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Topic : Female Power in Hospitality Industry Name : __________________________________________________________ Hotel : __________________________________________________________ Designation : ______________________________________________________ Sign : __________________________________________________________

2) What is the percentage of female employees working in the hotel? Less than 5 "5#$% 5 ! "5 &ore than $%

Sr No " 2 $ (

Option Less than 5 5#"5 "5#$% &ore than $%

Response Percenta!e '% ' $% $ "% % "% %

0% 30% Less than 5% 5-15% 15-30% More than 30% 70%

)) What is the most common shift yo* ha+e worke,? &orning shift -fternoon shift Day shift Night shift

Sr No " 2 $ (

Option Morning shift Day Shift -fternoon Shift Night Shift

Response Percenta!e 5% 5 (% ( "% " % %



Morning shift 50% 40% Day Shift Afternoon Shift Night Shift

') -s a female employee are yo* satisfie, with the working en+ironment of the hotel? .es No

Sr No " 2 .es No


Response Percenta!e /% / "% "


Yes No


0) Do yo* think women are more efficient an, relia1le as compare to male employees? .es No

Sr No " 2 .es No


Response Percenta!e "%% "% % %


Yes No


/) -ccor,ing to yo* is their e2*al employment opport*nities in hotel in,*stry? .es No

Sr No " 2 .es No


Response Percenta!e 5% 5 5% 5



Yes No

"%) 3n to,ays time ,o yo* feel that the hotel in,*stry is safe for female employees? .es Sr No " 2 .es No No Option Response Percenta!e '% ' $% $


Yes No


"") What is the 1iggest challenge yo* face while working in the in,*stry ? Late nights 5en,er 6ias Se4*al Harassment 7amily life can get ,ist*r1e,

8ther ________________ Sr No " 2 $ ( 5 Response Percenta!e (% Late nights ) "$ Se4*al harassment 2 % 5en,er 6ias % (' 7amily Life can get ,ist*r1e, ' % 8ther % Option

0% Late nights 40% 47% Sexua harass!ent "en#er $ias %a!i y Life &an get #istur'e# (ther 0% 13%

"2) How strong is the management9s s*pport when yo* face any pro1lem? :ery strong Satisfactory Strong Not satisfactory

Sr No " 2 $ (

Option :ery Strong Strong Satisfactory Not Satisfactory

Response Percenta!e 2% 2 5% 5 $% $ % %

0% )0% 30% *ery Strong Strong Satisfa&tory Not Satisfa&tory


"$) ;Hotel in,*stry is male ,ominate, in,*stry< ,o yo* agree with this statement? .es Sr No " 2 .es No No Option Response Percenta!e % % "%% "%


Yes No


Topic : Female Power in Hospitality Industry Name : __________________________________________________________ Hotel : __________________________________________________________ Designation : ______________________________________________________ Sign : __________________________________________________________


2) What is the percentage of female employees working in the hotel? Less than 5 "5#$% 5 ! "5 &ore than $%

Sr No " 2 $ (

Option Less than 5 5#"5 "5#$% &ore than $%

Response Percenta!e '% ' $% $ "% % "% %

0% 30% Less than 5% 5-15% 15-30% More than 30% 70%

)) -ccor,ing to yo*= are the female employees are satisfie, with the working en+ironment of the hotel? .es Sr No " 2 .es No No Option Response Percenta!e "%% "% % %


Yes No


') Do yo* think men are more efficient an, relia1le as compare to female employees? .es No

Sr No " 2 .es No


Response Percenta!e )% ) (% (

40% Yes No +0%

0) -ccor,ing to yo* is their e2*al employment opport*nities in hotel in,*stry? .es Sr No " 2 .es No No Option Response Percenta!e 0% 0 2% 2


Yes No


/) 3n to,ays time ,o yo* feel that the hotel in,*stry is safe for female employees? .es Sr No " 2 .es No No Option Response Percenta!e '% ' $% $


Yes No


"%) -ccor,ing to yo* what is the 1iggest challenge female employees face while working in the in,*stry ? Late nights 5en,er 6ias Se4*al Harassment 7amily life can get ,ist*r1e,

8ther ________________ Sr No " 2 $ ( 5 Response Percenta!e (% Late nights ' "$ Se4*al harassment 2 % 5en,er 6ias " (' 7amily Life can get ,ist*r1e, ( % 8ther % Option

0% )9% Late nights Sexua harass!ent 50% "en#er $ias %a!i y Life &an get #istur'e# (ther 14%


"") -ccor,ing to yo* how strong is the management9s s*pport when female employees face any pro1lem? :ery strong Satisfactory Strong s Not satisfactory

Sr No " 2

Option :ery Strong Strong

Response Percenta!e )% ) 2% 2

$ (

Satisfactory Not Satisfactory

2 %

2% %

0% )0%

*ery Strong Strong Satisfa&tory )0% +0% Not Satisfa&tory

"2) ;Hotel in,*stry is male ,ominate, in,*stry< ,o yo* agree with this statement? .es Sr No " 2 .es No No Option Response Percenta!e $% $ '% '


Yes No


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