Public Speaking-The A' Syndrome

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What? I got C again? I tried my best to copy all the sufficient points from the internet for my essay. But, still I got a C? Friends, how many of you have experienced this incident in your life? It has become common for all students to always expect for something without using their own effort! This brings me to my topic, The A Syndrome! Honorable judges, respected teachers and friends, A Syndrome! Have you ever heard of this word before? What is it, you might ask? Maybe one or two of you may know, but most of us do not. At the end of my speech you will get to know all about The A Syndrome. I used to ask my mum: Where do I slot in rest and recreation? When can I chat with my friends on facebook? All I receive was a blank stare. I know that my parents want me to do well, but how do you feel when you are forced to be the best only? If we dont get an A, everyone, including our parents would hush up. Now, is it an affair to keep it a secret? Why? Isnt a B grade still considered as a students achievement? The reason is everybody wants to be in the A rat race today my dear friends. And this is what my topic The A Syndrome is all about. A is seen as a great achievement in academics, but does that guarantee an A in a students attitude? Each and everyone should know that there is no point in getting As in all the subjects without having a good attitude. It is we, ourselves who need to decide how we want to work towards plucking the A that we really want. Friends, an under graduate who scored straight As in SPM has expressed his feelings in a blog that he cannot cope with his studies in the University. Why? All these because most of the students have been spoon fed during school days. As everything is done for them by their parents and teachers, students do not have both the experience and are unaware of the effort put in helping them to get As as their only intention is to get straight A+. Teachers and friends, a journey of a lifetime starts with a single step. Each mark that you earn is from your very own sweat and even if it means you have got a D. Many have failed to realise that it is still an effort put in by the students themselves. Quality in education does not necessarily mean you must be an A achiever. Im sure that you have come across students who say, I failed all because they sustained only a B instead of an A. Today I shall tell you that you should be glad and proud for what you get because it is your very own effort. Secondly, we should not end up like what has happened in Singapore. Over-emphasising on academic achievement alone had resulted in many breaking under pressure.

So now, what entails a right balance in attitude? A general rule of thumb would be, following a timetable, understanding the exam format, practicing past year questions, practice

makes perfect and the list goes on. You may find it boring and stressful although these are the best tools to use to prepare yourselves for exam! Why do I say so? Look, Im a living example, because all these worked wonderfully for me and I scored straight As in PMR. Again, I like to emphasise, I did what suited me best and not my parents wishes nor my teachers. Ladies and gentlemen, We Malaysians love fried rice. Dont you all? Adding different flavors might enhance its taste. The taste of the food is in the cooking. Similarly, there is no right or wrong method of studying. As long as you have the right amount of practice, rest, time for yourselves and wanting to improve whichever method of studying that you have undertaken, you will definitely reap what you sow. Hence, when you reap your reward be it A, B or any other grades; proudly say I did it my way. Today, my friends let our voices be heard by all-concerned. We can travel in different car models in different routes, but we will still reach the same destination that we have planned for. I would like to end here, hoping that all that I have said will surely help all of you. Before I take my leave, I would like to add in that all of you should know what your goals and attitudes are and to take it seriously. A students attitudes are actually the key of success and remember not to be the victim of A Syndrome. Thank you and I wish you all the best

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