Atex Guide

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Quick Introduction to TV Denmark

TV Denmark - is a part of the TV NORD Group a global Organisation for Certification and Inspection of: Quality Management Systems, Products, Processes and Qualification of Persons .
We got more than 130 years of experience within the area Quality and Safety. Represented in more than 45 countries with a total of 7.500 employees.

A short introduction to ATEX Terminology
Equipment for use in flammable atmospheres Directive 94/9/EC

Examples of Services:

Food Safety: HACCP / BRC e.g. DS 3027 EUREPGAP food safety - GAP - Good Agricultural Practice Quality Management Systems: ISO 9000, ISO 9001: 2000, Functional Safety: IEC 61508 Automobile: ISO/TS 16949, QS 9000, TE 9000 VDA 6.1, 6.2, 6.4, Medical products - Quality: EN 46001/2 or ISO 13485 /13488 Environment: ISO 14001, EC Regulations 1836/93 (EMAS) Type approval of Medical Products NB Directive 93/42/EC & 98/79/EC IT Safety ISO 17799 (BS 7799), ISO/IEC 12199 , ISO 9241 ATEX Flammable Atmospheres Directive 94/9/EC Notified Body Branch specified third part Audits Pressure equipment Notified Body to Directive 97/23/EC

TV Danmark

Telephone +45 7026 8800 Diplomvej bygning 377 Telefax: +45 8870 8090 DK-2800 Lyngby Dir. Phone +45 2688 7501 Denmark Internet: www.tuev-nord-dk or TV NORD: Better. Closer. More. e-mail:

Frequently used Standards - (not complete) What is Ex-equipment / areas?

Electrical or non-electrical equipment used in an area where there is a risk of presence of a flammable atmosphere (gas or dust) - are popular called Exequipment or equipment for use in Hazardous Areas Ex-equipment are typically used in places like: The chemical industry Oil refineries Off shore installations (platforms) Filling stations Tunnels/ sewers/ drains Milling industry/ printing-house / painting industry Farmers installations Mining industry

Electrical / Non-Electrical Installation Quality Requirements etc. Protection Principles

General Requirements Oil Immersion o Pressurized Apparatus p Powder Filling q Flameproof Enclosure d Encreased Safety e Intrinsic Safety i Encapsulation m Field Bus Concept (FISCO) Laser Optics/radiation Intrinsically Safe Systems Gas Detectors Zone 0 Standard Zone 2 Standards Type n Protection Dust Standards Encapsulation in dust mD Protection by enclosure tD Construction & test Installation Non-Electrical Basic concepts and methodology Basic Requirements Group II engines Petrol filling stations ATEX Quality Requirements Installations

IEC Countries
IEC 60079-0 IEC 60079-6 IEC 60079-2 IEC 60079-5 IEC 60079-1 IEC 60079-7 IEC 60079-11 IEC 60079-18 IEC / TC 60079-27 IEC 60079-28 IEC 60079-25 IEC 60079-26 IEC 60079-15 IEC 61241-18 IEC 61241-1

EN 50014 EN 50015 EN 50016 EN 50017 EN 50018 EN 50019 EN 50020 EN 50028

EN 60079-25 EN 50054 EN 50284 EN 50021 EN 61241-18 EN 61241-1 EN 50281-1-1 EN 50281-1-2 EN 1127-1 EN 13463-1, - 5 EN 1834-1 EN 13012 EN 13980 EN 60079-14

Scope of the ATEX Directive 94/9/EC

The Directive covers Electrical and Non-electrical equipment!
Equipment: Machines, apparatus, instruments, fixed or mobile devices, control components and so on. Protective systems: e.g. equipment that can stop or delay an explosion Components: Essential parts for the safety but with no autonomous function. Safety control and regulation equipment intended to be used outside the Ex-area - but with a function that secures the safety in the Ex-area.

IEC 60079-14

Good places to find Ex-information / current Harmonized Standards:

11 2

Example of Zone Classification (Filling Station)

Exclusions from the ATEX Scope

Medical devices intended for use in medical environment. Equipment and protective systems intended to be used in relation with unstable chemical substances. Equipment intended to be used in domestic and non-commercial environments where flammable atmosphere is only a result of accidents. Personal protective equipment covered by Directive 89/686/EEC. Seagoing vessels and mobile offshore units together with equipment on board such units. Means of transport i.e. vehicles, trailers , planes used for transportation. (Vehicles used in potential explosive atmosphere are not excluded).

In Zone 0 Ex-equipment must be designed for Category 1 use In Zone 1 Ex equipment must be designed for Category 2 use In Zone 2 Ex equipment must be designed for Category 3 use

Essential Health and Safety Requirements Annex II of Directive 94/9/EC

Principle of integrated safety Specific conditions of inspection and maintenance Environmental conditions Marking Instructions for use Choice of materials Design and manufacture Risk caused by software Ex atmospheres caused by the presence of gas, vapours and mist. Explosive atmospheres caused by presence of air-dust mixtures. Potential ignition sources:
Sparks, flames, electric arcs High surface temperatures Acoustic energy, radiation: optical, Electromagnetic or other sources

IP Classifications Ingress Protection to EN 60529

Definition 1 code index
No protection Objects greater than D: 50 mm Objects greater than D: 12,5 mm Objects greater than D: 2,5 mm Objects greater than D: 1 mm Dust protected Dust-tight (D = Diameter)

0 1 2 3 4 5 6

IP Class

Code Definition 2
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


code index

IP 5 6

No protection Vertically falling water drops 750 to 900 vertically falling water Spraying water 600 from vertical Splashing water from any direction Water jets from any direction Powerful jets from any direction Protection at immersion Protected at continuous immersion

3 10

Classification by Group and Category according to intended use - Surface industry (not mining)

Classification of gases into Gas Groups

Place of use Area

Category of Equipment to ATEX Definitions Presence or Duration of Explosive Atmosphere Continuous presence Level of Protection Comparison with Present Faults to Allow for Practice


Class and Group: USA and Canada

Gaseous mines

Representative gas:

Mines susceptible to firedamp Surface industries


Very high level of protection: 2 types of protection or 2 independent faults High level of protection:

Group II Zone 0 (gas) Zone 20 (dust)

Long Periods Frequent

D Class I Group C Class I Group B Class I Group A

Class I Group

Propane Ethylene Hydrogen & Acetylene

Equipment Group II
(surface industry)

More sensitive less energy to ignite gas Group II Zone 1 (Gas Zone 21 (dust) IIA, IIB or IIC: These Groups are linked to how much energy thats necessary to ignite the gas. Please Remark that the Group A, B or C marking is only relevant for the Exprotection principles Flameproof Enclosure d or Intrinsically Safety i For these protection principles the Ex-protection technology is directly linked to the sensitivity of the surrounding gas this is not the case for the other Exprotection principles.

Likely to occur

1 type of protection. Habitual frequent malfunction

Unlikely to occur

Present for a short period

Normal protection: Required level of protection.

Group II Zone 2 (gas) Zone 22 (dust)

Ex-Certification for the American Market

TV Denmark offers certification to the North American market for Zone 0, 1 and 2 and Class I, II and III, Division 1 and Division 2. This service is done in cooperation with our American partner ENTELA which is an OSHA approved NRTL (National Recognized Testing Laboratory).

Inflammable substances for all 3 Categories can be Gas, Vapours, Mist, or Dust

Marking Plate Minimum requirements (example)

Conformity assessment procedure Equipment-Category 1 and M1

(Zone 0)
Group I and II - M1 (mines) and 1 (surface)

Explo International GmbH

Mozart Strasse 48, 32819 Blomberg

or Load Cell Type: 1709Ex, series 031203

0044 II 1G, RWTV-04-ATEX-1234
EEx ia IIC T4 Ui: 28 V, Ii: 98 mA Ci.: 10 nF, Li: 0 mH, Pi: 0,85 W

CE Type Examination by Notified Body Annex III EC-Type Examination Certificate

CE Unit Inspection by Notified Body Annex IX

Temperature Classes T1
Maximum Surface temperature of equipment taking the

T2 T3 T4 T5 T6

and or
Production Quality Assurance by NB Annex IV ISO 9001 + EN 13980 Production Quality Assurance Notification

Product Inspection by Notified Body Annex V

450 C 300 C 200 C 135 C 100 C 85 C

maximum Ambient temperature into account. To ensure Ex-equipment can be safely used, the Gas Group must be known and the Temperature Class must be compared with the spontaneous temperature of the present flammable atmospheres .

NB: Notified Body

Conformity assessment procedure, equipment-category 2 and M2

(Zone 1)
Group I and II - M2 (mines) and 2 (surface)

Conformity assessment procedure, equipment-category 3

(Zone 2)
Group II - 3 (surface) or

For electrical equipment or internal combustion engines

For nonelectrical equipment

CE Unit Inspection by NB ANNEX IX

CE Unit Inspection by Notified Body ANNEX IX

Internal Production Inspection Annex VIII

CE Type Examination by Notified Body ANNEX III

Internal Production Inspection ANNEX VIII + Storage of technical file at NB

Marking of equipment to 94/9/EC

In addition to the required CE marking, equipment must carry specific marking for potentially explosives atmospheres:

and or
Product Quality Assurance by NB ANNEX VII ISO 9001 + EN 13980

Conformity to type Test under responsibility of NB ANNEX VI ISO 10005

RWTV Notified Body Number

II 2 G and / or D
Equipment Group: surface industry Gas / Dust

European Commission mark for Ex-equipment

Equipment category 2 For zone 1 use

NB: Notified Body

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