English SPM Sample Essays #2 (I Do Not Own The Copyright)

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Write a story beginning with, I was happy to be in Group 10........................ I was happy to be in Group 10.

There were six members in my group. There were three other boys and six girls. All of them, just like me, were happy to take part in the district level language camp. The camp was held at a two-star hotel in Ipoh. We did not have to pay anything. Everything was sponsored. The members in my group came from different secondary schools in the district. But all of us were form 5 students. We were chosen to join the language camp because we had the potential to score an A in the SPM 1119 examination. Seri, from SMK Seri Permai, was our group leader. Seri was a very pretty girl. I had a crush on her. I knew the other boys also admired Seri. We named our group Seri Bombastic. In the first activity, we created our groups logo, motto and song. When we presented our song everybody liked it. Then there was a talk on how to answer examination questions. On the second day, we had several language games. We had spelling competition, vocabulary game, sketch and many others. Our group won the sketch competition. We presented a very good performance. We presented a story about a princess who fell in love with a fisherman. Seri played the role of a princess and of course I was the poor but handsome fisherman. The activities went on until 10.00 p.m. We were very tired but enjoyed ourselves a lot. On the third day we had a jungle trekking in a forest nearby the hotel. All instructions were given in English. We also had to solve some problems and answer tricky questions throughout the trekking activity. It was very challenging. The camp ended with a simple closing ceremony. Each participant was given a certificate. After going through all the activities I felt more confident that I would be able to get an A for English in my SPM. I would also miss my group members, especially Seri. I would never forget them. We promised that we would continue to contact each other. Seri also promised to help me improve my English. [358 words] A Visit To A Hospital Yesterday, I followed my father to visit my uncle who was hospitalised at a private hospital. We left home at about 5.00 p.m. and reached the hospital at 6.15 p.m. The private hospital was a new hospital. It was opened two months ago. My uncle suffered from chronic diabetes. Two days ago he came to the hospital for his regular check-up but the doctor had to admit him because his sugar level was very high. The doctor had to monitor him all the time. He would be allowed to go home once his sugar level stabilised. My uncles ward was at the fifth floor. The lift was very spacious and fast. A nurse, who was my mothers old friend, greeted my father. She told us that my uncle was doing fine. After talking to the nurse for a while we went to Room 515. My uncle was very happy to

see my father and I. A young Egyptian doctor was examining my uncle at that time. The doctor said that my uncle was getting better and he would be discharged soon. My father chitchatted with my uncle for almost one hour. I felt bored so I went out of the room to explore the new hospital. I went to the hospital lobby. It was like a hotel lobby. There was a long list of specialists and their academic qualifications on the wall. Altogether, the hospital had 35 specialists and some of them were foreigners. Then, I went to the cafe. I was surprised as the cafe was like a five-star restaurant. They served a variety of healthy dishes. But I would not eat there on my own as a plate of fried rice alone was RM7.50! Even a glass of plain water cost RM1.00! Initially, I planned to have something there but I just walked out as I only had RM2.15 in my pocket. When I was waiting for the lift to go back to the fifth floor, a woman cried hysterically with her daughter. From her words, I understood that she had just lost her husband. I did not say a word but I sympathised them, especially her cute and charming daughter. I wish I could console her daughter. But before I could offer some help, the door of the lift opened and my father appeared. He indicated it was time to go home so I just followed him. I walked to the main entrance while my eyes still looking at the girl. [414 words] My Favourite Restaurant Last week, the SPM result was announced. The night before, I could not sleep. I was very nervous. I was scared I did not get a good result because my parents were really hoping that I could go to university. I went to school to collect my result with my parents. My hands were shaking when I held the result slip. My class teacher congratulated me. I looked at my result and hugged my father and mother. I got 5A+, 1A and 4A-. Even though I was not the best student in my school, I was very happy with my result. My parents were very proud of me. That night, my father took me and the rest of the family members to my favourite restaurant, Bamboo Restaurant. It was only five kilometres from my house. The restaurant was opened three years ago. I liked the restaurant very much because it offered a wide range of local, Thai and western foods. I would always try different dishes each time I went there. All the customers said the restaurant was very spacious. Some said Bamboo Restaurant was the biggest restaurant in town. When we arrived at the restaurant, I saw a big crowd. My father took some time to park his car. My mother said, We have a surprise for you! I insisted my mother to tell me about the surprise but she just asked me to be patient. My family and I walked to a room which my father booked for us. The room was quite big and it could accommodate more than 50 people. When I opened the door, I saw many people standing while clapping their hands happily. They were my grandparents, uncles, aunties, cousins and immediate neighbours. I was really surprised to see my girlfriend with her parents too! Everybody congratulated me for my SPM result.

I was deeply touched. I hugged my parents for organising such a dinner to celebrate my success. I sat beside Mimi, my girlfriend. She gave a gift but I had to promise her to open it at home. My father ordered my most favourite dish for all of us chicken chop with black pepper sauce. We also had garlic bread, salad and crab meat soup. I always told my friends to come to Bamboo Restaurant if they wanted to taste the best chicken chop in town. It was a long night at my favourite restaurant. My cousins sang a Justin Biebers song for me. My grandparents sponsored prizes for lucky draw. In short, we had so much fun at the restaurant. It was really a memorable night. [435 words] The Day When Everything Went Wrong I had just started working as a despatch boy at an international company in Kuala Lumpur. The job was not great but I accepted it after failing to get a job in my hometown, Kuala Nerang. Actually, my neighbours son who was staying in Kuala Lumpur recommended me for the job. Living in a big city was totally different from living in Kuala Nerang. But, whatever it was, Kuala Nerang was still in my heart. After six months working, I began to fall in love with Lisa, a clerk at a primary school. One day, I approached her at a coffee shop. She was having lunch alone. I joined her. She was very happy and really welcomed me to accompany her. Nothing much happened on that day but we just talked. We got to know each other better. After lunch, I asked her if she would be interested to watch a movie with me on the coming weekend. I was surprised when she gave me a definte Yes!. From that day, we became closer and love bagan to bloom between us. Lisa confessed to me that she was worried about what some other people might say to me because she was ten years older than me. But I convinced her that age was not important to me. What was more important was her sincerity and happy-going attitude. Lisa believed in me. She knew I truly loved her. So, one day she asked me to meet her parents. On one Sunday, I went to Lisas house. I was supposed to be there at 9.00 am. However, I only reached her house at 11.00 am. My motorcycle broke down once I left my house. I did not know why I was so stupid not to take a taxi but waited for two hours to get my motorcycle repaired. It was supposed to be an important day in my life but everything went wrong. I also left my mobile phone at home. I borrowed the mechanics mobile phone to inform Lisa about what happened to me but I just could not recall her contact number. My mind went blank. When I reached her house at 11.00 am, I could see her parents unhappy faces. Their conversation with me was very limited. I was confident they were not listening to me when I was explaining about what happened to me. To make it worse, I left a box of chocolate, which I promised to give to Lisas mother, at the workshop. I knew Lisa was frustrated with me but she still treated me well. Lisa served tea and some curry puffs. I was very hungry as I missed my breakfast so I kept eating them one after

another. Lisas parents were speechless to see my act. When I saw their shocking faces, only then I slowly put back the curry puff in my hand into the plate. It was the last piece. After that, I asked for permission to go to the washroom as I really had to answer natures call. I was too clumsy. I fell in the washroom as the floor was slippery. My pants were soaking wet. I did not know what to do so I stayed in the washroom for about fifteen minutes. Finally, I came out with my wet pants. I quickly said goodbye to Lisa and her parents and left the house. It was truly a day when everything went wrong. [573 words] Examination This morning I sent my son to school. It was the first day of his SPM examination. My son, Dean, was a diligent boy. Unlike me when I was his age, he did not need any motivation to study for examination. He was able to manage his own time very well. He made his own timetable. Dean knew when to study, play, watch television and go out to have fun with his friends. I really saluted him for his independence and maturity. I respected him because I was very much different from him when I was 17 years old. When I was in Form 5, I was a lazy student. Perhaps, the laziest in my family and in class. My parents especially my mother was always angry with me when she came back from work and saw me sleeping in my room. Even my teachers in school did not know what to say to advise me to study for my SPM examination. Mr. Nick, my History teacher, always punished me for my laziness. I had never completed his History notes and exercises. My Chemistry teacher, Madam Beh, could not even look at my face. She gave up on me. I really did not have any idea how could I prepare for my examination. I realised I could not blame anybody but myself. I was the one who refused to listen to all the advice given by my parents, teachers as well as friends. Even when the school organised motivational talks and study skills seminar, I would find ways and create excuses not to attend the programme. I only picked up my revision books and began to study two months before the examination. My mother was surprised to see me with SPM books around me. She just could not believe her eyes. She did not say a word but gave me a hug while shedding tears. I promised her that though it could be too late for me to prepare for my SPM, I promised my mother that I would still try my best. For two months, I did all I could for my SPM examination. The result was announced several months later. Of course, I did not get straight As but I did not fail in any subject. My parents were not happy with my result. Me too. I learnt my lesson well. [393 words]

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