Assignment 2A

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Submitted B : MANIMAR!AN SASIRE"A Submitted D#te: 16-10-2009


Purpose: Purpose of the topic is to explore how one organization managing its manufacturing section with the help of existing management protocols, and how its can make use of Controls bye Timing metrology to stream line one Business company Process Proper management and control of organization is !ital for long run growth of organization "ctually managers who handle and applies these controlling processes o!er certain part of department must make sure, applied control mechanism suits properly with existing process of business #n ma$or type of Controls by timing there are three based on timing: feed forward control, concurrent control and feedback control 1. Feed forward Control #f organization ha!e any problem in bringing up necessary facilities on time to regulate, input process in order to o!ercome this issue that time this feed forward control use by managers to regulate and control resources "s feed forward control includes materials, finances, people, time and other important recourses and it also emphasis on pre!enting later difficulties #n the producti!e process its help for smooth create

. Con!urrent !ontrol This control applied to transformation process sto!e %hich focus more in regulating ongoing acti!ities to make sure &anagers conform to organizational standards, concurrent control can be referred as screening or 'yes(no control, it has check points %here decisions are made on continuing progress which allows managers to take correcti!e action, concurrent control re)uires clearly specified company standards on how acti!ities must be conducted

". Feed#a!$ !ontrol Techni)ues organization used before to get feedback from customers and channel partners "nd organization talk about new ways of collecting feed back from customers and channel partners to increase performance

In %& Own 'us(ness: +ow # managing small baker organization #ts Called ,Best Bakery- # making specialized bread for ,Bread Talk- Company # was using Traditional methods to control and e!aluate manufacturing process # realized about the difficulties and how # tackle and implement, # ha!ing problem in getting row materials on time from shops and deli!ering to Bread talk # identified that ha!ing the manual processing of transistors also a ma$or drawback to my manufacturing di!ision "fter so many le!el of analysis done on my business premises # came to conclusion that if my process follow, control by timing #f # follow this control # can a!oid many problems and increase the manufacturing plant and impro!e my o!erall business %hile ensuring the whole process meet company standard &apping process must be carefully done, it in!ol!es . stages, each stage with certain guidelines: Input )* Transfor+at(on pro!ess )* Outputs a. How I ,sed Controls #& T(+(n-: o #f # /a!e problem in bringing up basic facilities on moment to control, input process in order to o!ercome this issue that time # used feed forward control to control and material goods coz this feed forward control includes materials, finances, people, time and other important option and it also emphasis on pre!enting later difficulties o # conform to organizational !alues, concurrent control can be referred as screening or 'yes(no control, it has check points %here decisions are made on continuing progress which allows take correcti!e action, concurrent control re)uires clearly specified company standards on how acti!ities must be conducted o # used techni)ues organization before to get feedback from customers and channel partners "nd my organization talk about new ways of collecting feed back from customers and Bread Talk to increase performance "nd # talk with my staff for collecting their feedback coz if they ha!e any good ideas # can impro!e my manufacturing o # want to use 01P systems 2for 3&0s4 would be a goo method of controlling and administrating information 5low within companies channel partners customized software to communicate on time and manage real time in!entories

o 3ass 23oftware as a 3er!ice4 based 01P systems will be an affordable option rather spending millions and implementing on premise 01P system 3"33 systems are accessible through web

o #f my manufacture and organization want to become a success # would establish strategic control points #n type of 3trategic Controls Points there are four points: Belief 3ystem, Boundary 3ystem, Performance &anagement 3ystem and #nteracti!e &onitoring 3ystem #. How I ,sed .trate-(! Controls: 1. 'el(ef .&ste+ o #f # want to communicate and reinforce about my mission with my organization and to guide and control my staff # want to establish belief systems . Intera!t(/e %on(tor(n- .&ste+ o #n my organization this one of strategic control is !ery useful its called #nteracti!e &onitoring 3ystem by # encourage my staff to seize sudden opportunity and face the problems o This system in!ol!es all members in my organization so we face any problem in manufacturing and supply 3o this system encourage search and learn so we can get new opportunity so # must establish this strategic control #n 5inally 0ffecti!e planning and control of manufacturing operations allow businesses to get maximum success by reducing indecision at all stages of the manufacturing process This single, one6stop supply offers an easy to understand summary of the principles and practices of manufacturing control, highlight practical approaches to and techni)ues for operations issues )uite than academic discussions

T(tle and Referen!e: &c7raw /ill, Bartol, Tein, &atthews, 3harma, 1itson, 3cott, 8add 2*99:4 controlling2Part ;4 Controlling the <rganization2ch ==4,&anagement 5oundation, " Pacific 1im 5ocus *e, .*>, p p .?*6.?@ Aournal of #ndustrial 1elations, Control <!er the <rganization and Conduct of %ork: 0!idence from some "ustralian %orkplaces Aournal of #ndustrial 1elations, Bol *;, http:CC$ir sagepub comCcgiCcontentCabstactC*;C.C.9=

Article 1
Aohn &artin2.rd edition4, &anagement #n "ction 2=D =4, The Power <f Time, <rganizational Beha!ior and &anagement, p pD:9, www thomson learning co uk To explore the communication between management and employee an example of good communication The planned model suggests that #ndustrial large pri!ately manufacturing company 3"&P80: #nto this company e!ery time management is present at to introduce a new machine into the factory an agreement with one of the deal unions would result "++"8E3#3 #mportant and helpful This article about communication between management and employees They mention about the Power of Time #t simply returns a practical mo!e to issues of power and control The situation describes a model of fine communication, successful communication good or bad The resource finding different from the manager and working hours This managing performance is not good timing and they not establish strategic control 3ystem %ell researched effecti!e communication with strong Companys 0xamples

Title And Reference of Article

Aim/Purpose of article

Sample, Location, Method of Data collection and analysis

Finding/Interpretations report in the Article

Significance/ ontri!ution of the articles and your Topic Strengths of articles

No little example to be use for superior thoughtful.

"ea#nesses of Article

This model which strength contains long6weekend biases not found other companies 3o we cant get more information in this "rticle

Article 2
&c7raw /ill, Bartol, Tein, &atthews, 3harma, 1itson, 3cott, 8add 2*99:4 controlling2Part ;4 Controlling the <rganization2ch ==4,&anagement 5oundation, " Pacific 1im 5ocus *e, .*>, p p .;D6.;: www mhhe comCauCbartolFfoundations*e To check use of technology in manufacturing by implementing control mechanism The proposed model suggest that <!erseas &arket change the same way the ha!e operated to decades and to look and more efficient 3"&P80 the model was told about T%7 company T%7 establish in =>.*, the supply coffees and tea to se!eral shop including &C Gonalds "+"8E3#3: clarify and simple The common suggestion wants to use 01P systems 2for 3&0s4 would be a goo method of controlling and administrating information 5low within companies channel partners customized software to communicate on time and manage real time in!entories 3ass 23oftware as a 3er!ice4 based 01P systems will be an affordable option rather spending millions and implementing on premise 01P system 3"33 systems are accessible through web

Title And Reference of Article

Aim/Purpose of article

Sample, Location, Method of Data collection and analysis

Finding/Interpretations report in the Article

The research finding different from using 3"P software and Significance/ 3"33 software for controlling &anufacturing in company ontri!ution of the articles and your Topic Because 3"P is a !ery Cost so company owners can manage this things to low cost by using 01P

Strengths of articles "ea#nesses of Article

%ell researched with big Companys background 01P system and low price softwares This companys product about Tea and coffee only so this article its no full use for other product and T%7 is a 5amily business 3o we can know only about family business

Article 3
<rganizational Beha!iour, *@ "ug *99>, <rganizational Beha!iour Pro$ect, 0ttp:11www.s!r(#d.!o+1do!11213412"1Or-an(sat(o nal 'e0a/(our5Pro6e!t

Title And Reference of Article

Aim/Purpose of article

To research use of control by timing strategic controls and success by timing = This article gi!es good explanations to understanding about controls by timing /ow timing is help for our business success This article research at two companies This "rticle helps to understand how we mange timing "nalysis: explanatory and Hualitati!e #f we use 3trategic controls we can easily mo!e our company coz its help for Close to the customer, )uick reaction and clear business center and goals "ccurate controls allow taking weigh up of control more business By control organization beha!ior we help our business to become successful

Sample, Location, Method of Data collection and analysis

* . =

Finding/Interpretations report in the Article


Significance/ ontri!ution of the articles and your Topic

The resource finding important things and benefits about controlling by timing and strategic controls #ts helps to impro!e companys success

Strengths of articles

* .

"n immense website and pro$ect to impro!e controlling by timing 0xplains benefit of the timing and controlling 0xplain how management wants to mo!e with organization

"ea#nesses of Article

+o examples for strategic controls focuses on particular industry its not help for other industries :

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