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Performance appraisal in pantaloons Parameters For flow staff:- band 1 a. Sse-significantly excelled expectation b. Me-mid expectation c.

Be-below expectation Band 2&abovea) Outstanding b) Excelent c) Good d) Needs improvement e) Underperformance For underperformer pip(performance improvement plan) is done. Fixed structure increment in salary For first three parameters of band 2 a) Outstanding-12% b) Excellent-10% c) Good-8% For band 1-based on employee performance/company performance

Customers prespectiveMarketing a) Discount-all time power pricing i.e. buy 2 at 399 or buy 5 at 799 b) End of season sale is done twice a year for liquidation of stock discount of 10%,20%or upto 50% is allowed c) Hordings d) Pay back grill card(pbgc) customer loyality program is introduced in which discount on shopping i.e additional discount is given to customers.

e) After sales service policies are designed for customer satisfaction in which time limit for exchange of goods purchased is set upto or within 30 days of purchase. f) For PBGC this time limit is upto 90 days. g) Data related to customer feedback is collected through feedback forms.

Internal business process prospectivea) Raw material is purchase from outside i.e from arvind group etc. b) Goods are manufactured within firm itself c) For management of activities in stores there are different teams for different purchase team,bar coding team etc. d) Separate transportation company is hired for transfer of gods from one place to another in order to reduce the probability of any damage in its goods while transferring. e) Data collected from feedback forms is passed to zonel head and on the basis of its evaluation they try to overcome customer complaints and provide good services &products by including customer recoomendations and reqirements in stock in next season collection. f) As per the demand and requirement of stok arises pantaloons can arrange it through interstore transfer. g) Avail free and safe parking to its visitors h) Pay attention to store environment i.e ambience it beleifes that through through effective communication and good/disciplined store environment it can boost its sales which ultimately leads to increase in its profit.

i) Proper training is given to staff to greet customer and provide them a friendly environment in which customer can feel comfortable which again leads to increase in sales volume,customer loyality and profitability. j) It use SAP to check the management of system. k) Besides raw material it also purchases products of non pantaloon brand or product of other companies which include watches,cosmetics,other brands etc. l) It provide its area on rent i.e rental area for fashion jewelleries in which it receives rent from the jewellery store owner and has nothing to do with their revenue earned by them from their customers. m) Superior customer service is the main target of pantaloons n) Krazy 4 contest has been organised by them in which the employee who sell 4 peices /bill will be rewarded. Learning and knowledge part has been written by priyanka.and financial data can be avail on net.

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