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Ministerul Educaiei, Cercetrii i Tineretului Centrul Naional pentru Curriculum i Evaluare n nvmntul Preuniversitar

Examenul de bacalaureat 2008 Proba E/F Proba scris la Limba englez L1 normal L2 Toate subiectele sunt obligatorii. Se acord 10 puncte din oficiu. Timpul efectiv de lucru este de 3 ore. (30 puncte) Varianta 042

Read the text below and complete the following tasks.

Design apart, the label itself has remained unchanged in its primary function, and the container to which it is attached matchbox or tin can has altered little since the 1850s, which is remarkable when so many extraordinary changes have happened elsewhere in daily life. What were the original functions of the label? (1) The shape of the bottle or jar might already suggest this, but the word Strawberry, for example, impressed on the side of a jar would identify the type of jam inside it, or the word Burgees the manufacturer. Probably the most necessary labelling was for medicines, where it was vital that the contents and directions for use should be seen plainly. The second aim was to glamorise the pack. (2) Some designs were relevant, depicting a scene in which the product was used; some were purely to gain attention, using devices such as a beautiful girl. With the arrival of colour printing, a wide range of decorative labels could be mass-produced. (3) Manufacturers soon noticed that their products sold better if they had an element of prestige attached to them on the label. (4) 1. Four sentences have been removed. Select the appropriate sentence for each gap in the text. There is one extra sentence that does not fit. 4 points A. Thus, a design or pictorial image, particularly if hand-coloured, would instantly enliven the overall effect. B. This gave customers confidence in the quality of what they were buying. C. A label may also be printed directly on the container or article. D. They could be stuck onto, say, a box of gloves, which instantly transformed it into a desirable present. E. In the first instance, there was the simple need to say what was inside the pack. 2. Who/What do the following words refer to? 6 points 10 points

3. Match the following words with their meaning. 1) alter 2) impress 3) directions 4) glamorise 5) prestige

A. make something look more attractive than it really is B. explicit instructions C. credit in general opinion D. make a mark or pattern on something by pressing an object into its surface E. make different without changing into sth else

Ministerul Educaiei, Cercetrii i Tineretului Centrul Naional pentru Curriculum i Evaluare n nvmntul Preuniversitar

4. Answer the following questions.

6 points

A. Which element(s) has/have changed about the label since the 1850s? B. Why do you think the medicine label has to specify the contents and directions for use? C. What were labels originally created for? 5. Comment on the following statement: Design apart, the label itself has remained unchanged in its primary function, and the container to which it is attached matchbox or tin can has altered little since the 1850s, which is remarkable when so many extraordinary 4 points changes have happened elsewhere in daily life. (50 words)

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