only ho#e is the <ragon *arrior. &X\ (,G -!igress: !he #anda+ @A2 -Master: 4es. the #anda -!igress: Master. let us sto# !ai Lung. !his is what you%ve trained us for. &oc !ailungGJbN& G -oIt is not your destiny to defeat !ai Lung. Y !ailung JbIG It is his *here%d he go+ 4ou cannot leave" real warrior never Euits. bl0{J#7G -Po: *atch me.

)ome on. How am I su##osed to beat !ai Lung+ &`aY !ailung I can%t even beat you to the stairs. &b(gyG -Master: 4ou will beat him because you are the <ragon *arrior. bl0YbJG -Po: 4ou don%t believe that. 4ou never believed that. b?b>??G /rom the beginning you%ve tried to get rid of me. &ozbJ&2 -Master: 4esI was. ?G 0ut now I ask you to trust in your master p&b?b as I have come to trust in mine. \&12?bG -Po: 4ou%re not my master. "nd I%m not the <ragon *arrior. bJ&&J`aG -Master: !hen why didn%t you Euit+ b`a72) 4ou knew I wanted you gone. yet you stayed. b&bbbJE(,G -Po: 4eah. I stayed. ?&JE(,G I stayed because every time you threw a brick at my head. brick: &E(Jb&OG or said I smelled. it hurt but it could never hurt more `&&G than it did every day of my life 8ust being me. J&z&'5&G I stayed because I thought if anyone could change me... &E(J&J!B&G could make me... not me... l0&&&G it was you. t\JbG !he greatest kung fu teacher in all of )hina

bP,^G -Master: 0ut I can change you &l0b) I can turn you into the <ragon *arrior "nd I will &l0b)&) -Po: )ome on. !ai Lung is on his way here right now. !ailung O\bz,G $ven if it takes him a hundred years to get here \HpeOOt how are you gonna change this into the <ragon *arrior+ bEYaB'tN2 How+ !2 How+ !2 How+ ?!,2 -Master: I don%t know &G I don%t know. &G -Po: !hat%s what I thought. &\G -!igress: !his is what you trained me for. train: KvG -'iper: !igress !igeress -!igress: <on%t try and sto# me. &) -'iper: *e%re not trying to sto# you. &Jb -!igress: *hat+ `a2 -'iper: *e%re coming with you &Jub4 ) -Po: *hat+ I eat when I%m u#set. ,K+ Ya2&1\y2 -Master: -o need to e(#lain. 8G I thought you might be Monkey. &0J%eG He hides his almond cookies on the to# shelf.

almond: pPOmG -Po: <on%t tell Monkey. uG -Master: look "t you. -Po: 4eah. I know. I disgust you. disgust: &&b,G -Master: -o. I mean. how did you get u# there+ &JbJYa8OW2 -Po: I don%t know. I guess that... & J I don%t know. I was getting a cookie. & JG -Master: 4et you are ten feet off the ground. |>b\MG "nd you have done a #erfect s#ilt. SV,G -Po: -o. this+ !his is 8ust... an accident J JY-G -Master: !here are no accidents. d\?!`aY-G )ome with me. 5&cene: &hifu finds out the secret to teach Po. and he trains Po by the tem#tation of food. /inally succeed.6

-Po: I know you%re trying to be all mystical and

kungfuey. &bN&G but could you at least tell me where we%re going+ &pJW2 4ou dragged me all the way out here... drag: b&+8Oo for a bath+ \,&Tt2 -Master: Panda we do not wash our #its in the Pool of &acred !ears. KwNlJbTG -Po: !he Pool of...

tJ -Master: !his is where ,ogway unraveled the mysteries unravel: mystery: ,ogway 3XM of harmony and focus. .46G !his is the birth#lace of kung fu. birthplace: \JMG -Master: <o you want to learn kung fu+ b2 -Po: 4eah -Master: !hen I am your master a&\Jb) -Po: ,K -Master: <on%t cry. G -Po: ,K. -Master: *hen you focus on kung fu db when you concentrate. you stink. stink: 6$b\VAG Perha#s that is my fault. J&G I cannot train you the way I have trained the /ive. &NTUNbG I now see that the way to get through to you... p&-,b is with this. \tG -Po: ,h. great. cause I am hungry. +-,)&,G -Master: 3ood. G *hen you have been trained. you may eat. b!f\l0,G Let us begin. 12G -Master: "fter you. #anda.

-Po: @ust like that+

a2 -o sit-u#s+ -o ten-mile hike+ 8^2812 -Master: I vowed to train you. and you have been trained. vow: &^Nbb!7G 4ou are free to eat. bl0Cv,G $n8oy. fG -Po: Hey -Master: I said you are free to eat. Have a dum#ling. &,bl0CvotG -Po: Hey -Master: 4ou are free to eat. CvG -Po: "m I+ &l02) -Master: "re you+ bl02) -Po: I%m not hungry. &G Master. G 5&cene: !he /ive meet !ailung and make a fierce combat. but all fail.6

-!igress: )ut it
,) -!ai ung: *here%s the <ragon *arrior+ Ya?o2 -!igress: How do you know you%re not looking at her+ bYa&J2 -!ai ung: 4ou think I%m a fool+ b0&a2 I know you%re not the <ragon *arrior. -one of you &bJbgJ) I heard how he fell out of the sky in a ball of fire.

&n,J>SJ< !hat he%s a warrior unlike anything the world has ever seen. J6G -Monkey: Po+ Po -!ai ung: &o !hat is his name. Po. \Jr2Po /inally.a worthy o##onent. &G ,ur battle will be legendary iG -'iper: *e%ve got this. Hel# her. &obW!G -!igress: Monkey Monkey 3o -Mantis: *hat was I thinking+ &p`a2) Mantis Mantis -ow -!ai ung: &hifu taught you well. bNG 0ut he didn%t teach you everything. 4?G -Master: 4ou have done well. #anda. bA@AG -Po: <one well+ <one well+ A2 JA2 I%ve done awesome &AD) -Master: !he mark of a true hero is humility. humility: {Q6!G 0ut. yes. you have done awesome. |bADG -Po: 3uys+ 3uys+ !hey%re dead 22,) -o. they%re breathing. !hey%re aslee#+ p,2 0ut their eyes are o#en. l'(eG

-!igress: *e were no match for his nerve attach.

nerve: attach: &dJgf=,G -Master: He%s gotten stronger. o3,G -Po: *ho+ !aiLung+ &tronger+ !ailung 23,2 -'iper: He%s too fast +],) -Monkey: &orry. Po. i#Po -!igress: I thought we could sto# him. &0&l0cG -Master: He could have killed you. ol0,bG -Po: *hy didn%t he+ `a?e2 -Master: &o you could come back and strike fear into our hearts. strike: fear: b+1o&CDG 0ut it won%t work. &l -Po: It might. I mean. a little. I%m #retty scared. z&&J\ff&{ -Master: 4ou can defeat him. #anda bl0Y@AG -Po: "re you kidding+ If they can%t+ !hey%re five masters. bp 2&J g y lJ R I%m 8ust one me. & !tSqG -Master: 0ut you will have the one thing that no one else does. Jb!O/g?!G -Po: 4ou really believe I%m ready+ b{?&q,2 4ou are... bJ -Master: Po. 0ehold the <ragon &croll. PoNoG 5&cene: Po reads the <ragon &croll. finding out itJs

blank. and &hifu decides to fight !ailung on his own.6

-Master: It is yours.
-Po: *ait. *hat ha##ens when I read it+ &,Ya2 -Master: Legend says you will be able to hear a butterfly%s wing beat. butterfly: bnzN -Po: Ceally+ !hat%s cool. }{2) -Master: 4es. "nd see light in the dee#est cave. JbBp5N;PG 4ou will feel the universe in motion around you. motion: b6zMiG -Po: )an I #unch through walls+ =})&BY2 do I Euadru#le back fli#+ #uadruple: &Bt>C+ -Master: /ocus. +i.G -Po: will I...+ &B2 -Master: /ocus. 6$G /ocus. 6$G -Po: ,h. 4eah. 4eah. }G -Master: Cead it . Po. and fulfill your destiny. Po{|>bIG Cead it. and become the <ragon *arrior. ) -Po: It%s im#ossible to o#en. dY1G -'iper: ,K. )ome on. baby. )ome on now. ")") -Po: !hank you. I #robably loosened it u# for you though. J&q,2

,Khere goes. ,12,G It%s blank. JC-G -Master: *hat+ `a2 -Po: here. look. -Master: -o. I am forbidden to look u#on. G 0lank. I don%t... I don%t understand. &G -Po: ,K. &o. like... \J ,ogway was 8ust a cra9y old turtle after all. ,ogway \J jG -Master: -o. ,ogway was wiser than us all. ,ogway !&3gQG -Po: ,h. come on /ace it he #icked me by accident. }m) JTO, ,f course I%m not the <ragon *arrior. &d|J`aG *ho am I kidding+ 1`aXG -!igress: 0ut who will sto# !ai Lung+ Joc !ailung He%ll destroy everything and everyone. ,4,tG -Master: -o. $vacuate the valley. evacuate: t 4ou must #rotect the villagers from !ai Lung%s rage. rage: b !ailung G -Po: *hat about you. Master+ Yae2 -Master: I will fight Him. &oG -( : *hat+


-Master: I can hold him off long enough

hold off: &l0lB for everyone to esca#e. 3gBbSZG -Po: 0ut. &hifu. he%ll kill you. J,bG -Master: !hen I will finally have #aid for my mistake. \J&&Vc~,G Listen to me. all of you. gn& It is time for you to continue your 8ourney without me. ?!&b(WG I am very #roud to have been your master. b&a&G *e%ve got to get them out safely. &3/6ZMG -Monkey: )ome. little one. Let%s find your mama. *rG&WG -!igress: 7i#er. gather the southern farmers. 7i#er+G Mantis. the north. MantisbWG )rane. light the way. )ranefeG -Pig: Look. it%s the <ragon *arrior. -Po: Hey. <ad. -Dad: Po Po 3ood to have you back. son. ~b1o%G 3ood to be back. {~B1oG Let%s go. Po. &Po &o for our ne(t sho# it%s time to face it. &((m,G the future of noodles is dice-cut vegetables. dice: mko\J}

no longer slices. J}G "lso. I was thinking. maybe this time &p we%ll have a kitchen you can actually stand u# in. &l0!tbl0ss t3G 4ou like that+ 2 Po. I%m sorry if things didn%t work out. Po&ZC2G It 8ust wasn%t meant to be. \G Po. forget everything else. Po,]G 4our destiny still awaits. bpbG *e are noodle folk. &Jmn 0roth runs dee# through our veins. broth: vein: . mn) -Po: I don%t know. <ad. &jkG Honestly. sometimes I can%t believe I%m actually your son. !&?&Jb%G -Dad: Po... PoGG I think it%s time I told you something &Jb I should have told you a long time ago. 0\bZ,G -Po: ,K. -Dad: !he secret ingredient of my &ecret Ingredient &ou#. ingredient: &NE )ome here. !he secret ingredient is... fNE\J nothing. 4ou heard me. -othing bnz,g?!)

!here is no secret ingredient d\?`aNE) -Po: *ait. wait. It%s 8ust #lain old noodle sou#+ Jm2 4ou don%t add some kind of s#ecial sauce or something+ `ag?2``a2 -Dad: <on%t have to. !o make something s#ecial ?[ you 8ust believe it%s s#ecial. b ?J\,G -Po: !here is no secret ingredient. d?!G 5&cene: !ailung comes back. he almost kills &hifu. at that moment. Po comes to save &hifu.6

-!ai ung: I have come home. Master.

&1o,G -Master: !his is no longer your home. Jb,G "nd I am no longer your master. &Jb,G -!ai ung: ,h. yes. 4ou have a new favorite. Jbq!Y,G &o where is this Po+ at Po <id I scare him off+ scare off: &,2 -Master: !his battle is between you and me. Jb&NG -!ai ung: &o. that is how it%s going to be. a\b7G -Master: !hat is how it must be. &7) -!ai ung: I rotted in 8ail for =2 years because of your weakness rot in jail: rot: &p3G =2 \b) ,beying your master is not weakness nYM) 4ou knew I was the <ragon *arrior. b&VJG 4ou always knew.

b/G 0ut when ,ogway said otherwise what did you do+ ,ogway b`a,2 *hat did you do+ b`a,2 -othing `ag?) -Master: 4ou were not meant to be the <ragon *arrior bo\J !hat was not my fault J&) -!ai ung: -ot your fault+ Jb2 *ho filled my head with dreams+ J&y2 *ho drove me to train until my bones cracked+ crack: J&z,2 *ho denied me my destiny+ J,&2 -Master: It was never my decision to make J&BZ) -!ai ung: It is now. \p]) 3ive me the scroll -Master: I would rather die. &0lGboG -!ai ung: "ll I ever did . I did to make you #roud &gJ,b !ell me how #roud you are . &hifu &b!) !ell me !ell me -Master: I have... I have always been #roud of you. &&/gb /rom the first moment. I%ve been... >12&\ ...#roud of you. bG "nd it was my #ride that blinded me. Jq&b

I loved you too much to see what you were becoming... &+b,Szb, what I was turning you into. &bG I%m... I%m sorry. -!ai ung: I don%t want your a#ology. &b I want my scroll *hat+ *here is it+ oW,2) -Master: <ragon *arrior has taken the scroll halfway across )hina by now. qoypKL3M 4ou will never see that scroll. !ai Lung. b#zo,!ailung -ever. -ever. -Po: &tairs. +,G -!ai ung: *ho are you+ bJ2 -Po: 0uddy. I am the <ragon *arrior. -!ai ung: 4ou+ b2 Him+ He%s a #anda. 2J @AG 4ou%re a #anda. *hat are you gonna do. big guy+ b\J @Ab`a23t2 &it on me+ 2 -Po: <on%t tem#t me. tempt: &p@,G -ow. I%m gonna use this. p&vtGo

4ou want it+ )ome and get it. b2oG -!ai ung: /inally !hat scroll is mine toJ&) Lightning F) !he scroll has given him #ower o,.) -o /inally ,h. yes. )}+,) !he #ower of the <ragon &croll is mine .J&) It%s nothing `ag?) -Po: It%s ,K. I didn%t get it the first time. either. ?&?Vt70|o. *hat+ `a2 !here is no secret ingredient. d?!G It%s 8ust you. &to# it I%m gonna #ee. pee: &Vo,G <on%t. <on%t <on%t -!ai ung: 4ou... ...can%t defeat me. lBY&G 4ou... 8ust a big... bJ t ...fat...#anda N3@A)

-Po: I%m not a big fat #anda.

&JN3@A I%m the big fat #anda. &J6N3@AG -!ai ung: !he *u(i /inger Hold I2) -Po: ,h. you know this hold+ Vob2 -!ai ung: 4ou%re bluffing. 4ou%re bluffing. &hifu didn%t teach you that. bluff: b{b{NbG -Po: -o#e. d|?NG I figured it out. &kadoosh. J&&'Vo) 5&cene: Po defeats !ailung. he returns to the valley. and is welcomed and bowed by the /ive and citi9ens. finally he reunites Master &hifu.6

-Peop e: Look
!he <ragon *arrior. -Dad: !hat%s my boy J&%) !hat big lovely kung fu warrior is my son tl3t%\J&%) -!igress: 4es -Po: !hanks. <ad. Hey. guys. G -( : Master. -Po: Master. Master+ 32 Master &hifu 3) Master

&hifu. are you ,K+ b2 -Master: Po. Po 4ou%re alive. b+2 ,r we%re both dead. Jg,2 -Po: -o. Master. I didn%t die. I defeated !ai Lung. &?&Y, !ailung -Master: 4ou did+ {2 *ow. It is as ,ogway foretold. foretell: = ,ogway 4ou are the <ragon *arrior. 4ou have brought #eace... to this valley bto,34G ...and... and to me. &o,0^G !hank you. !hank you. Po. Po !hank you. !hank you. bG -Po: -o Master -o .no. no don%t die .&hifu. #lease )) -Master: I%m not dying . you idiot idiot: &?bt-) <ragon *arrior... I am sim#ly at #eace. /inally. & Jp34Gz,G -Po: &o. I should sto# talking+ &,2 -Master: If you can. bl0G -Po: *ant to get something to eat+ f2 -Master: 4eah.

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