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1945 February 1945

World War II ends Yalta Conference Japan to be attacked by SSR once !er"any is defeated# United $ations %r&anisation to be set up# Divide !er"any# Eastern 'uropean !overn"ents to (ave free elections# *otsda" Conference Japan attacked as planned# Anyt(in& of value to be taken fro" !er"any as reparations# Nure"bur& *arties set up and $a+i *arty banned# Eastern border of *oland "oved to t(e River $eisse# ,ru"an .octrine /ilitary and econo"ical aid &iven to !reece0 ,urkey and t(ose 1(o need it to support t(e"selves fro" Co""unis"# ,(is s(o1ed t(e (arder side of Contain"ent# 2 Contain"ent 3 sin& S influence and "ilitary resources to prevent t(e e4pansion of co""unis" into non co""unist countries# Conse5uences6 7Rivalry bet1een S8 9 SSR increased 7/ars(all 8id 7!reek Royalists 1on 7194- 2 Stalin sets up Co"infor" /ars(all 8id Financial aid 1as to be &iven to t(ose 1(o 1ere sufferin& after t(e 1ar to rebuild by 8"erica and to t(ose 1(o 1ere under t(reat of Co""unis"# ,(is t(erefore stren&t(ened W# 'urope fro" Co""unis"#

Leader (USA/USSR)
Roosevelt/Stalin Roosevelt/Stalin

)uly 1945




194:/9 7First "a;or crisis of cold 1ar

<erlin <lockade 2 <e&ins =4t( )une >4: 'nds 1=t( /ay 1949 SSR blocks off all t(e routes to t(e Western Sectors of <erlin and so all supplies (ave to be airlifted to <erlin# Supply planes took off at ?@ second intervals so t(at West <erlin 1as kept Asafe>0 (o1ever West <erliners suffered as t(ere 1as a "a;or s(orta&e of food# Stalin later sa1 t(at t(is



didn>t 1ork for (i" to take t(e 1(ole of <erlin and so (e reBopened t(e routes once a&ain# Conse5uence6 $8,% SSR 2 First 8to" <o"b S(ocked 8"erica because t(ey t(ou&(t it 1ould take t(e" lon&er to develop t(is tec(nolo&y# $8,% B 4t( 8pril 1949 $ort( 8tlantic ,reaty %r&anisation# /ilitary alliance of 1= countries C(ina C(ina beco"es a Co""unist Country# 2 Co""unis" spreads to 8sia Corean War $ort( Corea attacks Sout( Corea# It later develops into a pro4y 1ar bet1een t(e t1o Superpo1ers# Confir"s t(at Co""unis" is spreadin& in 8sia S FB<o"b ,ension increases as S8 is no1 a(ead in t(e 8r"s Race Stalin dies S'8,% Sout('ast 8sia ,reaty %r&anisation Si&ned :t( Septe"ber 19:4# *ri"arily to block any furt(er Co""unist &ains in 8sia# .issolved6 ?@t( )une 19--# C'$,R% Warsa1 *act



,ru"an/'isen(o1er D195=E /Stalin 'isen(o1er/Stalin


195? 1954

'isen(o1er/Crus(c(ev 'isen(o1er/C(rus(c(ev




SSR>s response to $8,% 2 tension escalates .eBStalinisation 8nnounced in C(rus(c(ev>s speec( to t(e =@t( Con&ress of t(e Soviet Co""unist *arty# Fe ai"ed to brin& about &reater individual freedo" by discreditin& (is predecessor 2 reduced po1er of secret police and dis"antled state 2 run by labour ca"ps Revolution in Fun&ary Revolt a&ainst co""unist control t(at 1as crus(ed


19G@ 19G1 19G=

by Red 8r"y# C(rus(c(ev su&&ested t(at /osco1 1ould tolerate different kinds of Co""unis"0 1(ic( encoura&ed Fun&arians to (old "ultiBparty elections and 1it(dra1 fro" t(e Warsa1 *act# Conse5uently t(is s(o1ed t(e co""unis" could only be put in place by force# ,(e S8 1as unable to (elp Fun&ary 1it(out i&nitin& a 1orld 1ar# = crisis S8 spy plane captured by SSR0 'isen(o1er refused to apolo&ise <erlin crisis DWallE Cuban /issiles Crisis World on brink of $uclear War# Cuba is on t(e doorstep of S8 and is a "assive t(reat# SSR (elps Cuba bot( econo"ically and "ilitarily# S8 is very 1orried# Conse5uently6 Fotline0 $uclear $onB*roliferation ,reaty in 19G: and *artial ,est <an ,reaty 8u&ust 19G? S8 enters Hietna" War and t(en pulls out : years later Si4 .ay War War by pro4y SSR invades C+ec(oslovakia

'isen(o1er/C(rus(c(ev Cennedy/C(rus(c(ev Cennedy/C(rus(c(ev

19G5 B19-? 19G19G: 8u&ust

)o(nson/<re+(nev $i4on )o(nson/<re+(nev $i4on/<re+(nev

19G: I

.Jtente <re+(nev .octrine If a capitalist country t(reatened a co""unist country ot(er co""unist countries 1ill &o to its aid S8 first "an on "oon S8K, I ,alks started in 19G9 and si&ned in 19-=# .idn>t include /IRHs but did li"it 1eapons suc( as SK</s 8</ 2 1@@ "issiles on eac( site Donly allo1ed t1oE 5 year free+e on IC</s and SK</s Yo"BCippur War 8not(er 1ar by pro4y Felsinki 8&ree"ents Si&ned alon& 1it( ?? ot(er nations# 8&reed on ? "ain points 2 Security0 CoBoperation


19G9 19-=

$i4on/<re+(nev $i4on/<re+(nev

19-? 19-5


and Fu"an Ri&(ts# Fi&( point of .Jtente# Space Kink up /ission CoBoperation bet1een superpo1ers in an area 1(ere t(ere 1as lots of co"petition# $i4on>s i"provin& relation 1it( C(ina led t(e SSR to try to i"prove relations 1it( t(e S8 as t(ey didn>t 1ant to be replaced by C(ina# S8K, II not ratified by S con&ress# Initially to last until 19:5# =4@@ IC</s0 SK</s and Feavy <o"bers0 1?=@ /IRHs .ue to t(e SSR invadin& 8f&(anistan# S8 sees t(is as a t(reat due to its oil supplies co"in& fro" around t(at area and 1orried t(at t(e SSR "i&(t take over it# Solidarity be&ins $ove"ber Lero %ption Cancel deploy"ent of ne1 S inter"ediateBran&e "issiles in W# 'urope SSR dis"antle co"parable forces D<re+(nev re;ectedE Rea&an>s defence pro&ra""e 1@@ /M "issiles 1@@<B1 lon& ran&e 9 supersonic bo"bers S.I DStrate&ic .efence InitiativeE 8nti /issile defence syste" in space SSR unable to econo"ically co"pete 2 1ould be bankrupt if it tried !eneva 8r"s ,alks



19:@ 19:1






!orby introduces perestroika and &lasnost


19:G 19:-

*erestroika 3 restructurin& !lasnost 3 openness 2 banned books publis(ed 3 people kno1 "ore about 1(at is &oin& on Su""it "eetin& at Reyk;avik ,alk a&ain broke do1n due to S.I <ot( sides first &ot rid of all /ediu" and s(ortBran&e Rea&an/!orby 1eapons

.ece"ber6 Inter"ediate $uclear Forces ,reaty DI$FE <reakt(rou&(N S8 to eli"inate :4G SSR 1:4G Free elections in *oland <erlin Wall knocked do1n Su""it in /alta Cold 1ar announced over !er"any reunites into one a&ain ?1st /ay 2 ?rd )une Was(in&ton Su""it $ove"ber Conventional 8r"ed Forces in 'urope ,reaty DCF'E Si&ned by $8,% and Warsa1 *act representatives Reduce nu"ber of tanks0 "issiles and nonBnuclear "ilitary (ard1are# S,8R, treaty si&ned 8&reed to destroy 1/? of nuclear ar"s 'ac( sides 1ar (eads to G@@@ 1G@@ S$.Hs Dstrate&ic nuclear delivery ve(iclesE Warsa1 *act dissolved !orby resi&ned#


<us( Senior/!orby


<us( Senior/!orby


<us( Senior/!orby

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