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Ministerul Educaiei, Cercetrii i Tineretului Centrul Naional pentru Curriculum i Evaluare n nvmntul Preuniversitar

Examenul de bacalaureat 2008 Proba E/F Proba scris la Limba englez L1 normal L2 Toate subiectele sunt obligatorii. Se acord 10 puncte din oficiu. Timpul efectiv de lucru este de 3 ore. (30 puncte) Varianta 046

Read the text below and complete the following tasks.

Design is the act of making something better. Everything, no matter how ordinary, has been designed. Every time you purchase a new kettle or toaster, the quality of the design is influential, encouraging you to choose one kettle or toaster over the others. Good design works well. (1) Look at it the other way round. Some objects look very good but do not work well. Take the Alessi kettle, with its curved handle and two-tone whistle. (2) Compare this with the familiar Hobbs automatic electric kettle. It has been in production since the late 1950s, works perfectly and looks good. Poor designs are easy to find. (3) If you catch your sleeve on a door handle, that is bad design. If you cannot understand how to use the controls on your cooker without searching for the instruction book - and if when you find the book, you still cannot work the timing switch, which is unpardonably bad design. (4) This kind of "cheapness" is one of the main reasons for the absence of good design in our homes. 1. Four sentences have been removed. Select the appropriate sentence for each gap in the text. There is one extra sentence that does not fit. 4 points A. Kitchen cupboard makers will say that they are making cupboards as economically as possible. B. Excellent design works well and gives pleasure. C. If you cannot see what is at the back of the kitchen cupboard without getting down on your hands and knees, that is bad design D. That some objects give us no special pleasure or are not fashionable does not alter the fact that somebody decided what they would look like, what they would do and how they would be used. E. It looks very exciting but the handle can get too hot to touch. 2. Who/What do the following words refer to? 3. Match the following words with their meaning. 1) purchase 2) influential 3) cooker 4) switch 5) reason 6 points 10 points

A. able to influence the way other people think or behave B. a small control for an electrical device used for turning it on or off C. buy something D. fact, situation or intention that explains why something is true E. a large piece of kitchen equipment that is used for cooking 4. Answer the following questions. A. What influences us when buying a new kettle or toaster? B. What is the difference between good design and excellent design? C. Why do people choose to buy household items with poor designs? 6 points

Ministerul Educaiei, Cercetrii i Tineretului Centrul Naional pentru Curriculum i Evaluare n nvmntul Preuniversitar

5. Use your own words to explain the following words: poor design. (50 words) 4 points

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