Basics of Prashna

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Basics of Prashna (Nadi astrology) PRASNA Answers to the questions of native can be given on the basis of Natal &

Horary Astrology (Prasna Chart). In Natal Astrology the Horoscope of the native is cast by nowing the !ate" #i$e & Place of birth. An Astrologer on the basis of the" Natal Horoscope cast on this basis can pre%ict all events of life. In Horary Astrology" Horoscope is cast at the ti$e when the native as s question an% answer to that question is given by loo ing at the planetary position at that ti$e. It shoul% be note% that in Natal astrology answers to all events of life can be given on the basis of Natal Horoscope but in case of Horary Astrology answer to only that particular question is given which is as e% by the Native. Horary Astrology can answer all the events of life e&haustively" which can be pre%icte% by Natal Astrology. #he events are '%ucation" (itigation" Property an% )ehicle" #ravel" Career" *arriage" Chil%ren" Health an% (ongevity. Why Horary Astrology is needed? In Natal Astrology purchase of property" vehicle" $arriage an% all other events of life can be pre%icte% but answer to a precise question" can be easily pre%icte% in Horary Astrology e.g. +. ,hich girl I will $arry out of the two.. ,ill I be able to purchase a particular property/. ,ill I go to 0.1.A.In all these questions Native is very particular about the question. In question No.+ he wants to $arry out of two options. 2ro$ Natal Horoscope Astrologer can ti$e the $arriage but cannot tell which of the two girl3s he will $arry. 1i$ilarly in the secon% question the question is about purchasing a particular property. If in the Horary Horoscope the answer of secon% question is negative" native3s %esires will not be reali4e%. In the secon% question the natal Horoscopes $ay show purchase of property but property purchase% will be any property other than the property he %esire% to purchase. 1i$ilarly in thir% question native %esire% to go to 0.1.A. an% the Prasna Chart negates it then in case natal Horoscope signifies long travel then the native will not go to 0.1.A. but the native $ay travel to so$e other country. #he conclusion is that Horary Astrology can answer precise questions which $ay not be possible to answer in Natal Astrology. Natal Astrology is confine% only to the events of life of a native but Horary Astrology answers to *un%ane questions an% also questions relate% to politics5 l ,ho will win the $atchl ,ill can%i%ate of Congress party win fro$ this constituency2ro$ Horary Astrology we can also answer questions" which relate to environ$ent we live in but $ay not relate to our Horoscope such as5 l ,hen will the roa% of our colony buil% upl ,ill the $unicipality %epart$ent put a la$ppost in the par 6y the help of Horary Astrology an astrologer can also answer those questions of the events" which are e&pecte% to happen within hours. l ,hen 7 will reach the %estinationl ,hen will electricity co$eHorary Astrology is also useful to all those people who3s Natal Horoscope cannot be cast because their !ate" #i$e & Place of birth are not nown. PRASNA OR THE QUESTION It is clear that Horary Horoscope is cast at the ti$e when the native as s question. 6asis of Horary astrology is that there $ust be a genuine question of native for a genuine answer. Now question arises as to what this genuine question is'verybo%y born on earth has to un%ergo ups & %owns in life. ,henever a proble$ arises" native tries to solve it with possible efforts within his reach. In case of failure

or continuous trouble ti$e co$es when planets & stars co$pel hi$ to visit an astrologer to now when his sufferings will be over. In other wor%s proble$ haunts hi$ to visit astrologer. #his is the ti$e when he visits 8 contacts astrologer an% as s the question regar%ing his proble$. At this point of ti$e when he as s a question he gets accurate answer fro$ the cos$os. #o conclu%e astrologer shoul% consi%er only that question in Horary in which native is involve% an% is curious to now the answer of the question. #o cast a Horary Horoscope or Prasna Chart there $ust be a question or Prasna. Native can ask question either related to him or related to his relative or friends. It is advised to avoid questions asked by people casually in parties, get together etc. Irrelevant and non-serious questions should not be taken from the natives as they result into incorrect answers damaging the image of astrologer & astrology. They are also of no use to the querist native. ,hen a native visits an Astrologer he has one burning question in $in% about the current proble$ e.g. he is not %oing well in business or he is not co$fortable with 9ob or his %aughter is not getting $arrie% an% so on. He can have two separate questions also about the profession an% $arriage of his %aughter etc. then the astrologer shoul% ta e question by Horary one by one %epen%ing upon the priority of the question tol% by the native. Preferably astrologer shoul% ta e only one question fro$ the native at a ti$e an% $a&i$u$ secon% after answering the first question. In case of lea%ing question of one proble$ astrologer shoul% refer to sa$e horary Horoscope e.g. native as s when $arriage of his %aughter will ta e place- After the pre%iction by astrologer if the native as s about the $arrie% life of the %aughter then the sa$e Horoscope has to be referre% to for the pre%iction about the $arrie% life of his %aughter. An obvious question is that whether Astrologer can as question for hi$self or notAn Astrologer is a person who has to go through the life as any other person an% has to face si$ilar proble$s. If even Astrologer is serious to as a question he can as the question for hi$self following the principles of Horary Astrology.

ESSENTIALS OF HORARY HOROS OPE !" A##$ra#y o% Ti&e' Astrologer shoul% be very particular about the precision of ti$e. (" Understanding )$estion o% Nati*e' Astrologer shoul% listen to the question of the Native with patience an% try to un%erstan% his question carefully. Native is co$ing to the astrologer at the ti$e of %ifficulty an% at this ti$e it is natural that he $ay not be in sufficient $ental health an% $ay utter uni$portant things. He can be facilitate% to co$e on concrete question an% when he co$es on the concrete question naturally is the ti$e astrologer shoul% ta e into consi%eration. +" Ta,ing -Seed. %ro& Nati*e' As you now there are .:/ 1ub lor%s in a ;o%iac. 1i& sub lor%s spill over to the ne&t sign. #herefore si& other sensitive points in the 4o%iac result giving rise to .:< sensitive points in total. A %iary is prepare% having +.= pages a$ounting to .=> when pages are counte% fro$ front to bac . #his %iary in han% is suppose% to be ;o%iac. After listening to the question of the native he is as e% to open any page of the %iary. Note %own the page he has opene%. 1ee the 1tarting %egree of the nu$ber in the #able I fro$ the Anne&ure an% consi%er it as the Ascen%ant %egree or Cuspal %egree of the Ascen%ant. #he nu$ber note% is also calle% ?1ee%@ of the question since fro$ this Ascen%ant is arrive% at an% Horoscope will be cast to now the answer. ,ith this $etho%" he is as e% to point to the answer to his own question in the ;o%iac.

Rele*an#e o% ta,ing seed' Pri$e organ governing our bo%y is the brain. Astrologically" planets & stars gui%e the brain. Aur Nerves en% in the pal$s of the han%s an% all the thin ing of our brain is reflecte% through han%s" which are gui%e% by the brain through nervous syste$. #herefore ta ing the see% beco$es relevant. In case of e$ergency if the native cannot co$e to the Astrologer in person then he can be as e% to tell any nu$ber at ran%o$ in between + to .:< by any $eans of co$$unication. If Horary Horoscope is cast ta ing Ascen%ant fro$ the ti$e native has as e% a question. #his syste$ collapses when two or $ore persons as sa$e question at one given ti$e. Horary Astrology of Na%i syste$ was applie% on pre%icting $ar s to about +>> stu%ents in an hour3s ti$e (sa$e Ascen%ant at that ti$e) with success in +<<B whereas tra%itional syste$ $ay not have answere% in such case. /" Ti&e o% 0irth o% Q$estion or Ti&e o% so1ing o% Seed' After nowing the %egree of the Ascen%ant fro$ the see% Horary Horoscope shoul% be cast ta ing current ti$e into consi%eration. In case the question is as e% fro$ the Astrologer & Astrologer is not in a position to cast the Horoscope at that ti$e an% cast the horoscope afterwar%s to now the answer then that ti$e shoul% be ta en when Astrologer actually starts wor ing on the question. In case Horoscope is to be cast by han% then when he ta es the pen in han% to wor upon" that ti$e is to be ta en & incase when he starts %oing wor by co$puter then that ti$e is to be ta en when he switches on his co$puter. #he see% shoul% be use% within two %ays. If Astrologer is not able to wor after getting the see% within two %ays he shoul% as for another see% fro$ the native for the question. It is not the ti$e of as ing the question that is i$portant. It is i$portant as to when the see% has been sown for calculating the answer. 2" Pla#e o% 0irth o% )$estion or Pla#e o% so1ing o% seed 5 2or casting the Horary Horoscope latitu%e & longitu%e of place is ta en where Astrologer wor s upon the question. 3" Analy4ing Horary Horos#o5e' After casting the Horary Horoscope answer shoul% be given by analy4ing the Planets in the Horoscope" !6A an% #ransits. 6efore going to the %etail as to how a Horary Horoscope is seen let $e e&plain you by an e&a$ple how a Horary Horoscope is cast. #asting a horary horos#o5e Ste5 I Note %own the +. 1ee% .. !ate & #i$e /. Place of casting Horary Horoscope (et us ta e a practical e&a$ple where +. 1ee% is +/= .. !ate is +C8++8.>>> & #i$e .> hrs. & += $inutes. /. Place D !elhi (atitu%e .EF:>3 N (ongitu%e BBF+/3 ' Ste5 ( Now note %own the %egree of the Ascen%ant of Horary Horoscope fro$ the see%. 1ince the see% is +/=" the Ascen%ant is (ibra +=F +/3 .>@. Ste5 + Cast the horoscope by placing the planets in the horoscope fro$ ephe$eris an% calculate !asa" 6hu ti & Antar fro$ the longitu%e of *oon. Ste5 / Cast Nirayana 6hav Chalit fro$ Gaphael #able. Ste5 2 Pen %own the lor%ship Na shatra 1ublor% of the planets fro$ #able fro$ the Anne&ure5 asting Nirayana 0ha* halit hart

Ste5 ! #he first step is to chec ti$e" %ate & place of birth of the native. #he place of birth of the native is !elhi i.e. latitu%e .E6:>7 N. (etHs open the page for !elhi in the IGaphaelHs #ables of HousesI. Ste5 ( 2in% out the Ayana$sa of .>>>. #he ayana$sa for the year is ./%egrees an% ==$inutes. A%% the ayana$sa to the Ascen%ent %egree of the native.#he Ascen%ent %egree is (ibra +=F +/3 .>@. A%%ing ayana$sa to the Asc.J ./F==K L (ibra +=F +/3 .>@ J S#or5io 86 97(:. . Ste5 + Now weHll see the nearest %egree of the Ascen%ent available in the GaphaelHs #able of Houses which we fin% to be S#or5io 86 +97 . Now pen %own the cuspal %egrees of the various houses available in the table. Cuspal %egree of the .n% house <F 1agittarius I I I I /r% house +>FCapricorn I I I I +>th house +/F (eo I I I I ++th house +=F 1corpio I I I I house +=F (ibra Ste5 / !e%uct Ayana$sa fro$ the cuspal %egrees so obtaine%. $s5al degrees o% .n% house J <F 1agittarius D ./F==K J +=F >=K 1corpio /r% house J +>FCapricorn D I J +CF >=K 1agittarius +>th house J +/F (eo D I J +<F >=K Cancer ++th house J +=F 1corpio D I J .+F >=K (eo house J +=F (ibra D I J.+F >=K )irgo Ste5 2 #he Cuspal %egrees of all the +. houses are as follows 5 Ho$ses ;eg" <in" Sign +st += +/ (ibra .n% += >= 1corpio /r% +C >= 1agittarius :th +< >= Capricorn =th .+ >= Aquarius Cth .+ >= Pisces Bth += +/ Aries Eth += >= #aurus <th +C >= Me$ini +>th +< >= Cancer ++th .+ >= (eo .+ >= )irgo #he starting %egree & en%ing %egree of the +. houses are5 Ho$ses Starting ;egree Ending ;egree +st (ibra += +/ 1corpio += >= .n% 1corpio += >= 1agittarius +C >= /r% 1agittarius +C >= Capricorn +< >= :th Capricorn +< >= Aquarius .+ >= =th Aquarius .+ >= Pisces .+ >= Cth Pisces .+ >= Aries += +/ Bth Aries += +/ #aurus += >= Eth #aurus += >= Me$ini +C >= <th Me$ini +C >= Cancer +< >= +>th Cancer +< >= (eo .+ >=

++th (eo .+ >= )irgo .+ >= )irgo .+ >= (ibra += +/ Now IHll place the planets in the houses in the INirayana 6hava ChalitI as un%er5 Planets Sign ;egrees Ho$se 1un 1corpio >> :B +st *oon Cancer >: :C <th *ars )irgo +/ =C ++th Gahu Me$ini ./ >> <th Nupiter #aurus +/ == Bth 1aturn #aurus >/ =B Bth *ercury (ibra ++ /< Oetu 1agittarius ./ >> /r% )enus 1agittarius +> .B .n% ,e have calculate% the cuspal %egrees of the various houses & position of the planets. Now procee% to %raw the Nirayana 6hav Chalit chart as un%er 5 ANALYSIN= A HORARY HOROS OPE A Horary Horoscope is analy4e% in the si$ilar $anner as a Natal Horoscope is analy4e%. ,hile analy4ing any Planet we shoul% observe that 1ub lor% is stronger than Na shatra an% the Na shatra is stronger than the Planet. 2or any event to happen !asa shoul% be given the $a&i$u$ weight age. If !asa allows an event" the event can happen in the !asa. If it %oes not allow the event we shoul% chec the ne&t !asa an% so on. Ance the !asa allows the event we shoul% go to see the current 6hu ti an% if this 6hu ti allows the event we shoul% chec the nearest Antra an% then the #ransits" which will tell the %ay of the happening of the event. However if current 6hu ti %oes not allow the event we shoul% chec the nearest 6hu ti" which allows the event to happen an% see the Antras in the 6hu ti an% then the #ransits. Gea%ers who have nowle%ge of Na%i Astrology now that there are for$ulations of events of life an% these for$ulations are to be seen in the !asa 6hu ti Antar or the !6A. All the for$ulations for happening of %ifferent events are given in %ifferent chapters of the boo . 2or the events" which cannot change the status of a native" its !asa $ay not be require% to be seen. 2or e&a$ple the question is Gs.+>>8D have been lost as to whether I will be able to recover it or not- Gs.+>>8D for a native who is a $illionaire is a $eager a$ount an% if a $illionaire as such a question even 6hu ti shoul% not be seen 9ust the Antra is enough to be seen. However" !asa shoul% be seen if a poor $an as s this question. After seeing the !6A to pin point the %ay of happening of an event #ransits shoul% be seen in the following $anner5 Transits Any of the three planets which signify the event $ay 8 $ay not be fro$ the !6A shoul% either l Con9oin in one house l Ar aspect each other l Ar transit the significator houses l Ar aspect the$ l Ar transit over their natal positions After one of the above con%itions is fulfille% the event can ta e place at any given $o$ent. 2or e&a$ple Nupiter" *ars an% 1un signify any event in any horoscope. In #ransit Nupiter an% *ars are con9unct an% 1un 9oins both of the$ then this con%ition of con9unction of *ars" 1un an% Nupiter all con9unct together will re$ain there for fro$ a

nu$ber of %ays to a $onth. ,e %esire to calculate the %ay of the event. Hence after any of the above con%ition is fulfille% it is %esirable to arrive at the %ay of the event. 2or that we procee% as follows. 'vent will ta e place on the %ay when l A transiting planet signifying event" ither transit e&actly over Natal %egree of planet signifying the event. l Ar two planets signifying the event transiting in a sign con9unct with in a %egree. l Ar any planet signifying the event transits e&actly over Cuspal %egree of significator Houses. l Ar *oon con9oining three planets signifying event. Note that *oon shoul% also signify the event otherwise its #ransit is not %esirable to be seen. l Ar the transit of the Antar lor% in the favourable Na shatra. 2avourable Na shatra here also $eans Na shatra of a Planet that signifies event. Please note that event ta es place when there is %isturbance in the cos$os within a %egree or the sensitive %egrees of Horoscope. 1ensitive %egrees of Horoscope are %egrees of the Natal planets an% the Cuspal %egrees of the Houses. 2or e&a$ple in case of $arriage" %egrees of Planets signifying $arriage an% the Cuspal %egrees of ."B"++ Houses beco$e i$portant for pin pointing event. Also fast $oving planets 1un" *ars" *ercury an% )enus are be helpful in pin pointing the %ay of event since the others ta e a nu$ber of %ays to cover a %egree whereas *oon is too fast to %raw any conclusion. !uring #ransits any Planet signifying the event can ta e part or it finally precipitates the event. ,e have nor$ally three planets ta ing part in !6A an% three planets in #ransits involve$ents of which will finally $a e the event happen. It i$plies for a $a9or event to happen in life $ini$u$ three planets are require%. 2ast $oving planets finally play the role to ti$e the %ate of event. In other wor%s #ransit of slow $oving planets 1aturn" Nupiter" Gahu or Oetu cannot finali4e an event. USPAL SU0 LOR; 1tarting %egree of the House is calle% the Cusp or the Cuspal %egree of the house in ?Na%i Astrology@. #he 1ub lor% at the Cuspal %egree is calle% the ?Cuspal 1ub lor%@. Cuspal 1ub lor% is i$portant. #he strength of the house is %rawn fro$ the strength of the Cuspal 1ub lor%. If the Cuspal sub lor% signifies the co$binations connecte% with the House the House is strong. #he concerne% events will ta e place in the concerne% !6A. If the Cuspal 1ub lor% negates the event the event $ay not ta e place even in the !6A pro$ising the event strongly. 2or e&a$ple" if the Cuspal 1ub lor% of the :th House signifies : or ++ or goo% houses ."< in this regar% the in%ivi%ual in the !6A of :"++"+. will purchase the property. An the other han% if Cuspal 1ub lor% signifies houses /"="C"E"+. the !6A of :"++ will be ineffective. Gea%ers who now Na%i Astrology are aware that it is %ifficult to han%le the Cuspal %egree of Houses in Natal Horoscope. #his is because it is practically very %ifficult to correct the %egree of Ascen%ant of a native to $inutes. In case of Horary Astrology the %egree of Ascen%ant is accurate therefore Astrologer can use the Cuspal 1ub lor% of all the Houses. 2or pre%ictions Cuspal 1ub lor% of only the pri$e house is i$portant. 2or e&a$ple in case of $arriage Cuspal 1ub lor% of Bth House an% for property Cuspal 1ub lor% of :th House carries i$portance.

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