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Mechanical Training Preheater

1 GENERAL OVERVIEW The todays cement manufacturing process places high demands on a kiln line. Apart from the rotary kiln, modern kiln lines include a multi-stage cyclone preheater and a calciner with tertiary air duct (see Fig 01 . The heat produced !y the !urning process in the rotary kiln and calciner is utili"ed for preheating the raw material. #reheating and e$tensi%e precalcination of the raw material shorten the !urning process. The high degree of heat utili"ation reduces the fuel consumption and the capital cost of the rotary kiln.

)alciner )linker cooler Tertiary air duct

*otary kiln

Fig 01: Modern kiln line

1 CYCLONE TYPES #reheaters with integrated calciners ha%e three different types of cyclones. The topmost stage has one or more meal-collection cyclones ( C-type . The intermediate preheater stages consist of system cyclones ( -type . The lowest stage, which is connected to the calciner, is a calciner cyclone ( A-type . &ach cyclone stage !asically performs the following two functions' (t heats up the raw meal in the gas stream (t separates, the raw meal and discharges it %ia the meal chute

(n e%ery cyclones head there is placed a multi-element dip pipe, as shown in the following picture. The interior of e%ery cyclone is also pro%ided with a refractory lining.

Fig 02: Multi-element dip pipe

1!1 A-Type Cycl"ne Stage The A-type cyclone stage is arranged in the +,#,- .0 preheater !etween the calciner and the /-type cyclone stage. The following Fig 00 shows an A-type cyclone stage (11 that is installed in a twostring +,#,.0 preheater. Fig 00 also shows the gas steam (white arrows and the raw meal stream (!lack arrows .

Fig 03: A-type cyclone stage

The A-type cyclone stage is fed from a!o%e. The e$it gas containing raw meal when lea%ing the calciner flows %ia the calciner !end to the cyclone. (n the cyclone the raw meal is separated and passed on %ia the meal chute (11.2 to the kiln inlet. The e$it gas flows through the dip pipe (11.3 and the intermediate piece (11.1 into the ne$t-higher gas duct. Fig 01 shows an A-type cyclone.
(tems not mentioned in the te$t' 11.1 )yclone cone with support !rackets 11.5 )yclones upper part 11.0 )yclone co%er 11.6 &$pansion 7oint 11.8 Flap %al%e 30 9 33 Access door, co%er and manhole co%er

Fig 04: A-type cyclone

1!# -Type Cycl"ne Stage Fig 03 shows a gas inlet of a /-type cyclone (also called system cyclone . ,ne or more of the /-type cyclone stage(s is4are installed in the +,#,.0 preheater !etween the A-type cyclone stage and the )-type cyclone stage, as shown in Fig 02. The following diagram shows a /-type cyclone stage (13 that is installed in a two-string +,#,- .0 preheater.

Fig 05: Gas inlet of a -type cyclone

Fig 0#: "-type cyclone stage The /-type cyclone, as shown in Fig 06, is fed from !elow. The raw meal fed into the gas duct (13.2 is con%eyed into the cyclone !y the e$haust gas. (n this cyclone the raw meal is separated and passes through the meal chutes (13.6 and the dispersing !o$ (13.. to the gas duct of the ne$t lower cyclone stage. The dispersing !o$ here!y effects the uniform distri!ution of the raw meal in the gas duct. The e$haust gas flows through the dip pipe (13.1 and the intermediate piece (13.3 into the ne$thigher gas duct.

(tems not mentioned in the te$t' 13.1 )yclone cone 13.5 )yclones upper part 13.0 )yclone co%er 13.8 &$pansion 7oint 13.. Flap %al%e 30 9 33 Access door, co%er and manhole co%er

Fig 0!: "-type cyclone

1!$ C-Type Cycl"ne Stage The )-type cyclone (12 is the last stage (as shown in Fig 08 in the +,#,.0 preheater. This cyclone stage may consist of one of more cyclones per string. The num!er of cyclones depends on the throughput of the respecti%e preheater.

Fig 0$: %-type cyclone stage This cyclone stage is designed for a high degree of raw meal separation. The raw meal fed into the gas duct (12.2 is con%eyed into the cyclone !y the e$haust gas. (n this cyclone (see Fig 0. the raw meal is separated and passes through the meal chutes (12.3 and the dispersing !o$ (12.6 to the gas duct of the ne$t lower cyclone stage. The dispersing !o$ here!y effects the uniform distri!ution of the raw meal in the gas duct. The e$haust gas flows through the dip pipe (12.1 into the e$haust gas duct.
(tems not mentioned in the te$t' 12.1 )yclone cone with support !rackets 12.5 )yclones upper part 12.0 )yclone co%er 12.8 &$pansion 7oint 12.. Flap %al%e 30 9 33 Access door, co%er and manhole co%er

Fig 0&: %-type cyclones

# %OT MEAL &LAP VALVE The hot meal flap %al%es (see Fig 10 , installed in the meal chutes, with refractory lining ha%e !een specially de%eloped for use in the lower cyclone stages. They pre%ent the gas from flowing through these chutes and :!ypassing; the proper routes. <ot meal flap %al%es are discharge de%ices for a %arying mass flow of material with simultaneous shutting-off of the counterflowing hot gas. The e$posed crosssection, which remains when the flap !lade (0 is closed, corresponds appro$imately to the filling le%el at nominal power of the plant. =ith increased mass flow of material the flap !lade opens. Then the flap !lade closes again !y means of the e$ternal sliding weight (1.1 up to the internal stop. The smooth-running roller !earings (3 of the flap !lade do not fail e%en with possi!le deformation owing to the effect of heat on the housing.
(tems in the drawing' 1 <ousing with refractory lining 5 )o%er for mounting and dismounting of the flap !lade 0 Flap !lade 0.1 >haft 1 -e%ers 1.1 >liding weights 3 *oller !earings 2 (nspection port 6 >afety guard

Fig 10: 'ot meal flap (al(e

$ TERTIARY AIR '(CT The function of the tertiary air duct in the kiln line is to supply the calciner with additional com!ustion air. This additional com!ustion air is hot e$it air from the kiln hood or from the cooler. 1!) Tertiary Air '*ct AS-LC +Air Separate, The tertiary air duct A> (see Fig 11 with e$traction from kiln hood is routed a!o%e the rotary kiln from the kiln hood to the calciner and supplies the re?uired com!ustion air to the calciner !urners.
(tems in the drawing' 5.1 @ain duct 5.5 >upports 5.0 Ailn hood e$traction duct 5.1 &$pansion 7oint 5.3 Throttle de%ice 5.2 Tensioning ropes 5.6 >upport at kiln hood 5.8 >ealing to kiln hood 5.. >ealing towards +,#,30 9 31 Access door, co%er and manhole co%er

Fig 11: )A-duct A*-+% 1!- Tertiary Air '*ct AS-CC +Air Separate . C"/0*1ti"n Cha/0er, The tertiary air duct A>-)) (see Fig 15 with cooler e$haust is running along the kiln from the clinker cooler to the com!ustion cham!er )) (2.0 and it supplies the !urner aligned in the ceiling of the com!ustion cham!er )) with the com!ustion air re?uired. The raw meal discharged from the second lowest cyclone stage and also the fuels are fed into the com!ustion cham!er )). The com!ustion cham!er )) is connected to the transition piece A>-)). The e$haust gas flows from the com!ustion cham!er into the calciner %ia the transition piece A>-)). The raw meal is separated in the com!ustion cham!er )) and it fed to the transition piece A>-)) %ia the meal chute. <ere, the dispersing !o$ ensures an e%en distri!ution of the raw meal in the transition piece A>-)).

(tems in the drawing' 2.1 @ain line 2.5 >uction cham!er 2.0 )om!ustion cham!er )) 2.1 >upports 2.3 Buide pipes 2.2 &$pansion 7oint 2.6 ))-duct 2.8 Air duct to !urner 2.. /urner 2.10 Throttle de%ices 30 9 31 Access door, co%er and manhole co%er

Fig 11: )A-duct A*-%% 1!2 Tertiary Air '*ct MSC +M*lti Stage C"/0*1ti"n, The tertiary air duct @>) !egins with the suction cham!er (2.0 and then runs parallel to the precalciner. The tertiary airflow through the main duct (2.1 and through the head duct (2.5 , which pro%ides a two-stage com!ustion at two le%els in the calciner. The throttle de%ices (2.6 and (2.8 effect the air distri!ution. The TA-@>) duct is a%aila!le in two %ariations. Fig 15 shows the TA @>) duct connected to the kiln hood. Another %ariation is the connection of the duct to the clinker cooler, as %isi!le in Fig 10.

Fig 12: )A-duct M*% from kiln ,ood

Fig 13: )A-duct M*% -it, e.traction from clinker cooler

) T%ROTTLE VALVE IN T%E TERTIARY AIR '(CT The throttle %al%e (see Fig 11 with refractory lining has !een specially de%eloped for use in the tertiary air ducts. (t reduces the flow rate of the tertiary air to the set %alue re?uired to ensure optimal !urning in the rotary kiln and in the precalciner. The %al%e consists of the housing (1 , the %al%e !lade (5 , shaft (0 , !earings(1 , linkage (3 , operating le%er (2 and the actuator (6 .

Fig 14: ),rottle (al(e

- CALCINER TYPES )alcination is the decomposition of the )a), 0 contained in the cement raw material, producing )a, and ), 5. This part of the !urning process takes place in the calciner, !efore the raw material is sintered in the rotary kiln. 1!3 PREPOL AS +Air Separate, The calciner (see Fig 13 and 12 is installed in the kiln line !etween the kiln inlet and the lowest cyclone stage at the preheater. All parts of the calciner are e?uipped with access ports and poke holes for inspection work. (t is also e?uipped with inside refractory lining. The raw meal is fed in the transition piece, the fuel and the tertiary air are con%eyed together with e$haust gas through the calciner to the cyclone of the lowest stage (Atype . Fig 13 shows the e$haust gas 9 and tertiary air streams (white arrows and the raw meal flow (!lack arrows . &$haust gas, tertiary air and raw meal are flowing in cocurrent flow.

Fig 15: /01/2+ A*

(n the calciner, the raw meal is heated !y heat e$change.

(tems in the drawing' 10.1 )alciner shaft with supports 10.5 )alciner head 10.0 )alciner fall shaft 10.1 )alciner !end 10.3 &$pansion 7oint 30 9 33 Access door, co%er and manhole co%er

Fig 1#: /01/2+ A*

1!4 PREPOL AS-CC +Air Separate . C"/0*1ti"n Cha/0er, (n many components similar to #*&#,A>, the #*&#,- A>-)) is e?uipped with a additional com!ustion cham!er. This cham!er is positioned !etween the second cyclone stage and the calciner, as %isi!le in Fig 16. The com!ustion cham!er (see Fig 18 has the following functions' to pro%ide process heat for the calcinerC to create a high-temperature "one for accelerating the com!ustion of fuels with low reacti%ity. The ))-!urner (52.11 is positioned on the ))-head (52.1 centrally to the com!ustion cham!er. A small part of the com!ustion air (tertiary air in introduced into the com!ustion cham!er through the ))-head (52.1 and the ma7or part of the com!ustion air enters the ))-section (52.1 Fig 1!: /01/2+ A*-%% tangentially. The actual com!ustion is initiated in the center of the upper ))-section (52.1 where the dust content is low. To protect the inner walls of the com!ustion cham!er, a raw meal %eil is generated !y the special arrangement of the meal feed socket (52.0 in the tangential current. The gases and a part of the raw meal enter the calciner %ia the middle ))-section (52.3 while the remaining part of the raw meal enters the calciner %ia the ))-meal chute (52.6 .
(tems not mentioned in the te$t' 52.5 ))-ceiling 52.8 &$pansion 7oint 52.. Flap %al%e 52.10 +ispersion !o$

Fig 1$: %om ustion c,am er

1!5 PREPOL MSC +M*lti Stage C"/0*1ti"n, The @>) )alciner (see Fig 1. and 50 reduces emissions !y staggered introduction of the fuel, tertiary air and raw meal, which causes com!ustion to take place in se%eral stages. (n the first stage, the nitrogen o$ides generated in the sintering "one of the rotary kiln are reduced !y means of a !urner in the kiln inlet. (n order to pre%ent new E,$ from !eing generated in the calciner, the calcining fuel has also to !e !urnt. This is achie%ed !y staggered introduction of the com!ustion air, so that the fuel is first !urnt under reducing conditions and then under o$idi"ing conditions.

Fig 1&: /01/2+ M*%

(tems in the drawing' 11.1 )alciner shaft 11.5 )alciner head 11.0 +eflection cham!er 11.1 )alciner fall shaft 11.3 )alciner !end 11.2 &$pansion 7oint 11.6 &$pansion 7oint 11.8 >afety rail 11.. Top air connection 11.10 Access door 11.11 #oke hole

A D Fuel input

Fig 20: /01/2+ M*%

2 E6%A(ST GAS '(CT The e$haust gas duct connects the last cyclone stage (Type ) of the preheater either with the e%aporate cooler or with the e$haust gas fan. The white arrows in the following Fig 51 show the e$haust gas stream directly to the e$haust gas fan (without e%aporati%e cooler .
&$pansion 7oints made of te$tile fa!ric

)onnecting sockets to the fresh air flap &$pansion 7oints

&$haust gas fan

Fig 21: 1.,aust gas duct

3 COMPRESSE' AIR CLEANING SYSTEM The +,#,- preheaters are e?uipped with an automatic compressed-air cleaning system (see Fig 55 . (n preset inter%als, particularly critical points are !lown through as a precautionary measure. This helps to pre%ent the formation of caking or the settling of deposits. Fig 55 the compressed-air cleaning system (16 including a compressor (16.1 that is installed in a two-string +,#,- preheater. The solenoid %al%e control system controls the !lowing and the Foff; periods of the compressed air cleaning system in ad7usta!le inter%als. Gou are ad%ised to change the cycle times that were set during the commissioning phase, only after ha%ing operated the plant with the initial setting for a longer period of time. (t is also possi!le to control the compressed-air cleaning system !y hand. The compressed-air cleaning system is usually operated at a pressure of 6 !ar. (f the pressure falls !elow 1 !ar, a fault indication will !e triggered.

The first air !lasts are always directed into the lower sections of the preheater. The space thus !lown free will ser%e to collect any sliding-down material !lown off in sections arranged further up. Hia permanently installed connections in the rele%ant points it is possi!le to connect additional !lowing lances with the compressed-air cleaning system. The !lowing lances and the pertaining hose lines and coupling sections are pro%ided in different lengths and included in the scope of supply. (t is thus possi!le to !low additional compressed air into the preheater system through the cleaning ports of the cyclones, the dispersing !o$es and the meal chutes.
(tems in the drawing' 16.1 )entral or indi%idual compressor plant 16.5 #ressure %essel 16.0 #iping arranged in the preheater tower 16.1 )onnecting fittings to the consumers 16.10 compressed air from the pipe network 16.11 compressed air from the consuming points 16.15 solenoid %al%e 16.10 @anually actuated %al%es 16.11 @anually actuated emergency %al%e

Fig 22: %ompressed air cleaning system

4 7ILN INLET The kiln inlet (see Fig 50 connects the tilted rotary kiln to the calciner or to the gas duct of the preheater. The interior of the inlet is pro%ided with a refractory lining. )oming from the rotary kiln, e$haust gas flows through the kiln inlet to the preheater (!lue arrow . The raw meal enters the inlet %ia the meal chutes and passes through the kiln inlet downward to the rotary kiln (red arrows . &$haust gas and raw meal pass in counter flow. *aw meal streams merge enter simultaneously in the kiln inlet. These two raw meal streams merge only shortly !efore entering the rotary kiln. There!y tur!ulences of dust are pre%ented to a large e$tend.


(nlet openings

(nlet tray

Fig 23: 3iln inlet The kiln inlet is also a%aila!le with air-cooling, as %isi!le in Fig 51.
(tems in the drawing' 1.1 Framework 1.5 -ining 1.0 (nlet through 1.1 (nlet opening 1.3 )ooling air distri!utor 1.2 Access door 1.6 #oke hole 1.8 )ooling air duct 1.. )ooling air fan

Fig 24: 3iln inlet air-cooled

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