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Jane Eyre

Part One A child at Gateshead

The red room We could not go for a walk that afternoon. There was such a freezing cold wind, and such heavy rain, that we all stayed indoors. I was glad of it. I never liked long walks, especially in winter. I used to hate coming home when it was almost dark, with ice-cold fingers and toes, feeling miserable because Bessie, the nursemaid, was always criticizing me. All the time I knew I was different from my cousins, Eliza, John and Georgiana Reed. They were taller and stronger than me, and they were loved. These three usually spent their time crying and quarrelling, but today they were sitting quietly around their mother in the sitting-room. I wanted to join the family circle, but Mrs. Reed, my aunt, refused. Bessie had complained about me. 'No, I'm sorry, Jane. Until I hear from Bessie, or see for myself, that you are really trying to behave better, you cannot be treated as a good, happy child, like my children.' 'What does Bessie say I have done?' I asked. 'Jane, it is not polite to question me in that way. If you cannot speak pleasantly, be quiet.' I crept out of the sitting-room and into the small room next door, where I chose a book full of pictures from the bookcase. I climbed on to the window-seat and drew the curtains, so that I was completely hidden. I sat there for a while. Sometimes I looked out of the window at the grey November afternoon, and saw the rain pouring down on the leafless garden. But most of the time I studied the book and stared, fascinated, at the pictures, and was happy. I was only afraid that my secret hiding-place might be discovered. Suddenly the door of the room opened. John Reed ran in. 'Where are you, rat?' he shouted. He did not see me behind the curtain. 'Eliza! Georgy! Jane isn't here! Tell Mamma she's run out into the rain what a bad animal she is!'

'How lucky I drew the curtain,' I thought. He would never have found me, because he was not very intelligent. But Eliza guessed at once where I was. 'She's in the window-seat, John,' she called from the sitting-room. So I came out immediately, as I did not want him to pull me out. 'What do you want?' I asked him. 'Say, "What do you want, Master Reed",' he answered, sitting in an armchair. 'I want you to come here.' John Reed was fourteen and I was only ten. He was large and rather fat. He usually ate too much at meals, which made him ill. He should have been at boarding school, but his mother, who loved him very much, had brought him home for a month or two, because she thought his health was weak. John did not love his mother or his sisters, and he hated me. He bullied and punished me, not two or three times a week, not once or twice a day, but all the time. My whole body trembled when he came near. Sometimes he hit me, sometimes he just threatened me, and I lived in terrible fear of him. I had no idea how to stop him. The servants did not want to offend their young master, and Mrs. Reed could see no his fault in her dear boy. So I obeyed John's order and came up to his armchair, thinking how very ugly his face was. Perhaps he understood what I was thinking, because he hit me hard on the face. 'That is for your rudeness to Mamma just now,' he said, 'and for your wickedness in hiding, and for looking at me like that, you rat!' I was so used to his bullying that I never thought of hitting him back. 'What were you doing behind that curtain?' he asked. 'I was reading,' I answered. 'Show me the book.' I gave it to him. 'You have no right to take our books,' he continued. 'You have no money and your father left you none. You must ask for money in the streets, not live here in comfort with a gentleman's family. Anyway, all these books are mine, and so is the whole house, or will be in a few years' time. I'll teach you not to borrow my books again.' He lifted the heavy book and threw it hard at me. It hit me and I fell, injuring my head on the door. I was in great pain, and suddenly for the first time in my life, I forgot my fear of John Reed. 'You wicked, cruel boy!' I cried. 'You are a bully! You are as bad as a murderer!' 'What! What!' he cried. 'Did she say that to me? Did you hear, Eliza and Georgiana? I'll tell Mamma, but first...'

He hurried to attack me, but now he was fighting with a desperate girl. I really saw him as a wicked murderer. I felt the blood running down my face, and the pain gave me strength. I fought back as hard as I could, and he shouted for help. His sisters ran for Mrs. Reed, who called her maid, Miss Abbott, and Bessie. They pulled us apart and I heard them say, 'What a wicked girl! She attacked Master John!' Mrs. Reed said calmly, 'Take her away to the red room and lock her in there.' And so I was carried upstairs. As soon as we arrived in the red room, I became quiet again, and the two servants both started criticizing me. 'Really, Miss Eyre,' said Miss Abbott, 'how could you hit him? He's your young master!' 'How can he be my master? I am not a servant!' I cried. 'No, Miss Eyre, you are less than a servant, because you do not work,' replied Miss Abbott. They both looked at me as if they strongly disapproved of me. 'You should remember, miss,' said Bessie, 'that your aunt pays for your food and clothes, and you should be grateful. You have no other relations or friends.' All my short life I had been told this, and I had no answer to it. I stayed silent, listening to these painful words. 'And if you are angry and rude, Mrs. Reed may send you away,' added Bessie. 'Anyway,' said Miss Abbott, 'God will punish you, Jane Eyre, for your wicked heart. Pray to God, and say you're sorry.' They left the room, locking the door carefully behind them. The red room was a cold, silent room, hardly ever used, although it was one of the largest bedrooms in the house. Nine years ago my uncle, Mr. Reed, had died in this room, and since then nobody had wanted to sleep in it. Now that I was alone I thought bitterly of the people I lived with. John Reed, his sisters, his mother, the servants - they all criticized me, hated me, punished me. Why could I never please them? Eliza was selfish, but was respected. Georgiana had a bad temper, but she was popular with everybody because she was beautiful. John was rude, cruel and violent, but nobody punished him. I tried to make no mistakes, but they called me naughty every moment of the day. Now that I had turned against John to protect myself, everybody blamed me.

And so I spent that whole long afternoon in the red room asking myself why I had to suffer and why life was so unfair. Perhaps I would run away, or die from hunger. Gradually it became dark outside. The rain was still beating on the windows, and I could hear the wind in the trees. Now I was no longer angry, and I began to think the Reeds might be right. Perhaps I was wicked. Did I deserve to die, and be buried in the churchyard like my uncle Reed? I could not remember him, but knew he was my mother's brother, who had taken me to his house when my parents both died. On his death bed he had made his wife, Aunt Reed, promise to look after me like her own children. I supposed she now regretted her promise. A strange idea came to me. I felt sure that if Mr. Reed had lived he would have treated me kindly, and now, as I looked round at the dark furniture and the walls in shadow, I began to fear that his ghost might come back to punish his wife for not keeping her promise. He might rise from the grave in the churchyard and appear in this room! I was so frightened by this thought that I couldnt breathe. Suddenly in the darkness I saw a light moving on the ceiling. It may have been from a lamp outside, but in my nervous state I did not think of that. I felt sure it must be a ghost, a visitor from another world. My head was hot, my heart beat fast. Was that the sound of wings in my ears? Was that something moving near me? Screaming wildly, I ran to the door and shook it. Miss Abbott and Bessie came running to open it. 'Miss Eyre, are you ill?' asked Bessie. 'Take me out of here!' I screamed. 'Why? What's the matter?' she asked. 'I saw a light, and I thought it was a ghost,' I cried, holding tightly on to Bessie's hand. 'She's not even hurt,' said Miss Abbott angrily. 'She screamed just to bring us here. I know all her little tricks.' 'What is all this?' demanded an angry voice. Mrs. Reed appeared at the door of the room.

'Abbott and Bessie, I think I told you to leave Jane Eyre in this room till I came.' 'She screamed so loudly, ma'am,' said Bessie softly. 'Let go of her hands, Bessie,' was Mrs. Reed's only answer. 'Jane Eyre, you need not think you can succeed in getting out of the room like this. Your naughty tricks will not work with me. You will stay here an hour longer as a punishment for trying to tell a lie.' 'Oh aunt, please forgive me! I can't bear it! I shall die if you keep me here...' I screamed and kicked as she held me. 'Silence! Control yourself!' She pushed me, back into the red room and locked me in. There I was in the darkness again, with the silence and the ghosts. I must have fainted. I cannot remember anything more.


What happened in Chapter 1? Choose the correct answer.

1. Why did Jane Eyre live with Mrs. Reed? A. Because she liked Mrs. Reed. B. Because she didnt like her own home. C. Because Janes parents were dead. D. Because she didnt have any brothers or sisters. 2. What were the names of Janes cousins? A. Eliza, George and Maria. B. John, Eliza and Georgiana. C. Joseph, Georgiana and Lizzie. D. Liza, Jack and Georgiana. 3. Why was Jane unhappy? A. Because she couldnt go to school. B. Because she was ill. C. Because Mrs. Reed and her children were cruel to her. D. Because Mrs. Reed was cruel to her. 4. What did John Reed do to Jane? A. He locked her in a room. B. He didnt give any food. C. He tore her book. D. He hit her. 5. Why was Jane so frightened in the Red Room? A. It was cold and dark. B. There was no window in the room. C. Jane heard a voice. D. It was dark and hot.

1. Fill in the missing names in the sentences.

1.______ is ______s servant. 2. _______ is _______s nursemaid. 3. ______ is the wife of _______s uncle. 4. _______ is _______s brother. 5. _______ and _______ are _______s cousins. 6. _______and _______ are _______daughters.



1. Jane liked long walks in winter. 2. All people in the house dont like Jane, but Bessie. 3. Jane was sitting in the window seat with a book when John found her. 4. John was pleased to see Jane in the room. 5. While fighting Jane hit John hard on his head. 6. Mrs. Reed ordered to leave Jane alone in the red room. 7. Jane was very glad to meet Mr. Reeds ghost in the room. 8. The girl was so frightened that she fainted.

4. Read the text below and choose the correct word for each space. Dear Emily, Im writing to 1) _____________ you that Im very unhappy. I dont like 2) ___________ here with Mrs. Reedand 3) __________children. Mrs. Reed, 4) ___________ is my aunt, does not like me, and her children are often cruel to me. Here is what 5) __________ yesterday. I was reading quiet in the library 6) _____________ my cousin, John, hit me 7) __________ my head started to 8) ___________ . Mrs. Reed didnt care that I was hurt. She 9) ____________ in a cold, dark room. No 10) ____________ came near me all night. I hope that I will leave here soon. Love from Jane.

5. Match the verbs with their synonyms. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. quarrel refuse behave discover threaten borrow scream promise obey stare complain offend a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l. take shout give a word look argue disagree to do something act in some way frighten find something say something is wrong act according to the rules make somebody upset or angry

6. Choose the right verb and use it in the proper form. 1. A. say 2. A. live 3. A. her 4. A. which B. tell B. living B. their B. that C. speak C. lived C. your C. who D. told D. to live D. his D. whose 1. You must not _________like that at school. If you do it again Im going to ______you. punish complain behave threaten 2. I __________many good qualities in my new friend. stare borrow discover refuse 3. He often__________ books from our local library. discover offend promise borrow 4. Our teachers sometimes _____________to our parents about our behavior. complain offend refuse punish 5. When being a child I first met a giraffe at the Zoo, I _______at him in surprise. How tall he was! threaten stare scream offend 6. Suddenly a dog barked and _________ me. I ___________. scream stare behave threaten

5. A. has happened B. has been happened C. happened D. happens 6. A. when 7. A. as soon as 8. A. blood 9. A. lock 10. A. where B. as B. until B. bled B. brought B. thing C. but C. when C. bleed C. locked C. time D. until D. if D. bloody D. bring. D. one

7. When my sister and we were children we often _________ and _________ each other. But now we are the best friends. offend scream quarrel obey 8. I never _________ my friends in help. obey refuse promise borrow 9. Some people dont like to___________. They always want to feel free. quarrel behave offend obey

13 n ____________ 16 w____________ 19 d______________

14 s____________ 15 c_____________ 17 g___________ 18 a______________ 20 r______________


Match the words to make word combinations.

freezing heavy long ice-cold grey pouring lonely

fingers November afternoon rain life walks wind rain

r u d e n e s s u n f a i r w j

b u l l y a w i c k e d k h i k

s w i b r e s p e c t e d g c l

b m a n c s o i k c l j l f k o

a i s v t d p u j h r h m e e p

d s p n x e l r u d e u t d d g

t e w e z f l y w g p a e s n r

e r e r a g k l e f r g n l e a

m a a v n h j t i a o f b s s t

e b k o s a y r p g t d v e s e

r l t u d r u s q e e s c l t f

d e y s g l e g i d i n x f r u

f r u n j d k u h s u a t i e l

g t a i o p q h f t r w z s w v

h v i o l e n t g a y e a h q c

10. Fill in the words from the puzzle in the sentences. 8. Make up your own sentences using these word combinations. 1. John wasnt ___________ enough to find Jane at once. 2. Jane must be __________ that she lives in comfort with a gentlemans family. 3. Mrs. Reed thought that Johns health was _______. 4. John is _______. He loves only himself. 5. Bessie thinks that Jane is ________, because the girl doesnt obey her. 6. John was _____ and _______ to Jane, he beat her all the time. 7. Eliza was _______ as John but she was ___________. 8. Georgiana was beautiful but she had a_________.

9. Solve the puzzle. Find 20 words describing personality. All the words are used in the text (adjectives and nouns). 1 r____________ 4 b______________ 7 i______________ 10 u____________ 2 b____________ 5 m___________ 8 w____________ 11 w____________ 3 r_____________ 6 v______________ 9 n______________ 12 q______________

9. While sitting in the red room Jane thought about her________ life full of sufferings. 10. At first Jane was _________in the room, but then she felt __________. She began to shout and shake the door. 11. Grammar: Used to.

1. 'That is for your _______ (rude) to Mamma just now,' he said, 'and for your _______ in hiding. (wicked) 2. I stayed ________ (silence), listening to these ________ (pain) words. 3. Sometimes I looked out of the window at the grey November afternoon, and saw the rain pouring down on the _________ garden. (leaf) 4. 'Jane Eyre, you need not think you can __________ ( success) in getting out of the room like this. 5. He would never have found me, because he was not very ________ (intelligence). 6. You will stay here an hour longer as a ___________ (punish) for trying to tell a lie.' 7. 'Your aunt pays for your food and clothes, and you should be _________ (gratitude). You have no other _________ (relate) or friends.' 8. I felt the blood _________ (run) down my face, and the pain gave me _______(strong). 9. 'You are a bully! You are as bad as a ______! I cried. (murder) 10. All the time I knew I was __________ (differ) from my cousins, Eliza, John and Georgiana Reed.

Read the sentences and translate them. In what meaning are used to/was used to used. a) I used to hate coming home when it was almost dark, with ice-cold fingers and toes, feeling miserable because Bessie, the nursemaid, was always criticizing me. b) I was so used to his bullying that I never thought of hitting him back. 12. Complete the sentences. Use used to. 1. When I was younger, I _________eat pizza almost every day. 2. _______there _______be a supermarket on the corner? 3. Bradley is a teacher, but he ____________ want to be a train driver. 4. I ___________like eating cabbage, but now I love it. 5. _________Rick _______have blond hair when he was a little boy. 6. I know Lily ________ cook much, but now I think she makes dinner every day. 13. Word Formation. Complete the sentences. Use the words in brackets in the proper form.

14. Tell the story as if you were Jane Eyre, John Reed, Mrs. Reed.

15. Make up your own story. Use as many words from ex. 5, 7, and 9 as you can. 16. Find the information and speak about the relations in the family and family traditions during the reign of Queen Victoria.

KEYS 1. 1 Abbot, Mrs. Reed 2 Bessie, Jane 3 Mrs. Reed, Jane 4 John, Eliza 5 Eliza, Georgiana, Jane 6 Eliza, Georgiana, Mrs Reed 2. F, F, T, F, F, T, F, T. 3. 1C 2B 3C 4D 5A 4. 1B 2B 3A 4C 5B 6A 7B 8C 9C 10D

5. 5. 1e 2f 3g 4i 5h 6a 7b 8c 9k 10d 11j 12l


1. behave, punish 2. have discovered 3. borrows 4. complain 5 stared 6. threatened, screamed 7. quarreled, offended 8. refuse 9. obey bad temper(ed) miserable nervous unfair wicked wickedness grateful angry

9. rudeness bully respected violent intelligent weak quiet naughty selfish cruel desperate rude 10. 1 intelligent 2 grateful

3. weak 4. selfish

5. naughty

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