Andaleon, Karen Gaile L.: Introductory Essay: 1. Who Are You?

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Andaleon, Karen Gaile L.

INTRODUCTORY ESSAY: 1. Who are you? My parents, Ronald and Violy named their third daughter, me, as Karen Gaile who was born on the 14th day of June in the year of 1990. Karen was brought by her parents having faith in God and putting family first. She grew up in Batangas City and is always proud to say she is a Batanguea (a native from the province of Batangas, Philippines). She spent her childhood playing street games with her childhood friends who until now are her good friends. She loves to write and enjoys taking adventures. Karen took Bachelors in Arts Major in Philosophy because she planned to pursue law after finishing this degree. With Philosophy she was able to see life in a different perspective with depth and clarity. There are three things Karen values the most. These are faith in God, family and friendship. Faith in God keeps her going amidst the challenges she encounters in her life. Her family serves as the reason why her life is more meaningful. She finds joy in keeping her friendships with wonderful people for long time. These three factors serve as Karens inspiration. Karen is forever grateful for the life given to her. This young girl believes in the great power of love to heal wounds and war around the world. She prays for a better world that each of us truly deserves.

2. Why are you taking up law? It all started as a dream. I was in my 1st year grade in elementary when I started dreaming of this profession. I liked saying to people that when I grew up I want to be a lawyer. This dream was strengthened when I reached high school and my family and friends would always support me with this aspiration. I was glad to hear them saying that I look fit for lawyering because of the skills and persistence I have. I was more dedicated to pursue a law degree until I reached college. Now it is all a reality. I am now in law school to reach the dream I have been praying for. I take up law to know more about the Philippine laws we have. I want to get more involved with the issues we have in our society. With law school I more understand the value of the institutions and the roles each of us needs to fulfill. Being a lawyer is the primary objective why I take up law. I pray to be a lawyer to help the country of having a better future which each of us deserves. I want to be a lawyer to be a voice of those who have been deprived of, or discouraged to fight for, their rights. I want to be a lawyer for my family and loving friends because they only deserve great things in life. I study the law to be the best lawyer I can be who will uphold integrity and serve as an instrument or protecting people.

3. What are your expectations of the course? My expectation of the course would deal on the deeper understanding of Evangelization and the role education has in bringing Christians closer to God. I would love to know more about Christian living and how I can adopt it all the time to be able to see God in everything I do. I expect to encounter reflections about my relationship with God and family. I also expect to learn more about the different philosophical teachings about Christian living. I expect to obtain more knowledge about the history and development of evangelization. I expect to know how education would serve as a great means for evangelization. With this course I expect to be more inspired to study law and use it as an opportunity to see God. The learnings I would get from this course would serve as my foundation in upholding truth which is significant in the field I would want to pursue. 4. What you wish to explore (Evangelization and Education) or what you wish to deepen your knowledge not expressed in the title. The thing I would wish to explore is the global evangelization. I am curious how Christian teachings are in different parts of the world. With it I can learn more about the culture of different people and understand them more. I would want to correlate it with our own teachings to see evangelization in its holistic view. I would also want to have a deeper understanding of the different philosophers who contribute a lot in the way people think and establish their beliefs. I would want to learn how their writings and teachings are adopted by different people and how they are similar with Christian evangelization.

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