Toate Subiectele Sunt Obligatorii. Se Acord Timpul Efectiv de Lucru Este de 3 Ore

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Ministerul Educaiei, Cercetrii i Tineretului Centrul Naional pentru Curriculum i Evaluare n nvmntul Preuniversitar

Examenul de bacalaureat 2008 Proba E/F Proba scris la Limba englez L1 normal L2 Toate subiectele sunt obligatorii. Se acord 10 puncte din oficiu. Timpul efectiv de lucru este de 3 ore. (30 puncte) Varianta 022

Read the text below and complete the following tasks.

Singing and music have always played an important role in learning and the communication of culture. (1) That is why, for the past 30 years, some children's television has very effectively used the combination of words, music and fast-paced animation to achieve learning. The benefits of these factors were acknowledged by everybody. Most parents are concerned about what their young children see and hear, but as children grow older, parents pay less attention to the music and videos that hold their childrens interest. The sharing of musical tastes between generations in a family (2). But many times music is a major part of a teenager's separate world. It is quite common for teenagers to get pleasure from keeping adults out and causing adults some distress. A concern of many interested in the development and growth of teenagers is a serious deterioration in the messages some bands or singers include in their lyrics. (3) teenagers' purchasing, listening and viewing patterns, and by helping them identify music that may be destructive, parents can help their teenagers. The conclusion is that music is not usually a danger for a teenager whose life is happy and healthy. But if a teenager is persistently preoccupied with music that has seriously destructive themes, and (4) isolation, depression, alcohol or other drug abuse, a psychological evaluation should be considered. (Facts for families) 1. Four sentences/groups of words have been removed from the text. Select the appropriate sentence/ group of words for each gap in the text. There is one extra sentence/group of 4 points words which you do not need to use. A. there are changes in behaviour such as B. By paying attention to their C. Children learn from the role models what they see and hear. D. some troublesome themes are prominent E. can be a pleasurable experience. 2. Who/What do the words in bold refer to? 3. Give the synonyms of the following words. 1. achieve 2. concerned 3. major 4. common 5. development. 6 points 10 points

4. Answer the following questions. A. How did childrens television facilitate learning? B. Why is music a part of the teenagers separate world? C. How can music have a negative influence on teenagers in the authors view?

6 points

5. Explain the following sentence: Singing and music have always played an important role in learning and the communication of culture. (50 words) 4 points

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