Civil War

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Jump To: Fort Sumter Attacked - First Bull Run - Shiloh - Second Bull Run - Antietam - Fredericksburg Chancellorsville

- Gett sburg - Chickamauga - Chattanooga - Cold !arbor - "arch to the Sea - #ee Surrenders - #incoln Shot

November 6, 1860 - Abraham #incoln$ %ho had declared &Government cannot endure permanentl hal' slave$ hal' 'ree(((& is elected president$ the 'irst Republican$ receiving )*+ o' ,+, possible electoral votes and -+ percent o' the popular vote( Dec 20, 1860 - South Carolina secedes 'rom the .nion( Follo%ed %ithin t%o months b "ississippi$ Florida$ Alabama$ Georgia$ #ouisiana and Te/as(

Auction and 0egro sales$ Atlanta$ Georgia(


Feb 9, 1861 - The Con'ederate States o' America is 'ormed %ith Je''erson 1avis$ a 2est 3oint graduate and 'ormer .(S( Arm o''icer$ as president( March 4, 1861 - Abraham #incoln is s%orn in as )4th 3resident o' the .nited States o' America(

Fort Sumter Attacked

April 12, 1861 - At -:,+ a(m( Con'ederates under Gen( ierre !eaure"ard open 'ire %ith 5+ cannons upon Fort Sumter in Charleston$ South Carolina( The Civil 2ar begins(

Fort Sumter a'ter its capture$ sho%ing damage 'rom the Rebel bombardment o' over ,+++ shells and no% 'l ing the Rebel &Stars and Bars& - April )-$ )*4)( April 1#, 1861 - 3resident #incoln issues a 3roclamation calling 'or 65$+++ militiamen$ and summoning a special session o' Congress 'or Jul -( Robert 7( #ee$ son o' a Revolutionar 2ar hero$ and a 85 ear distinguished veteran o' the .nited States Arm and 'ormer Superintendent o' 2est 3oint$ is o''ered command o' the .nion Arm ( #ee declines( April 1$, 1861 - 9irginia secedes 'rom the .nion$ 'ollo%ed %ithin 'ive %eeks b Arkansas$ Tennessee$ and 0orth Carolina$ thus 'orming an eleven state Con'ederac %ith a population o' : million$ including nearl - million slaves( The .nion %ill soon have 8) states and a population o' over 8+ million(

"ap o' Allegiances o' the States - )*4)( April 19, 1861 - 3resident #incoln issues a 3roclamation o' Blockade against Southern ports( For the duration o' the %ar the blockade limits the abilit o' the rural South to sta %ell supplied in its %ar against the industriali;ed 0orth( April 20, 1861 - Robert 7( #ee re%i"&% hi% commi%%io& in the .nited States Arm ( &< cannot raise m hand against m birthplace$ m home$ m children(& #ee then goes to Richmond$ 9irginia$ is o''ered command o' the militar and naval 'orces o' 9irginia$ and accepts( 'ul( 4, 1861 - #incoln$ in a speech to Congress$ states the %ar is(((&a 3eople=s contest(((a struggle 'or maintaining in the %orld$ that 'orm$ and substance o' government$ %hose leading ob>ect is$ to elevate the condition o' men(((& The Congress authori;es a call 'or 5++$+++ men(

Fir%t !ull )u&

'ul( 21, 1861 - The .nion Arm under Gen( *rvi& McDo+ell su''ers a de'eat at !ull )u& 85 miles south%est o' 2ashington( Con'ederate Gen( ,homa% '- 'ack%o& earns the nickname &Stone%all$& as his brigade resists .nion attacks( .nion troops 'all back to

2ashington( 3resident #incoln reali;es the %ar %ill be long( &<t=s damned bad$& he comments(

Ruins o' the Stone Bridge over %hich 0orthern 'orces retreated until it %as blo%n up b a Rebel shell adding to the panic o' the retreat$ %ith the Federals returning to 2ashington as &a rain-soaked mob(&

'ul( 2$, 1861 - 3resident #incoln appoints George B( "cClellan as Commander o' the 1epartment o' the 3otomac$ replacing "c1o%ell( "cClellan tells his +i.e$ &< 'ind m sel' in a ne% and strange position here: 3resident$ cabinet$ Gen( Scott$ and all de'erring to me( B some strange operation o' magic < seem to have become the po%er o' the land(& Sept 11, 1861 - 3resident #incoln revokes Gen( John C( Fr?mont=s unauthori;ed militar proclamation o' emancipation in "issouri( #ater$ the president relieves Gen( Fr?mont o' his command and replaces him %ith Gen( 1avid !unter( Nov 1, 1861 - 3resident #incoln appoints "cClellan as general-in-chie' o' all .nion 'orces a'ter the resignation o' the aged /i&.ield Scott( #incoln tells "cClellan$ &(((the supreme command o' the Arm %ill entail a vast labor upon ou(& "cClellan responds$ &< can do it all(& Nov 8, 1861 - The beginning o' an international diplomatic crisis 'or 3resident #incoln as t%o Con'ederate o''icials sailing to%ard 7ngland are sei;ed b the .(S( 0av ( 7ngland$ the leading %orld po%er$ demands their release$ threatening %ar( #incoln eventuall gives in and orders their release in 1ecember( &@ne %ar at a time$& #incoln remarks(

'a& 01, 1862 - 3resident #incoln issues General 2ar @rder 0o( ) calling 'or all .nited States naval and land 'orces to begin a general advance b Feb 88$ George 2ashington=s birthda (

Feb 6, 1862 - 9ictor 'or Gen( .l sses S( Grant in Tennessee$ capturing Fort !enr $ and ten da s later Fort 1onelson( Grant earns the nickname &.nconditional Surrender& Grant( Feb 20, 1862 - 3resident #incoln is struck %ith grie' as his beloved eleven ear old son$ 2illie$ dies 'rom 'ever$ probabl caused b polluted drinking %ater in the 2hite !ouse(

March 819, 1862 - The Con'ederate <ronclad ="errimac= sinks t%o %ooden .nion ships then battles the .nion <ronclad ="onitor= to a dra%( 0aval %ar'are is thus changed 'orever$ making %ooden ships obsolete( 2&"ravi&" o. the !attle

The "onitor at dock$ sho%ing damage 'rom the battle( *& March - The 3eninsular Campaign begins as "cClellan=s Arm o' the 3otomac advances 'rom 2ashington do%n the 3otomac River and the Chesapeake Ba to the peninsular south o' the Con'ederate Capital o' Richmond$ 9irginia then begins an advance to%ard Richmond( 3resident #incoln temporaril relieves "cClellan as general-in-chie' and takes direct command o' the .nion Armies(

April 61$, 1862 - Con'ederate surprise attack on Gen( .l sses S( Grant=s unprepared troops at Shiloh on the Tennessee River results in a bitter struggle %ith ),$+++ .nion killed and %ounded and )+$+++ Con'ederates$ more men than in all previous American %ars combined( The president is then pressured to relieve Grant but resists( &< can=t spare this manA he 'ights$& #incoln sa s( April 24, 1862 - )6 .nion ships under the command o' Flag @''icer David Farra"ut move up the "ississippi River then take 0e% @rleans$ the South=s greatest seaport( #ater in the %ar$ sailing through a Rebel mine 'ield Farragut utters the 'amous phrase &1amn the torpedoes$ 'ull speed aheadB& Ma( 01, 1862 - The Battle o' Seven 3ines as Gen( 'o%eph 2- 'oh&%to&=s Arm attacks "cClellan=s troops in 'ront o' Richmond and nearl de'eats them( But Johnston is badl %ounded(

'u&e 1, 1862 - Gen( Robert 7( #ee assumes command$ replacing the %ounded Johnston( #ee then renames his 'orce the Arm o' 0orthern 9irginia( "cClellan is not impressed$ sa ing #ee is &likel to be timid and irresolute in action(& 'u&e 2#3'ul( 1 - The Seven 1a s Battles as #ee attacks "cClellan near Richmond$ resulting in ver heav losses 'or both armies( "cClellan then begins a %ithdra%al back to%ard 2ashington(

Coung Georgia 3rivate 7d%in Jennison$ killed in the Seven 1a s Battles at "alvern !ill - the 'ace o' a lost generation( 'ul( 11, 1862 - A'ter 'our months as his o%n general-in-chie'$ 3resident #incoln hands over the task to Gen( 4e&r( /- 56ld !rai&%7 4alleck(

Seco&d !attle o. !ull )u&

Au" 29100, 1862 - 65$+++ Federals under Gen( 'oh& ope are de'eated b 55$+++ Con'ederates under Gen( Stone%all Jackson and Gen( 'ame% 8o&"%treet at the second battle o' !ull )u& in northern 9irginia( @nce again the .nion Arm retreats to 2ashington( The president then relieves 3ope( Sept 439, 1862 - #ee invades the 0orth %ith 5+$+++ Con'ederates and heads 'or 4arper% Ferr($ located 5+ miles north%est o' 2ashington( The .nion Arm $ :+$+++ strong$ under the command o' "cClellan$ pursues #ee(

Sept 1$, 1862 - The bloodiest da in .(S( militar histor as Gen( Robert 7( #ee and the Con'ederate Armies are stopped at A&tietam in "ar land b "cClellan and numericall superior .nion 'orces( B night'all 84$+++ men are dead$ %ounded$ or missing( #ee then %ithdra%s to 9irginia(

Con'ederate dead b the 'ence bordering Farmer "iller=s -+ acre Corn'ield at Antietam %here the intense ri'le and artiller 'ire cut ever corn stalk to the ground &as closel as could have been done %ith a kni'e(& Sept 22, 1862 - 3reliminar 7mancipation 3roclamation 'reeing slaves issued b 3resident #incoln(

3resident #incoln visits Gen( George "cClellan at Antietam$ "ar land @ctober$ )*48 Nov $, 1862 - The president replaces "cClellan %ith Gen( Ambro%e 2- !ur&%ide as the ne% Commander o' the Arm o' the 3otomac( #incoln had gro%n impatient %ith "cClellan=s slo%ness to 'ollo% up on the success at Antietam$ even telling him$ &<' ou don=t %ant to use the arm $ < should like to borro% it 'or a %hile(&

Dec 10, 1862 - Arm o' the 3otomac under Gen( Burnside su''ers a costl de'eat at Frederick%bur" in 9irginia %ith a loss o' )8$45, men a'ter )- 'rontal assaults on %ell entrenched Rebels on "ar e=s !eights( &2e might as %ell have tried to take hell$& a .nion soldier remarks( Con'ederate losses are 5$,+:( &<t is %ell that %ar is so terrible - %e should gro% too 'ond o' it$& states #ee during the 'ighting(

'a& 1, 1860 - 3resident #incoln issues the 'inal 7mancipation 3roclamation 'reeing all slaves in territories held b Con'ederates and emphasi;es the enlisting o' black soldiers in the .nion Arm ( The %ar to preserve the .nion no% becomes a revolutionar struggle 'or the abolition o' slaver ( 'a& 2#, 1860 - The president appoints Gen( 'o%eph 5Fi"hti&" 'oe7 4ooker as Commander o' the Arm o' the 3otomac$ replacing Burnside( 'a& 29, 1860 - Gen( Grant is placed in command o' the Arm o' the 2est$ %ith orders to capture 9icksburg( March 0, 1860 - The .(S( Congress enacts a dra't$ a''ecting male citi;ens aged 8+ to -5$ but also e/empts those %ho pa D,++ or provide a substitute( &The blood o' a poor man is as precious as that o' the %ealth $& poor 0ortherners complain(

Ma( 134, 1860 - The .nion Arm under Gen( !ooker is decisivel de'eated b #ee=s much smaller 'orces at the Battle o' Chancellorsville in 9irginia as a result o' #ee=s brilliant and daring tactics( Con'ederate Gen( Stone%all Jackson is mortall %ounded b his o%n soldiers( !ooker retreats( .nion losses are )6$+++ killed$ %ounded and missing out o' ),+$+++( The Con'ederates$ ),$ +++ out o' 4+$+++( &< >ust lost con'idence in Joe !ooker$& said !ooker later about his o%n lack o' nerve during the battle(

Con'ederate soldiers at the Sunken Road$ killed during the 'ighting around Chancellorsville( Ma( 10, 1860 - The South su''ers a huge blo% as Stone%all Jackson dies 'rom his %ounds$ his last %ords$ &#et us cross over the river and rest under the shade o' the trees(&

&< have lost m right arm$& #ee laments( 'u&e 0, 1860 - Gen( #ee %ith 65$+++ Con'ederates launches his second invasion o' the 0orth$ heading into 3enns lvania in a campaign that %ill soon lead to Gett sburg( 'u&e 28, 1860 - 3resident #incoln appoints Gen( :eor"e :- Meade as commander o' the Arm o' the 3otomac$ replacing !ooker( Meade is the 5th man to command the Arm in less than a ear(

'ul( 130, 1860 - The tide o' %ar turns against the South as the Con'ederates are de'eated at the Battle o' Gett sburg in 3enns lvania( )ead about the !attle o. :ett(%bur" - !attle.ield hoto%

.nion soldiers on the Battle'ield at Gett sburg( 'ul( 4, 1860 - ;ick%bur"$ the last Con'ederate stronghold on the "ississippi River$ surrenders to Gen( Grant and the Arm o' the 2est a'ter a si/ %eek siege( 2ith the .nion no% in control o' the "ississippi$ the Con'ederac is e''ectivel split in t%o$ cut o'' 'rom its %estern allies( 'ul( 10316, 1860 - Antidra't riots in 0e% Cork Cit include arson and the murder o' blacks b poor immigrant %hites( At least )8+ persons$ including children$ are killed and D8 million in damage caused$ until .nion soldiers returning 'rom Gett sburg restore order( 'ul( 18, 1860 - =0egro troops= o' the 5-th "assachusetts <n'antr Regiment under Col( Robert G( Sha% assault 'orti'ied Rebels at Fort 2agner$ South Carolina( Col( Sha% and hal' o' the 4++ men in the regiment are killed( Au" 10, 1860 - The president meets %ith abolitionist Frederick Dou"la%% %ho pushes 'or 'ull eEualit 'or .nion =0egro troops(= Au" 21, 1860 - At #a%rence$ Fansas$ pro-Con'ederate 2illiam C( Guantrill and -5+ proslaver 'ollo%ers raid the to%n and butcher )*8 bo s and men(

Sept 19120, 1860 - A decisive Con'ederate victor b Gen( Bra/ton Bragg=s Arm o' Tennessee at 9hickamau"a leaves Gen( /illiam S- )o%ecra&%= .nion Arm o' the Cumberland trapped in Chattanooga$ Tennessee under Con'ederate siege( 6ct 16, 1860 - The president appoints Gen( Grant to command all operations in the %estern theater(

Nov 19, 1860 - 3resident #incoln delivers a t%o minute Gett sburg Address at a ceremon dedicating the Battle'ield as a 0ational Cemeter ( a"e o&e o. :ett(%bur" Addre%% i& 8i&col&<% ha&d+riti&" a"e t+o o. :ett(%bur" Addre%% i& 8i&col&<% ha&d+riti&"

#incoln among the cro%d at Gett sburg - 0ov ):$ )*4,

Nov 2032#, 1860 - The Rebel siege o' Chattanooga ends as .nion 'orces under Grant de'eat the siege arm o' Gen( Bra/ton Bragg( 1uring the battle$ one o' the most dramatic moments o' the %ar occurs( Celling &ChickamaugaB ChickamaugaB& .nion troops avenge their previous de'eat at Chickamauga b storming up the 'ace o' "issionar Ridge %ithout orders and s%eep the Rebels 'rom %hat had been though to be an impregnable position( &" God$ come and see =em runB& a .nion soldier cries(

March 9, 1864 - 3resident #incoln appoints Gen( Grant to command all o' the armies o' the .nited States( Gen( /illiam ,- Sherma& succeeds Grant as commander in the %est( Ma( 4, 1864 - The beginning o' a massive$ coordinated campaign involving all the .nion Armies( <n 9irginia$ Grant %ith an Arm o' )8+$+++ begins advancing to%ard Richmond to engage #ee=s Arm o' 0orthern 9irginia$ no% numbering 4-$+++$ beginning a %ar o' attrition that %ill include ma>or battles at the 2ilderness H"a 5-4I$ Spots lvania H"a *)8I$ and Cold !arbor HJune )-,I( <n the %est$ Sherman$ %ith )++$+++ men begins an advance to%ard Atlanta to engage Joseph 7( Johnston=s 4+$+++ strong Arm o' Tennessee(

A council o' %ar %ith Gen( Grant leaning over the shoulder o' Gen( "eade looking at a map$ planning the Cold !arbor assault(

9old 4arbor
'u&e 0, 1864 - A costl mistake b :ra&t results in 6$+++ .nion casualties in t%ent minutes during an o''ensive against 'orti'ied Rebels at 9old 4arbor in 9irginia( "an o' the .nion soldiers in the 'ailed assault had predicted the outcome$ including a dead soldier 'rom "assachusetts %hose last entr in his diar %as$ &June ,$ )*4-$ Cold !arbor$ 9irginia( < %as killed(&

'u&e 1#, 1864 - .nion 'orces miss an opportunit to capture 3etersburg and cut o'' the Con'ederate rail lines( As a result$ a nine month siege o' 3etersburg begins %ith Grant=s 'orces surrounding #ee(

The ),-inch .nion mortar &1ictator& mounted on a railroad 'latcar at 3etersburg( <ts 8++-pound shells had a range o' over 8 miles( 'ul( 20, 1864 - At Atlanta$ Sherman=s 'orces battle the Rebels no% under the command o' Gen( 'oh& !- 4ood$ %ho replaced Johnston( Au" 29, 1864 - 1emocrats nominate George B( "cClellan 'or president to run against Republican incumbent Abraham #incoln( Sept 2, 1864 - Atla&ta is captured b Sherma&=s Arm ( &Atlanta is ours$ and 'airl %on$& Sherman telegraphs #incoln( The victor greatl helps 3resident #incoln=s bid 'or reelection( 6ct 19, 1864 - A decisive .nion victor b Cavalr Gen( hilip 4- Sherida& in the Shenandoah 9alle over Jubal 7arl =s troops( Nov 8, 1864 - Abraham #incoln is re-elected president$ de'eating 1emocrat George B( "cClellan( #incoln carries all but three states %ith 55 percent o' the popular vote and 8)8 o' 8,, electoral votes( &< earnestl believe that the conseEuences o' this da =s %ork %ill be to the lasting advantage$ i' not the ver salvation$ o' the countr $& #incoln tells supporters(

March to the Sea

Nov 1#, 1864 - A'ter destro ing Atlanta=s %arehouses and railroad 'acilities$ Sherman$ %ith 48$+++ men begins a "arch to the Sea( 3resident #incoln on advice 'rom Grant approved the idea( &< can make Georgia ho%lB& Sherman boasts( Dec 1#116, 1864 - !ood=s Rebel Arm o' 8,$+++ is crushed at Na%hville b 55$+++ Federals including 0egro troops under Gen( :eor"e 4- ,homa%( The Con'ederate Arm o' Tennessee ceases as an e''ective 'ighting 'orce( Dec 21, 1864 - Sherman reaches Savannah in Georgia leaving behind a ,++ mile long path o' destruction 4+ miles %ide all the %a 'rom Atlanta( Sherman then telegraphs #incoln$ o''ering him Savannah as a Christmas present(

'a& 01, 186# - The .(S( Congress approves the Thirteenth Amendment to the .nited States Constitution$ to abolish slaver ( The amendment is then submitted to the states 'or rati'ication(

Feb 0, 186# 3 A peace con'erence occurs as 3resident #incoln meets %ith Con'ederate 9ice 3resident Ale=a&der Stephe&% at !ampton Roads in 9irginia$ but the meeting ends in 'ailure - the %ar %ill continue( @nl #ee=s Arm at 3etersburg and Johnston=s 'orces in 0orth Carolina remain to 'ight 'or the South against 0orthern 'orces no% numbering 8*+$+++ men( March 4, 186# - <nauguration ceremonies 'or 3resident #incoln in 2ashington( &2ith malice to%ard noneA %ith charit 'or all(((let us strive on to 'inish the %ork %e are in(((to do all %hich ma achieve and cherish a >ust$ and a lasting peace$ among ourselves$ and %ith all nations$& #incoln sa s( March 2#, 186# - The last o''ensive 'or #ee=s Arm o' 0orthern 9irginia begins %ith an attack on the center o' Grant=s 'orces at 3etersburg( Four hours later the attack is broken(

At 3etersburg$ 9irginia$ %ell supplied .nion soldiers sho%n be'ore Grant=s spring o''ensive( April 2, 186# - Grant=s 'orces begin a general advance and break through #ee=s lines at 3etersburg( Con'ederate Gen( Ambro%e - 4ill is killed( #ee evacuates 3etersburg( The Con'ederate Capital$ )ichmo&d$ is evacuated( Fires and looting break out( The ne/t da $ .nion troops enter and raise the Stars and Stripes( April 4, 186# - 3resident #incoln tours )ichmo&d %here he enters the 9o&.ederate /hite 4ou%e( 2ith &a serious$ dream e/pression$& he sits at the desk o' Je''erson 1avis 'or a 'e% moments(

8ee Surre&der%
April 9, 186# - Gen( Robert 7( #ee surrenders his Con'ederate Arm to Gen( .l sses S( :ra&t at the village o' Appomatto/ Court !ouse in 9irginia( Grant allo%s Rebel o''icers to keep their sidearms and permits soldiers to keep horses and mules( &A'ter 'our ears o' arduous service marked b unsurpassed courage and 'ortitude the Arm o' 0orthern 9irginia has been compelled to ield to over%helming numbers and resources$& #ee tells his troops(

General #ee surrendered in the parlor o' this house(

#ee posed 'or this photo b "athe% Brad shortl a'ter the surrender(

April 10, 186# - Celebrations break out in 2ashington(

Final portrait o' a %ar %ear president - April )+$ )*45

8i&col& Shot
April 14, 186# - The Stars and Stripes is ceremoniousl raised over Fort Sumter( That night$ #incoln and his %i'e "ar see the pla &@ur American Cousin& at Ford=s Theater( At )+:), p(m($ during the third act o' the pla $ John 2ilkes Booth shoots the president in the head( 1octors attend to the president in the theater then move him to a house across the street( !e never regains consciousness( April 1#, 186# - 3resident Abraham #incoln dies at 6:88 in the morning( 9ice 3resident A&dre+ 'oh&%o& assumes the presidenc ( April 18, 186# - Con'ederate Gen( Joseph 7( Johnston surrenders to Sherman near 1urham in 0orth Carolina(

Funeral 3rocession on 3enns lvania Ave( - April ):$ )*45 April 26, 186# - John 2ilkes Booth is shot and killed in a tobacco barn in 9irginia( Ma( 4, 186# - Abraham #incoln is laid to rest in @ak Ridge Cemeter $ outside Spring'ield$ <llinois( *& Ma( - Remaining Con'ederate 'orces surrender( The 0ation is reunited as the Civil 2ar ends( @ver 48+$+++ Americans died in the %ar$ %ith disease killing t%ice as man as those lost in battle( 5+$+++ survivors return home as amputees(

A victor parade is held in 2ashington along 3enns lvania Ave( to help boost the 0ation=s morale - "a 8,J8-$ )*45( Dec 6, 186# - The Thirteenth Amendment to the .nited States Constitution$ passed b Congress on Januar ,)$ )*45$ is 'inall rati'ied( Slaver is abolished(

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