Bahaus School Architects Works

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By Lijo Chandy Y3087

Bauhaus -German expression -literally means

"house for building."

Walter Adolph Gropius

Born: May 18, 1883 Place of Birth: Berlin, Germany Died: July 5, 1969

Walter Adolf Gropius-a German architect

and educator

Main theory-all design should be functional as well as aesthetically-pleasing

Major faculties
Paul Klee(Swiss artist ) Lyonel Feininger(American-born German Cubist/Expressionist Painter) Wassily Kandinsky (Russian Expressionist Painter) Lszl Moholy-Nagy(Hungarian Painter and Photographer) Marcel Breuer(Hungarian-born American Architect)

teaching plan
insisted on functional craftsmanship in every field, with a concentration on the industrial problems of mechanical mass production

central idea behind the teaching at the Bauhaus was productive workshops.

Bauhaus contained
carpenter's workshop, a metal workshop, a pottery in Dormburg, facilities for painting on glass, mural painting, weaving, printing, wood and stone sculpting

The Bauhaus School was an academy of art and design founded in Weimar, Germany in 1919 combining the Weimar Art Academy and the Weimar Arts and Crafts School

The Weimar Bauhaus, designed by Henry Van de Velde, is a tectonic expression of load bearing walls interrupted by window screens.

The school was founded in a time when Germany's economy was collapsing and the unemployment rates where higher than ever.

Basic ideology
move towards the better integration of art and technology for the benefit of the both

Bauhauss ideals
artist must recognize his social responsibility to the community and likewise, the community must accept and support the artist

The Bauhaus style would proceed from certain assumptions:

the new architecture was to be created for workers the new architecture was to reject all things that were bourgeois the new architecture would return to the original Classical principals of Western architecture

use the principles of Classical architecture in its pure form without ornamentation

Bauhaus architects rejected details such as cornices, eaves, and other decorative elements

flat roofs smooth facades cubic shapes favor right angles(although some feature rounded corners and balconies)

Colour was considered to be bourgeois

The colors preferred were white, gray, beige, and black.

-economy of method -a severe geometry of form -design that took into account the nature of the materials employed.

Bauhaus produced theories calling for the use of concrete, steel, wood, stucco and glass

Some Local Bauhaus Adaptations

[Some of the key elements of Bauhaus architecture had to be adapted to the local environment, primarily because of the climate. ]

Smaller Windows Stilt Columns (Pilotis) Reinforced Concrete

most of the architects adhered to the principles of the Bauhaus-the result was a classical form of rational social housing with open floor plans, white walls, no drapes, and functional furniture.
A new way of life stood out: free of history, improvising, creative, with solidarity, and without reservation or fondness for the present.

In 1924 funding for the Bauhaus was cut so drastically at the instigation of conservative forces that it had to seek a new home

In 1925 the Bauhaus moved to the more friendly atmosphere of Dessau


This brought the opportunity to build a new school complex

Gropius designed special buildings to house the various departments

Aerial photo

View from east

View from north

View from south


Entrance detail

Night photo

On the stairs

View to the north wing


b r i d g e


Workshop wing


Studio House

Walter Gropius resigned as director on April 1, 1928 under the pressure of constant struggles for the Bauhaus survival

He was succeeded by the Swiss architect Hannes Meyer (1889-1954)

Meyers work sought to shape a harmonious society Meyer promoted the development of affordable furniture, textiles, wallpaper and lamps for bluecollar workers

Gropius falsified Meyer's contribution until the end of his life Meyer was a Communist who politicized the School Eventually, increasingly active Communist students made Dessau's municipal government afraid of losing votes

This led to Meyer's dismissal in Aug 1930.

Ludwig Mies van der Rohe(1886-1969) becomes the new director

Under Ludwig Mies van der Rohe the Bauhaus developed from 1930 into a technical college of architecture with subsidiary art and workshop departments.

After the Nazis became the biggest party in Dessau at the elections, opposition to the school had increased to such an extent that the city of Dessau withdrew its support . The Bauhaus was forced to move in September 1932.

Mies van der Rohe continues running it as a private institution in Berlin.


Under the pressure of the rising Nazi party,the faculty agreed on the final liquidation of the school. It took place on July 20th, 1933.

Walter Gropius, Mies van der Rohe and other Bauhaus leaders migrated to the United States. The term International Style was applied to the American form of Bauhaus architecture. The name came from the book The International Style by historian and critic Henry-Russell Hitchcock and architect Philip Johnson.

The Bauhaus Style was used in the production of lamps, chairs and other household items, and also spread into fields such as typography and theater.


Wire Chair

Diamond Chair

Cesca Chair w. arms

Cesca Chair

Turning Stool

Turning Chair

Tubular Brno Chair Brno Chair

Cantilever Armchair


Grand Confort Sofa Barcelona Chair

Barcelona Ottoman

Barcelona Bench

Barcelona Bed Chaise Longue


Coffee Table

Dining Table

Large Dining Table

Side Table

Barcelona Table

Coffee Table


Bauhaus Lamp

Bauhaus school of architecture fuse all the arts under the concept of design.


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